How does the first stanza of the poem introduce the speaker’s message?

It suggests that democracy is won through principle and struggle.

It describes the power of the political process in winning freedoms.

It defines the term democracy and what it means for the speaker.

It states that the speaker does not believe in peaceful means to achieve goals.

How Does The First Stanza Of The Poem Introduce The Speakers Message?It Suggests That Democracy Is Won


Answer 1




Answer 2

The first stanza of the poem introduces the speaker’s message as it suggests that democracy is won through principle and struggle. Thus, option A is correct.

What is a stanza?

The stanza can be termed a part of a poem. In a stanza, there are various lines that will make up a stanza. this will determine that there will be some changes that will be with the rhyming scheme.

In this first stanza, the poet is telling about democracy. This suggests that there will be democracy present in the nation. Also, there will be some set rules as well as regulations that need to follow. this will make up a constitution the best. This also suggests that democracy will be the one that will be gained with the help of struggle as well as following the principle.  

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the stanza, here:


Related Questions

Which of the following instances of evidence is properly cited?

Question 4 options:

For example, Source 1 says, "Studies have linked nonstop video gaming to such ills as carpal tunnel syndrome1 and tennis elbow, not to mention the current obesity epidemic plaguing this nation's young" (Source 1).

According to Source 1, "Studies have linked nonstop video gaming to such ills as carpal tunnel syndrome1 and tennis elbow, not to mention the current obesity epidemic plaguing this nation's young" (Stein).

In fact, "Studies have linked nonstop video gaming to such ills as carpal tunnel syndrome1 and tennis elbow, not to mention the current obesity epidemic plaguing this nation's young" (Source 1).

In fact, "Studies have linked nonstop video gaming to such ills as carpal tunnel syndrome1 and tennis elbow, not to mention the current obesity epidemic plaguing this nation's young" (Stein).



b According to Source 1, "Studies have linked nonstop video gaming to such ills as carpal tunnel syndrome1 and tennis elbow, not to mention the current obesity epidemic plaguing this nation's young" (Stein).


What is the story of Hyacinthus?



Hyacinthus was a beautiful Spartan youth, beloved by the god Apollo. As the good Spartan he was, Hyacinthus loved athletics, and one day the two decided to practice throwing the discus. ... Hyacinthus ran laughing after it, thinking to catch the disc, but instead it hit him in the head, killing him.


Heorot Hall means "heart hall."




Heorot symbolizes human civilization and culture.


Read stanzas 3 and 4 from the poem.

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And ‘tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.

The birds around me hopped and played,
Their thoughts I cannot measure:—
But the least motion which they made
It seemed a thrill of pleasure.

What tone is conveyed through the poet’s word choice here?






B gratitude your welcome! brainlest?

Why does Devante decide that now is the time to tell the cops what he knows

about King? The hate you give


Answer: he gets scared and in trouble


Devante decide that if she can face the police with only her voice as a weapon, he can use his voice as a weapon too.

What is the summary of Devante story?

When Seven's car runs out of petrol, the youths get out and go in search of a gas station. The teenagers come across a group of protesters shouting, "A hairbrush is not a gun!" as they go close to the street where Khalil was killed. Ms. Ofrah is the protest's organizer and is seated on a police cruiser.

The protesters are told to disperse by the police. Starr briefly remembers killing Khalil, but she quickly transforms that anguish into a yell. Ms. Ofrah approaches Starr. When she notices DeVante's bruises and inquires about the disturbances on Magnolia, they reassure her that he is fine. The Just Us for Justice office is OK, they tell Ms. Ofrah. Even if it wasn't, she claims it was just a structure.

Learn more about Devante's story here:


Bridget asked "may I have another chance?" This sentence includes ______________________.

A) a correctly punctuated direct quotation

B) a correctly punctuated indirect quotation

C) no quotation at all

D) one or more punctuation errors





it is missing a comma

Bridget asked, "May I have another chance?"

I……..along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.



was walking


go queen #girlpower ‼️

The speaker in “The Tyger” questions what great power created the amazing animal that we know as the tiger and how it was done. Read the stanza from the poem:

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?



그래서 답은 하나님이십니다. 그는 강력한 손으로 호랑이를 만들었습니다.


a blacksmith


i got the answer right on gradpoint

Use this simile/metaphor to help you answer the following questions. “I’d have been as excited as if I were going to the dentist.”

1: What are two things being compared?

2: How are they alike?


Excitement and the dentist are being compared
They are not alike at all and they are using simile to compare two unaligned things idling like or as. Therefore it’s verbal irony because it’s sarcasm

Which is a way that an author could develop a cheerful mood in a text?
by arguing that positive thinking makes one feel happier
by including the words "welcomed," "bright," and "warmly"
O by describing the setting as occurring in the "early morning hours"
O by showing how characters have grown emotionally in the story



by including the words welcomed, cheery, and warmly


HEres the "book "
Read the following paragraph from “Katherine Johnson Biography.”

The 1957 launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik changed history—and Katherine Johnson’s life. In 1957, Katherine provided some of the math for the 1958 document Notes on Space Technology, a compendium of a series of 1958 lectures given by engineers in the Flight Research Division and the Pilotless Aircraft Research Division (PARD). Engineers from those groups formed the core of the Space Task Group, the NACA’s first official foray into space travel, and Katherine, who had worked with many of them since coming to Langley, “came along with the program” as the NACA became NASA later that year. She did trajectory analysis for Alan Shepard’s May 1961 Freedom 7, America’s first human spaceflight. In 1960, she and engineer Ted Skopinski coauthored Determination of Azimuth Angle at Burnout for Placing a Satellite Over a Selected Earth Position, a report laying out the equations describing an orbital spaceflight in which the landing position of the spacecraft is specified. It was the first time a woman in the Flight Research Division had received credit as an author of a research report.



D for Part A and D for Part B


I think this because the paragraph is mostly about KAtherine's work and how it affected the launch of the spaceflight.

This is my opinion and what i would choose on my test. I hope it helps!

soemone helpme please Why should a child be “among the first to receive protection and relief”?



Because children and the elderly are fragile and anything at any time could to them, they disserve treatment first.



Explanation: A child should be among the first to receive protection and relief because a child, in an disaster, is usually subjected to more trauma than adults.



you didn’t say what ur work is tho…

Can i get some one to help end my scary story make sure it ends scary maybe grammar it too thxs

“SLAM” The door behind me shut,the lights go off ,it was dark,it was too dark,I couldn't see my hands,where I was stepping, I didn't have a clue.Surprised enough I didn't trip. Big enough to be thunder a loud BOOM! I raced down the long room,like a hall,I knew what was coming next all my fears coming true. “ZAP” ,“ FLASH”lighting strikes”BOOM” BOOM” thunder pounds.”PitterPatter” “pitter patter” RAIN!, “pitter patter” Just racing down and down the hall,”Splash” I trip,I keep movinging,Running,or racing it doesn't matter”FLASH”ZAP” “pitter patter” “Splash””Same thing kept repeating in my head “Don’t stop running” ,“Don’t stop running”,“Don’t stop running”“Don’t stop running” The louder and louder it got,“Don’t stop running”“Don’t stop running” “Don’t stop running”

I cover my ears “Yelling stop stop” I keep”scattering down the long hall” “I couldn't stop no I couldn't” I heard sirens,maybe they had come for me, wouldn't care about anything just get me out of here! “The sirens became louder” And Louder And Louder Louder” “BOOM” everythings all is colliding” it's too much i'm overwhelming ``''Screech”An awful cry starts” still as hearing “dont stop” What is happening? I don't know,”tick tock” “tick tock” “Screech” Tick tock tick tock,Boom “zap”’flash”pitter patter ”ticktock,ticktock” ”flash”screech”Splash”BOOM”. SPLASH” what was that!,My hands are covered in blood.“zap”’flash””tick tock””BOOM”. “tick tock” “Screech” Tick tock tick tock,Boom pitter patter ”ticktock,ticktock” ”flash”screech”Splash SPLASh.I trip, splash I cant bare it.

I scream”STOP IT I SAY! JUST STOP! STOP IT” “drip,drip,drip”.I curled up into a ball im lying there,”soaked in blood.Crying in the corner,scared to be found,touched or carried.

Seconds turn into minutes,minutes turn into hours,the hours turn into days, The days into weeks,weeks into months,The months into years.I feel to as i became to death,I couldn't see, nor hear, if the only thing i could hear, is the same,Tick tick tick tick, zap zap zap zap,tick zap tick zap tick BOOM,FLASH,tick zap zap zap tick,BOOM

BOOM,FLASH, Scratch! BOOM FLASH ZAP,BOOM,SCRECh”The louder and faster it got” ZAP ZAP TICK SCHREACH BOOM BOM FLASH,ZAP,BOOM SCHRECH tick tick ,tick,BOOM FLASH, BOOM! just woulndt stop, it adding on new sounds i knew would come, POUND POUND POUND ZAP SPLASH,SCHEECH,BOOM,FLASH SCHREECH,ZAP ZAP,TICK TICK,POUND SPLASH! BOOM,SQUEAK SQUEAK,TIcK TICK POUND!”Starting it again it keeps repeating over and over,BAM BAM” Then it comes back, that little voice… in my head… telling me, to keep going”




Plz helppppp I’ll give fifty points and brainliest if u do it rtIn this task, you will write a critical essay on Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich (approximately 900 words). You may have previously drafted a similar, shorter essay in a lesson in this unit. If you have, please expand on the shorter essay that you wrote for that lesson by adding critical research and widening its scope. If you did not write a shorter essay, you can start writing from scratch by following the steps included in this task.

Here are a few ideas for you to consider while writing your essay. You can pick any one of these or choose a topic of your own to build your essay.

How does Tolstoy employ his characters to draw out the difference between the artificial and authentic life?
How does Ivan Ilyich perspective towards death change over the course of the novel?
How does Ivan’s suffering affect his attitude towards both life and death?
Make sure you consult at least one source from your school or local library and at least two credible Internet sources, and incorporate the information that you gather into your paper. Use information from respected journals or academic or government institutions when looking at online sources to ensure that you’re referring to credible sources. Verify if the author that you are quoting is an expert on your chosen subject. Ensure that the author has published many articles in reputed journals and other sources. Also, ensure that the article you want to reference is well cited and has a bibliography at the end. For more advice, read about finding and evaluating credible resources and citations.

Also remember to include relevant information from the primary source—Leo Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich—in your essay as well. You can access the novella by opening up any of the lessons about the The Death of Ivan Ilyich.

Include at least one counterargument in your paper. A counterargument or counterclaim captures an idea that those with a differing viewpoint might raise against your claims in the essay. By anticipating such counterclaims and offering a rebuttal, you make your own argument stronger. Read more about organizing your essay and including counterarguments. Ensure that your arguments flow in logical, well-structured paragraphs that reference and directly address counterclaims.

After you have finished your essay, create a works cited page that follows the Modern Language Association (MLA) style. You can use this resource guide to prepare your works cited page. Follow the steps mentioned in the Process section below as you work on your essay to see the steps you should follow.


Follow the steps below to complete your essay, and use the resources provided to assist with your research and writing. When you have finished your essay, use the drop box to submit it to your teacher.

Gather sources. Before creating your thesis, begin gathering additional sources to build your argument and support your thesis. For each source, consider the following questions:

Who authored the document?
What is the purpose of the document?
When was the document written?
How will this document help your argument?
Read and evaluate sources. Next, examine each source and think about how you will use it to support a thesis. Be an active researcher by asking the following questions about each source you reference:

What is the credibility of the source?
Is there any noticeable bias?
How does the argument differ from others you have read?
What is the value of the source to the topic you are investigating?
Develop your thesis statement. Now that you have analyzed sources to use as evidence, revisit the essay question. Then, develop your thesis statement.
If you need additional guidance, many writing resources are available to help you create a strong thesis statement.

Form your argument. Once you have a clear, strong thesis statement, develop your argument. Make a particular effort to match the evidence in your sources to the points in your argument.

Write your essay. As you write your paper, use quotations from and summaries of your sources to support your argument. Be careful to keep the following ideas in mind:

To avoid plagiarism, make sure to cite your sources properly with in-text citations as well as a works cited page.
When you finish, reread the essay to check for all of the points above, and then proofread it to be sure your work doesn’t contain errors in grammar or spelling.



I'm sorry, but I can't really help you. I have a essay if you need it. [This is not copyrighted, I actually made it.


If you ever need a good essay for the theme, "All that glitters is not gold", I have one for you:                                                                                                       Gold is a precious chemical element that emits spectacular glitter. However, glitter can be a characteristic of a variety of substances. These substances are just as important as gold. The wise saying goes “all that glitters is not gold.”. (Pause) My interpretation of this phrase is   everything that shines are not always valuable.  

People act in a charming manner to try to deceive. If someone is being nice to you, it does not mean they have your best interests in mind. They may behave pleasantly, but they might not be telling the truth.


Some friends seem nice face-to-face but beware of fake friends. They can talk negatively about you behind your back. (Pause) A person’s heart and mind are like onions, with several layers. The outside layers might be glittering with sweetness, however, in the pit of one’s heart they conceal their true intentions and feelings.

Something too good to be true could be useless! If a person offers you something that is too good to be true, it is a warning that it might not be what it looks like. If someone offers you such a thing, take a step back and think about it. You must be rational and logical before responding. (Pause)

Similar to pyrite, the iron stone that looks like gold, appearances can be deceiving.  If the saying “All that glitters is not gold” sticks to your head, you’re armed for battle!



Explanation:If you ever need a good essay for the theme, "All that glitters is not gold", I have one for you:                                                                                                       Gold is a precious chemical element that emits spectacular glitter. However, glitter can be a characteristic of a variety of substances. These substances are just as important as gold. The wise saying goes “all that glitters is not gold.”. (Pause) My interpretation of this phrase is   everything that shines are not always valuable.  

People act in a charming manner to try to deceive. If someone is being nice to you, it does not mean they have your best interests in mind. They may behave pleasantly, but they might not be telling the truth.

Some friends seem nice face-to-face but beware of fake friends. They can talk negatively about you behind your back. (Pause) A person’s heart and mind are like onions, with several layers. The outside layers might be glittering with sweetness, however, in the pit of one’s heart they conceal their true intentions and feelings.

Something too good to be true could be useless! If a person offers you something that is too good to be true, it is a warning that it might not be what it looks like. If someone offers you such a thing, take a step back and think about it. You must be rational and logical before responding. (Pause)

Similar to pyrite, the iron stone that looks like gold, appearances can be deceiving.  If the saying “All that glitters is not gold” sticks to your head, you’re armed for battle!

How does homogenization affect me globalization?


it enhances cultural identity

What do the humans' thoughts and actions suggest about how we respond to others' suffering?


Thoughts and actions are the only two things that people have to give. If they're giving you thoughts, it's likely they feel an affinity for you that stems from their own thoughts. If they're acting on your behalf, then that may or may not be because of their thoughts or feelings about other things in general. But whether it's because of emotions about something else, or just strong feelings about everything in general, people are still making decisions about the world around them the best way they know how at any given moment so you should take comfort in knowing there are probably a lot more out there who want to help than harm.


The humans' thoughts and actions suggest about how we respond to others' suffering that thoughts and actions are the only two things that people have to give. If they are providing you the thoughts, it has been likely they feel an affinity for you that stems from their own thoughts.

What are the thoughts and actions suggest about how we respond to others' suffering?

If they're acting on your behalf, then that may or may not be because of their thoughts or feelings about other things in general. But whether it's because of emotions about something else, or just strong feelings about everything in general.

If they are providing you the thoughts, it has been likely they feel an affinity for you that stems from their own thoughts. People are still making decisions about the world around them the best way they know how at any given moment so you should take comfort in knowing there are probably a lot more out there who want to help than harm.

Therefore, The humans' thoughts and actions suggest about how we respond to others' suffering that thoughts and actions are the only two things that people have to give. If they are providing you the thoughts, it has been likely they feel an affinity for you that stems from their own thoughts.

Learn more about others' suffering on:


What elements of A Rose for Emily
would you describe as dark or darkly
plz give txt to support



The Glossary of Literary Terms defines humor as:

The quality of a literary or informative work that makes the character/and or situations seem funny, amusing or ludicrous


hope it's help

<3 ily have a great day





Are you a school bus driver?- No, not any more, but I A. used to B. used to be C. use to D. use to be



B. used to be


its past tense and goes with the sentence


probably B


what is Juice WRLD (RIP) donating?



Live Free 999 honors Jarad “Juice WRLD” Higgins and supports young people in their battles with addiction, anxiety and depression. The fund was started by Jarad's mother, Carmela Wallace, to support young people in their battles and to do so with love, joy and emotional honesty.


Juice WRLD's Live Free 999 Fund Gives Back to His Childhood School by Donating Instruments. The Live Free 999 Fund, which was founded in honor of Juice WRLD, revealed that it has given a complete set of band and orchestral instruments to the rapper's former school, Deer Creek Christian School in Chicago Heights, IL.

•Choose the correct answer:
El-Ahly (plays - will play - play - are playing) your team.​



El-Ahly will play your team.

The right answer is (plays)

Answer thee question



(1) New York

(2) The museum occupies 4 city blocks, from west 77th to west 81st street

(3) Within the Hall of Gems at the museum

(4) Fourth floor of the museum


Hall of MeteoritesHall of Minerals

What is the verb tense used in this sentence? ''By then, some of your dreams will have become smaller -- but not all.'' A( past B( present C( future D( future perfect.



i think its future



I think the answer is C. Future.

Hope this helps :)

Answer ??!!?!?!?!? Please


I can't see, I don't understand what it says.

ka wrote has been recommended E. Now change each of the following pairs of simple sentences into a complex sentence, 1. (a) I enjoy the book (b) I borrowed the book from the library, 2. (a) We hailed the boy (b) The boy scored two goals. 3. (a) I have found the key I had lost the key (b) 4. (a) (b) I like the radio The radio is in the common-room. 5. (a) (b) Let me see the shoes. You have just bought the shoes.​


1) I enjoyed reading the book which I borrowed from the library

2) Because the boy scored two goals, we hailed him

3) Filled with relief after finding the key, I vowed not to lose it again

4) In the common room, we have a radio that I like listening to.

5) If you don’t mind, could i see the shoes you just bought?

why does the author write about the Kentucky Student voice Team?


The author wrote about the Kentucky student voice team in order to ignite the passion of the students.

Student voice refers to a community of students who represent schools across the United States. This is vital in having students being listened to and heard.

It should be noted that students' voice is important as it provides ways that are vital for the students to connect to their interests and skills. It's also vital in igniting the passion of the students.

Read related link on:


to show how young people can make a difference.. for a short answer<3

anyone wanna guess my bday month and date


February 18th
Am I close or far ☹️


July 5th?


"Ten With a Flag" Dystopian Elements (Paragraph)

Directions: Using the story “Ten With a Flag” in Actively Learn, write a response to the following prompt

Prompt: What elements of dystopian societies did you notice in “Ten With a Flag”? Choose one element (government control, lack of individuality, surveillance, misinformation) and explain it in a well-written paragraph. Support your element with two pieces of evidence from the text. Be sure to use the TLQC format for citing evidence from the text. Type or copy and paste your paragraph in the text entry box.

The Dystopian Elements are listed here to help you. You will write a paragraph which follows the format below.

Paragraph Format:

Topic Sentence: An element of a dystopian society found in “Ten With a Flag” is ____________.

TLQC: Evidence (TLQC from TEXT) of the dystopian element (from topic sentence) Remember: Transition, lead-in/context, “quote” (citation).

Elaboration: (commentary/ explanation of evidence and why it fits that element of dystopia)

TLQC: Evidence (TLQC from TEXT) of the dystopian element (from topic sentence) Remember: Transition, lead-in/context, “quote” (citation).

Elaboration: (commentary/ explanation of evidence and why it fits that element of dystopia)

Dystopian Elements:

Misinformation: Withholding important information from citizens, or simply telling lies to citizens; this may include limiting or even banning access to books, news, internet, TV, or other streaming or information services.

Lack of Individuality: Controls citizens by requiring everyone to dress or look a certain way, assigning jobs, housing, spouses, children, or just about anything to citizens. People lose their freedom of choice for many everyday things. They may even use genetic engineering to create a society where people have certain features or abilities

Surveillance: Citizens no longer have privacy to a very high degree. There might be cameras or microphones everywhere to keep track of citizens even in private places like homes. People find it hard to misbehave or speak out against their government when surveillance is used because they are always being monitored.

Government Control: The ability to know the truth about the world, make choices for their own lives, and have privacy are often lacking or missing altogether for citizens. It may be a combination of all the elements listed above.


A dystopian society is a community or country that imposes rules and regulations that make its citizens miserable. Using the format provided, the dystopian elements in the story, "Ten With a Flag" have been provided.

The dystopian element that I noticed in this story by Joseph Paul Haines is government control.Evidence of government control can be seen in the fact that the promotion or demotion of Johnnie lay in his willingness to produce a child with a ten that will benefit the government. When Johnnie asked Mr. White what will happen if they took the flag option, he said, "Well, your promotion will be canceled, for one thing." The government through Human Services thus punished or rewarded its citizens for doing things that will benefit it. They did not allow their citizens any choice in the matter. In that sense, they fit into a dystopian society that made its citizens miserable.The second evidence of government control can be seen in the arrest of Johnnie when he opted for the option of terminating the pregnancy. When Johnnie asked Mr. White why he was interfering he said, "No one ever said that we'd let you go through with it though. The flag is an option, not a right. Arrest him."Here we see that the government used force to make its citizens live by choices that will benefit it. In this case, again we see that government control through the use of force that took away the rights of citizens reflects elements of a dystopian society.

A dystopian society is marked by government laws that control citizens and make them miserable. Many elements of dystopia were seen in "Ten With A  Flag." Government control has been elaborated above.

Learn more here:

•Choose the correct answer:
(Will you do - Are you doing - Do you do - Have you done) anything next Saturday?



Will you do anything next Saturday?


Will is used in the future tense.

Next Saturday is referring to the future.

Other Questions
Which sentence would stand out when reading a paragraph? What were President Eisenhower's aims in the Vietnam war? hiw did young Americans react to the war, and how did their reaction shape cultural developments i need to know which object is moving faster What is the opposite of 8/7 Would you recommend living in a city or living in the desert?. Question 6 of 10 In "Loveliest of Trees, the Cherry Now" by A. E. Housman, what could be a symbol for something that goes away much too quickly? A. Years B. Snow C. Woodlands D. Spring Which is not an example of vaporization? help me pls tell methe answer Someone fires a slingshot at a target that is far enough away to take 1.4 seconds to reach. How far below does the target does the slingshot pellet hit? Please help asap! really important!! The base of a pyramid has n sides. I basically just have to find the angles but I also want to understand so if you could explain? Is the expression a polynomial? If yes, write in standardform, if not state why not1.[tex]\frac{2x+3}{x^{2} }[/tex]2.[tex]2x+5x^{2} -99[/tex]3.[tex](\sqrt{8x^{3}}) +2x^{4}+2+x[/tex]4.[tex]15x+4x^{-2}[/tex]5.[tex]-3x^{4} +7x+12x^{2}[/tex] Belinda appears to be a typical 14-year-old. She socializes with friends and spends her time listening to music and watching movies. Unknown to her parents and friends, Belinda sometimes binges on large amounts of food and then either vomits or uses laxatives to purge herself of the extra calories. Belinda MOST likely suffers from: ________a) anorexia. b) binge-eating disorder. c) depression. d) bulimia. There is 200 grams of water on a stove. The water is currently 25 C. How much energy in joules must be used to raise the water to 90 C? The difference between 1/3 of a certain number and 1/4 of the same number is 3. what is that number? A collection of programs or tools that give cybercriminals complete control over a computer or a network of Internet-connected devices. A chemical lab isolates a gaseous element from the atmosphere that does not form chemical compounds. In which group of the periodic table is this element most likely found?A. 18B. 17C. 1D. 2 What is the mass of 1,300 cm of gasoline? The density of gasoline is 0.67 g/cm.