How can you contribute to your nation in the future? Write in one paragraph. ​


Answer 1


The contribution of the nation in the future includes developments made in the field of science and technology, controlling pollution level. In order to achieve a country's progress & economic development, everyone needs to participate whether they are at governmental positions, academia, consultants, business, professionals etc. to the lowest level of workers.By working hard we can create added values to ourselves and to the society at large, being socially and economically responsible citizens.Everyone can contribute to the economic development of a country by performing his/her own duties regularly in time with due sincerity.

Hope this helps

Related Questions

¿Para que se emplean los subproductos de las cosechas?



The sentence is asking: 'What are the by-products of crops used for?'


What is the meaning of history​



the work that has done in past

b. We learn.......from civilized society.​



These include: (1) large population centers; (2) monumental architecture and unique art styles; (3) shared communication strategies; (4) systems for administering territories; (5) a complex division of labor; and (6) the division of people into social and economic classes.

why do foreign people visit national heritage of nepal? In 4 points. ​



Nepal is a country of contrasts. Spectacular natural riches combine with a vibrant culture and sense of history. that might be one of the reasons foreign people visit.

In ancient India women ______________________.
had the same rights as men.
were slaves
were not considered equal in society
none of the above


The answer is C in scientific India women where seen as a slave and nothing more they didn’t even have half of the rights that the men had

what is soical evil define it



The problem and evils which is held in our society in

society is called socian evils

You have been called to a home for an alert and oriented female with terminal lung cancer. At the​ home, the​ daughter, who has her​ mother's durable power of​ attorney, states that she wants her mother transported to the hospital. The​ patient, who is alert and​ oriented, does not want to go. Which statement indicates that the EMT is acting both appropriately and legally in this​ conflict



"I know that you are the durable power of​ attorney, but your mother is alert and oriented so we cannot legally take her against her​ will."


In cases of legal proceedings involving a sick or ill patient, the durable power of attorney is the legal power that can control and decide what the best option is for the ill patient. This means that the power of attorney has all the rights to do things as a representative of that patient.

But in the given passage, though the daughter has the power of attorney, her mother who's still "alert and oriented" has the right to decide what she wants. The existence of the power of attorney is in the case of the mother becoming unconscious or unable to decide on her own.

So, the most appropriate and legal response the EMT can do is to tell the daughter that even though she's the durable power of attorney, as long as the mother is alert and oriented, the medical team cannot legally take her against her will.

(05.01 MC)
How is a direct democracy similar to a representative democracy?
A.) Both types of government are run by a communist party.
B.) Both types of democracy give power to the people.
C.) Both types of democracy give power only to elected representatives.
D.) Both types of government are run by a single party.
(Please help ASAP!)



in a representative democracy people vote for representatives who then enact policy initiatives. In direct democracy, people decide on policies without any intermediary. ... A popular referendum empowers citizens to make a petition that calls existing legislation to a vote by the citizens.

what are the reasons behind the different rituals of different caste/ethnic groups?​



b7ihij9vjvuniguvugbkcubu ucjgubuc hvuvuv7v

what is meant by purchasing power of customers ?
plz help​!!!



Purchasing power of customers can be defined as the financial ability of the customers to buy goods and services by making payment using a legal tender or unit of currency (money).


Economic forces can be defined as the factors that influence and determine the level of success, competitiveness and the direction of the economy in which a business firm operates in.

Basically, economic forces include factors such as; inflation rate, standards of living, unemployment rate, credit, law, tax rates, government policies, income distribution and purchasing power in a particular country.

Purchasing power of customers can be defined as the financial ability of the customers to buy goods and services by making payment using a legal tender or unit of currency (money).

Simply stated, it's the amount of goods and services that a customer can buy with a unit of currency (money) at a particular period of time.

One of the functions of money is it being a store of value because it allows the purchasing power of consumers to be transferred from the present to the future.

Hence, money being a store of value makes it possible to transfer purchasing power between traders and buyers from the present to the future.

In conclusion, the purchasing power of a customer is the amount of money that he or she has to spend in buying goods and services.

Please help me with this please please help please please help me please please please help I don’t know how much I need help with this please please help please

A. Why is Harry's insistence on being placed in Gryffindor House instead of Slytherin House so significant in terms of his development as a character?

Introductory Statement/ Hook:

Statement of Intent: reason A and B :

thesis reason A and B:


#1 Point #1: Introduce REASON A here, but use general statement

#1: Provide quotations from the novel to support Reason A

Explanation #1:
Proof #2:
Explanation #2:

#2 Point #2: Introduce REASON B here, but use general statements
#1: Provide quotations from the novel to support ReasonB

Explanation #1:
Proof #2:
Explanation #2:

Restate/ Summarize Thesis:
Restate/ Summarize Points:

Call to action:


This won't be the essay but it'll help maybe.

It was an easy way to set up bad guys, and to make Harry a good guy by default.

J K Rowling doesn't like Slytherins. She chose them to be her antagonists, to be the standard by which to measure appropriate behaviour. Want to be a good person? Don't act like a Slytherin.

Of course, she won't say this. Ostensibly all the official traits of Slytherins aren't particularly bad. Ambition. Cunning. Ruthless determination. They're useful, important skills. But throughout the series, we are constantly pushed to accept that these are bad traits, because they are Slytherin traits, and there ‘wasn't a dark witch or wizard that went bad that wasn't in Slytherin' despite this being blatantly untrue.

Harry choosing Gryffindor over Slytherin is supposed to represent the idea that ones choices are what makes someone a good person, rather than their circumstances, which is a theme repeated often throughout the books. Unfortunately, J K Rowling doesn't seem to believe that cunning or ambitious people can or will make that choice. Even when Snape does act in a good manner, it's then immediately said that ‘perhaps we sort too soon', as if acting like a good person suddenly made him less Slytherin.

So yeah, tangential rant but basically it was a way to push him down the path of the hero, and to set up the idea that being brave would be enough to get you through all life's perils, and to reinforce the idea that he has to be a good person, because he chose not to go sit with the evil kids.

Harry is supposed to be a foil to Voldemort, a reflection on the choices he could've made but didn't. Both Half-blood, both muggle-raised, both abused, but with Harry choosing loving his new world over hating his old one. It doesn't quite translate, because there's significant differences between Harry's and Voldemort's situations, but it was the intention. The sorting is the first step Harry takes away from following the path Tom Riddle laid down, thus portraying that for all their seeming similarities, Harry is fundamentally good, where Voldemort is just evil. Y'know, because he's Slytherin.

by someone named Alex Knight

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (Bayona, 2018) privileges heteronormative relationships and the building of a traditional family unit, and it perpetuates a common Hollywood position of fearful suspicion toward scientists and academics. What is the term for this reaffirmation of traditional, popular values


Answer: cultural invisibility


Cultural Invisibility occurs when the cultural mores and the prejudices which are lurking in a movie go unnoticed.

Cultural invisibility is used for the enhancement of the subconscious beliefs of the viewers. With regards to the question, term for this reaffirmation of traditional, popular values us cultural invisibility.

how can be the snow covered areas of different provinces utilized for economic growth of Nepal



Tourism and hydroelectricity.


Snow covered areas of Sikkim cam be used for economic growth in the form of tourism and sports events. Such as poon hill, Shivpuri, and daman. As the economy of Nepal mostly is dependent on the use of agriculture and remittances.

Instructions: Select the correct answer below. The command function must be clearly established from the beginning of an incident. When command is transferred, the process must include: A meeting of all Command and General Staff to communicate tactical direction. A briefing that captures all essential information for continuing safe and effective operations. A revision of the incident objectives and the development of a new Incident Action Plan. A listing of preferred terminology for organizational functions, incident facilities, resource descriptions, and position titles.



A briefing that captures all essential information for continuing safe and effective operations.


A command may be described as an order which is usually authoritative and should be obeyed as it is usually issued by a superior. The command will entail taking necessary procedures, information on all aspects which are bound by the issued protocol. The command will usually be given in clear terms and as such everything binding in the command information given must be captured in other to ensure an enforced action.

: Sự đúng đắn, sáng tạo của Đảng trong quá trình lãnh đạo Cách mạng dân tộc dân chủ nhân dân ở nước ta và bài học kinh nghiệm.



“there are no good reasons for a country to possess nuclear weapons” 12 marker



there actually is


okay so here's the answer in short SELF DEFENCE! the thing about nukes is that it can destroy vast amount of land in a matter of minutes

To sue a foreign firm in the United States, the plaintiff must:
A. comply with the terms of the Hague Service Convention when serving notice of the lawsuit.
B. demonstrate that exercise of personal jurisdiction over the defendant will be ineffective.
C. comply with the terms of the Convention of International Sale of Goods when filing a lawsuit.
D. establish legal representation in the area of personal jurisdiction.
D. establish maximum contacts between the foreign defendant and the forum court.


To sue a foreign firm in the US, the supreme court held that the plaintiff must establish minimum contracts between the foreign defendant and the forum court.

The answers is E the last one

Possible jury members are sent _____
when selected to perform jury duty.


Mail or an email to tell them they have been pick to be a jury in court

Goal displacement is A. the tendency for workers in a bureaucracy to become so specialized that they develop blind spots and fail to notice obvious problems. B. a principle of organizational life according to which each individual within a hierarchy tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence. C. overzealous conformity to official regulations within a bureaucracy. D. the process by which a group, organization, or social movement becomes increasingly bureaucratic.



Goal displacement is:

C. overzealous conformity to official regulations within a bureaucracy.


In a more literal sense, goal displacement happens when an organization chooses new goals over the original ones in order to achieve certain results or simply to keep things functioning. When it comes to bureaucracy, goal displacement refers to paying so much attention to rules and regulations that the end goal of serving and helping ends up being left aside.

Looking back on his life, Leon, age 84, isn’t sure if he made much of an impact on the world. He’s able to find peace and contentment in spending time with his family and is trying hard to live so that he has no regrets. This fits with which conflict in Erikson’s stages of development?



Integrity vs. Despair


Erikson's stages of psychosocial development.

This includes;

1. Trust vs. Mistrust

2. Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt

3. Initiative vs. Guilt

4. Industry vs. Inferiority

5. Identity vs. Identity Confusion

6. Intimacy vs. Isolation

7. Generativity vs. Stagnation

8. Integrity vs. Despair

Integrity vs. despair

This is known as the Erikson's final stage of life development. This is when people think back on life, mainly the older adult usually do feel or have a sense of satisfaction or failure. The age range is usually between 60's and older (older adult). The healthy development of this stage is that they produce creativity and productivity and the capacity to care for others and they tasks of themselves by reflecting, gloom, doubt, and despair if negative.

This stage usually accept that one's life is unique and worthwhile.


This is simply the ability to accept the fact that the life an individual has live and to face death with or without great fear.


This is usually known as the feeling of regret about one's past life that he or she is not proud of.

What is society . write its feature?​



the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community is known as society or People living together in peace and harmony is known as society

How do King Leopold's actions in the Congo demonstrate European attitudes toward Africa and Africans during the 19th century?



His colonization of such a large land mass led to other European nations following suit. Stanley had explored the Congo, and used his local knowledge to convince local chiefs to give King Leopold II of Belgium control of their lands.


List 3 examples of social roles that you personally play and briefly discuss how they impact your status.



I play a social role as a student and my status is efected by how well I do in school.


what is democrcy why this democracy ​



Democracy is a form of government in which: Rulers elected by the people take all the major decisions; Elections offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the current rulers; This choice and opportunity is available to all the people on an equal basis; and


I hope it's helpful for you

ossay mai utna accha nahi hum (^^)

Democracy is a form of government in which: Rulers elected by the people take all the major decisions; Elections offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the current rulers; This choice and opportunity is available to all the people


I hope it will help you

are used as a means for head and neck protection in the event of a vehicle collision. a) Safety belts b) Head restraints c) Airbags d) ABS systems 3 Question 3 Changes in visibility usually have no impact on the way that the IPDE process is used. a) True b) False 4 Question 4 When using headlights, speed should: a) Be increased b) Remain the same c) Be decreased 5 Question 5 _______________ improve a driver's ability to identify hazards and conditions in the driving environment and even act as a warning to fellow drivers in certain situations.



1. b) Head restraints

2. b) False

3. c) Be decreased

4. Headlights


1. Head restraints: are used as a means for providing head and neck protection to an automobile car driver in the event of a vehicle collision.

2. False: changes in visibility usually have no impact on the way that the Identify, Predict, Decide, and Execute (IPDE) process is used. Actually, changes in the level of visibility at a particular point in time usually have an effect on the IPDE driving process, which are principles that pertains to defensive driving and the complexities of visibility in traffic.

3. When using headlights, speed should: be decreased. This is the recommended and advisable thing for all drivers to do because excessive speeding at night might lead to a car accident or road traffic crash.

4. Headlights: improve a driver's ability to identify hazards and conditions in the driving environment and even act as a warning to fellow drivers in certain situations.

2. Cuáles son las Ciencias Auxiliares que acompañan a la Economía, explique.


Answer: 2. Existe un conjunto de ciencias que ayudan al desenvolvimiento de la investigación económica pero al mismo tiempo se apoyan en ella. Dichas ciencias y técnicas son la Política, Sociología, Geografía, Historia, Estadística y


Hope it helps you if not sorry

es importante el aporte de la ciencia y tecnologia para aprovechar estas energias limpias y transformarlas de energia electrica explica



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Renewable energy or clean energy has the potential to contribute significantly to energy security and carbon emissions reduction in the United States. Alternative sources can assist reduce energy importation and fossil fuel consumption, which is the leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States.

Name the people involved in teaching.​


Student, Teacher, Principal (headmaster), Vice-Principal (assistant headmaster), Lecturer, and professor.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

the Kathmandu valley is rich in national heritage. give examples with justify the statement.



The cultural heritage of the Kathmandu Valley is illustrated by seven groups of monuments and buildings which display the full range of historic and artistic achievements for which the Kathmandu Valley is world famous. The seven include the Durbar Squares of Hanuman Dhoka (Kathmandu), Patan and Bhaktapur, the Buddhist stupas of Swayambhu and Bauddhanath and the Hindu temples of Pashupati and Changu Narayan.


AKA Nepal Valley or Nepa Valley. It lies at the crossroads of the Indian subcontinent and the broader Asian continent. It also lies where the ancient civilizations of these regions were.

Has about 130 important monuments/establishments, like several pilgrimage sites for Hindus and Buddhists. There are also seven World Heritage Sites within the valley.

The Kathmandu Valley has said to have been the most developed and populated place in Nepal.

Historically, the valley and nearby areas, made up a confederation known as the Nepal Mandala.

Write about the urban local government bodies.​



Municipalities and Municipal Corporations are a part of urban local self-government. Municipalities are set up in towns, whereas Municipal Corporations are constituted in big cities. Both of them consist of the representatives elected by the people.

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