How did Sir Isaac Newton advance the field of physics?

A. He invented the microscope to aid research.
B. He developed several laws relating to motion.
C. He proved that Earth moves around the sun.
D. He discovered that moons orbit Jupiter.


Answer 1


How did Sir Isaac Newton advance the field of physics?

B. He developed several laws relating to motion.

Answer 2
B this is what we call Newton’s laws

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In India, secularism has now been pronounced by the Supreme Court of India to be a part of the basic structure of the Constitution and cannot be done away with even by a constitutional amendment.[9] Articles 25 to 28 guarantee individuals as well as groups the right to freedom of religion. However, Article 25 restricts the exercise of this right in the interests of public order, morality and health and all other rights enumerated in Part III of the Constitution. Therefore, it is constitutional for the legislature to place social welfare and reform over and above religious interests. In fact, Article 17 of the Constitution is a rare example of a penal constitutional provision which criminalizes untouchability ; a practice that can essentially be traced to Hinduism. Article 25, itself specifies that the freedom of religion cannot be used to restrict access to Hindu places of worship to upper castes. This relatively lower position that has been accorded to the freedom of religion in the Constitution is starkly different from the manner in which this has been played out in courts and political arenas in India. Many recent constitutional controversies in India have focused on religious rights. 1. How many articles in the Constitution guarantee 'Right to freedom of religion? a. 7 b. 6 c. 12 d. 9 2. Which article restricts the Right to freedom of religion under the rights enumerated in Part III of the Constitution? a. 29 b. 17 c. 25 d. 27 3. Which article criminalizes untouchability? a. 25 b. 17 c. 28 d. 29 4. What do the constitutional controversies recently focus on? a. Religious rights b. Religious tolerance c. Religious interests d. Religious practice 5. What is secularism? a. State supports religion b. State is separate from religion c. State Policy framework d. State supports public​



I can't answer this I'm sorry this is too confusing


maybe shorten it and comment so I can give you da answers

Which Supreme Court case established the principle of judicial review? A. Roe v. Wade B. Marbury v. Madison C. Plessy v. Ferguson D. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas



B. Marbury v. Madison


Marbury v. Madison can be regarded as an icon that helps to give more strength to the federal judiciary through the establishment of power of judicial review, these is a medium whereby there could be declaration of

legislation by federal courts as along with executive as well with administrative actions and the inconsistent that is associated with the U.S. Constitution and therefore null and void.This judicial review which was supreme Court case, can be regarded as one that was strengthen in 1803 by

Marbury vs Madison, this can be explained as how the courts are been given power so they can make law as well as other amendments which are regarded as been on violation of United States constitution


Correct answer:

B. Marbury v. Madison


Thanks for Brainly's help and thanks for your help. We're all in this together. Walking in the dark with somebody by your side is better than walking with nobody in the dark. Hope this helps.

Enlist the needs and importance of environmental education and describe them in short​



(I have shortened the word Environmental Education to EE in my answer)

Benefits of Environmental Education and why EE is needed:

Imagination and enthusiasm are heightened

EE is hands-on, interactive learning that sparks the imagination and unlocks creativity. When EE is integrated into the curriculum, students are more enthusiastic and engaged in learning, which raises student achievement in core academic areas.

Learning transcends the classroom

Not only does EE offer opportunities for experiential learning outside of the classroom, it enables students to make connections and apply their learning in the real world. EE helps learners see the interconnectedness of social, ecological, economic, cultural, and political issues.

Critical and creative thinking skills are enhanced

EE encourages students to research, investigate how and why things happen, and make their own decisions about complex environmental issues. By developing and enhancing critical and creative thinking skills, EE helps foster a new generation of informed consumers, workers, as well as policy or decision makers.

Tolerance and understanding are supported

EE encourages students to investigate varying sides of issues to understand the full picture. It promotes tolerance of different points of view and different cultures.

State and national learning standards are met for multiple subjects

By incorporating EE practices into the curriculum, teachers can integrate science, math, language arts, history, and more into one rich lesson or activity, and still satisfy numerous state and national academic standards in all subject areas. Taking a class outside or bringing nature indoors provides an excellent backdrop or context for interdisciplinary learning.

Biophobia and nature deficit disorder decline

By exposing students to nature and allowing them to learn and play outside, EE fosters sensitivity, appreciation, and respect for the environment. It combats “nature deficit disorder” … and it’s FUN!

Healthy lifestyles are encouraged

EE gets students outside and active, and helps address some of the health issues we are seeing in children today, such as obesity, attention deficit disorders, and depression. Good nutrition is often emphasized through EE and stress is reduced due to increased time spent in nature.

Communities are strengthened

EE promotes a sense of place and connection through community involvement. When students decide to learn more or take action to improve their environment, they reach out to community experts, donors, volunteers, and local facilities to help bring the community together to understand and address environmental issues impacting their neighborhood.

Responsible action is taken to better the environment

EE helps students understand how their decisions and actions affect the environment, builds knowledge and skills necessary to address complex environmental issues, as well as ways we can take action to keep our environment healthy and sustainable for the future. Service-learning programs offered by PLT and other EE organizations provide students and teachers with support through grants and other resources for action projects.

Students and teachers are empowered

EE promotes active learning, citizenship, and student leadership. It empowers youth to share their voice and make a difference at their school and in their communities. EE helps teachers build their own environmental knowledge and teaching skills. I hope these “top ten” benefits will give you the confidence and commitment to incorporate EE into your curriculum!

what is per capital income ? why is it not considered as the best indicators to measure actule development.​



Per capita income is a measure of the amount of money earned per person in a nation or geographic region.

Per capita income is an average and this average may not represent the standard of living of the people, if the increased national income goes to the few rich instead of giving to the many poor. Thus unless national income is evenly distributed, per capita income cannot serve as a satisfactory indicator of development.

Use your understanding of realism, considerations of morality, and the issue of domestic determinants of U.S. foreign policy, and describe how the United States should deal with Iran? (Answer in 150 words.)



see your answer in pic


2)which dynasty did the kushanas belong to?​



He belongs to khusan dynasty.

MacKenzie is studying how welfare policies affect working families. She has paid several visits to families who have agreed to participate in her study and has interviewed them. She has also asked them to fill out a questionnaire about the issues in their daily lives, such as household budget and martial harmony. With this info, she is trying to link the effects of welfare policies to these family issues. The study conducted by MacKenzie is part of _________.






This is mostly defined on a large scale perspective. It is simply viewing big outcome that is said to affect big portion of population. Such as Social structures and institutions, whole civilizations/populations. It is the looking for patterns and effects the incidence has on lives on small groups. It also deals with matters like poverty, war, health care, world economy.

It is also defined as a means or approach to sociology which capitalizes or is based on the analysis of social systems and populations on a large scale, also at the level of social structure, and at high level of theoretical abstraction.

Conflict theory.

A Marxist-based social theory stated that individuals and groups (social classes) within society have different amounts of material and non-material resources (such as the wealthy and the poor). He stated that the more powerful groups use their power in order to exploit groups with little power.

Mark the two statements which are NOT true.

-The difference between the Roman republic and the Greek democracy was that:

a. In Rome, only men with money and property could vote.

b. In the Greek government, retired soldiers were given automatic seats in the Senate.

c. In Greece, all women were allowed to vote.

d. In the Roman Senate, the most powerful part of the government, all senators were patricians.



A. In Rome, only men with money and property could vote.

C. In Greece, all women were allowed to vote.


All free Men in Ancient Rome could vote, In Ancient Greece Women could not vote.

why is skilled human resource called an important infrastructure of development? Mention any 4 reasons.


Because they changed the world so it’s practically important hope this helps

which counthy became full-fledged territorial state in Europe in the year 1789?
(a) Germany
(b) France
(c) England
(d) Spain​


b) France as you would remember

was a full fledged territorial state in 1789 under the rule of an absolute monarch the political and constitutional change that came in the wake of the french revolution led to the transfer of sovereignty from monarchy to a body of french citizen .

1). Nepal is geographically , culturally and socially diversed country . Why?

Long answer questions .

plzzzz help............​







sorry i reposted it because it got deleted plz again mark me as brainliest plz

My grandmother gives me $5 and tells me to go to the store to buy her some ice cream. She asks me to promise to get the ice cream, and I agree. Which action is supported by utilitarianism but intuitively seems unethical? Even though they have my grandmother’s favorite flavor at the grocery store, I buy a flavor that she doesn’t like as much. On the way to the store, I run into my friends who are going to see a movie; I decide to go with them and get the ice cream later. I’m not in the mood for ice cream, so I spend the money on cupcakes instead because I know my grandmother likes them, too. I see five homeless people on the way to the store and I break the promise to my grandmother to give each of them one of the dollars.



I see five homeless people on the way to the store and I break the promise to my grandmother to give each of them one of the dollars. This option is supported by utilitarianism but intuitively seems unethical.

The action is supported by utilitarianism but intuitively seems unethical is I see five homeless people on the way to the store and I break the promise to my grandmother to give each of them one of the dollars. Thus the last option is correct.

What is the utilitarianism approach?

The Utilitarian Approach evaluates a decision based on its results or repercussions. An action is right if it complies with a rule that promotes the greatest good, according to a variety of utilitarianism called rule utilitarianism.

In the given case, the action did show a utilitarian approach by helping homeless kids but it is unethical as the boys promised their grandmother to bring ice cream which got broke due to spending the money on needy people.

Therefore, option last is appropriate.

Learn more about the utilitarianism approach, here:


Mark's weight-loss counselor has observed that he has a self-defeating pattern of beliefs and cognitions about his inability to control overeating. Specifically, when he eats something that is not allowed on his diet, he instantly loses hope and ponders over her weak willpower. Mark's counselor is trying to encourage him to think otherwise and continue with his diet routine even if he waivers a few times. In this case, the therapist is utilizing a technique called



Hence the answer is cognitive restructuring.


Mark's weight-loss counselor has observed that he has a self-defeating pattern of beliefs and cognitions about his inability to control overeating. Specifically, when he eats something that is not allowed on his diet, he instantly loses hope and ponders over her weak willpower. Mark's counselor is trying to encourage him to think otherwise and continue with his diet routine even if he waivers a few times. In this case, the therapist is utilizing a technique called cognitive restructuring.

The cognitive restructuring is a group of therapeutic techniques that help people notice and alter their negative thinking patterns.

How did you learn the ways of interacting and behaving with other members of society?what elements supported you to be socialized? Present your experience



It's still just one-to-one and getting to know. That's the only real way to learn the ways of interacting and behaving with another member of society. there are three fundamental elements to socialization: Communications, Courtesy, and Values.

Which contribution did the Mesopotamians make to the development of writing?
O developed cuneiform, the first known writing system
O adopted and spread use of Egyptian hieroglyphs
O discovered and translated the Rosetta Stone
O none- historians are unable to translate their writing system


The contribution of the Mesopotamians to the development of writing was the creation of cuneiform.

The Mesopotamians developed cuneiform which is the first known writing system that also change and developed with the passage of time. Cuneiform is a writing system which is first developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia in the period which was started from 3500 to 3000 BCE. It is considered the most significant in the Sumerians which done advancement in the writing of cuneiform in 3200 BCE.

difference between literate and illiterate​



Literate people can read and write, while illiterate people can't

What type of human resource is the urgent need of Nepal's Give your opinions in a sentences



The major challenges for human resource management in Nepal are: Lack of access of education in rural areas. Poverty and backwardness of people. Rapid increase in brain drain.

diffrent theories of the origin of religion



The central thesis of Muller's theory is that religion arises out of myths and cults which were based upon an original personification of natural phenomena. ... Sociology was used by Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) to explain the origin of religion.

how is traditional sources of energy different from the modern source of energy​



tradtional source of energy is the form of coal, natural gas, involves the burning of fossil fuels laid down millions of years ago.while modern source of energy is the form of renewable energy, sources of energy which is form from nature such as solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy etc.

Due to budget shortages and a critical need of funding to fight a war, Congress enacted a $25 tax on each person flying into an airport in the five most popular vacation destinations in the country, as determined by Congress. The tax was implemented, and officials in the five destinations were outraged, fearing that the number of vacationers to the taxed destinations would decrease due to the tax.
If the tax is challenged in federal court by an official with standing, is the most likely result that the tax will be held constitutional?
A No, because it makes it significantly more difficult for persons to travel between the states.
B No, because the tax unfairly discriminates against certain vacation destinations by taxing them and not taxing other, similar vacation destinations.
C Yes, because the tax is necessary to achieve a compelling government interest.
D Yes, because Congress has plenary power to impose taxes to raise revenue.








You may notice in modern day that taxes are not the same throughout all states, products, and so on. This gives a hint that B is not correct. A itself does not make sense as travel is more of a privilege than a right. It is not the government's problem if someone cannot afford luxuries. C makes it sound like the government is a dictatorship, "achieve ... government interest." This is obviously not true as several bills are shut down even though it would help achieve government interest. D is true. Congress does have plenary powers over a few select subjects, one being to levy taxes.

Iiiteracy and poverty are the main causes of social evils." Do you agree with this statement? Write your logic?​


no I don't agree with the statement illetreacy is the main cause of social evil because lack of education will let the evils prevail and continue to follow it even if they know it is wrong

Use the map to answer the questions.
What is the large mountain range in southwestern China?



The large mountain range in southwestern china is Hengduan mountain

Have u ever help caste people or language people or who dont have eye?
wirte in paragraph



Yes I have help caste people or language people or who don`t have eye because we all are equal people and no one is higher or lower.They are also human and we are too. Human help human.At first they also have eye like us who don t have eye now.It is our pleasure to help the people who are low caste ,who don't have eye,etc.So all are equal and should live together without discriminating.

I hope you like this i only know this much

Difference between temporary and permanent methods of contracep


Answer & Explanation:

Temporary methods:

1. Withdrawal method: This involves removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculating. Ejaculation should be away from the introitus. However, it requires extreme self-control on the part of your man.

2. Barrier methods: These methods prevent sperm from entering the uterus. Barrier methods are removable. Types of barrier methods include:

a. Condom: This is the oldest barrier method. A condom is a thin tube that the man puts over his penis. This keeps the sperm from getting to the egg. Condoms are also called rubbers.

b. Female condom: This is like a condom, but it goes in the woman's vagina.

c. Diaphragm and cervical cap: These are put in the woman's vagina to cover the cervix

d. Contraceptive sponge: This is a sponge that is filled with spermicide and is put in the woman's vagina over the cervix.

Barrier methods can be easy to use and have few side effects.

3. Hormonal methods: These can only be used by women. Hormonal methods cause changes in the woman's reproductive cycle and include birth control pills, birth control patches, emergency contraception pill, Implants and so on. Unlike barrier methods, hormonal methods do not interfere with sex.

4. Intrauterine methods: In this method an object called an intrauterine devices or IUD is put in the woman's uterus. There are two types of IUD: the copper IUD or an IUD with hormones implanted on it. The hormonal IUD has better protection against pregnancy but costs more. You need not do anything once it is inserted. Also, it is effective for up to 10 years.

Permanent methods:

Of course, the permanent methods are more effective for preventing pregnancy than the temporary methods. The decision to proceed with a permanent method should only be made if a person is absolutely sure that no more children are desired. The biggest problems after a permanent procedure is regret that it was done.

Sterilization is a permanent form of birth control that prevents a woman from getting pregnant. These procedures usually are not reversible.

a. A sterilization implant is a non-surgical method for permanently blocking the fallopian tubes. The doctor places a coil in each Fallopian tube through the vagina and uterus block each tube completely. It may take up to 3 months to completely block the tubes.

b.Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure in which a doctor cuts the fallopian tubes. This procedure blocks the path between the ovaries and the uterus. The sperm cannot reach the egg to fertilize it and the egg cannot reach the uterus.

c. Vasectomy is a surgical procedure that consists in cutting the tubes that carry sperm. This procedure blocks the path between the testes and the urethra due to which the sperm cannot leave the testes and hence cannot reach the egg. It can take as long as 3 months for the procedure to be fully effective. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a gynaecologist.

two effects of load shedding for class 8​



Shortage of gas also creates hurdles in smooth running of life. ... And in homes and restaurants food is cooked on gas. They face problems. 2)Home appliances also run by electricity but because shortage of electricity life becomes so hard and difficult.

Name two countries that have similar flags to two other countries?


Chad and romenia! They look oddly the same, I would’ve said Mexico and Italy but Italy Is in Europe! But yes.. Chad and Romenia


Chad and Romania and Monaco and Indonesia


I know the flags

the UK that follows the best democratic norms in the world has no written constitution. why?​



Because a Constitution is designed to tell the government what it cannot do with regards to the citizenry, and what rights it is not allowed to impinge upon. That’s essential in a Democratic Republic - after all, the people’s representatives are the ones making the decisions on behalf of everyone else. That’s slightly different to the system we have in the UK.

The UK isn’t a Democratic Republic: it’s a Parliamentary Democracy, which invariably means that, though we elect our representatives to a central government (in the same way that the US does with regards to Congress), our representatives are there to reflect our views, and not their own. The system of government itself is designed to be fluid, and change over time. When the public asked for stricter gun legislation in the wake of the Dunblane Massacre, we got it. No muss, no fuss. Even something as serious as the EU ‘Brexit’ mandate was something that we voted on beforehand. If it’d been the US, you’d have been told it was happening, or not happening.

It’s also worth noting that many of the Constitutional documents around the world are patterned on UK political documents that helped to shape the concept of modern democracy. The Magna Carta of 1215 helped to place limits upon the actions of autocratic monarchy and instituting the concepts of ‘due process’, the Case of Proclamations of 1610, which asserted that “the King by his proclamation or other ways cannot change any part of the common law, or statute law, or the customs of the realm”, the act of Habeas Corpus in 1679, the Bill of Rights of 1689…the list goes on.

the answer is long but it will help u

Discuss how citizens can remain active in influencing or participating in government.


The way that the citizens of a place can actively participate in government are by

VotingObeying government laws.Proposing policies that need change.

What does it mean for citizens to be a part of the government?

This is a situation where the people are able to exercise their rights as citizens of a nation.

This would mean being able to vote during election and also being able to propose new legislations.

Raed more on government here:



Active citizenship helps ensure that citizens can have their voices heard in government. It also helps to promote a consciousness outside of our immediate families and communities by offering opportunities to help people around the world. Organizations like UNICEF or the American Red Cross offer active citizens roles and responsibilities that help expand awareness of people’s needs outside of American borders. Additionally, in times of crises like Hurricane Katrina and September 11th, it helps America pull together as a nation.


hope this helps

how did southeast asian states develop and maintain power?



The anwser above is the same thing I was going to say its correct


what is the difference between a state and a government ​



State refers to the organized political community living under a single system of government. The main difference between state and government is that state is more or less permanent whereas government is temporary. The death of a ruler or a defeat at an election can change the government.


Hope it helps you

Mark my answer as brainlist

have a good day


= a state is known as country or the sovereignt of a country

= a government is the head of the state

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