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Whoever helps me
i will give u brainlest

Help Me Please (NO LINKS)Whoever Helps Me I Will Give U Brainlest


Answer 1


markell asked what a virus could do in our body

his dad said that once that the virus entered our body, it tries to capture a cell and  control the cell to make more viruses


Answer 2
The virus attacks the cell then takes over its system
Hope this helps :)

Related Questions

Please help me! The correct answer will give me an A+ in my grade please.


The answer is B because I’m pretty sure it’s
It’s b that’s the answer

They enjoyed the movie however, I didn't think the ending was good enough.

Which form of punctuation is missing?
a hyphen
a dash
a period
a semicolon





they enjoyed the movie is a sentence alone


B. a dash

hopefully this helps :)


Based on the story, what is the most likely reason Maureen asks Joe about
his sock drawer in paragraph 44?

O A. to show that she and Joe are both secretive

O B. to see if she and Joe share the same hobbies

O C. to lead Joe to a realization about how the mind of a writer works

O D. to help Joe connect the books she has written to moments in his life


could u send the paragraph 44 or w.e it is? its not possible to answer w.o the paragraph


Please send the photo of paragraph 44. Or else we can not help you


Book: Holes

Photosynthesis is essential to all life on earth; both plants and animals depend on it. It is the only biological process that can capture energy that originates in outer space (sunlight) and convert it into chemical compounds (carbohydrates) that every organism uses to power its metabolism.





i believe the answer is to be true

What is Percy able to do while in the Mississippi River?



hes able to breathe under water, hes alive, and he's completely dry


Answer: Percy Jackson fights Echidna and the Chimera at the Gateway Arch. When the Chimera poisons Percy he jumps into the polluted waters of the Mississippi River. He then discovers some of his water powers such as breathing underwater and keeping things dry, when a Nereid tells him to go to Santa Monica Beach.

What does "every cloud has a silver lining." mean?​



every day has its good ....i mean something good in it

It used to say for a situation when there is a bad situation but has a possibility of good.

Imagine Alice has returned from her journey down the rabbit hole and is retelling the events to her sister. Write a story from Alice's point of view, in which Alice explains what happened to her after she reached the bottom of the rabbit hole. Be sure to use dialog to show how Alice's sister responds to the story. Use details from the audio recording in your response.

Titlte: Down the Rabbit Hole
Adapted from Down the Rabbit Hole, the first chapter in Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, public domain.
Little Alice sat by the riverbank listening to her eldest sister read a picture–less book. Inattentive, Alice daydreamed about picking daisies. Just then, she saw a white rabbit with crimson eyes run by her. It did not appear bizarre to Alice that the rabbit spoke while carrying a pocket watch. "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!" cried Rabbit. Curiously, Alice followed the rabbit into a large rabbit hole near the hedge.
Suddenly, Alice tumbled down without wondering how she was to get out of the rabbit's hole. This immeasurable hole, to Alice, seemed like a bottomless well. She fell deeper and deeper while watching peculiar and curious things. The sides of the well were books piled high on book shelves. Here and there were maps hung on dowels and a jelly jar without any jelly.
Down, down, down, she tumbled. "Would the fall ever come to an end?" she inquisitively thought. Absent of worry, Alice thought about how her cat, Dinah, would miss her. She hoped Dinah would get her milk at tea–time. "Oh Dinah," she continued, "I wish you were here with me. You could catch some flying bats. Wait, do cats eat bats?" As one could tell, Alice's thoughts, at this point, were free of apprehension.
Thump, thud, bump! She landed on a mound of sticks and dry leaves. Not a bit hurt, Alice swiftly jumped to her feet looking for the white rabbit. Off like the wind, she ran when she heard, "Oh my ears, how late it is!" It ought to be the rabbit, but she did not, in fact, catch a glimpse of him. Alice found herself in a long hall with a very low roof, surrounded by locked doors on all sides. Glimpsing around once more, she found a curtain, which she had not seen at first. This led to a miniature door, approximately a foot high, maybe less. Oh, how she longed to be small enough to fit. Alice looked through the keyhole and saw the loveliest of botanical gardens. "Where was the key?" she thought. And then she saw it placed on a four–legged table which rested in the corner.
Alice looked around and found on the table with a tag that said DRINK ME. Could it be toxic? She dared to drink it, which made her feel quite bizarre. So it was, Alice was now almost a foot high. "Perfect!" Alice said, for she could now fit through the petite door and get out to that exquisite garden.
However, she realized that she needed the golden key to open the door, and it was still placed on the very, very, very large table. She began to cry, until she gazed at an especially small cake beautifully marked with words in currents saying "Eat me". Alice thought, "If it makes me grow taller, I can reach the key; however, if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door crack. I rather don't care what happens." So she anxiously ate a little bit and saw no result. So she set to work and finished off the cake.


Alice: And that's when I found myself at the bottom of the rabbit hole, Sarah! It was the most extraordinary thing!

Sarah: Alice, you can't be serious! How on earth did you end up in a rabbit hole? And what do you mean you found yourself there?

Alice: Well, it all started when I saw this white rabbit with crimson eyes, and it was talking, Sarah! It said it was late and ran off, so I followed it into the rabbit hole.

Sarah: A talking rabbit? Alice, you must be making this up!

Alice: I promise you, Sarah, it was real! I fell and fell, down this immeasurable hole. The sides were lined with shelves filled with books and maps hanging on dowels. There was even a jelly jar without any jelly!

Sarah: Alice, you always had such a wild imagination. Are you sure this wasn't just a dream?

Alice: Oh, it wasn't a dream, Sarah. I thought about Dinah, you know, our cat, and wondered if she would miss me. But I couldn't worry too much. I was too busy watching all the peculiar things around me.

Sarah: Peculiar things? Like what, Alice?

Alice: Well, I saw bats flying, and I wondered if cats eat bats. Silly thoughts, really. But I wasn't afraid. I was curious about where this rabbit was leading me.

Sarah: And where did it lead you?

Alice: When I finally landed, I found myself in a long hall with locked doors all around. I heard the rabbit's voice, but I couldn't see him anywhere. I was surrounded by locked doors and felt trapped.

Sarah: That sounds terrifying, Alice. What did you do?

Alice: That's when I noticed a curtain I hadn't seen before. Behind it was a tiny door, Sarah. It was only about a foot high. I peered through the keyhole and saw the most beautiful garden, but the key was on a table that was too big for me.

Sarah: Wait, a tiny door and a huge table? Are you sure this wasn't just a playful imagination?

Alice: I know it sounds unbelievable, Sarah, but it happened! I found a bottle labeled "Drink Me" on the table. I hesitated at first, but then I thought it might help me become small enough to fit through the door.

Sarah: Alice, that's so dangerous! You can't just drink random potions!

Alice: I know, but I couldn't resist. And you know what? It actually worked! I became almost a foot high. It was just the right size to go through the door.

Sarah: Alice, I can't believe you would take such risks! What happened next?

Alice: Well, I realized I still needed the key to open the door, and it was on the table. I started to cry, but then I found a cake labeled "Eat Me." I knew it was risky, but I thought it might make me grow taller and help me reach the key.

Sarah: Alice, you can't just eat random cakes either!

Alice: I know, I know, but I was desperate. And guess what? It didn't work at first. I was so relieved. But then I couldn't resist, and I finished the whole cake. And that's when things started to get even more curious...

I hope this helps. Cheers! ^^

The answer choices are spelling rules about what to do before adding suffixes to a base word that ends in e. Identify the rule that would be applied to the word below.

peace + -able

If the suffix starts with a consonant, keep the e and add the suffix.
If the suffix starts with a vowel, drop the e and add the suffix.
If a base word ends in double e, do not drop the final e, but never write three e's in a row.
Keep the final e only if it lets g or c make their soft sounds.
This word is an exception to the rule.


When adding a suffix that begins with a vowel to a root word that ends with a consonant, double the consonant before adding the suffix. When adding a suffix to the end of a word, always double the last letter of the root word before adding the suffix.

So sorry. I need the points

I MET a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Which word supports the meaning of boundless?



The meaning of boundless is : unlimited or immense. So by the options, I would click option D, far. Hope this helped you!!
Option D is the answer

Think about what we learned from President Nixon and his speech.

Why is it important to find more than one news source related to a topic that you are interested in or concerned by? What can be the result of only seeking one source?

Please help! tryna finish will give brainlest!​ I have to write two paragraphs so please help I have a lot of assignments to do!


It is always important to find multiple news sources related to the topic you're writing about so that you have access to more accurate information on your topic, and you will also earn the beneficial experience of hearing the viewpoints of others so that you can develop your own; doing this will also make your writing sound clearer and more precise. The more news sources you use, the more reliable your writing will be.

Answer: Seeking only one source can give a one-sided, biased perspective on a topic.

Tina's uncles, but not her father, travel to the mountains to camp this summer.

How should the verb travel be written in the sentence above?
are traveling
was traveling
It is correct.



are travelling seems to make sense


A. Are traveling


This is because the sentence implies that they are going to travel and are not currently traveling.

Citing sources is necessary to avoid



plagiarism is the correct answer


hope this helps

citing sources is necessary to avoid plagiarism!

Read the paragraph.

Scientific nonfiction gives facts and details about the scientific world. It might be about electricity, matter, or different ecosystems. In the same way, historical nonfiction gives facts and details about historical events. It might be about a world conflict or a different time period. If you are interested in learning about interesting science facts and ideas, scientific nonfiction is a good choice. Otherwise, if you enjoy learning facts and ideas about the past, historical nonfiction might be for you. _____________________________________.

Which is best as a concluding sentence at the end of the paragraph?

A) Scientific and historical nonfiction are genres that provide information.
B) Remember, scientific nonfiction reports on scientific topics.
C) Both nonfiction genres are excellent sources of useful knowledge.
D) Historical nonfiction, on the other hand, reports on topics in history.

The answer is C) Both nonfiction genres are excellent sources of useful knowledge.


C because it's telling you what the paragraph is telling you about

Plz help, ALL MY POINTS, i will report you, will give brainliest


The secret is what he really wants to do in life
The secret is really what he wants to do in life.

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "Terrible" and 5 being "Perfect", how would you rate the author's use of evidence in "Fast Fashion Culture Repeatedly Proven to be Dangerous", to support their claim? Provide your answer in the numbered Response Frame below stating the author's claim first. Explain why you gave that rating and include text examples and provide explanations of these examples. You may provide your answers in a numbered list in the response box.


In the article, "Fast Fashion Culture Repeatedly Proven to Be Dangerous" by Gloria Matheson, the author's claim is (1)______________________________

_________________________________. Her evidence to support the claim (2) (was / was not) strong and was given a rating of (3) (number from the

scale). An example of evidence for this rating is (4) __________________________________________________________________________________. This evidence

example (5) (did / did not) __ support the claim because (6) ________________________________________________________________________. Another

example of this type of evidence is (7) ________________________________________________________________________________________________. This

evidence (8) (did / did not) support the claim within the article because (9) ____________________________________________________________________.

Overall, the evidence used within "Fast Fashion Culture Repeatedly Proven to Be Dangerous" (10) (was / was not) sufficient and relevant enough

to adequately support the author's claim.






a 3 probally


If you were to have a career as a specialist in the medical field, what it would be? Why would you choose this profession?


Answer: Medicine is among the most sought after and respected careers for young aspirants. In the past decade, the medical field has undergone tremendous changes and offers a lot of specializations that were not there before.






Which of the following sentences uses the verb laid correctly?

Dorothy laid down for a nap.

Marianne laid bacon on top of the eggs.

The chicken laid on her eggs.

The rooster laid in the hay to rest his legs.


Dorothy laid down for a nap: sentences use the verb laid correctly. Thus, option A is the correct option.

What is a verb?

A verb is a word (part of speech) that, in grammar, often represents an action (bring, read, walk, run, study), an event (happen, become), or a state of being. The term verb comes from the Latin verbum, which means "word" (be, exist, stand). The infinitive, with or without the verb too, is the fundamental form in the typical description of English. Verbs are inflected (changed in form) to denote tense, aspect, mood, and voice in many languages.

As its subject or object, a verb may also agree with the identity, gender, or number of some of its arguments. There are three different verb tenses: present, past, and future. The present tense shows that an action is being carried out; the past tense shows that it has already been completed.

Learn more about verbs here:


Lord of the Flies was originally published in 1954. William Golding wanted to convey the message that human beings are savage by nature, and without rules and order will succumb to their urges toward brutality. Is this message still relevant, even 67 years after it was published? EXPLAIN your answer.

Please HELP! It is due very soon.


That message is still very relevant even today, because without any rules we would most definitely live in a chaos. People would do what they want for their own good. People would rob the stores if there weren’t any rules... anything that has to do with money if there weren’t any rules it would create a chaos

What makes Alicia drop the scallop?
It squirts her face.
Ron laughs at her.
She becomes more afraid.
It bites her hand.



it squirts her face


the squirt took alicia by surprise, causing her to drop the scallop

it bites her hand
getting your hand bit would scare you

What does Grover, the satyr, tell Percy about his weaknesses?



How can Percy's dyslexia and ADHD be used to his advantage as a demigod


The answer above is correct

Part B

Which detail from the story best supports the idea that Maureen recognizes the
difference identified in the answer to Part A?

A. She praises Joe for getting a good grade on his poem.

OB. She suggests that Joe should look for books by other writers.

O C. She tells Joe how happy it made her that he read one of her books.

O D. She explains how Joe has already demonstrated the traits of an
effective writer.



please give me a story


I wanna say C, that question look familiar

“A Whole New World” From Disney’s Aladdin

1. What is the extended metaphor in the song?

2. Provide two examples of how imagery is shown in this song.



3. Is this song an example of a monologue? Explain why or why not?

4. Give one example of a simile.

5. Give one example of alliteration.

I will give you brainly if you aswer righ away please!



Answers with explanation given below.


1. An extended metaphor is basically a single metaphor that is stretched throughout the whole work. Here, the extended metaphor is that Aladdin is opening a new world to Jasmine.

It is a metaphor because he isn’t actually showing her a new world, but her life has changed dramatically and he compares that to being shown a wholly different world. This he does throughout the song, both of them talking about how the world is so different or new now. “No one to tell us, "No", Or where to go” and “With new horizons to pursue” give us a sense of different rules in this new world and a change of scene.

2. “I can open your eyes

Take you wonder by wonder

Over, sideways and under

On a magic carpet ride”

There are two parts to this. There is a tactile (touch/feel) imagery involved when he says to open your eyes, and there is the part about the motion that comes with riding on the magic carpet, which is kinesthetic (motion based).

If you haven’t learned these imagery types in school yet, you could just say these are visual (along with opening your eyes) and (seeing a magic carpet that flies through the sky).

“Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling

Through an endless diamond sky”

This gives the listeners and readers a sense of falling through the sky, which is exactly what the lyrics say. This is further established by the earlier lines talking about the magic carpet that takes you on a ride in the sky.

3. This song is not an example of a monologue. A monologue is a long speech by one actor in a play or movie, and this could’ve been one, except, Aladdin isn’t the only one who contributes to the lyrics. Jasmine puts in a few verses of her own throughout the song.

4. In the line, “I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far”, Jasmine compares herself to a shooting star using simile because she too has come so far so fast across the sky.

5. Alliteration: “Shining, shimmering, splendid”

“It's crystal clear”.

The other person got it v!$


Read the sentence from paragraph 51 in the box.

P.P.S. Yes. People do get meaner as they get older.

Which of the following details from the story best suggests that Maureen is
kinder than she implies?

O A. "... as if I have been found ..." (paragraph 42)

OB. "Oh, I'm sneaky, Joe." (paragraph 43)

O C. ... and delighted to be a part of your 'lame assignment'..."
(paragraph 47)

• D. "Do your research, Joe." (paragraph 50)



Read books that are true.


I would say C because she says she is delighted

Write a paragraph on your favorite summertime activity. Identify the subject and predicate of each sentence. Include at least one compound subject and one compound predicate in your paragraph.



One of my favorite summertime activities is working on mathematical  equations. Even though it is summer it is always good to keep practicing math for next year. Being prepared is very important and I know that what I am doing will help me. Practicing long division, fractions, equations, etc. It’s always good to help the mind to learn.


This is what I’m doing lol. I’m doing algebra advanced next year and what I put in answer is true. Practicing your math will help you being prepared for next year. Have a good summer!


One of my favorite mid year exercises is working on numerical conditions. Indeed in spite of the fact that it is summer it is continuously great to keep practicing math for following year. Being arranged is exceptionally critical and I know that what I am doing will offer assistance me. Practicing long division, divisions, conditions, etc. It’s continuously great to assist the intellect to memorize

A positive adjective and adverb make a statement about a person, place or thing. Write a sentence that uses the superlative form.


• I can’t find my most comfortable jeans.
• The runt of the litter is the smallest.
• She is the smartest girl in our class.
• This is the most interesting book I have every read.


Marcus is the tallest boy in the class

This book is the longest one that I have ever read

Joseph seems to be the most excited child at the party.

rabbit is always fastest than turtle


Choose the sentence that has correct capitalization.

Let's work together on our algebra and english homework.
Let's work together on our Algebra and English homework.
Let's work together on our algebra and English homework.



Let's work together on our Algebra and English homework.

Let’s work together on our algebra and English homework.

this should be it :((

Which of the following is a dangling modifier in the sentence below?

Excited about the trip, her luggage was already packed two weeks before the departure date.
two weeks
Excited about the trip
before the departure date



Excited about the trip


Excited about the trip

Part A

Read paragraph 90 in the box.

My last Author Question really is-how do you know if you might be a

What is the most important difference between the last question Joe asks
Maureen and the other questions he asks?

O A. The last question more compassionate, showing that Joe has grown to care for Maureen.

OB. The last question is more clearly worded, showing that Joe has
learned to express himself well.

OC. Joe asks the first three questions as part of the assignment but asks
the last question to get extra credit.

O D. Joe asks the first three questions to learn about Maureen but asks the

Part B

Which detail from the story that supports the idea that Maureen recognizes the difference identify in the answer to part a?

A. She praises Joe for getting a good grade on his poem.

B. She suggests that Joe should look for books by other writers.

C. She tells Joe how happy it made her that he read one of her books.

D. She explains how Joe has already demonstrated the traits of an affective writer.


we need the passage:)
need the passage first

You and two of your classmates have been assigned to work on a group project. You need to meet outside of school to work on the project. Your classmate, Brian, suggests meeting up at Starbucks since they have free wifi. However, your other classmate, Amanda, says she has wifi at her house. Which is the safer option? Explain why.

Will give brainilist


The safer option is at Amanda’s house since it isn’t a public space like Starbucks and there’ll be adults who can look out for the children.

Answer: Amanda's house is obviously safer because its a classmates house and she also has wifi there if they go to starbucks its a public place where they can get kidnapped. But if you go to a classmates house and they're not your friends they also could be trying to do something bad. But the safer option is Amanda's house where they are in a private places with people they know.


what do i write on conflict ?
there is an example



girl finds a cult in the woods

She found objects and broken stuff in the woods that are devil related
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can someone explain how to do this :) im very confused Can you guys help me What is the least common denominator of the equation 3/4(x-3)-1/2=2/3 In a petri dish, a certain type of bacterium doubles in number every 20minutesThere were originally 8, or 23 bacteria in the dish. After 140 minutes, thenumber of bacteria has doubled 7 times, multiplying by 27.Now the population of bacteria is 23.27. Expressed as a power, how manybacteria are in the petri dish after 140 minutes?O A. 210B. 410C. 27D. 221SUBMIT Help,anyone can help me do quetion Match each expression with its equivalent expression. a. 4x^2y^4b. 8x^2yc. 4x^2yc. 16xy^2 d. 8xy^21. 2xy2. 2y2x3. 2xy^24. 2x2y5. 4yx Abbys employee benefits include family health care coverage. She contributes 15% of the cost. Abby gets paid bi-weekly and $105.00 is taken out of each paycheck for family health care coverage. How much does Abby and her employer contribute annually for the family coverage? find the value of x what makes DEF ~ XYZ What is the best summary of the authors claim?Rock lyrics can be like poetry.Bob Dylan was a revolutionary.Musicians deserve Nobel prizes.More Americans deserve Nobel prizes I will give u brainliest and 5 star and thanks if its correct simplify (3 3) 3 Why increasing the temperature of a gas would increase the volume of its container in gas law? Which claim does the data from the graph support?People are making healthier choices about nutritionand their diet.O More people are choosing to maintain a healthyweight.O People are consuming more added sugars andprocessed foods in their diets.People are consuming more fruits, vegetables, andlean meats in their diets. Which action would decrease the entropy of a deck of playing cards?A. Shuffling the deckB. Dropping the deck on the floorO C. Stacking the cards in order of face valueD. Throwing the deck up into the airSUBMIT help please! no links :) Single parents struggle disadvantages Can someone summarize this for me i just need like 2 or 3 sentencesI left the woods for as good a reason as I went there. Perhapsit seemed to me that I had several more lives to live, and could notspare any more time for that one. It is remarkable how easily andinsensibly we fall into a particular route, and make a beaten trackfor ourselves. I had not lived there a week before my feet wore apath from my door to the pond-side; and though it is five or sixyears since I trod it, it is still quite distinct. It is true, Ifear, that others may have fallen into it, and so helped to keep itopen. The surface of the earth is soft and impressible by the feetof men; and so with the paths which the mind travels. How worn anddusty, then, must be the highways of the world, how deep the ruts oftradition and conformity! (Easy question)What is an Adaptation? Whats the area of the rectangle Which expression is equivalent to