hook for juvenile delinquency?


Answer 1
Did you know half the teenagers in the world are in juvenile detentions for delinquency?

Related Questions

He was bound for the old claim on the left fork of Henderson Creek, where the boys were already. They had come over across the divide from the Indian Creek country, while he had come the roundabout way to take a look at the possibility of getting out logs in the spring from the islands in the Yukon. He would be in to camp by six o'clock; a bit after dark . . . What do these details about setting reveal to the reader?


He was bound for the old claim on the left fork of Henderson Creek, where the boys were already. They had come over across the divide from the Indian Creek country, while he had come the roundabout way to take a look at the possibility of getting out logs in the spring from the islands in the Yukon. He would be in to camp by six o'clock; a bit after dark . . .

What do these details about setting reveal to the reader?

a.why the man is alone

b.whom the man admires

c.how the man finds trails

d.what the man enjoys


a.why the man is alone


** As the Jews await deportation, they are forced to remain in the...
a. Streets
b. Cattle car I
c. Home
d. Synagogue



i dont know


i dont know how to do it

Synagogue I believe

How do Mr. Jones and the other farmers
react to the rebellion on Animal Farm?


surprised, because the pigs and the others animals are actually trying to stick up for there self’s

In George Orwell's novel "Animal Farm," Mr. Jones and the other farmers have surprised, reactions to the rebellion led by the animals on Animal Farm.

Here's an explanation of their reactions:

1. Mr. Jones: Mr. Jones is the original owner of Manor Farm, which later becomes Animal Farm. Initially, Mr. Jones reacts to the rebellion with shock and disbelief. He is caught off guard by the animals' uprising and is forced to flee from the farm.

2. Other Farmers: The neighboring farmers, who initially view the rebellion with amusement and contempt, react to it with a mix of fear, jealousy, and hostility.

They see the animals' successful rebellion as a threat to their own positions and the established social order.

Thus, both Mr. Jones and the other farmers react to the rebellion on Animal Farm with a combination of disbelief, fear, and a desire to reestablish their dominance and control over the farm.

They represent the resistant forces that try to quash any attempts at liberation and maintain the established power structures.

Know more about disbelief:



Date from the United States Encironmeental Protection Agency's websites supports the conclusions I've made in my argument



The answer is "ETHOS".


Ethos is a way to persuade the public that the hearer is honest and that the argument is credible. It explains the rhetors trustworthiness or why people ought to have confidence in it (or not). In this case, it's well-weighted with the public by the Environmental Protection Agency ( Epa. Whereas the individual hasn't provided the information, the listener is (mostly) assumed to just be credible.

HELP!! consider the scene in the courthouse with atticus's closing argument in the to kill a mockingbird movie and answer the following questions with about 2-3 sentences each.

1. The majority of the shot is a close up of atticus himself as he speaks . This camera angle shows that the director wants the viewer to pay attention to what?

2. What do atticus’s facial expressions and body language say about his emotions in this scene?

3. how would the emotions in this scene change if the entire thing was shot in a wide angle, showing the entire courtroom from the distance?


Answer and Explanation:

1. The director wanted to show how profound Atticus' final argument was and how it had a great meaning in his life. Through the close-up, the viewer can have a detailed view of Atticus' expressions. This makes the viewer have the impression that Atticus is talking to the viewer, that is, Atticus is presenting to the viewer a delicate, deep and very impacting subject.

2. Atticus' facial expressions and body language show how angry he is at having to participate in something as unfair and deplorable as racism and the lack of justice in a court of law.

3. If the scene were filmed at a wide angle, the viewer would not be able to get the feeling that they were in a conversation with Atticus. Thus, the viewer would not feel that he could be part of the injustices caused against blacks due to racism, as the angle would present a tone of remoteness and impartiality.

Importantly, the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird" is based on the book of the same name, written by Harper Lee, which features a black man who was accused, without evidence, of raping a white girl. Atticus, a highly respected white man, becomes this man's lawyer and even if he has proof of his innocence, he can't defend him from the racist, prejudiced, and intolerant society.


hope I helped~


In the courtroom scenario, a close-up shot of Atticus during his concluding statement draws the viewer's focus to his facial expressions and gestures as he talks. The director wants to emphasize the significance of Atticus' message by conveying the feelings and conviction behind his words.

In this scenario, Atticus' facial emotions and body language are cool and collected, yet passionate and determined. He keeps eye contact with the jury and talks in a measured tone, showing his belief in justice and confidence in his case.

The dramatic effect of the moment would be diminished if the entire scene was filmed in a wide perspective, displaying the complete courthouse from a distance. Atticus' emotions and movements would be less apparent, making conveying the nuances of his performance more difficult. The audience would be further distanced from the action and may not be as emotionally attached to Atticus' remarks.

Select the correct text in the passage.

April is writing a literary analysis paper on the characterization of Richard III as a calculating and patient schemer in Shakespeare’s Richard III. Here is her main argument:

While Richard III fantasizes about taking the throne from his brother and enjoying the spoils of his triumph, he is equally aware that he must not waste time and needs to focus on executing his plans.

Which lines in this excerpt from the play support April’s claim



The lines in the excerpt from the play that support April’s claim is this:

" And, if I fall not in my deep intent,

Clarence hath not another day to live:

Which done, God take King Edward to his mercy,

And leave the world for me to bustle in!

For then I'll marry Warwick's youngest daughter."

A quote from fences that defends Rose being strong



ROSE: Ain’t no sense you blaming yourself for nothing. Gabe wasn’t in no condition to manage that money. You done what was right by him. Can’t nobody say you ain’t done what was right by them. Look how long you took care of him . . . till he wanted to have his own place and moved over there with Miss Pearl.

Describe this man in two adjectives or more.





Less gooo

The first is a trailer to our nation, the other is Dababy hit rapper :D

How does Dove’s use of imagery in this passage contribute to the poem’s meaning?

It demonstrates Kahlo’s determination to seek further treatment.
It illustrates Kahlo’s intention to ignore and disregard her condition.
It depicts how Kahlo felt trapped and hopeless by physical limitations.
It provides a hopeful image that suggests that Kahlo was not restrained by her condition.


Answer: It provides a hopeful image that suggests that Kahlo was not restrained by her condition.


Dove’s use of imagery in this passage contribute to the poem’s meaning as it indicates a hopeful image that suggests that Kahlo was not restrained by her condition.

Despite the fact that Kahlo was injured during an accident and broke her spine, she painted herself a present. She never let her condition hinder her from painting the present and providing a hopeful image in this case.

The way in which Dove’s use of imagery in this passage contribute to the poem’s meaning is It provides a hopeful image that suggests that Kahlo was not restrained by her condition.

What is Imagery?

This refers to the use of visual description to try and create a mental image of a situation to readers.

With this in mind, we can see that there is the use of imagery in the complete text which leads to the hopeful image that suggests that Kahlo was not restrained by her condition.

Read more about imagery here:


A Three-Point Turn

Chapter 1

"You know, hardly anyone ever needs to do a three-point turn anymore," said Justin, trying to help Becky calm down.

"Oh, so it's not a useful skill AND I am probably going to fail the driving test because I can't do it anyway," Becky said, raising her voice for emphasis. "That should make me feel like a million bucks when I flunk."

Justin was riding with Becky so she could take her driving test. He had volunteered for the job because he thought she would be less nervous with him than with their mom, but so far, he wasn't sure he was making any difference.

"Slow down, your turn is coming up here," he said, looking ahead.

"I know, I know," she replied, "I've been here before remember—the last time I flunked."

Justin was pretty sure if he had let her miss the turn, things would only have deteriorated further, but he wasn't sure he was fond of being the scapegoat for Becky's anxiety.

"Listen, you need to take a few deep breaths," he said, hoping he could help her at least relax a bit. "Being nervous won't help you with the three-point turn or anything else you have to do. Hey, did you just take that turn without your turn signal on?" This was going to be harder than he thought.

"Stop yelling at me," Becky replied, clearly frustrated, "I can't concentrate."

"Look, you need to stop and get yourself together here," Justin started. "It is not just about passing the driving test. I don't want to get in an accident, so pull into that parking lot."

Becky drove into the office building's parking lot where Justin was pointing. Justin knew they were less than a mile from the licensing office, and if she continued in this condition, he'd be having this same discussion three months from now when she tried the test again for the third time.

"You need to get a grip," he started after she put the car in park, "because you have studied and practiced driving all year. You know this stuff inside and out, backwards and forwards. What are you so nervous about?"

"I don't know, I don't know," Becky wailed, resting her head on the steering wheel. "I just get so tired of failing."

Listening quietly as Becky sobbed, Justin realized this was about much more than a driving test. He also knew if he didn't find a way to help Becky things would just get worse.

Chapter 2

Justin took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. Becky was an unbelievably consistent straight-A student. It was Justin who got the bad grades in school, and Justin who had to repeat every math class he'd ever taken. It was Justin who wished he could get the grades Becky got. Some things came easier for Justin: He was athletic, handy with tools, and good at making the best of whatever life threw at him. Mom called him her "lemons into lemonade" kid. But for the most part, Becky succeeded easily, whereas Justin had to work and work to just get a passing grade.

Rather than having Becky catalogue all the things she supposedly "failed" at, Justin decided to try an alternative approach, one that wouldn't remind him of all the ways he had failed.

"Okay, Becky, let's assume for a moment you fail this test again. What is the worst thing that could happen?" he asked.

"I would be the oldest kid at school without a license and be humiliated," she replied. Justin thought he heard a bit of panic in her voice but continued with his plan.

"Yes, but won't we still have to drive to school together for at least one more year anyway?" he asked.

"Yes, but..." she started.

"And who will know, if you don't tell anyone except your friends, that you don't have your license? You know Mom can't afford another car just for you, right?"

"Yes," she said quietly.

"So what difference does it make, really," he said. "Another three months to wait in the grand scheme of your life doesn't seem like all that long, right?"

"I suppose not," she said.

Justin could tell she was breathing more slowly now. "Besides," he said, "I would miss all the practice driving with you," and for good measure he reached over and pinched her arm.

"Ow," she said, hitting back at him, "that hurt."

"So let's go do this, okay?

"Okay," she said. Becky cranked up the car, backed slowly out of the parking spot and drove up to the parking lot's exit. Justin noticed, as they waited for the traffic to clear, that she had remembered the turn signal.

Read this line from Chapter 1:

"Stop yelling at me," Becky replied, clearly frustrated, "I can't concentrate."

Which of the following has a more negative connotation than frustrated?



Answer : Distraught

Distraught has a more negative connotation because it implies more feelings of agitation.

please help me which one is which



Hi again! :)

(1) Catchy

(2) dull

(3) Misleading

(4) Entrepreneur

(5) acquired

(6) Resolve

(7) Exposed


Have a nice day!

Guided Practice

Which type of change was made?

The volcano erupted unexpectedly.

Without warning, the volcano erupted.

changed subject-verb order

added a phrase


A is the answer due to its connection


A. Changed subject-verb order

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet both blame forces beyond their control for their predicament. Romeo blames fate for his troubles after killing Tybalt, declaring that he is “fortune’s fool.” Juliet asks how “heaven” can play tricks (“practice strategems”) on someone so ill-equipped to defend herself. But is that realistic? Are Romeo and Juliet’s fates beyond their control, or are they themselves responsible the events up to and including their downfall? This should be a page and include specific evidence from the text.



It's kind of Romeo's own fault


Romeo is to blame is that he went uninvited to the Capulet party. If Romeo did not go to the party, Romeo would have never met Juliet, and Tybalt would never have known he was there. The second reason Romeo is to blame for him and Juliet’s death is that Romeo decides to avenge Mercutio’s death by killing Tybalt. Romeo should have been able to hold his anger against Tybalt and not kill him. Romeo and Juliet could have ran away together; however, Romeo killed Tybalt causing Romeo to get banished from Verona. Lastly, Romeo can be blamed for killing himself at the end of the play. Romeo was not able to get over the fact that his love had died. Romeo should have been able to hold his anger and not kill himself. Romeo should have been able to at least think about his decision longer to hopefully realize it was not the best decision. In conclusion, If Romeo would have put more time into making the decisions that he made the tragedy might not have occurred.

What phrase from this portion of Brutus' speech best demonstrates the
character's use of ethos?
O A. If / any, speak; for him have I offended.
B. Who is here so / rude that would not be a Roman?
C. I pause for a reply.
D. Who is here so base that would be a / bondsman?






The phrase from this portion of Brutus's speech that best demonstrates the character's use of ethos is If/any, speak; for him have I offended.

What is the phrase?

A phrase refers to two or more connected words that do not make a clause.

The phrase from this portion of Brutus's speech that best demonstrates the character's use of ethos is If/any, speak; for him have I offended.

Therefore, A is the correct option.

Learn more about phrase here:



Please help 10 points





The upside down e makes an "eh" sound. The I with the curve above it makes the short I sound in the word "if", and the bar over the e makes the e say it's name: E. All these sounds come together to say timidity.

when analyzing a speech, you should first_______ the speakers main________.



He or she is likely to present his or her own ideas to convince the audience about something. As there is a clear intention behind each speech, when you are analyzing one, you should first spot or identify the speaker's main idea or argument.

please mark me as brainliest trust me

How many syllables does each line of a sonnet contain? 5 10 15 7





because each line of a sonnent always contain 10




1 or 2


the numbers have either one syllable or two syllables hope this helps ! :-)


What is the correct meaning of the word outcome?
No one could believe the outcome of the game.

What is the correct meaning of the word outcome?


Result is the answer




The defintion of the word outcome is the way things turn out; or a consequence

Importance of getting the sides of the issues.



it is important to know the both sides the issue to avoid misunderstanding, 'cause if you conclude without knowing the both sides leads to misunderstanding. it can also avoid being bias on both sides.


please help me i dont understand





the emphasis is on mid, and if you check all the signs on the chart they'll match the sounds for timidity.

Imagine in the future, you can live on land or underwater. Which one would you choose? Why? Write 120 words.



Personal Response.


I would live on land, as there is not a great risk of a bad accident. Probably flooding could ruin the underwater house, or the deadly fish too. But in land, there is a much more better chance to actually survive long. Also, you could build great things more on land.

Well, I would also say that I am not able to breathe underwater. That would be annoying to have to wear some kind of mask or face covering the breathe. I’ve already had enough of wearing a mask to breathe through. I will stick to land. I can alway swim in the water. Just don’t need to live there.

what is the theme of Merchant of Venice Act 1 Scene 3 give reason ​


Salarino and Solanio, two Venetian merchants, notice their friend Antonio has been out of sorts lately. Antonio has sent several ships abroad to trade goods in many ports, so his friends speculate that he has overextended his fortunes in shaky investments.
I hope it will help

I am alright .....into question tag



I am alright, ain't I?




[tex]\hookrightarrow[/tex]I'm alright, aren't I ?

ʰᵒᵖᵉ ⁱᵗ ʰᵉˡᵖˢ


an essay about crabs dig holes by mcpherson



In james Alan Mcpherson essay crabs dig holes According to the size of their shells the states that something is owned to the stranger , any stranger who seems to be in trouble . This something owned is impersonal no more than an expression of good manners.

Glazing pottery can be tricky. The stunning results make the effort worthwhile.

What should be included to best combine the sentences?



The answer would be but.



The answer is C: But

The conjunction But has the purpose of introducing an additional information that is different from what was said before, which is a contrasting idea. In the first sentence, the word tricky means a difficult activity, and the second affirms that despite the difficulty, it is worthwhile. Two contrasting ideas united by the conjunction but.


The speakers below are discussing foreign policies that the United States has followed at various times. Base your answers on their statements and on your knowledge of social studies. Speaker A: Steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world. Speaker B: The United States will give economic aid to needy countries anywhere in the world, but will not provide military aid. Speaker C: The United States must prevent the growth of communism. Speaker D: The United States can take over other countries to help them become more like us.


Question is incomplete

Complete question is as followed:

Which speakers would most likely support a United States foreign policy  of intervention

A and B

A and C

C and D

B and D


C and D


Active intervention in foreign affairs has been a hallmark of American foreign policy since the Second World War. The Cold War focus on containment and the active support on nearly any nation or regime opposing communism serves as a classic example of this active intervention. The United States has also focused its overseas activities on the spread of democratic ideals and capitalism economic practices. These goals not only serve to further the political ideology on which the nation was founded, but also serve to open markets to US goods and services, strengthening the US economy and encouraging international trade.

Read this excerpt from Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay "Self-Reliance":
Which if the following sentences best describes the authors central claim is this excerpt

A. Men must accept the reality of life if they want to find true happiness.
B. Men should retain their innocence and trust their instincts to achieve great things.
C. Men have to believe in the existence of good and evil and do what's is right.
D. Men must accept whatever the devine being has set for them and trust themselves.​


B would be the answer, I took the test yesterday

what is "Closing the Circle" story by jhumpa lahiri about


He understood the importance of art and the mystery of it, accepted the inability, ultimately, to control what is produced and what becomes of it in the eyes of the world. The point, he knew, was to stay inspired."

| jess bregoli |

#keep learning!!

Which quadrant is (4,-6) in?

A) I.
B) II.
D) IV.


D is the correct answer
the correct answer to this is D) IV.

Odysseus's Most Important Characteristics
Based on what you know of Odysseus so far, what do you think are his most important traits? Check any that apply.
patient was



its all of the above


He is cunning and creative in solving problems. He never seems to give up and he is a great leader.

Other Questions
Which nation did Richard Nixon normalize diplomatic relations with in 1972 as a way to end US involvement in Vietnam? Find the IQR: (find the median, then find the median of the first group and then the next group. Now subtract big median minus the small median.) 20, 17, 16, 3, 7, 45 A paper company needs to ship paper to a large printing business. The paper will beshipped in small boxes and large boxes. Each small box of paper weighs 50 poundsand each large box of paper weighs 80 pounds. A total of 19 boxes of paper wereshipped weighing 1280 pounds altogether. Determine the number of small boxesshipped and the number of large boxes shipped. Helppppppppppppppoo meeeeeeee the pardoners tale Is he truly evil, simply drunk, or so used to cheating that he does it automatically? Find the exact value of sin2 if tan=[tex]\frac{-2\sqrt{5} }{5}[/tex] and 90 < < 180. Make x the subject of the formula p = x + a b Both a gage and a manometer are attached to a gas tank to measure its pressure. If the reading on the pressure gage is 65 kPa, determine the distance between the two fluid levels of the manometer if the fluid is 2. Animal NutritionQuestion 1Give one suitable biological term for each of the following1. Muscular contractions in the intestine causing the movement of food2. Food that has a high fibre content.3. A nutritional disease caused by a person refusing to eat.4. Physical breaking down of food in the mouth by the teeth5. Finger-like projections in the small intestine6. The breaking down of large fat molecules into tiny droplets.7. Process by which the liver converts excess amino acids into urea.8. Region of the alimentary canal where most of the water is reabsorbed.9. Muscular organ connecting the pharynx to the stomach.10. Valve that controls the entry of food from the stomach into the duodenum, Given 7 moles of nitrogen gas, how many moles of ammonia can you make? answer all the questions, just the answers, it's pythagorean theorem, plssss helpppp Point of intersection Question:Mike has $9.85 in dimes and quarters. If there are 58 coins altogether,how many dimes and how many quarters does Mike have? Use the point of intersection to find the answer. Explain how you used a formula to calculate the # of quarters and dimes Determine the list of numbers 14, 18 and 33 can be measured of the sides of a triangle if so clarify the triangle as a cute right or obtuse Question 4 ReviewThis group of explorers were seeking "gold, god and glory":1.Native Americans2Conquistadors3Norseman4French Explain different methods used to prevent salinity? With 600 islands, the largest freshwater lake in Europe is Lake _________ What role does the Federal Reserve play? Check all that apply.Regulate the banking industryLoan money to banksGive individual loansGive corporate loansTransfers any profits to the Treas hurry please!! Why are editorial cartoons an effective way for someone to show their opinion?They are humorous, persuasive, and display a lot of informationThey are helpful, expressive, and only make people angry.They are unfair, untrue, and show that the author lies.They are honest, emotional, and the information is always accurate PLS HELP i will give brainliest NEED HELP ASAP PLEASEAssume that a three-month CD purchased for $3000 pays simple interest at an annual rate of 10%. How much total interest does it earn?$ ____What is the balance at maturity? ______