Give details of the nation council as the genesis of Nigeria constitutional development


Answer 1

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Related Questions

how we can make the people aware about saving electricity ?


By telling them, it will cost a lot of money
Electricity is most important for us.

We can save it :-

By self-awarenessBy awareness programmes.By different motivating slogans.By Awaring people about importance of electricity.

what are the social evils in your community? write their ways of solution​





solving poverty issues by providing job employment as many steal because they lack

One could also try educating on self employment and entrepreneurship

Some of the higher education institutions that serve a large number of Deaf and Hard of Hearing students are Group of answer choices University of Houston, NTID, CSUN, and Gallaudet University. Lamar University, RICE University, SWCID, and RIT. University of Houston, SWCID, NTID, and Gallaudet University. Lamar University, McDaniel College, NTID, and Gallaudet University.



University of Houston, NTID, CSUN, and Gallaudet University.

University of Houston, SWCID, NTID, and Gallaudet University.


In the United States of America, there are various institutions and colleges which take students those are specially abled. The students coming to these universities, colleges or higher institutions are provided with basic learning courses so that that can too graduate and earn a living by studying in these colleges.

Besides academics, these institutions also teaches various social skills to the students as well skills to live independently in the society.

Some of these institutions are :

NYID, SWCID, CSUN, University of Houston and Gallaudet University.

4. Suggest at least 5 creative solutions for tackling the problem of youth unemployment.



help to all needy people, solve black money into white money , construct helping center , help to country from danger, solve sharing food to needy people


1.Boosting job creation and labour demand.

2.Better preparing young people for the job market.

3.Illuminating pathways to productive work.

4.Improving financial well-being, both current and long-term.

5.Fostering entrepreneurship.

Write about the religious activities and rituals of your family in a paragraph.​



Family rituals are special things your family does. Family rituals are a way of saying, ‘This is who we are and what we value’.

Some rituals might have been handed down from your grandparents or other relatives, like always opening Christmas crackers with the person on your left or eating yum cha on Sunday mornings. Others you might create as a family.

Your family’s rituals might include celebrating religious festivals like Christmas, Chanukah or Ramadan. Your family might also have rituals for cultural festivals, like Diwali, Halloween or Australia Day, as well as for birthdays, Mothers Day and Fathers Day. At these special events, you might invite extended family or friends to share in your family rituals.

this is possibility of tourism development in the Savanna Region. why give reason



An important human activity related to the savannah certainly is tourism: the savannah and in particular the wildlife sanctuaries offer the opportunity to observe, film.


Tropical savannas hold many attractions for tourists. Tourism is an increasingly important source of economic activity, and employment for regional and remote communities. It therefore provides development options that complement traditional industries such as grazing, mining and fishing.

Our heritage is being destroyed day by day. Make a list of ways to protect them.Write any five points. ​


Nepal’s rich cultural heritage is woven into the fabric of everyday life. From the temples and palaces in Patan Durbar Square to the small alcoves holding devotional statues nested on busy streets all over Kathmandu, Nepal’s unique architectural and cultural heritage is recognised worldwide. This remarkable heritage is not only part of what makes Nepal a popular travel destination, but also something that needs to be properly protected, maintained and preserved, so that future generations can enjoy it as much as we do today.

HIPAA Exclude information considered education records under FERPA law

True or False


true!! hope this helps

HIPAA Exclude information considered education records under FERPA law is the true statement.

What is  FERPA law?

Parents have information to their children's educational reports, the right to request that the records be rectified, and some control over the sharing of personally identifiable information from those records according to a federal law known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

According to FERPA regulations, local educational organizations must annually notify eligible parents and students of their rights under the law. Although it is not necessary under the law, organizations must post notices where parents and eligible students are likely to see them. Every parent has the right to see a student's educational records, unless there is evidence that these rights have been revoked or restricted by a court order or state law.

Thus, it is a true statement.

For more details about  FERPA law, click here:


Parents who have a(n) _________ parenting style are willing to set boundaries and punish children for misbehaving, but they communicate the reasoning behind their rules and expectations, and even bring the child into the decision-making process.





Parents who have a(n) authoritative parenting style are willing to set boundaries and punish children for misbehaving, but they communicate the reasoning behind their rules and expectations, and even bring the child into the decision-making process.


How can corruption be eliminated from the society? write any six points​



orruption, as it is defined by the World Bank, is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense which is undertaken by a person or an organization which is entrusted with a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one's private gain. Corruption may involve many activities which include bribery and embezzlement, and it may also involve practices which are legal in many countries.[1] Political corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain. Corruption is most common in kleptocracies, oligarchies, narco-states, and mafia states.[citation needed]

A 1902 cartoon depicts a police officer whose eyes are covered with a cloth labelled "bribes",

Corruption and crime are endemic sociological occurrences which appear with regular frequency in virtually all countries on a global scale in varying degrees and proportions. Each individual nation allocates domestic resources for the control and regulation of corruption and the deterrence of crime. Strategies which are undertaken in order to counter corruption are often summarized under the umbrella term anti-corruption. Additionally, global initiatives like the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16 also have a targeted goal which is supposed to substantially reduce corruption in all of its forms.[2]

People also ask

How can we stop corruption in education?

Anti-corruption strategies in education

Rule of law (control and sanction)

Public administration and systems (corruption prevention)

Transparency and accountability (duty bearers and rights holders, non-state.

actors, information, awareness)

what are the things needed for development. ?​



zero discrimination

availability of natural resources

hard working

skilled and energetic people.

follow rules and regulations

application of sustainable concept of development

Terry is convinced that he is Abraham Lincoln. He believes that the attendants at the mental hospital where he is receiving treatment are Confederate spies who want him to reveal government secrets. The hospital attendants often hear Terry having heated arguments in his room, even though he has no one with him. In this case, it is likely that Terry would be classified as having:






why do you follow norms and the principle of the society what happened if not followed illustrate with example​



In order to guide and direct people behaviour.


We follow norms and the principle of the society because norms provide order in society. Human beings need norms in order to guide and direct their behavior. It also provide order and predictability in social relationships.  If norms and rules are not followed properly, then the society and social life of people will have to face various disasters so that's why norms and principle is important in the society.

Sarah has been convicted of larceny and sentenced to a term of incarceration. However, the judge then suspends the sentence and allows Sarah to remain in the community under supervision. The judge imposes some conditions on Sarah and if she fails to meet those conditions she may be required to serve the remainder of her sentence in prison. Sarah has received which of the following?

(a) Parole
(b) Probation
(c) Mandatory release
(d) Revocation


I’m pretty sure it’s probation

Write an editorial on"Present condition of Human Rights in Nepal".​



A clash between the Nepalese government forces and the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN - Maoist) occurred between 1996 and 2006, resulting in an increase in human rights abuses throughout the country. Both sides have been accused of torture, unlawful killings, arbitrary arrests, and abductions.Human rights are the rights inherent to all human beings regardless of their race, language, nationality or any other status.

Nepalese people face discrimination based on ethnicity, caste, and gender, and citizens living in rural parts of Nepal face a lack of access to adequate health care, education, and other resources. Violence continues to plague the country, particularly towards women. Economic inequality is prevalent, and health issues persist— including high child mortality rates in some areas, mental illness, and insufficient health care services.  

However things are changing these days but the rights violation should be stopped as soon as possible.

A clash between the Nepalese government forces and the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN- Maoist) occurred between 1996 and 2006, resulting in an increase in human rights abuses throughout the country. Both sides have been accused of torture, unlawful killings, arbitrary arrests, and abductions. Nepal was home to the most disappearances in the world during the conflict. The conflict is also considered one of major reasons for lack of development in Nepal.

The conflict also resulted in a reduction in human rights in the realms of poverty, health, education, and gender equality. Issues in these realms continue to persist today. Nepalese people face discrimination based on ethnicity, caste, and gender, and citizens living in rural parts of Nepal face a lack of access to adequate health care, education, and other resources. Violence continues to plague the country, particularly towards women. Economic inequality is prevalent, and health issues persist— including high child mortality rates in some areas, mental illness, and insufficient health care services. However, things have started to change after 2006, when the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed between the government, political parties and the Maoists to end a decade-long conflict from 1996-2006 and restore democracy and rule of law in Nepal.

Joanna indulges in binge eating whenever she is depressed. This has affected her health, and she is suffering from high blood cholesterol and diabetes. She consults a psychotherapist, Joseph, to diagnose and treat her psychological disorder. He promises her a reward for every pound she sheds. She can use this reward for shopping. Identify the technique used by Joseph to treat Joanna.



Token economy

The technique used by Joseph to treat Joanna when Joanna was suffering from high blood cholesterol and diabetes after binge eating is token economy.

A token economy serves as a system of contingency management  that involves the systematic reinforcement as regards target behavior.

We can see that when treating Joanna, Joseph treat her psychological disorder by making a promise to her that a reward will be given to her as she's losing pounds.

Therefore, token economy technique was used.

Learn more at:

Weather is the short-term condition of the atmosphere in a given location.


The answer for your question is true
This answer is true. Weather is a short term condition of the atmosphere in a given location.

A hiker in an isolated area encountered a cross-country skier who had broken her leg. The hiker created a makeshift sled and began pulling the skier to the nearest road. As the hiker was pulling her across the ice of a lake, the ice gave way and they went into the water. The hiker was unable to get out of the water and drowned. The skier was able to pull herself to shore and eventually was rescued. However, she suffered severe hypothermia and lost some of her toes to frostbite as a result of being in the water. Does the skier have a cause of action for damages against the hiker's estate



No, unless the hiker acted negligently in attempting to cross the ice.



This is simply regarded as when an individual alter or breach the legal duty expected of them to take care by the defendant that has brought about loss to the person laying the claim.


This is simply known as caring for people in general, it is the extent of care which an individual would use under the same or similar circumstances to protect themselves and others from injury.

For a person to claim in negligence and wins, several factors must be handled. such as

1. Loss or damage of known effect sustained by the claimant

2. The existence of a sense of care owed by the defendant to the claimant

3. Breach of that duty by the defendant

4. Proof that the breach caused the damage etc

 in some cases.  there are other reasons where courts have determined that the defendant does not owe any duty, or owes only a limited duty, it includes  

1. when there are liability cases that is the plaintiff is injured by a condition on the defendant's property.

2. If the defendant's negligence is due to inability to help or rescue the plaintiff. etc.

In this case, the hiker helped as soon as the incidence happens.

2. Explain Why do sociologists focus on group behavior rather
than individual behavior?



They focus on group behavior rather than individual because, it' s all about the social life of people and what people are into. Like the internet they are focused on how many people are on the internet everyday interacting with other people and becoming more sociable

why is nepal a multi geographical country


Answer:Because Nepal is between China and India, it has a variety of geography, because if China has a different geography from India, Nepal has a variety of geography.


Which is the king of all subjects?



The answer is:


In my opinion its Social Studies since it is the most difficult..

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Did the Erie Canal make the transporting of goods faster and cheaper?



The Erie Canal mainly transported lumber and farm goods such as flour, wheat, salt, fruits, and vegetables. per ton and it took only a third of the time to get there. Not only did the Erie Canal ship goods from farmers but it also offered a quicker passage from Western New York to New York City and vice verse.


what do you mean by social customs and tradition? class eight quesrions​



A social custom is a commonly accepted manner of behaving or doing something in a particular society, place or time. A tradition is the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation.


Due to the seriousness of the crime, state legislation mandates transferring legal jurisdiction over the most serious and experienced juvenile offenders to the adult court for criminal prosecution. This process is known as:






This is simply defined as the act of voluntary giving up of one's right, by contract, to sue someone for their wrong acts to you. A waiver is said not to be valid if if is contrary to public policy, If parties are not of equal bargaining power, if it tries to preclude liability for extreme forms of conduct such as gross negligence, reckless misconduct, willful and wanton conduct, or intentional acts.

Characteristics of a Waiver

1. The Language must be clear

2. It is not appear as another document

3. It cannot go against Public Policy etc.

Waiver is used as a criteria for assumption of risk such as Voluntary, Inherent risk, Know, Understood, Appreciated etc, waiver is also used to record of participants knowing and understand their responsibilities.

Waiver to Adult Court

This is simply known as the process through which a juvenile court willingly gives its right or jurisdiction over a juvenile offender and the case is processed in adult court. The age limit when a juvenile court no longer has power over a juvenile offender is usually between ages 19 and 21.

It is better to give education to daughter than to give dowry. justify this statement​



it is beeter to give education to daughter than to give dowry because if we give dauter to education then they learn new things . and they become big person in future. and they make feel proud to her parents. but still many people give dowry to her daughter and they can't be educated and daughter get married and she need to work and she can't get outside from her home. and if girls parents don't give any thing then they can't marriage.

define tourism profession​



Tourism is the business of providing services for people on holiday

example: hotels, restaurants, trips

minerals are important natural expect but there are also decreasing in quantity and deteriorating in quality due to Rapid population growth support this statement with suitable example​



Depletion of minerals occurs due to high population.


Minerals are important natural expect but there are also decreasing in quantity and deteriorating in quality due to Rapid population growth because high population uses minerals in large amount that leads to depletion of these minerals. These minerals are present in a limited amount which can be depleted very soon if the population further increases so increasing population is the main reason for decreasing in quantity and deteriorating in quality of minerals.

describe the concept of development in brief​



which development u want uh?


Development is a process which creates growth, progress or positive change. that concept is very broad concept.  it can apply into different fields.

as example:

development can be arise in a personal life, in an organization, in a country, in a society etc


hope this will helpful to you

In 25 words or fewer, define ethics.
Type answer here...
Word Count: 25



the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles

3.. Using intermediate directions, which region within the country is Georgia located in?​



Georgia is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States, bordered to the north by Tennessee and North Carolina; to the northeast by South Carolina; to the southeast by the Atlantic Ocean; to the south by Florida; and to the west by Alabama.


Hope it help you

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