Hand axes, cave paintings, fire, and spears are all inventions related to which cultural stage?


Answer 1


The stone age, or the paleolithic age.


The stone age (paleolithic) is a relatively self explanatory answer in the sense that, most hand axes and spears were made of hard stones shaped and sharpened into points and sharp edges. Cave paintings are from around the upper paleolithic ages. These inventions may dip into the earliest stages of the neolithic period as well (also known as the new stone age)

Good Luck!

Answer 2

Answer: The stone age (paleolithic)


Related Questions

Which of the following IS NOT a belief set forth from the Communist Manifesto?
A. Government should not be involved in the regulation of the economy
B. Human history is driven by people’s desire for material things
C. The lower class would eventually rise up and revolt
D. The bourgeoisie exploits the proletariat


A. Government should not be involved in the regulation of the economy

39. How many ethnic groups are in Nigeria? Name five.


370 ethnic group


edo peoplefula peopleegbo peopletiv peopleefik people


there are 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria

5 are






I may be wrong tho

A study conducted by the University of Illinois in the 1950s found that pilots with insufficient instrument flying ability lose control of their airplane in an average of only ________ once they lose outside visual references



178 seconds


A study conducted by the University of Illinois in the 1950s found that pilots with insufficient instrument flying ability lose control of their airplane in an average of only 178 SECONDS once they lose outside visual references.

The research was conducted by aviation researchers to determine the extent of danger and estimate of pilot's ability to cope with flight in inferior visibility conditions or situations.

Hand washing has external health benefits, helping prevent the spread of communicable diseases. If a program were somehow devised so that people received a small reward every time they washed their hands, we would expect the frequency of hand washing to:_______.
A) remain constant
B) increase
C) decrease and the number of people who are sick to:_______.
A) remain constant
B) increase
C) decrease



Hand washing has external health benefits, helping prevent the spread of communicable diseases. If a program were somehow devised so that people received a small reward every time they washed their hands, we would expect the frequency of hand washing to increase.

Explanation: People who are given something (A reward of some sort) are proven to do something more, (in this case washing their hands more), or better then they would do without a source of motivation.

As the amount of time one spends with an individual rises, one's liking for that person tends to:______.
a. increase.
b. remain unchanged.
c. vary unpredictably.
d. decrease.



i think it would be C


Answer is C
Vary unpredictably

Which consumer is eligible for a stand-alone Medicare Prescription Drug Plan?


Its the last one the answer is D

1 and a half to 2 pages is ideal.



yes you are so right very very right


When it comes to writing your resume, size does matter. Resume experts weigh in on how many pages your resume should be, based on your level of experience and occupation.

Do you know about gehendra shumsher if you know him i think you about his invention birgun can you please describe me about birgun short paragraph.​



gehendra sumsher , was the first scientists of nepal . he was born in push, 1928 b.s in a Rana family he studies in her own place for some time .then he was admitted to Durbar school. however, his qualifications is not know. from his childhood , he as agile, argumentative, whimsical and a boy with determination. he established laboratories and factories to manufacture different arms and ammunition he investigation many things and in just the age of 35 he. died . and the country lakaunu st a great scientist and inventor.

Bir Gun image on left side.

Gehendra Shamsheer image on right side.

Gehendra Shamsher got 6 lakh rupees from his father, the then Sri 3 Maharaj & Prime Minister Bir Shamsher JB Rana, and used the money to make an automatic machine gun. That was in the year 1898/99 AD. Although machine guns had been around for many years, that was the first one built in Nepal. For this reason, he is considered to be the first scientist of Nepal.

Gehendra Shamsher was also the first person to bring a motor car into Nepal. it was a Ford. He presented this car to the young King Prithvi Bir Bikran Shah.

His machine gun is currently in the possession of a private gun collector in the USA.

Thank you...

Which scenario best illustrates the need for currency exchange? People paying for things when traveling in a foreign country People trading goods and services across state lines People trading apples for oranges at a local market People paying for things when traveling in another state


People paying for things when traveling in a foreign country best illustrates the need for currency exchange.

Answer: A: People paying for things when traveling in a foreign country.


__________ Involves the presence or absence of dissatifiers, such as working conditions, pay, company policies, and interpersonal relationships.



Hygiene factors- involves the presence or absence of job dissatisfiers, such as working conditions, pay, company policies, interpersonal relationships. When poor work is dissatisfying. Good does not motivate employees.


World history privacy discussion


Answer:No discussion of privacy in the United States would be complete without a discussion of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which offers the


I can be big or small. There are beaches or shorelines all AROUND me. Sometimes I get lonely because it's just me. Maybe you could get deserted on me and we could hang out. Who am I?



Island hope this is right and helps you


You are an Island.


See an Island can be big or small, like Hawaii for big and Marshall Islands for small. In an Island there are beaches and shorelines always surrounding it bcuz it is next to the ocean. Sometimes an island could get lonely cuz it's very rare for someone to get washed up on it. On the island, someone could get shipwrecked and end up living on the island. So in conclusion, you are an island!

Barbara is the dean of the College of Business. She enjoys the pace of her work and the feeling of accomplishment she gets when she is able to initiate a new program to help students. She also appreciates her attractive salary, which allows her to travel abroad on her vacations. Barbara is



Barbara is intrinsically and extrinsically motivated.


Intrinsic motivation means that you do things from within and without external rewards, that is, it is the motivation that comes from the persons themselves, leading them to carry out their work, or other activity, without having to receive external stimuli, as it would be a salary. Extrinsic motivation can be defined as the stimuli that come from outside the individual and that, in the workplace, is an incentive to achieve objectives and better levels of quality and efficiency. Therefore, it is the motivation that occurs when it comes to awakening the motivational interest of the person through external rewards that are granted when performing a certain task or work.

e) Stage of Science and Technology important



The essence of how science and technology contributes to society is the creation of new knowledge, and then utilization of that knowledge to boost the prosperity of human lives, and to solve the various issues facing society.

Tanruk is from a tiny, previously unknown tribe in Africa. Tanruk has been in a serious accident involving head trauma, and some Western-trained medics are assessing the possibility of brain damage. They ask her a series of test questions, and she answers very few correctly. What disorder does Tanruk probably have


Answer: Amnesia


Since Tanruk was asked a series of test questions, and she answers very few correctly, the disorder that Tanruk probably have is amnesia.

Amnesia is referred to as memory loss and it is the inability for someone to remember events for a period of time which is usually as a result of brain injury, or ageing. People who have amnesia find it difficult to learn new information and remember things that have happened in the past.

Vasco da Gama fulfilled Portugal’s goal of a sea route to Asia when he reached *



The Portuguese goal of finding a sea route to Asia was finally achieved in a ground-breaking voyage commanded by Vasco da Gama, who reached Calicut in western India in 1498, becoming the first European to reach India. ... Portugal's purpose in the Indian Ocean was to ensure the monopoly of the spice trade.

https://courses.lumenlearning.com › ...



The Portuguese goal of finding a sea route to Asia was finally achieved in a ground-breaking voyage commanded by Vasco da Gama, who reached Calicut in western India in 1498, becoming the first European to reach India.

state 3 essential features of curriculum integration​



Pleasa mark me as brainliest


By using the method of Confirmatory Factor Analysis, this study identified four major curriculum features in this integrated curriculum, namely, “holistic learning”, “relevancy to learners' life”, “development of problem–solving skills” and the “Society-Technology-Society (STS) approach”.

The Curriculum is continuously evolving. ...
The Curriculum is based on the needs of the people. ...
The Curriculum is democratically conceived. ...
The Curriculum is the result of a long-term effort. ...

The possibility that one's appearance or behavior will be misused to confirm another person's oversimplified, prejudiced attitude is referred to as:



Stereotype threat


This can be described as stereotype threat. Stereotype threat is a predicament where people fear that they might be at the risk of conformity. That is the fear that they may conform to stereotypes about the social groups they belong. This is a psychological threat and it comes up when the person is in a situation where there is a negative stereotype about their group.

From this question, just because two people are in a particular group one person's attitude and appearance is being used to judge the other person.

A Psychology Experiment It turns out that Alpha Beta Gamma has a psychology division. Currently, they are performing experiments on groups of students. A group of students is feasible if there are no friendships (within the group). Each student has a value, which is an integer from 1 to 10. The total value of an experiment is the sum of the values of all of the students in the experiment. The psychologists go to a school to choose students for the experiment. They have in mind some target for the value of the experiment. If the value does not meet the target, the experiment is not worth doing. The psychologists interview and test the students to determine each student’s value and collect data on their friendships. The psychologists have to do some fine tuning. They consider a group of students and check if that particular group has a feasible subset with total value at least the target. At this point they do not care which students are in the subset or if there is some feasible subset with total value larger than the target. Armed with this information they consider another group of students (which may overlap) to see if that group has a feasible subset that meets the target. They continue doing this until they have found a desirable group. The psychologists then determine a feasible subset of children in that group that has largest total value. There are two computational problems the psychologists must solve:
(1) Given a set of students with their values and friendships, and a target T, determine if there is some feasible subset of the students with total value at least T. This is a YES/NO question.
(2) Given a set of students with their values and friendships, find a feasible subset of students with largest total value.
These two problems seem to be hard to solve efficiently. As usual your manager calls you in and asks you to write programs to solve the two problems. As usual you have no idea how to write such programs. For each problem, you find an efficient program on the Internet that solves that problem. Unfortunately your budget will only allow you to buy one program.





I dont even. speak Spanish lol

1 What is the main responsbility of a party organization?
A)deciding who can vote in national elections.

B) voting for the party's candidates in elections.

C)running the card at the national and state levels.

D)serving in orice at various levels of government​


The answer you are looking for is C

Within the context of the individual as the basic unit of a social organization, what is a manifestation of the emphasis on individualism in many Western societies



high degree of managerial mobility between companies


An individual is considered as the basic unit of a social organization. The concept of individualism finds expression in the high degree of the managerial mobility between the companies, which is not a desired thing.

Individualism is defined as the belief where the need of each person is more important than the need of whole people or society. The Western society is an example where we can see the concept of individualism. People in the Western society are more self centered and gives priority to oneself.

Which positions did Britain’s prime minister support at the Paris Peace Conference? Check all that apply.



He wanted to preserve Britain’s trading relationship with Germany.

He advocated for Germany’s armed forces to be dismantled.

He felt Germany should be broken up into two smaller countries.

He supported forcing Germany to return the Alsace-Lorraine to France.

He sought to create a secret alliance with Germany to ensure future peace.

He believed treating Germany harshly would lead to future conflicts.


People differ in the extent to which they observe, regulate, and control the public appearance of self to fit the clues and/or requirements of the situation. This is called



Social cognitive theory


Social learning theory

This is simply place recognition or emphasis on learning by observation of other individual.

Social cognitive theory

This theory simply looks at the various ways humans use to learn from paying attention or observing others and thereafter gain control over their own behavior.

Learning according to social cognitive definition is stated as the Alterations or change in mental structures of an indir that creates the capacity to for that individual to display different behaviors.

General Principles that underlie social cognitive theory

1. Humans do learn by observing others' behaviors and also the consequences that result

2. Learning can occur without a change in behavior.

3. Cognition plays a vital roles in learning.

4. People can have considerable control over their actions and environments.

Examine TWO benefits of social support for a person living with a lifestyle



feeling better mentally – regular exercise can lift your mood and help you feel better.

saving money – eating junk food, smoking, and drinking sugary drinks or alcohol are all expensive habits.



Part 2: Application and critical thinking (20 points)

7) Select a supreme court case that has been particularly important in protecting civil liberties in the United States. In a three paragraph essay, describe the case and the ruling, then explain how the case demonstrates why it is important that the supreme court is:.

1. Protected from the political or public pressure (since justices are appointed rather than elected and serve lifetime terms).

2. Able to change its interpretations of the law over time.


brown vs board of ed

1. went against much of the sentiment in usa. much of the voting public wanted segregation in schools but since supreme court is appointed they were able to decide segregation is wrong

2. brown vs board went against its own ruling years earlier that segregation is ok under "separate but equal" unde plessy vs ferguson

One Supreme Court case is brown vs board of education. This case went against much of the sentiment in the USA.

What is the brown vs board of ed case and why is it important?

The brown vs board of education went against much of the sentiment in the USA. Much of the voting public wanted segregation in schools but since the supreme court was appointed they were able to decide segregation is wrong. The brown vs board went against its ruling years earlier that segregation Is ok under "separate but equal" under Fergusons.

This case is considered a milestone in American civil rights history and among the most important rulings in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court. The case, and the efforts to undermine the Court's decision, brought greater awareness to the racial inequalities that African Americans faced.

The case also galvanized civil rights activists and increased efforts to end institutionalized racism throughout American society.

Learn more about case, here:



Which civilization was known for building "mystic mountains" - or pyramids - to connect with their gods at sites such as Chichen Itza?
A. Maya
B. Olmec
C. Inca
D. Aztec


The answer is A maya

Spiritual warfare takes place both in heaven and on earth. Because believers have victory in Christ in heaven, they should and can have victory on this earth. So, Paul exhorts believers in Ephesians to prepare for spiritual battle on this earth.
a. true
b. false


Answer: a. True


Christians believe that the real enemy is the devil, his demons and their human allies (witches and wizards) and that the only way to fight them is in the spirit which is a realm that normal humans cannot see that is located both in heaven and on earth.

Paul in the book of Ephesians, exhorts believers to remain vigilant and prepare for this ongoing war by putting on the armor of God such as the Sword of Truth (the Bible) and the Breastplate of Righteousness.

IV. Based on your review of primary and secondary sources, develop a research question related to the historical event you selected. In other words, what would you like to know more about?


sjsbs ahjaevs sjakw. se

what is the difference between intermarriage and interracial marriage​



Intermarriage is to marry somebody of a different race or from a different country or a different religious beliefs while interracial marriage is to marry marriage between the skin color

Intermarriage is marriage between people of different races, castes, or religions. It can also be marriage between close relations.

Interracial marriage is a form of marriage involving spouses who belong to different races or racialized ethnicities.

The assertion that non-formal institutions have no role to play at the PROCESSING STAGE of
the Systems Theory is an empty rhetoric.


Answer and Explanation:

The processing phase of system theory refers to the ability of a single system to create itself, forming boundaries and defining a complete objective before interacting with other systems. These limits and goals are largely influenced by non-formal institutions, as these two elements are formed thanks to the creation of rules, beliefs and concepts that non-formal institutions establish in a community. Thus, we can conclude that the main point of processing a system is influenced by concepts and ideas created by non-formal institutions. In this case, it is incorrect to state that non-formal institutions do not have a role to play in the processing phase of systems theory.

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