

Answer 1




Two molecules of Hydrogen and one molecules of Oxygen, when mixed, create H₂O, or water. There is no scientific name for H₂O due to it's common name. It is just refereed to as "water" or H₂O.

Related Questions

Stalactites and stalagmites form as ________ precipitates out of the water evaporating in underground caves.


Stalactites and stalagmites form as ________ precipitates out of the water evaporating in underground caves.

Group of answer choices

hydrochloric acid

sodium bicarbonate

calcium carbonate

sodium chloride

sodium hydroxide


calcium carbonate


A stalactite is an icicle-looking mould that is formed by the precipitation of natural minerals as a result of water dripping from the ceiling, hanging from a cave.

A stalagmites in the other hand, grows upwards and is also a mound that is formed by the deposits of minerals gotten by the water dripping on the floor of a cave.

Therefore, stalactites and stalagmites form as calcium carbonate precipitates out of the water evaporating in underground caves.

Linda used 16.25 mL of 0.4776 M NaOH to neutralize a 10.00 mL sample of orange juice. Assuming all acid in the sample was citric acid, what is the concentration, in M, of citric acid in the orange juice




Citric acid is a tribasic acid , having three ionizable hydrogen in them.

Let the molarity of citric acid  be X .

Normality = 3 X

Using the formula S₁ V₁ = S₂ V₂

.4776 M x 16.25 mL = 10 mL x 3 X

X = .2587

Hence molarity of citric acid is 0.2587 M .

Which of the following would tell you that a weak base is present?
A. If the pH of the solution is close to 14.
B. If the solution is a good conductor of electricity.
C. An indicator added to the solution turns green-blue.
D. If there is a high reaction rate.



An indicator added to the solution turns green-blue.


An indicator is a substance which shows the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution by change in colour of the solution.

The universal indicator changes colour as the pH of the solution changes. Looking at the colour ranges for the universal indicator, the green-blue colour indicates a weak base.

Proteins are:
amino acids.


Proteins are Amino acids
Proteins are made of amino acids. They are macromoluces made up of smaller amino acid chains.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Determine whether each of the following statements is true or false. If false, correct the statement to make it true: (a) The nucleus has most of the mass and comprises most of the volume of an atom. (b) Every atom of a given element has the same number of protons. (c) The number of electrons in an atom equals the number of neutrons in the atom. (d) The protons in the nucleus of the helium atom are held together by a force called the strong nuclear force.



Every atom of a given element has the same number of protons

The protons in the nucleus of the helium atom are held together by a force called the strong nuclear force.


Atoms are composed of electrons, protons and neutrons. The electron is negatively charged, protons are positively charged and the neutrons have no charge.

Electrons are found in shells while protons are found inside the atomic nucleus. Similar to electrostatic forces between electron and proton, protons of helium are held together by a strong nuclear blinding force.

Note that, all isotopes must have the same atomic number. This shows that they are all the same atom changed by differences in number of neutrons.

A calorimeter measures the Choose... involved in reactions or other processes by measuring the Choose... of the materials Choose... the process. The calorimeter is Choose... to prevent transfer of heat to outside the device.



heat; temperature; surrounding; insulated.


A calorimeter can be defined as a scientific instrument (device) that is designed and developed for measurement of the heat involved in chemical reactions or other processes, especially by taking the measurement of the temperature of the materials surrounding the process.

Basically, a calorimeter is insulated using materials with a very high level of resistivity, so as to prevent heat transfer to the outside of the device (calorimeter).

Some of the components that make up a simple calorimeter are; thermometer, an interior styrofoam cup, an exterior styrofoam cup, cover, etc.

Additionally, a calorie refers to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a gram of water by one degree Celsius (°C)

A calorimeter measures the heat involved in reactions or other processes by measuring the temperature of the materials surrounding the process. The calorimeter is insulated to prevent transfer of heat to outside the device.

What is calorimeter?

Calorimeter is an instrument used in chemical reactions for measuring the heat, physical changes as well as heat capacity of the chemical reaction.

From the definition of calorimeter it is clear that it checks the temperature of the reaction and calculates the heat of the chemical reaction. It is insulated by those materials which are bad conductors of heat so that no heat will loss from this apparatus.

Hence, correct options are heat, temperature, surroundings and insulated.

To know more about calorimeter, visit the below link:

Kati was in the kitchen when she heard a crash. She went into her bedroom and found her window broken and a baseball lying on the ground. Kati said "this baseball broke my window." This statement is an


Answer:  inference because she drew a conclusion based on evidence.


Because the evidence was that she heard the crashing sound, and then when she came into her room saw the broken window and baseball.

It was not an observation because she did not directly see the baseball going through the window

the answer is inference

Kingsley then adds 49.28 mL of NaOH to 250.00 mL of the HCOOH solution. The neutralization reaction resulted in 0.098 moles of HCOOH and 0.025 moles of HCOO left in solution. Determine the pH of the resulting solution. Which of the following acids would produce the highest pH at the equivalence point in a weak acid-strong base titration?
Ka(HF) =6.8x10-4
Ka(HNO2) =4.5x10-4
Ka(HCIO2) =1.1x10-2
K(CH3COOH) =1.8x10-5
i. HCIO2
iii. HF
iv. HNO2



i. HCIO2 - 2.9

ii. CH3COOH - 2.64

iii. HF - 3.27

iv. HNO2 - 2.67


The Ph value differ for base and acid. A neutral solution will have Ph value of 7. For acid the Ph value is less than 7 and for base Ph value is greater than 7. The highest Ph value for the given acids is 3.27 for hydroflouric acids.

The pH of the resulting solution is 3.16. Acetic acid having the formula [tex]CH_3COOH[/tex] would produce the highest pH at the equivalence point in a weak acid-strong base titration.

Kingsley adds 49.28 mL of NaOH to 250.00 mL of the HCOOH solution.

The neutralization reaction resulted in 0.098 moles of HCOOH and 0.025 moles of HCOO⁻ left in the solution.

We have to determine the pH of the resulting solution and identify the acid that would produce the highest pH at the equivalence point in a weak acid-strong base titration.

What is pH?

pH, a quantitative measure of the acidity or basicity of aqueous or other liquid solutions.

Kingsley adds 49.28 mL of NaOH to 250.00 mL of the HCOOH solution.

Total volume of the solution = 49.28 mL + 250.0 mL = 299.28 mL = 0.29928 L

At neutralization point, HCOOH = 0.098 mol = [tex]\frac{0.098\ mol}{0.29928\ L} = 0.32745\ M[/tex]

So, Concentration of HCOOH at neutralization point = 0.32745 M

And [tex]HCOO^-[/tex] at neutralization point = 0.025 mol = [tex]\frac{0.025\ mol}{0.29928\ L} = 0.08353\ M[/tex]

So, Concentration of HCOO⁻ at neutralization point = 0.08353 M

Now, [tex]K_a[/tex] value of HCOOH = [tex]1.77\times10^{-4}[/tex] (reference value}

We know that [tex]pK_a = -logK_a[/tex]

[tex]pK_a = -log(1.77\times10^{-4}) = 3.75[/tex]

Now, HCOOH  is acid and HCOO⁻ is the conjugate base.

According to Henderson Hasselblach equation:

[tex]pH = pK_a + log\frac{[conjugate\ base]}{[acid]}\\ \therefore pH = 3.75 + log\frac{[HCOO^-]}{[HCOOH]}\\pH = 3.75 + log(\frac{0.08353}{0.32745})\\pH = 3.75 +(-0.59)\\pH = 3.16[/tex]

Therefore, the pH of the resulting solution is 3.16.

When weak acid is titrated with a strong base, the pH at the neutralization point is always greater than 7. It is because the conjugate base produced by weak acid in neutralization reaction is comparatively stronger in nature which produces [tex]OH^-[/tex] at neutralization point after reacting with water. so the solution is basic. As a result, pH is more than 7.

Now, the weaker is the acid, the stronger is the conjugate base, and vice-versa. Therefore, the concentration of [tex]OH^-[/tex] ions is more at the neutralization point. So more will be the pH value.

Given acids with the corresponding [tex]K_a[/tex] value are shown below:

[tex]K_a(HF) =6.8\times10^{-4}\\K_a(HNO_2) =4.5\times10^{-4}\\K_a(HClO_2) =1.1\times10^{-2}\\K_a(CH_3COOH) =1.8\times10^{-5}[/tex]

We know that lower the value of [tex]K_a[/tex] of  acid, the weaker is the acid and vice-versa. Hence, [tex]CH_3COOH[/tex] has lowest [tex]K_a[/tex] value compared to other acids. Therefore, [tex]CH_3COOH[/tex]  would  produce the highest pH at the equivalence point in a weak acid-strong base titration.

Hence, The pH of the resulting solution is 3.16. Acetic acid having the formula [tex]CH_3COOH[/tex] would produce the highest pH at the equivalence point in a weak acid-strong base titration.

To learn more about, acid-base titrations, click here:


A sample of quartz is put into a calorimeter (see sketch at right) that contains of water. The quartz sample starts off at and the temperature of the water starts off at . When the temperature of the water stops changing it's . The pressure remains constant at . Calculate the specific heat capacity of quartz according to this experiment. Be sure your answer is rounded to the correct number of significant digits.



0.71 J/g°C


Here is the complete question

thermometer A 51.9 g sample of quartz is put into a calorimeter (see sketch at right) that contains 300.0 g of water. The quartz sample starts off at 97.8 °C and the temperature of the water starts off at 17.0 °C. When the temperature of the water stops changing it's 19.3 °C. The pressure remains constant at 1 atm. insulated container water sample Calculate the specific heat capacity of quartz according to this experiment. Be sure your answer is rounded to 2 significant digits. a calorimeter g °C


Since the temperature of the water increases from 17.0 °C to 19.3 °C, it means that it loses heat. Also, the final temperature of the quartz equals the final temperature of the water 19.3 °C. Since the quartz temperature decreases from 97.8 °C to 19.3 °C it loses heat.

So, heat lost by quartz, Q = heat gained by water, Q'

-Q = Q'

-mc(θ₂ - θ₁) = m'c'(θ₂ - θ₃) where m = mass of quartz = 51.9 g, c = specific heat capacity of quartz, θ₁ = initial temperature of quartz = 97.8 °C, θ₂ = final temperature of quartz = 19.3 °C, m' = mass of water = 300 g, c = specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J/g °C , θ₃ = initial temperature of water = 17.0 °C, θ₂ = final temperature of water = 19.3 °C

Making c subject of the formula, we have

c = -m'c'(θ₂ - θ₃)/m(θ₂ - θ₁)

Substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

c = -300 g × 4.2 J/g °C(19.3 °C - 17.0 °C)/51.9 g(19.3 °C - 97.8 °C)

c = -1260 J/°C(2.3 °C)/51.9 g(-78.5 °C)

c = -2898 J/-4074.15 g°C

c = 0.711 J/g°C

c ≅ 0.71 J/g°C to 2 significant digits

Tick (√) the statements that are correct.

a) By eating rice alone, we can fulfil nutritional requirement of our body. ( )
b) Deficiency Diseases can be prevented by eating a balanced diet. ( )
c) Balanced diet for the body should contain a variety of food items. ( )
d) Meat alone. is sufficient to provide all nutrients to the body. ( )​


b) (√)



The sanlinity of ocean water





Salinity is practically the saltiness of the water, in basic terms. It's basically the amount of salt dissolved in water. Ocean water has a salinity of around 35g/l (that's about 3.5% of which is dissolved salt in water!). However, Atlantic Ocean (the ocean with the saltiest water), can range up to 37g/l.

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how many ml of 0.032 molar kmno4 are required to react with 50.0 ml of 0.100 molar h2c2o4 in the presence of excess h2so4



62.5 ml of 0.032 M  KMnO₄ are required to react with 50.0 ml of 0.100 molar H₂C₂O₄ in the presence of excess H₂SO₄


The balanced reaction is:

2 KMnO₄ + 5 H₂C₂O₄ + 3 H₂SO₄ → K₂SO₄ + 2 MnSO₄ + 8 H₂O + 10 CO₂

By stoichiometry of the reaction (that is, the relationship between the amount of reagents and products in a chemical reaction), the following amounts of moles of each compound participate in the reaction:

KMnO₄: 2 moles H₂C₂O₄: 5 moles H₂SO₄: 3 moles K₂SO₄: 1 mole MnSO₄: 2 moles H₂O: 8 moles CO₂: 10 moles

Molarity or Molar Concentration is the number of moles of solute that are dissolved in a certain volume.

The molarity of a solution is calculated by dividing the moles of the solute by the volume of the solution:

[tex]Molarity=\frac{number of moles of solute}{volume}[/tex]

Molarity is expressed in units [tex]\frac{moles}{liter}[/tex]

In this case, 50 mL (0.05 L) of 0.1 M H₂C₂O₄ react. So, replacing the data in the definition of molarity:

[tex]0.1 M=\frac{number of moles of solute}{0.05 L}[/tex]


number of moles of solute= 0.1 M*0.05 L

number of moles of solute= 0.005 moles

So, 0.005 moles of H₂C₂O₄ react.  Then you can apply the following rule of three: if by stoichiometry 5 moles of H₂C₂O₄ react with 2 moles of KMnO₄, 0.005 moles of H₂C₂O₄ react with how many moles of KMnO₄?

[tex]moles of KMnO_{4} =\frac{0.005moles of H_{2} C_{2} O_{4}* 2moles of KMnO_{4} }{5moles of H_{2} C_{2} O_{4} }[/tex]

moles of KMnO₄= 0.002 moles

Knowing that the molarity of KMnO₄ is 0.032 M, replacing in its definition and solving:

[tex]0.032 M=\frac{0.002 moles}{volume}[/tex]

[tex]volume=\frac{0.002 moles}{0.032 M}[/tex]

volume= 0.0625 L= 62.5 mL

62.5 ml of 0.032 M  KMnO₄ are required to react with 50.0 ml of 0.100 molar H₂C₂O₄ in the presence of excess H₂SO₄

A weather balloon contains 9.7 moles of helium at a pressure of 0.955 atm and a temperature of 25 °C at ground level. What is the volume (in L) of the balloon under these conditions?



2.5 × 10² L


Step 1: Given and required data

Moles of He (n): 9.7 molPressure (P): 0.955 atmTemperature (T): 25 °CIdeal gas constant (R): 0.0821 atm.L/mol.K

Step 2: Convert 25 °C to Kelvin

We will use the following expression.

K = °C + 273.15 = 25 + 273.15 = 298 K

Step 3: Calculate the volume (V) of the balloon

We will use the ideal gas equation.

P × V = n × R × T

V = n × R × T / P

V = 9.7 mol × (0.0821 atm.L/mol.K) × 298 K / 0.955 atm = 2.5 × 10² L

Does a reaction occur when aqueous solutions of chromium(III) bromide and manganese(II) nitrate are combined?
If a reaction does occur, write the net ionic equation.



Yes the reaction occur when aqueous solutions happened

How does the type of material an object is made of affect its ability to absorb or release thermal energy?



Different materials will change temperature at different rates when exposed to the same amount of thermal energy. This is because each substance has its own specific heat.


Great post above. I agree

Help me, please
Help me, please




A gas sample containing a constant number of gas molecules has a volume of 2.70 L at a constant pressure and a temperature of 25.0o C. What would be the volume (in Liters) of this gas sample at 75.0o C? Round your answer to 3 sig fig



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 8.10 \ L}}[/tex]


This question asks us find the volume of a gas sample given a change in temperature. Since the pressure remains constant, we only are concerned with the variables of temperature and volume.

We will use Charles's Law. This states the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature of a gas. The formula is:


The gas starts at a volume of 2.70 liters and a temperature of 25.0 degrees Celsius.

[tex]\frac {2.70 \ L}{25.0 \textdegree C}=\frac{V_2}{T_2}[/tex]

The temperature is increased to 75.0 degrees Celsius, but the volume is unknown.

[tex]\frac {2.70 \ L}{25.0 \textdegree C}=\frac{V_2}{75.0 \textdegree C}[/tex]

We are solving for the volume at 75 degrees Celsius, so we must isolate the variable V₂.

It is being divided by 75.0 °C. The inverse operation of division is multiplication, so we multiply both sides of the equation by 75.0 °C.

[tex]75.0 \textdegree C *\frac {2.70 \ L}{25.0 \textdegree C}=\frac{V_2}{75.0 \textdegree C} * 75.0 \textdegree C[/tex]

[tex]75.0 \textdegree C *\frac {2.70 \ L}{25.0 \textdegree C}= V_2[/tex]

The units of degrees Celsius (° C) cancel.

[tex]75.0 *\frac {2.70 \ L}{25.0}= V_2[/tex]

[tex]75.0 *0.108 \ L = V_2[/tex]

[tex]8.1 \ L = V_2[/tex]

The original measurements have 3 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. Currently, the answer has 2. If we add another 0, the value of the answer does not change, but the number of sig figs does.

[tex]8.10 \ L = V_2[/tex]

The volume of this gas sample at 75.0 degrees Celsius is 8.10 Liters.

A sample of 0.0860 g of sodium chloride is added to 30.0 mL of 0.050 M silver nitrate, resulting in the formation of a precipitate. (a) Write the molecular equation for the reaction. (b) What is the limiting reactant in the reaction? (c) How many grams of precipitate potentially form?



0.21 g


The equation of the reaction is;

NaCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) -----> NaNO3(aq) + AgCl(s)

Number of moles of NaCl= 0.0860 g /58.5 g/mol = 0.00147 moles

Number of moles of AgNO3 = 30/1000 L × 0.050 M = 0.0015 moles

Since the reaction is 1:1, NaCl is the limiting reactant.

1 mole of NaCl yields 1 mole of AgCl

0.00147 moles of NaCl yields 0.00147 moles of AgCl

Mass of precipitate formed = 0.00147 moles of AgCl × 143.32 g/mol

= 0.21 g

Is ribose a reducing or non reducing sugar?


Ribose is used in RNA and deoxyribose is used in DNA. The deoxy- designation refers to the lack of an alcohol, -OH, group as will be shown in detail further down. Ribose and deoxyribose are classified as monosaccharides, aldoses, pentoses, and are reducing sugars.
CARBOHYDRATES: Di, poly-Carbohydrates
Classification: Glucose
Carbo - Isomers: Galactose

Ribose is a reducing sugar. A reducing sugar is a carbohydrate that can undergo a redox reaction, in which it donates electrons to another chemical species.

This is usually observed when the sugar opens its ring structure to form an aldehyde or ketone functional group.

Ribose, a five-carbon sugar, can form an open-chain structure with an aldehyde functional group. In this form, it can donate electrons and act as a reducing agent in certain chemical reactions, such as the reduction of other compounds like Benedict's reagent during laboratory tests for reducing sugars.

Learn more about Ribose, here:



Calculate the specific heat of a piece of wood if 2000 g of wood absorbs 75,250 J of heat, and its temperature changes from 30°C to 50°C.
A 37.63
B) 0.53
C) 1.88





The specific heat capacity=quantity of heat in joule/mass×change in temperature

from this question the quantity of heat is 75250,the mass is 2000 and the change in temperature is 50-30

which is 20





I hope this helps

The reversible reaction: 2SO2(g) O2(g) darrw-tn.gif 2SO3(g) has come to equilibrium in a vessel of specific volume at a given temperature. Before the reaction began, the concentrations of the reactants were 0.060 mol/L of SO2 and 0.050 mol/L of O2. After equilibrium is reached, the concentration of SO3 is 0.040 mol/L. What is the equilibrium concentration of O2



0.030 M


Step 1: Make an ICE chart

        2 SO₂(g) + O₂(g) ⇄ 2 SO₃(g)

I        0.060      0.050          0

C         -2x            -x            +2x

E     0.060-2x  0.050-x       2x

Step 2: Find the value of x

The concentration of SO₃ at equilibrium is 0.040 mol/L. Then,

2x = 0.040

x = 0.020

Step 3: Calculate the concentration at equilibrium of O₂

[O₂] = 0.050 - x = 0.050 - 0.020 = 0.030 M

The equilibrium concentration of oxygen is 0.030 M.

A reversible reaction is a reaction that can move either in the forward or in the reverse direction. We have the reaction; 2SO2(g) + O2(g) ⇄ 2SO3(g). We can now set up the ICE table as shown below;

  2 SO₂(g) + O₂(g) ⇄ 2 SO₃(g)

I        0.060      0.050          0

C         -2x            -x            +2x

E     0.060-2x  0.050-x       2x

At equilibrium;

2x = 0.040 M

x = 0.040 M/2 =  0.020 M

For oxygen;


0.050 M - 0.020 M = 0.030 M

Learn more about equilibrium: https://brainly.com/question/953809

A certain first order reaction has a half-life of 54.3 s. How long will it take (in s) for the reactant concentration to decrease from 6.50 M to 2.27 M





From the question we are told that:

Half life [tex]t_{1/2}=54.3s[/tex]

Change in concentration [tex]\triangle conc=6.50 M to 2.27 M[/tex]

Generally the equation for half life is mathematically given by









In aqueous solution the Ni2" ion forms a complex with four ammonia molecules. Write the formation constant expression for the equilibrium between the hydrated metal ion and the aqueous complex. Under that, write the balanced chemical equation for the first step in the formation of the complex K,=________.



The correct equation is "[tex]\frac{[Ni(H_2O)_3 (NH_3)]^{2+}}{[Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+} [NH_3]}[/tex]".


According to the question,

Throughout an aqueous solution, [tex]Ni^{2+}[/tex] exist as [tex][Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+}[/tex]


⇒ [tex][Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+} + 4NH_3 \rightleftharpoons [Ni(NH_3)_4]^{2+} + H_2O[/tex]

⇒ [tex]K_f = \frac{[Ni(NH_3)_4]^{2+}}{[Ni(H_2O)_4^{2+}] [NH_3]^4}[/tex]

Here, we have excluded [tex][H_2O][/tex] as concentration of water will be const.


This formation of [tex][Ni(NH_3)_4]^{2+}[/tex] proceeds via several steps,

Step 1:

⇒ [tex][Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+}+NH_3 \rightleftharpoons [Ni(H_2O)_3 (NH_3)]^{2+} + H_2O[/tex]

⇒ [tex]K_1 = \frac{[Ni(H_2O)_3 (NH_3)]^{2+}}{[Ni(H_2O)_4]^{2+} [NH_3]}[/tex]

Which compound is a glycol? a. CH 3 ―CH 2 ―CH 2 ―CHO b. CH 3 —CH 2 —O—CH 2 —CH 3 c. HOH 2 C―CH 2 ―CH 2 ―CH 2 OH d. CH 3 —CH 2 —CH 2 —CH 2 OH





An HCl solution has a concentration of 0.09714 M. Then 10.00 mL of this solution was then diluted to 250.00 mL in a volumetric flask. The diluted solution was then used to titrate 250.0 mL of a saturated AgOH solution using methyl orange indicator to reach the endpoint.

a. What is the concentration of the diluted HCl solution?
b. If 7.93 mL of the diluted HCl solution was required to reach the endpoint, what is the concentration of OH- in solution?



A. Concentration of diluted acid = 0.00389 M

B. Concentration of OH- in AgOH solution = 0.00012 M


A. Using the dilution formula: C1V1 = C2V2

Where C1 is the initial concentration, V1 is the initial volume, C2 is the final concentration, and V2 is the final volume.

From the data provided, C1 = 0.09714 M, V1 = 10.0 mL, V2 = 250.0 mL and C2 = ?

Making C2 subject of the formula above; C2 = C1V1/V2

C2 = 0.09714 M × 10 / 250 = 0.00389 M

B. Equation of the neutralization reaction is given below:

HCl + AgOH ---> AgCl + H₂O

From the equation, 1 mole of acid neutralizes 1 mole of base

Using the titration formula; CaVa/CbVb = na/nb

Where Ca is the concentration of the acid HCl = 0.00389 M

Va is the volume of acid = 7.93 mL

Cb is the concentration of base, AgOH = ?

Vb is volume of base = 250.0 mL

na/nb = mole ratio of acid and base = 1

Making Cb subject of the formula in the equation above; Cb = CaVa/Vb

Cb = 0.00389 M × 7.93 / 250

Cb = 0.00012 M

Leaming Task 1:
Distinguish the process as spontaneous or non-spontaneous process. Write S it spontaneous and NSi non-spontaneous
on the bionk.
1. Melling ofice
2 Ruisting of ton
3. Marble going down the spiral.
4. Going up the
& Keeping the food fresh from spolage​


Solution :

Spontaneous Process

A spontaneous process is defined as the process that occurs without the help of any external aid or inputs. A spontaneous process is a natural process which occurs naturally in the environment.

Non Spontaneous process

A non spontaneous process is a process which does not occur naturally. Some inputs are provided for the process to occur. Energy from external source is applied into the process to start the process.

The following processes are :

1. Melling of ice   ---- Spontaneous

2 Rusting of iron  --- Spontaneous

3. Marble going down the spiral.   --- spontaneous

4. Going up the hill  ---- Non spontaneous

5. Keeping the food fresh from spoilage​  --- Non spontaneous

A hydrocarbon contains only the elements____?



elements are carbons and hydrogen


Carbon and Hydrogen.


It’s in the name Hydro (H) Carbon (C)

What is the molarity of a solution containing 150 g of zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) per liter?



0.93 M

Step-by-step Explanation:

First, we have to calculate the molar mass (MM) of ZnSO₄ by using the molar mass of each chemical element:

MM(ZnSO₄) = 65.4 g/mol Zn + 32 g/mol S + (16 g/mol x 4) = 161.4 g/mol

Then, we divide the mass of ZnSO₄ into its molar mass to obtain the number of moles:

moles ZnSO₄ = mass/MM = 150 g/(161.4 g/mol)= 0.93 mol

Since the molarity of a solution expresses the number of moles of solute per liter of solution, we calculate the molarity (M) as follows:

M = moles ZnSO₄/1 L =  0.93 mol/1 L = 0.93 M

When heated, carboxylic salts in which there is a good leaving group on the carbon beta to the carbonyl group undergo decarboxylation/elimination to give an alkene. Draw the structures of the products expected when this compound is heated.



i dont know mate


How many of NaCl are in 200 ml of a 0.100 M NaCl solution?



question not specific..grams? mols? molecules/atoms/ions?


0.100 mol/ dm³ NaCl

200/1000 = 0.2 dm³

Na = 23

Cl = 35.5

molar mass = 58.5g/mol

gNaCl = x

58.5g/mol * 0.100mol/dm³ * 0.2dm³

gNaCl = 1.17 grams

For mols

58.5g/mol ÷ 1.17g = 50molNaCl

for molecules/atoms/ions

50molNaCl * 6.022 x 10 ^-23 =795.47molecules/atoms/ions

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