How does microfinance benefit the global economy?​


Answer 1
I am sorry I do not know

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The expen Accounting changes are often made and the monetary impact is reflected in the financial statements of a company even though, in theory, this may be a violation of the accounting concept of se recognition principle states that expenses should be matched with revenues. Another way of stating the principle is to say that:


Another way of saying the above is that d. efforts should be matched with accomplishments.

The Matching Principle in Accounting falls under the Accrual basis which means that expenses should be matched to the period they were incurred and revenue should be matched to the period it was received for.

This ensures that the expenses match the revenue. Another way to say this is that efforts should be matched with their accomplishments because the business incurred expenses as efforts in a period in order to be able to get revenue as accomplishments in that same period.

For example, a business paying salespeople $30,000 in a year are doing so because they hope those salespeople will sell more than that $30,000 in that same year.

In conclusion, matching expenses to revenue is like matching efforts to accomplishments.

For more information on the Accrual basis take a look at

Profession in medical are not practice for money but for public welfare? Do you support this statement? Explain.

please help me ​




if a Doctor decrease his price than poor people can get a better health care for them it

On January 1, 2016, Weaver Company purchased as held-to-maturity debt securities $500,000 face value of Park Corporation's 8% bonds for $456,200. The bonds were purchased to yield 10% interest and pay interest annually. The bonds mature on January 1, 2021. Weaver uses the effective interest method of amortization. What amount should Weaver report on its December 31, 2016, balance sheet as an investment in held-to-maturity debt securities





Calculation to determine What amount should Weaver report on its December 31, 2016, balance sheet as an investment in held-to-maturity debt securities

First step

Amortization of discount= Purchased value of bond × interest rate of return - face value of bond × interest rate

Amortization of discount= $456,200 × 10% - $500,000 × 8%

Amortization of discount= $45,620 - $40,000

Amortization of discount= $5,620

Now the amount reported is

investment in held-to-maturity debt securities= Purchased value + discount amortization

investment in held-to-maturity debt securities= $456,200 + $5,620

investment in held-to-maturity debt securities= $461,820

Therefore What amount should Weaver report on its December 31, 2016, balance sheet as an investment in held-to-maturity debt securities is $461,820

The market for fertilizer is perfectly competitive. Firms in the market are producing output but are currently making economic losses. Which of the following statements is true about the price of fertilizer? Check all that apply. The price of fertilizer must be greater than average total cost. The price of fertilizer must be greater than average variable cost. The price of fertilizer must be greater than marginal cost.



The price of fertilizer must be greater than average variable cost.


Being a perfectly competitive market the prices of the fertilizers will rise. As the forms are making economic losses the prices must be greater the average variable costs.

A captive agent is a(n): Group of answer choices insurance agent who represents only one insurance company. federal insurance agent who can sell low-cost flood insurance coverage. independent agent who can insure homeowners and tenants together for flood insurance. insurance agent who insures only homes and vehicles. claims adjustor who assesses the probability of law violations during an investigation.


Answer: Insurance agent who represents only one insurance company.


A captive agent is an insurance agent that works for a lone insurance company, either as full time or per time. They are paid their salary and commission or just commission depending on the contract agreed between employer and employee.

They can't do more than one insurance job at a time.

McCoy’s Fish House purchases a tract of land and an existing building for $900,000. The company plans to remove the old building and construct a new restaurant on the site. In addition to the purchase price, McCoy pays closing costs, including title insurance of $2,000. The company also pays $12,000 in property taxes, which includes $8,000 of back taxes (unpaid taxes from previous years) paid by McCoy on behalf of the seller and $4,000 due for the current fiscal year after the purchase date. Shortly after closing, the company pays a contractor $45,000 to tear down the old building and remove it from the site. McCoy is able to sell salvaged materials from the old building for $3,000 and pays an additional $10,000 to level the land.Required:Determine the amount McCoy’s Fish House should record as the cost of the land.


Answer: $962000


From the information given, the amount

that McCoy’s Fish House should record as the cost of the land will be:

Purchase price = $900,000

Add: Title insurance = $2000

Add: Back property tax = $8000

Add: Cost incurred to remove building = $45000

Add: Cost incurred to level the land = $10000

Less: Savage value of materials = $3000

Cost of land = $962000

Therefore, the cost of land is $962000

In the economy of Nocoin bank deposits are ​$ billion. Bank reserves are ​$ ​billion, of which two thirds are deposits with the central bank. Households and firms hold ​$ billion in bank notes. There are no coins. Calculate the monetary base and the quantity of money. Calculate the​ banks' desired reserve ratio and the currency drain ratio​ (as percentages).



a.$90 billion

b. $330 billion

c. 20 percent

d. 10 percent


a Calculation to determine Calculate the monetary base

Using this formula

Monetary base =Reserves +Bank notes​ (dollar bills)

Let plug in the formula

Monetary base=$60 ​billion+ $30 billion

Monetary base= ​$90 billion

Therefore the Monetary base is $90 billion

b . Calculation to determine The quantity of money

Using this formula

Quantity of money =Deposits+Bank notes​ (dollar bills)

Let plug in the formula

Quantity of money=$300 billion+$30 billion

Quantity of money=$330 billion

Therefore Quantity of money is $330 billion

c. Calculation to determine The​ banks' desired reserve ratio

Banks' desired reserve ratio =2/3*$30 billion

Banks' desired reserve ratio=20 percent.

Therefore the Banks' desired reserve ratio is 20 percent

d. Calculation to determine The currency drain ratio

Currency drain ratio =1/3*$30 billion

Currency drain ratio=10 percent

Therefore Currency drain ratio is 10 percent sure

An increase in the wage rate causes Group of answer choices a decrease in the quantity of labor demanded. an increase in labor's marginal productivity. a leftward shift of the firm's labor demand curve. a rightward shift of the firm's labor demand curve.



a decrease in the quantity of labour demanded.


Changes in wage rate leads to changes in the quantity of labour demanded and not a change in demand.

Changes in the quantity of labour demanded leads to a movement along the demand curve for labour and not a shift of the demand curve.

The quantity demanded of labour is inversely related to the wage rate.

An increase in the wage rate increases the cost of employing labour. As a result, the quantity demanded of labour falls

On the other hand, a decrease in the wage rate reduces the cost of employing labour. As a result, the quantity demanded of labour increases

identify the true statements about managing cycle stocks. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. The primary driver of cycle stock is the order quantity. Reduction in order costs results in an increase in cycle stock. Offering the lowest possible price per unit regardless of order quantity would result in smaller order quantities. One way to reduce total average inventory is to reduce the order quantity.


The true statements are:

The main driver of the cycle stock represents the order quantity.If the less possible price per unit is offered irrespective of the order quantity so this should have resulted in the fewer order quantities. In order to decrease the overall average inventory,  we have to decrease the order quantity.

The stock cycle should be managed by:

Order quantity.Few possible prices per unit so that there is a fewer order quantity.When the overall average inventory is decreased so the order quantity is also decreased.

But it should not be managed by the decrease in the cost of the order via increment in the cycle stock.

Learn more about the inventory here:

J is issued a Life Insurance policy with a death benefit of $100,000. She pays $600 per year in premium for the first 5 years. The premium then increases to $900 per year in the sixth year, and remains level thereafter. The policy's death benefit also remains at $100,000. Which type of Life Insurance policy is this?



Modified Premium Life


The modified premium life is the whole life insurance policy in which the insured person paid the lower amount of premium as compared with the agreed amount for the given time period. When the given time period is done so the payment of the premium should be increased and it can be high as compared to the normal amount

So this means that the premium should be less for 5 years and it could be increased in the sixth year and so on

Therefore the option d is correct

Michelle is attending a university where tuition for one year costs $17,300. She has a scholarship worth $5,000 per year. She earns $2,700 per year at her part-time job. She plans to take out a loan to cover the remaining tuition costs. Tuition will increase by $500 each year. If she completes college in 4 years, how much money will Michelle need to borrow





Tuition will increase by $500 each year

Year 1 tuition = $17,300

Year 2 tuition = $17,800

Year 3 tuition = $18,300

Year 4 tuition = $18,800

Total = $72,200

Scholarship per year = $5000

Total scholarship for 4 years = 4 * $5000

= $20,000

Earnings per year = $2,700

Total earnings for four years = 4 * $2,700

= $10,800

She plans to take out a loan to cover the remaining tuition costs

Loan = Total tuition - (Total scholarship for 4 years + Total earnings for four years)

= $72,200 - ( $20,000 + $10,800)

= 72,200 - (30,800)

= 72,200 - 30,800

= 41,400

Loan = $41,400

Michelle need to borrow $41,400

Which of the following steps in the management decision-making process does not generally involve the managerial accountant? Determine possible courses of action. Make the appropriate decision based on relevant data. Prepare internal reports that review the impact of decisions. None of these answers are correct.



Make the appropriate decision based on relevant data.


Management involves the control, planning and organization of the affairs of a business firm.

Basically, the management of an organization is saddled with the responsibility of planning, organizing, controlling and staffing within the organization.

The four (4) main management activities are;

I. Organizing

II. Controlling

III. Motivating.

IV. Planning.

Managerial accounting also known as cost accounting is an accounting technique focused on identification, measurement, analyzing, interpretation, and communication of financial information to managers for better decisions making and pursuit of the organization's goals. Thus, it's an accounting system that is used by an organization to report both monetary and nonmonetary information.

In the management decision-making process, making the appropriate decision based on relevant data does not generally involve the managerial accountant.

A managerial accountant is an individual who is saddled with the responsibility of gathering and communication of financial information to managers for better decisions making.

Richard agrees to supply Henry with all his needs of specially made shampoo for Henry's beauty salon. Henry believes that Richard is a representative of a famous hair products company, but he finds a letter to a competitor written by Richard two days before the agreement is signed proving that Richard is a fraud. Richard says that this letter may not be admitted to court since the contract is wholly integrated. Is he correct?


Answer: No. Richard is wrong as the letter may be admitted to court.


Based on the information given, Richard is wrong as the letter may be admitted to court.

It should be noted that prior evidence as well as contemporary evidence is excludable, but only in a situation whereby it alters the contract terms. In this case, the evidence is admitted in order to prove that Richard is fraudulent in the inducement.

Geoff's fiancée, Susan, comes to meet his parents for the weekend. On Saturday morning, while using Geoff's mother's hair dryer, the blower short-circuits sending sparks across the guest room. Susan's angora sweater and her hands are covered with tiny burns. Susan's mother is a lawyer and wants her to sue the seller of the dryer for breach of warranty. Can she?



Yes, since she is a guest in the home of the buyer, the warranties would extend to her in most states.



This is simply known as a type of duty or statement of other representation that is made by the seller or places by law on goods and services mainly concerning the aspect of quality, characteristics, strength and ownership of goods and services. It is often regarded also as a duty or obligation of the seller to the buyer in terms of title, quality, characteristics, or conditions of goods.

Types of warranty

1. Express Warranty

2. Implied Warranty of Title

3. Implied Warranty of Merchantability

4. Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose

Express Warranty

This is simply refered to as the description of the goods that is made part of the basis of the negotiation does bring about an express warranty that the goods will adhere to the description or defined it as an agreement of fact or promise in relation to the goods that becomes part of reasons of negotiation therefore brings about express warranty that goods will adhere to 3 things mainly:

1. Affirmation of Fact

2. Description

3. Sample or model

Does the education make a difference in salary for a database administrator??



Yes it surely does


please mark me as brainlyest

Social media objectives should: Choose only ONE best answer. A Be independent of competing marketing and organizational goals. B Adhere to the S.M.A.R.T. framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Resourced, Time-bound). C Adhere to the CCAF framework: context, challenge, activity, feedback. D Flow from, and directly support, social media tactics. E Be finalized early, so marketing goals can be designed around them



B is the best answer for this question.


It uses the smart goal which helps you make an achievable and realistic goal

One of the strengths of Six Sigma program's has been its a.laser-like focus on worker satisfaction. b.clarity of process and the steps companies must take to adopt it. c.contribution to research in production quality. d.increase in customer loyalty.



how does growth of a business affect exports​



a negative effect on the countrys exchange rate


12. Market efficiency and perfect price discrimination Perfect price discrimination is efficient because it converts what would have been deadweight loss into consumer and producer surplus inefficient because it converts a portion of consumer surplus into producer surplus inefficient because it results in no consumer surplus efficient because it converts into producer surplus what had been consumer surplus and deadweight loss


Market efficiency and perfect price discrimination is efficient because it efficient because it converts into producer surplus what had been consumer surplus and deadweight loss.

Perfect price discrimination allows a firm to be more efficient by making it sell at more output level. The firm would have more efficiency level at its factors of production.

Market efficiency is achieved with perfect price discrimination because what would have been dead-weight loss is converted into consumer and producer surplus through perfect price discrimination.

For the market, efficiency is achieved because the dead-weight loss is converted into producer and consumer surpluses, with enormous benefits to the society.

Thus, perfect price discrimination achieves allocation efficiency for both the producer and the consumer (or the society as a whole).

Learn more about market efficiency and price discrimination here:

What does it mean to be in business? And what are the benefits of having your own business?
(Take your time please and thank you)​


Benefits of having your own business is being independent ,you can be your own boss
•you get all the profits
• schedule your own time so it’s easy to plan your life
• you control everything

When increasing production from 12,000 computers to 15,000 ​computers, the​ company's average cost of production will A. increase from ​$10.10 to ​$10.40 due to the​ learning-curve effect. B. increase from ​$16.80 to ​$18.90 due to the​ learning-curve effect. C. decrease from ​$10.40 to ​$10.10 due to diseconomies of scale. D. decrease from ​$10.40 to ​$10.10 due to the​ learning-curve effect. E. increase from ​$16.80 to ​$18.90 due to economies of scale.



When increasing production from 12,000 computers to 15,000 computers, the company's average cost of production will

D. decrease from $10.40 to $10.10 due to the learning-curve effect.


The learning-curve effect describes the learning-curve theory.  This theory states that there is an improved performance of workers who are producing computers over time.  The whole idea behind this theory is that the more workers produce computers, the better they will get at its production.  In turn, this improved production performance will, in the long run, translate to both lower cost and higher output for the organization.

रचनात्मक र नविन्तम अबधारण लेख्नुहोस। नयाँ ब्यब्साय विभिन्न विधि हरु ब्य्ख्य गर्नुहोस​



लेख्नुहोस। नयाँ ब्यब्साय विभिन्न विधि हरु ब्य्ख्य गर्नुहोस​


Jones Company issued $500,000 of 5%, 10-year bonds payable at a price of 92. The market interest rate on the date of issuance was 6%, and the bonds pay interest semiannually. The journal entry to record the first semiannual interest payment using the effective interest amortization method is:



Date                     Account Title                                       Debit              Credit

XX-XX-XXXX       Interest expense                               $13,800

                            Discount on bond payable                                        $1,300

                            Cash                                                                           $12,500


The bonds were issued at a price of 92 which means they were issued at:

= 500,000 * 96/100

= $460,000

Interest expense

= Issue price * interest rate * 6/12 months

= 460,000 * 6% * 6/12

= $13,800


= Bond price * coupon rate * 6/12

= 500,000 * 5% * 6/12

= $12,500

Spending more money on advertising will make the firms' demand increase – shifting to the right (parallel). Therefore, the firms' demand become more elastic at every price level. Providing examples to support your answer.



Example of such product : Ferrari sports car.   due to various alternatives of sports cars available in the market, when the price level of a Ferrari car increases the demand of the product might become more elastic


When more money is spent on advertising by any firm the demand for the firm's product will most likely increase and this is simply because more potential clients will be reached through advertising.

But when the demand of the goods become more elastic with increase in price level, it is simply because the product has suitable alternatives/competitions in the open market.

Example of such product : Ferrari sports car.   due to various alternatives of sports cars available in the market, when the price level of a Ferrari car increases the demand of the product might become more elastic

The strategy that schedules processes based on their group affiliation is generally referred to as _________ . Select one: a. simulation modeling b. queuing analysis c. shortest process next d. fair share scheduling



D. Fair share scheduling.

Management at the Relaxing Pines resort chain places great emphasis on customer satisfaction and loyalty. They emphasize quiet, luxurious rooms and personalized service. In fact, bonuses are based primarily on customer evaluations. What perspective does this reflect


Customer Focus. They convey their soul focus is on the customers enjoyment

formula for calculating weekly salary from yearly salary?


First, divide the employee’s annual salary by 52 weeks (the number of weeks in a year).

Example : $31,200 ÷ 52 = $600 per week

Jade puts a picture of a collection of rare sports memorabilia up for bids on BuyBay, an Internet auction site. Khalil makes the highest bid and sends the payment, which Jade receives. Jade deposits the money but does not send the collection because she doesn't own it. This is Group of answer choices



cyber fraud.


Cyber fraud can be regarded as one the numeeous type of cybercrime fraud, it could be a deception or tricks in the use the Internet just to defraud people, stealing of victims information and other valuables. These could able hiding of information by the fraudster or giving fake information so he/she can rob victims online of their valuables.

Consider Luis's decision to go to college. If he goes to college, he will spend $21,000 on tuition, $11,000 on room and board, and $1,800 on books. If he does not go to college, he will earn $16,000 working in a store and spend $7,200 on room and board. Luis's cost of going to college is





The computation of the cost of going to college is given below:

the total cost when he goes to college he spends

21,000 on tuition

11,000 on room and board

1,800 on books

So, the total should be $33,800

Now in the case when he does not go to college


he will earn 16,000 working in a store

and spend 7,200 on room and board

So, the saving amount should be

=  16,000 - 7,200

= $8,800

Now the cost should be  

= 33,800+8,800

= $42,600

In 1910, the price of a Model T Ford was $950. By 1917, the average price for the same car was $360. In 1910, fewer than 19,000 Model T's were sold. In 1917, over 730,000 were sold. What conclusion can you draw from this information?: (A)The cost of living must have gone down between 1910 and 1917. (B)Henry Ford was making less money in 1917 than he was in 1910 (C)It cost the Ford Motor Company less to produce a Model T in 1917 than it did in 1910. (D)There is no relationship between the price of the Model T's and the number sold.


The conclusion that can be reached is that (C)It cost the Ford Motor Company less to produce a Model T in 1917 than it did in 1910.

The price of a good or service is usually directly proportional to its cost. This means that if something was costly to produce or to provide, the price that the company providing will charge will be high as well.

The reason for this is that the company needs to make a profit so they charge a higher price than the cost in order to make back the cost and some profit. This is called cost plus pricing.

In 1910, the Model T Ford cost $950 but in 1917 the same car cost $360. This means that the cost must have been less in 1917 than it was in 1910 which was why the Ford company was able to charge less for it.

The correct answer is therefore C.

For more information on cost plus pricing check


option c is the correct answer

i think this helps u

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