Hello everyone! How are yall! and Heres something yall might not know. Did you know In the U.S., it is the single largest consumer of energy. Only 28 percent of Americans ages 17-23 are eligible for military service. Nearly 1.4 million Americans, or . 4 percent of the U.S. population, are active military personnel.


Answer 1



Answer 2


*Pats ur head* i hope ur safe and u wont notice who i am dont forget me forever plz stay safe :)


Related Questions

Which two rights of citizens that the Founders included in their new government are inspired by the rights of Athenian citizens?


freedom of speech. right to participate in democracy

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was rejected by philosophes. was issued by Louis XVI to end the rebellion. owed much to the American Declaration of Independence. kept all aristocratic privileges intact.


Answer: Owed much to the American Declaration of Independence

Explanation: The ideas that people are born free and have equal rights, as well as the rights of liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression, are all similar to those ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence.

How did the United States respond to the creation of the European Union (EU) and its challenge?

A) The United States joined the North American Free Trade Agreement.

B) The United States signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

C) The United States withdrew from the World Bank.

D)The United States left the World Trade Organization.



The United States joined the North American Free Trade Agreement

The answer is A :)

What was President Wilson's 14 point plan? What was the League of Nations set up to do? Why did America reject the Treaty of Versailles?




The fourteenth point proposed what was to become the League of Nations to guarantee the “political independence and territorial integrity [of] great and small states alike.” Though Wilson's idealism pervades the Fourteen Points, he also had more practical objectives in mind.


Summarizing 4. What are the five features of a civilization? 5. What different kinds of activity
went on in Sumer?



A civilization is often defined as a complex culture with five characteristics: (1) advanced cities, (2) specialized workers, (3) complex institutions, (4) record keeping, and (5) advanced technology.


What are the five features of a civilization?


 (1) advanced cities, (2) specialized workers, (3) complex institutions, (4) record keeping, and (5) advanced technology

What different kinds of activity went on in Sumer?


Whenever the Sumerian civilization was first established in the region, by 3600 BCE they had invented the wheel, writing, the sail boat, agricultural processes such as irrigation, and the concept of the city (though China and India also lay claim to `the first cities' in the world)

Where was Confucius located in China?


Answer:A native of Zhouyi (陬义) in the present-day Lu County. Qufu(曲阜)in Shandong Province(山东)


কবে বাংলাদেশ দখল মুক্ত হয়


Ching ping moo sho shen mann

biography of Dr Vivien Theodore Thomas​



Vivien Theodore Thomas (August 29, 1910 – November 26, 1985) was an American laboratory supervisor who developed a procedure used to treat blue baby syndrome (now known as cyanotic heart disease) in the 1940s. ... In the 2004 HBO movie Something the Lord Made, Vivien Thomas was portrayed by Mos Def.

He was the assistant to surgeon Alfred Blalock in Blalock's experimental animal laboratory at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and later at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Thomas was unique in that he did not have any professional education or experience in a research laboratory; however, he served as supervisor of the surgical laboratories at Johns Hopkins for 35 years. In 1976, Hopkins awarded him an honorary doctorate and named him an instructor of surgery for the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Without any education past high school, Thomas rose above poverty and racism to become a cardiac surgery pioneer and a teacher of operative techniques to many of the country's most prominent surgeons.

Is it important for textbooks about the history of the Soviet Union to emphasize political repression?



Explanation: Because history is good to learn

What was a goal of the Black Power movement?
O A. To work with whites to end racial discrimination
B. To move African Americans to all black neighborhoods
C. To send more athletes like Muhammad Ali to the Olympics
D. To develop racial pride among African Americans





A goal of the Black Power Movement is to develop racial pride among African Americans. The correct option is d.

What is the Black Power Movement?

The Black Power movement was a branch or counterculture within the civil rights movement of the United States, reacting against its more moderate, mainstream, or incremental tendencies and motivated by a desire for safety and self-sufficiency that was not available inside redlined African American neighborhoods.

Black Power activists founded black-owned bookstores, food cooperatives, farms, media, printing presses, schools, clinics and ambulance services. The international impact of the movement includes the Black Power Revolution in Trinidad and Tobago. By the late 1960s, Black Power came to represent the demand for more immediate violent action to counter American white supremacy. Most of these ideas were influenced by Malcolm X's criticism of Martin Luther King Jr.'s peaceful protest methods.

The 1965 assassination of Malcolm X, coupled with the urban riots of 1964 and 1965, ignited the movement.

Learn more about Black Power, here:



The constitution of 1812 of Spain made all of the following provisions except:

A) allowing for freedom of religion
B) allowing for freedom of the press
C) re-establishing a hereditary monarchy
D) establishing three branches of government


Answer: D

Explanation: i think im not sure srry if its wrong :)

When a new constitution was made in 1812 in Spain, it did not make a provision for A) allowing for freedom of religion.

What did the Constitution of 1812 call for?

The new constitution did not allow for religious freedom because it made Roman Catholicism as the main religion.

It did however allow for freedom of speech and the press as well as three branches of government.

Find out more on the Spanish in the 1800s at https://brainly.com/question/13630850.


Why do you think
Columbus failed to realize he was in a
"New World"?



Columbus himself had made that assumption. His discoveries posed for him, as for others, a problem of identification. It seemed to be a question not so much of giving names to new lands as of finding the proper old names, and the same was true of the things that the new lands contained. Cruising through the Caribbean, enchanted by the beauty and variety of what he saw, Columbus assumed that the strange plants and trees were strange only because he was insufficiently versed in the writings of men who did know them. "I am the saddest man in the world," he wrote, "because I do not recognize them."


Hope this helps

(If not hit me up in the comments and I can help)

How was the Mississippi River vital to the French settlers of Louisiana?

A) It provided the French with a defensive line against the English.
B) It was a major source of gold and other mineral resources for the French.
C) It was a boundary between French and Spanish territory.
D) It served as a link between New Orleans and French settlements further north.


very sure the answer is D

How does Zinn attempt to prove that the Indians were not inferior? Provide examples.​



Zinn attempts to prove that the Indians were not inferior by stating all of their accomplishments that were made without the help of the English such as building large terraced buildings to protect them from enemies, before European explorers Indians were already using irrigation canals, dams, were doing ceramics, weaving baskets, and making cloth out of cotton.


May this answer is helpful for you

Why does STOMP appeal to people worldwide?



Stomp created by Steve mcnicholas and Luke cresswell in Brighton in 1991. These groups presented a series of street comedy musicals at the Edinburgh Festival throughout the early 1980s Explanation:

STOMP appeals to people worldwide as it offered a taste that is liked by every individual throughout the globe.

What is STOMP?

In 1994,  a rhythmic band made its way to the United States from Brighton, England in the United Kingdom called STOMP. An eight-member percussion music group called STOMP is the group's soloist.

STOMP has a universal appeal as it draws people of all ages, including bank managers and grandmothers. It has given performances in more than 350 cities across 36 nations. The success of STOMP in its last three visits to Gainesville is due to its popular appeal.

For the past three decades, STOMP has been praised for its creative, innovative, and absolutely unexplainable performances, which have become well-known throughout popular culture.

Learn more about Soloist, here:



Now that you have reviewed the causes and effects of both world wars, create an outline for an argumentative essay on whether the United States should have helped Germany recover from World War II. You will need to support your argument with at least three pieces of evidence to explain why. Use the historical facts that you have learned in this activity and in past lessons. You may also want to use the following resources:

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy: "Germany and the Great Depression"

PBS: "Berlin Blockade"

Library of Congress: "The Marshall Plan"

The Soviet Union and Europe After 1945

***Rest of the assignment is below***


Topic: Should the U.S. have supported in the rebuilding of Germany after WWII?

Thesis: The U.S. should have helped rebuild Germany.

Topic sentence: Preventing a 3rd world war.

Detail 1: Germany was bitter about their loss in WWI which eventually lead to WWII

Detail 2: Germany went through economic troubles after WWI which lead to Hitler gaining power in Germany in 1933

Body Paragraph

Topic Sentence 2: Getting the support of the German people to stop the spread of Communism

Detail 1: Without the Germans on the Allies side the cold war could have taken a different route

Detail 2: If the soviets had control over Germany after WW2 It could have created a power imbalance which could have resulted in nuclear war.

Conclusion: Western support for Germany was necessary to the survival of Europe as we know it today

cuanfo hablamos de la periodizacion cual es el inicio,decelace , final de era y actual​



¡Traduce del inglés al español! También lamento haber entendido mal la pregunta. En mi escuela secundaria y no estamos aprendiendo eso.

The Holocene period, which began 11,700 years ago following the last big ice age, is the official name for the 'age' we are currently in. All periodization methods are more or less arbitrary to the extent that history is continuous and not generalized. Past time would be nothing more than a jumble of events without a framework to help us understand them if there were no defined periods, no matter how clumsy or imprecise they were. Nations, nations, families, and even individuals are continuously imposing overlapping schemes of historical periodization, each with their own remembered history.

What happened to the Spanish-American empire in 1535?

A) It was created.

B) It was expanded.

C) It was destroyed.

D) It was divided.


Answer is=b) it was expanded.

A finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del siglo XX la industria salitrera significó un gran impacto en nuestro país, entendiendo esto mencione y explique 2 impactos que surgieron a raíz del crecimiento económico generado por esta industria.



I don't speak spanish but if you read it better.

Explanation: In addition, this is the right answer.

How many children were killed in the Holocaust?



800 children ..........

According to estimations, 1.5 million children (nearly all Jewish) were killed during the Holocaust.

The British plans for the Middle East after World War One?



the british plans for the middle east after world war one because they wanted to control the middle east by dominating a belt of territory stretching from eygpt to iran, in which they could control the route between europe and india.

Which of the following best states Alexander Hamilton’s attitude toward the conflict between Great Britain and France?
He favored neutrality, refusing to support either side.
He favored military action against both France and Great Britain.
He favored the British.
He favored the French.



He favored neutrality, refusing to support either side.

What are some hooks for a persuasive essay on outsourcing?



persuasive essays:

to connect first para. w second

to begin with,in the first place,the first reason ,

connecting second w third


connecting third w fourth

lastly,yet another reason why ,thirdly,

connecting the body to the conclusion

in conclusion,therefore,to sum it all up,

I’m what way does the view of imperialism in source B contrast with that in source D



Source b is imperialistic while source d is not


Guessing from similar questions that have had this same output in the past. Please include a screenshot when asking questions like this. Sounds like a MS question so this should be in the ballpark

Could the use of the atomic bomb have been avoided and, if so, at what cost? What was the long-term impact of the decisions of the United States, Britain, Germany, Soviet Union, and other countries to include targets with civilians in their war strategy (e.G., Berlin, London, Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki)?



The use of the atomic bomb could have been avoided but the consequences would have been disastrous for American and Allied operations in Japan due to the projected immense losses due to Operation Downfall (the planned invasion of Japan, if it was not for the atomic bombs).

 The long term impacts was that Japan immediately surrendered to the the collapse of vital infrastructure. For Berlin, the impacts were the same-total surrender to demoralization and widespread destruction.


*Pretty much, if the atomic bombs were not used, then the Allies would have won, although with more caualties, and the war could have dragged on

During the Bronze Age, the leaders of two emerging kingdoms stood out. Akhenaton of ______(Mesopotamia/Persia/Egypt)
promoting monotheistic religion in his kingdom, while Sargon the Great of _______(Mesopotamia/Persia/Egypt)
ability to build a vast empire from military success.



During the Bronze Age, the leaders of two emerging kingdoms stood out. Akhenaton of Egypt promoting monotheistic religion in his kingdom, while Sargon the Great of Mesopotamia ability to build a vast empire from military success.

I hope I helped you^_^

How many marriages did Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) have?



That's not confirmed


Some books have reported 70 wives. Others have increased the number to 90. Still others have said 250 wives.

What is the name of the segregationist, conservative Democrat, and Alabama Governor who ran for U.S. President on a 3rd party ticket in 1968 and 1972; harangued anti-war protestors, bureaucrats, and women welfare recipients; and who nearly lost his life to an assassination attempt


jimmy carter fue parte del partido democra

Pearl Harbor was caused by all of the following events EXCEPT:
Japan taking over China (Manchuria).
Japan's alliance with Germany.
The U.S. cutting off oil and scrap metal.
Japan's alliance with Russia


Japan's only chance was the element of surprise and to destroy America's navy as quickly as possible.

C they wanted to take the ship as soon as possible

The Woman’s Suffrage Movement is responsible for passage of the —
A. 15th Amendment
B. 19th Amendment
C. 23rd Amendment
D. 26th Amendment



B.19th Amendment


Hope it helps you

i’m pretty sure it’s the 19th amendment!
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