How did the United States mobilize for Vietnam? Who was drafted into the military? Who could get out of the draft? Was this fair?


Answer 1

Since parts of China and North Vietnam were already communist, the United States was afraid that communism would spread throughout Asia. So, they decided to send money, supplies, and military advisers to help the South Vietnamese Government.

Pretty much all abled men of age were drafted into war, especially those of the lower classes.

Of course, wealthier men who had more money would often buy their way out of fighting in the war. Women on the other hand had no such requirements as their male counterparts, and in some cases, they weren't even allowed to join the military.

This wasn't a fair system, because far more men were losing their lives than women, (Not that women are more deserving of dying than men. No one should have to fight in a war against their will.) and only if a man had the money, was he allowed to basically, live.

Related Questions

What is the answer to this need to know


The answer is A Hope it helps


answer is b

no explanation needed

Under what circumstances should a country (like USA) go to war? (1 paragraph please)



A war is only just if it is fought for a reason that is justified. The country that wishes to use millitary force must demonstrate that there is a just cause to do so

¿Por qué Napoleón pudo estabilizar la situación política en Francia y terminar con estas disputas internas?



Mediante el uso de fuerzas armadas.


Napoleón pudo estabilizar la situación política en Francia y poner fin a estas disputas internas mediante el uso de militares para mantener la paz porque es un militar y tenía influencia en el ejército. Estabiliza el sistema político declarándose emperador de Francia mediante el uso de las fuerzas armadas y se convierte en dictador. También encauzó la economía a través de sus decisiones.

Hitler's "last stand" or counterattack was at
1) Paris
2) D-Day
3) Battle of the Bulge
4) Stalingrad



I am sure, it's 3) Battle of the Bulgr


Hope it will help you


I believe it was the Battle of the Bulge where he sent a lot of tank divisions and infantry to stop the American advance.


Why did the settlers in the Americas begin developing their own form of

A. They wanted to be free of government tyranny.

B. They wanted to make more money.

C. They were very far away from their ruling government.

D. They wanted to experiment on the best forms of government. .


the answer to the question was is c


Select ALL the correct answers.
What are TWO methods that some states used to make voting more difficult for some groups following the Supreme Court's decision in Shelby v.

limited early voting

photo ID laws

literacy tests

poll taxes


Literacy tests, poll taxes are the 2 that I know of

Methods that some states used to make voting more difficult for some groups following the Supreme Court's decision in Shelby v. Holder are literacy tests and poll taxes. Thus options C and D are correct.

What is the supreme court?

The Supreme court refers to the highest judiciary body in the country that helps to seek whether the laws are implemented properly or not. It helps to take actions that seem unconstitutional to maintain peace and equality.

To prohibit Black Americans from participating in voting, states and municipal governments implemented a variety of restrictive methods, including literacy tests, poll taxes, and physical aggression.

Therefore, options C and D are appropriate.

Learn more about the Supreme court, here:


True or False: President Johnson supported states' rights and southern secession during the American Civil War.



False Johnson is the only southern seator not to resign his seat in the US senate once the southern states left the union


Which of the following is the best definition of historical thinking skills?
Skills applied when analyzing the past

Skills applied when writing a poem

Skills applied when comparing mathematical equations

Skills applied when evaluating a person's writing



A.skills applied when analyzing the past

"Skills applied when analyzing the past" is the best definition of historical thinking skills. Thus, option 'A' is the correct option.

What are historical thinking skills?

Understanding the relationships between various historical causes and effects and how to distinguish between coincidence, causation, and correlation all require the ability to think historically. Historical reasoning is based on chronological thinking. Students should be able to tell the difference between time in the past, present, and future. Students should be able to recognize the progression of events. Students should be able to write their own history using chronology.

Data provided in timelines should be interpreted by students. Students should be able to identify historical change as well as evaluate patterns of historical length or continuity. Finally, pupils should start to see how historical periodization is a cultural construct. Reading imaginatively is necessary for historical comprehension so that you may put yourself in the shoes of the people you are studying.

Learn more about historical thinking skills here:


Why is it important to know how many people lived in urban (cities) and rural (farms) areas? What
change occurred as far as where people lived in the 1920’s?


Answer:Sống ở thành phố và nông thôn hoàn toàn khác nhau. Sống ở nông thôn mang lại không gian thoáng đãng hơn, môi trường không ô nhiễm, thực phẩm sạch và cuộc sống lành mạnh.

Nhưng mặt trái, người dân ở nông thôn lại phụ thuộc vào thành phố để hưởng một số lợi ích về giáo dục và y tế. Thực tế này không chỉ ở Việt Nam mà trên thế giới cũng vậy, ở nông thôn đồng nghĩa với việc chấp nhận ít cơ hội tiếp cận giáo dục, y tế chất lượng cao.

Trong khi đó, sống ở thành phố mang đến một cuộc sống hào nhoáng với đầy đủ tiện nghi. Bạn đang ở trung tâm của mọi thứ, nơi bạn dễ dàng tiếp cận với mọi tiện nghi hiện đại làm cho cuộc sống của bạn trở nên đầy màu sắc. Tất nhiên cuộc sống trong thành phố là máy móc và phức tạp hơn. Khi cả triệu người sống trong một vùng đất nhỏ họ sẽ hiếm khi thể hiện tình đoàn kết bền chặt. Đây chính là lý do mà nhiều người xem cuộc sống ở thành phố đầy căng thẳng và phức tạp.


ự nhiên.

Cuộc sống thành thị đi lên nhanh chóng, thay đổi chóng mặt. Còn cuộc sống nông thông hầu như không đổi thay nhiều hoặc nếu có thì diễn ra chậm.

Văn hóa của đời sống đô thị về cơ bản là sự pha trộn của nhiều loại hình văn hóa. Vì nhiều người khác nhau từ các nền văn hóa khác nhau sống trong cùng một lãnh thổ nên thường khó "chấp nhận nhau". Trong khi đó ở nông thôn thì gần như cùng chung một loại hình văn hóa, khiến họ "dễ sống với nhau" hơn.

Phân công lao động và phân bổ công việc chuyên môn hóa luôn có trong các đô thị. Nhưng cơ hội việc làm ở khu vực nông thôn luôn hạn chế. Do đó, mọi người di chuyển đến khu vực thành thị để có cơ hội việc làm tốt hơn.

Ở nông thôn mọi người đều biết nhau và trẻ em nhất định phải tôn trọng người lớn. Nhưng điều này sẽ khó xảy ra ở thành thị.


Việc sống ở thành phố hay nông thôn là một sự lựa chọn về cách sống. Khó có thể nói sống ở nơi nào tốt hơn nơi nào, vì điều này còn tùy thuộc vào từng hoàn cảnh, cá tính lẫn nhiều yếu tố bên ngoài khác. Sống nơi nào mà bạn cảm thấy thoải mái nhất thì đó chính là nơi đáng sống nhất. Dưới đây là một số phân tích chi tiết mà bạn có thể tham khảo trước khi bắt đầu sự lựa chọn của mình.


4.1. Cuộc sống thành phố bận rộn và cuộc sống nông thôn yên tĩnh


Để bắt kịp nhịp sống bận rộn của thành phố, con người di chuyển như một cái máy và do đó cuộc sống ở thành phố trở nên căng thẳng hơn. Nhưng cuộc sống thành phố luôn đảm bảo quyền công dân tốt hơn và được tiếp cận với mọi tiện nghi hiện đại.

Trong khi đó cuộc sống nông thôn tập trung trong một khu vực nhỏ, người dân có đủ thời gian để di chuyển thoải mái. Nhưng sống ở làng có nghĩa bạn phải phụ thuộc vào các thành phố vì hầu hết các công nghệ hiện đại không có hoặc không đáp ứng đủ (ví dụ câu chuyện học đại học).

4.2. Thành phố ô nhiễm hơn so với cuộc sống ở nông thôn  

Ô nhiễm không khí, tiếng ồn, và ô nhiễm nước thường gặp trong cuộc sống thành phố. Các nhà máy và phương tiện giao thông là lý do đằng sau loại ô nhiễm này. Tuy nhiên, cuộc sống thành phố có nhiều cơ hội việc làm hơn cuộc sống ở nông thôn.

Còn sống ở nông thôn đảm bảo không khí trong lành, nước sạch và không ồn ào. Người dân quê ít mắc các bệnh như hen suyễn, viêm phế quản. Nhưng cơ hội việc làm ít hơn nên họ phải chạy vào thành phố và chấp nhận "hít bụi".

khac biet thanh pho nong thon 7

Người nông thôn sống hòa đồng, thân thiện hơn.

4.3. So sánh về những tiện nghi trong cuộc sống

Cuộc sống thành phố cung cấp tất cả các lợi thế hiện đại và các hoạt động giải trí như nhà hát, công viên, bảo tàng, câu lạc bộ thể thao, thư viện và tượng đài...  Các dịch vụ như Ngân hàng, Bưu điện, Viễn thông có nhiều chi nhánh đảm bảo làm việc nhanh chóng và thoải mái. Tuy nhiên, ở thành phố nhà cửa, đất đai đắt hơn, người nhập cư khó mua để ở. Do đó chi phí ở thành phố cao hơn cuộc sống ở nông thôn.

Còn khi sống trong làng bạn luôn êm đềm, thư thái, bình yên. Ngoài ra, thực phẩm sạch và bầu không khí trong lành luôn đảm bảo một cuộc sống lành mạnh, tinh thần bình an, tự do hơn thành phố. Hơn nữa ở quê người dân có không gian sống thoải mái, nhà cửa rộng rãi hơn...

4.4. Giá trị xã hội và tinh thần tập thể

Cuộc sống làng quê mang lại nhiều giá trị và trách nhiệm xã hội hơn. Mọi người được kết nối chặt chẽ với nhau thông qua các mối quan hệ gia đình.

Ở khía cạnh này, người dân thành phố là những người "thích selfie" và bận rộn với cuộc sống của riêng họ. Họ không có mối liên hệ với nhau nên cuộc sống của họ rất phức tạp và họ gặp rất nhiều rắc rối trong cuộc sống hằng ngày.  


Mặt khác, người dân quê coi trọng mối quan hệ gia đình hơn. Trong khi đó, thành phố vốn có lối sống "thoáng hơn" dẫn đến tỷ lệ ly hôn cao vì mối quan hệ gia đình yếu km.

what are francs, deutsche marks, lire, and pesetas?



French francs, Italian lire, German marks, Irish punts, Spanish pesetas, Dutch guilder (and many other European currencies) are now all obsolete.


Kush conquered which kingdom?


Answer: C He conquered Egypt

What is one way government changed in Athens during the Golden Age?



they gave power to sparta and lost their rank as the most powerful city/state.




increased the public works payroll

One of the main ways in which government changed in Athens during the Golden Age was that in increased the public works payroll, which allowed for the construction of great buildings such as the Acropolis. The amount of paid officials increased.

Where was the capital moved to after Egypt became united under the Old Kingdom?

Sinai Peninsula


I think Memphis, I may be wrong.
memphis!! explanation: just is

How did Bourbon rule impact Mississippi's education system?

It benefited African American children.
It drastically cut spending on education.
It led to significant improvements in literacy.
It decreased the length of the school year.



it benefited african american children


Which of the following is not a form of political participation?

A. writing to your representative

B. reading the newspaper

C. joining a party

D. canvassing for a candidate


B. Righting to your representative is showing taking action which is obviously a form of participation. Joining a party is seeking out a party you agree with more and acting. Canvassing is direct contact with individuals so it is participation. Reading a newspaper is only helping yourself, and shows no action being taken.
B.reading the newspaper

What happens to students’ rights when they step onto the school grounds (list 3 things and describe it)?



some school make it so students lose there privilege to use the bathroom during class even if there is a reason , lose privilege to use phones. some schools have uniform witch takes away our privilege to dress how we want . sometimes students are treated unfairly .


Seems like when students need to call their parents even when they are in class cause of a catastrophe phones are not allowed in school classrooms. Restroom privileges are not allowed class hours much unless a doctors note says that a student is given the ability to use the restroom at any time. And that we should allow to wear what students want to say and how they feel bout other things that bothers them.


Based on the graph, what conclusion can be drawn about Germany?

1.Until 1900, Germany had significantly fewer rail lines than Russia.

2.Germany could not afford to build as many rail lines as the United States.

3.By 1880, Germany had more rail lines than Great Britain and Russia.

4.Germany’s economy did not require as many rail lines as Great Britain.



By 1880s, Germany had more rail lines than Great Britain and Russia


Germany’s first railroad came in 1835 with the construction of the six-kilometer Bayerische Ludwigsbahn, which was located in Bavaria. Germans had visited Britain prior to this and examined the British railway industry and brought what they learned back to Germany. British investors were also looking to invest in the industrialized regions of Germany. In fact, the locomotive and driver of Germany’s first railroad were both British. Railway construction boomed in Germany in the 1840s and the Germans once again learned from the British and passed laws to prevent something like Railway Mania from happening in Germany. By 1849, Germany had over 5,000 kilometers of track, double that of France, which had 2,467 kilometers of track at the time. Aside from economic benefits, a national railway system assisted in German unification. As the various German states began developing their own railways, the corners of Germany began to connect. In 1871, twenty-five German states were unified by the national railway network and by 1873 Germany had surpassed Britain’s total railway length.


By 1880s, Germany had more rail lines than Great Britain and Russia


Germany’s first railroad came in 1835 with the construction of the six-kilometer Bayerische Ludwigsbahn, which was located in Bavaria. Germans had visited Britain prior to this and examined the British railway industry and brought what they learned back to Germany. British investors were also looking to invest in the industrialized regions of Germany. In fact, the locomotive and driver of Germany’s first railroad were both British. Railway construction boomed in Germany in the 1840s and the Germans once again learned from the British and passed laws to prevent something like Railway Mania from happening in Germany. By 1849, Germany had over 5,000 kilometers of track, double that of France, which had 2,467 kilometers of track at the time. Aside from economic benefits, a national railway system assisted in German unification. As the various German states began developing their own railways, the corners of Germany began to connect. In 1871, twenty-five German states were unified by the national railway network and by 1873 Germany had surpassed Britain’s total railway length.

Which statement is true


Answer is B my friend!!

Question 10 (4 points)
✓ Saved
All of the following were examples of negative American responses to immigration in
the late 1800s EXCEPT:
1) Chinese Exclusion Act
2) Nativistallies
3) Church vandalism
4) Settlement Houses


4) Settlement Houses
4 settlement houses

Which theme best describes American history until 1877?
O A. Expansion and conquest
• B. The dangers of democracy
• C. Good versus evil
O D. From prosperity to poverty


A is the answer to the question

How does Sikhism compare with Hinduism and Islam?


Correct answer is D ____

What was Genghis Khan’s policy about other religions in the Mongol Empire?

He required other religions to view him as a god.
He allowed followers of other religions to worship freely.
He adopted the religion of conquered peoples as his own.
He forced everyone throughout the empire to accept Mongol religion.


The answer is B, he allowed them to believe in what they wish so long as they respected their Mongol rulers.

Hope this helps!


He allowed followers of other religions to worship freely.


Which best describes Muhammad's attitude toward Judaism and Christianity?

a. He tolerated their existence but felt they were basically wrong.
b. He thought these religions offered the same truth as Islam.
c. He respected these religions and felt they had paved the way for Islam.
d. He viewed them as pagan religions that needed to be suppressed.





He tolerated their existence but felt they were basically wrong. He thought these religions offered the same truth as Islam. He respected these religions and felt they had paved the way for Islam

Why does the Harlem Renaissance hold such significance in us history despite its fading influence during the Great Depression?



The quality of Life has vastly improved


Do to a better Management Policing and racial Policy


After reading the article and learning about our adversaries during WWII, do you think President Truman was justified in dropping the bombs? Would you have done it if you were the President? Why or why not? Explain your answer in 3+ complete sentences.



The United States was not justified in launching two atomic bombs on Japan, in my opinion. The United States was intercepting messages about Japan surrendering months before the bombs were launched because Japanese commanders understood they had been soundly defeated. Their single condition of surrender was that they be allowed to keep their emperor, and strangely, they were permitted to keep their emperor after the bombs were dropped and Japan “officially” surrendered, so it wasn't like the US had any issues with their terms of surrender.


The GI Bill was created to help avoid
what potential problem with the
returning soldiers?
B. High Unemployment
C. Revolution
D. Illiteracy


B high unemployment which led to many soldiers becoming homeless

Which statement BEST describes the purpose of the separation of powers in government?
The separation of powers was designed to provide the greatest amount of liberty to people.
It ensures that the president is separated from special interest groups who might try to corrupt him/her.
The separation of powers was a promise by kings to keep nobles from taking over the liberties of the people.
It was designed to keep the judiciary, legislative, and executive branches of government working against each other.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






It was designed to keep the judiciary, legislative and executive branches of government working against each other



have an nice bye yes

what progress was made during Reconstruction?


Among the other achievements of Reconstruction were the South's first state-funded public school systems, more equitable taxation legislation, laws against racial discrimination in public transport and accommodations and ambitious economic development programs (including aid to railroads and other enterprises).

what were some inventions that contributed to the industrail Revolution of the 19th century.



Two inventions of the 19th century, the electric telegraph and the electric telephone, made reliable instantaneous communication over great distances possible for the first time.


hope i help you

have a great summer

time with your family


Akbar introduced ____



Akbar's reign significantly influenced the course of Indian history. During his rule, the Mughal Empire tripled in size and wealth.

Other Questions
Paraphrase the following poem: (20 points)You may write me down in historyWith your bitter, twisted lies,You may trod me in the very dirtBut still, like dust, Ill rise.Does my sassiness upset you?Why are you beset with gloom?Cause I walk like Ive got oil wellsPumping in my living room.Just like moons and like suns,With the certainty of tides,Just like hopes springing high,Still Ill rise.Did you want to see me broken?Bowed head and lowered eyes?Shoulders falling down like teardrops,Weakened by my soulful cries?Does my haughtiness offend you?Dont you take it awful hardCause I laugh like Ive got gold minesDiggin in my own backyard.You may shoot me with your words,You may cut me with your eyes,You may kill me with your hatefulness,But still, like air, Ill rise.Does my sexiness upset you?Does it come as a surpriseThat I dance like Ive got diamondsAt the meeting of my thighs?Out of the huts of historys shameI riseUp from a past thats rooted in painI riseIm a black ocean, leaping and wide,Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.Leaving behind nights of terror and fearI riseInto a daybreak thats wondrously clearI riseBringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,I am the dream and the hope of the slave.I riseI riseI rise. According to this article,Which of the following is a factor that has reduced the population of dolphins Truck-Or-Treat specializes in leasing trucks to delivery companies. It is considering adding 25 more trucks to its available stock. Doing so will not change the risk of the company's business. The trucks depreciate over five years under the straight-line depreciation method, all the way to zero. Truck-Or-Treat believes that these newly added trucks would be able to bring the company $220,000 in annual earnings before taxes and depreciation (i.e., sales revenue minus costs of goods sold) for five years. The company is unlevered. It is in 21 percent tax rate bracket. The required annual rate of return on Truck-Or-Treat's unlevered equity is 15 percent. The risk-free rate, e.g., the Treasury bill rate, is 6 percent per year.Required:Calculate the maximum price that Truck-or-Treat should be willing to pay for the purchase of the new trucks if it remains an unlevered company. (In other words, what should be the "initial investment" of this unlevered truck project such that the project's NPV equals $0? The problem of determining what goods and services society should produce: would not exist if government owned all of the resources. exists because we can produce more than we need or want. exists because there are not enough resources to provide all of the goods and services that people want. would not exist if all goods and services were scarce. Folk songs represent the contemporary society.Present your opinion in 4 points. how can two different rectangles both have a perimeter of 24 cm Trigonometry help me en un saln para eventos (con 4 patas) y banquillos (con 3 patas). si hay x sillas y y banquillos,cuntas patas podras contar en total? ayuda porfa es para ahora Yo 1.(preparar) la cena a mis hermanosNosotros 2.(decir) la verdad a nuestros padres.Yo siempre 3.(dar) amor a mi familia.T 4.(mandar) regalos a tus hermanos.Yo 5.(dar) un regalo a ti.Ella nunca 6.(prestar) su coche a m.Yo 7(hablar) espaol a mis abuelos.Felipe siempre 8.(servir) chiles a m.To Antonio 9.(regalar) muchas cosas a nosotros.Yo 10.(prestar) mis lentes a ti. A successful manager with a background in sales and retail merchandising will be speaking. What part of a persuasive analysis is this? what are the diet for hepatic precoma and coma? Which of the following statement is true about fossils? Fossils are only made from living organisms. Both living and nonliving things can be fossilized. Human bones buried in cemeteries are fossils. Large animals cannot be fossilized. What is an author's claim?a sentence or paragraph that excludes evidencea sentence or paragraph that expresses facts, not opinionsa statement that provides a supporting detail about an opiniona statement that shares a writer's viewpoint on an issue Think of 5 positive integers that have a mode of 4, a median of 6, a mean of 7 and a range of 10. How were Native Americans treated during the early nineteenth century?O They had no rights as citizens.O They were imprisoned for starting wars against the British.O They were given large tracts of land for farmingThey were asked for advice in exploration, Which method do you think the suspects used to make the coins, additive plating or displacement plating? In parallelogram HJKL if mKLH=125find mLHJ. Ella repeated Mendel's second set of experiments. She crossed two non-puretall pea plants and produced eight offspring. All of the offspring were tall. Sheconcluded that her experiment must be flawed.What is wrong with Ella's reasoning?A. Ella did not perform enough trials to evaluate the pattern in theresults.O B. Ella did her experiment correctly. Mendel's experiments must havebeen flawed.C. Ella should have crossed two pure-breeding tall plants.OD. Ella did not accurately measure the height of the plants. Think about the vertical line test and answer the following question. Would a vertical line be a relation, a function, both a relation and a function, or neither a relation nor a function? A. both a relation and a function B. neither a relation nor a function C. function only D. relation only Charlie withdraws cash from an ATM that is not his own banks 3 times a month. He pays $1.50 per transaction. If this pattern is consistent across a year, what will his yearly cost be?