How have recalls been used in Arizona in the past? Check all that apply. to reform the state constitution to create new laws drafted by citizens to approve the passage of Prohibition to establish term limits for elected office to remove elected officials on the local level to remove elected officials at the state level


Answer 1


5) to remove elected officials on the local level

6) to remove elected officials at the state level


Answer 2


E. to remove elected officials on the local level

F. to remove elected officials at the state level

How Have Recalls Been Used In Arizona In The Past? Check All That Apply. To Reform The State Constitution

Related Questions

I live in a country where I get to vote but do not directly elect my leader. Instead, I elect a representative to the legislative branch known as the Knesset. The majority political party of the Knesset then choose one of the representatives to be the Prime Minister.
Group of answer choices

A Saudi Arabia, Theocracy

B Israel, Parliamentary Democarcy

C Iran, Presiential Democracy

D Israel, Autocracy





1. List three of the major achievements Egypt contributed to their society. Which
achievement do you believe is most significant and why?



The many achievements of the ancient Egyptians include the quarrying, surveying and construction techniques (That supported the building of monumental pyramids, temples, and obelisks)


I believe that Egypts construction techniques were/are the most significant because they would express throughout building. Making temples for the gods they believed in and worshiped.

The ancient Egyptians were known to be the first people on planet earth that starts taking recording of days and nights. Ancient Egyptians are credited with the creation of the first kind of calendar called the solar calendar. This calendar portrays the position of the earth as it rotates around the sun.

The calendar was developed mainly because of farming; they wanted to keep tabs on the annual flooding of the Nile. They had three season namely inundation, growing & harvest where each of these seasons had four months and each month comprises of 30 days. After these, to honor the Children of Gods extra five days were added in between inundation and harvest seasons making it 365 days altogether. The five days added to honor the Children of Gods were considered as religious holidays.

The Egyptians were so advanced that had the idea of calculating time as early as the 3,500BC and they invented the sun clock (sundial). The sundial made it possible to differentiate between and predict morning, afternoon and night. The oldest surviving sun clock was found in the 2013 in the Valley of the Kings. The valley of kings was the burial place of rulers from Egypt new kingdom which dates as far back as the 1,500BC.

This sundial had one day divided into 10 sections, each having two twilight hours which represented morning and evening. The equipment had a rod with twelve demarcations around it, when placed under the sun the shadow of the rod will let you know the exact time of the day.

The ancient Egyptians were also famous and well known for always trying to beautify everything that they laid their hands upon. Cosmetics and makeup can be dated as far as 4000 BC when the Egyptians used it for aesthetic and salubrious reasons. It was worn by both men and women regardless of their social status.

Kohl was the name given to the ointment in which they used to do their eye make-up. The kohl was formed by putting together malachite and galena (black ointment form by mixing soot with a lead mineral) to form a greenish pigmented substance. The kohl was applied by making use of a small stick similar the use of the eye liners that women use to apply eye make-up these days. The ancient Egyptians painted their upper eyelids and draw across a line from the corner of their eyes to outwardly to the sides.

teddy Roosevelt espoused a very imperialistic foreign policy, and yet fought against monopolies at home. we're his foreign policy and domestic policy at the odds with each other?


Roosevelt's foreign and domestic policy were not necessarily at odds with each other.

The main reason why Roosevelt supported imperialism was because this was good for the economy. It allowed the United States to have access to the natural resources of many places all over the world.

He also believed that imperialism brought some benefits to the conquered nations.

On the other hand, Roosevelt did not think that monopolies brought any benefit to the economy. Instead, the practice of monopolies harmed the economy by making it impossible for businesses to compete.

Therefore, Roosevelt was generally interested in improving and protecting the economy of the United States. This was accomplished both through the promotion of imperialism and the regulation of monopolies.

(Hope this helps)

The first contribution of the United States to the war was:
A. Troops to continue an eastern front.
B. Hope for a quick and fair peace.
C. Weapons for the western front.
D. Ships for a naval blockade.



B- hope for a quick and fair peace


Why did the king and parliament refuse to compromise or negotiate with the patriot leaders of the colonies?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

You forgot to attach the options for this question. However, we can say the following.

The king and parliament refused to compromise or negotiate with the patriot leaders of the colonies because the British government thought that the colonies were disobeying the English crown, were out of line, and in an open rebellion against the king of England.

Furthermore, the English saw the American colonies as its property and felt that they had to be loyal to the king. But that was not the case. Colonists were angry and tired of the heavy taxation imposed by the British government such as the Navigation Acts, the Tea Act, or the Stamp Act. Colonists did not have any voice or representation in the English Parliament, to make things worse. That is why the colonies decided to start the Revolutionary War of Independence.

this is for space and im not understanding



i play pokemon goooo



Is George Campbell right or wrong about the Declaration of Independence? Why or why not?




George Campbell wrote The Philosophy of Rhetoric, a work, published in 1776, in which he attempts to synthesize Aristotelian rhetoric, Christianity, and natural science.  He discusses rhetoric in terms of an 18th century “faculty” psychology, a view in which different parts of the mind respond to arguments in different ways

5. What aspects of Ancient Egyptian medicine would make it so advanced for its time?
Giving brainliest




The ancient Egyptians were known to use honey as medicine, and the juices of pomegranates served as both an astringent and a delicacy." In the Ebers Papyrus, there are over 800 remedies; some were topical like ointments, and wrappings, others were oral medication such as pills and mouth rinses;still others were taken ...


In Europe, in the 19th century CE, an interesting device began appearing in graveyards and cemeteries: the mortsafe. This was an iron cage erected over a grave to keep the body of the deceased safe from 'resurrectionists' - better known as body-snatchers. These men would dig up freshly interred corpses and deliver them, for cash, to doctors wishing to study anatomy. Dissection of a human being was illegal at the time, and until the Anatomy Act of 1832 CE, the only corpses a doctor could work with were those who had been executed for capital crimes.

These did not provide physicians with the number of corpses, nor the assortment of causes of death, they required to better understand anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Doctors recognized that the best way to treat a patient was to understand how the organs of the body worked together and what could affect them, but they were denied access. These physicians paid the resurrectionists large sums of money over the years for dead bodies and would most likely have been surprised or even amused to learn that, in ancient Egypt, the practice of dissection was routine but that no one in the medical field of the time thought to take advantage of it.


I hope this helps!

Who was known for large paintings of flowers and skyscrapers?
Ma Rainey
Edith Wharton
Georgia O'Keeffe
Zora Neale Hurston


the answer to your question is georgia o’keeffe


georgia o’keeffe


Please help for brainliest !!!



I agree B is the answer.


tell whether each of the following is a rational or irrational if it is rational give the principal root.​



1. and 4. are rational

2,3 and 5 are irrational


Missing Part of the question:







Determine whether or not each of the above is rational

Numbers that can be represented as fractions of whole numbers are referred to as rational number. If otherwise, they're referred to as irrational numbers.

Using the above explanation, we'll answer the question as follows:


√1 = 1

This is Rational


√8 = 2.82842712475

The result of √8 is irrational because 2.82..... cannot be represented as fractions of integers.

The principal root of √8 is 2.83 (approximated)


√52 = 7.21110255093

The result of √52 is irrational because 7.211..... cannot be represented as fractions of integers.

The principal root of √52 is 7.21 (approximated)


√256 = 16

This is rational


√15 = 3.87298334621

The result of √15 is irrational because 3.87..... cannot be represented as fractions of integers.

The principal root of √15 is 3.87 (approximated)

From 1500 to 1750, European states incorporated the Americas into their desire for vast empires that
could provide great wealth to the mother country.

Develop an argument that evaluates both similarities and differences in the significance of the trade of
silver and the significance of the trade of furs as facets of the European creation of worldwide, maritime empires from 1500 to 1750.



Silver was more important in the Spanish and Portuguese Americas, where there were several large mines where thousands of tonnes of silver were extracted for over two centuries. Two particular regions to highlight are Potosi, in Bolivia, and the state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil.

Fur trade was more important for the French and English colonists in North America, especially for the first. In fact, most of the first French colonizers, in what is now Quebec, but also in some other areas, where fur traders, and to develop that economic activity, they kept important political and economic relations with the Native Americans.

a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person. *






this is the correct answer hope it helps

What is south agriculture and manufractue


The agriculture industry defined eighteenth and nineteenth century Southern culture, which was characterized by white-owned and slave-operated, cotton, tobacco, and sugar plantations, and continued as a strong Southern identifier even after the shift from this agrarian “Old South” to the industrialized “New South.” That is what south agriculture is.

Answer please!!! Answer





what is the significance of the Holocaust and how can we use the lessons of the Holocaust to ensure that these events aren't repeated in future generations.



The Holocaust is a term commonly used to describe the genocide perpetrated against Jews by Germany during World War II.  Gypsies, Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians also suffered in World War II.  The number of Jews killed during the Holocaust varies from 4.2 million to 6.2 million.

Today, the Holocaust is considered the worst aberration in history in terms of human rights violations, as well as an example of what should not be done and the limit to which humanity can reach if it does not limit the development of totalitarian regimes.

Explain the effects of the French and Indian War
on the British governments relationship with their
colonists in America?



See below:


The French and Indian War was mostly fought in Britain and France, but part of it took place in the colonies, making colonists feel as if they helped Britain reach victory. The war left Britain in debt, so Britain taxed the colonists, angering many and leading to the Revolutionary War. Britain also gained land after winning the war. Indians were settled on this land. After Pontiac's Rebellion, a treaty was made that did not allow colonists to settle in the new territory. This angered colonists leading to poor relations between Britain and its colonists.

Gerrymandering definition​



Gerrymandering is a practice intended to establish an unfair political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries, which is commonly used in first-past- the-post electoral systems.


he practice of redrawing the lines for voting districts


A) The chapter revolves around the further development of the idea of republicanism in American society during the early nineteenth century. Explain the origins of this belief and how this idea influenced or revealed itself in TWO of the following areas during this period:

The economy
Social structures

B) Explain how republicanism in one of the above areas caused significant challenges to traditional beliefs or practices, or represented a major change.



A. The idea of republicanism started with the founding fathers in the 18th century. This idea of republicanism was not really just a type of government but also a way of living and a rejection to aristocracy.The first way this could be seen was throughout the social structures. Now there was the idea of Republican Motherhood which placed emphasis on encouraging women to teach republican values to children, since they were the ones that would shape America's moral and intellectual character. Secondly, it could be seen in religion.  State support for religion declined after Independence and there was more demand for freedom of religion. Some Churches adopted Republican systems of control and many Americans joined churches that promoted spiritual equality.

B. The idea of republicanism had a big impact on social structures. Now the rights of women and their role in education increased. They were now valued more since they were raising the next Generations with the Republican point of view. Since women were believed to be the ones that had to teach the children they were permitted to receive more of an education than they had been previously allowed.



A. The idea of republicanism started with the founding fathers in the 18th century. This idea of republicanism was not really just a type of government but also a way of living and a rejection to aristocracy.

B. The idea of republicanism had a big impact on social structures. Now the rights of women and their role in education increased. They were now valued more since they were raising the next Generations with the Republican point of view.

What is republicanism ?

Republicanism is a political philosophy that places a strong emphasis on belonging to a republican state. It emphasizes the concept of self-rule throughout history and encompasses everything from popular sovereignty to the rule of a representative minority or oligarchy.

Depending on the historical setting and methodological approach, it has undergone several definitions and interpretations that greatly vary from one another.

To know more about sovereignty


Please help! Will give Brainliest.


A 1;2;3

in the chinese alphabet / pronunciation to my extent of knowledge these numbers are very simular.

Following the American Revolution, what did Congress fear about a strong central government? O laws would be passed to prevent people from settling in new territories O rights for which people fought would be lost states would have too much power another war would occur between Great Britain and America​



The Articles made the national Congress weak on purpose. Having just won independence from Britain, many Americans feared that creating a strong federal government with too much authority over the states would only replace King George III with another tyrant


Many small city-states developed in ancient Greece largely because __________.


Answer:the Greek peninsula is divided by mountains and inlets that separated people


Congress's powers under the Articles of Confederation ? To wage war against foreign countries To print and borrow money A. To regulate trade between the states B. To pass laws that apply to all states C. To create a national court system D. To collect taxes from the states​


Idk I thought I did but got it wrong

ASAP HELP PLZ !!!! Thank you



we can't see all of it please try it again


Connecting the two American coasts made the economic export of Western resources to Eastern markets easier than ever before. The railroad also facilitated westward expansion, escalating conflicts between Native American tribes and settlers who now had easier access to new territories.


hope this helped

At the beginning of the war of 1812 what did Thomas Jefferson believe


The answer is B canada conquerd




Canada could be conquered easily by the United States.

Which of these groups was targeted for detainment and execution during the Holocaust? A. Aryans B. Fascists C. Homosexuals D. Imperialists





Fascists were targeted for detainment and execution during the Holocaust. Thus, option B is correct.

What was the Holocaust?

The systematic extermination of Jews in Europe by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War is known as the Holocaust. The Nazis' larger goals to establish a new global order based on their ideology included this strategy of targeted mass murder.

As soon as Hitler assumed power in 1933, the Nazis' campaign of anti-Jewish persecution got under way. They first utilised virulent propaganda, antisemitic laws, and limitations to foster a culture of hate and division. This victimisation strategy was used to separate Jews from the general community and persuade them to depart. In truth, the number of persons departing fluctuated since it was hard to locate someplace to go and it was expensive to do so.

Learn more about the Holocaust here:


What was George washington last words WIthout coping of of google It will be reported Branilest to whoever anwsers first



The last conversations George Washington had was with his secretary, Tobias Lear, concerned his burial arrangements. "Have me decently buried; and do not let my body be put into the vault in less than three days after I am dead." Fears of being buried too soon were common in the 18th century. Although Tobias Lear reportedly bowed affirmatively, Washington wanted to be certain: "Do you understand?" Upon received verbal confirmation that his last wishes would be honored, Washington spoke his final words: "Tis well."

Match the people with the definitions.

Question 8 options:

English philosopher endorsed the idea of having strong monarchs to keep peoples’ destructive nature in-check.

English philosopher that believed all men were born equal with inalienable natural rights. He felt the government was responsible for maintaining the right to liberty, property, and protection.

French philosopher that believed man was born free and entered a social contract, exchanging some freedoms for collective protection and safety.

Thomas Hobbes

John Locke

Jean-Jacques Rousseau



John Locke-French philosopher that believed man was born free and entered a social contract, exchanging some freedoms for collective protection and safety.

Thomas Hobbes-English philosopher that believed all men were born equal with inalienable natural rights. He felt the government was responsible for maintaining the right to liberty, property, and protection.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau-English philosopher endorsed the idea of having strong monarchs to keep peoples’ destructive nature in-check.

Was the Civil War inevitable?


Yes it was ,Up until the Southern states seceded and formed a Confederacy, the Civil War was not inevitable. The Union realized that holding the South to the abolition of slavery was consistent with what the Southern states had agreed to when they joined the United States of America.

Please help i will make the first correct answer BRAINLIEST



Hey lil mama let me whisper in your ear like its free real estate


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Of 630 seats in the cafeteria, 70% are in use. How many seats are being used? WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST. PLEASE DON'T ANSWER SOMETHING LIKE JUST GOOGLE IT OR I WILL REPORT YOUIn the function y= -3(x-2)^2+6 shows the daily profit (in hundreds of dollars) of a hot dog stand, where x is the price of a hot dog(in dollars). Find and interpret the zeroes of this function.Select TWO answers. One for the zeroes and one for the interpretationAnswer Choice 1 The zeroes are the hotdog prices that give $0.00 profit (no profit)Answer choice 2: The zeroes are the hot dog prices at which they sell 0 hotdogsAnswer Choice 3 : Zeroes at x=2 and x=6Answer choice 4: zeroes at x=22 Remember its TWO answers Which statement BEST describes how the French and Indian War led to America's Revolutionary War? SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP FAST Sarah was given an exit slip with the problem: "45 is 75% of what?" Below is how she set up the equation with equivalent ratios.Was she correct ? Or is there an error that can be corrected?1.yes,she is, she should have set it up x/45 = 100/,she should have set it up 45/x =75/100 Simplify 45ab __________ 30AB Find the y - intercept of the following equation. Simplify your answer. Y = -10x - 1 HURRY PLEASEEEEA line has a slope of -3 and passes through the point (-3, 8) What is the equation of the line? -1/4 + (-3/7) what is the answer??? 2,000 divided 20 = what is the answer i need it What is the acceleration of a 2kg object that experiences 75N of force? PLZZZ HELP!!!! I WILL GIVE YOU A BRAINLIEST 3. In the section The Death Zone," Poorna says that the view from the top of Everest"was an ocean of ice-capped mountains. What literary device does Poorna use in thisquote? Why might the author have decided to include this quote in the article? (literarydevices, author's craft) What element has 2 occupied principals of energy levels Help pls!!create an introduction paragraph that uses hook about culture determines ones personal views through shaping their personal needs, beliefs and individual rights 5-7 sentences does anyone know the answer Find the value of x. Then find the angle measures of the triangle.3x40Sum of anglemeasures: 180 What has been the greatest benefit of the EU? hey guys! can u help me out please! What was Texas before it became a state of the U.S.? A Country B Province C Territory D City Which of the following is a part of a motor neuron cell?an axona flagellaa ciliaa cell wall