Part B
Scientists have determined that the pH of seawater can’t physically drop below approximately 7.9 because of its chemical properties. For this reason, some people argue that the term “ocean acidification” is not quite accurate. Do you agree? Explain your reasoning using the pH scale and these graphs showing the acidity trends in Bermuda, Hawaii, and the Canary Islands.


Answer 1


The word acidification can be misleading because a pH of 7.9 is still considered slightly alkaline. However, as the graphs in these three locations show, as CO2 rises, the pH drops, moving in the direction of the acidic end of the pH scale.


Answer 2

“Ocean acidification” is occurs in various parts of the world.

I don't agree with the statement that “ocean acidification” is not quite accurate because it happened due to more release of carbondioxide gas in the atmosphere which is dissolved in the ocean or sea water.

When the carbondioxide gas dissolved in water, it produces carbonic acid which definitely changes the pH of the ocean water tends to acidic so in my opinion ocean acidification occurs in various parts of the world.

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Hibernation is _______.






the condition or period of an animal or plant spending the Winter in a dormant state.

what is meant by photosynthesis​



Photosynthesis is a physio-chemical process by which green plants use light energy to drive the synthesis of organic compounds. It is an enzyme regulated anabolic process.



During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) from the air and soil. ... This transforms the water into oxygen and the carbon dioxide into glucose. The plant then releases the oxygen back into the air, and stores energy within the glucose molecules.

A biochemist discovers several new microorganisms in a sample taken from the bottom of a deep lake in Antarctica. In characterizing one of these organisms, she finds that it cannot survive in an aerobic environment and produces lactic acid as a waste product. What is also likely true about this organism



These organisms can live in anaerobic conditions.


These organisms can live in anaerobic conditions due to death occur in the presence of oxygenated environment or aerobic environment because these organisms are allergic oxygen and open environment. They have to be cultured and colonized in anaerobic condition means without the presence of oxygen so we can say that these organisms lives anaerobically.

14. Brainstorm and write at least 3 potential challenges or important points to consider when conducting the described
data collection.


When conducting an experiment, there are different aspects to consider, such as the question that drives to the reseach, the hypothesis, theoretical framework, variables involved -independent, dependent, and controll-, methodology, study groups, data analisys, among others.    

In the exposed example, Pincky is lacking theoretical framework, defining which are the study groups, methodology to collect data, and a description of data analysis.


The scientific method is a research method that consists of systematic observations, measures, experimentation, analysis, and verification of a hypothesis. It is based on two aspects: reproducibility, which is the capability of reproducing the experiment in any other place by any researcher, and refutability, which is the susceptibility to be refused.

When conducting an experiment, you need to consider,

Definition and problem statement. The question for which there is not an answer yet.

Hypothesis formulation. A hypothesis is a scientific conjecture, not verified, that requires corroboration.

Data collection and analysis. This step involves testing the observations.


Verification of hypothesis. This step involves the deriving of the working hypothesis.

Discussion and Conclusion.

Previous knowledge about the study object is always required for a better understandig.  A question the investigator wants to answer. The main goal of the study, which is basically what the investigator wants to find out. The researcher makes a hypothesis to predict what is going to happen. The experiment is to be performed to answer the question. The conclusions through which the hypothesis might be rejected or accepted.


So in this experiment there must be,

Theoretical framework, such as information about the species, life stage at which they begin chirping, about external factors that might affect it or benefit it, and etcetera.

The goal: To know how temperature affects cricket´s chirping

Hypothesis: Crickets chirp less frequently under cold temperature than under warm temperature.

Variables: Temperature → Independent

                 Chirp frequency → Dependent

                 Water and food supply, light exposure, refuge → Controlled

Study groups: group of crickets exposed to a warmer temperature

                        group of crickets exposed to a colder temperature

Methodology: Individuals analyzed should be in the same development stage, or at least be sexually mature. Two groups of 10 individuals each should be placed under the same conditions, excepting for temperature. One of the groups should be exposed to warmer temperatures and the other one to lower temperatures. Chirps should be recorded for a week.

Data analysis: Using the chirps records, the frequency can be measured for each group. Results should be compared using different statistical analyses.

Results: Results should be clearly exposed, using texts, charts, and graphs.

Discussion and Conclusion: Hypothesis acceptance or rejection. Discussion about the expected results against the observed ones.


Related link:

Fatty acids are the building blocks of(1 point)


amino acids




Fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids:)

Fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids


Lipids are one of the four major biological molecules in nature (the other three are proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids).

Lipids are organic compounds that are generally characterized by their insolubility in water.


Lipids, like every other biological molecule, are polymeric compounds i.e. they are made up of smaller monomeric units. The monomers that make up lipids are called FATTY ACIDS.

Therefore, fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids.

Learn more:

an experiment is replicable if different scientist can do the experiment and get the same results true or false​





if multiple scientist do the same thing that means they are replicating the experiment

The statement "An experiment is replicable if a different scientist can do the experiment and get the same results" is definitely true.

What is a scientific experiment?

A scientific experiment may be defined as a complete set of procedures that are carried out under controlled conditions in order to determine the validity and accuracy of a hypothesis or construct a discovery.

If multiple scientists construct the same hypothesis and perform identical research and received the same results. It implies that they are just replicating the same experiment number of times.

But the only difference is that they understand different things and methodology very closely based on such outcomes. This gives each scientist a sense of special perception based on facts and evidence.

Therefore, the statement "An experiment is replicable if a different scientist can do the experiment and get the same results" is definitely true.

To learn more about Scientific experiments, refer to the link:


What is the definition of gene flow?



the transfer of genetic material from one population to another


Gene flow is also known as gene migration. It is the transfer of genetic material from one population to another.

help with the answer



last answer


epithelial tissue is a network of cells that lines your organs

wirte 2 slogans on 'need to conserve nature? ​



Tree planting is the safest solution to pollution. Save the earth, save our environment. Don't be cruel, conserve your fuel.



1. Save plants, save nature

2. Don't let mother nature become a "once upon time"

Describe what makes the Möbius strip different from a strip of paper taped in a circle


It’s taped in the opposite direction, making a Möbius strip.

Jenna's pencil fell off of her desk and she quickly reached down to catch it before it hit the ground. In the process the



The complete question with its options is:

Jenna's pencil fell off of her desk and she quickly reached down to catch it before it hit the ground. In the process, the (1)_____ system first recognized the falling pencil. It sent signals to the (2)______ system, which then moved the components of the(3) _____ system in order to catch the pencil.


(1) 1. Nervous 2. Muscular 3. Skeletal

(2) 1. Nervous 2. Muscular 3. Skeletal

(3) 1. Skeletal 2. Digestive 3. Nervous

The answer is:

Jenna's pencil fell off of her desk and she quickly reached down to catch it before it hit the ground. In the process, the (1) Nervous system first recognized the falling pencil. It sent signals to the (2) Muscular system, which then moved the components of the(3) Skeletal system in order to catch the pencil.


The nervous system receives the signal that the pencil is falling. In other words, Jenna sees or feels that the pencil falls, so the senses send a signal to the nervous system to produce a response. We call this a stimuli. Once that the nervous system receives and processes the stimuli, it elaborates an answer. The answer is to send a signal to a group of muscles that will move certain bones to make the movement that will catch the pencil. The muscles are from the muscular system, and they are attached to the bones, which are part of the skeletal system. When the muscles contract, they move the bones and make the movement possible.

Why is the sequence of amino acids important to the properties of a protein?

It provides structural support; the structure determines the function.
It retains and transmits important biological information.
It stores energy and provides covering to avoid water loss.
It stores energy and provides structural support for cells.



it provides structural support, the structure determines the function


it provides structural support, the structure determines the function


took the test and I got it right :) happy learning everyone

When calcium carbonate is heated, it
decomposes into calcium oxide and carbon
dioxide. If 100 g of calcium carbonate are
decomposed, 56 g of calcium oxide is produced.
What would be the mass of the carbon dioxide
given off by the decomposition?
A. 448
B. 110 g
C. 156 g



A. 44 g


First, you need to write a balanced equation:

CaCO₃ -> CaO + CO₂

Then, you need to find the molar mass of CaCO₃:

Ca = 40.078 amu

C = 12.0107 amu

3O = 47.9982 amu


100.0869 amu

Then, you calculate the moles of CaCO₃:

100 g ÷ 100.0869 amu = 0.9991 moles

In the balanced equation, we can see that the molar ratio of CaCO₃ and CO₂ is 1 : 1, so moles of CaCO₃ = moles of CO₂.

Now you need to find the molar mass of CO₂:

C = 12.0107 amu

2O = 31.9988 amu


44.0095 amu

Finally, you can calculate the mass of CO₂ produced:

0.9991 moles * 44.0095 amu = 43.9698 g = 44 g

A child is suffering from fever but the doctor cannot immediately pinpoint the ailment on the basis of this one symptom. Explain why. Also mention another two such general symptoms.​


the child can also have sore and or maybe stomach problems. it can be indigestion

so there are various conditions one can go through and this may take time for a doctor to discover or bring to light the medical condition that the person I'd goin thru


please notify me if I'm incorrect

During starch test why is leaf boiled in ethanol?
A) to kill its Protoplasm
B) to soften it
C) to extract its chlorophyll
D) to retain its starch



think its C cause when you boil it almost loses all its colour

diffrences between pine tree and mango tree​


well ones a pine tree, and ones a mango tree


A:pine tree is also know as Christmas tree


B:mango tree is broad andextremly big

What does an Electrocardiogram do?
A. Measures the electrical activity of a heart by measuring the current in the skin above it.
B. Pill that contains 3 grams of electrochemical material that helps keep the electrical current in the heart balanced.
C. Measures how much electrical current can be passed through a heart before it stops beating.
D. Restarts the heart by sending an electrical pulse through it.



It actually measures the electrical activity


They are sticky wires that they put on your arms and chest etc

Electrocardiogram measures how much electrical current can be passed through a heart before it stops beating. The correct option is C.

What is electrocardiogram?

An electrocardiogram is a simple test that can be employed to check the rhythm and electronics activity of your heart. Sensors connected to the skin detect the electrical signals generated by your heart every time it beats.

The electrical signals in the heart are recorded by an electrocardiogram. It's a prevalent and painless test for detecting heart problems and monitoring heart health.

An electrocardiogram, also known as an ECG, is frequently performed in a doctor's office, clinic, or hospital room.

It is a heart electrogram, which is a chart of voltage over time of the electrical activity of the heart recorded with electrodes placed on the skin.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding electrocardiogram, visit:


describe the stages in the process of selective breeding​



Selective breeding takes place over many generations. These are the main steps for both plants and animals involve:

Decide which characteristics are important enough to select.Choose parents that show these characteristics from a mixed population. They are bred together.Choose the best offspring with the desired characteristics to produce the next generation.Repeat the process continuously over many generations, until all offspring show the desired characteristics.

Hope this answer helps you..!!



Select this answer as the BRAINLIEST!!


I think the answer is Selective breeding takes place over many generations. These are the main steps for both plants and animals involve:

Decide which characteristics are important enough to select.

Choose parents that show these characteristics from a mixed population. They are bred together.

Choose the best offspring with the desired characteristics to produce the next generation.

Repeat the process continuously over many generations, until all offspring show the desired characteristics.

Hope this answer helps you ^^

Why are coral reefs important to ocean life? Coral reefs take carbon dioxide out of the water and secrete it into their skeletons. Corals provide an important cleaning function by filtering debris from the water. Corals are an important link in the benthic food chain. Coral reefs provide food, shelter, and breeding grounds for thousands of marine organisms. Coral reefs grow upward to near sea level, providing shallow zones for benthic organisms.


Coral reefs are important becase they provide an important ecosystem for underwater life, they also not only protect the underwater world but also are safety as well it works as a buffer and it protects are coasts form waves , storms, and floods. Also the coral reefs themselves teem with diverse life thousands can be found in just one reef.

Question 4
What happens to the host cell at the end of the lytic cycle?
the cell breaks open and releases the new viruses
viral DNA combines with host DNA
the host cell divides normally and reproduces viral DNA along with it's own
new viruses are made inside the bacterial cell



In the lytic cycle, a phage acts like a typical virus: it hijacks its host cell and uses the cell's resources to make lots of new phages, causing the cell to lyse (burst) and die in the process.


Hope this helps.

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones and leads to an increase in bone fractures. Osteoporosis is most likely
to be affected by which cycle?



osteoporosis is most likely to be affected by phosphorus.

I hope this helps

trong chương trình lớp 7 các em đã học các ngành động vật nào?



what's this can u explain me in hindi pls

Question 8 of 10
A biologist measures the allele frequencies of pea plants in a very controlled
environment. The plants can either have a dominant tall allele (7) or a
recessive short allele (t). Which of the following would be a reason that this
population is not at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
O A. There are no mutations in the alleles for height.
B. Tall plants are more likely to survive.
O c. All of the pea plants reproduce exactly once.
O D. The pea flowers are pollinated at random.



 C. Tall plants are more likely to survive (


b) Describe two measures each to conserve natural vegetation and wildlife, Class 8 - Geography - Unit 1 betwen 90to100 words​



Afforestation and national sanctuaries are two measures each to conserve natural vegetation and wildlife.


The natural vegetation and wildlife restoration is one of the main concerns that are essential for the development and growth of a country's biodiversity. Due to human land-use changes and migration of people, from one place to another with their cattle, lands are becoming deserted and grassland and forest land are declining.  

So, we need to plant more trees that act as the natural habitat for the wildlife and preserve and conserve them in parks and sanctuaries which will help reduce the impacts of global warming and climate change. We should not kill any animal.We should decrease the use of plastics.

hello anyone online

answer me​


No definitely not online

There are multiple lines of evidence that provide support for common ancestry and evolution. Write 3-4 paragraphs
describing at least three of them in detail. Provide at least one example for each line of evidence.
<< Read Less



Here's a better answer.

There are multiple lines of evidence that provide support for common ancestry and evolution; this would be homologous features of anatomy and embryology and fossil records.

In comparative anatomy, there are many similarities between species because all life is related. Homology is similarities seen because of the ancestry of features or genes in an organism. Similarities can show descent from common ancestors and similarities can be seen in body structures, development, and DNA. Homologous structures are similar traits found in two different species that are the result of having a common ancestor. These structures are similar but may have different functions. An example of this might be the homologous structures in the limbs of humans, cats, whales, and birds. And then there are analogous structures, which similarly is that the structure of different species are similar because the trait is advantageous, not because they are related. An example of this is sharks and dolphins having similar fins. Along with anatomy is Embryology. Different species can have similar embryos because they come from a common ancestor. They may start with the same developmental plan but change drastically as they grow up. An example of this is seen in the early stages of development between fish and chicken embryos.

Next up, the fossil record provides evidence that supports common ancestry and evolution.  The fossil record provides us with visual evidence for evolution. The fossil record directly allows us to pinpoint if there are any similar structures amongst organisms and see if there are any vestigial structures from ancestors that remain in organisms that still roam today. The fossil record depicts evolutionary change over the past four billion years, which can be seen through transitional forms, increasing complexity of life, and geographical distribution. Transitional forms are fossils that show intermediate states between an ancestral species and its evolutionary descendants. Increasing complexity is seen as life on earth becomes more complex. That and geographic distribution which has been studied closely and found that the continents have moved over time and that the fossil record reflects this movement. Fossils of different animals can be found on different continents around the world due to continental drift.


The various pieces of evidence that support common ancestry are homologous organs, fossil records and embryological studies.

What is common ancestry?

The phrase "common descent" in evolutionary biology refers to a particular group of species' shared ancestry. The creation of new species from an original population is a component of common descent. Two creatures are considered to be closely related if they have a recent common ancestor.

In contrast, molecular genetic techniques can also be used to establish shared ancestry from a single universal ancestor of all living things. Natural selection and other factors, such geographic isolation, are considered to have contributed to many speciation episodes during this development from a universal common ancestor.

According to the common ancestry idea, every living thing descended from a single progenitor. Hence, the Theory of Common Descent contributes to our understanding of why traits in species living in different geographic regions vary, why some traits are highly conserved across broad animal classifications (such as vertebrates or tetrapods), why seemingly unrelated species (such as birds and reptiles) share hereditary physical and genetic traits, and why successfully adapted organisms typically have more offspring.

Therefore, embryological studies, fossil studies and homologous organs can help in the study of common ancestry.

Read more about common ancestry, here


What is an example of a direct effect that would result from an increase in deer mouse in this food web


Answer: increase in predator population.

Explanation: mouse deer are prey for some animals like tigers. So if their population increased, the tiger's also will or the predators'. Then it will immediately be followed by a decrease in both the prey and the predator's population.

The meaning of the term ionic bond


It is a type of bond that takes place between positively and negatively charged ions. Example on that is sodium chloride


A type of Chemical Bonding that includes electrostatic attraction between opposite ions.


Ionic bonds are the attraction of two opposite ions.

An ion is an atom that has a net electric charge.

albinism is an inherited condition in which pigment does not develop in the skin, hair, and eyes.

the allele for albinism is recessive.

what are the chances of albino parents having an albino child?

a) 0% b) 25% c) 75% d) 100%





i'm sure its 25% chance of albino parents having albino child

Explain why your model improves upon the student’s original model. How would your model help someone who was learning about photosynthesis for the first time? Plato question



Due to inclusion of more steps of photosynthesis.


My model is more advance than the student's original model which provides more information about the process of photosynthesis to the learners by explaining various parts of photosynthesis. My model presents the various steps of photosynthesis in a very efficient way with the help of including some extra parts. The student's original model is not more advance so it can't provides more information about the process of photosynthesis so that's why my model provides more information about photosynthesis.


This model shows all the major molecules involved in the Calvin cycle and how they change at each stage of the process. This added detail would clarify that the Calvin cycle is a series of complex steps. The student’s original model didn’t show this breakdown at all, and it shows only the final products. This model also shows the number of each molecule created, which the original model doesn’t do.

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