how does lead resemble chromium?​


Answer 1
Lead resembles chromium as they both are what you call heavy metals this refers to any metallic chemical element that has a relatively high density examples of heavy metals will include lead,chromium

Related Questions

The sugars can be classified as either aldoses or ketoses.

a. True
b. Fasle


It is True :) have a good day
the answer is a.) true :)

If Sterling silver is 90.0% silver and 10.0% copper, what is the maximum amount of Sterling silver that can be made if you have 48.3 grams of silver metal and an unlimited amount of copper





From the question we are told that:

Content of Sterling silver:

Let x be sterling silver

Silver [tex]S=0.9x[/tex]

Copper [tex]C=0.1x[/tex]

Total  silver available [tex]T=48.3[/tex]

Generally the equation for Total amount to be made is mathematically given by




Compare and contrast the quantum mechanical model and Niels Bohr of the atom



the quantum mechanical model VS. Neils Bohr of the atom


The Bohr model and quantum model are models that explain the structure of an atom. ... The key difference between Bohr and quantum model is that Bohr model states that electrons behave as particles whereas quantum model explains that the electron has both particle and wave behavior.

The reaction between NO2 and co to produce no and CO2 is thought to occur in two steps:

Step 1: NO2 + NO2 → + NO + NO3
Step 2: NO3 + CO → NO2 + CO2

The experimental rate law is rate = k[NO2]2.

a. Write the equation for the overall reaction. do not include phase abbreviations.
b. Identify the intermediate(s).



Correct option is



The number of molecules of CO involves in the slowest step will be 0 because CO is not involve in the slowest step i.e. rate determing step.

Cho các quá trình và số liệu sau:
C(d,s) ⭢ C (g,s) (1) : ΔH0298 = - 1,9 kJ
ΔG0298 = - 2,87 kJ
C(g,s) + O2 (k) ⭢ CO2 (k) (2): ΔH0298 = - 393,5 kJ
a)Giải thích tại sao trạng thái chuẩn của C lại là C(g) mà không phải là C (d).
b)Tính ΔH0298 của phản ứng sau:
C(d,s) + O2 (k) ⭢ CO2 (k) (3)
ΔH0298 của phản ứng 3 có phải là ΔH0298, sinh nhiệt của CO2 không ? Tại sao?



rrgggf in the world of the world of the world of the up the good morning I will take a user and pass it on the

2. An ion is a charged particle that is formed when
a. An atom gains electrons
b. An atom loses electrons
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above


The correct answer is option c. Both A and B: An ion is a charged particle that is formed when an atom gains electrons or an atom loses electrons.

First you need to know the definition of ion. An ion is a molecule or atom that has a positive or negative electrical charge.

That is, an ion is an atom whose electric charge is not neutral. This charged particle can be positive or negative.  

Ionization is the chemical or physical process by which ions are produced. In this process, negatively charged ions are produced by gaining electrons and are known as anions.

The positively charged are produced by the loss of electrons and are known as cations.

In summary, an ion is a charged particle that is formed when  an atom gains electrons or an atom loses electrons, and they are known as cations and anions respectively.

The correct answer is both A and B.

Learn more about ions:

Consider an equilibrium (K1) that is established after 10 mL of compound A and 10 mL of compound B are mixed. Now, imagine the equilibrium (K2) where 1 mL of compound A is added to 100 mL of compound B. How are K1 and K2 related algebraically (read this question VERY carefully, at least one more time)


The equilibrium constant K₁ = Equilbrium constant K₂.

The equilibrium constant, K, of a reaction, is defined as:

"The ratio between concentration of products powered to their reaction quotient and concentration of reactants powered to thier reaction quotient".

For the reaction:

aA + bB ⇄ cC + dD

The equilibrium constant, K, is:

[tex]K = \frac{[C]^c[D]^d}{[A]^a[B]^b}[/tex]

Now, assuming the reaction of the problem is 1:1:

A + B ⇄ C + D

[tex]K = \frac{[C][D]}{[A][B]}[/tex]

The concentrations of the reactants are directly proportional to the volume added. Thus, we can assume that concentration = Volume. Replacing for K₁ and K₂:

[tex]K_1 = \frac{[C][D]}{[10mL][10mL]} = K_1 = \frac{[C][D]}{100mL^2}[/tex]

In the same way:

[tex]K_2 = \frac{[C][D]}{[1mL][100mL]} = K_2 = \frac{[C][D]}{100mL^2}[/tex]

Thus, we can say:

K₁ = K₂

Learn more about chemical equilibrium in:

A natural element consists of two isotopes: Cl-35 and Cl-37. The composition of these two isotopes differs by:



There are no options in this question, however, it can be answered based on general understanding

- The number of neutrons each isotope contain


Isotopes are atoms of an element with the same atomic number or number of protons but different mass number/atomic masses. Since isotopes have same proton numbers, they have similar chemical behavior or identity.

However, difference in atomic mass or mass number of the same atomic number indicates that the number of neutrons each isotope contain differs from one another. Hence, in two isotopes of chlorine given as follows: Cl-35 and Cl-37, the NUMBER OF NEUTRONS in each atom differentiates the two isotopes.

Cl-35 contains 18 neutrons while Cl-37 contains 20 neutrons.

. Which of the following statement is not related to a chemical reaction ? A. New substances are formed B. Atoms of the elements transform into atoms of other elements C. The properties of the new substances will be different D. There will be bond breaking and bond forming​



the answer should be B because elements do not tranform into other elements in a chemical reaction

am I right please?

Define pressure. Group of answer choices force exerted by solids to the surrounding area force used to compress a gas force used to melt a solid force exerted per unit area by gas particles as they strike the surfaces around them force applied to a gas to condense it



force exerted per unit area by gas particles as they strike the surfaces around them


According to the kinetic molecular theory, a gas is composed of molecules. The molecules of a gas are in constant random motion and collide frequently with each other as well as with the walls of the container.

Pressure is defined as force per unit area. The pressure of a gas is the force exerted per unit area by gas particles as they strike the surfaces around them hence the answer above.

Benzoyl chloride undergoes hydrolysis when heated with water to make benzoic acid. Reaction scheme of benzoyl chloride with water and heat over the arrow, and benzoic acid and hydrochloric acid as products. Calculate the molar mass of the reactant and product. Report molar masses to 1 decimal place.



The molar mass of benzoic acid is 122.1 g/mol

The molar mass of hydrochloric acid = 36.5 g/mol


Benzoyl chloride is an organic compound with the molecular formula C₆H₅COCl. It is an acyl chloride since is it an organic derivative of a carboxylic acid. Acyl chlorides have the general molecular formula, R-COCl, where R is a side chain.

The R group of benzoyl chloride is the benzyl group C₆H₅. It reacts with water (hydrolysis) to produce hydrochloric acid and benzoic acid. The equation of the reaction is given below:

C₆H₅COCl + H₂O → C₆H₅CO₂H + HCl

The molar mass of benzoic acid as well as of hydrochloric acid is calculated from the sum of the masses of the atoms of the elements present in the compound thus:

Molar mass of carbon = 12.0107 g

Molar mass of hydrogen = 1.00784 g

Molar mass of oxygen = 15.999 g

Molar mass of chlorine = 35.453 g

Molar mass of benzoic acid, C₆H₅CO₂H containing 7 moles of atoms of carbon, 6 moles of atoms of hydrogen and 2 moles of atoms of oxygen = 7 × 12.0107 + 6 × 1.00784 + 2 × 15.999 = 122.1 g

Therefore, the molar mass of benzoic acid is 122.1 g/mol

Molar mass of hydrochloric acid, HCl, containing 1 mole of atoms of hydrogen and 1 mole of atoms of chlorine = 1 × 1.00784 + 1 × 35.453 = 36.5 g

Therefore, the molar mass of hydrochloric acid = 36.5 g/mol

In the graphic, 195 represents the _______.

195 Pt

A. Atomic Mass
B. Atomic Number
C. Neutron Number​






the probability that it will rain tomorrow is 11/15. What is the probability that it will not rain ?





15/15 - 11/15 = 4/15

If 11/15 is the probability that it'll rain tomorrow, then the rest should be the probability that it'll not rain tomorrow.

4/15. 11+4=15 so it’s 4/16

When hydrogen gas reacts with oxygen gas, water vapour is formed according to the
reaction 2H2 + O2 2H2O. If 3.00 mol of hydrogen gas react with 3.00 mol
of oxygen gas, which reactant will be the reactant in excess?



here's the answer to the question

How did Kepler's discoveries contribute to astronomy?
O They supported the heliocentric model.
O They established the laws of planetary motion.
O They explained how the Sun rises and sets.
O They made astronomy accessible to people who spoke Italian.
They made astronomy accessible to people who spoke italian



"They established the laws of planetary motion"


Mr. Kepler was the astronomer who came up with the "Laws of Planetary Motion."

For a different reaction, the plot of the reciprocal of concentration versus time in seconds was linear with a slope of 0.056 M-1 s -1 . If the initial concentration was 2.2 M, calculate the concentration after 100 seconds. Show your work.





From the question we are told that:

Slope [tex]K=0.056 M-1 s -1[/tex]

initial Concentration [tex]C_1=2.2M[/tex]

Time [tex]t=100[/tex]

Generally the equation for Raw law is mathematically given by




The second-order reaction is the reaction that depends on the reactants of the first or the second-order reaction. The concentration after 100 seconds will be 0.165 M.

What is the specific rate constant?

The specific rate constant (k) of the second-order reaction is given in L/mol/s or per M per s. It is the proportionality constant that gives the relation between the concentration and the rate of the reaction.


Slope (k)= 0.056 per M per s

Initial concentration of the reactant [tex](\rm C_{1})[/tex] = 2.2 M

Time (t) = 100 seconds

The concentration of the reaction after 100 seconds can be given by,

[tex]\rm \dfrac{1}{C_{t}} = kt + \dfrac{1}{C_{1}}[/tex]

Substitute values in the above equation:

[tex]\begin{aligned} \rm \dfrac{1}{C_{t}} &= 0.056 \times 100 + \dfrac{1}{2.02}\\\\&= 0.165 \;\rm M\end{aligned}[/tex]

Therefore, after 100 seconds the concentration is 0.165 M.

Learn more about the order of reaction here:

A central atom has two lone pairs on opposite sides and four single bonds. What is the molecule geometry of the result?

A. octahedral

B. tetrahedral

C. square planar

D. linear


The correct answer is C. square planar

According to the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory(VSEPR), The shape of a molecule depends on the number of electron pairs in the molecule.

VSEPR theory was first coined by Gillespie  and Nyhlom in 1957 as an improvement over the Sidgwick - Powell theory.

According to this theory, the shape of a molecule is determined by the number of electron pairs that surround the valence shell of the central atom in the molecule.  The electron pairs are positioned as far apart in space as possible to minimize repulsion of electron pairs.

However, the presence of lone pairs distorts the shape anticipated for the molecule on the basis of VSEPR.

For a molecule having six electron pairs, an octahedral geometry is expected(electron domain geometry). However, the presence of two lone pairs which are positioned at opposite side of the four single bonds leads to an observed square planar molecular geometry.


square planar


what is the bond energy required to break one mole of carbon-carbon bonds​



100 kcal of bond energy

A chunk of a metal alloy displaces 0.58 L of water and has a mass of 2.9 kg. What is the density of the alloy in g/cm3?





firstly convert the litres and kilograms to grams and centimeters.

1l is equivalent to 1000cm3



and 1kg is equivalent to 1000g



then find the density by using the formula




I hope this helps

What are the effects of global warming?​


the effects are: temperature rises, water shortages, and increased fire threats

how is the Sun classified?
A as a giant star
B as a medium star
C as a white star as a neutron star
D as a white dwarf​



As a giant star.



a. You have a stock solution of 14.8 M NH3. How many milliliters of this solution should you dilute to make 1000.0 mL of 0.250 M NH3?
b. If you take a 10.0 mL portion of the stock solution and dilute it to a total volume of 0.500 L, what will be the concentration of the final solution?


Answer:A) V = 16.892 ml


M1 * V1 = M2 * V2

14.8 M * V1 =0.250 M * 1000 ml

V1 = 16.892 ml

a. The volume of 16.89 milliliters of the stock solution of 14.8 M  should be diluted to make 1000.0 mL of 0.250 M.

b. The concentration of the final solution is 0.296 M.

What is the dilution law?

The concentration or the volume of the concentrated or dilute solution can be calculated by using the equation:

M₁V₁ = M₂V₂

where M₁ and V₁ are the concentration and volume of the concentrated solution respectively and M₂ and V₂ are the concentration and volume of the dilute solution.

A stock solution is a solution that has a high concentration and that will be diluted to a low concentration by the addition of water in it.

Given, a stock solution of concentration, M₁ = 14.8 M

The concentration of the diluted solution, M₂ = 0.250 M

The volume of diluted solution, V₂  = 1000ml

Substitute the value of the molarity and volume in equation (1):

(14.8)× (V₁) = (1000) × (0.250)

V₁ = 16.89 ml

Similarly, for part (b): M₁ = 14.8 M, V₁ = 10 ml and V₂  = 0.5L = 500 ml

(14.8)× (10) = (500) × (M₂)

M₂ = 0.296 M

Learn more about dilution law, here:


A number is three times the difference between twenty and the number. What is the number?



the number is 7


"Three times" means multiply by 3

"Difference" means subtract

"Sum" means add

3(x - 7) = 23 - (3x + 2)

3x - 21 = 23 - 3x - 2

3x - 21 = 21 - 3x

6x = 42

x = 7

Two common methods to generate an aldehyde is by oxidation of an alcohol and through ozonolysis.

a. True
b. False



a. True.


Only primary and secondary alcohols can oxidise to give an aldehyde. But a weak oxidizing agent must be used to prevent formation of a carboxylic acid or ketone.

weak oxidizing agents: Chromyl chloride, silver/oxygen/500°C

take an example of ethanol:

[tex]{ \bf{CH _{3} CH_{2}OH \: \: \frac{Ag/O_{2} }{500 \degree C} > \: \:CH _{3} CHO}}[/tex]

[tex]{ \sf{CH _{3} CHO \: \: is \: ethanal}} [/tex]

By ozonolysis:

Here, reactants are Ozone gas, Carbon tetrachloride at a temperature (<20°C), ethanoic acid, zinc and water.

take an example of propanol:

if it undergoes ozonolysis, it gives ethanal and methanal.


A. True


Only primary and secondary alcohols can oxidise to give an aldehyde. But a weak oxidizing agent must be used to prevent formation of a carboxylic acid or ketone.

weak oxidizing agents: Chromyl chloride, silver/oxygen/500°C

take an example of ethanol:

By ozonolysis:

Here, reactants are Ozone gas, Carbon tetrachloride at a temperature (<20°C), ethanoic acid, zinc and water.

take an example of propanol:

if it undergoes ozonolysis, it gives ethanal and methanal.

how many CH4 molecules are in 14.8 g of CH4


1.8021•1024 molecules


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 5.56 \times 10^{23} \ molecules \ CH_4}}[/tex]


We are asked to find how many molecules of methane are in 14.8 grams of the substance.

1. Convert Grams to Moles

First, we convert grams to moles. We use the molar mass, or the mass of 1 mole of a substance. These values are equivalent to the atomic masses found on the Periodic Table, however the units are grams per mole instead of atomic mass units.

We are given the compound methane, or CH₄. Look up the molar mass of the individual elements (carbon and hydrogen).

C: 12.011 g/mol H: 1.008 g/mol

Check the formula for subscripts. Hydrogen (H) has a subscript of 4, so there are 4 moles of hydrogen in 1 mole of methane. We must multiply hydrogen's molar mass by 4, then add carbon's molar mass.

H₄: 1.008 * 4 = 4.032 g/mol CH₄: 12.011 + 4.032 = 16.043 g/mol

Now we use dimensional analysis to convert. To do this, we set up a ratio using the molar mass.

[tex]\frac {16.043 \ g \ CH_4 }{ 1 \ mol \ CH_4}[/tex]

Since we are converting 14.8 grams of methane to moles, we multiply by this value.

[tex]14.8 \ g \ CH_4 *\frac {16.043 \ g \ CH_4 }{ 1 \ mol \ CH_4}[/tex]

Flip the ratio so the units of grams of methane cancel.

[tex]14.8 \ g \ CH_4 *\frac{ 1 \ mol \ CH_4} {16.043 \ g \ CH_4 }[/tex]

[tex]14.8 *\frac{ 1 \ mol \ CH_4} {16.043}[/tex]

[tex]\frac {14.8}{16.043} \ mol \ CH_4= 0.9225207256 \ mol \ CH_4[/tex]

2. Moles to Molecules

Next, we convert moles to molecules. We use Avogadro's Number or 6.022  × 10²³. This is the number of particles (atoms, molecules, formula units, etc.) in 1 mole of a substance. In this problem, the particles are moles of methane. Set up another ratio using Avogadro's Number.

[tex]\frac { 6.022 \times \ 10^{23} \ molecules \ CH_4}{ 1 \ mol \ CH_4}[/tex]

Multiply by the number of moles we calculated.

[tex]0.9225207256\ mol \ CH_4 * \frac { 6.022 \times \ 10^{23} \ molecules \ CH_4}{ 1 \ mol \ CH_4}[/tex]

The units of moles of methane cancel.

[tex]0.9225207256* \frac { 6.022 \times \ 10^{23} \ molecules \ CH_4}{ 1 }[/tex]

[tex]5.55541981 \times 10^{23} \ molecules \ CH_4[/tex]

3. Round

The original measurement of grams (14.8) has 3 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we calculated, that is the hundredth place. The 5 in the thousandth place tells us to round the 5 in the hundredth place up to a 6.

[tex]5.56 \times 10^{23} \ molecules \ CH_4[/tex]

14.8 grams of methane is equal to approximately 5.56 × 10²³ molecules of methane.

Write balanced equations for the reaction of each of the following carboxylic acids with NaOH. Part A formic acid Express your answer as a chemical equation. A chemical reaction does not occur for this question. Request Answer Part B 3-chloropropanoic acid Express your answer as a chemical equation. nothing A chemical reaction does not occur for this question.



Part A

HCOOH(aq) + NaOH(aq) → HCOONa(aq) + H2O(l)

Part B

ClCH2CH2CO2H(aq) + NaOH(aq) ------> ClCH2CH2CO2Na(aq) + H2O(l)


The reaction between an alkanoic acid and a base is a neutralization reaction. The reaction occurs as follows;

RCOOH + NaOH ----> RCOONa + H2O

We have to note the fact that the net ionic reaction still remains;

H^+(aq) + OH^-(aq) ---> H2O(l)

In both cases, the reaction can occur and they actually do occur as written.

Read the following statement:

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Does the statement describe a scientific law? (3 points)

No, because it universally applies to all objects

No, because it is not true in all circumstances

Yes, because it universally applies to all objects

Yes, because it is not true in all circumstances



C. yes, because it is universally applies to all objects

Consider the reaction: A(aq) + 2B (aq) === C (aq). Initially 1.00 mol A and 1.80 mol B
were placed in a 5.00-liter container. The mole of B at equilibrium was determined to
be 1.00 mol. Calculate K value.





Step 1: Calculate the needed concentrations

[A]i = 1.00 mol/5.00 L = 0.200 M

[B]i = 1.80 mol/5.00 L = 0.360 M

[B]e = 1.00 mol/5.00 L = 0.200 M

Step 2: Make an ICE chart

        A(aq) + 2 B(aq) ⇄ C(aq)

I       0.200    0.360        0

C        -x           -2x         +x

E     0.200-x  0.360-2x   x


[B]e = 0.360-2x = 0.200

x = 0.0800

The concentrations at equilibrium are:

[A]e = 0.200-0.0800 = 0.120 M

[B]e = 0.200 M

[C]e = 0.0800 M

Step 3: Calculate the concentration equilibrium constant (K)

K = [C] / [A] × [B]²

K = 0.0800 / 0.120 × 0.200² = 16.6 ≈ 17

Manganese-55 has _____neutrons.
55 Mn

A. 55
B. 30
C. 25​


QUESTION:- Manganese-55 has _____neutrons.


A. 55

B. 30

C. 25





the mass of an atom is the sum of proton and neutron which are both concentrated in nocleus of an atom. from the question the mass is given as 55 and the proton is 25.

Determine the number of moles of aluminum in 2.154 x 10-1 kg of Al. Group of answer choices 5816 mol 7.984 mol 6.02 X 1023 mol 4.801 mol 8.783



Avogadro's number is 1 mol  = 6.02 * 10^23 elements

It means that 1 mol of atoms is 6.02 * 10^23 atoms

1 mol of atoms = 6.02 * 10^23 atoms

From there, if you divide both sides by 1 mol of atoms, you get

1 = 6.02 * 10^23 atoms / 1 mol of atoms.

That means, that to pass from a number of moles of atoms to number of atoms you have to multipby by the conversion factor

         6.02*10^23  atoms Al/ 1 mol Al

That is the second option of the list.


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