How can you help the government to preserve our traditional heritages?​


Answer 1


starting petitions and rules

Answer 2
by giving rules to the people!

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Please help me I neeeed this



A city-state, or polis, was the community structure of ancient Greece. Each city-state was organized with an urban center and the surrounding countryside. Characteristics of the city in a polis were outer walls for protection, as well as a public space that included temples and government buildings. The temples and government buildings were often built on the top of a hill, or acropolis. A surviving example of a structure central to an ancient acropolis is the famous Parthenon of Athens. The Parthenon was a temple built to honor the goddess Athena. The majority of a polis’s population lived in the city, as it was the center of trade, commerce, culture, and political activity.

There grew to be over 1,000 city-states in ancient Greece, but the main poleis were Athína (Athens), Spárti (Sparta), Kórinthos (Corinth), Thíva (Thebes), Siracusa (Syracuse), Égina (Aegina), Ródos (Rhodes), Árgos, Erétria, and Elis. Each city-state ruled itself. They differed greatly from the each other in governing philosophies and interests. For example, Sparta was ruled by two kings and a council of elders. It emphasized maintaining a strong military, while Athens valued education and art. In Athens every male citizen had the right to vote, so they were ruled by a democracy. Rather than have a strong army, Athens maintained their navy.

Greek city-states likely developed because of the physical geography of the Mediterranean region. The landscape features rocky, mountainous land and many islands. These physical barriers caused population centers to be relatively isolated from each other. The sea was often the easiest way to move from place to place. Another reason city-states formed, rather than a central, all-encompassing monarchy, was that the Greek aristocracy strove to maintain their city-states’ independence and to unseat any potential tyrants.

2. Explaining According to Ashoka, who can win "heavenly
bliss" and how?



According to Ashoka, beliefs that were widely held to be true across India have been proven to be false. Because this is the result of hard work. This is not something that can only be reached by a great man; even a tiny guy who decides to strive himself can win tremendous celestial joy.

"Mt Everest is the glory of all Nepali". Justify the statement​



Everest has not only advanced civilization, culture, unity, and pride of the Nepali community and the archives of Nepali people but also the uniqueness and character of the people worldwide. Noting that Mt Everest is the identification and pride of Nepal, he said it is essential to promulgate the Mt Everest more.

''con la irrigación adecuada prosperan los cultivos como: el trigo, la cebada, los dátiles, los olivos, las lentejas, las naranjas, las cebollas.''

a que civilización corresponde lo anterior?


La respuesta correcta es "Egipto."

Con la irrigación adecuada en el antiguo Egipto prosperaron los cultivos como el trigo, la cebada, los dátiles, los olivos, las lentejas, las naranjas, y las cebollas.

Es por eso que los antiguos egipcios decidieron establecerse a las orillas del Río Nilo, en el Noroeste de África. Ellos sabían que el río les brindarían grandes beneficios para poder cultivar.

Los antiguos egipcios debieron aprender técnicas de cultivo, y sobre todo, entender la época del desborde del Río Nilo. La famosa "creciente del Nilo." Esa inundación del delta del Nilo llenaba de nutrientes la tierra. Cuando la inundación terminaba y el río volvía a su nivel normal, los Egipcios sabían que la tierra era muy fértil para poder cultivar.

Give Reason

Grids are Useful​



They help your audience predict where elements and information will be, making both easier to find and navigate.


grids help people predict where elements and information will be, making it easier to navigate and find.

I hope this helps

Why does a person travel or tour?



Some people have hobbies to travel different places and travelling to different place makes our mood fresh and italso helps us to collect some information about those places. so, that a person travel or tour..


Travelling and tours is the best way to makes our heart light..


people travel to seek for a week because they want to experience how to work from another place. people travel because they want to learn others culture. they want to see the difference between their culture and other culture. they want to learn others culture because for them traveling is fun while learning..

six risky situations youth are frequently exposed to​



vaping and tobacco uses


behaviour that countribute untentional abuse and violence ...unhealty dietary behavoirs.....lndequate physical activity...sexual behaviour that lead to unwanted pregnacy and unwanted pregnancy

calculate the human development index of nepal if it mean schooling years is 4.9 and expected schooling years is 12.4 ( obtain necessary figure PCI life expectancy etc from the internat​



The HDI was created to emphasize that people and their capabilities should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone

Mr. Grammatica has made a pointed effort to gauge students' prior knowledge of how to calculate percentages. He has had the repeated experience of students holding onto prior schemes despite their inaccuracy. So on the first day of class he passes around a worksheet to gauge their understanding. Which effective strategy of mathematics instruction is Mr. Grammatica focusing on



Considering students' prior knowledge


instructional strategy

This is often refered to as ways used by teachers to give lectures or delivers lessons for the student's sake so as to be able to meet or achieve the learning objective. Strategies can be very explicit but a teacher can make it less explicit and student centered.

Considering students' prior knowledge

The act of igniting prior knowledge and arousing the interest  of student do bring about an instructional context where students can read with purpose, direction and yearning to learn more.  It is said that a good and effective teachers will use different means to activate students prior knowledge so that during lectures or in class they can  build on what they already know, challenge it, engage in thorough thinking about it, and thereafter refine it.

What is the purpose of government rules and regulations in a mixed economy?

Rules and regulations ensure that manufacturers follow fair and competitive practices.
Rules and regulations force manufacturers to agree on interstate taxation and shipping policies.
Rules and regulations require manufacturers to write guidelines in cooperation with other manufacturers.
Rules and regulations help manufacturers agree on what percentage of the market they will sell to.


Rules and regulations ensure that will allow manufacturers to follow fair and competitive practices are the reason for government rules and regulations in a mixed economy. Thus, option A is correct.

What is a mixed economy?

In a mixed economy, both market influences and government choices figure out which labor and products are created and the way that they are conveyed. By and large, market influences win in mixed economies.

Governments  can look to reallocate abundance by burdening the confidential area and utilizing charge assets to additional social objectives.

Normal instances of government mediation in blended economies incorporate exchange security, sponsorships, designated charge impetuses, monetary upgrade, and public-private organizations.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about mixed economy, here:


Paddling a student is a violation of the Code of Ethics?


The answer is true.

Paddling a student is a violation of the Code of Ethics, is true. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the Code of Ethics?

A code of Ethics can be determined as a set of rules and regulations to protect the rights and beliefs of a person or an organization. these code dictate the atmosphere and the rules of that organization. These ethics may be different depending on the company.

Paddling a student means when the student is beaten by a paddle on his lower back due to some reason like misbehaving or mischief in a class. as the paddling hurts, it was considered as a form of punishment.

According to the ethical code of conduct, paddling a student with or without his or his parent's consent is treated as an offense and is punishable if found guilty. Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about the Code of Ethics, here:


what was the condition of Nawalparasi in the past compare that with the present condition of Nawalparasi​



Nawalparasi District (Nepali: नवलपरासी जिल्ला, pronounced [nʌwʌlpʌˈɾasi] (About this soundlisten)) part of which belongs to Gandaki Pradesh and part to Lumbini Province, was one of the seventy-five districts of Nepal before being divided. The district, with Ramgram as its district headquarters, covered an area of 2,162 square kilometres (835 sq mi) and has a population (2011) of 643,508.

This district has given birth to many Nepal's top-level people, including the late Prime Minister Tanka Prasad Acharya. The midpoint of Nepal's east–west highway Mahendra Highway lies in this district. The Nawalpur valley is the part of greater Chitwan Valley of inner terai where most of the populations are Tharu, Magar and Brahmins who settled migrating from the hills. The big industries such as Chaudhary Udhyog Gram (CUG), Bhrikuti Pulp and Paper factory[1] are located in the nawalpur area of this district. Since Parasi is the headquarter of Nawalparasi district many of the clerical offices are located there. Nepal's one of the biggest Sugar factory, Lumbini Sugar Industry, which was made by China's support, also lies in Sunwal Municipality of this district. Nowadays many industries are also being operated here like Sarbottam Cement factory, Butwal cement factory, Triveni distillery, cement factory of CG in Dumkibas, Jamuwad paper factory and other cottage industries. Developing cities such as Devchuli Municipality, Gaindakot Municipality, Kawasoti Municipality Sunwal Municipality, Madhyabindu Municipality and Bardaghat Municipality are located here. Famous towns in Nawalpur Ragion are Gaindakot, Rajahar, Keurani, Pragatinagar, Kawasoti, Shahid nagar Danda, Chormara, Arungkhola etc. Half of the Nawalpur Region is mainly hilly areas mainly populated by Brahmins, Magar and Chhetri people and terai area is mainly populated by Tharu people.

Nawalparasi district is connected to Rupandehi District on the west, Palpa and Tanahun Districts on the north, Chitwan District on the east and south and the Indian border. The longest road of Mahendra highway, 99 km in length, lies in this district. Major cities of Nepal such as Butwal, Siddharthanagar, Tansen and Bharatpur metropolitan municipality are located in neighbouring districts

what should we do to the violators of social rules ? Suggest any two measures.​



punishment them lawfully

teach them more on importance of maintain and adhering to social rules

hope this helps

According to a study published in Conservation Letters,a research team led by biologist Brian MacKenzie ran computer models of the population dynamics of the bluefin tuna that suggest that,even if fishing were banned immediately,the population of bluefin in the Atlantic and Mediterranean oceans will most likely collapse.This is a serious issue for sushi lovers everywhere,and some sociologists call it:
A) technological diffusion.
B) ecoterrorism.
C) a tragedy of the commons.
D) a public goods dilemma.


ANSWER is a, Hope this helps

what do you mean by good society?​



: A Good Society is what we strive for and we aim to build it around core values: Equality, Democracy and Sustainability. Rather than being a specific vision, or end point, the Good Society is a framework that enables us to evaluate political ideas and actions against our core values.


hope you're okay


A Good Society is what we strive for and we aim to build it around core values: Equality, Democracy and Sustainability. Rather than being a specific vision, or end point, the Good Society is a framework that enables us to evaluate political ideas and actions against our core values.

What difference do you find between agrarian society and industrial society?make a list



The dominant difference in agrarian and industrial societies is the freedom of individuals to participate in networks with high productivity. Agrarian society tends to organize around the need to violently defend or take land on which to grow crops, using hierarchies for command by an aristocracy. This aristocratic hierarchy then restricts participation in networks like markets, to channel the wealth from the land into their own families for control. When this control of wealth could not be maintained, we got the industrial revolution, with its most competent published description being:

"When a society moves from allocating resources by custom and tradition (moderns read here, by politics) to allocating resources by markets, they may be said to have undergone an industrial revolution" Arnold Toynbee-1884

IMHO, this freedom for market network activity is the *first* part of the industrial revolution seen, while other levels of human activity are also important. Intellectual freedoms of activity to participate in intellectual networks are needed to exchange ideas that lead to new markets. Spiritual freedoms of activity are needed for individuals to clarify the mind to perceive new ideas. Physical freedoms to change the physical environment are needed, so that people have the wealth and time to pay attention to spirit and intellect. Political freedoms are needed, to keep in check the tendency of agrarian culture reactionaries to retake control using corruption and confiscatory levels of taxation.

So, the difference between agrarian and industrial society turns out to be freedom of action, that agrarian culture suppresses, and industrial culture celebrates.


Write in detail 5 goods that you get using money currency and 5 services that you can get using money currency


Food items, cars, clothes, alcohol and house for living are the example of goods whereas coaching, delivery items, car repairing, cleaning the house and health checkup are the services which is provided by people to us.

5 goods that we get using money are food items, cars, clothes, alcohol and house for living. These goods are necessary and used in our daily life while on the other hand, 5 services that you can get using money are coaching, delivery items, car repairing, cleaning the house and health checkup. These services reduces our time as well as our energy so we can say that for both goods and services we have to pay the money which we earned by providing our services to other people.

why is HDI index low in nepal .explain



Due to the effect that economies can often suffer from the "snowball" effect, the fact that two-thirds of the nation live below the poverty line of making less than $1 a day, Niger's low HDI is a direct result from poor healthcare, a meager economy, and a lack of centralized, nationalized infrastructure


El peso máximo de una carga, recomendado por el INSST, para su manipulación sin riesgo dorsolumbar es de



Según lo recomendado por el INSST debe ser de 25Kg


Aunque es el peso ideal sugerido, el trabajador debe tener en cuenta las condiciones ideales para evitar lesiones dorsolumbares como las siguiente:

- Postura ideal :La carga debe estar  cerca del cuerpo así como la espalda debe permanecer derecha, sin giros ni inclinaciones.

-Sujeción firme del objeto por parte del trabajador; en algunos casos se recomienda el uso de guantes rústicos de calibre grueso que permita sostener bien la carga y a la vez proteger las manos.

- Levantamientos suaves y despaciosos.

-Entorno laboral libre de obstáculos y de situaciones que impliquen un gran riesgo de tropiezo o de caída para el trabajador que lleva la carga.

what are the benefits of socialization for ypu explain?​



Socialization can help improve our mental and emotional health. Studies show - and wisdom confirms - being social decreases depression. Socialization also improves overall mental health. 2. Confidence and self-esteem

What does the transparency international (TI) lead at global level​


Your Answer is in the attachment.

Hope it helps you Please mark me as brainliest.

तालिमप्राप्त स्तक्या विकासले कमरी जनताको जीवनस्तरमा सुधार गहि । वटा उमाउल्लेख गर्नुठीम्।​



क्या विकासले कमरी जनताको जीवनस्तरमा सुधार गहि । वटा उमाउल्लेखExplanation:

विषय : नेपाली १ "नेपाल" कविता गति, दति र लय मिलाएर बाचन गर्नुहोस् ।​



This answer can't be written. You have to just sing that poem.

Figgins is the dean of a college. He appointed Sue to be acting dean while he was out of the country and posted an announcement on the college website which said that Sue was authorized to act in his place. Figgins also told Sue privately that she could do most everything in his job description while he was away, but she did not have the right to make admissions decisions. While Figgins was gone, Sue overruled the admissions committee to admit the child of a wealthy alumnus. Does the child have the right to attend this college





Yes, in this scenario the child has the right to attend this college. This is because despite Fliggins telling Sue privately that she could not make admission decisions, he still publicly appointed her acting dean and publicly gave her all authority as a dean. Therefore, due to this Sue had apparent authority over all matters that are normally handled by the dean of the college. This includes admissions to the college.

Admiral David Farragut led a ___ of about 40 ships past the stronghold forts of Jackson and St. Philip at the mouth of the Mississippi River to transport troops and supplies to capture the cities along the river.

A. Fleet

B. Garrison

C. Convoy

D. Caravan


Answer: A

Explanation: A group of ships is usually called a fleet. I also was reading about this battle and they referenced it as a fleet.

2. How does a good society get its recognition?​



universal social services. Working closely with their friend William

Beveridge, they were highly influential with academics and senior

politicians and laid the intellectual foundations for what became the

welfare state.

To commemorate the centenary of the Minority Report, the Trust

commissioned the Fabian Society to produce The solidarity society:

Fighting poverty and inequality in an age of affluence 1909–2009.

which had persisted despite  progress of the previous 100 years. However, many proposals entailed.

increased state spending and, following the financial crash of 2008 and

the austerity policies emerging from the 2010 Coalition government,

it was unlikely that the book’s proposals would be taken up.

The Trust therefore commissioned two pieces of research: a review

of social policy since 1945, undertaken by the Smith Institute, to

identify which policies were effective in reducing poverty,2 and a

series of essays from academics and practitioners in which they were

asked to imagine what Beatrice Webb would suggest doing about

poverty now.3 Following these publications, the Trust concluded

that traditional social policy is inadequate to deal with the challenges

facing the UK and produced a consultation document: Beatrice Webb:

A fitting legacy. Its publication in 2012 set out the prospectus for the

research described here.

The reframes the debate about poverty and how a good society

should eliminate it. We hope that this research, like that of the Webbs,

will stimulate our partners and others to develop their ideas and help

to create the society we want, rather than the society we have.

Menciona 3 ideas para evitar la contaminacion y preservar el medio ambiente



Evitar malgastar el agua como por ejemplo cuando me lavo los dientes apagar la llave mientras lo hago.

Evitar usar o comprar las botellas de agua para no hacer mas grande lq contaminación por el plástico.

Usar energías renovables

Jared, a high school student, is a sensitive person. His first reaction to many things is anxiety, such as the loud noise of a truck backfiring, an unfamiliar dog running toward him, or a teacher unexpectedly calling on him in class. From a biological perspective he would be described as having a high level of reactivity. Toward which end of the continuum of these Big Five traits would he likely fall



I believe it's neuroticisim.


Neuroticisim is defined in the Big 5 Traits as having a tendency towards unstable emotions. Anxiety is an unstable emotion

Janelle would like to go to the movies without parental supervision. To try and get what she wants, she starts by asking her dad if she can go to an amusement park with just her friends. When her dad says no, like she predicted, she asks if she can at least go to the movies by herself. Janelle's strategy in asking to go to the movies is an example of what method of persuasion?



Simple squamous epithelium

This type of epithelia lines the inner surface of all blood vessels (endothelium), forms the wall of alveolar sacs in the lung and lines the body cavities (mesothelium). The primary function of simple squamous epithelia is to facilitate diffusion of gases and small molecules.

Which of the following could define a physical region?



is the area or pathway of the concentrated place base on your destination

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Yearly carrying costs (to be computed on the average number of cases in stock during the year) are $10 per case, and the cost of placing an order with the manufacturer is $45. Determine the economic order quantity, that is, the order quantity that minimizes the inventory cost. Help me please.. Given the function f(x) = -2c + cx - x^2? and f^-1(5) = -1, find c.