help me please thạn you so much​

Help Me Please Thn You So Much


Answer 1



3) To(I guess).


5)To go

6)Through everyone


8) Cancelled

9) Just

10) Out

11) For

Related Questions

Which words contain a grammatical suffix?


forget, use -ful forgetful, useful

state, govern -ment statement, government

complicate, create -ion complication, creation

A literary device that compares two things using "like" or "as" is a


The answer is Simile


The teem you're looking for is a simile.

3.What impact does the lack of punctuation in stanza 1 have on the meaning of the poem?

It shows how religion is so ritualistic that people just go through the motions without much thought.

It shows how quickly the woman performs the rituals.

It shows how many rituals people have to do.

It shows that there are so many people that the woman has to hurry her prayers.​



It shows how religion is so ritualistic that people just go through the motions without much thought.


The given poem "Church Matters" is a poem about a woman getting the Holy Communion and how the act is done so casually. The poem is written in short lines, though without the use of any punctuation.

The woman was praying and then got communion, which is a reference to the flesh and blood of Christ as His sacrifice for the sins of mankind. But aside from the ritualistic element of the actions done by the woman, the motions seemed to be done without much thought, as if it is done out of necessity rather than religious belief.

Thus, the correct answer is the first option.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that ___________must decide the facts that lead to a death sentence. Group of answer choices


The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that juries, not judges must decide the facts that lead to a death sentence.


The U.S. Supreme court has ruled that the juries decides the facts that lead to the death sentece


what is the example of comparision with




I want to give an example of a song;

As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox

As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear

As free as a bird, as neat as a word

As quiet as a mouse, as big as a house


I wanna be


I wanna be

Oh oh oh! All

I wanna be

Is everything

As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth

As deep as a bite, as dark as the night

As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong

As long as a road, as ugly as a toad

As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture

Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be

Bright as day, as light as play

As hard as nails, as grand as a whale


I wanna be

Oh oh oh! All

I wanna be

Oh oh oh! All

I wanna be

Is everything

Everything at once

Everything at once

Oh oh oh, everything at once

As warm as the sun, as silly as fun

As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea

As hot as fire, cold as ice

Sweet as sugar and everything nice

As old as time, as straight as a line

As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee

As stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glider

Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be


I wanna be

Oh oh oh! All

I wanna be

Oh oh oh! All

I wanna be

Is everything

Everything at once.



Greetings from Turkey ツ


comparison with is a simile

e.g. as brave as a lion, as sly as a fox


2. Read this sentence from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. But he is generally melancholy and despairing, and sometimes he gnashes his teeth, as if impatient of the weight of woes that oppresses him. Select the meaning of the boldfaced word. A. Very unpleasant and unattractive B. Cold and desolate C. A feeling of depression and sadness D. A confusing path


Answer: C. A feeling of depression and sadness


The underlined word isn't shown in this case but I'm guessing that it's melancholy.

Melancholy refers to a feeling of s

sadness or depression. Someone who is said to be melancholy is sad and depressed. Therefore, the correct option is C "A feeling of depression and sadness"

the poem is about a small family? trua or fals​





write a story that illustrate the saying that the excessive desire for money is the root of all evil​


Talk about capitalism and its effects on your climate

Read the sentence.
Which word in the sentence functions as the indirect
As part of my presentation, I read my class the final
stanza of the poem and then performed a critique.
O class
o stanza
O pabr
O critique



class is the write answer

don't you know



is the correct answer

What are the nouns and verbs for the sentence.
“I listened to the fall of coins.”


coins and fall are nouns. listen is a verb


I think the nouns are just 'coins' and the verbs 'listened' and 'fall'


Why should minimum wage be raised to a livable $15+?


Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour would improve the overall standard of living for minimum wage workers. These workers would more easily afford their monthly expenses, such as rent, car payments, and other household expenses.

Which statement best describes the effect of rhythm on this excerpt? The rhythm suggests the cautious approach of a new acquaintance. The rhythm supports the fast pace of the narrator's immature love. The rhythm mirrors the lazy wandering of people strolling. The rhythm imitates the weary advancement of old age.



The rhythm supports the fast pace of the narrator's immature love.


In William Butler Yeats' poem "Down by the Salley Gardens", the speaker is a lover who meets his beloved "down by the salley gardens". And being young, the speaker reveals his love for her, depicting the fast-paced nature of his immature love.

In the given lines from the poem, the speaker reveals how they met. The speaker admits, "I, being young and foolish" would not agree with her advice to take "love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree".

Throughout the four lines given, the rhythm focuses on the fast-paced nature of the speaker's love for 'his love', though immature.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.

Today, beach towns are popular tourist resorts. However, until a couple of hundred years ago, the seacoast was a place of danger. People stayed away from the coast because they feared capture by pirates or slave-raiders. In fact, many of the places we might like to go to in order to “get away” on vacation were once feared and avoided. Have you ever daydreamed of being stranded on a tropical island? That was once no daydream, but a terrible punishment for sailors found guilty of mutiny.

What is the main pattern of organization?

A) comparison and/or contrast

B) definition and example

C) no sense of organization

D) cause and effect


A. Comparison and/or contrast

What does the verse in Song of Solomon 5:16 mean “His mouth is most sweet “thank you very much


Hi there! Are you reading the Bible? I very much enjoy to read the Bible as well. And, sometimes to understand the Bible you need someone to guide you. If you have any questions you can come to me anytime.

Let me explain, this story is not about two lovers and the singers, King Solomon,  the Queen of Sheba and the singers as many have proposed. Instead this song is a love story of a shepherd boy and a country girl, a Shulammite.

As described by the book published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society “All scripture is inspired by God and beneficial” states: “The material in the book is presented through a series of conversations. There is a constant change of speakers. The persons with speaking parts are Solomon the king of Jerusalem, a shepherd, his beloved Shulammite, her brothers, court ladies (“daughters of Jerusalem”), and women of Jerusalem (“daughters of Zion”).”

Now, what does the girl mean when his lovers “mouth is most sweet” or as my Bible translation states: “His mouth is sweetness itself”? What she means is that her lover says sweet things with his lips. His lips are sweet because they express through words desirable and beautiful things she needs to hear. She is in love with him, and hearing beautiful words from his lips livens more her love for him. Based on Elliot‘s commentary, he states: “His mouth is most sweet.—Literally, his palate… his voice is exquisitely sweet. Palate, is used of the organ of speech and speech itself”. The Bible Translation of the New World states: “Your palate is sweet”.

How does the reader of this blog promote change?



By encouraging reader discussion


What are two different ways you could use rhetoric to persuade the cashier that you didn't steal the water, and which do you think would be most effective?


You can use facts (logos) and the appeal to emotion (ethos) in order to persuade the cashier, although facts and evidence would be a lot more effect since you can actually prove you didn't steal the water bottle, rather than blurting out random phrases and perform sycophantic behaviors.



we need more information

How would you feel if you had to spend a nigh on jungle​



Scared anxious


Because,you don't know what will happen to you.

Elaborate on the central idea of social classes that Countee Cullen depicts in his poem For a Lady I Know. Provide textual evidence for your answer



In his poem "For a Lady I Know," Countee Cullen depicts the clash between the upper and lower classes of society. The poem is assumed to be about upper-class white Americans who treat African Americans poorly. He points out the audacity of the upper class to presume that African Americans would continue to wait on them forever, even after death:

She even thinks that up in heaven

Her class lies late and snores

While poor black cherubs rise at seven

To do celestial chores.

This poem suggests that white Americans don’t want to help improve the lifestyle of poor African Americans but are comfortable with the minority races serving them forever.


pulled directly as an answer, enjoy!


In his poem "For a Lady I Know," Countee Cullen depicts the clash between the upper and lower classes of society. The poem is assumed to be about upper-class white Americans who treat African Americans poorly. He points out the audacity of the upper class to presume that African Americans would continue to wait on them forever, even after death:

She even thinks that up in heaven

Her class lies late and snores

While poor black cherubs rise at seven

To do celestial chores.

This poem suggests that white Americans don’t want to help improve the lifestyle of poor African Americans but are comfortable with the minority races serving them forever.


Straight from Plato.

What are the nouns and verbs in the sentence. “The clink and clank of the coins echoed through the silent corridors.”



noun: corridor

verb: clink and clank


Please answer the two questions below.



i cant see the pic


give me five reasons why and how Foggy conditions can cause problems while driving.



Any five reasons are:

1.We cannot see nicely.

2.Accident can happen.

3.We cannot see road clearly.

4.We cannot see other cars.

Exercise 5 Some of the verbs in the sentences given below are incorrect. Underline them and
write the correct form :-
1. My son coughing so badly last night that he could not sleep.
2. The book reading this afternoon is very interesting, I couldn't leave it.
3. While I clearing my cupboard, I found my old diary.
4. Our teacher last year always reminding us to work harder.
5. The farmers fought to save their homes from the fire which spread quickly through their fields.



1 no I thik OK my son...........

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred:
'Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns' he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd ?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.

Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army while
All the world wonder'd:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro' the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel'd from the sabre-stroke,
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro' the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wonder'd.
Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred!
Poet Name - Alfred Lord. Tennyson

Was there a man dismay'd ?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Some one had blunder'd

a.who is the man speaker referring to?
b.what does speaker mean In the second line?
c.what is referring to in the third line and what do you think their emotions would have been?



Throughout the course of The Charge of The Light Brigade (a poem the based the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War), Lord Alfred Tennyson uses many poetic techniques such as imagery, intertextuality, rhyming, and meter to highlight loyalty leads to sacrifice.


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this.

Read the passage.
These trains were not toys, and they were detailed models, and they were built to try out ideas. For real trains.
What is the best way to combine these incorrect sentences into one complete sentence?

a. These trains were not toys. They were detailed models. They were built to try out ideas. The ideas were for real trains.
b. These trains were not toys, they were detailed models, they were built to try out ideas for real trains.
c. These trains were toys and detailed models, and they were built to try out ideas for real trains.
d. These trains were not toys; they were detailed models built to try out ideas for real trains.





Answer D combines the two ideas correctly.


These trains were not toys; they were detailed models built to try out ideas for real trains.


DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is wrong.
Once the statement is False, underline the word or words that make the
statement incorrect.
6. You may also send feedback in the form of smiles
and head nods while listening.
7. Any distortions or inconsistencies that occur during
an attempt to communicate can be seen as feedback.
8. Facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures and body
language are considered as message.
9. The use of complicated jargon, inappropriate
body language, inattention, disinterest, and
cultural differences cannot be considered
"noise" in the context of interpersonal communication.
___10. in this personal communication can be used to form context and maintain relationships.

if you answer this... I give you a Brainlest ​



6- true

7- true

8- true

9- false

10- false


6. True

7. True

8. True

9. False

10. False

in the outsiders which line best supports the authors message that some things in life are out of people control?​


Answer: “I'm not saying that either Socs or greasers are better; that's just the way things are.”

Write an argumentative essay making a new historical or modern connection to the allegories within Animal Farm. You will connect the allegory between the novel and the Russian Revolution to this new historic or modern topic/event.



Learning Task 3: Relating the Truth

Read the news articles below. In a pad paper, take note of the important details to be able to fill out the table that follows

Which of the following is NOT part of creating an outline for your essay? A. Find places to include your personal opinion. B. Make notes of relevant quotes you wish to use. C. Create the main points you want to discuss. D. Consider what structure will be the most effective for your project.


The statement that is not part of the creation of the outline for the essay is "A. Find places to include your personal opinion. " Therefore, option A is correct.

What is an essay?

The definition of an essay is ambiguous and overlaps with that of a letter, a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short fiction. Generally speaking, an essay is a piece of writing that presents the author's own argument.

An essay is a narrowly focused piece of writing that aims to explain or Essays are typically written in a discursive form, combining concepts, facts, and arguments to answer a particular issue or query. convince.

Essays come in a wide variety of formats, but they are frequently divided into the following four groups: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive essays.

Therefore, The statement that is not part of the creation of the outline for the essay is "A. Find places to include your personal opinion. " option A is correct.

Learn more about an essay:


Generally, do you agree or disagree with public surveilance? Why / why not?​



I disagree


Privacy infringement. The first and major disadvantage of installing a camera for surveillance is, it comes with a risk of individual's right to privacy breach. Business- when you decide to install a camera at your place of business, you will be now breaching the basic right of privacy of your employees. First, surveillance is harmful because it can chill the exercise of our civil liberties. With respect to civil liberties, consider surveillance of people when they are thinking, reading, and communicating with others in order to make up their minds about political and social issues.

Other Questions
I will be giving 30 points(free) in the next question, just good answer, good sentences. In a nonfiction work, which text feature lists key names, terms, and topics alphabetically with page numbers? A) Example Page B) Glossary C) Index D) Table of Contents Leelanau applies overhead using a predetermined rate. What amount of overhead was applied to work in process last year describe five ways in which contract management might adds value after the contract award stage of the sourcing process. How would you solve x???? 14. For the declaration, int a[4] = {1, 2, 3};, which one is right in the following description-(A. The meaning of &a[1] and a[1] are same B. The value of a[1] is 1-C. The value of a[2] is 3D. The size of a is 12 bytes art project Using the table above. Which statement below is true? Which artifact would best symbolize freedom for Americans How many boxes could you stack safely on a pallet if the pallet is 5 feet deep, five feet across, every box is 1 x 1 and the maximum safe stacking height is 5 boxes? * PLS HELP TIMED QUESTION (I'll mark brainiest)Please show work if possible. Describe about comparative cost and absolute advantages of international trade Does anyone know the answer? A robot that makes _/6 of a boat per day will make 5 boats in 6 days what is the answer of this questoin 2c-3b+6+7b-2b+11? (05.05 HC)The four points (2, 5), (2, 1), (5, 1), and (3, 5) are the vertices of a polygon. What is the area, in square units, of this polygon? 27 units2 33 units2 36 units2 51 units2 Find m when 2.4^m-2=16^3m2 Marcelino Co.'s March 31 inventory of raw materials is $80,000. Raw materials purchases in April are $500,000, and factory payroll cost in April is $363,000. Overhead costs incurred in April are indirect materials, $50,000; Indirect labor, $23,000; factory rent $32,000; factory utilities, $19,000; and factory equipment depreciation, $51,000. The predetermined overhead rate is 50% of direct labor cost. Job 306 is sold for $635,000 cahs in April.Costs of the three jobs worked on in April follow: Job 307 Job 307 Job 308Balances on March 31 Direct materials $29,000 $35,000 Direct labor 20,000 18,000 Applied overhead 10,000 9,000 Costs during April Direct materials 135,000 220,000 $100,000Direct labor 85,000 150,000 105,000Applied overhead Status on April 30 Finished (sold) Finished (unsold) In processa. Materials purchases on creditb. Direct materials used in productionc. Direct labor paid and assigned to Factory Overheadd. Indirect labor paid and assigned to Factory Overheade. Overhead costs applied to Work In Process Inventoryf. Actual overhead costs incurred, including indirect materials. (Factory rent and utilities are paid in cash)g. Transfer of Jobs 306 and 307 to Finished Goods Inventoryh. Cost of goods sold for Job 306i. Revenue from the sale of Job 306j. Assignment of any underapplied or overapplied overhead to the Cost of Goods Sold account, (the amount is not material).Required:Prepare journal entries for the month of April to record the above transactions. refer to pic plssss Hammond Lumber has just changed from prefabricating 8 gazebos to 10 gazebos (units). Their total costs changed from $9,500 to $11,000. What is the marginal cost for Hammond Lumber?