how do the new media affect American life?


Answer 1


I think the answer that makes the most sense is D. People can access information more quickly.


I hope this helps you out! (please give brainliest <3)

Related Questions

What generally happens when the Senate and the House of Representatives pass different versions of the same bill?



When the Senate and the House of Representatives pass different versions of the same bill, it is sent to the Conference Committee. There, the Committee will discuss these differences in order to reach an agreement between both chambers of Congress, fundamentally seeking to avoid a congressional ping pong between them, and the approval of an intermediate version of both positions for the benefit of American society.

These states Do Not have stand your ground laws A) Connecticut b) Oregon c) New York d ) Arkansas e) California



( A ) Connecticut


[tex]{hope it helps}}[/tex]

What were the most significant reform movements from 1820 to 1860? Did they have anything in common?


In the mid-1800s several movements were organized to reform society. To reform something is to change it for the better. These movements were caused in part by the Second Great Awakening, a renewal of religious faith in the early 1800s. Groups tried to reform many parts of American society, but the two most important were the abolitionist movement and the women’s rights movement.


Abolitionist Movement:

The goal of the abolitionist movement was to end slavery. They believed in racial equality and wanted a quick end to slavery.

Women’s Rights Movement:

Many abolitionists also joined the women’s rights movements. Although the movement became organized at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 and women began winning some rights, they did not achieve the right to vote until 1920.

Temperance Movement:

Movement to stop the sale of alcohol
Led by women

Alcohol was blamed for many of society’s ills


“Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men”

Horace Mann – father of public education

Other Reform Movements:

Labor movement – rights for workers
Prison and hospital reform – led by Dorothea Dix

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Jim Crow Laws contributed to racism and violence against African Americans.
Jim Crow Laws were passed to segregate poor white Americans in the South as well.
Jim Crow Laws made segregation the law in the South.
Jim Crow Laws lasted until the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s.



The incorrect answer is B.) Jim Crow Laws were passed to segregate poor white Americans in the south as well


Everything else is true, heres how:

A.) Jim Crow Laws contributed to racism and violence against African Americans.. "Jim Crow Laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation.....those who attempted to defy Jim Crow laws often faced arrest, fines, jail sentences, violence, and death. " quoted from

C.) Jim Crow Laws made segregation the law in the south

"Jim Crow Laws soon spread around the Country (talking about the united states) with even more force than previously. Public parks were forbidden for African Americans to enter, and theaters and restaurants were segregated" quoted from

D.) Jim Crow Laws lasted until the civil rights movement in the 1960's "Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation.Named after a Black minstrel show character, the laws --- which existed for about 100 years, from the post- Civil War era until about 1968--" quoted from

Now all over this sight and others it only says "racial segregation" NOT anything about segregation among whites happening.

define the following terms of domestication​



the adaptation of a plant or animal from a wild or natural state (as by selective breeding) to life in close association with humans Wild and feral dogs are hunters, but domestication and differential breeding have modified breed and individual predatory motivation.

In one or two sentences list two reasons why the marshall plan succeeded



1.  At the end of the Marshall Plan period, European agricultural and industrial production had increased significantly, the trade balance and related "dollar gap" had narrowed, and substantial efforts toward trade liberalization and economic integration had been accomplished. The Plan had improved European morale and political and economic stability, weakening domestic communist parties.

2.  The Truman Administration and Congress collaborated on the European Recovery Program, which delivered $13.3 billion in aid to 16 countries.


Is included in the responses above.

Which statement is true?
O A. The Bantu learned agriculture only after migrating to South Africa.
O B. The Bantu learned new technology as they migrated.
O C. The Bantu lost most of their technology as they migrated.
O D. The Bantu lost their language as they migrated.



B. The Bantu learned new technology as they migrated.


The Bantu learned new technology as they migrated to South Africa from the people that are living there due to interaction with other tribes of South Africa. They know the knowledge of cultivation of crops and the main reason of their migration to South Africa is to search a fertile land where they can do agriculture and feed the people of their tribe so interaction enable them to learn new technology.

which is used to calculate the number of cells in a range that have numbers in them
A. ms excel
B. argument
C. functions
D. electronic spread sheets​



COUNT function


The COUNT function counts the number of cells that contain numbers, and counts numbers within the list of arguments. Use the COUNT function to get the number of entries in a number field that is in a range or array of numbers.

Which country remained under communist rule?

A. Uzbekistan
B. Georgia
C. North Korea
D. Poland



C. Georgia (Hope it helps)

C. North Korea

They are still communist to this day

The following is an incomplete paragraph from a personal essay. After
reading it, choose the answer that (a) provides a quality finishing sentence
and (b) correctly identifies what type of paragraph it is:
Like most people, I have experienced a fair number of trials
and struggles throughout life. For me, watching my mother
grow weaker and weaker, knowing I could do nothing to
ease her pain, was the hardest struggle of all,
O A. (a) Although it was hard to see, her patience and strength through
her pain taught me much that I would not have otherwise learned,
(b) It's an introductory paragraph.
O B. (a) During this time of helplessness, I learned that simply being
there can be a huge encouragement for someone who is
terminally ill. (b) It's a supporting paragraph from the body
O C. (a) At this moment, I became determined to study medicine, so
that I would never again be unable to help someone who was
hurting (b) It's a concluding paragraph.
OD. (a) Although it was hard to see, her patience and strength taught
me much that I would not have otherwise learned. (b) It's a
supporting paragraph from the body.



the answer is B


Short talumpati tungkol sa mag-aral


I don’t understand this question

Which of the following explains one method the Roman Catholic Church used to unify Europe after the Roman empire collapsed


The  statement that explains one method the Roman Catholic Church used to unify Europe after the Roman empire collapsed is B.It brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam.

What method did Roman Catholic Church used to unify Europe?

It should be noted that the Catholic Church unified Europe socially through the continuing masses, as well as the holding baptisms and weddings, and caring for the sick.

However the  Catholic Church unified Europe politically  through the process of acting as a unifying "leader" for Christians and it can be considered as a place people could come to for help they needed and the Church would be there, hence considering the case above it brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about Roman Catholic Church at:


missing options:

A. It forced all Eastern Orthodox Christians to respect the pope’s authority.

B.It brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam.

C. It established the Code of Justinian as the official European legal system.

D. It required that Latin act as the official spoken language throughout Europe.

It brought European Christians together to combat the spread of Islam

YALL I NEED ANSWERS FAST 1. Who were the Moors?

*O the Almoravid and Almohad rulers of al-Andalus

*Christians who lived under Muslim rule in al-Andalus

*North African Muslims who founded al-Andalus


Answer: North African Muslims


The Moors were a Muslim people of mixed Berber and Arab descent who populated the Maghreb region of northwest Africa during the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Despite originating on the African continent, in the eighth century the Moors conquered the Iberian Peninsula—what we know today as Spain and Portugal.

Summary of the journey to find a way to save the country (time, place)


Biginning of Journey- The narrator boarded a Russian research ship-The 'Akademik Shokalskiy'. It was heading towards the coldest, driest and the windiest continent in the world, Antarctica. His journey began 13.09 degrees north of the Equator in Madras (Chennai). He crossed nine time zones, six checkpoints, three bodies of water and at least three ecospheres. He travelled over 100 hours in car, aeroplane and ship to reach there.
Southern Supercontinent(Gondwana)- Six hundred and fifty million years ago a giant southern supercontinent Gondwana did indeed exist. It centered roughly around present-day Antarctica. Human beings hadn't arrived on the global scene. The climate at that time was much warmer. It supported a huge variety of flora and fauna. When the dinosaurs became totally extinct and the age of mammals began, the landmass was forced to separate into countries as they exist today.
Study of Antarctica-The purpose of the visit was to know more about Antarctica. It is to understand the significance of Cordilleran folds and pre-Cambrian granite shields; ozone and carbon; evolution and extinction. Ninety per cent of the earth's total ice volumes are stored in Antarctica. Icebergs are as big as countries. Days go on and on in 24-hour austral summer light. Human Impact- The most hotly contested debate of our time is whether West Antarctica Ice sheet will melt entirely or no. If we want to study the earth's past, present and future, Antarctica is the place (for us) to go. Antarctica has a simple eco-system and lacks of biodiversity. It is the perfect place to study how little changes in the environment can have big repercussions (results). Scientists warn that a further depletion of the ozone layer will affect the lives of the sea-animals and birds of the region. It will also affect the global carbon cycle.
The burning of fossil fuels has polluted the atmosphere. It has created a blanket of carbon dioxide around the world. It is increasing the global temperature which is visible at Antarctica when we see ice bergs melting away. It shows how minor changes in the atmosphere can cause huge effect. If the global temperature keeps on increasing the human race may be in peril. “Students on ice” is a programme which provides the students an ample opportunity to understand how global temperature can be a big threat to human existence. It inculcates a new understanding in them. Geoff Green thinks that high school students are the future policy makers. They can help in saving the earth from ecological dangers and the effects of global warming.

Effect of Climatic Change- The author gives us an example to show how small changes in the atmosphere can be threatening. The microscopic phytoplanktons are single celled plants. They nourish
the entire Southern Ocean’s food chain. They use the sun’s energy to assimilate carbon and supply oxygen. Any further depletion in the ozone layer may affect this functioning and indirectly affect the lives of all marine animals.
Walk on the Ocean-It was the most thrilling experience of the visit. They climbed down the gangplank and walked on the ocean. They were 52 persons. They were walking on a meter-thick ice-pack. Under the ice pack there was 180 meters of living, breathing, salt water. Seals were enjoying themselves in the sun on ice. The narrator was wondering about the beauty of the place. He wished it would not become a warm place as it used to be millions of years ago.

How did some Islamic groups respond to the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia before September 11, 2001? They joined forces with the Saudi government. They asked for US support to take over Saudi Arabia. They demanded that the US withdraw its forces. They asked for US support to help take over Iraq. Mark this and return


Answer: They demanded that the US withdraw its forces.


Saudi Arabia is home to both Mecca and Medina which are the two holiest places in all of Islam and Islamic groups did not appreciate the fact that the United States, a country they considered unholy and sinful, was so close to such holy sites.

They demanded that the U.S. withdraw their forces and this was one of the reasons cited for Osama Bin Laden planning the 9/11 terror attacks.

Answer:C) They demanded that the US withdraw it forces


Got it right on ed2021

Part One: Pre-Collaboration Planning
Use this worksheet to help you plan out and organize your group for your Collaboration assignment requirement. You should work in groups of two to five members to complete your collaborative activity.

I will collaborate to complete the assessment in lesson ___________________ .

Group Members Information:

Group Member Names

Role(s) in Project


U.S. History Teacher

My Name:





Collaboration Project Planning:

My responsibilities in this assignment will include:

(These should be divided between partners)

____ Organizes overall project

____ Coordinates communication

____ Composes writing elements of project

____ Locates research information needed for project

____ Designs final product

____ Other(specify):

Web 2.0 tool used to create our project:


Target completion date for our project is:______________________________________

How my group plans to communicate with each other:

Part Two: Team Evaluation
Rate your team according to each of the performance criteria below. Consider the work of all members, including you. Use the comment area to explain your rating.

3=Always 2=Usually 1=Sometimes 0=Never


Rating for You:

Rating for the Team:


Listened to others

Showed respect for others’ opinions

Completed assigned duties

Participated in discussions

Attended meetings on time

Stayed on task

Completed high-quality work

Completed work on time

Part Three: Reflection
Respond to the following questions with two to three sentences each.

What collaboration task did your group complete?
Describe your specific contribution to the group’s final product.
What did you enjoy most about working with others on this lesson/task? Explain.
How did your team deal with conflict? Explain.
Do you feel others were happy with your participation in the lesson/task? Explain.
What will you do differently, if anything, in your next online collaboration opportunity? Explain.
Additional comments:

Part Four: Evidence of Collaboration
Provide at least two artifacts that demonstrate successful collaboration in the space below or in a separate document.

Examples of evidence or artifacts can include, but are not limited to, the following:

Link to the team wiki, blog, discussion area, or other web 2.0 tool
A screen shot or a copied and pasted version of the discussion thread from the blog, wiki, discussion area, instant message, email, etc.
Any other specific evidence as listed with the collaboration lesson or task you complete
Any other specific evidence as listed with the collaboration lesson or task you completed



listen to others

completed high Quality

What was the
main idea and
arguments from
Old Major's
speech on
Animalism in animal farm?


Answer: Animals must and will rebel against the tyranny of mankind and take control of their own destiny. That is the only way they will no longer be exploited and reduced to short, miserable lives.

What is a second-generation Japanese American called?




you’re answer is actually Nisei




The first generation is Issei, desu is a japanese copula used to connect subjects with predicates, and ossu is a shortened japanese greeting.

Limiting contact with foreigners was the main goal of Chinese?


The answer is Isolationism.

a country may prefer that localized economies play a large role in its economic polisiee becahse localized economies​


what is the question

Which of the following is related to cinematography?
A. Decisions about lighting
B. Decisions about lens focus
C. Decisions about costumes
D. Decisions about the script



Cinematography  is the art of motion picture photography.Cinematographers use a lens to focus reflected light from objects into a real image that is transferred to some image sensor or light-sensitive material inside a movie camera.[1] These exposures are created sequentially and preserved for later processing and viewing as a motion picture. Capturing images with an electronic image sensor produces an electrical charge for each pixel in the image, which is electronically processed and stored in a video file for subsequent processing or display. Images captured with photographic emulsion result in a series of invisible latent images on the film stock, which are chemically "developed" into a visible image. The images on the film stock are projected for viewing the motion picture.

Cinematography finds uses in many fields of science and business as well as for entertainment purposes and mass communication.

Answer: B. Decisions about lens focus

Explanation: None needed..

what's life. I wanna know. Just tell me lol



eeeee life lol



Emptyiness. Well depends. Many myths claimed life is fire, others calimed dools. Depends on you rreligion


3.1.5 Out The Articles of Confederation
Question 2 of 5
Which sentence best completes the diagram
Congress powers under
the Artides of
Passing laws that
apply to all states
Printing and
borrowing money
O A Enforcing laws through national courts
O B. Forcing citizens to join the military
O C. Collecting tales to fund the government
O D. Waging war against foreign countries



D. Waging war against foreign countries


Question 1 of 10
What was an argument made by women in the Progressive movement?
O A. They felt that strikes and marches were too public a show of
B. They had a duty to improve society.
C. They could best create change by focusing on their home lives.
D. They could best create change by supporting men in public life.




They had a duty to improve society.


Women became leaders in a range of social and political movements from 1890 through 1920. This period is known as the Progressive Era. Progressive reformers wanted to end political corruption, improve the lives of individuals, and increase government intervention to protect citizens. Earlier generations discouraged women from participating in public, political movements, society began to embrace female activism in the late nineteenth century. Progressives often argued that women’s politics complemented their traditional roles as wives and mothers, caregivers and keepers of virtue.


I thinkthe ans is B


all the best

buddhism was fist followed by



When Gautama passed away around 483 B.C., his followers began to organize a religious movement. Buddha's teachings became the foundation for what would develop into Buddhism. In the 3rd century B.C., Ashoka the Great, the Mauryan Indian emperor, made Buddhism the state religion of India.


hopes it helps you☺

.The Greeks were responsible for breaking away from the previously held idea that laws came directly from _____________ and contending that they were in fact a __________ institution.
gods, human
human, gods
nature, gods
human, natura


I’m pretty sure it’s A

Economists can use new technology to


Make new improvements to society

Why was the development of the Bessemer process important to Great
Britain's Industrial Revolution?


The Bessemer Process was an innovative way to produce steel.

Increased the quality of steelAllowed for mass productionMore construction of skyscrapers

Why would railroad customers like the Hepburn Act ?​


The Hepburn Act provided the ICC with the capacity to control the prices railroads could charge, by setting maximum rates. The Hepburn Act backed the ICC's rate-setting ability with the force of law. Railroad companies could either accept the ICC rates, or challenge it in court.

Subjective measures are numeric or quantifiable while objective measures are based on the perceptions of the family members or therapist ?
True or false


The correct answer is False


The word "subjective" is a concept that refers to the opinion or point of view of a person or group on a specific topic. While the word "objective" is a concept that refers to information or knowledge that does not include the opinion or point of view of its author, but rather focuses on the nature of a specific topic in general and specific. According to the above, the correct answer is false because subjective measures are not numerical or quantifiable but refer to an opinion or point of view and perceptions, while objective measures are not based on someone's perceptions but rather refer to numeric or quantifiable information.

Other Questions
Explain the economic changes of the 1920s? Include in your discussion: the stock market, consumerism, installment plans, mass production, assembly line. Read each sentence carefully and select the option with the sentence written correctly.~Yo necesitas el vestido~ T necesitas el vestido~Usted gustas el vestido~Yo me gustas el vestido The cow has died.(Begin:Death........) During which days of the menstrual cycle does the level of FSH increase?Question 1 options:FSH increases before the menstrual cycle is finished around day 27.FSH rarely increases during the menstrual cycle, it stays level unless the follicle has been implanted.FSH increases during the follicular stage of the ovarian cycle (between day six and day fourteen).FSH increases during the follicular stage of the ovarian cycle (between day one and day six) and then peaks on the 13th day. Kara Danvers (Supergirl) has always relied on her strength to win fights. But what happens when she meets an alien just as strong? Her sister is training her to be a more technical fighter so that Supergirl can meet any challenge. The data below record the significant strikes during randomly selected training sessions 6 months apart. Is Kara showing improvement in her fighting?Strikes (pre):2932443419Strikes (post):5145689264Write the Hypotheses:H_0:_______________, the mean difference in ___________ between ____________ and ______________ is _______________H_a:_______________, the mean difference in ___________ between ____________ and ______________ is _______________ please help will give brainliest and pointsi need this by tomorrow pleaseeee Juan, Pedro y Luis construyen un muro de 60 metros de largo. Juan construye el triple de Pedro y Luis el doble de Juan. Cuntos metros construy cada uno? what is socialization oil wells like the one shown here are used to obtain oil from which type of rock underground This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreate checkDuplicates method that receives an array of ints, and an int as parameters. It will return true if the int is found in the array, and false if the int is NOT found in the array. Call the checkDuplicates method from both the MegaMillionsLottery constructor, and the getUserPicks() method. Which of the following statements about RAID is correct? Group of answer choices All RAID configurations provide fault tolerance for up to one disk failure A RAID 1 configuration of 4 disks has higher storage capacity than a RAID 0 configuration RAID 5 allows up to two disk failures During a RAID 5 disk failure, read performance is not impacted A RAID 1 configuration of four 1TB disks has a storage capacity of 2TB A dinner plate falls vertically to the floor and breaks up into three pieces, which slide horizontally along the floor. Immediately after the impact, a 320-g piece moves along the x-axis with a speed of 2.00 m/s and a 355-g piece moves along the y-axis with a speed of 1.50 m/s. The third piece has a mass of 100 g. In what direction relative to the x-axis does the third piece move in the region, leading to "indirect control of theCorporations based in Western countries haveregion. What is the volume of a rectangular prism with the dimensions: base 7 2 cm, height 3 2 cm, and length 9 2 cm? A) 189 2 cm3 B) 189 4 cm3 C) 189 6 cm3 D) 189 8 cm3 i need it! urgent! pls someone help! If $10,500 is borrowed for 5 years at an annual simple interest rate of 1.73%, how much interest will be paid if the entire loan is paid off at the end of the fifth year? Enter the answer in dollars and cents, and round to the nearest cent, if needed. Do not include the dollar sign. For example, if the answer is $0.61, only the number 0.61 should be entered. Essay on intelligence, Define intelligence and discuss problems with intelligence tests of elementary school children of various links aloud pls Use the work shown below to find the simplified product SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! I NEED THIS! Products come off an assembly line at the rate of several hundred per hour. It is desired to sample 10% of them to check whether they meet quality standards. Describe a sampling method that would be appropriate in this situation. Explain your reasoning.