Help me please I have 29 questions can you please help with the first ones I will give at least 17 points on whoever helps me with the questions.


Answer 1

AnsThis is the answer to how and when did frida karlo die


About a week after her 47th birthday, Kahlo died on July 13, 1954, at her beloved Blue House. There has been some speculation regarding the nature of her death. It was reported to be caused by a pulmonary embolism, but there have also been stories about a possible su!cide.

Related Questions

A consumer must decide between purchasing a new television or a new computer.
What limited resource is responsible for this trade-off decision?

A. The consumer has a different benefit from each possible product.

B. The profit the producers receive from each possible purchase.

C. The producers have a limited number of televisions and computers.

D. The consumer has a limited amount of money available for purchases.



A. The consumer has a different benefit from each possible product.

The limited resource which is responsible for this trade-off decision is: A. The consumer has a different benefit from each possible product.

A limited resource can be defined as the resources such as land, labor, capital, time and entrepreneurship which are typically required for the production goods and services are finite and scarce in nature. Thus, these resources can be depleted (exhausted) if not properly allocated and utilized by manufacturers.

In this scenario, a consumer must decide between purchasing a new television or a new computer. This is simply because he is going to use the products to derive different satisfactions (benefits).

A computer would be used to perform different tasks such as;

Text formatting.Graphics designingSoftware development.

On the other hand, a television would be used to watch;

Television programs. Shows. Movies.News.

Hence, the difference in benefits that would be generated or obtained from using each product would create a trade-off such as weighing the benefits from each products.

In conclusion, limited resource which is responsible for this trade-off decision is that the consumer has a different benefit derived from using each possible product.

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not really sure how to explain this other than the fact that the whole city is basically a port to anywhere in the world through sea travel

Write a three-paragraph essay with the title "The Tension Between Traditional Culture and
Modernization in the Contemporary World." Be sure to address these questions: (10 points)


To write a three-paragraph essay with the title "The Tension Between Traditional Culture and  Modernization in the Contemporary World," you should follow these steps:

1.  Define the keywords: Traditional Culture and  Modernization, in one sentence each making a paragraph

2.  State the similarity and differences between Traditional Culture and  Modernization in the Contemporary world in a paragraph

3. Explain the conflict between Traditional Culture and  Modernization in the  contemporary world in the last paragraph

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Alao check here:

helped to explore the interior of Canada except



I don't understand this question

how did Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Women, and Dissenters react to the way they were treated in World War 1​



con miedo potter


What about other ethnicities? They were worried because there was lots of discrimination

President Nixon sent US forces to Cambodia in 1970 to



President Nixon sent US forces to Cambodia in 1970 because he, along with the U.S., wanted to defeat the communist troops who were there.

what is height of mount Everest?​


Mount Everest is 8848 meter tall.

Pick ONE of the three movements of Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution and explain how it had a profound impact on the development of modern sport and physical education. Please use examples to illustrate your arguments.



The industrial revolution brought along mass production of goods including sports equipment. Mass production brought down prices allowing the poorest to play. It also changed a torture device into a workout machine. the treadmill used to be a torture device for energy that Europe used. Now, Europe has non slave labor energy and every civilian can suffer the treadmill. Fast trains gave opportunities for non locals to play in places far away too making a much more diverse(geography wise) playing field. If a professional football game was happening and a very good and qualified player lives a little far away, thanks to trains he now has the opportunity to compete.


i dont think this needs one

Which of the following describes an impact the Chinese had on Japan during
the postclassical era?
A. The Chinese introduced Shinto to Japan.
B. The Chinese introduced Christianity to Japan.
C. The Chinese introduced Islam to Japan.
D. The Chinese introduced Buddhism to Japan.


the answer is B : the chinese introduced buddhism to japan

nhà nước đầu tiên ở việt nam?



Văn Lang



Nhà nước Văn Lang


Please help me with this ;c​



Roosevelt sent American troops to put down Cuba

what was Emperor Queen shi huang's contribution to the great wall of china?​



the Qin Dynasty, ordered that earlier fortifications between states be removed and a number of existing walls along the northern border be joined into a single system that would extend for more than 10,000 li (a li is about one-third of a mile

What were most new immigrants
vulnerable to when they arrived in New
York City?


Almost all of us have relatives who came from someplace other than the United States. People who came to America to live are called immigrants.

From the 1850s through the early 1900s, thousands of immigrants arrived in the United States and lived in New York City. They first came from Ireland and Germany and later from Italy, Eastern Europe, and China, among other places. Because most immigrants were poor when they arrived, they often lived on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, where rents for the crowded apartment buildings, called tenements, were low.

The Lower East Side Tenement Museum is in a building that used to be a tenement and it tells the story of immigrants in the City. It was built in the 1860s and could house 20 families, four on each floor. Each apartment had only three rooms: a living or "front" room, a kitchen, and a tiny bedroom. Often seven or more people lived in each apartment. Not only was the tenement crowded, but also, until 1905, there were no bathrooms inside the building. Residents also did not have electric power until after 1918.

The Museum has re-created the apartments to look like they did when families lived there. This photograph shows what the Rogarshevksy family's kitchen looked like in 1918. Abraham and Fannie Rogarshevsky arrived with their four children from Russia in 1901. Later, they had two more children in the United States. While they lived in this tenement, a boarder (someone who pays for food and lodging in another person's home) lived with the family. That would have made nine people living in a three-room apartment!

The correct answer is: scams and crime.

cuando y donde nacio anganamon





Vì sao nhà quản lý luôn phải xây dựng các kế hoạch đảo ngược tình huống khi ra quyết định quản lý?


can u translate it pls


I dont know this language

Which of the following did the report from the presidential committee on information not conclude


The available options are:

Persons should be able to locate information.

Persons should be able to use information.

Persons should be able to evaluate information.

Persons should be able to delete information.


Persons should be able to delete information.


From the available options, and considering the report from the presidential committee on information, one option that is not included is "Persons should be able to delete information."

This was based on the American Library Association Presidential Committee of Information Literacy report that was published in 1989 under the administration of President George Herbert Walker Bush.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is "Persons should be able to delete information."

Tumutukoy sa lokasyon batay sa mga katabing lugar.


Wait what do you need, please explain

1. In which system of government would the least number of people have power over their own
A. authoritarian dictatorship
B. democratic republic
C. representative democracy
D. totalitarian dictatorship



Totalitarian Dictatorship.


This can be a confusing one, and it threw me for a bit of a loop, but let's quick run threw each of one of these. Authoritarian dictatorships is often either one person of a group of persons, that get in control without any public support or help, and require complete submission to them from their citizens. Democratic republics and representative democracies are the fairest of the four, in representative republics, the people elect a state to have supreme power, and in democratic republics, people are elected to lead the country from all over states, its a group effort, no one person is in control.

In the totalitarian dictatorship system of government, the least number of people have power over their own lives. Hence, Option D is correct.

What is a totalitarian dictatorship?

The term totalitarian dictatorship is a combination of two terms, one is totalitarian, and the second is a dictatorship. The meaning of dictatorship is a situation in which the whole power remains in one ruler and all the citizens are bound to follow those rules.

And the term totalitarian also gives the same kind of meaning. It is a kind of political concept. As per totalitarianism, all the citizens are totally subject to absolute state authority.

In the case of totalitarianism, the government makes such kind of attempts so that all the control will remain in the hands of the central authority and it also includes the lives of its citizens.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Learn more about totalitarian dictatorship from here:


why is folk dance called cultural symbol of a particular community..

plz help me....
And plz write long answer...
plz help me..​



folk dance is a dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a certain country or region. ... The terms "ethnic" and "traditional" are used when it is required to emphasize the cultural roots of the dance. In this sense, nearly all folk dances are ethnic ones.

Folk dance enhances the ability of a culture or tradition to pass on from generation to generation. It is never ending. In this world, approximately, 98% of the people move on in their lives according to their traditions given by their ancestors.

There are many uses of folk dance. When we participate in folk dance, we are commemorating the lives and beliefs of our ancestors. We also develop cultural and social skills by ourselves automatically and that will be the main reason for society will be respecting you. We also co-operate with our cousins or friends or with whom we have folk dance.

Nowadays, many people don't believe or realize the beauty of folk dance. Due to the emergence of new styles in dances, many people and even young candidates think that "folk dance is a disastrous thing", but NO. Due to this folk dance, people began to realize that it's not better, therefore they invented new styles of dance.

If there wasn't folk dance, people won't be cooperating with each other and won't have understood that a change was needed in its improvement.

Thank You

How did advancements in technology impact the economy of the West?



New technologies aided farmers and cattlemen in places where standard fencing materials were scarce. ... Technological advances increased the speed of correspondence from months to weeks and then to minutes. Each technological advance further opened the West and helped bind the growing country together.


Easy 10 points if anyone can answer this last one honestly!!!.
Give me 1 thing in a sentence that whats something in life can help me in future …

Help… asap



one thing that something could help youin your future is beleiving in yourself never give up and never let someone tell yu you cant accomplish your goals





Life goes much better if you are just honest in the beginning.

in the prince machiavelli argues that leaders maintain power through



fear and cruelty.


In the book titled THE PRINCE which was written by Niccolo Machiavelli, the author argues that leaders maintain power through FEAR and CRUELTY.

The book which was written 16th century serves as a guide or instructional material for new Princes or Royals in general.

The main idea of the book is that sometimes success and survival can rationalize the use of unethical standards to accomplish those goals.




Week 3 Short Responses – Question 3 The National American Woman Suffrage Association supported the U.S. decision to enter World War I and publicly encouraged women to support the war effort. Was this a necessary or a contributory cause of the success of the woman suffrage movement?


Answer and Explanation:

We can consider that in addition to being a necessary cause for the efforts of war, it was a cause that contributed immensely to the movement for women's suffrage.

When men left their cities to join the armies during the war, a large part of the country's industry and production was paralyzed for lack of workers. However, as war is extremely expensive, it is essential that all productive sectors in a country continue to function and generate money, so that the economy remains active and there is money for the war effort. Therefore, it was essential that countries at war had the efforts of women, who had to take over the work left by men.

This was essential for the economy of the countries, but it was also a great help for the women's suffrage movement, as it showed how women were necessary for citizenship and the functioning of the country and how they were able to contribute to any activity, even the occupied ones. by men.

How did the West African slave traders usually obtain the slaves they sold to Europeand​



captured them in war


Jane wants to increase her political participation beyond voting in elections.
Which action would accomplish this?
A. Running for political office
B. Participating in a boycott
C. Volunteering at a soup kitchen
D. Serving on a jury



the only reasonable one I see is running for political office


One of Hoover's relief measures for the poor was creation of the:
Works Progress administration
Farm Credit Relief
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Emergency banking Act



Works progress Administration


Im pretty sure this one is right because this agency was made to employ millions of the poor to do public works, and get a little bit of money.

The Pueblo Revolt of 1680.

A. Occurred because the Pueblos rejected everything Spanish,

B. Resulted from the governors ignoring the Catholic priests' advice.

C. Was a response to the Franciscan missionary demand that the Indians totally reject their traditional culture,

D. Led to Spain's withdrawal from New Mexico for 100 years,​


Answer: New France is best described as

a commercial society based on a cooperative relationship with the Natives.

a society of forced labor using the Natives as workers.

a colony of religious dissidents seeking religious freedom.

an agricultural society of settled residents.

3.The drastic decrease in the Indian population after 1492 was primarily the result of

disease for which the Indians had no immunity.

losses in battle.

the destruction of Indian economies and their food supply.

the collapse of Indian cultures and birthrates.

Expert Answer


Answer: 1. Option a was a response to the Francis

Explanation: hope this helpssss!!!

I think its a good answer
Hope its help for your question

Do you know this for social studies


Hey there!

Claim means to declare, so I believe your answer would be affirm.

Hope this helps! :)

Have a great day!

American Revolution can be interpreted in which way



an internal revolution carried on by the masses of the people against the local aristocracy


how do you feel about the looting that took place in SA​



I enjoy it, it's a lot different than where i came from.


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