geography what is the meaning of​


Answer 1
Well if you’re wondering what the meaning of geography is it’s the investigation of the actual highlights of the earth and its climate, and of human action as it influences and is influenced by these, including the appropriation of populaces and assets, land use, and enterprises.
Answer 2
the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources and political and economic activities.

Related Questions

which countries have a smaller coastline than the Philippines


All nations other than Russia, Norway, Canada, and Indonesia have a shorter coastline than the Philippines.

All countries in the world apart from Canada, Norway, Indonesia, Greenland and Russia have smaller coastlines than the Philippines.

As there are no options given, a better question to ask would be related to which countries have a longer coastline than the Philippines because of all countries in the world, the Philippians has the 6th longest coastline there is.

This is because the Philippians comprises of many islands and when the coastlines of all these islands are summed up, even the United States has less of a coastline than the Philippines even though the latter is way smaller in terms of total landmass than the former.

In being 6th on the list of longest coastlines, any country you can name apart from the 5 mentioned in the answer above, have smaller coastlines than the Philippines.

A related question proving the assertions here is

Which of the following was NOT a type of power that the Constitution granted to the national government ?



Rights Reserved to States or People

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Differentiate the mgf M(t)=e4.6(et−1)​



u seem cool want to be friends


Need help asap will rate 5 stars!!!!



not sure how to answer its hard to understand

European settlers and Americans transformed the Great Plains from
A. fields of corn; fields of grass
B. natural grassland; fields of corn
C. desert; farms

D. ancient farms; fruit orchards



The answer is B,  natural grassland; fields of corn


hope this helps!

Nicobar island as well as _______ island belong to the geographical of Asia​




is right answer I hope it's helpful



.i don't want points

silicon and _______ stay in the the outer cells pls tell me fast​





The earth has been divided into three major categories crust, mantle, and core which are further segregated into sub-parts. Since the crust is the outermost layer of the shell, the outer crust of the earth consists of a combination of silicon and oxygen in the majority followed by some percentage of other metals as well. The percentage of Oxygen includes nearly 50% i.e. 46.6% followed by 27.7% of Silicon and the other 25.3 % includes aluminum, iron, sodium, magnesium, etc. Thus, 'oxygen' is the correct answer.

All of the following statements are true regarding non-government organizations EXCEPT:



The answer is; C


Non-governmental institutions are independent of governments hence do not identify themselves with any government   or state. They are mainly involved in humanitarian works, and societal building roles especially in less developed societies. Their workings are not intended for any profits and are usually funded through donations.

(Missing!) Background Knowledge:

Assuming that the following statements are these -

A. Non-government organizations aid in human interests.

B. Non-government organizations are companies that are not for profit.

C. Non-government organizations identify with a specific government.

D. Non-government organizations are also referred to as relief organizations.

Describe a very morning on way to school​


I would be all ready in my clothes and make sure I have all the materials I need for the day!!!

Which line segment has the same measure as ST?






Line Segments RX and TC have the same measurement, and has a right angle at point X, this proves that SR is equal to the measurement of ST.

3. When harmful gases, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, react with water in the
atmosphere, they can produce
4. The agent of erosion involved in stream erosion is



3. when harmful gases,such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide,react with water In the atmosphere,they can produce acidic rain.

4. the agent of erosion involved in stream erosion is water.

I hope this helps

Which of the following best describes the relationship between water
regulation and globalization?
A. The countries that regulate water are causing conflict with those that do not
B. Water should be regulated for tax income.
C. With a growing population, the world needs clean water.
D. Water is a renewable resource, freely available to all countries.



With a growing population,the world needs clean water

The particular animals of a given geographic region are called its __________.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.




it must be fauna coz flora is for plants


b) fauna


just took the test

The length of a part on model helicopter is 8.5cm;the scale of model is 1:100,000.calculate the real length of the helicopter part in meter


9514 1404 393


  8500 m


At a scale of 1 : 100,000, the real part will be 100,000 × 8.5 cm = 8500 m.


Additional comment

I've not seen or heard of any helicopter that has any parts that are as long as 8.5 kilometers (5.28 miles).

mối quan hệ giữa quá trình nội lực và ngoại lực



The importance of categorizing a force as being either internal or external is related to the ability of that type of force to change an object's total mechanical energy when it does work upon an object. When net work is done upon an object by an external force, the total mechanical energy (KE + PE) of that object is changed.


in vietamnise/

Tầm quan trọng của việc phân loại một lực là bên trong hoặc bên ngoài có liên quan đến khả năng của loại lực đó để thay đổi tổng năng lượng cơ học của một vật thể khi nó hoạt động trên một vật thể. Khi công việc ròng được thực hiện trên một đối tượng bởi một ngoại lực, tổng năng lượng cơ học (KE + PE) của đối tượng đó được thay đổi.

Name two forms of energy usually used at homes



Energy exists in many different forms Which each form can be converted or changed into the other forms. Although there are many specific types of energy, the two major forms are Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy.

1. Electrical Energy

→ Example : Lighting

2. Thermal Energy

→ Example : When you cooking

Hope it helps!

name one natural phenomenon in which a spectrum can be seen? ​



A rainbow is an optical and meteorogical phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicoloured arc.

Commenting to unlock messages

Polygon ABCD is plotted on a coordinate plane and then rotated 90° clockwise about point C to form polygon A′B′C′D′. Match each vertex of polygon A′B′C′D′ to its coordinates.



This is a geometry question. If you still need an answer, you might want to ask in the mathematics section.


Meridians of longitude identify degrees east and west of the. These lines are/are not (circle) scientifically based. Why/why not?


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

Meridians of longitude identify degrees East and West of the Prime Meridian. This line is located at 0° longitude and the East and West coordinates are based around it.

These lines are scientifically based because mathematics is a field of science and these lines are based on angles they create with the selected line. If you draw a line from the Prime Meridian to the center of the Earth and then you take a line from another point at the same latitude and connect it to the point in the center of the Earth, that angle is what is used to describe the given point on Earth's surface used to make the angle with the Prime Meridian.

Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

Meridians of longitude identify degrees east and west of the prime meridian. These lines near the prime meridians are always scientifically based.

What is the significance of prime meridians?

Prime meridians can be referred to or considered as such meridians that lie at an angle of zero degrees from the east and west of the longitudes on the surface of the Earth. These prime meridians are always having mathematical and geographical applications.

The lines formed in and around the prime meridians are always scientifically based. This is mainly because the mathematical and geographical studies are based on the applications of scientific researches and theories.

Therefore, the significance regarding prime meridians has been aforementioned.

Learn more about prime meridians here:


1. Which city is found at 10°N latitude and 67°W longitude? Caracas.
2. Which city is found at 18°S latitude and 69 W longitude
3 in which country do lines of 10°S latitude and 50°W longitude cross?
Which latitude lines run nearest to Brasilia, Brazil?
Which longitude lines run nearest to Lima, Peru?
6. Which city shown on the map is closest to the equator?
Which longitude line is at Guyana's western border
Which is the location of Bogota Colombia?
a. 74 N latitude, T W longitude
b. 7°N latitude, 74 W longitude
Help Improveme



Lanituide 5


Which of the following is the most likely way in which a volcanic event off the
coast of Japan could significantly affect the coast of California?
A. An undersea volcano could cause a mass of warm water that
triggers a storm that crosses the ocean.
B. Seafloor spreading could cause crustal subduction across the
C. An undersea earthquake could cause a tsunami that crosses the
D. A lava flow could cause a raft of pumice that travels across the
ocean and clogs harbors.



  C. An undersea earthquake could cause a tsunami that crosses the ocean.


Of the various scenarios listed, the most common and most likely is the causing of a tsunami.

1. Define income in your own words. (3-4 sentences)
2.explain how "Income" will improve wellbeing
3. explain how income will impair/reduce wellbeing ( Come up with one or two ways income will improve or reduce wellbeing with an example to explain )



Income is money what an individual or business receives in exchange for providing labor, producing a good or service, or through investing capital.

What are some characteristics of Batholith​


A batholith has an irregular shape with side walls that incline steeply against the host rock. Most batholiths intrude across mountain folds and are elongated along the dominant axis of the range; faulting and contact metamorphism of the enveloping rock near the batholith is also observed.

characteristics of an active cell as in ict​


ICT has been the information communication and technology. The spreadsheet in ICT has been consisting of the intersection of rows and columns. The intersection has been termed as a cell.

The active cell in the spreadsheet has been the highlighted cell in the spreadsheet. It helps in the identification of the cell on which work has been performed. In a new spreadsheet, the active cell has been the first cell from the row and column intersection.

For more information about the active cell, refer to the link:

The Paleozoic Era ended with a mass extinction event that was likely caused by Choose one: A. the evolution of land plants. B. the formation of high-latitude ice sheets. C. the formation of Pangaea. D. intense volcanic activity.



D. intense volcanic activity.


The Paleozoic era an era in the geologic time and started about 541 million years. It originated due to the diversity of life forms on the planet.  and ended about 252 mn years ago along with the end of Permian era. The extinction was related to the changes in climate and  exceptionally low sea levels. During which about 95% of the marine species were killed.

0.52in=X A magnifying glass has a scale factor of 3.1. An original ant is 0.48 inches big. How big is the magnified ant?​





just guessing not sure

Which best explain why the sun maintains its size and shape


In other words, its own weight keeps the Sun from growing larger. ... the inward pull of gravity that determines the size of any star.
The Sun maintains its size and shape against the outward pressure of fusion energy by the force of gravity. In other words, its own weight keeps the Sun from growing larger. It is the stable balance of outward gas pressure vs. the inward pull of gravity that determines the size of any star.

things that people fell for but not acually true



Fun fact, the earth does not orbit the sun

Nobody's life is perfect on social media, so to say this is the right words, "my life is perfect on social media"

Isaac Newton did not "discover" gravity when an apple fell on his head

Pluto is still a planet


Let me say it all so you can copy:

The earth orbits the sun

My life is perfect on social media

Isaac Newton descovered gravity when an apple fell on his head

Pluto is not a planet

Say 3 things that happened to Cinderella that were mean and unfair.


She was treated as a servant, she wasn’t allowed to go to the ball, and her stepsister’s got dresses and treated her as their seamstress.

Stations below sea level would report a sea level pressure that is greater than the station pressure. Group of answer choices True False





Stations present below sea level would have sea level pressure that is not greater than the station pressure because the station has also the pressure of the sea on it that make the pressure higher than sea level while on the other hand, the sea level has the pressure of the gases that is present in the atmosphere which put pressure on the sea so that's why we can see that station pressure is higher than sea level.




A station below sea level would report a sea level pressure that is lower that the station pressure. This is due to the station being below the sea level and vise versa.

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