Destreza gramatical: Mandatos formales
Complete the following activity using Informal (Tu) Commands.
Informal (TU) Commands
MOM has just arrived home to find the house in a complete mess and she begins ordering you and your siblings around to put things in

HELP ASAP!!Destreza Gramatical: Mandatos FormalesComplete The Following Activity Using Informal (Tu)


Answer 1

Answer: you put them both informal


Related Questions

Escriban los verbso en el pretérito. ¡Cuidado con los verbos irregulares!
1. Ayer yo. a la tienda para comprar comida. (ir)
2. Nosotros a las siete anoche. (comer)
3. Los muchachos para el examen. (estudiar)
4. $i_{-}$ tú con tus amigas la semana pasada? (salir)
5. Ustedes a la clase a las ocho. (ir)
6. Mi mamá lasaña de cenar anoche. (hacer)
7. i Uds. Ia película nueva? (mirar)
8. Yo no la información todavía. (buscar)
9. Nosotros no bien anoche porque oímos un ruido extraño. (dormir)
10. Tú muy rápido en la carrera. (correr)
11. Roberto la medicina sin quejarse. (tomar)
12. Usted no la prequnta. (entender)



1 fui ?? por que no se pudiera poner [ ayer yo ir ]

2 comimos

3 estudian

4 salieron

5 irán

6 hará

7 miraron

8 busque

9 dormimos

10 corres

11 tomó

12 entendió


Bueno espero haber sido de ayuda


Please select all things that are true about energy.

Question 9 options:

Energy can be stored

Energy disappears when it is all used up

Energy can change forms

Energy cannot be trasmitted in a vacuum

Energy cannot be created or destroyed

Using the brakes on your car converts kinetic enregy to heat energy

Energy can be created and destroyed


The statements that are true about energy are: Energy can be stored, Energy can change forms, Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and using the brakes on your car converts kinetic energy to heat energy.

What is energy?

The term energy is a term that has different definitions. However, the best known is the one that refers to the ability to do some job. Energy has a principle that states that it cannot be created or destroyed, but rather it is transformed.

Energy can also be stored. For example, we can use a rechargeable battery to store energy that we will use later to charge an electronic device such as a smartphone or a computer.

An example that energy is neither created nor destroyed is when we brake a vehicle, it has synetic energy that allows it to move. Once we apply the brakes, this energy is converted into heat energy because the brakes increase their temperature due to friction with the wheel.

Learn more about energy in:


Can someone please help with these.



9. (ac)

10. (ab)

11. (d)

12. (c)

13. (ae)

14. (ad)

15. (e)

16. (a)

17. (bc)

18. (b)

En qué escuela estudio v tú? (estudiar)


answer should be estudias

Which word correctly completes this sentence?

Esos vestidos son caros, pero ___ son baratos.



The answer is D because it is talking about the item itself, “ estos” would make the transition accurate

Complete the dialouge


1. Disculpe
2. Con mucho gusto
3. hecha a mano
4. madera
5. Gracias
6. No hay de qué

Hope this will help

Answer: In bold and underlined

Jorge: ¡Buenos días! Disculpe, ¿podemos ver esa cultura?

Artesano: Con mucho gusto. Está Hecha a mano.

Jorge: Es de Madera muy fina. La voy a comprar

Artesano: Gracias.

Jorge: No hay de qué.

Translation: George: Good morning! Excuse me, can we see that culture?

Craftsman: With pleasure. It's handmade.

Jorge: It's made of very fine wood. I'm going to buy it

Craftsman: Thank you.

George: You're welcome.

13. Yo el piano en la iglesia el domingo. (tocar)
14. Vosotros al carro sin discusión. (subir)
15. Los muchachos no a la profesora. (responder)
16. Mi familia y yo tamales juntos. (hacer)
17. Antonia un lápiz de mi mochila. (sacar)
18. i= tú los apuntes en tu cuaderno? (escribir)
19. Los maestros Feliz Cumpleaños a los estudiantes. (cantar)
20. Yo a la escuela a tiempo hoy. (Ilegar)
21. Francisca el refresco de una botella. (beber)
22. ¡No me grites! Yo no nada. (hacer)
23. Vosotros un regalo de vuestra abuela. (recibir)
24. Yo a las dos de la tarde. (almorzar)
25. Nosotras al banco para sacar el dinero. (ir)



13. toqué

14. subieron

15. Respondieron

16. hicimos

17. sacó

18. escribiste

19. cantaron

20. llegué

21. bebió

22. hice

23. recibieron

24. almorcé

25. fuimos

1. Ayer yo a la tienda para comprar comida. (ir)
2. Nosotros a las siete anoche. (comer)
3. Los muchachos para el examen. (estudiar)
4. i tú con tus amigas la semana pasada? (salir)
5. Ustedes a la clase a las ocho. (ir)
6. Mi mamá lasaña de cenar anoche. (hacer)
7. i Uds. la película nueva? (mirar)
8. Yo no la información todavía. (buscar)
9. Nosotros no bien anoche porque oímos un ruido extraño. (dormir)
10. Tú muy rápido en la carrera. (correr)
11. Roberto la medicina sin quejarse. (tomar)
12. Usted no la pregunta. (entender)



All the ansers are in preterite time.

Except: 8


Ayer yo fui a la tienda para comprar comida.Nosotros comimos a las siete anoche.Los muchachos estudiaron para el examen.¿Saliste tú con tus amigas la semana pasada? Ustedes fueron a la clase a las ocho.Mi mamá hizo lasaña de cenar anoche.¿Miraron ustedes la película nueva? Yo no busco la información todavía.Nosotros no dormimos bien anoche porque oímos un ruido extraño.Tú corriste muy rápido en la carrera.Roberto tomó la medicina sin quejarse.Usted no entendió la pregunta.

Answer: In bold and underlined

1. Ayer yo Fui a la tienda para comprar comida.

Translation: Yesterday I went to the store to buy food.

2. Nosotros Comimos a las siete anoche.

Translation: We ate at seven last night.

3. Los muchachos Estudiaron para el examen.

Translation: The boys studied for the exam.

4.¿ Saliste tu con tus amigas la semana pasada?

Translation: Did you go out with your friends last week?

5. Ustedes fueron a la clase a las ocho.

Translation: You went to class at eight.

6. Mi mamá hizo lasaña de cenar anoche.

Translation: My mom made lasagna for dinner last night.

7. Uds Miraron Ia película nueva?

Translation: Did you watch the new movie?

8. Yo no Busque la información todavía.

Translation: I did not look for the information yet.

9. Nosotros no Dormimos bien anoche porque oímos un ruido extraño.

Translation: We didn't sleep well last night because we heard a strange noise.

10.Corriste muy rápido en la carrera.

Translation: You ran very fast in the race.

11. Roberto Tomó la medicina sin quejarse.

Translation: Roberto took the medicine without complaining.

12. Usted no Entendió la prequnta.

Translation: You did not understand the question.

Escoge la frase que es cierta. Reggaeton se originó en México.


Answer: Si o no



There is no attachment or picture to the question


So sorry :(

Which word best completes this sentence?

Hay una universidad _____ del museo.

al lado


Hay una universidad al lado del museo.
The answer is D.

hay una universidad “al lado” del museo.

Give the correct direct object pronoun that can replace the direct object of each sentence.
Mi profesor compra un coche nuevo.
Nuestra abuela cocina las galletas.
Mi hermano corta el césped.
Mis hermanas sacan la basura.
Mi abuelo busca sus gafas.
Tú recibes muchos regalos.
Nosotros estudiamos español.
Mis padres ganan mucho dinero.
Vosotros escribís un poema.
Mis alumnos comprenden la lección.


The direct object pronouns that correspond to each sentence are: lo, las, lo, la, las, los, lo, lo, lo, la.

How to replace the words with the direct object pronoun?

Direct object pronouns are words that allow us to replace personal pronouns to avoid their repetition. In general, these pronouns are used to refer to a noun without repeating it.

To replace a word with an object pronoun we must identify what gender it is (masculine or feminine) and the number of objects to which we refer (singular or plural). Once we identify this information we can replace it using the following order:

Lo - Masculine, singular.La - Femenine, singular.Las - Femenine, plural.Los - Masculine, plural.

According to the above, the sentences with the direct object pronouns would look like this:

Mi profesor lo compra.Nuestra abuela las cocina.Mi hermano lo corta.Mis hermanas la sacan. Mi abuelo las busca.Tu los recibes.Nosotros lo estudiamos.Mis padres lo ganan.Vosotros lo escribís,Mis alumnos la comprenden.

Learn more about Direct object pronouns in:


What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence?
La madre soltera se preocupa por sus hijos.
O the married woman
O the older lady
O the unmarried girl
O the single mother.



The single mother



The single mother


13. Yo el piano en la iglesia el domingo. (tocar)
14. Vosotros al carro sin discusión. (subir)
15. Los muchachos no a la profesora. (responder)
16. Mi familia y yo tamales juntos. (hacer)
17. Antonia un lápiz de mi mochila. (sacar)
18. $i=$ tú los apuntes en tu cuaderno? (escribir)
19. Los maestros Feliz Cumpleaños a los estudiantes. (cantar)
20. Yo a la escuela a tiempo hoy. (llegar)
21. Francisca el refresco de una botella. (beber)
22. ¡No me grites! Yo no. nada. (hacer)
33. Vosotros un regalo de vuestra abuela. (recibir)
24. Yo a las dos de la tarde. (almorzar)
25. Nosotras al banco para sacar el dinero. (ir)




13. Yo toqué el piano en la iglesia el domingo.

14. Vosotros subisteis al carro sin discusión.

15. Los muchachos no le respondieron a la profesora.

16.- Mi familia y yo hicimos tamales juntos.

17.- Antonia sacó un lápiz de mi mochila.

18. ¿Escribiste tú los apuntes en tu cuaderno?

19. Los maestros cantaron Feliz Cumpleaños a los estudiantes.

20. Yo llegué a la escuela a tiempo hoy.

21. Francisca bebió el refresco de una botella.

22. ¡No me grites! Yo no hice nada.

23. Vosotros recibisteis un regalo de vuestra abuela.

24. Yo almorcé a las dos de la tarde.

25. Nosotras fuimos al banco para sacar el dinero.

Answer: In bold and underlined

13. Yo toqué el piano en la iglesia el domingo.

Translation: I played the piano in church on Sunday.

14. Vosotros subisteis al carro sin discusión.

Translation: You guys got in the car without discussion.

15. Los muchachos no le respondieron a la profesora.

Translation: The boys did not answer the teacher.

16. Mi familia y yo hicimos tamales juntos.

Translation: My family and I made tamales together.

17. Antonia sacó un lápiz de mi mochila.

Translation: Antonia took a pencil from my backpack.

18. ¿Escribiste tú los apuntes en tu cuaderno?

Translation: ¿Did you write the notes in your notebook?

19. Los maestros cantaron Feliz Cumpleaños a los estudiantes.

Translation: The teachers sang Happy Birthday to the students.

20. Yo llegué a la escuela a tiempo hoy.

Translation: I got to school on time today.

21. Francisca bebió el refresco de una botella.

Translation: Francisca drank soda from a bottle.

22. ¡No me grites! Yo no hice nada.

Translation: Do not yell at me! I did nothing.

23. Vosotros recibisteis un regalo de vuestra abuela.

Translation: You received a gift from your grandmother.

24. Yo almorcé a las dos de la tarde.

Translation: I had lunch at two in the afternoon.

25. Nosotras fuimos al banco para sacar el dinero.

Translation: We went to the bank to get the money.

A Usted _____ _____________ el medio ambiente (the environment). (importar)



le importa


We'll use an indirect object pronoun to describe something applying to the noun: le.

Then, we'll conjugate importar in the usted form: importa.

Grammar + Vocab
(6 is true or false btw)


siete treinta y unomedia nochenosotros llamamosmúsicafenomenalformidable no tiene femeninoestoy encantado de conocerte también

How to write in spanish?

Uno de los idiomas más hablados del mundo, el español ha atraído a más y más estudiantes interesados ​​en mejorar su gramática española, enfocándose tanto en el ámbito profesional como cultural.

El español es un idioma derivado del latín,  tien una estructura similar, lo que facilita que los hablantes nativos de estos idiomas aprendan el otro. Además, el español es un idioma fonético, es decir, la pronunciación de las palabras es igual a la forma en que se escriben en el alfabeto español.

Learn more about español in


Before you write, take notes on these questions to help guide your writing. Be sure to include an introductory sentence and a sign-off in your letter.

A) What are the three most interesting things you have learned about Mexico?




B) What are three aspects of Mexican culture that are similar to your culture in the United States?




C) What are three aspects of Mexican culture that are different from your culture in the United States?




Now, here is a guide for your letter. Feel free to use the format if it's helpful, but make it your own.


There are different ways to write a letter, The letter on the different points given above is written below.

Letter writting

Dear Sasha,

I hope this letter finds you well. I recently had the opportunity to learn more about Mexico, and I wanted to share some of the most interesting things I learned with you.

One of the most fascinating things I learned about Mexico is its rich history. From the ancient civilizations of the Maya and Aztec, to the Spanish colonization and independence movements, Mexico has a complex and diverse past.

Another interesting thing I learned about Mexico is its vibrant cultural traditions. From its colorful art and music, to its delicious cuisine and unique celebrations, Mexico has a rich cultural heritage that is celebrated around the world.

One more interesting thing I learned about Mexico is its beautiful natural landscapes. From the tropical beaches of the Caribbean and Pacific coasts, to the stunning mountain ranges and deserts of the interior, Mexico is home to a wide variety of ecosystems.

In terms of similarities between Mexican culture and American culture, I noticed that both countries value the importance of family and close relationships with friends and loved ones. Both cultures also place a high value on education and hard work. Additionally, both Mexico and the United States have a diverse mix of cultures, with influences from indigenous, European, and African traditions.

On the other hand, there are also some significant differences between Mexican culture and American culture. One difference is the importance of religion in daily life. In Mexico, the majority of the population is Catholic, and religious traditions and festivals play a central role in the country's culture. Another difference is the role of gender roles and machismo in Mexican society. Finally, the concept of personal space and physical contact during conversation may also be different between the two cultures.

I hope this letter gave you a better understanding of some of the interesting and unique aspects of Mexican culture. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

Yours Sincerely,

Emily Travis

Learn more about Letter writing from


Listen to the audioand select the sentence that best conveys its meaning.
La profesora es paciente.
La profesora es humilde.
La profesora es sincera.
La profesora es amable.


A) The teacher is parient

B) The teacher is humble

C) The teacher is sincere

D) The teacher is kind

I dont know what the audio says so i just gave you them in english!




This is the answer

Because you need to change the last 2 words to o for yo as for tú and more

What is the father's favorite hobby?
O reading the newspaper
O watching the news
playing sports
O drawing


Note that the father's favorite hobby is "Reading newspapers" (Option A)

What is a hobby?

Hobbies are activities that someone enjoys doing in their free time for fun or relaxation. Examples of hobbies include reading, writing, drawing, painting, playing sports, playing musical instruments, gardening, cooking, traveling, and many others.

Hobbies can vary greatly from person to person and can be chosen based on personal interests and passions.

Some people enjoy solo hobbies, while others prefer hobbies that involve social interaction with others. Hobbies can provide a sense of accomplishment, creativity, and relaxation, and can also help to reduce stress and improve mental health.

Learn more about Hobbies:

This Caribbean dance from Cuba and also popular in Puerto Rico usually has a lead and a follow. It uses improvisation of various movement combinations and spins. A) Sauce
The Dominican dance consists of three steps with a Cuban hip motion, followed by a tap including a hip movement on the 4th beat. B) Meringue
There's discussion about whether reggaeton originated in Panama or Puerto Rico because the first beats came from Panama but some of its popular sounds come from Puerto Rico. C) Bachata
This is a very simple dance in which the ladies start first with their right foot and the men on their left, and both take a step on every beat. D) Reggaeton



This caribbean dance from Cuba and also popuular in Puerto Rico usually has a lead and follow. It uses improvisation of various movement combinations and spins. A) Salsa

The Dominican dance consists of three steps with a Cuban hip motion, followed by a tap including a hip movement on the 4th beat. C) Bachata

There's a discussion about whether reggaeton originated in Panama or Puerto Rico because the first beats came from Panama but some of its populat sounds come from Puerto Rico. D) Reggaeton

This is a very simple dance in which the ladies start first with their right foot and the men on their left, and both take a step on every beath. B) Merengue


I'm familiar with all of these dances as they are part of my culture


The person up top is correct


D, Salsa: This Caribbean dance from Cuba and also popular in Puerto Rico usually has a lead and a follow. It uses improvisation of various movement combinations and spins.

A, Bachata: The Dominican dance consists of three steps with a Cuban hip motion, followed by a tap including a hip movement on the 4th beat.

B,Reggaetón: There's discussion about whether reggaeton originated in Panama or Puerto Rico because the first beats came from Panama but some of its popular sounds come from Puerto Rico.
C,Merengue: This is a very simple dance in which the ladies start first with their right foot and the men on their left, and both take a step on every beat.

hope this helps :)



Write the possessive adjective that best completes the sentence.
____ escuela es muy moderna.
Select one:
O Nuestro
O Tus
O Sus
O Su



A. Nuestro


Our school is very modern.

Nuestro escuela es muy moderna.

Cambia los siguientes mandatos afirmativos informales (tú) al negativo. Sigue el modelo.
Modelo Toma esas medicinas.
No tomes esas medicinas.
1. Empieza tu tratamiento mañana.
2. Llama al médico ahora mismo.
3. Toma el jarabe tres veces al día.
4. Deja de comer verduras.
5. Haz ejercicio todos los días.




No empieces tu tratamiento mañana.No llames al médico ahora mismo.No tomes el jarabe tres veces al día.No dejes de comer verduras.No hagas ejercicio todos los días.

Fill in the blanks with the conditional form of the verbs.
—Perdón. ¿

You answeredusted podriasustedIncorrect or extra word podriasIncorrect or extra word (Poder) usted decirme la hora?


The correct way to fill in the blank is with the verb "podría", as "Perdón. ¿Podría usted decirme la hora?" since it refers to the pronoun "usted."

The conditional in Spanish

The "condicional simple" or the conditional form of verbs in Spanish is used to ask for something politely, to talk about things that are not likely to happen, and to provide or get advice, among other things. For this particular question, we must know how to conjugate the verb "poder" in the conditional. Below, you have the complete conjugation:

Yo podríaTú podríasÉl / ella /usted podríaNosotros podríamosVosotros podríaisEllos / ellas / ustedes podrían

Knowing that, it is easy to see why we should choose "podría" to complete the sentence provided in the prompt. The missing verb comes right before the word "usted," which demands the conjugation "podría". Therefore, we have correctly filled in the blank.

Learn more about the conditional here:





О ¿Vivió...


¿Vivió Marco en Madrid por dos años?


¿Marcos vivió en Madrid por dos años?

Glosario de lazarillo de Tormes




Which pronouns are used when talking about reciprocal pronouns in Spanish?



Nosotros – nos


Ellos, ellas

1. No creemos que las herramientas interactivas, o sea "las redes sociales",
(hacer) a la gente más feliz.
2. Según la opinión de algunos, es verdad que estas herramientas (ser) muy
3. A pesar de tanto uso de las redes sociales, es importante que (mantener)
nuestras relaciones personales.
4. Algunos temen con estas comunicaciones que la gente (distraerse) fácilmente
con sus mensajes de texto.
5. Según algunos estudios, los que usan las redes sociales tienen relaciones que
(ser) más fuertes.
6. Quiero vivir en un lugar donde la gente (estar) muy involucrada en la
7 8 9...​




No creemos que las herramientas interactivas, o sea "las redes sociales" hagan a la gente más feliz.Según la opinión de algunos. es verdad que estas herramientas son muy egocéntricas. A pesar de tanto uso de las redes sociales, es importante que mantengamos nuestras relaciones personales.Algunos temen con estas comunicaciones que la gente se distraiga fácilmente con sus mensajes de texto.Según algunos estudios, los que usan las redes sociales tienen relaciones que son más fuertes,Quiero vivir en un lugar donde la gente esté muy involucrada en la comunidad.No hay nada que se pueda decir para convencerme que los usuarios tienen relaciones más fuertes.Mi mamá dice que no puedo tener mi propia cuenta de FB hasta que tenga por lo menos doce años.De hecho, después de usar las redes sociales, típicamente uno está más feliz.Hoy en día, para que tu sepas todo lo que les pasa a tus amigos, tienes que meterte en la red social.

Answer: In bold and underlined

1. No creemos que las herramientas interactivas, o sea "las redes sociales" hagan a la gente más feliz.

2. Según la opinión de algunos. es verdad que estas herramientas son muy egocéntricas.

3. A pesar de tanto uso de las redes sociales, es importante que mantengamos nuestras relaciones personales.

4. Algunos temen con estas comunicaciones que la gente se distraiga fácilmente con sus mensajes de texto.

5. Según algunos estudios, los que usan las redes sociales tienen relaciones que son más fuertes,

6. Quiero vivir en un lugar donde la gente esté muy involucrada en la comunidad.

7. No hay nada que se pueda decir para convencerme que los usuarios tienen relaciones más fuertes.

8. Mi mamá dice que no puedo tener mi propia cuenta de FB hasta que tenga por lo menos doce años.

9. De hecho, después de usar las redes sociales, típicamente uno está más feliz.

10. Hoy en día, para que tu sepas todo lo que les pasa a tus amigos, tienes que meterte en la red social.


1. We don't believe that interactive tools, or "social networks" make people happier.

2. According to the opinion of some. It is true that these tools are very self-centered.

3. Despite so much use of social networks, it is important that we maintain our personal relationships.

4. Some fear with these communications that people will be easily distracted by their text messages.

5. According to some studies, those who use social networks have relationships that are stronger,

6. I want to live in a place where people are very involved in the community.

7. There is nothing that can be said to convince me that users have stronger relationships.

8. My mom says I can't have my own FB account until I'm at least twelve years old.

9. In fact, after using social media, you're typically happier.

10. Nowadays, for you to know everything that happens to your friends, you have to get into the social network.


Write the possessive adjective that best completes the sentence.
______ suegros son de Ecuador.
Select one:



О Sus.


Sus suegros son de Ecuador.




Sus is the right one it means your

A ella no _____ _____________ las apariencias (appearances) (importar)


A ella no le importan las apariencias .


О le importan.


A ella no le importan las apariencias.


En qué escuela estudio v tú? (estudiar)


it’s estudias mark brainliest
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a client with septic shock receives a prescription for ddextrose 5% in water (d5w) 250 ml with dopamine (intropin) 0.6 grams/250 ml at a rate of 5 mcg/kg/minute. the client's weight is 148 pounds the nurse should set the infusion pump to deliver how many ml/hour? barttleby rework problem 17 from section 5.1 of your text, involving the production of basketballs. assume that the number of defective basketballs produced is related by a linear equation to the total number produced. suppose that 7 defective balls are produced in a lot of 275, and 14 defective balls are produced in a lot of 375. find the number of defective balls produced in a lot of 600 balls. which transition word or phrase would be used to compare accounts of the same text?(1 point) responses Shahid was in a serious automobile accident on a snowy evening last winter that caused him to feel anxious every time it snowed and he had to get behind the wheel. After a few months, Shahids fear of driving in the snow disappeared. To Shahids surprise, the first snowfall of the next year once again brought back his fear of driving in the snow. The return of Shahids fear can best be described by the behavioral concept of Which is better and effective online learning or traditional classroom setting? What is the image of (10,-6) after a dilation by a scale factor of 1/2 centered at the origin? Find two consecutive positive integers such that the square of the first decreased by 21 equals 6 times the second please select the response below that best reflects the relationship between race and genetic variability an hr executive of a company studies the effect of the size of project teams on the teams' performance. he finds that the team size is not associated with any particular change in performance. in the context of relationships between variables, what type of relationship exists between the size of project teams and their performance? 7. Julian tracks his progress on his readingquizzes over a period of four weeks. Whichlist shows his scores from greatest to least?WEEK 4WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 39172010A. Week 3, 4, 1, 2B. Week 2, 1, 3, 4C. Week 4, 3, 1, 2D. Week 2, 1, 4, 375%0.65 What values of x make the inequality x + 5x > 6 true?A. -6 < x < 1B.-3 < x < -2C.x < -6 0D. x < -3 or x>-2 the bacteria pseudomonas aeruginosa produces a protein that is secreted into its environment. the protein inhibits synthesis of elongation factor 2 (another protein) in humans. this effect may sound dangerous, but it has been considered as a possible treatment for hepatitis b. the protein produced by p. aeruginosa is a(n) endotoxin. exotoxin. biological weapon. biofilm. What is the most important physical environmental factor in intertidal communities? ayden deposits $2000 into a savings account with an annual interest rate of 3%. If he makes no further deposits or withdrawals, which graph shows the growth of his account balance? The Python "SyntaxError: leading zeros in decimal integer literals are not permitted" occurs when we declare an integer with leading zeros. To solve the error, remove any leading zeros from the integer or wrap the value in a string. Which of the following statements about the intermediate disturbance hypothesis are true? Check all that apply.- The intermediate disturbance hypothesis predicts that most communities eventually reach an end-state or climax community.- Intermediate disturbance should lead to increases in species richness.- Disturbances tend to lead to the dominance of K-selected species.- An example of intermediate disturbance would be a tree fall in a mature rain forest.- Intermediate disturbance should lead to all successional stages being present in the community at the same time When the data can flow across a cable in both directions, this is known as full duplex communication. Explanation: In a duplex type of topology or communication, data or information can be transferred in both directions given a binary-class classification problem in which the class labels are binary, the dimension of feature is d, and each attribute can take k different values. please provide the numbers of parameters to be estimated with and without the simplifying assumption. please explain your answer. briefly justify why the simplifying assumption is necessary. Mia went to the store and bought 3 3/4 pounds of organic peaches for $16 what is the cost per pound of organic peaches _____ are standard settings that control how the screen is set up and how a document looks when you first start typing. Tap the card to flip.