Hello i need help with this question


Answer 1



i dont get it, but you probably won't ever find the answer tehehe

Related Questions

When readers establish a goal for reading a text, they are





While reading any text, it is important for readers to consider:

A) A Word's part of speech

B) The verb tense of a word

C) The multiple meanings a word might have

D) All of the choices are correct


d. all of the choices are correct

The purpose of the warrant in the body
paragraph of an argumentative research
report is which of the following?
A. to state the reason why you believe your thesis is true
B. to provide evidence to support the claim
C. to conclude the paragraph and move on to the next one
D. to explain the data and how it proves the claim





To see if the reader agrees with your main argument.

Which sentence best describes the tone of the passage ?



O C. The radio broadcast has a more surprised tone.

Ever .................. they came to live here , they have hated everything about the place


Ever when they came to live here

How to start a friendly letter with a sad introduction



Open the letter clearly.

Start your letter by telling them why you are writing them a letter. If you already know, it's important to share the reason with your reader. Write something like: "I'm writing to you because I haven't seen you in so long. I miss you and want to catch up."


1. PART A: Which statement best expresses the central idea of the text? A. Math plays a vital role in scientists’ search for alien life as it helps them determine where and when life might exist and communicate with it. B. Math is a language that everyone understands on Earth, and it is likely that math is the foundation of all alien languages as well. C. While some scientists rely on math to contact aliens, it plays a larger role in general space exploration by helping astronomers get to space. D. While searching for alien life with math is exciting, scientists should be focusing on


I think it is d because it show so much more

Question 5
If you add the suffix -ity to the adjective extreme, meaning “exceeding usual limits,” what part of speech results, and what is the new meaning?
Answers :
noun, meaning “state that exceeds usual limits”

adverb, meaning “in a manner that exceeds usual limits

verb, meaning “to carry beyond usual limits

adjective, meaning “greatly limited”





Identify each type of conflict from the story.

Bev forces Millicent to interview everyone on the bus about breakfast.



person vs. self

person vs person

person vs. society


Milicent might not be sure whether they want to talk to people on the bus. They might feel conflicted on whether or not to ask the other people.

Bev and Milicent are having a conflict. Whether it is physical or emotional, they are disagreeing. The word force shows a negative connotation signifying against someone's will.

Milicent might face some resistance when asking the bus. The other people might find it too personal, disturbing or irritating. They might view Milicent in a certain way causing stress and tension.


Character vs. Character


The word "force" tells us that CHARACTER1 did it against CHARACTER2's will. Therefore, the conflict is between the two of them.

What role does ambiguity play in most flash fiction stories?

It makes the story uninteresting until its very last scene.
It requires the writer to provide a tragic or otherwise sad ending.
It requires readers to infer, or guess at, the story’s meaning.
It allows writers to provide a neat, clearly stated message.


It makes the story uninteresting until its very last scene.


I think it is actually C. It required readers to infer, or guess at, the story's meaning.


This is some feedback my teacher gave me. "Ambiguity is the quality of not having a clearly defined meaning. For instance, an ambiguous detail is one that readers must interpret based on other clues in the story." And C matches that pretty well I think.

Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. Cable messages from Europe to the United States traveled through transatlantic cables that passed deep in the English Channel. The British saw the cables as an opportunity to gain access to secret diplomatic messages sent from Berlin to its ambassador in Washington, D.C. Knowing they couldn't tap the cables the way they could tap phone lines, the British did the next best thing. The cable ship Telconia cut all five of the cables that carried communications through the channel. Which types of structures are used in the text



A). Problem and Solution

C). Chronological


The text structures that have been employed in the given excerpt are 'problem and solution' and the 'chronological text structure.' It is arranged in the 'problem and solution structure' because it first states an issue that is of concern('Cable messages progressing into English waterway from Europe to the U.S. leading' here) and then, propose a likely solution for its resolution 'cutting of the 5 cables that took communication messages' and allowed the others to remain intact in order to access the messages that were being sent from Berlin to the U.S." The other text structure used is 'Chronological' as the events are mentioned one after another that offers a sequential and logical understanding to the readers. Hence, options A and C are the correct answers.


Without the underwater cables, the Germans had no way of communicating with their ambassadors.



(ङ) जाति, वर्ग र पेसाका मानिसक परिचायक पहिरन​



(E) Wearing human identities of caste, class and profession

how could poverty be solved? (answer in your own words)


We need a combination of responsibil policies and responsible behavior


•create jobs

•support pay equity

•establish work schedule that work

!!!!Can somebody proofread this with suggestions, please. :) !!!!

Move west, Live better!

Loads of Land! A lot of Gold! A more joyful future hangs tight for you!

Hustle along now! Get your family and bounce on a cart and take the Santa Fe Trail while heading to California. With an excess of empty land, at a modest expense and the chances of becoming quite wealthy with gold, who might not hold onto this once in a blue moon opportunity. As you read this, you are considering what you will pack, well tune in up and snatch a pen and paper because these are the accompanying fundamentals, you will have to welcome on this exciting journey. Adequately supplies of food, water containers, blades, comfortable dressing, alongside your persevering disposition will set you up for a fruitful undertaking. Presently, life won't be simple in the underlying periods of this new life. This new land will request numerous things from you along these lines, devotion, steadiness, and positive thinking are a portion of the characteristics you can't lose in the cloudiness of the uproar and difficulties you may confront. Fate blesses people who will place in the work, the outcomes can be the key you need to give you and your family a better life than that they have known. Partake in an intersection of societies as you may experience African Americans, Asians, Europeans, Mexicans, and Native Americans, varying backgrounds are endeavoring to carry on with a daily routine worth experiencing, nobody needs to agree to unremarkableness. Even though diseases represent a danger alongside starvation, unforgiving environments, "each hazard merits taking as long as it's for a decent purpose and adds to a decent life." We anticipate seeing you in this new spot you will one-day call home.


This is really good!

I'll make some suggestions in order. I also added a lot. You don't have to use them all. Also, I'm not an expert on grammar, so if you think I'm doing something wrong then please don't correct it.

I don't think you're supposed to capitalize "live" when it's not the first word in a sentence. Also I'm not sure if you're supposed to capitalize "land" or "gold" either. You could say, "Loads of land! Lots of gold!" "Bounce on a cart" sounds a little... weird... maybe you should do "hop" instead. You can also put a comma here: "Get your family, hop on a cart, and take the Santa Fe trail." Also, I don't know about this topic, but I don't think "trail" is supposed to be capitalized. Maybe write "heading to California" instead. You could write, "With an excess of empty land at a modest expense, there are chances of becoming quite wealthy with gold. Who might not hold onto this once in a blue moon opportunity?" Also, I'm not very sure with "there are chances of becoming quite wealthy with gold" so you can rephrase that, or just not take this suggestion. But I think you should put a period after "gold" and make the next sentence a question. You can write, "You might be considering what you should pack." End the sentence here, and start the next one; "Well tune in up and snatch a pen and paper, because these are the accompanying fundamentals you will have to welcome on this exciting journey!" Maybe write "You'll need an adequate supply of food, water containers, blades, comfortable dressing, alongside with your persevering disposition that will set you up for a fruitful undertaking." I don't know what "adequate" means or whether I'm using it correctly. If I'm wrong, don't use that suggestion. I'm not exactly sure what you mean when you say "This new land will request numerous things from you along these lines, devotion, steadiness, and positive thinking are a portion of the characteristics you can't lose in the cloudiness of the uproar and difficulties you may confront." Do you mean something like, "This new land will request numerous things from you along these lines: devotion, steadiness, and positive thinking. These traits are a portion of the characteristics you can't lose in the cloudiness of the uproar and difficulties you may confront." If this isn't what you mean, you can ignore this. Maybe put a period here: "Fate blesses people who will place in the work. The outcomes can be the key you need to give you and your family a better life than that they have known."Put a period and a semicolon here: "Partake in an intersection of societies as you may experience African Americans, Asians, Europeans, Mexicans, and Native Americans. Varying backgrounds are endeavoring to carry on with a daily routine worth experiencing; nobody needs to agree to unremarkableness." Maybe write this: "Even though diseases represent a danger alongside starvation and unforgiving environments, each hazard merits taking as long as it's for a decent purpose and adds to a decent life." By the way, it triggers me that the quotation mark goes after the period, so ignore that.

Like, I said, you don't have to use any of my suggestions. Also, some of my suggestions may be disagreeing with your writing style; you don't have to use those suggestions.

5. When a candle burns, both physical and chemical changes take place.
these changes. Give another example of a familiar process in which both
the chemical and physical changes take place.
minn nnd chemical changes occur as given below.​



The burning of wood


When wood burns, moisture in it turns to vapor (physical) while the wood generates carbon diozide (chemical).

Select the correct answer.
Read this excerpt from President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address on January 20, 1961:

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Based on the author’s use of language, what is the purpose of this speech?

to cultivate a sense of diversity among the American people
to foster a feeling of happiness and unity across people and nations
to motivate people everywhere to uphold the freedom of humankind
to motivate Americans to strive for the development of their nation


I believe C is the answer as President Kennedy talks about defending freedom and doesn’t only mention America, but also citizens of the world.
Hope it helps (:

Which of the following is true about writing an article summary?
Select one:
O a. You should include as many details as possible.
O b. You should always assume your reader is familiar with the article.
O c. You should express the main points in your own words.
O d. You should not include information about the author or place of publication; summaries should be focused only on an article's content.



I think it C you should express main point

can anyone answer
?i really need it



The first option

Present or inform about facts

Option ‘A’
Hope it helps yu

what does the green light most likely symbolize in the great gatsby?



The green light represents Gatsby's hopes and dreams for the future.


Just please help me with this im failing bad and i need to catch up


I can’t completely write your narrative essay but I would say anything you don’t understand just g o o g l e examples. Like if you need a thesis g o o g l e an example take it and just put your own words into it then write about the topic of your thesis and continue doing that. Remember you need a beginning middle and end. I did this and landed a 90%

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
131. The food price will change at the end of this month.
A. The food price will be the same until the end of this month.
B. The food price of this month will be equal to the one of next month.
C. There will be no same food price from now till next month.
D. There will be two different food prices next month.
132. All the other schools in the city are more expensive than my school.
A. My school is one of the most expensive schools in the city.
B. There are some more expensive schools than mine in the city.
C. My school is the least expensive school in the city.
D. There are some cheaper schools than my school in the city.
133. Does anyone know what this sculpture is worth today?
A. Does anyone know if it is deserving to have this sculpture?
B. Does anyone know whether someone should own this sculpture today?
C. Does anyone know if today this sculpture is valuable or not?
D. Does anyone know how much this sculpture costs today?
134. “Stop treating me that way!” she cried out.
A. She warned me not to treat her that way.
B. She urged me not to treat her that way.
C. She begged me not to treat her that way.
D. She advised me not to treat her that way.
135. She can do it because she knows the system inside out.
A. She can do it because she is from inside the system.
B. She can do it because the system is sometimes in and sometimes out.
C. She can do it because she understands the system thoroughly.
D. The confidential system enables her to do because she knows it.



These are the answer choices

1. A

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. C

The cow has died.(Begin:Death........)​


rip cow.. you will be missed

Juan, who is majoring in political science, is giving a speech in class about the Electoral College. During his speech, he often talks very intimately about the legal functions and rules of the Electoral College. Justin ultimately bores his audience and does not get a very strong grade. What error might Justin have committed with his language usage? Select one: a. irony b. paraphrase c. colloquialisms d. jargon PREVIOUS PAGE



D. Jargon


Jargon is specific language related to a field that might not be well known to everyone.

plzz come on help me now
i need help
look photo
iwill give brainliest


Uhm I don’t even know what to say about this…


1.what they are feeling and how has there day been

2. i dont know about this one

3. failing this school year

4. when i actually have to think about somthing

5. what to eat

6. what to do with my life


Which one is more grammatically correct?
The yankees have amazing players and have an impressive history.
The yankees have amazing players and has an impressive history.



The first one is more correct...The Yankees have amazing players and have an impressive history.

2. How can a colon be used to integrate a direct quote?
A.)when the quote is long or written as a complete sentence
B.) when the quote will appear at the end of a paragraph
C.)when the quote will appear at the end of a paragraph
that the quote belongs to an expert
D.) to frame the quote inside your own sentence



A. When the quote is a long or written as a complete sentence.

Answer: A: when the quote is long or written as a complete sentence

Explanation: The reason is that this answer is confirmed by buzz acceleration education.

All my other answers: https://brainly.com/app/profile/13253466/answers

Which phrase best describes the context of a speech?
A. The way the speech is organized
B. The average age of the audience
C. The visual aids the speaker uses
D. The types of statistics presented


I would go with D but I’m not exactly sure

I need a list of refuted counterclaims on why certain books should not be banned from schools and libraries!


Books are essentially a gateway to another world through written word. Banning certain written works can cause more harm than good to children and young adults. ... When someone reads a book, the reader is not only going on a journey with the characters, but also with the author.


Read the excerpt from "Why Alligator Hates Dog.”

Despite Alligator’s suspicions, he was sorely tempted by that bowl of scraps, which certainly sounded very tasty. But he was still doubtful. "I don’t know . . . What about your master? Won’t he try to get me if he sees me having dinner with you?”

"Don’t you worry about him! I’ll take care of him; he always does everything I tell him to do. So, I guess I’ll be seeing you up at the cabin for dinner soon?”

Which element of a folktale is included in this excerpt?

the state of being orally passed down through generations
different versions, depending on the storyteller
a humanlike animal who has an exaggerated ability
a clever, humanlike animal who plays a trick on another



A clever, humanlike animal who plays a trick on another.


The dog attempts to trick the alligator into coming up to the cabin for dinner with the bowl of scraps and the dogs "master" or pet owner would take out the alligator and probably have it for supper.


The Answer is D


It isn't the others if you have read the script and answers.

Which of the following describes the best research question?
a question that will require you to read and summarize an entire source to answer it
a question that can be answered simply with a yes or no
a question that will require you to read several sources and include some information from each
a question that is simple enough to be answered in a few words or short answer



a question that will require you to read several sources and include some info from each

Other Questions
I pls help me this is the question:define the following terms below Dylan has a coworker who is always showing up late and then not finishing his work on time. It's frustrating the other members of the team. What can he do that might help the situation? a) Complain about the coworker to other team members O b) Ask his coworker if he understands his job responsibilities c) Tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off O d) Complete his coworker's work for him ns7) Identify the sentence that shows a cause and effect.OA) Chef is to cooking as artist is to painting.OB) Eye is to seeing as ear is to hearing.OC) Hungry is to eating as thirsty is to drinking.OD) Day is to week as week is to month. Give the domain and range. x 2 0 2 y 1 0 1 a. domain: {2, 0, 2}, range: {1, 0, 1} b. domain: {2, 0, 2}, range: {1, 0, 1} c. domain: {1, 0, 1}, range: {2, 0, 2} d. domain: {1, 0, 1}, range: {2, 0, 2} En que podria beneficiar la cosecha de agua de lluvia In an input/output table, all outputs are 0, regardless of the input. What could the function equation be? Select all that apply.y = 0 xy = xy = x/0y = 0/x f(10)calculate the indicated function value Management is a process designed to achieve an organization's objectives by using its resources ____________ (accomplishing the objectives with a minimum of resources) and _________________ (having the intended result). Find the cash value of the lottery jackpot (to the nearest dollar). Yearly jackpot payments begin immediately (26 for Mega Millions and 30 for Powerball). Assume the lottery can invest at the given interest rate. Powerball: $360 million; 5.4% interest a. $188,347,953 b. $282,573,702 c. $185,870,742 d. $298,386,685 What is it that if we have it we can not share it with others, if we share it with others we no longer have it?answer with intelligence. Question 3 of 10Select the action you would use to solve 3x = 12. Then select the propertythat justifies that actionSelect all that apply.A. Action: Add 3 to both sides.B. Action: Multiply both sides by 3.C. Action: Divide both sides by 3D. Property. Addition property of equalityE. Property: Multiplication property of equalityDF Property Division property of equality hlo guys please someone talk to me no one is talking with me worms move from computer to computer using wire true or false Arndt, Inc. reported the following for 2021 and 2022 ($ in millions): 2021 2022Revenues 888 980Expenses 760 800Pretax accounting income (income statement) 128 180 Taxable income (tax return) 116 200 Tax rate: 25% a. Expenses each year include $30 million from a two-year casualty insurance policy purchased in 2021 for $60 million. The cost is tax deductible in 2021. b. Expenses include $2 million insurance premiums each year for life insurance on key executives. c. Arndt sells one-year subscriptions to a weekly journal. Subscription sales collected and taxable in 2021 and 2022 were $33 million and $35 million, respectively. Subscriptions included in 2021 and 2022 financial reporting revenues were $25 million ($10 million collected in 2020 but not recognized as revenue until 2021) and $33 million, respectively. Hint. View this as two temporary differences-one reversing in 2021; one originating in 2021. d. 2021 expenses included a $14 million unrealized loss from reducing investments (classified as trading securities) to fair value. The investments were sold and the loss realized in 2022. e. During 2020, accounting income included an estimated loss of $6 million from having accrued a loss contingency. The loss was paid in 2021, at which time it is tax deductible. f. At January 1, 2021, Arndt had a deferred tax asset of $4 million and no deferred tax liability. Required: 1. Which of the five differences described in items a-e are temporary and which are permanent differences? 2. Prepare a schedule that reconciles the difference between pretax accounting income and taxable income. Using the schedule, prepare the necessary journal entry to record income taxes for 2022. 3. Prepare a schedule that reconciles the difference between pretax accounting income and taxable income. (Amounts to be deducted should be indicated with a minus sign. what make you happy in your life Multiply. Write your answer in scientific notation 4. Which of the following is an algebra tiles representation of 3x - 2 = -5? pls answer pls pls pls Could someone plz help ^w^ thank you! explain how to find the difference between 9^10/9^11 and 9^11/9^10