Give two examples of explorers who did not sail from the country they were born in.
Pls tell me


Answer 1


Christopher Columbus John Cabot


Christopher Columbus John Cabot

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The colonists list the repeated attempts at reconciliation with Great Britain. Why did they include this info when they announced their separation from Great Britain?



Their grievances mainly had to do with the Coercive Acts, a series of four acts that were established to punish colonists and to restore order in Massachusetts following the Boston Tea Party.


when was the Bantu education law passed or implemented ?why was the law passed?​


The Bantu Education law was passed in 1953 and was implemented in 1954.

Why was the Bantu Education law enacted?

The Bantu education act was implemented so that the black people would become illiterate and will not have the opportunity to speak out against bad governance in South Africa.

what is the Bantu Education law?

The Bantu Education Act  was a South African segregation law that legislated for several aspects of the apartheid system. one major provision of the enforced that racially-separated educational facilities be built.

In 1959, the bantu education was extended to "non-white" universities and colleges with the Extension of University Education Act, and the University College of Fort Hare was taken over by the government and degraded to being part of the Bantu education system.

In conclusion, the Bantu education system was developed to discriminate black South Africans.

Learn more about Bantu Education here :


I need help before 4 today


Me too unfortunately help cannot be given

Which type of colony was governed directly by the British king and Parliament?
royal colony
charter colony
proprietary colony


Answer:royal colony



royal colony


Provincial colonies, also known as royal colonies, were under the direct control of the King, who usually appointed a royal governor. These colonies included New Hampshire, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and eventually Massachusetts.

What happened to the cotton club in the 1920s


it closed for selling liquor

hope it helps

How did new inventions change farming in the West?



New farming equipment made work faster and also lessened the need of farm hands. It also gave federal land to the states to help finance agricultural colleges, and the Hatch Act of 1887 established agricultural experiment stations to inform farmers of new developments.


how did the united states succeed in seizing the black hills



omg, you are from which country ?

Why does Mary Wollstonecraft believe that men have better tempers than women



. Wollstonecraft explains that “Women are told from their infancy, and taught by the example of their mothers, that a little knowledge of human weakness, justly termed cunning, softness of temper, OUTWARD obedience, and a scrupulous attention to a puerile kind of propriety, will obtain for them the protection of man; and should they be beautiful, every thing else is needless, for at least twenty years of their lives” (84). This statement points to the process of socialization that teaches girls to cultivate an identity of calculating childishness and fragility. What are the effects of molding girls in this way when it comes to marriage and motherhood (67, 95, 100, 119); obedience (84, 91, 93); false refinement and appearances (87, 89, 91, 93, 99, 107); and physical delicacy (95, 99, 105). You may choose to focus on one of these topics in a comprehensive manner, or seek to analyze passages from a number of these topics.

Throughout chapter 2 Wollstonecraft argues that education has stunted women’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth (see pages 84, 88, and 89). She also highlights that the best education (for men and women) is “such an exercise of the understanding as is best calculated to strengthen the body and form the heart” (86)

China only had one of five dynasties in.....



10th century


the five dynasty and ten kingdom period was an era of division and political disturbance in 10th century imperial china in between the tang dynasty and the song dynasty. two highly successful dynasty




He was the founder of islam.


An angel came to him and told him to write a book of prophesies

The Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal." This was not
necessarily true. Which men were not considered equal at this time in the United States?
Select all that apply.


What is all that apply? I don’t see anything else

National or State Government? Read each scenario. That power could belong to the state or national government, but why does the national government need it? Explain below [80 POINTS FOR GOOD ANSWERS]
[Please don't answer with short answers or I don't know]


Based on the given facts, the National governments needs those powers because:

Taxation would allow it to raise funds to defend the nation. Controlling the military would prevent interstate conflict. Being able to enforce laws allows for effective governance. Being the sole diplomatic body allows it to negotiate on behalf of all Americans. Having a single currency makes trade easier.A national court system allows for federal law to be enforced. Being able to make laws ensures that several important laws applies to all Americans and that a state cannot mistreat its people.


The funds the national government gets here allows it to fund the armed forces which protect the nation.


Having one military in the hands of the national government ensures that states will not go to war with each other as they have no means to.

Enforce laws

The national government has the power to enforce laws such that governing Americans is effective and efficient.


Having the national government as the sole body responsible for negotiating with other nations and organizations ensures that all Americans benefit from such negotiations.


A single currency controlled by the national government makes it easier for Americans to trade across states.

Court System

A national court system allows for the enforcement of Constitutional principles and federal law.

Make laws

The national government being able to make laws ensures that all Americans are granted certain rights that will not be taken away by the states.

In conclusion, it is necessary that the national government has certain powers .

Find out more on national government powers at

Civic participation are generally divided into two categories, Civic duties and Civic Responsibilities. Of the following choices, which would be considered a Civic Responsibility?

A. Jury Duty
B. Obeying the law
C. Voting in elections
D. Paying taxes


the answer is D because the government controls the rest of the options and paying taxes is your part




It is right

Please help it’s history


Answer:great britain bought palestinian territory from the ottoman empire


the Constitution of the United can be


? i don't get it uhhhhh

Why do the three branches sometimes come into conflict with one another?



Why do the three branches sometimes come into conflict with one another? Checks and Balances, political parties and the different kinds of power held by each branch are sources of conflict. A reasonable basis to believe a person or premises is linked to a crime.


Have good day

Balanced governance, ideological groups and the various types of force held by each branch are wellsprings of contention.

A sensible premise to accept an individual or premises is connected to a wrongdoing. The 3 parts of our governmant are the Legal, the Chief, and the Authoritative.The Legal branch comprised of the High Court and any little courts, the Administrative branch is comprised of the Place of Delegates and the Senate, and the Presidential branch is comprised of the President and laborers.

Balanced governance as a rule guarantee that nobody individual or division has outright command over choices, obviously characterize the doled out obligations, and power participation in following through with jobs. The term is most normally utilized with regards to government yet additionally alludes to restricting power in organizations and associations.

To learn about branches


What were a few of the major hurdles that America had to overcome?​



The Great Depression, the stock market crash of October 1929.


If you need more just ask in the comments.

The Great Depression and The Civil War

How did European and American Indian cultures.
learn from one another?


As the English, French, and Spanish explorers came to North America, they brought tremendous changes to American Indian tribes. Europeans carried a hidden enemy to the Indians: new diseases. Native peoples of America had no immunity to the diseases that European explorers and colonists brought with them. Diseases such as smallpox, influenza, measles, and even chicken pox proved deadly to American Indians. Europeans were used to these diseases, but Indian people had no resistance to them. Sometimes the illnesses spread through direct contact with colonists. Other times, they were transmitted as Indians traded with one another. The result of this contact with European germs was horrible. Sometimes whole villages perished in a short time.

name the five Great Lakes.



Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario.

The Great Lakes are, from west to east: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario. They are a dominant part of the physical and cultural heritage of North America.:


Explanation: how the mop of the lakes

Plz help‼️‼️‼️



West Hemisphere

North Hemisphere


Georgia (State)

Northern hemisphere and Western hemisphere.

What was the religious order that St. Catherine of Siena Found?



The Dominican order.



the Dominican order

Catherine became a tertiary (member of a monastic third order who takes simple vows and may remain outside a convent or monastery) of the Dominican order (1363), joining the Sisters of Penitence of St. Dominic in Siena. She rapidly gained a wide reputation for her holiness and her severe asceticism.


whats the biggest sea in the world?


Answer: Philippine Sea


one advantage the south had in the civil war was its?



They had slaves as extra men to fight for them, therefore increasing their army of men


How did women’s roles in the workface change during the World War 1


many women were recruited in large numbers to work in factories

Women's roles in the workforce changed during World War I by recruiting many to work outside of the house.

Many men, and even women, believed that a women's duty lied within the household. They should cook food, clean, take care of the children, and not seek jobs outside of the house. With World War I, a lot of the men were off to war and they desperately needed supplies like ammo, weapons, vehicles, medical supplies, and other war goods.

Since all of the men were off to war, many women took jobs in factories to pitch into the war effort. Many were seen making weapons and vehicles, going away from their traditional "stay at home" ethic.

What are 3 reasons President Andrew
Jackson uses to convince Congress this
policy is best.



I don't have a answer but are there any answer questions?



Known as the "people's president," Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States, founded the Democratic Party, supported individual liberty and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans.


What were the consequences of the accident for Lauda and for the race?


Answer: Lauda's Ferrari went off the track and burst into flames, nearly killing him


The result was the tragic accident in which Lauda's Ferrari went off the track and burst into flames, nearly killing him.

The physical and emotional scars likely marked him for the rest of his life.

He returned in record time to racing, but lost the championship to his rival James Hunt.

What does tyranny mean



I think it means cruel and oppressive government or rule but thats just me it could be wrong.


Who Signed the English Bill of Rights



James Madison

Happy learning!



william III .and Marry II signed the english bill of rights

What is the northern most colony of the Middle Colonies?



The Massachusetts Bay Colony


What was the intended purpose of the First Continental Congress, and how did it seek to achieve its goals?



The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from 12 of the 13 British colonies that became the United States. It met from September 5 to October 26, 1774, at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, after the British Navy instituted a blockade of Boston Harbor and Parliament passed the punitive Intolerable Acts in response to the December 1773 Boston Tea Party.

hope this will help u :)


See below


When, in 1774, the first Continental Congress scheduled the Second Continental Congress to meet the following spring. the purpose was to discuss how Britain had responded to their petitions and to see if any further action was needed. The First Congress had sent petitions to the King and Parliament and had encouraged states to adopt non-importation agreements in opposition to the Intolerable Acts. If Britain had not reformed its actions, the plan was to strengthen the non-importation agreements at the Second Congress.

By the time the Second Continental Congress had met, Britain had flat our rejected the petitions and was gearing up to send a much larger army to North America. War had already broken out at Lexington and Concord. American militia were besieging British-held Boston.

At that point the Second Congress had to change its purpose and decide how to manage the war that had been thrust upon it. It opted to create the Continental Army and to prepare for war with Britian.

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