Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me, that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival.

Which of the following best describes Douglass’s word choice in this excerpt?

A. pleasant

B. clever

C. casual

D. lighthearted


Answer 1


B. Clever


He uses very intelligent words that are not in the average human's vocabulary.

Answer 2


B) clever


Dude on top was right

Related Questions

Part C
Next, you'll write a comparison of rhetoric in Stanton’s speech "A Plea for the Oppressed" and Lewis's speech at the King Memorial groundbreaking. First, plan out your analysis by answering the questions in the table.

“A Plea for the Oppressed” by Lucy Stanton
What is the speaker’s purpose or point of view?​
What is a rhetorical appeal that Stanton makes to advance her purpose or point of view?​
How does Stanton use a rhetorical device to advance her purpose or point of view?
Reformers should all work together to end slavery.​
Stanton uses a logos appeal to show that the rationale for ending slavery aligns perfectly with their own values​.
Stanton uses an extended metaphor that compares slavery to war to show that peace activists must support the abolition of slavery.
Comparing Rhetoric in Stanton’s “A Plea for the Oppressed” and Lewis’s “Speech at the King Memorial Groundbreaking”
How does Stanton’s rhetoric compare with Lewis’s? Lewis has built-in ethos as a representative and friend of King’s. Stanton cannot rely on ethos as much but makes a persuasive case through logos.



A Plea for the Oppressed” by Lucy Stanton

What is the speaker’s purpose or point of view?

What is a rhetorical appeal that Stanton makes to advance her purpose or point of view?

How does Stanton use a rhetorical device to advance her purpose or point of view?

Reformers should all work together to end slavery.

Stanton uses a logos appeal to show that the rationale for ending slavery aligns perfectly with their own values.

Stanton uses an extended metaphor that compares slavery to war to show that peace activists must support the abolition of slavery.

Comparing Rhetoric in Stanton’s “A Plea for the Oppressed” and Lewis’s “Speech at the King Memorial Groundbreaking”

How does Stanton’s rhetoric compare with Lewis’s? Lewis has built-in ethos as a representative and friend of King’s. Stanton cannot rely on ethos as much but makes a persuasive case through logos.


In two speeches, delivered 150 years apart, two activists use rhetoric to advocate for basic human dignity. Here is how their rhetorical strategies compare.

Stanton’s Logos Appeal. In “A Plea for the Oppressed,” Lucy Stanton’s purpose is to convince her audience that the fight to end to slavery is their fight. One of most effective parts of her speech is her logos appeal to reformers in the audience, such as those in the peace movement. She connects their cause to the cause of abolition in a powerful extended metaphor that begins, “Slavery is the combination of all crime. It is War.” Showing the logical connection between war and slavery makes it difficult for peace activists to fail to support abolition.

Lewis’s Ethos Appeal. Representative John Lewis’s purpose in his speech at the King Memorial groundbreaking is to remind the nation that King’s work is unfinished. His primary appeal is ethos. He is able to make this appeal by drawing on his position as a popular representative, a leader of the civil rights movement, and a personal friend of Martin Luther King’s. In a series of parallel phrases, Lewis establishes that he and King were very close. The anecdote Lewis recalls about being a teenager in the segregated South, and the impact of hearing King on the radio, adds a strong emotional appeal to the ethical one as Lewis calls for the next generation to carry on King’s legacy. He is uniquely qualified to commemorate King.

The different appeals each speaker emphasizes reflects their status. Stanton was young graduate, and Lewis was a revered politician. Both weave all three appeals into their speeches, but only Lewis can lean heavily on the ethical appeal.


Plato answer so use quillbot to rephrase it.

Explain the entry qualification with study duration for engineering and architecture.​



A student seeking to study engineering and architecture in the university is expected to have;

1. At least 2 to 3 A Levels

2. 5 GCSE's (Maths, English, and Sciences inclusive) with grades A* to C

The study duration for these courses is 5 years of undergraduate study.


Engineering and Architecture are courses that blend science and technology. Students seeking to gain admission to these courses must have a good knowledge of Math, English, Physics, and Computer Science. Excellent grades ranging from A to C are required. Advanced Level courses are also required.

In the university, at least 2 years are dedicated to practical training, another 2 years for full-time courses in the university. A final exam is then taken to certify students. The degree conferred should be recognized by the Architects Registration Board.


This is the answer of engineering

Which group is most likely planning to participate in a formal discussion



public policy planners

This should be correct

Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


1. She brushes her teeth in the evening.
2.He works in a modern glass building .
3.The film finishes at four o’clock in the evening.
4. My niece studies Science at University.
5. My brother goes to the mountains every weekend.
The answer above me is correct!
The above answer is correct
The above answer is correct.

Define income in your own words. (3-4 sentences)



Income is money what an individual or business receives in exchange for providing labor, producing a good or service, or through investing capital. Individuals most often earn income through wages or salary. Businesses earn income from selling goods or services above their cost of production

who is your boss in your family?





what is the theme of "freeing the pike" short story by Richard Wagamese



Nature as beauty


In this story, the author narrated the story of a young boy who was drawn to nature and its beauty. He would often go to the river bank to meditate in the quieteness of the atmosphere. The young boy also told of an experience in the past when members of his family challenged him to catch a fish. Alone, he went to the river and successfully caught the fish but his love for the struggling fish that was about to lose its life, made him to send the fish back into its habitat.

The boy greatly treasured nature and this was in contrast to the people he lived with.

Can Modal verbs be used in Conditional sentences except for Would??​



Sure, for example..

If the weather is sunny, I'll have to go for a walk

When I do my homework, I'll may go to see my friends

Wise money management
Question 7 options:


helps you make the most of the money you have.


results in an increase in your allowance or wages.


reduces the need for bank accounts.


makes saving unnecessary.



A) helps you make the most of the money you have.

Hope this Helps!! :))

Your money will always be in good shape if you consistently spend less than you make. Recognize the difference between needs and wants, adhere to your budget, and avoid taking on extra debt. It really is that easy. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the main impact of Wise money management?

Once you begin managing your finances, you'll have a better idea of where and how you're spending your money. By doing so, you could be able to keep to your budget and perhaps increase your savings.

Your company credit score and your capacity to obtain credit in the future may suffer if you don't pay your payments on time. Additionally, it can have a bad impact on the prices you would be given.

If your debt-paying difficulties persist, you can be subject to legal action or perhaps insolvency.

Therefore, By engaging in strong personal finance management, you can learn to manage your money effectively and achieve your financial goals.

Learn more about money management here:



write a letter to your friend telling him about market you intend doing to develop your town​




Letter writing to a friend telling him about my plans as the new chief of my hometown.


ABC Plaza Road


21 May 2017

My dear best friend Mike,

I hope you are doing well. I am also doing fine by the grace of God. And I also have some news to share with you.

Recently, I have been appointed the chief of my hometown, which was a huge deal for me. I have numerous plans to make my town a bit more developed and operational in all stages. So, I planned to ensure that the school buildings are reconstructed as the present one is barely standing on its own. Moreover, I wanted to ensure that all children are made to attend the school as I want to make sure that the children stay educated, at least to some extend. And, most of all, I want to promote the various skills of the town folks and ensure that they have some form of income source.

These are some of the plans that I have developed, which I hope, I can do so.

Take care and will see you soon.



Can you do this question?


What can you use water for? - Showering, Farming, Cooking

What can you eat for dinner? - Tomatoes, Rice, Noodles

Things that are naturally red? - Tomatoes, Roses, Watermelon

Words that begin with sun-? - Sunday, Sunshine, Sunlight

Words that begin with sp-? - Spoon, Spine, Spin

Types of Transportation? - Train, Car, Boat

Words that end with -ment? - Moment, Pavement, Accomplishment

Things with a screen? - Phone, TV, Tablet

Words that start with re? - Rewind, Restart, Refill

Kings of trees? - Oak Trees, Spruce Trees, Red Wood Trees

Pets? - Dogs, Cats, Fish

Things in the bathroom? - Sink, Toilet, Mirror

Circular Things? - Bottles, Lamps, Pencils

White Things? - Sugar, Salt, Tissues

What can you do to your hair? - Curl it, Straighten it, Clean it

what’s the answer to this




the answer Is C because miss represents something and Rosie represents so something that you loose focus on

hello i......10 year old


hii! okhshdhdhffhfj




hello nice to meet u

what is the tone in "the man in the arena" by By Theodore Roosevelt




He has a powerful sympathy for those who try and don't make it the first or second or even the 12th time. His tone applauds him for trying even though the results may be bloody and sweaty.

He chooses this man over anyone who is neither successful at the task nor even willing to try. Better to fail than not to participate at all.

What is the theme of "Fighter" by Walter Dean Myers?
respond with 2 RACE paragraphs.



Social injustice/police brutality. Value of life


Social injustice, police brutality and value of life are the important components of the theme of the short story ''fighter'' which is written by Walter Dean Myers. In this short story he writes about the injustice that happen in the society as well as the aggressive behaviour of the police which leads to police brutality.

In this story, he describes the importance of life and its value to the reader. In such type of society there is no value of life of the people, killings are normal thing that occurs or happens in such type of society.

Can someone help me please



7. A, 8. H


7. A

you can simplify the sentence as

The disappearance (subject) remains (verb) a mystery.

8. H

you can simplify the sentence as

The sinking (subject) resulted (verb) in reforms.

what is ment by infactures of development​


Infrastructure development is the construction and improvement of foundational services with the goal of sparking economic growth and improvements in quality of life.

Hope this answer helps you..!!
It involves improvement of the quality of the various components of infrastructure, such as roads, power, ICT, water and sanitation.

describe how having grit, integrity, and a growth mindset contribute to your goal attainment


Grit, integrity, and a growth mindset can help you to attaining your goals through you working hard with grit, using your own work and skills with integrity, and believing you can do anything you want to with a growth mindset.

Grit, Integrity and growth mindset all the things should contributed in relation to an individual while attaining the career goals.

What is a goal?

Goal is referring to aim or ambition to which a person wants to become in his/her future life.

Grit is the stage of passion preserved for the goals which an individual wanted achieve in longer periods. It describes the determination towards the aim and ready for every hurdles to be faced while achieving them.Integrity is the state of being honest and loyal for the goal which a person have been set. It inculcates the abiding of all the moral principles and ethics in relation to the aim of life.Growth mindset is the state of mind of an individual where he /she wants to expand and develop his/her skills and abilities. It doesn't see the failures as  a downfall rather perceived them as the ladder towards the success.

Therefore, the attainment of goals can be done by grit , integrity and growth mindset.

Learn more about the academic integrity in the related link:



Question 26 (1 point)
By enclosing lines 6 to 11 in parentheses, the main impression that the
writer creates is one of
- an expression of excitement
- an act of reverence
- a humorous interjection
- a personal aside



- a personal aside


Lines 6-11 represent a personal aside. This part represents an interruption to the main speaker, either by the presence of another speaker, or an intrusive thought that the speaker himself had about the subject presented. This part shows a personal opinion and an argument about what is being presented. In this case, we can say that by placing these lines in parentheses, the poet signals that the lines represent an interruption, a personal aside.

how are restaurant promoted?​



One successful way to promote your restaurant business to a local market is to ask customers to sign up for a regular email through your website and when they dine with you. Use the email to showcase employees, new food items, discounts and other company-related news to keep your restaurant in front of your customers.

Which of the following sentence with an introductory phrase is punctuated correctly?
In the middle of the night Robert came up with a good idea for his next essay.
O In the middle of the night, Robert came up with a good idea for his next essay.
O In the middle of the night; Robert came up with a good idea for his next essay.
In the middle of the night, Robert came up with a good idea for his essay.
Use the following dictionary entry to answer the question below:



In the middle of the night Robert came up with a good idea for his next essay.

O In the middle of the night, Robert came up with a good idea for his next essay.

O In the middle of the night; Robert came up with a good idea for his next essay.

In the middle of the night, Robert came up with a good idea for his essay.


reading passages that ask what is the connotation of a word



The feelings that is felt when the word is used.


For example, when someone uses the word "odor" you're automatically thinking of the something smelling bad, on the other hand, when someone uses the word "aroma," you picture something that tastes good.

How does this interaction between Nora and the nurse affect the plot?

Nora discusses the nurse’s child with her, which creates conflict.
Nora thinks about leaving her own family, which builds suspense.
Nora thinks about leaving her own family, which reveals her motivations.
Nora is not on a first-name basis with her nurse, which reveals her personality.



Nora thinks about leaving her own family which builds suspense

Analyze The Grapes of Wrath
Which topic is explored in the intercalary chapters of The Grapes of Wrath?
A. The emotional journey of a man who has lost his farm
B. The problems one family faces during a drought
C. The causes of the Dust Bowl
D. The effects of the Great Depression



The effects of the Great Depression

The causes of the Dust Bowl is explored in the intercalary chapters of The Grapes of Wrath. The correct option is C.

What is The Grapes of Wrath about?

The Grapes of Wrath is a 1939 American realist novel written by John Steinbeck. The novel received both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for fiction.

The intercalary chapters in The Grapes of Wrath investigate the novel's broader social, historical, and economic context, which follows the Joad family as they migrate from Oklahoma to California during the Great Depression.

These chapters depict the causes and consequences of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression, as well as migrant workers' and other marginalized groups' experiences during this time period.

The intercalary chapters provide a broader perspective on the novel's events and serve to highlight the novel's themes of social justice, human dignity, and survival in difficult times.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding The Grapes of Wrath, visit:



What is the mood of a literary selection?
A the way a story's setting relates to its plot
B a feeling conveyed by the details in a story
C the attitude of the main character toward others
D how the writer feels when writing the story



Mood is a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through words and descriptions. As a literary device, mood is the emotional feeling or atmosphere that a work of literature produces in a reader.

A. Use a possessive pronoun from the box to complete each sentence. (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs) 1. I bought a new video game. It is _____________. 2. The jacket belongs to David. The jacket is _____________. 3. The cats belong to Mona and Sheila. The cats were _____________. 4. This telephone number belongs to Rupa. It is _____________. 5. You and I live in this house. The house is _____________. 6. My dog is bigger than your dog. The larger dog is _______​



1. I bought a new video game. It is mine. 2. The jacket belongs to David. The jacket is his. 3. The cats belong to Mona and Sheila. The cats were theirs. 4. This telephone number belongs to Rupa. It is hers. 5. You and I live in this house. The house is ours. 6. My dog is bigger than your dog. The larger dog is mine.​

Select the correct answer.
Choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence,
Toys of
are becoming more complicated.
O C.





because word children is more suitable than rest of those word.

A. Children

If you plug in any other words it wouldn’t make sense <3

sentences structure
Rewrite the following sentences using the linking words in the brackets

He left school without any qualification.However he's one of the richest people in the world(despite)​



Despite the fact that he left school without any qualification, he's one of the richest people in the world.


'Despite' is a conjunction and it is used to link two contrasting sentences.


Paine\'s line is an indirect reference to this line from the King James Bible: ...and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18) This technique is an example of the use of
A) alliteration.
B) allusion.
C) artistry.
D) assonance.



The answer is C : Artistry.

choose the odd one out in each group.​



1 i dont know

2. adventurous

3. cute

4. brave

5. i dont know

6. i dont know


Other Questions
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