Help plz!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer 1


Option A, 90

Step-by-step explanation:


= 210-120

= 90

Related Questions

The definition of parallel lines requires the undefined terms line and plane, while the definition of perpendicular lines requires the undefined terms of line and point. What characteristics of these geometric figures create the different requirements?



Parallel lines never intersect, but they must be in the same plane. The definition does not require the undefined term point, but it does require plane. Because they intersect, perpendicular lines must be coplanar; consequently, plane is not required in the definition.

Step-by-step explanation:

Its correct trust me.


Parallel lines never intersect, but they must be in the same plane. The definition does not require the undefined term point, but it does require plane. Because they intersect, perpendicular lines must be coplanar; consequently, plane is not required in the definition.

Step-by-step explanation:

-8z^{-2} Write the expression using only positive exponents. Assume no denominator equals zero.



Step-by-step explanation:

-8z⁻² = -8/z²

How high does rent have to be to be an outlier



congratulate you have Windows 11

please answer fast urgent ​


16 years til it has 4x

Determine, to one decimal place, the length, width & height of the rectangular prism that would have the greatest volume, with a surface area of 200 cm^2.



The length = The width = The height  ≈ 5.8 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a rectangular pyramid, V = l × w × h

The surface area of the pyramid = 2 × l × h + 2 × w × h + 2 × l × w = 200

∴  l × h + w × h + l × w = 200/2 = 100

We have that the maximum volume is given when the length, width, and height are equal and one length is not a fraction of the other. Therefore, we get;

At maximum volume, l = w = h

∴ l × h + w × h + l × w = 3·l² = 100

l² = 100/3

l = 10/√3

Therefore, the volume, v = l³ = (10/√3)³

The length = The width = The height = 10/√3 cm ≈ 5.8 cm

Tìm m để hàm số sau là hàm số bậc nhất:




Step-by-step explanation:

multiply each term in the parentheses by x

Point S lies between points R and T on Line segment R T. A line contains points R, S, T. The space between R and S is 2 x. The space between S and T is 3 x. If RT is 10 centimeters long, what is ST?



[tex]ST = 6cm[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]RS =2x[/tex]

[tex]ST = 3x[/tex]

[tex]RT = 10[/tex]


Find ST

From the question, we understand that S is between R and T.


[tex]RS + ST = RT[/tex]

Substitute known values

[tex]2x + 3x = 10[/tex]

[tex]5x =10[/tex]

Divide both sides by 5

[tex]x =2[/tex]

Given that:

[tex]ST = 3x[/tex]

[tex]ST = 3 * 2[/tex]

[tex]ST = 6cm[/tex]


C or 6 centimeters

Step-by-step explanation:

solve the quadratic equation
give your answer to 2 decimal places
: 3x^2+x-5=0



The quadratic equation is:


To find:

The solution for the given equation rounded to 2 decimal places.


Quadratic formula: If a quadratic equation is [tex]ax^2+bx+c=0[/tex], then:

[tex]x=\dfrac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}[/tex]

We have,


Here, [tex]a=3,b=1,c=-5[/tex]. Using the quadratic formula, we get

[tex]x=\dfrac{-1\pm \sqrt{1^2-4(3)(-5)}}{2(3)}[/tex]

[tex]x=\dfrac{-1\pm \sqrt{1+60}}{6}[/tex]

[tex]x=\dfrac{-1\pm \sqrt{61}}{6}[/tex]

[tex]x=\dfrac{-1\pm 7.81025}{6}[/tex]




[tex]x\approx 1.14[/tex]




[tex]x\approx -1.47[/tex]

Therefore, the required solutions are 1.14 and -1.47.

5 + 8n = 7(-7 + 4n) -6



n = 3

Step-by-step explanation:


5 + 8n = 7(- 7 + 4n) - 6 ← distribute parenthesis on right side

5 + 8n = - 49 + 28n - 6 ( subtract 28n from both sides )

5 - 20n = - 55 ( subtract 5 from both sides )

- 20n = - 60 ( divide both sides by - 20 )

n = [tex]\frac{-60}{-20}[/tex] = 3

evelins room has an area of 45 squar feet. the length of her room is 5. what is the perimeter of her room?



28 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the area is 45 and length is 5.In order to find the width we divide the area by the side given

45 ÷ 5 = 9 is the width

Perimeter is the sum of all the side of a figure.

9 + 9 + 5 + 5

= 28

I hope this helps :)

for the function g(x)=3-8(1/4)^2-x

a) State the y-intercept

b) State the equation of the horizontal asymptote

c) State whether the function is increasing or decreasing.

d) State the domain and range
e) Sketch the graph

Could anyone help?


Using function concepts, it is found that:

a) The y-intercept is y = 2.5.b) The horizontal asymptote is x = 3.c) The function is decreasing.d) The domain is [tex](-\infty,\infty)[/tex] and the range is [tex](-\infty,3)[/tex].e) The graph is given at the end of the answer.


The given function is:

[tex]g(x) = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2-x}[/tex]


Question a:

The y-intercept is g(0), thus:

[tex]g(0) = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2-0} = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2} = 3 - \frac{8}{16} = 3 - 0.5 = 2.5[/tex]

The y-intercept is y = 2.5.


Question b:

The horizontal asymptote is the limit of the function when x goes to infinity, if it exists.

[tex]\lim_{x \rightarrow -\infty} g(x) = \lim_{x \rightarrow -\infty} 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2-x} = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2+\infty} = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{\infty} = 3 - 8\frac{1^{\infty}}{4^{\infty}} = 3 -0 = 3[/tex]


[tex]\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} g(x) = \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2-x} = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2-\infty} = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{-\infty} = 3 - 8\times 4^{\infty} = 3 - \infty = -\infty[/tex]

Thus, the horizontal asymptote is x = 3.


Question c:

The limit of x going to infinity of the function is negative infinity, which means that the function is decreasing.


Question d:

Exponential function has no restrictions in the domain, so it is all real values, that is [tex](-\infty,\infty)[/tex].From the limits in item c, the range is: [tex](-\infty,3)[/tex]


The sketching of the graph is given appended at the end of this answer.

A similar problem is given at

7 x ..... = 364 whats the missing number ?


To find the missing number divide 364 by 7

364 / 7 = 52

The missing number is 52



Step-by-step explanation:

In this equation, you would have to use inverse operations.

Since this equation is a multiplication equation, you need to do the opposite, division. So, 364 ÷ 7 = 52

Hope this helps! :)

Fastest answer will be declared the brainliest



All whole numbers are rational numbers.


All integers are whole numbers.


There are integers that are not rational numbers.


There are whole numbers that are not integers.


What kind of shape will you see if you cut a cross section parallel to the base of a cylinder



Hexagons, Cross sections parallel to the base will be hexagons. It is also possible to take cross sections using planes that are neither parallel not perpendicular to the base


The cross-section parallel to the base is a hexagon congruent to the hexagonal bases. The cross-section perpendicular to the base is a rectangle. The cross-section parallel to the base is a pentagon similar to the pentagonal base. The solid is a cylinder.

Anyone Answer Please



shift of 6 units left

Step-by-step explanation:

Given f(x) then f(x + a) is a horizontal translation of f(x)

• If a > 0 then a shift left of a units

• If a < 0 then a shift right of a units

f(x) = 3 | x + 6 | + 9

Represents a horizontal shift of the parent function 6 units left

Apples are cut into 8 pieces to be shared among some children. Twenty-two bags of seven apples are used. How many pieces of apple are cut?


Answer: 1232 pieces

Work Shown:

1 bag = 7 apples

22 bags = 22*7 = 154 apples

So we have 154 apples to work with in total.

Each of those apples is cut into 8 pieces, giving us 8*154 = 1232 pieces

We can write it as one single calculation to say 22*7*8 = 1232

Lucy's dog sleeps 14 hours a day. What percent of the day does her dog spend sleeping?




Step-by-step explanation:

make 14/24 into a fraction with a denominator of 100, and you get 58.333333 over 100

Lucy's dog sleeps for 58.3% of the whole day.

What is percentage?

A percentage is a portion of a whole expressed as a number between 0 and 100 rather than as a fraction.

Given that, Lucy's dog sleeps 14 hours a day, we need to find that how much percent of the total day, her dog sleeps.

We know, there are 24 hours in a day,

Percentage = 14% of 24

= 24x14/100

= 58.3333333333 ≈ 58.3%

Hence, Lucy's dog sleeps for 58.3% of the whole day.

Learn more about percentage,


Find the number of possible ways one can choose marbles from a bag containing three marbles: a) if the order is important b) if the order is not important.



There are 3 marbles, that we assume are different.

Let's define them as marble 1, marble 2, and marble 3.

a) If the order is important, and we select the 3 marbles, then:

for the first marble, we have 3 options.

For the second marble, we have 2 options (because one is already taken)

for the third marble is only one option.

The total number of combinations is equal to the product between the numbers of options, so in this case, we have:

C = 3*2*1 = 6 combinations.

Now, if we only select 2 marbles from the bag, we have:

for the first marble, we have 3 options.

For the second marble, we have 2 options

Here the number of different combinations is:

C = 3*2 = 6 combinations.

And if we select only one marble from the bag, we have:

for the first marble, we have 3 options.

Then here are only 3 combinations.

the total number of combinations is:

C' = 6 + 6 + 3 = 15 different combinations.

b) If the order is not important, then there is only one combination when we draw the 3 marbles.

When we draw one marble there are 3 combinations (one for each marble)

When we draw two marbles, again there are 3 combinations (one for each marble that we do not draw)

then the total number of combinations in this case is:

C = 1 + 3 + 3 = 7




9.89949 or 9.9

Step-by-step explanation:

7^2 + 7^2 = c^2


square root of 98 = 9.89949

Pythagoren theorem is a^2 + b^2 = c^2

In this case 7^2 + 7^2 =c^2

49 + 49 = 98^2

But you dont want the second number squared so you find the square root if it. In this case square root 98 = 9.899494937

Since it say round to the nearest tenth however it will look more like this 9.9

Good Luck

Find the area of this circle. Use 3 for .
A = r2
12 cm
[?] cm2



452.16 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :-

Radius = 12cm .

To find :-

Area of circle .

Solution :-

As we know that ,

A = πr² A = 3.14 * (12 cm)² A = 3.14 * 144cm² A = 452.16 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]area = \pi {r}^{2} \\ = \pi \times {12}^{2} \\ = \pi \times 144 \\ = 3.14 \times 144 \\ = 452.16 {cm}^{2} \\ thank \: you[/tex]

what is the probability of choosing a green marble from a jar containing five red, 6 green, and four blue marbles​




Step-by-step explanation:

add all the marbles up and you get 15

6 green ones out of 15 marbles



Step-by-step explanation:

6 green+5 red+4 blue = 15 marbles

P(green) = number of green/ total

              = 6/15 = 2/5

Which function is represented by this graph?



it is an absolute function

or more precisely

y = - I x - 1 I + 8  (shown in the screenshot)

A father is now twice as old as his son. If the sum of their ages ten years ago was fifty two, how old are they today?​



24 and 48

Today, the son is 24 years old, and the father is 48 years old.  

Step-by-step explanation:

(x - 10) + (2x - 10) = 52

3x + 20 = 52

3x = 72

x = 24

The father is 2 times his son's age.


= 2(24)

= 48

So, the son is 24 and the father is 48.

10 years ago, son was 14 and father was 38, if added, this adds up to 52, so we know our calculations are correct.


So the son’s age is 24 and the father’s is 48. Ten years ago, they were 14 and 38, which adds up to 52.

Step-by-step explanation:

If the son’s age is x, the father’s age is 2x.

Ten years ago:

(x - 10) + (2x - 10) = 52

3x + 20 = 52

3x = 72

x = 24

2x = 48

In ΔABC, m∠A=a, m∠B=β, m∠C=y. AB = c, AC = b, BC = a. Find the remaining parts of each triangle if the following parts are given.
a=6.00, b=7.56, y = 54°



c=6.31, a=50.28 degrees, B=75.72 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

The sine rule of trigonometry helps us to equate the side of the triangles to the angles of the triangles. The remaining parts of the triangle can be found as shown.

What is Sine rule?

The sine rule of trigonometry helps us to equate the side of the triangles to the angles of the triangles. It is given by the formula,

[tex]\dfrac{Sin\ A}{\alpha} =\dfrac{Sin\ B}{\beta} =\dfrac{Sin\ C}{\gamma}[/tex]

where Sin A is the angle and α is the length of the side of the triangle opposite to angle A,

Sin B is the angle and β is the length of the side of the triangle opposite to angle B,

Sin C is the angle and γ is the length of the side of the triangle opposite to angle C.

Given that the length of side a and b is 6 and 7.56, also, the measure of the angle γ is 54°.

Now, Using the law of cosine, we can write,

[tex]c =\sqrt{a^2 + b^2 -2ab\cdot \cos\gamma}[/tex]

[tex]c =\sqrt{(6)^2 + (7.56)^2 -2(6)(7.56)\cdot \cos(54^o)}[/tex]

c = √39.8297

c = 6.311

Now, using the sine law the ratio of the sides and angles can be written as,

[tex]\dfrac{\sin\alpha}{a} =\dfrac{\sin\beta}{b} =\dfrac{\sin\gamma}{c}[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{\sin\alpha}{6} =\dfrac{\sin\beta}{7.56} =\dfrac{\sin (54^o)}{6.311}[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{\sin\alpha}{6}=\dfrac{\sin (54^o)}{6.311}[/tex]

α = 50.2775°

[tex]\dfrac{\sin\beta}{7.56} =\dfrac{\sin (54^o)}{6.311}[/tex]

β = 75.726°

Hence, the remaining parts of the triangle can be found as shown.

Learn more about Sine Rule here:


There are 3200 students at Lake High School and 2/5 of these students are sophomores. If 3/8 of the sophomores are opposed to the school forming a crew team and 1/8 of the remaining students (not sophomores) are also opposed to forming a crew team, how many students are in favor of this idea?




Step-by-step explanation:

2/5*3000 = 1200 seniors


3000 - 1200 = 1800 students not seniors


4/5* 1200 = 960 do not like rock climbing


9/10** 1800 = 1620 also do not like it:

"how many students are in favor of this idea?"

subtract the "don't likes" from 3000

3000 - (960+1620) = 420 like rock climbing:


Step-by-step explanation:

here's the answer to your question

help me to solve tan^3 2x-3tan2x+2=0


here you are!!!!!!!!!


Step-by-step explanation:

let tan 2x=y











tan 2x=1=tanπ/4=tan (nπ+π/4)=tan π/4(n+1)



where n is an integer.

tan 2x=-2

[tex]2x=tan^{-1}(-2)\\x=\frac{1}{2} tan^{-1}(-2)[/tex]

A fruits seller bought some lemon for Re 1 for 15 lemon. if he sold all lemons at 25% profit, how many lemons were sold for Rs 1.​



12 lemons

Step-by-step explanation:

CP of 15 lemon = ₹ 1

Profit = 25 %

SP of 15 lemons = [tex]\frac{100+profit}{100}*CP[/tex]

    [tex]= \frac{125}{100}*1\\\\= \frac{5}{4}[/tex]

SP of 15 lemons =  ₹  [tex]\frac{5}{4}[/tex]

Number of lemon for  ₹  [tex]\frac{5}{4}[/tex]  = 15

Number of lemons for  ₹  1 = 15 ÷ [tex]\frac{5}{4}[/tex]

                                            [tex]= 15 *\frac{4}{5}\\\\= 3*4\\\\= 12[/tex]

Anyone here who can help me with this?



D. 16 years old

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Let T be Tien's age and J as Jordan's age (today),


Step 2: Let T be Tien's age and J as Jordan's age (in 2 years),

[tex]T+2=\frac{1}{3} (J+2)[/tex]


Step 3: As their age differences will always be similar we can have the two equations above equal to find Jordan's age,

[tex]\frac{1}{4} J=\frac{1}{3}(J+2)-2\\\frac{1}{4}J-\frac{1}{3}J=\frac{2}{3} -2 \\-\frac{1}{12}J= -\frac{4}{3} \\\\J=16[/tex]

A diameter of a circle is 12 inches. What's the distance when rotate 3 circle ?



36π inches which is 113.10 inches to the nearest hundredth

Step-by-step explanation:

The circumference = 12 * π

Rotating 3 times  the distance moved is 3 * 12π.




linear increasing

Step-by-step explanation:

For the section labeled B, the line goes up as x increases.  This means the line is increasing


Linear increasing

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope of interval B is constant since it's a straight line, which makes it linear. The line in interval B is pointing upward so it's increasing.

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