how did the civil war change the economy and society in the north and south?


Answer 1


The Union's industrial and economic capacity soared during the war as the North continued its rapid industrialization to suppress the rebellion.


Answer 2


The Union's industrial and economic capacity soared during the war as the North continued its rapid industrialization to suppress the rebellion. In the South, a smaller industrial base, fewer rail lines, and an agricultural economy based upon slave labor made mobilization of resources more difficult.

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Native born citizens



Native-born citizens

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i hope this helps <3


How are property ownership rights limited? The US Constitution protects individual ownership rights in property. ... Nonetheless, laws may limit property by regulating when and how a person can use her property. In general, owners are prohibited from using their resources in ways that harm or injure others.

Hope this 1063 + 27

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I used this on one of the my other assignments, its from the Encyclopedia of history, hope it helps!

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Answer: The most significant cultural difference is in terms of the moral and the relation to nature.


Before the arrival of Europeans, Indians lived in harmony with the laws of nature. The Indians benefited from life as much as they needed to survive. They believed that if he took more th


nswer: The most significant cultural difference is in terms of the moral and the relation to nature.

True or False
Thomas Jefferson was a federalist who wanted to give the national government more power.





False. he was anti federalist

What long-term effect did the Civil War have on American industry?


the formation of blacks' rights, industrialization and new innovations


the money to support the war was super tight I believe that some platoons didn't even have any rations.

Help fast!!!
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Citizens give some rights in return the government will protect the citizens natural rights.

Which of the following buffalo parts was not used by the Plains Indians for food?
A. brain
B. nose
C. gristle
D. hoof


Hoof is the correct answer


D. Hoof


because i know this its correct 100%, hope i  helped

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When less sunlight reaches the northern latitudes, temperatures drop and more water freezes into ice, starting an ice age. When more sunlight reaches the northern latitudes, temperatures rise, ice sheets melt, and the ice age ends.

answer this correct and i will mark you brainliest



D. Colonists opposed the concept of taxation without representation.


Colonists fought British taxes for too long & they wanted to be free from British Parliament to stop paying taxes.

List down at least 10 reasons that separates Human being from other animals.​


1. Our intellect
2. Modernity
3. Looks
4. Behavior
5. Adaptation
6. Smell
7. Activities
8. Abilities
9. Intelligence
10. Vision

Do you know where the movable type printing in our country originated first?



china was the country but which country are u talking about i have no idea

Members of which of the following groups are most likely to be social
evangelical Protestants
African Americans
the elderly
single mothers



Evangelical Protestants


Evangelical Protestants are considered the backbone of America's religious right. According to the Pew Research Center, this group of people tend to be of the White race, be of older age (baby boomers), and are made up of the middle-class in terms of wealth.


However, that isn't to say that Evangelical Protestants are all White. Sure, African-Americans, the elderly, and single mothers could very well be a part of EPs, but since it is asking most likely, then the choice of EPs is correct.

Hitler made an agreement with Joseph Stalin because

A. He wanted to invade Poland without interference
B. Stalin respected the German leader
C. Hitler thought the Soviets would protect Germany from the West
D. Germany wanted to combine with the Soviet culture​


          A. He wanted to invade Poland without interference




A. He wanted to invade Poland without interference


With the peace treaty in agreement, he could invade Poland and basically get away with it because he stated that he didn't want to cause any harm

what are the social movements of South African political system​



List of social movements in South Africa

There are a number of high-profile independent social movements in South Africa. The majority have a particular focus on the housing crisis in the urban areas but others range from focusing on HIV/AIDS, working conditions, unemployment, access to service delivery and issues of democracy, transparency and accountability, corruption, poverty, crime, xenophobia, economy, drought, racism, sexism, health conditions etc...

This is a partial list of social movements in South Africa:

Abahlali baseMjondolo, the shackdwellers movement based in KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape

The Landless People's Movement, based in Gauteng

The Mandela Park Backyarders based in the Western Cape

Sikhula Sonke women's farmworkers union based in the Western Cape

The South African Unemployed Peoples' Movement based in Durban, KZN and in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape

The Treatment Action Campaign, based in the Western Cape but with branches elsewhere in the country

The Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign, based in the Western Cape

The Poor People's Alliance, a national alliance of grassroots movements

Equal Education based in the Western Cape and Gauteng

SANARA, the South African National Resistance Army, a 'defend democracy' organization

The Social Justice Coalition based in the Western Cape

InkuluFreeHeid Organisation, based in Gauteng with chapters elsewhere in the country.

How does Columbus describe the people of Hispaniola? List at least three pieces of evidence from the passage.



He described them as essentiallu malleable.


He states "I saw that they were very friendly to us", meaning they had goodwill towards Columbus and his man. Then mentioned " they to be a very poor people...Weapons they have none." So the island he came upon was made of simple living people good natured people. Which lead him to the conclusion that they ,"would be good servants... and very readily become Christians." So he saw them as essentially malleable for his goal to conquer lands and gain wealth for his King and Queen.

Columbus describe the people of Hispaniola as essentially malleable. The people had  living people had good nature towards Columbus and his men. So, he  thought  that they can become good servants and can easily accept  Christianity.

Who was Columbus?

The Christopher Columbus was a Portuguese explorer.  The Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502.

The Christopher wants to  find a oceanic route from Europe to Asia, but he never did. Instead of finding Asia especially India , he stumbled upon the Americas.

By accidently he reached America but it opened the fate of Europe in the colonization process of Americas. As his journeys started the beginning of centuries of exploration and colonization of North and South America.

Columbus describe the people of Hispaniola as essentially malleable.

Learn more about Columbus here:


Which of the following was a problem caused by trusts in the late 1800s?
O A. Businesses spent most of their money on workers' salaries.
B. Factories had a difficult time finding workers.
C. Companies moved their factories to foreign countries.
D. Consumers paid higher prices for goods and services.



D, Consumers paid higher prices for goods and services. Hope this helped! :)

It’s D! Consumers paid higher prices for goods and services ! I just answer this question in class!

Do you know this it is for social studies



D. Impertinent


One of the definitions is a point that is irrelevant to a specific topic.

The three-part system of the U.S. government allows for a system of checks and balances.



The legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

What ideas and events helped lead up to the Renaissance?



The widespread use of farming, as well as the end of the Dark Ages. The Renaissance was a time for the exploration of the arts and sciences and because people know had a lot more time that was previously unavailable, greater cities began to sprout up and in these were the great minds and names we now recognize. Another indirect contributor was the desire to learn more rather than to simply accept what was already considered a fact.

Which poet seemed to have a disregard for punctuation and/or traditional sentence structure?



20th century French writer Marcel Proust also defied standard punctuation conventions

how did black codes restrict tge freedom of freemen?​


it made sure their freedom was restricted to ensure they’d stay as slaves

What philosopher is considered the most influential on American government? What concept or idea did he find to be the most essential to the success of democracy?



John Locke


Locke identified the basis of a legitimate government. According to Locke, a ruler gains authority through the consent of the governed. The duty of that government is to protect the natural rights of the people, which Locke believed to include LIFE, LIBERTY, AND PROPERTY.

Why did Lafayette decide to fight in the American revolution?


Answer:Inspired by stories of the colonists' struggles against British oppression, Lafayette sailed to the newly declared United States in 1777 to join the uprising. ... His first major combat duty came during the September 1777 Battle of Brandywine, when he was shot in the leg while helping to organize a retreat.



Inspired by stories of the colonists' struggles against British oppression, Lafayette sailed to the newly declared United States in 1777 to join the uprising. ... After traveling to France to press Louis XVI for more aid, Lafayette assumed increased military responsibility upon his return to battle.

Which describes how certain workers in Law, Public Safety, and Security careers receive training before and after being hired?


Workers in Law, Public Safety, and Security careers receive training both before and after being hired. Before being hired, individuals may need to complete a specific education program or training course to meet the requirements of the position.

After being hired, workers may receive on-the-job training to learn specific skills and procedures related to their job. Additionally, ongoing training is often required to keep up with changes in laws, technology, and best practices.

This training may be provided by the employer or through external organizations. Overall, training is an essential component of Law, Public Safety, and Security careers to ensure that workers are prepared to handle their responsibilities effectively and safely.

To know more about Public Safety visit:


• What do the style of combat and
the weapons used in this period
reveal about the larger society of
the time?



The opening months of the First World War caused profound shock due to the huge casualties caused by modern weapons. Losses on all fronts for the year 1914 topped five million, with a million men killed.

This was a scale of violence unknown in any previous war. The cause was to be found in the lethal combination of mass armies and modern weaponry. Chief among that latter was quick-firing artillery. This used recuperating mechanisms to absorb recoil and return the barrel to firing position after each shot. With no need to re-aim the gun between shots, the rate of fire was greatly increased.

Shells were also more effective than ever before. New propellants increased their range, and they were filled with recently developed high explosive, or with multiple shrapnel balls - deadly to troops in the open. Small arms had undergone a similar revolution in efficiency, with the development of high-velocity cartridges filled with smokeless propellant.

The deadly effectiveness of these weapons was not fully realised until the armies clashed. Their efficiency was heightened by the tactics employed. It was thought that, unless soldiers advanced in relatively close order, it would be impossible to command them or maintain their attacking spirit, especially as the Continental armies featured large numbers of reservists, mobilised only at the outbreak of war.

The terrible casualties sustained in open warfare meant that, within four months, soldiers on all fronts had begun to protect themselves by digging trenches.

How did early Dutch settlements compare with other European colonial efforts?



B. The Dutch are famously known for New York and water in general so while the English wanted to become farmers the Dutch relied on trade, the main difference, but they still needed the waterways. All the other answers can be eliminated one way or another.


The war with Iraq lasted: 100 hours one week six days



Is that the question????

The answer is D, Groups fighting for equal rights and other causes felt that political parties were not meeting their needs.

(This is for anyone who had these choices for this question)



Answer is D!

I hope it Helps

briefly describe vygotsky sociocultural theory



Vygotsky's sociocultural theory views human development as a socially mediated process in which children acquire their cultural values, beliefs, and problem-solving strategies through collaborative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society.

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Prove cot( ) = cot() what is the constant of the proportionality in the equation y = 7x WRITE THE SUMMARY FOR ME 100 POINTS IM GIVING You will write a summary of the non-fiction article.View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission.Copy and paste the entire text of the Robots on Earth into a document.Read the article.Write a summary of the article:Write a main idea sentence for each paragraph of the article.Put your main idea sentences together to create the first draft of your summary paragraph and include a topic sentence.Revise your draft to make it more concise, effective, and objective.Proofread your paragraph for complete sentences, proper punctuation, and correct spelling.Remember that the summary should be objective and should not include your opinions or experiences.Save your work to your computer or drive.Submit your work in 01.10 Write a Summary.Explosions. Car chases. A man and woman, drenched in sweat, limping from a building as it crumbles to the ground, muster the last of their strength to rescue humanity from its inevitable extinction at the cold, metal hands of humanoid creatures with artificial intelligence gone awry. For decades, books and movies have dictated how we think of robots. Simply the word "robot" can bring to mind images of evil, mechanical creatures bent on taking over the world and wiping out every glimmer of humanity. And yet, the truth of machines is dramatically different. Today's robots hold little in common with their villainous cousins from action-packed science fiction. Most robots have no interest in harming the human population at all; they exist to aid people in making life safer, healthier, and more productive.For example, jobs such as welding and painting are important to civilization as we know it, but experience has taught us that these activities can be hazardous to human health. In addition, fumes in automobile and airplane factories can harm organic bodies that become exposed to their toxins in the assembly process. Even when the best precautions are taken, workers may still suffer from lack of adequate ventilation. What is the answer to these difficult dilemmas? Robots. Because machines don't rely on clean air or comfortable temperatures, because they can function even in the midst of deadly gasses, they can take over with ease where humans would suffer greatly. Working together, humans and robots can get the job done.A robot's job isn't limited to the terrestrial level, either. Even in space, machines such as the R2 humanoid robot at the International Space Station complete dangerous tasks for astronauts, protecting them from potentially deadly situations. And then, when there are mundane but essential tasks to conduct on the space station, R2 takes care of those, as well, freeing up the astronauts' time for more important responsibilities. Thus, in space and on Earth, robots manage to create healthier, happier humans.In fact, there are robots on Earth that exist specifically to boost human health. Just as contact lenses enhance human sight, robotics can increase human mobility. People with disabilities and various forms of paralysis now have hope that they can achieve better range of motion, when before this wasn't possible. With the help of robots, scientists are working to create an exoskeleton that will attach itself to the outside of the human body, establishing a connection to the human brain. Neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis has a dream. "We are working with the Brazilian government, who is helping fund the project. At the 2014 soccer World Cup celebrations we hope to have a Brazilian teenager with quadriplegia walk out and make the opening kick."Explosions and car crashes may sell tickets for the summer blockbuster, but robots have so much more to offer, and much of it is positive service to humans. 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