How are the Maccabees alike to the Zealots


Answer 1


Judaism and the Zealots Maccabees, Zealots, and Josephus ,an Inquiry Into Jewish Nationalism in the Greco-Roman Period By William Reuben Farmer Columbia.


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What was the Council of Trent?



it was the ecumencial council of the catholic church that was in effect during 1545 to 1563.


hope this helps! ❄︎


Promoted by the Reformation, the Council of Trent responded emphatically to the issues at hand and enacted the formal Roman Catholic reply to the doctrinal challenges of the Protestants. It thus represents the official adjudication of many questions about which there had been continuing ambiguity throughout the early church and the Middle Ages. The council was highly important for its sweeping decrees on self-reform and for its dogmatic definitions that clarified virtually every doctrine contested by the Protestants. Despite internal strife and two lengthy interruptions, the council was a key part of the Counter-Reformation and played a vital role in revitalizing the Roman Catholic Church in many parts of Europe. What emerged from the Council of Trent was a chastened but consolidated church and papacy, the Roman Catholicism of modern history

Which of these groups supported a strong central government?






The federalists wanted to have a strong federal government, and the anti-federalists wanted aweak federal government, but strong state government rights.

Hope this helps!

Why was control of the Atlantic Ocean essential to Great Britain's success in World War II?


Germany could no longer send or receive items from other countries through water helping the Allies with defeating the Axis.

How did businessmen contribute to the rise of capitalism?

They increased the security of money by placing funds in the Bank of the United States.

They opposed the building of roads and canals by the government.

They freed enslaved people, creating more consumers in the economy.

They grew wealthy by buying land and creating frontier communities.



They grew wealthy by buying land and creating frontier communities.


(Q002) Which of the following best explains the very large increase in the number of sugar works in
Jamaica during the eighteenth century?
o African states wanted to increase the number of slaves being exported in order to buy more
o The British were trying to grow more sugar than the Dutch East India company was importing
from Asia.
o European demand for sugar increased.
O Taxing sugar was an important way for the British government to make up its trade deficit with


Based on historical records, the statement that best explains the massive increase in the number of sugar works in Jamaica during the eighteenth century is "European demand for sugar increased."

During this time, the Europeans, especially the British, used the Sugarcane grown in Jamaica to make sugar for their cakes and sweeten the tea.

Also, the Sugarcane appears to be more profitable for Jamaica which was still under British rule.

During this period, the Sugarcane plantation surpassed and overshadowed the piracy activities including the cotton and tobacco plantations.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option C. "European demand for sugar increased."

Learn more here:

Study the map here and answer the questions that follow. Look at the features on the map. Use the drop-down menus to identify them. Title of the map: Compass rose: Scale: Key:



No map


Upload the map and I will answer!

Answer:A. B. C. D.


I don't know I just got it right?

Hope it helps!

what two political parties were running in the election of 1800?



(assuming you're talking about the one with jefferson vs. adams rather than jefferson vs. burr)

thomas jefferson of the democratic-republicans vs. john adams of the federalist party

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Kublai Khan contributed to the growth of China's economy by reopening and improving trading routes. After Kublai Khan conquered the Sung Dynasty, he promoted agricultural and commercial growth within Yuan. As an aftermath, he constructed and reopened trading routes that became significant for China's economy.


Giving the most points possible I need your help. Is anyone enrolled in k12 in 7th grade. Do you have the 3.16 Unit Test: The Mesopotamian Moment - Part 1 answers this is overdue and I need a lot of help. I have the answers written down but need to make sure they are correct.



Approximately what years were Mesopotamian civilizations in power?

4000 BC to 500 BC

What civilizations/empires were part of Mesopotamia over time?

Sumerians, Assyrians, Akkadians, Hittites, and Babylonians

What was the oldest Mesopotamian civilization?


What empire destroyed Sumer?

Assyrian empire

What modern day country is home to ancient Mesopotoamia?


What mountain range is to the north of Mesopotamia?

Zagros Mountains

What deserts are to the south and west of Mesopotamia?

Syrian and Sahara

How did the mountains and deserts of Mesopotamia help the people?

provided natural defense borders and runoff from the mountains brought annual flooding

What rivers flowed through Mesopotamia?

Tigris and Euphrates

What body of water do the Tigris and Euphrates flow into?

Persian Gulf

What are some inventions of the ancient Mesopotamians?

wheel, plow, cuneiform, 12 month calendar

What is silt?

fertile soil that is left behind on the banks of the river after flooding

How did the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers help the people?

brought fertile soil they could use to fertilize their crops and grow enough food to support a city-state

What does Mesopotamia mean?

land between the rivers

The land between the rivers is also known as ....

The Fertile Crescent

What is irrigation?

a system of ditches, dams, canals, and channels used to control and use water for agriculture

What is cuneiform?

Mesopotamian writing using wedge shaped symbols

What tools did Mesopotamians use to write with?

clay tablets and a stylus

Why did Mesopotamians need to start writing?

to document yearly trade and agriculture records

What is a scribe?

someone that went to school (edubba) for 12 years to learn how to read and write

Who made up the upper class in Mesopotamia?

king, priests, scribes, members of the royal family

Who made up the middle class in Mesopotamia?

farmers, artisans, merchants, craftsmen, fisherman

Who made up the lower class in Mesopotamia?


What are ziggurats?

religious temples built to honor the patron gods/goddesses of the city-state

What is polytheism?

belief and worship of many gods

What is monotheism?

belief and worship in one god

Who appointed kings to leadership?

the gods

What is the Epic of Gilgamesh?

an epic story about king Gilgamesh, and his quest for revenge for the death of his friend Enkidu and immortaility

Who was Hammurabi?

Babylonian King who created a widely known law code - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

What was Hammurabi's Code?

282 laws as told to King Hammurabi by Mesopotamian god Shamash - harsh punishments encouraged people to not break the law

Who was Sargon?

an Akkadian king that created the world' first known empire. He pillaged and destroyed city states as he conquered them and gained power through terror.

Who was Nebuchadnezzar?

a Babylonian king that allegedly built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

An example of the geographic theme of movement.

trade developed in Mesopotamia between different city-states. People used rivers and roads to move goods from place to place.

An example of the geographic theme of region.

the Middle East

An example of the geographic theme of human-environment interaction

irrigating the land to grow crops

an example of the geographic theme of location

present day Iraq - on the continent of Asia

an example of the geographic theme of place

had ziggurat temples, 2 major rivers, hot and dry, made mud brick houses, worshipped many gods, ate dates and barley, only boys went to school, slept on house rooftops

brainlest now


Which of the following were terms regarding Germany in the Treaty of Versailles
A.Germany became
known as Turkey
B.Germany had to
reduce its military
C .German lost Yugoslavia to Hungary
D.Germany's soldiers
were forced into


B. In my guess Germany had to reduce their military men

Nicetas writes of the Crusaders, “In truth, they were exposed as frauds."
What does he mean by this statement? How were the Crusader's frauds?



will what he is saying is he described how they are fraud so list what you think they did for him to call them fraud


Nicetas Choniates viewed the crusaders as the harmful ones who have destroyed the whole of the Byzantine Empire along with the city of Constantinople. The Crusaders who had once set foot in the territories had destroyed the places and also had done major loot and plunders. The Crusaders were frauds because they came in the hope of spreading god's words and taking over the holy lands.

Who are the Crusaders?

Crusaders are those people who fought the war, especially along the line of the so-called people of the time. The most important thing of that time is that the people have been on the lost land for a way more time and also for a very long period. The Crusaders were the fighters of the Holy War.

The Crusaders used to fight the war for the capture of the Holy lands from the control of the Muslims. The most important thing regarding this was the time frame and also the understanding by which the Latin American Catholic Church made the crusaders believe about the claiming of the land.

The Crusaders went on their work of crusading from the 11th, 12th, and 13th Century period. The first spike for the Crusaders was given by Pope Urban II of the Clermont-Ferrand.

Learn more about the Crusaders here:


briefly describe the history of Cuba, and explain how and why it,s history inform it's foreign policy


Cuba was first settled by the Guanahatabey and Taino Native Americans. They were farmers, hunters, and fishers. Christopher Columbus landed at Cuba in 1492 and claimed the land for Spain. Columbus named the land Isla Juana, but later it would be called Cuba, which comes from the local Native American name of coabana.

2. How does an impeached president actually get
removed from office?



An impeached president gets removed from office if the House of Representatives finds them guilty of the crimes outlined in the articles of impeachment.

Not 100% sure, but I think this is it.

which option is more difficult to get a credit card or a card limit increase



Credit car limit increase.

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How did slavery in the Americas effect African society?



The slave trade had devastating effects in Africa. Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the slave trade promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence. Depopulation and a continuing fear of captivity made economic and agricultural development almost impossible throughout much of western Africa.


Having proved themselves competent workers in Europe and on nascent sugar plantations on the Madeira and Canary Islands off the coast of Africa, enslaved Africans became the labor force of choice in the Western Hemisphere—so much so that they became the overwhelming majority of the colonial populations of the Americas

By providing firearms amongst the trade goods, Europeans increased warfare and political instability in West Africa. Some states, such as Asante and Dahomey, grew powerful and wealthy as a result.




What seems to be purpose for the American invention of concept of race and whiteness ?



please give me 5 star


appeal. While some of the items were a little too obvious – indie music appeared at #41, Wes Anderson movies at #10 – others, including “awareness” (#18) and “children’s games as adults” (#102), were inspired. It was an instant hit. In its first two months alone, Stuff White People Like drew 4 million visitors, and it wasn’t long before a book based on the blog became a New York Times bestseller.

The founder of the blog was an aspiring comedian and PhD dropout named Christian Lander, who’d been working as an advertising copywriter in Los Angeles when he launched the site on a whim. In interviews, Lander always acknowledged that his satire had at least as much to do with class as it did with race. His targets, he said, were affluent overeducated urbanites like himself. Yet there’s little doubt that the popularity of the blog, which depended for its humour on the assumption that whiteness was a contentless default identity, had much to do with its frank invocation of race. “As a white person, you’re just desperate to find something else to grab on to,” Lander said in 2009. “Pretty much every white person I grew up with wished they’d grown up in, you know, an ethnic home that gave them a second language.”

The invenappeal. While some of the items were a little too obvious – indie music appeared at #41, Wes Anderson movies at #10 – others, including “awareness” (#18) and “children’s games as adults” (#102), were inspired. It was an instant hit. In its first two months alone, Stuff White People Like drew 4 million visitors, and it wasn’t long before a book based on the blog became a New York Times bestseller.

The founder of the blog was an aspiring comedian and PhD dropout named Christian Lander, who’d been working as an advertising copywriter in Los Angeles when he launched the site on a whim. In interviews, Lander always acknowledged that his satire had at least as much to do with class as it did with race. His targets, he said, were affluent overeducated urbanites like himself. Yet there’s little doubt that the popularity of the blog, which depended for its humour on the assumption that whiteness was a contentless default identity, had much to do with its frank invocation of race. “As a white person, you’re just desperate to find something else to grab on to,” Lander said in 2009. “Pretty much every white person I grew up with wished they’d grown up in, you know, an ethnic home that gave them a second language.

The invention of whiteness: the long history of a dangerous idea – podcast

looking back at Stuff White People Like today, what marks the site’s age is neither the particularities of its irony nor the broad generalities of its targets. There are still plenty of white people with too much time and too much disposable income on their hands, and plenty of them still like yoga (#15), Vespa scooters (#126), and “black music that black people don’t listen to any more” (#116).

What has changed, however – changed in ways that date Stuff White People Like unmistakably – is the cultural backdrop. Ten years ago, whiteness suffused mainstream culture like a fog: though pervasive to the point of omnipresence, it was almost nowhere distinct. When the sorts of white people for and about whom Lander was writing talked about being white, their conversations tended to span the narrow range between defensiveness and awkwardness. If they weren’t exactly clamouring to dispense with their racial identity, and the privileges that came with it, they were also not eager to embrace, or even discuss it, in public.

tion of whiteness: the long history of a dangerous idea – podca

2) Choose the TWO items that reflect characteristics of the parliamentary system of government.


Answer: A prime minister and A unicameral or bicameral legislature


The two items that reflect characteristics of the parliamentary system of government are A prime minister and a unicameral or bicameral legislature. Thus, options B and D are correct.

A parliamentary system, also known as a parliamentarian democracy, is a form of government where the executive branch derives its democratic legitimacy from its capacity to command the support (or "confidence") of the legislature, usually a parliament, to which it is answerable.

Because a parliamentary legislature chooses its executive (the prime minister), it differs from the U.S. government in that it can more readily dismiss the executive through votes of no confidence. In contrast, the president of the United States is directly elected every four years.

The United States government is a federal republic with three branches of government. The legislative, executive, and judicial branches all have independent but equal authority.

Therefore, options B and D are ideal selections.

Learn more about parliamentary government here:


Your question seems to be incomplete, but most probably the complete question was:

Choose two items that reflect the characteristics of the parliamentary system of government.

A. a dictator

B. a president

C.a Prime Minister

D. authoritarianism

E. a unicameral or bicameral legislature

The paragraph contains several errors in the use of commas. Decide if the underlined selection needs to be revised or if it is correct as is.
Beginning in 1998, Yo-Yo Ma one of the world's greatest cellists initiated the Silk Road Project. This project has explored the creative, and cultural traditions of the countries along the ancient trade route known as the Silk Road. The land route extended, from Middle Eastern countries on the Mediterranean Sea to East Asian countries bordering the Pacific Ocean. A chamber music ensemble called the Silk Road Ensemble has performed works specially created, or commissioned for the project. The 2006–2007 season was devoted to partnering with the City of Chicago the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Chicago Art Institute for a series of concerts, exhibits and other events. Professional workshops produced in collaboration with the Tanglewood Music Center Boston Symphony Orchestra, and Carnegie Hall have focused on the music practices and, traditions of Azerbaijan, China, India, and Iran. The Silk Road Project established an affiliation with the Rhode Island School of Design from 2005 to 2010 and beginning in 2010 with Harvard University.
Which option below would be an acceptable revision of the underlined selection?



Yeah this is great commas are in the right places remember a comma means and so adding a comma in the right spot will be like this. "I went to the park, saw my friend"

How is the Hebrew Bible a multipurpose
document for the Jewish people?



The Hebrew Bible is a multipurpose document due to it being a split division between the Catholic Bible, into Torah (teaching), Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings).


Hope this helps!

Because it is a split division of the Catholic Bible, the Hebrew Bible is a multipurpose document. It is divided into Torah (teaching), Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings).

How is the Hebrew Bible a multipurpose document for the Jewish people?

In their synagogues, they read, prayed, and taught from the Hebrew Bible. It shaped their ideals, sustained them in persecution, and touched their intellects; it inspired their worship, organized their calendar, and permeated their family lives.

The Hebrew Bible, also known as the Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament, or Tanakh, is a collection of writings that was first compiled and preserved as the Jewish people's sacred books. It also makes up a significant portion of the Christian Bible, known as the Old Testament.

Except for a few Aramaic passages, which appear primarily in theThese scriptures, known as the apocalyptic Book of Daniel, were originally written in Hebrew between 1200 and 100 BCE. The Hebrew Bible most likely evolved into its current form around the second century CE.

Learn more about Hebrew Bible here

# SPJ 2

All of the following nations belonged to the allies during World War 1, EXCEPT for which one?

A: Germany
B: Great Britain
C: France
D: Russia


The answer is Germany

How did the Double V campaign change some white people's perspective about African Americans?
Their perspective led to further racism as most Black soldiers were not put into combat positions.
OB. They began to accept them into society because they were fighting in the war.
OC. Their perspectives stayed the same since people refused to acknowledge Black soldiers' contributions.
They began to view them as equals since they were fighting for the same cause.



(B)They began to accept them into society because they were fighting in the war.

kinda ironic war brung some people together ha :)

The Double V Campaign change the perspective of the white people for the African Americans by accepting them in the society. Thus option (B) is correct.

Who did the Double V campaign affect?

The Double V campaign was affected by the Japanese Americans and African Americans who were fighting in the against the fascism in abroad.

The Double V Campaign change the perspective of the white people for the African Americans by accepting them in the society as the helped them in fighting the war of the supremacy. Thus option (B) is correct.

Learn more about Double V Campaign here:


The author of Document A structures the text in a way that emphasizes positive
aspects of the battle in order to create a sense of...


The author of the document emphasizes the strengths of the battle to create a sense of triumph.

We can arrive at this answer because:

By showing the positive points of the battle, the author wishes to highlight the victories that were conquered and the successes achieved.This is done to show that the battle was efficient and managed to achieve the proposed objectives.

With this, the author transmits a successful tone, which makes the reader understand that the text wants to present the triumphs achieved in the battle, to show that it was a successful activity and that it promoted improvements, despite the problems.

More information:

why was the confederation Congress unable to solve America's international trade problems????​


Why was the Confederation Congress unable to solve America's economic problems? The Confederation of congress did not have authority to pass tariffs or to order the states to pass tariffs. ... They faced trade problems with countries and among states, war debts, and a weak economy.

newton's law of motion will not apply in _______referance frames



inertial frame


i looked this up and it says Newton's First Law: It states that a body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line until and unless an unbalanced force acts on it. It is valid only in an inertial frame of reference.




Newton's First law of motion talks about the condition of rest or uniform motion and is applicable on just Inertial Frame. Thus newton's laws are not valid in a non-inertial frame.

who is the third European to leave India in the below four options. (a) Portuguese (b) Dutch (c) British (d) French pls anyone give the correct answer​





The answer is b (Dutch)

What were South Carolina's stated reasons for seeding from the United States in December 1860? Do you believe that the stated reasons were the complete explanation for South Carolina's secession? Was South Carolina justified in seeding? Explain your answer in a well-organized essay that demonstrates your understanding of the documents and your knowledge of the time period. ( Will Mark Brainliest if correct answer). Please don't repost someone else's answer that is on Brainly Or Any Other Websites Or No Nonsense Answers or you'll be reported.​



1 answer would be: It was December of 1860, South Carolina had just seceded from the U.S. The reason for this was because Abraham Lincoln called for the end of slavery. He was trying to promote equal and civil rights for all African Americans. Most of the south did not approve of this change because they relied heavily on the work from slaves. Another reason would be that after the American Revolution the U.S. established each state as a “free and Independent state”.


I did the assignment

…… kjmmufffu





What was the role of River Nile to the civilization of Egypt??​


The Nile, which flows northward for 4,160 miles from east-central Africa to the Mediterranean, provided ancient Egypt with fertile soil and water for irrigation, as well as a means of transporting materials for building projects. Its vital waters enabled cities to sprout in the midst of a desert.



The Nile, which flows northward for 4,160 miles from east-central Africa to the Mediterranean, provided ancient Egypt with fertile soil and water for irrigation, as well as a means of transporting materials for building projects. Its vital waters enabled cities to sprout in the midst of a desert.

What was germanys secret weapon?




Die Glocke (German: [diː ˈɡlɔkə], "The Bell") was a purported top-secret Nazi scientific technological device, secret weapon, or Wunderwaffe .

I need this now! I am making a comic book about the revolution! Directions in the go ogle docs comments! https://docs.go



That's a hack


It's not working, it was deleted

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