how many bases are needed to make 4 amino acids?


Answer 1




Umm each amino acids is coded by 3 bases and so there amino acid would needed 3'3=9base

Answer 2

9 bases are needed to make 4 amino acids.

What are the functions of amino acids?

Amino acids are the building blocks of polypeptides and proteins and play important roles in metabolic pathway, gene expression, and cell signal transduction regulation.

There are 20 amino acids that function as building blocks of proteins. Nine of these amino acids are considered essential they must be consumed in the diet while five are considered nonessential in that they can be made by the human body.

The primary function of amino acids is to act as the monomer unit in protein synthesis. They can also be used as substrates for biosynthetic reactions; the nucleotide bases and a number of hormones and neurotransmitters are derived from amino acids.

Learn more about amino acids:


Related Questions

Someone please help meee




Just look up root hair cell on Go.og.le and it'll give the answer hon

What movements do the quadriceps femoris muscles perform?



a. Extension of the lower leg

Explanation: is correct

The Earth receives different______
of sunlight throughout the year




the axis on which the earth revolves around the sun

doesn't form a proper circle, hence there are some months in a year where the sun is closer to the sun compared to othere where the earth is further from the sun.

A set of three DNA or RNA bases ( like AAG or CUC) is called
a. a triplet codon
b. a doublet
c. an anticodon
d. an amino acid
e. 5' - 3'



a. a triplet codon



there you go there is your answer

transposons can integrate into the promoters of genes, what is the most likely outcome of such an event?



altered gene expression


organisms are named and classified based on physical characteristics in



Linnaean taxonomy


what can be concluded about comparing differences in molecular biology between different species?



Comparing the DNA or amino acid sequences in different species can show how closely related species are in evolutionary terms. The more similar the sequence, the more closely related the species.



explain the difference between evolution by natural selection and evolution by artificial selection. an example of each!



Natural selection; Natural selection is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change. Individuals in a population are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways. This variation means that some individuals have traits better suited to the environment than others.

Weaker animals within a breed being killed off for food for another species, the surviving animals breed and continue the better genes for survival.

Artificial Selection; Artificial selection is the identification by humans of desirable traits in plants and animals, and the steps taken to enhance and perpetuate those traits in future generations.

Corn. Larger growing corn was taken for more growth while smaller were eaten and not continued. Humans decdied the larger pieces were better for food.

A polar bear has thick, white fur that camouflages it when it sits on snow. Which type of adaptation is this modification?
A. structural
Which on is it?


B, natural adaptation

Answer:B Natural

Explanation:Camouflage is a adaptation which animals use to blend in with their surroundings in order to protect themselves from the predators and hunters. This also gives them a better chance of survival and easy mode of hunting for food.

For example: white fox hides in the snow from the predators

Camouflage is a clear example of Physical or Structural adaptations.

-Body shape, color and body patterns are the adaptations that assists both predators and prey to camouflage

-As in the example mentioned, the polar bear with its white fur hides in the snow and waits for the right time to attack its prey without being seen

Hope it helps!!

location of genes in the chromosome​



Chromosomes and genes. Genes are arranged linearly along the length of each chromosome (like beads on a string), with each gene having its own unique position or locus. In a pair of chromosomes, one chromosome is always inherited from the mother and one from the father.


Hope it helps! Please mark brainliest!

Consider this animal cell.

What is the function of the organelles that are labeled F?

A. to temporarily store water, waste products, food, and other cellular material
B. to produce proteins for the cell
C. to move proteins and other substances through the cell
D. to contain digestive enzymes that break down waste material and debris in the cell



answer: b


label f is the organelle called ribosomes their main function is to create proteins and amino acids.

Identify how magnetic symmetry can be used as
evidence of sea-floor spreading.

This is earth science btw please help me


Magnetic symmetry shows that the floor on both sides of a mid ocean ridge were once together.

Which of the following processes are involved in the loss of water from the leaves of
A1 and 3
B 1 only
C4 only
D 1 and 4





I think it's c but not sure

An athlete is nearing the end of a race and her cells are low on oxygen.
Plz help need this now

What is most likely to occur in her cells so that glycolysis can continue to produce ATP?

A. fermentation

B. cell-to-cell communication

C. protein synthesis

D. DNA synthesis



the answer is b tell me if i am wrong


what happens to the sugar that plants make during photosynthesis



the sugar , glucose

is used

for respiration

making cellulose

making amino acids

and stored as oil/fats


stored as starch


there are five ways

A student taking samples from a local creek uses a microscope to identify different microscopic
organisms living in the ecosystem. The student uses a stain to help identify the organisms as
either prokaryotic or eukaryotic. A picture of one of the slides is shown. The student decides
that the two organisms shown on this slide are eukaryotic.

What is the best reason the student can give to support the conclusion that the two organisms are eukaryotic?


The cells are eukaryotic because they have a membrane bound nucleus shown in the picture are the dark blue stained spot in the pictured cells. Prokaryotes do not have membrane bound organelles.

Please write a paragraph including feelings and questions after reading this writing, include your understanding reflection. I appreciate it if you do this please please


Not sure what you mean by understanding reflection but i'll do my best.

World War II was one of / if not the biggest tragedy to happen in modern history. It taught the world important lessons about society; that we need to work together and not let our differences enable another global conflict to the degree of WW2. However, history never completely repeats itself and while WW2 was a terrible and unimaginable tragedy, it provided us with information that can help us all in avoiding a future conflict similar in nature. However, how is the author so certain that history doesn't repeat itself? Have we not seen history do such thing. For example, there were vaccination protests all throughout history just like how there is vaccination protest today. So, I am interested in how the author came to his conclusion that WW2 will not inevitably repeat itself.

Which of the following is BEST definition for world debt?
A. The interest accumulated over time.
B. Money that developing countries have to borrow plus the interest owed on that money.
C. Revenue that countries generate and the interest that is accumulated.
D. The money that countries have to invest in the market.



       Money that developing countries have to borrow plus the interest owed on that money

which would be B.

I need more wording so this cannot be taken down :(

How can local environmental changes have global effects?
а. Organisms can move from one environment to another.
b. Air and water move from region to region.
c. Increased carbon dioxide in one location can cause increased temperatures in other locations.
d. All of the above are true.



The answer is A

Because, migrating of animals is one of the global effects


Hope that I helped you!


Explain how energy gets from inside food to inside your blood. Answer with a paragraph.



hhhh and I have a good feeling or a better understanding than we have in our current age range of speech in

bộ xương người gồm mấy loại xương



gồm 12: xương sọ, xương hàm dưới, xương đòn, xương vai, xương ức, xương sườn,   xương cánh tay, xương trụ,  xương quay,  xương cổ tay,  xương cùng, xương cụt


Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly,

Complete the sentence to identify the given noninfectious disease in sheep.

The clinical signs for ______
disease in sheep include an arched back and stiffness in the hind limbs



non-infectious disease in sheep


white muscle


Got it right on the test

Why are some crows not afraid of scarecrows?


Scarecrows were originally designed to scarecrows away (on the premise that crows won't go anywhere near humans -- which is also false), but crows are smart birds and soon realize that the scarecrow does not move… can not hurt them… therefore, they carry on their business as usual after several days.

Match each of the leg muscles with the correct label. 2



The numbers on the leg photo

1. Tensor fasciae latae

2. Soleus

3. Peroneus longus  

Explanation: are correct

The large, round cell part that controls cell activities in





List 3 similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic Cells?



Three similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are that both have vesicles, vacuoles, and the ability to carry out the eight functions of life. Prokaryotes do not have organelles.

The primary distinction/ difference between these two types of organisms is that eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus and prokaryotic cells do not. The nucleus is where eukaryotes store their genetic information.



Similarities: Cell membrane, cell size, cell arrangemet

Differences: prokaryotic: 1- Nucleus is absent

2- Membrane-bound nucleus absent.

3- One chromosome is present, but not true chromosome plastids

Eukaryotic: 1-Nucleus is present

2- Membrane-bound Nucleus is present.

3-More than one number of chromosomes is present

Which of the following muscles is located on the anterior side of the body?



c. Serratus anterior

Explanation: is correct on Anterior

Serratus anterior muscle is located on the anterior side of the body

easy one - giving brainly if correct.​


Answer: the third    (B)

What will happen if the pollen tube pore its content inside the embryo sac?



Once the embryo sac has developed, pollination has occurred, and the pollen tube has grown into the ovary to make contact with the ovule, fertilization (fusion of egg and sperm) can occur.Typically, the pollen tube reaches the embryo sac via the micropyle (Greek, mikros + pyle = small opening), or opening, in the integuments of the ovule.. There, it discharges its sperm into the embry


The pollen tube enters into the ovule, through the micropyle. Inside the embryo sac, the tip of the pollen tube ruptures and the 2 male gametes are set free near the egg apparatus. Inside the embryo sac, one of the 2 male gametes fuses with the egg nucleus and forms a diploid zygote. This process is called syngamy or true fertilisation.


In angiosperms, the pollen tube releases

its contents ( including sperm cells) in

to the embryo sac upon insertion into the

ovule, thus completing double


Paramecia are predators that feed on smaller protists. In an experiment, two varieties of Paramecia caudatum were grown separately in culture. Their growth rates can be seen in graphs a and b. Then, the species, one large and one small, were combined into one culture tank. The growth of the combined P. caudatum varieties can be seen in graph c. Use the recorded data to explain how this experiment exemplifies natural selection. Choose ALL that help with your explanation.



A, B, C, E


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