Given that 3y = x + 6 and y = kx + 12 are perpendicular, find the value of k


Answer 1

k = -3

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's rewrite the equations in their slope-intercept forms:

[tex]y = \frac{1}{3}x + 2\:\:\:\:\:\:\:(1)[/tex]

[tex]y = kx + 12\:\:\:\:\:(2)[/tex]

In order for Eqn(2) to be perpendicular to Eqn(1), the slope of Eqn(2) must be the negative reciprocal of that of Eqn(1). Therefore, [tex]k = -3[/tex].

Related Questions

A retailer sold a fan for ra 1800 at 10% loss what is its cost price?
How to do




thả 5 sao nha.....

Step-by-step explanation:


18:) 1800 divided by 10%

Write the composite function in the form f(g(x)). [Identify the inner function u = g(x) and the outer function y = f(u).] $ y = e^{{\color{red}5}\sqrt{x}} $



The answer is "[tex]\frac{5 e^{5\sqrt{x} }}{2\sqrt{x}}[/tex]".

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]y = e^{{\color{\red}5}\sqrt{x}}[/tex]


[tex]\to t= 5\sqrt{x}\\\\\frac{dt}{dx}= 5 \frac{1}{2\sqrt{x}}\\\\\frac{dt}{dx}= \frac{5}{2\sqrt{x}}\\\\[/tex]


[tex]\to y=e^t\\\\\to \frac{dy}{dt}=e^t\\[/tex]

[tex]\to \frac{dy}{dt}=e^{5\sqrt{x} }\\[/tex]


[tex]\to \frac{dy}{dx}= \frac{dy}{dt} \times \frac{dt}{dx}[/tex]

         [tex]=e^{5\sqrt{x} }\times \frac{5}{2\sqrt{x}}\\\\= \frac{5 e^{5\sqrt{x} }}{2\sqrt{x}}[/tex]


[tex]\to g(x) = 5\sqrt{x} \\\\\to f(x) = e^{(x)}\\\\[/tex]


[tex]\to f''g' = \frac{e^{(5\sqrt{x})}5}{(2\sqrt{x})}[/tex]

Integrate the following. ∫[tex]84dx[/tex]



[tex]\displaystyle \int {84} \, dx = 84x + C[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:



IntegralsDefinite/Indefinite IntegralsIntegration Constant C

Integration Rule [Reverse Power Rule]:                                                               [tex]\displaystyle \int {x^n} \, dx = \frac{x^{n + 1}}{n + 1} + C[/tex]

Integration Property [Multiplied Constant]:                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \int {cf(x)} \, dx = c \int {f(x)} \, dx[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle \int {84} \, dx[/tex]

Step 2: Integrate

[Integral] Rewrite [Integration Property - Multiplied Constant]:                 [tex]\displaystyle \int {84} \, dx = 84\int {} \, dx[/tex][Integral] Reverse Power Rule:                                                                     [tex]\displaystyle \int {84} \, dx = 84x + C[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit:  Integrations

What is the equation of the following graph?



y=0.5x + 5

Step-by-step explanation:

The points are (0,5) and (-10,0)

to find the slope do

0-5/-10-0 = 5/10 = 1/2 = 0.5

next plug one of the points into point slope formula


lets use the point (-10,0)


x1= -10

m= 0.5

y-0=0.5(x- -10)

y = 0.5(x+10)

distribute the 0.5


The wave speed is 500 m/s and the frequency is 5 Hz. What is the wavelength?


[tex]\pink{ \boxed{\boxed{\begin{array}{cc} \maltese  \bf \: \: given \\ \sf \: speed \: \: v = 500 \: m {s}^{ - 1} \\ \\ \sf \: frequency \: \: f = 5 \: Hz \\ \\ \sf \: wavelenght \: \: \: \lambda \: = \: to \: find \\ \\ \bf \: we \: know \: that \\ \\ \sf \: v = f \lambda \\ \bf \implies \: \lambda = \frac{v}{f} \\ = \frac{500}{5} \\ = 100 \: m \\ \\ \therefore \sf \lambda \: = 100 \: m\end{array}}}}[/tex]

Your question answer is this .

Alejandro wants to determine how much money he made in the last month after taxes, social security, and Medicare were taken out of his paycheck. What number should he look at on his paystub? O a) Federal tax amount b) Net pay O c) Gross pay O d) Deductions



absolutely B

Step-by-step explanation:

A is one type of tax

C) gross pay includes taxes, social security and something else

D) deductions are the type of fee

and B is the amount of money that he received

Alejandro should look at Net pay on his paystubs the answer is Net pay option (b) is correct.

What is the income tax rate?

It is defined as the tax rate applied on the solely earned money by a single entity.

It is given that:

Alejandro wants to determine how much money he made in the last month after taxes, social security, and Medicare were taken out of his paycheck.

The options are:

A) Federal tax amount

The Federal tax amount is one type of tax.

C) Gross pay

The gross pay includes taxes, social security, and other charges

D) Deductions

The deductions are the type of fee or negative amounts.

Alejandro should look at Net pay on his paystubs.

Thus, Alejandro should look at Net pay on his paystubs the answer is Net pay option (b) is correct.

Learn more about the income tax here:


the question is in the photo


9514 1404 393


  108.8 km/h at 84.3°

Step-by-step explanation:

The law of cosines can be used to find the resultant ground speed. In the attached diagram, the length of interest is OR. It will be found as ...

  OR² = OP² +PR² -2·OP·PR·cos(P)

  OR² = 130² +26² -2×130×26×cos(32°) ≈ 11843.19

  OR = √11843.19 ≈ 108.8


The angle POR can be found from the law of sines.

  sin(POR)/PR = sin(OPR)/OR

  sin(POR) = PR/OR×sin(32°) ≈ 0.12660

  ∠POR ≈ arcsin(0.12660) ≈ 7.27°

Then the bearing of the ground track of the airplane is 77° +7.27° = 84.27°.

The airplane is traveling at about 108.8 km/h on a bearing of 84.3°.

What is the image point of (-6,3) after a translation right 5 units and down 3 units?


step-by-step explanation:
right 5
down 3



41 is your answer
Check the image below
I think the answer is 41?

Quy tắc suy luận nào là cơ sở của suy diễn sau: "Biết rằng: 2 đường thẳng d và d' song song hoặc cắt nhau. Ta đã có d không song song với d'. Vậy d cắt d'
Select one:
a. Luật loại trừ
b. Luật rút gọn
c. Luật phản chứng
d. Luật tách rời


Answer: a

Step-by-step explanation:

The following graph shows a proportional relationship.

What is the constant of proportionality between y and x in the graph?




Step-by-step explanation:

Constant of proportionality refers to the slope of the line in this case, the slope of the line is (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)=(6-0)/(4-0)=1.5

solve for x




Explainion show in picture above



Step-by-step explanation:

It should be 8+x+2-5=11

construct the truth table (p ∧ q) =⇒ [(q ∧ ¬p) =⇒ (r ∧ q)]​


[tex]\begin{array}{c|c|c|c|c|c} p & q & r & p\land q & q\land \neg p & r \land q \\&&&&\\ T & T & T & T & F & T \\ T & T & F & T & F & F \\ T & F & T & F & F & F \\ T & F & F & F & F & F \\ F & T & T & F & T & T \\ F & T & F & F & T & F \\ F & F & T & F & F & F \\ F & F & F & F & F & F\end{array}[/tex]

An implication A => B is true if either A is false, or both A and B are true. So

[tex]\begin{array}{c|c|c}p\land q & (q\land\neg p) \implies (r\land q) & (p\land q) \implies \big[(q\land\neg p) \implies (r\land q)\big] \\&&\\T & T & \mathbf T\\T & T & \mathbf T\\F & T & \mathbf T\\F & T & \mathbf T\\F & T & \mathbf T\\F & F & \mathbf T\\F & T & \mathbf T\\F & T & \mathbf T\end{array}[/tex]

and the given statement is a tautology.

A veggie wrap at David's Deli is composed of 33 different vegetables and 22 different condiments wrapped up in a tortilla. If there are 66 vegetables, 66 condiments, and 55 types of tortilla available, how many different veggie wraps can be made



The answer is "[tex]7.21 \times 10^{37}[/tex]".

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\to ^{n}_{C_r}=\frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!}[/tex]

       [tex]=^{66}_{C_{33}} \times ^{66}_{C_{22}} \times ^{55}_{C_{1}} \\\\=\frac{66!}{33! (66-33)!} \times \frac{66!}{22! (66-22)!} \times \frac{55!}{1! (55-1)!}\\\\=\frac{66!}{33! (33)!} \times \frac{66!}{22! (44)!} \times \frac{55!}{1! (54)!}\\\\=\frac{66!}{33! (33)!} \times \frac{66!}{22! (44)!} \times \frac{55\times 54!}{1! (54)!}\\\\=\frac{66!}{33! (33)!} \times \frac{66!}{22! (44)!} \times 55\\\\= 7219428434016265740 \times 182183167981760400\times 55\\\\[/tex]

       [tex]= 7.21 \times 10^{18} \times 1.82\times10^{17}\times 55\\\\= 7.21 \times 10^{35} \times 1.82\times 55\\\\=721.721 \times 10^{35}\\\\=7.21\times 10^{37}[/tex]

An object travels along the x-axis so that its position after t seconds is given by x(t) = 2t2 – 5t – 18 for all times t such that t ≥ 0.

Which inequality describes all times t for which the object is traveling toward the right?


the function is given, and it's value is where the object is ("how far to the right").

so as long as it rises (going more right), this will be apply.

in the screenshot I graphed the function. of course t is graphed as x and "along the x-axis" is graphed as y, but the pattern is the same anyways.

for the first 1.25 seconds the object goes to the left, and after that always to the right.

since we look at t to calculate x, t effectively takes the role of the important variable that is normally given to x. the calculation pattern are just the same. so let's find the lowest point of this function by calculating it out.

x(t) = 2t² – 5t – 18

x'(t) = 4t -5

x'(t) = 0

0 = 4t -5

5 = 4t

1.25 = t

plugging it into the second derivative

x''(t) = 4

x''(1.25) = 4

it's positive, so at t=1.25 there is a low point

(of course the second derivative is constant anyways.)

the object is traveling toward the right

the object is traveling toward the rightfor t > 1.25

The object is moving to the right, for t > 1.25, the object is moving in a rightward direction.

What is inequality?

It is defined as the expression in mathematics in which both sides are not equal they have mathematical signs either less than or greater than known as inequality.

We have:

An object travels along the x-axis so that its position after t seconds is given by:

x(t) = 2t² – 5t – 18

x'(t) = 4t - 5

x'(t) = 0

4t -5 = 0

t = 5/4 = 1.25 seconds

x''(t) = 4

x''(1.25) = 4

x''(1.25) > 0

At t = 1.25 the object travels at a low point.

Thus, the object is moving to the right, for t > 1.25, the object is moving in a rightward direction.

Learn more about the inequality here:


why is (3, -5) not a solution to -x+4=-15 and -2x-3y=-8


Step-by-step explanation:

-x+4y= -15


the intersection point isn't (3,-5)

it's approximately (-1.1818 ,3.45455 )


see below

Step-by-step explanation:

Check the solution in both equation

-x+4 = -15

-3 +4 = -15

1 does not equal -15 so it is not a solution

-2x-3y = -8

-2(3)+-3(-5) = -8

-6 +15 = -8

9 = -8

It is not a solution to either equation

The surface area of a cube is 27^2. Calculate the length of the sides of the cube



Step-by-step explanation:

Do you mean 27 units² ?

A cube has six congruent, square faces. Area of one face = (27/6) units²

Length of one edge = √(27/6)

= √(9/2)

= √9/√2

= 3/√2

= 3√2/2 units

Solve (2x – 1)2 = 9. Question 11 options: A) x = 2, –1 B) x = 2, 1 C) x = –2, –1 D) x = –2, 1



(2x – 1)2 = 9






ANSWER PLEASE I think it's 6 but it's just to much thinking A



C. [tex]5\frac{1}{4}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]1\frac{1}{2}[/tex] cups of milk makes 1 quart of yogurt.

x cups  of milk makes [tex]3\frac{1}{2}[/tex] quarts of yogurt.

[tex]\frac{milk}{yogurt}= \frac{1\frac{1}{2} }{1} =\frac{x}{3\frac{1}{2} }[/tex]

Cross multiply.

[tex]1\frac{1}{2}[/tex] × [tex]3\frac{1}{2}[/tex] = 1 × x

You get:

[tex]5\frac{1}{4} =x[/tex]

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!

Cristina is sending out thank you cards for birthday presents. She has pink (P), blue (B), and green (G) cards, and white (W) and yellow (Y) envelopes to send them in. She chooses a card and an envelope at random for each person. What is the sample space for possible combinations? Enter a list of text [more] Enter each outcome as a two-letter "word", with the first letter for the card and the second letter for the envelope. For example, PW would be a pink card in a white envelope. Separate each element by a comma.​



PW, BW,  GW, PY,  BY, GY

Step-by-step explanation:

We need to determine the sample space

pink(P), blue (B), and green (G) cards,   (W) and yellow (Y) envelopes

Each color card can match with each color envelope

Start with the white envelopes and each color card

and then the yellow envelopes with each color card



commission received


Yes commission has been received


Commission Received refers to a percentage amount received by the company (or) an individual on the total sales incurred. It is an indirect income/revenue recorded on the credit side of profit and loss account.

Step-by-step explanation:

mark me brainliest if my answer is correct

A box contains 100 tickets labeled with numbers. The average of the labels is 14 and the SD of the labels is 8.2. Eighteen tickets will be drawn independently at random with replacement from the box. The chance that the absolute value of the difference between the sample sum of the labels on the tickets and 252 does not exceed 278.32 is: __________



at most

Step-by-step explanation:

The sample drawn from the population is a relative representation not the absolute representation. The box has 100 tickets in it and sample of tickets is selected to identify difference between sample sum and 252. The at most value for the sample sum can be 278.32 and value cannot exceed beyond this.

Help with this please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



A is the correct answer :)



Step-by-step explanation:

checking if A is correct, if we get x as 76 then it is correct

if 5miles = 8 kilometers

47.5 miles= x

that is



cross multiply




there fore A is correct

checking if B is correct, if we get x as 86 then it is correct

if 5miles = 8 kilometers

52.5 miles= x

that is



cross multiply




therefore B is incorrect

checking if C is correct, if we get x as 34 then it is correct

if 5miles = 8 kilometers

22.5 miles=x

that is



Cross multiply




therefore C is incorrect

checking if D is correct, if we get x as 22 then it is correct

if 5miles = 8 kilometers

12.5miles = x

that is





x= 20

Which of the following theorems verifies that ANPO- AXYZ?


AA, cause they’ve given you two angles already
AA, both angles were given

Intelligence quotients (IQs) on the Stanford-Binet intelligence test are normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 16.

Use the 68-95-99.7

Rule to find the percentage of people with IQs between 84 and 116.



Approximately 68% of people have IQs between 84 and 116.

Step-by-step explanation:

The Empirical Rule states that, for a normally distributed random variable:

Approximately 68% of the measures are within 1 standard deviation of the mean.

Approximately 95% of the measures are within 2 standard deviations of the mean.

Approximately 99.7% of the measures are within 3 standard deviations of the mean.

In this problem, we have that:

Mean of 100, standard deviation of 16.

Percentage of people with IQs between 84 and 116.

84 = 100 - 16

116 = 100 + 16

So within 1 standard deviation of the mean, which, by the Empirical Rule, is approximately 68%.

An architect was designing a rectangular room with a length of 16 feet, a width of 14 feet,
and a height of 10 feet.
What is the volume, in cubic feet of the room?
Show your work
cubic feet
The architect changed his design and added 2 feet to the length and width of the room.
In cubic feet, how much greater is the volume of the room in his new design?
Show your work
cubic feet
Hurrryyy knowww



(1) 16 x 14 x 10 Room: 2240 ft^3.

(2) How much greater the 18 x 16 x 10 Room is: 640 ft^3.

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the volume of a given space, all we need to do is multiply length*width*height. In this case, the values are 16*14*10, which equals 2240 ft^3.

The changed design would have a volume of 18*16*10, which would equal 2880 ft^3.

To find the difference in volume between the two rooms, all we have to do is subtract the smaller room from the bigger room. 2880 - 2240 = 640 ft^3.

PLS HELP !! Is the following a fair sampling of the contents of the jar? Why?

Pour a 2” layer of lentils into a jar. Then pour a 2” layer of kidney beans into the jar. Then pour a 2” layer of pinto beans into the jar. Stir the contents of the jar well. Then pull out a handful of beans.


6layers of beans because

Because the​ P-value is ____ than the significance level 0.05​, there ____ sufficient evidence to support the claim that there is a linear correlation between lemon imports and crash fatality rates for a significance level of α= 0.05.

Do the results suggest that imported lemons cause car​fatalities?

a. The results suggest that an increase in imported lemons causes car fatality rates to remain the same.
b. The results do not suggest any​ cause-effect relationship between the two variables.
c. The results suggest that imported lemons cause car fatalities.
d. The results suggest that an increase in imported lemons causes in an increase in car fatality rates.



H0 : correlation is equal to 0

H1 : correlation is not equal to 0 ;

Pvalue < α ;

There is sufficient evidence

r = 0.945 ;

Pvalue = 0.01524

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data :

Lemon_Imports_(x) Crash_Fatality_Rate_(y)

230 15.8

264 15.6

359 15.5

482 15.3

531 14.9

Using technology :

The regression equation obtained is :

y = 16.3363-0.002455X

Where, slope = - 0.002455 ; Intercept = 16.3363

The Correlation Coefficient, r = 0.945

H0 : correlation is equal to 0

H1 : correlation is not equal to 0 ;

The test statistic, T:

T = r / √(1 - r²) / (n - 2)

n = 5 ;

T = 0.945 / √(1 - 0.945²) / (5 - 2)

T = 0.945 / 0.1888341

T = 5.00439

The Pvalue = 0.01524

Since Pvalue < α ; Reject the Null and conclude that there is sufficient evidence to support the claim.

Find y' for the following. ​



[tex]\displaystyle y' = \frac{\sqrt{y} + y}{4\sqrt{x}y \Big( y^\Big{\frac{3}{2}} + \sqrt{y} + 2y \Big) + \sqrt{x} + x}[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:



DerivativesDerivative Notation

Derivative Property [Multiplied Constant]:                                                           [tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx} [cf(x)] = c \cdot f'(x)[/tex]

Derivative Property [Addition/Subtraction]:                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}[f(x) + g(x)] = \frac{d}{dx}[f(x)] + \frac{d}{dx}[g(x)][/tex]

Basic Power Rule:

f(x) = cxⁿf’(x) = c·nxⁿ⁻¹

Derivative Rule [Quotient Rule]:                                                                           [tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx} [\frac{f(x)}{g(x)} ]=\frac{g(x)f'(x)-g'(x)f(x)}{g^2(x)}[/tex]

Derivative Rule [Chain Rule]:                                                                                 [tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}[f(g(x))] =f'(g(x)) \cdot g'(x)[/tex]

Implicit Differentiation

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle \frac{\sqrt{x} + 1}{\sqrt{y} + 1} = y^2[/tex]

Step 2: Differentiate

Implicit Differentiation:                                                                                 [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} \bigg[ \frac{\sqrt{x} + 1}{\sqrt{y} + 1} \bigg] = \frac{dy}{dx}[ y^2][/tex]Quotient Rule:                                                                                               [tex]\displaystyle \frac{(\sqrt{x} + 1)'(\sqrt{y} + 1) - (\sqrt{y} + 1)'(\sqrt{x} + 1)}{(\sqrt{y} + 1)^2} = \frac{dy}{dx}[ y^2][/tex]Rewrite:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{(x^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)'(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1) - (y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)'(x^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)}{(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)^2} = \frac{dy}{dx}[ y^2][/tex]Basic Power Rule [Addition/Subtraction, Chain Rule]:                               [tex]\displaystyle \frac{\frac{1}{2}x^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1) - \frac{1}{2}y^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}y'(x^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)}{(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)^2} = 2yy'[/tex]Factor:                                                                                                           [tex]\displaystyle \frac{\frac{1}{2} \bigg[ x^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1) - y^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}y'(x^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1) \bigg] }{(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)^2} = 2yy'[/tex]Rewrite:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{x^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1) - y^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}y'(x^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)}{2(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)^2} = 2yy'[/tex]Rewrite:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle x^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1) - y^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}y'(x^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)}= 4yy'(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)^2[/tex]Isolate y' terms:                                                                                             [tex]\displaystyle x^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1) = 4yy'(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)^2 + y^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}y'(x^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)}[/tex]Factor:                                                                                                           [tex]\displaystyle x^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1) = y' \bigg[ 4y(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)^2 + y^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}(x^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)} \bigg][/tex]Isolate y':                                                                                                       [tex]\displaystyle \frac{x^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)}{4y(y^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)^2 + y^\Big{\frac{-1}{2}}(x^\Big{\frac{1}{2}} + 1)} = y'[/tex]Rewrite/Simplify:                                                                                           [tex]\displaystyle y' = \frac{\sqrt{y} + y}{4\sqrt{x}y \Big( y^\Big{\frac{3}{2}} + \sqrt{y} + 2y \Big) + \sqrt{x} + x}[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit: Differentiation

Book: College Calculus 10e

Vertical plane R intersects horizontal plane P. Points D, and B are on the line of the intersecting planes. Point F is on the top half of plane R. Point G is on the bottom half of plane G. Point C is on the left half of plane P. Point E is on the right side of plane P. There is a line formed between points C and E. Point H to above and to the right of the planes. Point L is below and to the left of the planes.
The intersection of plane R and plane P is


is not on plane P.

Line C E and Line D B intersect at point



The intersection of plane R and plane P is line DB

Point H is not on plane P.

CE and DB intersect at point D


got it right on edge 2021 :)


there right^

Step-by-step explanation:

edge 22

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Please help will make brainlyestIt's time to move, and you need to give the movers directions. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences in order to tell the movers and which rooms to place certain items. Remember to include the appropriate definite articles. One-third of a number when subtracted from double of itself is equal to 10. Find the number.2xx3=10X=? I need help on this question pls what is 14.005 as a fraction what is liquid pressure and its si unit? HELPPPPPPPPPP HELPPPPPP What does the greater unit rate or slope mean in terms of the situation? What can you conclude from this? Identify the speaker and context/meaning of the following quote: " I liked old Morrow's mother".Plss no links and this is from Catcher in the Rye chapter 8 Please help me its due in 2 mins The vertex form of the equation of a vertical parabola is given by , where (h, k) is the vertex of the parabola and the absolute value of p is the distance from the vertex to the focus, which is also the distance from the vertex to the directrix. You will use the GeoGebra geometry tool to create a vertical parabola and write the vertex form of its equation. Open GeoGebra, and complete each step below. If you need help, follow these instructions for using GeoGebra. Mark the focus of the parabola you are going to create at F(6, 4). Draw a horizontal line that is 6 units below the focus. This line will be the directrix of your parabola. What is the equation of the line?Part FWhat is the value of p for your parabola?Font SizesCharacters used: 0 / 15000Part GBased on your responses to parts C and E above, write the equation of the parabola in vertex form. Show your work.Font SizesCharacters used: 0 / 15000Part HConstruct the parabola using the parabola tool in GeoGebra. Take a screenshot of your work, save it, and insert the image below.Font SizesCharacters used: 0 / 15000Part IOnce you have constructed the parabola, use GeoGebra to display its equation. In the space below, rearrange the equation of the parabola shown in GeoGebra, and check whether it matches the equation in the vertex form that you wrote in part G. Show your work.Font SizesCharacters used: 0 / 15000Part JTo practice writing the equations of vertical parabolas, write the equations of these parabolas in vertex form:focus at (-5, -3), and directrix y = -6focus at (10, -4), and directrix y = 6. Help! I need help with these two questions (10 points each!) Part BScientists have determined that the pH of seawater cant physically drop below approximately 7.9 because of its chemical properties. For this reason, some people argue that the term ocean acidification is not quite accurate. Do you agree? Explain your reasoning using the pH scale and these graphs showing the acidity trends in Bermuda, Hawaii, and the Canary Islands. Many immigrants at the turn of the twentieth century came to the United States to escape religious persecution in their homelands. This is an example of what concept?assimilationpush-pull factorcultural shocknativism !!I NEED THE ANSWER PLS!!Which of the following represents the divisor and the dividend for thesynthetic division problem below?- 3/ 2 4 -4 6A. -3 and -2x2 - 4x2 + 4x-6B. x+3 and -2x2 - 4x +47-6C. X+3 and 2x + 4x2 - 4x+6D. *-3 and 2x2 + 4x2 - 4x+6 Consider the following sequence: -5, -1, 3,...a. Is this sequence a arithmetic or geometric? How can you tell?b. Is 119 a term in this sequence? If so, what term is it? If not, why not? Explain completely. Instructions: Find the missing side. Round your answer to the nearesttenth.6319X = Help help help help The area of the surface of a pool table is 24 square feet. The perimeter is 22 feet. What are the dimensions of the pool table? Dickinson Company has $11,880,000 million in assets. Currently half of these assets are financed with long-term debt at 9.4 percent and half with common stock having a par value of $8. Ms. Smith, Vice-President of Finance, wishes to analyze two refinancing plans, one with more debt (D) and one with more equity (E). The company earns a return on assets before interest and taxes of 9.4 percent. The tax rate is 40 percent. Tax loss carryover provisions apply, so negative tax amounts are permissable.Under Plan D, a $2,970,000 million long-term bond would be sold at an interest rate of 11.4 percent and 371,250 shares of stock would be purchased in the market at $8 per share and retired.Under Plan E, 371,250 shares of stock would be sold at $8 per share and the $2,970,000 in proceedswould be used to reduce long-term debt.a. How would each of these plans affect earnings per share? Consider the current plan and the two new plans. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)Current Plan Plan D Plan EEarnings per share $ $ $ b-1. Compute the earnings per share if return on assets fell to 4.70 percent. (Leave no cells blank - be certain to enter "0" wherever required. Negative amounts should be indicated by a minus sign. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)Current Plan Plan D Plan EEarnings per share $ $ $ b-2. Which plan would be most favorable if return on assets fell to 4.70 percent? Consider the current plan and the two new plans.Current PlanPlan EPlan Db-3. Compute the earnings per share if return on assets increased to 14.4 percent. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)Current Plan Plan D Plan EEarnings per share $ $ $ b-4. Which plan would be most favorable if return on assets increased to 14.4 percent? Consider the current plan and the two new plans.Current PlanPlan EPlan Dc-1. If the market price for common stock rose to $12 before the restructuring, compute the earnings per share. Continue to assume that $2,970,000 million in debt will be used to retire stock in Plan D and $2,970,000 million of new equity will be sold to retire debt in Plan E. Also assume that return on assets is 9.4 percent. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)Current Plan Plan D Plan EEarnings per share $ $ $ c-2. If the market price for common stock rose to $12 before the restructuring, which plan would then be most attractive?Current PlanPlan DPlan E what must be added 5x-2x+3x+7 to get 7x+7x-5