g Add a throw statement to the processNumbers function that throws the message "An element in the list is not a number." if one of the elements in toProcess is not a number. Hint: The function isNaN() returns true if the parameter is not a number.


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

function processNumbers(alist){

var Ourarray= new array(alist);



Console.log( "An element in the list is not a number."};





From the above, we have defined a function that takes an array parameter(the following array variable will make sure of that). We test each element in the array using foreach array function. The for each function runs the if statement and if isNan is true for each of the elements in the array.

Related Questions

Write a program using a dictionary that reads in a single positive digit number [0 - 9] from the user at the keyboard. Your program will then be able to look up the digit key in the dictionary and print the digit value spelled out. If the user types in a number that is either more than one digit, negative, or a non int value, re-prompt the user for valid input. First, before demonstrating your test cases, print out a display copy of the key:value pairs in your dictionary in sorted order. Deliverable: yournameLab4.py Your source code solution and a copy of the run pasted into your source submission file. Be sure to comment out your run so that your .py file will still run in the grader test bed. Validate user input is a single positive digit [0 - 9].



The program in Python is as follows:

dict = {0:"Zero",1:"One",2:"Two",3:"Three",4:"Four",5:"Five",6:"Six",7:"Seven",8:"Eight",9:"Nine"}

num = input("Number: ")

while(num.isdigit() == False or int(num)<0 or int(num)>9):

   num = input("Number: ")




#This initializes the dictionary

dict = {0:"Zero",1:"One",2:"Two",3:"Three",4:"Four",5:"Five",6:"Six",7:"Seven",8:"Eight",9:"Nine"}

#This gets input from the user

num = input("Number: ")

#This loop is repeated until the user enters a valid input

while(num.isdigit() == False or int(num)<0 or int(num)>9):

   num = input("Number: ")

#This prints the dictionary


#This prints the value of the key


See attachment for sample run

Which tool, first introduced in Windows Server 2008 but remains in Windows Server 2019, provides one location to set up, deploy, and manage servers and server roles



Server Manager


An operating system is a system software pre-installed on a computing device to manage or control software application, computer hardware and user processes.

This ultimately implies that, an operating system acts as an interface or intermediary between the computer end user and the hardware portion of the computer system (computer hardware) in the processing and execution of instructions.

Some examples of an operating system on computers are QNX, Linux, OpenVMS, MacOS, Microsoft windows, IBM, Solaris, VM, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2009, etc.

Windows Server 2008 is a Microsoft Windows Server operating system and released to the general public on the 27th of February, 2008, as part of the Windows NT family.

Server Manager is a tool that was first introduced in Windows Server 2008 (OS) but remains in Windows Server 2019 (OS). It was designed and developed by Microsoft to provide end users with one location to set up, deploy, and manage servers and server roles.

On the 14th of January, 2020, Microsoft stopped providing online technical content update, free support options, non-security and free security updates on-premises for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2, as they have reached the end of their support lifecycle.

When considering the mobility aspect of cloud-based enterprise systems, it's important to consider that with a cloud-based system, employee can access information from _____.



anywhere in the world


Employee can access information from anywhere in the world. That is the main upside of using cloud-based enterprise system. They run completely remote and are accessible from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection and authorized access to the system. This increased accesibility is crucial for companies that have employees that move from place to place solving problems and solves many of the problems with on-site systems.

Write a function, named FileLineCount(), that returns an integer and accepts a string. Pass the function the file name. It should then use a while loop to return the number of lines in a file. Hint: The function will be reading the file you just created above. g




The following code is written in Python. It is a function that accepts a file string and uses that string to read the file in that location. Then it uses a while loop that keeps going until there are no more lines in the file. Each iteration it adds 1 to the count variables. Finally, it prints the count variable which contains the total number of lines in the file. The code has been tested and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

def countLines(file):

   file = open(file, 'r')

   count = 0

   while file.readline():

       count += 1

   print(str(count) + " total lines")

Digital _________ Line is a family of point-to-point technologies designed to provide high-speed data transmission over traditional telephone lines.a. System.b. Satisfaction.c. Speedy.d. Subscriber.e. Switch.



D. Subscriber


Digital Subscriber Line is a family of point-to-point technologies designed to provide high-speed data transmission over traditional telephone lines.

The high speed data transmission property helps to transmit data in a fast and timely manner between two or more points or people during calls, texts and other activities.

describe what happens at every step of our network model, when a node on one network establishes a TCP connection with a node on another network. You can assume that the two networks are both connected to the same router.



Each node on the network has an addres which is called the ip address of which data is sent as IP packets. when the client sends its TCP connection request, the network layer puts the request in a number of packets and transmits each of them to the server.

2.13 LAB: Branches: Leap Year
A year in the modern Gregorian Calendar consists of 365 days. In reality the earth takes longer to rotate around the sun. To account for the
difference in time every 4 years a leap year takes place. A leap year is when a year has 366 days: An extra day, February 29th. The
requirements for a given year to be a leap year are:
1) The year must be divisible by 4
2) If the year is a century year (1700 1800. etc.), the year must be evenly divisible by 400
Some example leap years are 600712 and 2016
Wirte a program that takes n a year and determines whether that year is a leap year.
Exif the inputs



The program in Python is as follows:

year = int(input("Enter a year: "))

print(year,end=" ")

if year % 4 == 0:

  if year % 100 == 0:

      if year % 400 == 0:           print("is a leap year")

      else:           print("is not a leap year")

  else:       print("is a leap year")

else:   print("is not a leap year")


This gets input for year

year = int(input("Enter a year: "))

This prints year, followed by a blank

print(year,end=" ")

If year is divisible by 4

if year % 4 == 0:

If yes, check if year is divisible by 100

  if year % 100 == 0:

If yes, check if year is divisible by 400; print leap year if true

      if year % 400 == 0:           print("is a leap year")

print not leap year if year is not divisible by 400

      else:           print("is not a leap year")

print leap year if year is not divisible by 100

  else:       print("is a leap year")

print leap year if year is not divisible by 4

else:   print("is not a leap year")


def is_leap_year(user_year):    

   if(user_year % 400 == 0):        

       return True          

   elif user_year % 100 == 0:        

       return False        

   elif user_year%4 == 0:        

       return True          


       return False

if __name__ == '__main__':    

   user_year = int(input())    

   if is_leap_year(user_year):        

       print(user_year, "is a leap year.")


       print(user_year, "is not a leap year.")


No down payment, 18 percent / year, payment of $50/month, payment goes first to interest, balance to principal. Write a program that determines the number of months it will take to pay off a $1000 stereo. Write code also outputs the monthly status of the loan.





Discuss and illustrate the operation of the AND, OR, XOR and NOT gate of a Boolean logical operation giving examples of possible outcomes of 0 and 1 as input in a truth set tabular format.



Use below picture as a starting point.

IN C++
A. Create an abstract base class called Currency with two integer attributes, both of which are non-public. The int attributes will represent whole part (or currency note value) and fractional part (or currency coin value) such that 100 fractional parts equals 1 whole part.
B. Create one derived class - Money - with two additional non-public string attributes which will contain the name of the currency note (Dollar) and currency coin (Cent) respectively. DO NOT add these attributes to the base Currency class.
C. In your base Currency class, add public class (C++ students are allowed to use friend methods as long as a corresponding class method is defined as well) methods for the following, where appropriate:
Default Construction (i.e. no parameters passed)
Construction based on parameters for all attributes - create logical objects only, i.e. no negative value objects allowed
Copy Constructor and/or Assignment, as applicable to your programming language of choice
Destructor, as applicable to your programming language of choice
Setters and Getters for all attributes
Adding two objects of the same currency
Subtracting one object from another object of the same currency - the result should be logical, i.e. negative results are not allowed
Comparing two objects of the same currency for equality/inequality
Comparing two objects of the same currency to identify which object is larger or smaller
Print method to print details of a currency object
All of the above should be instance methods and not static.
The add and subtract as specified should manipulate the object on which they are invoked. It is allowed to have overloaded methods that create ane return new objects.
D. In your derived Money class, add new methods or override inherited methods as necessary, taking care that code should not be duplicated or duplication minimized. Think modular and reusable code.
E. Remember -
Do not define methods that take any decimal values as input in either the base or derived classes.
Only the print method(s) in the classes should print anything to console.
Throw String (or equivalent) exceptions from within the classes to ensure that invalid objects cannot be created.
F. In your main:
Declare a primitive array of 5 Currency references (for C++ programmers, array of 5 Currency pointers).
Ask the user for 5 decimal numbers to be input - for each of the inputs you will create one Money object to be stored in the array.
Once the array is filled, perform the following five operations:
Print the contents of the array of objects created in long form, i.e. if the user entered "2.85" for the first value, it should be printed as "2 Dollar 85 Cent".
Add the first Money object to the second and print the resulting value in long form as above.
Subtract the first Money object from the third and print the resulting value in long form as above.
Compare the first Money object to the fourth and print whether both objects are equal or not using long form for object values.
Compare the first Money object to the fifth and print which object value is greater than the other object value in long form.
All operations in the main should be performed on Currency objects demonstrating polymorphism.
Remember to handle exceptions appropriately.
There is no sample output - you are allowed to provide user interactivity as you see fit.



I only do Design and Technology

sorry don't understand.

I have a Dell laptop and last night it said that it needed to repair it self and asked me to restart it. So I did but every time I turn it on it shuts itself down. I had a problem exactly like this before with my old computer, was not a Dell though, and I ended up having to have it recycled. This computer I have now is pretty new and I really don't want to have to buy a new computer. What should I do to fix this problem? Please help, I'm a college student almost ready to graduate and all of my classes are online. I'm starting to panic. Thanks for helping me figure this situation out.


The same thing happened with my HP laptop but my dad refresh the laptop before restating it worked

What are the advantages of using a database management system (DBMS) over using file-based data storage?



Advantage of DBMS over file system

No redundant data: Redundancy removed by data normalization. No data duplication saves storage and improves access time.

Data Consistency and Integrity: As we discussed earlier the root cause of data inconsistency is data redundancy, since data normalization takes care of the data redundancy, data inconsistency also been taken care of as part of it

Data Security: It is easier to apply access constraints in database systems so that only authorized user is able to access the data. Each user has a different set of access thus data is secured from the issues such as identity theft, data leaks and misuse of data.

Privacy: Limited access means privacy of data.

Easy access to data – Database systems manages data in such a way so that the data is easily accessible with fast response times.

Easy recovery: Since database systems keeps the backup of data, it is easier to do a full recovery of data in case of a failure.

Flexible: Database systems are more flexible than file processing systems

Suppose that a disk unit has the following parameters: seek time s = 20 msec; rotational delay rd = 10 msec; block transfer time btt = 1 msec; block size B = 2400 bytes; interblock gap size G = 600 bytes. An EMPLOYEE file has the following fields: Ssn, 9 bytes; Last_name, 20 bytes; First_name, 20 bytes; Middle_init, 1 byte; Birth_date, 10 bytes; Address, 35 bytes; Phone, 12 bytes; Supervisor_ssn, 9 bytes; Department, 4 bytes; Job_code, 4 bytes; deletion marker, 1 byte. The EMPLOYEE file has r = 30,000 records, fixed-length format, and unspanned blocking.





I hope it helps choose me the brainst

Write the correct statements for the above logic and syntax errors in program below.

using namespace std;
void main()
int count = 0, count1 = 0, count2 = 0, count3 = 0;
mark = -9;
while (mark != -9)
cout << "insert marks of students in your class, enter -9 to stop entering";
cin >> mark;

if (mark >= 0 && mark <= 60);
count1 = count1 + 1;
else if (mark >= 61 && mark <= 70);
count2 = count2 + 1;
else if (mark >= 71 && mark <= 100);
count3 = count3 + 1;
cout <<"Report of MTS3013 course" << endl;
cout <<"Mark" << count << endl << endl;
cout << "0-60" << "\t\t\t\t" << count1 << endl;
cout << "61-70" << "\t\t\t\t" << count2 << endl;
cout << "71-100" << "\t\t\t\t" << count3 << endl<< endl << endl;
cout << "End of program";


Mark is gonna be the answer for question 1

In tabular form differentiate the first four generations of computers.


Learn about each of the 5 generations of computers and major technology developments that have led to the computing devices that we use today.

5 Generations of Computer - Logo for the Webopedia Study Guide.The history of computer development is a computer science topic that is often used to reference the different generations of computing devices. Each one of the five generations of computers is characterized by a major technological development that fundamentally changed the way computers

Write a function gcdRecur(a, b) that implements this idea recursively. This function takes in two positive integers and returns one integer.
''def gcdRecur(a, b):
a, b: positive integers
returns: a positive integer, the greatest common divisor of a & b.
# Your code here
if b == 0:
return a
return gcdRecur(b, a%b)
#Test Code
gcdRecur(88, 96)
gcdRecur(143, 78)
© 2021 GitHub, Inc.


Answer & Explanation:

The program you added to the question is correct, and it works fine; It only needs to be properly formatted.

So, the only thing I did to this solution is to re-write the program in your question properly.

def gcdRecur(a, b):

   if b == 0:

       return a


       return gcdRecur(b, a%b)

gcdRecur(88, 96)

gcdRecur(143, 78)

Identify some advantages of using Excel over lists, paper files, or simple word documents? Describe some disadvantages of using Excel over lists, paper files, or simple word documents? Summarize one thing in you home life that could be improved or more easily managed using Excel?​



Excel is a software program that contains spreadsheet. Spreadsheet is an electric document that works numbers and display results in graphs. There are vertical columns and horizontal rows.

they are several advantages of excel which is;

Excel is very efficient to use, especially when you have to calculate your data, it's not hard to calculate the computer itself calculates it for you.

they are also disadvantages of excel which is;

some users might get a little bit problem when you send Microsoft Excel, here is one sometimes the spreadsheet are difficult to share internally.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of connection-oriented WAN/Man as opposed to connection-less?


Answer and Explanation:

Connection oriented WAN/MAN as opposed to connection less network is a type of wide area network that requires communicating entities in the network to establish a dedicated connection for their communication before they start communicating. This type of network will use these established network layers only till they release it, typical of telephone networks.

Advantages include:

Connection is reliable and long.

Eliminates duplicate data issues.

Disadvantages include:

Resource allocation while establishing dedicated connection slows down speed and may not fully utilize network resources.

There are no plan B's for network congestion issues, albeit occurring rarely with this type of network.

convert 198 / 61 to ratio​


I think the answer is


I'm not sure

Kareem is working on a project for his manager. He has a few questions for a co-worker who he knows is knowledgeable on the subject. As they're discussing some of the topics, he gives the co-worker permissions to the resources so they can look at the information on their own. Which of the following access control methods does Kareem's company use?

a. DAC
c. MAC


Answer: RBAC


The access control methods that Kareem's company uses us the role based access control.

The Role-based access control (RBAC) simply means assigning permissions to users based on the role that such individual plays within an organization.

RBAC is a simple approach to access management and is typically less prone to error than in a scenario whereby permissions are assigned to users individually. Access rights are given to the workers based on what their job entails and what is needed and other information which isn't needed won't be accessible to them.

Scenario You are a network engineer and it is your first day working with ASU and you have been given the job of creating a network for the IT program. You are given the following three tasks to complete. 1. Configure IP addressing settings on network devices. 2. Perform basic device configuration tasks on a router. 3. Verify Layer 3 connectivity via a routing protocol. 4. Setup some access control lists.


B because one cause…………………

Select the correct answer.
What testing approach does a development team use when testing the developed code rather than just the functionality of the code?
white box testing
black box testing
acceptance testing
usability testing



D. usability testing


A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of data that is used typically to instruct a computer how to perform a specific task and to solve a particular problem.

A software development life cycle (SDLC) can be defined as a strategic process or methodology that defines the key steps or stages for creating and implementing high quality software applications. There are seven (7) main stages in the creation of a software and these are;

1. Planning.

2. Analysis and requirements.

3. Software design and prototyping.

4. Development (coding).

5. Integration and testing

6. Deployment.

7. Operations and maintenance.

Usability testing is a testing technique used by a software development team to test a developed code rather than just the functionality of the code.

The main purpose of usability (user experience) testing is to determine how easy, user-friendly or difficult it is for end users (real people) to use a software application or program.

There is an interface I that has abstract class AC as its subclass. Class C inherits AC. We know that C delegates to an object of D to perform some computations. Besides, C consists of two C1s and one C2 as subcomponents. Object of C2 is still reusable when its major component C is depleted. C1 has a method that takes in an object of E as argument. Which one is invalid



are u in HS or college work

I am trying to understand

Select the correct statement(s) regarding PONS. a. only MMF cables can be used, since MMF enables greater data capacities compared to SMF b. PONS systems require active amplifiers, since high frequency signals attenuate quickly over distance c. PONS systems use passive devices between OLT and ONT d. all are correct statements



The correct statement regarding PONS is:

c. PONS systems use passive devices between OLT and ONT


PON means Passive Optical Network. Based on fiber-optic telecommunications technology, PON is used to deliver broadband network access to individual end-customers.  It enables a single fiber from a service provider to maintain an efficient broadband connection for multiple end-users (homes and small businesses).  OLT means Optical Line Terminal, while ONT means Optical Network Terminal.  They provide access to the PON.

In which generation of computers are we in?​


It should be the Sixth generation

which animal is the computer to store data information and instruction ​



human is the answwr of the quest

It's currently 1:00 in the afternoon. You want to schedule the myapp program to run automatically tomorrow at noon (12:00). What two at commands could you use



at 12 pm tomorrow

at now +23 hours


The at command could be used in the command line to perform a scheduled command in Unix related systems. The at command coule be ua d to program a complex script or used to perform simple scheduled reminders.

The at command is initiated by first writing the at string followed by the condition or statement to be performed.

Currently (1:00 pm) ; To make a schedule for 12pm then that will be at noon the following day:

at 12:00 pm tomorrow

Or :

Using the number of hours between the current tone and the schedule time : 12 pm tomorrow - 1:00 pm today is a difference of 23 hours ;

Hence, it can be written as :

at +23 hours

Consider a system with seven processes: E, F, G, H, I, J, K and six resources: U, V, W, X, Y, Z. Process E holds U and wants V. Process F holds nothing but wants W. Process G holds nothing but wants V. Process H holds X and wants V and W. Process I holds W and wants Y. Process J holds Z and wants V. Process K holds Y and wants X. Is this system deadlocked?

a. Yes
b. No



a. Yes


System is deadlock due to process HIK. Process H holds X and wants V and W. Process I holds W and wants Y. Process K holds Y and wants X. The system will become deadlock due to these three different processes.

what is example of application of machine learning that can be imposed in eduction. (except brainly.)



Machine Learning Examples

Recommendation Engines (Netflix)

Sorting, tagging and categorizing photos (Yelp)

Self-Driving Cars (Waymo)

Education (Duolingo)

Customer Lifetime Value (Asos)

Patient Sickness Predictions (KenSci)

Determining Credit Worthiness (Deserve)

Targeted Emails (Optimail)

What is the full form of USB​ ?



universal serial bus: an external serial bus interface standard for connecting peripheral devices to a computer, as in a USB port or USB cable.


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