how do you think earths large temperature gradient affects the speed of its convection currents how would this speed change if earths core was cooler


Answer 1
A higher temperature gradient causes faster heat transfer, and thus faster convection currents. If the core were cooler, the temperature gradient would be lower, so the convection currents would likely slow down.

Related Questions

Which chemical bond is most common in living things? a. ionic bond b. metallic bond C. covalent bond d. hydrogen bond​



hydrogen bond


i think because humans have water in the body that has hydroden maybe

Besides plants, what other factor distinguishes one biome from another biome?
(A) the number of plant species in the biome
(B) the variety of animal species
(C) average temperatures and precipitation
(D) geographic location


C) Average temperatures and precipitation

Why is it difficult to bond three phosphate groups to Adenosine?

They have the same charge and repel each other.

They form a strong attraction to each other.

They are like opposite poles of a magnet.

The energy is evenly dispersed across all three bonds.


I think that answer is they are like Opposite poles of magnet.

I really hope it’s right

What relationship will blood volume have on blood pressure?





As blood volume decreases, pressure and flow decrease. As blood volume increases, pressure and flow increase. Under normal circumstances, blood volume varies little

In paragraph form (automatic 1-pt deduction if not), explain the evolutionary benefits of sexual reproduction as a means of increasing variation. Be sure to include (a) at least two ways in which sexual reproduction impacts genotype (i.e. genetic effects), and (b) two ways in which sexual reproduction may affect phenotype (i.e. trait effects).



See explanation


According to the theory of evolution,species which are better adapted to their environment tend to survive and reproduce in a population passing on these favourable characteristics to their offsprings.

During sexual reproduction, genes can be arranged in new ways from chromosomal crossing over and recombination. This introduces new gene combinations(genotype) and ultimately variation in the population.

This variation may also lead to the observation of new phenotypes in the population.

Complete the following.
1. Waste containing dangerous chemicals is ...... waste.
2. Vegetable and fruit peels and food left over comprise ... waste.
3. Hospital waste is highly ......
4. Plastic is nonbiodegradable, as it does not
5. The method of adding earthworms to compost pits is called ...​


1) Waste that contains both hazardous chemicals and radioactive wastes (generally those in the LLW category) is termed 'mixed waste

2) Vegetable and fruit peels and food left over comprise biodegradable waste.Plastic is non-biodegradable, as it does not decompose

3) Hospital waste is the second most hazardous waste after radioactive waste. The improper management of hospital wastes causes serious environmental problems in terms of air, water and land pollution

4) most plastics are non-biodegradable mainly because plastic is widely used because of its low cost, versatility and durability

5) Vermicompost (vermi-compost) is the product of the decomposition process using various species of worms, usually red wigglers, white worms, and other earthworms, to create a mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding materials, and vermicast

hope it's helpful to you

How many different genotypes are possible from a cross between the parents RRYy and rrYY?



1 genotype is possible


RrYy or RrYY
it will always be Rr when crossing RR and rr but crossing Yy and YY can give YY or Yy

Question 4
Which phrase indicates that organisms in a population with the best-adapted set of traits become more common over time?
Select one:

Mutations are not harmful.

Bigger is better.

All organisms have a common ancestor.

Survival of the fittest.



Mutation is yes a harmful


What would be the resulting polypeptide chain that is produced from the DNA template code: TACTTCAAAATC? Use the following RNA codon to amino acid table to help you figure out the resulting polypeptide. Show your steps.



Methionine- Lysine- leucine- stop


This question is describing the processes of transcription and translation, which are both involved in protein synthesis. Transcription is the synthesis of a mRNA molecule from a DNA template while translation is the synthesis of a polypeptide/amino acid sequence from a mRNA template.

The following DNA molecule was given as follows; TAC TTC AAA ATC. Firstly transcription will synthesize an mRNA molecule based on complementary base pairing rule. The resulting mRNA will be: AUG AAG UUU UAG

Next, the process of translation which involves the synthesis of an amino acid sequence from mRNA. Using the genetic code will produce the following:

Methionine- Lysine- leucine- stop

The heart is an example of which level of organization within an organism?
organ system



tissue is a right answer

tissue is the right answer the heart is an example of tissue.

Difference between Birds and Bats.​



Bat and birds fall into two very distinct Categories: bats are classified as mammals and birds are ave. Bats give birth to live young and produce milk to feed their babies. Birds lay eggs and forage to feed their young.

8. How is penicillin used?
O to make cheese
O to kill protists that cause disease
O to kill bacteria that cause disease
O to make bread rise



O to kill bacteria that cause disease


penicillins are a group of antibiotics used to treat a number of bacterial infections.

hope this helps!

Why do frogs have triangular heads?
Plz help me with this question!!​



Aquatic frogs tend to have long, flat skulls, while digging species often have short skulls with pointed snouts, a shape that also enables them to use their mouths like chopsticks to catch small, scurrying prey such as ants and termites.


What is wrong with this model of the atom?
n P+
Cloud Region
A. The protons are in the wrong place.
B. The neutrons are in the wrong place.
C. The electrons are in the wrong place.
D. The protons and neutrons are in the wrong place.





The atomic massof an element is defined as (the SUM) of masses of protons and neutrons in an atom

help can be needed please


These are what I think.

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. D

explain the relationship between small particle aerosols and areas od dense population​




distribution and population density in the research region of east China. ... Aerosol is defined as the scattered and small solid or liquid particles ...

The MLH1 protein dimerizes with the PMS2 protein to form a complex that is involved in the correction of errors of DNA replication. Loss-of-function mutations in the genes that encode for these proteins increase the incidence of colon cancer. Which type of DNA error would be repaired by the activity of this complex



Mismatched bases


have a great day!

What was the experimental variable we tested in the lodine Clock Reaction?


Answer:Experiment 1084-04: lodine Clock Reaction Purpose Determine the rate law for an iodine clock reaction and study the influence of st on that reaction abruptly that it can be as startling as the sudden sound of an alarm clock, hence the clock reaction Background Information chemical equations can be written for chemical reactions, only some will proceed while others do not. Among the ones that do proceed some reactions occur as soon as reactants are mixed, while others occur over minutes, hours, or n over several years. What are the controlling in predicting if a reaction will take place and the speed at which it will? Thermodynamics can answer the question, "Will the reaction take place?" Once the reaction is capable of proceeding kinetics can answer the other question, "How fast You will study the rate of the reduction of potassium persulfate, KoS Os, with sodium iodide, Nal. The net ionic equation for the reaction is eve The rate law for this reaction is in the form of And you will need to determine the reaction orders a and b, as well as the rate constant, k. Keep in mind that exponents can not be determined by jus looking at the chemical equation the reaction will take place? The rate of a reaction is defined as the increase in molar concentration of product of a reaction per unit time or the decrease in molar concentration of reectant per unit time. The usual unit for the rate is moles per liter per sec (mol/L s or M/s). Experimentally, it has been found that a reaction rate depends on the concentrations of the reactants. Usually a higher reactant concentration increases chance of collision among the reactants per unit time causing a faster reaction rate. An equation describing the relationship between the reaction rate and the concentration of the reactants You will need a way to determine how much of the reactants were spent over the given time period. Preferably, the concentrations of the reactants should not change too much; therefore the reaction rate can be represented by the initial concentrations of reactants (the initial-rate method). In this experiment, we will couple another reaction that consumes the product, 12 very quickly. The new reaction is the reduction of is called a rate law. For the elementary reaction Note that l2, which was produced in reaction (1) is consumed as fast as it is produced by reaction (2) to regenerate two l. i.e. [门is kept constant. By keeping [S203-9 much smaller than the initial concentration of S,0, we can assure [S20,1 is also kept nearly constant when S203 is completely consumed. At this point, the 12 is no longer eliminated by the reaction and starts to accumulate. This point is signaled by sudden appearance of the dark color from the interaction of l2 with starch indicator. We can measure the time elapsed till the color appears Rate k [AIB] The proportionality constant, k, is called the ate constant in the relationship between the rate nd concentrations. The rate constant has a fixed alue as long as the reaction temperature is held nstant. The exponents, a and b, are called the action order, and are frequently, but not always, egers. More importantly, they must be termined experimentally In this experiment you will determine the rate an iodine clock reaction, and study the effects of perature and a catalyst to the reaction rate ugh there are several versions of an iodine k reaction, all of them share a common feature: completion of the reaction is signaled by the en appearance of a dark purple color. This is characteristic of the interaction between cular iodine and starch. When the reaction is ed out correctly, this color will appear so According to the reaction stoichiometries of reactions (1) and (2), two molecules of S203 are required to counteract the consumption of one molecule of S20a2. Since S2032 would have been completely consumed when the dark purple color appeared, the Δ[SO ] should be % of the initial concentration of S203 15-08-2] = ½ initial [S,03-21

When organisms die, how does carbon re-enter the environment?
I. Carbon dioxide released during decay
II. Carbon monoxide when the dead material reacts with oxygen
III. Forms sedimentary rocks
IV. Forms fossil fuels
C. I and III



Forms sedimentary rocks

When any organism die, it releases carbon dioxide during decay, forms sedimentary rocks as well as fossil fuels. The correct option is D.

What is carbon cycle?

The carbon cycle is nature's way of recycling carbon, which travel from the atmosphere into lifeforms on Earth and then back into the atmosphere.

During decay, formation of sedimentary rocks, and formation of fossil fuels, carbon re-enter the environment after an organism die.

The carbon cycle exemplifies how carbon moves among various reservoirs on Earth. This cycle is crucial for keeping Earth's breathable atmosphere and carbon balance.

Without carbon, there wouldn't be any life on Earth. This is largely attributable, in part, to carbon's ability to readily form bonds with other atoms, which allows for greater flexibility in the form and function of biomolecules such as DNA and RNA.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding carbon cycle, visit:


Explain how you think the end products of cellular respiration would be altered if you did
not eat any carbohydrates for an entire week?



low energy and slow digestion

Which of the following processes involves breaking down 3-carbon molecules into 2-carbon molecules?


Krebs Cycle

Transition Reaction

Electron Transfer Chain


Glycolysis breaks down 3-carbon molecules into 2-carbon molecules.

Which of the following is the correct Lewis structure diagram for Sodium (Na)? (2 points)

Select one:
a. The letters Na with one dot
b. The letters Na with two dots
c. The letters Na with three dots
d. The letters Na with four dots



a. The letters Na with one dot


An atom can be defined as the smallest unit comprising of matter that forms all chemical elements. Thus, atoms are basically the building blocks of matters and as such determines or defines the structure of a chemical element.

Generally, atoms are typically made up of three distinct particles and these are protons, neutrons and electrons.

In Chemistry, electrons can be defined as subatomic particles that are negatively charged and as such has a magnitude of -1.

Valency can be defined as a measure of the combining power of a chemical element with other atoms to form a molecule or chemical compound.

Valence electrons can be defined as the number of electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom. Thus, valence electrons are used to determine whether an atom or group of elements found in a periodic table can bond with others.

Sodium is a chemical element that is found in group (1) of the periodic table and as such it has 1 electrons in its outermost shell. Also, the chemical symbol for Sodium is Na and it has one (1) valence electron.

A Lewis structure can be defined as a structural representation of an atom or molecule by using a dot to show the position and distribution of electron(s) around the atom or molecule.

Hence, the letters Na with one (1) dot is a correct Lewis structure diagram for Sodium (Na) because it has just one (1) valence electron in outermost shell.

For example, the Lewis structure diagram for Sodium (Na) is •Na.


Na with 1 dot


i took the test

Ở người, alen A nằm trên NST X quy định máu đông bình thường là trội hoàn toàn so với alen a quy định mù màu. Một cặp vợ chồng sinh con, người vợ bình thường nhưng người chồng bị mù màu. Biết không xảy ra đột biến. Theo lí thuyết, tỉ lệ sinh con bị bệnh chiếm bao nhiêu phần trăm?




có 50% khả năng con cái mắc bệnh

Which activity is a way engineers can control erosion?
O A. Testing a body of water near a building site to make sure that it
can support wildlife
B. Using protective barriers to hold the soil on sites exposed by
construction activities
C. Designing buildings that can be maintained using minimal water
and electricity
D. Looking for soil that contains minerals that bind with particular



B. Using protective barriers to hold the soil sites exposed by construction activities.

What kind of rock is this?
Where would this rock most likely be formed?
To which group of rocks would this rock belong?
Rocks can be classified based on texture. The
size of the grains in a rock affects its texture.
Coarse-grained rocks have large grains, and fine-
grained rocks have small grains.
Rocks formed from magma under Earth's surface
have larger grains than rocks formed from lava
on Earth's surface. This is because magma cools
slower underneath the ground than it does above


Metamorphic Rock Isua

Metamorphic rock, estimated to be as old as 3.8 billion years, located near Isua at Qorqut Sound, Greenland.


What kind of rock is this?

✔ igneous

Where would this rock most likely be formed?

✔ underneath Earth’s surface

To which group of rocks would this rock belong?

✔ coarse-grained rocks


Just worked on this assignment

Choose appropriate words to complete the paragraph below to explain the general trends shown in a predator-prey graph.

Breathe, Muscles, Oxygen, Lactic, anaerobic respiration, Oxygen aerobic respiration, Break down

An increase in the prey population provides more food for the _________ , allowing more to survive and _________ . This is turn results in an _________ in the predator population. The larger predator population eats more prey organisms, causing a _________ in the prey population. The death rate of the prey is larger than its _________ rate. The reduced prey population can no longer support the large predator population. _________ for food increases, resulting in a _________ in the size of the predator population. Reduced predator numbers results in less of the prey population being killed. More prey _________ and reproduce so the prey population _________ again.




How does latitude affect a climate zone?

A. Climate zones at high latitudes are cooler because they are closer to the equator.
B. Climate zones at high latitudes receive a lot of precipitation because they are farther C. from the equator.
D. Climate zones at low latitudes receive little precipitation because they are closer to the ocean.


None of the options is entirely correct about latitude and climate zone.

Latitude and climate zone

Latitude is one of the main factors that affect climate, along with elevation, ocean currents, and prevailing winds.

Generally, the farther away from the equator a location is, the colder its climate is. This is because the angle of the sun's rays hitting the Earth's surface is more oblique at higher latitudes, resulting in less heat being delivered per unit of surface area.

However, precipitation patterns are not solely determined by latitude. They are also affected by other factors such as prevailing winds, ocean currents, and topography. For example, areas located on the windward side of a mountain range tend to receive more precipitation than those on the leeward side, regardless of their latitude.

Therefore, while latitude is an important factor in determining climate zones, it does not fully determine precipitation patterns or temperature.

More on latitude and climate zones can be found here:


Which of the following describes a solution that contains a buffer?
• A. Citric acid is added to the solution, but the pH of the solution does
not change.
O B. Distilled water is added to the
does not change.
solution, and the ph of the solution
• C. Acetic acid is added to the solution, and the ph of the solution
becomes lower.
D Sodium hydroxide, a base, is added to the solution, and the pH of
the solution becomes higher.



a  Citric acid is added to the solution, but the pH of the solution does

not change.


A lion chases an antelope, which narrowly escapes being eaten. Which
energy conversion saved the antelope's life?



Chemical energy to kinetic energy.



Chemical energy


i think this is your answer for your question i think maybe its correct if its correct pls tell ok

I have an experiment where I need to find out the Controlled Variable, Dependent Variable, and Independent Variable. In my experiment, I am using different temperatures of water, pieces of paper towels, paper clips. Please help!



controlled variables=paper clips

independent variables=different temp of water

dependant pieces of paper towel


Have a nice day

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