How many characters should a strong password have? four six eight ten


Answer 1


I say it have to be aleast 8 to complete a strong password


it's common sense

Answer 2




The more the better but ten too much

Related Questions

(e) Give the output of the following:
String n="Computer Knowledge";
String m = "Computer Applications";



Computer Applications



Computer Applications




can someone help me please?



see below picture


You can work your way through the formula from the inside out, mapping every operation to a gate.

What is spam? a type of virus that spreads from computer to computer through a network connection a type of virus that targets programs and files, and duplicates itself like a biological virus the process of using email to trick a user to share personal information an unwanted e-mail sent in bulk from people or organizations



This is a pretty obvious answer.

An unwanted e-mail sent in bulk from people or organizations.


who is the father of computer



Charles Babbage is the father of computer


Charles Babbage is know as father of computer.

hope this help!

list out the memory components used by different generation of computer​



here's your answer mate!

1940 – 1956: First Generation – Vacuum Tubes. These early computers used vacuum tubes as circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. ...

1956 – 1963: Second Generation – Transistors. ...

1964 – 1971: Third Generation – Integrated Circuits. ...

1972 – 2010: Fourth Generation – Microprocessors.


1940 – 1956: First Generation – Vacuum Tubes. These early computers used vacuum tubes as circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. ...

1956 – 1963: Second Generation – Transistors. ...

1964 – 1971: Third Generation – Integrated Circuits. ...

1972 – 2010: Fourth Generation – Microprocessors.

Computers work on the garbage-in, garbage-out concept. Comment


Stands for "Garbage In, Garbage Out." GIGO is a computer science acronym that implies bad input will result in bad output.

Because computers operate using strict logic, invalid input may produce unrecognizable output, or "garbage." For example, if a program asks for an integer and you enter a string, you may get an unexpected result. Similarly, if you try to open a binary file in a text editor, it may display unreadable content.

GIGO is a universal computer science concept, but it only applies to programs that process invalid data. Good programming practice dictates that functions should check for valid input before processing it. A well-written program will avoid producing garbage by not accepting it in the first place. Requiring valid input also helps programs avoid errors that can cause crashes and other erratic behavior.

NOTE: Because the related terms FIFO and LIFO are pronounced with a long "i," GIGO is typically pronounced "guy-go" (not gih-go). This also helps avoid confusion with the prefix "giga," which is pronounced with a soft "i."

Write a program to input the TotalCost and display the Assured gift as per the following criteria TotalCost(TC) Assured Gift Less than or up to 2000 Wall Clock 32001 to 5000 School Bag 5001 to 10,000 Electric Iron More than 10,000 Wrist Watch​



The program in Python is as follows:

TotalCost = int(input("Total cost: "))

if TotalCost <= 2000:

   print("Wall Clock")

elif TotalCost >= 2001 and TotalCost <= 5000:

   print("School Bag")

elif TotalCost >= 5001 and TotalCost <= 10000:

   print("Electric Iron")


   print("Wrist Watch")


This gets input for total cost

TotalCost = int(input("Total cost: "))

If the total cost is up to 2000, print wall clock as the assured gift

if TotalCost <= 2000:

   print("Wall Clock")

If the total cost is between 2001 and 5000 (inclusive), print school bag as the assured gift

elif TotalCost >= 2001 and TotalCost <= 5000:

   print("School Bag")

If the total cost is between 5001 and 10000 (inclusive), print electric iron as the assured gift

elif TotalCost >= 5001 and TotalCost <= 10000:

   print("Electric Iron")

If the total cost is more than 10000, print wrist watch as the assured gift


   print("Wrist Watch")

You notice a growing number of devices, such as environmental control systems and wearable devices, are connecting to your network. These devices, known as smart devices, are sending and receiving data via wireless network connections.
Which of the following labels applies to this growing ecosystem of smart devices?
A. The smartnet
B. Internet of smart devices
C. *Internet of things*
D. Dynamic environment



*Internet of things*


A network with multiple physical smart devices are known as things on the network

A company runs an application on a fleet of EC2 instances. The company wants to automate the traditional maintenance job of running timely assessments and checking for OS vulnerabilities. As a Cloud Practitioner, which service will you suggest for this use case



AWS Systems Manager


AWS Systems Manager ( is the service that allows to centralize operational data from multiple AWS services and automate tasks across AWS resources.

write fade in shorthand​



"Fade In is a Class Act" Macworld says: "Fade In makes it easy to just write...It has all the features you'd find in the more expensive apps, such as Final Draft and Movie Magic Screenwriter, and there's even free and paid iPhone, iPad, and Android apps available


Short Questions: a) What is website? How can we browse internet using website?​



A website is a set of related web page or pages located under a single domain name. These pages contain specific information which was all provided by one person or entity and traces back to a common Uniform Resource Locator or (URL).


There are millions of Websites around the world and contain information about everything.

what is a computer in daily life​



The use of computers on a regular basis in our life is very important. Technically in daily life computer is used to convert raw facts and data into meaningful information and knowledge. Computer science is explored and challenged by humans daily. The computer is like an electronic magical device for our life.


Richard needs to copy information from another slide presentation that uses a different design template. To ensure that the information he is copying looks right, which option should he choose?



Yes, you can copy the slides over into a presentation with master slide. Then, right-click each slide, and choose to apply an appropriate template from the master slide

(from vik7336: Hi, I'm not sure about my answer for your question. So I hope this might help)

pasagot po please need lang po


me I can not see it oooo re write it

When you evaluate the use of digital media, how has it affected the newspaper business? The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to decline significantly because people are finding their news online. The rise of digital media has had no measurable effect on newspaper subscriptions. The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to increase because it has inspired people to care more about news. The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to fluctuate depending on the time of year.



The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to decline significantly because people are finding their news online.

It is A


The rise of digital media has caused newspaper subscriptions to decline significantly because people are finding their news online.

Once the CPU has fetched the data requested, what are the next steps in the process?

execute, articulate

perform, execute

decode, analyze

decode, execute




D. decode execute


a program in matchine language is called​





machine code is a computer program written in a machine code

Next, Sue decides to embed a chart from Microsoft Word. She copies and pastes data from a table that she has already created in a Word document. The table includes the results of her paper towel experiment. After reviewing her work, she realizes she needs to update one of the values.
How can she change that value so it is reflected in the chart in her presentation?
She can change the value in the original table in Word.
She can change the value directly on the chart in PowerPoint.
She can change the value using the Current Selection command group.
She can change the value in the mini- spreadsheet for the chart in PowerPoint.



She can change the value in the mini- spreadsheet for the chart in PowerPoint.


Answer is D


Assume the existence of a Building class. Define a derived class, ApartmentBuilding that contains four (4) data members: an integer named numFloors, an integer named unitsPerFloor, a boolean named hasElevator, and a boolean named hasCentralAir. There is a constructor containing parameters for the initialization of the above variables (in the same order as they appear above). There are also two function: the first, getTotalUnits, accepts no parameters and returns the total number of units in the building; the second, isLuxuryBuilding accepts no parameters and returns true if the building has central air, an elevator and 2 or less units per floor.




The following code is written in Java. The class ApartmentBuilding extends the assumed class of Building but does not call any of its methods since we do not have access to it. The ApartmentBuilding class contains all of the variables listed, as well as constructor and methods, including getter and setter methods for each variable. A test case for the class is provided in the image below with it's output.

class ApartmentBuilding extends Building {

   int numFloors, unitsPerFloor;

   boolean hasElevator, hasCentralAir;

   public ApartmentBuilding(int numFloors, int unitsPerFloor, boolean hasElevator, boolean hasCentralAir) {

       this.numFloors = numFloors;

       this.unitsPerFloor = unitsPerFloor;

       this.hasElevator = hasElevator;

       this.hasCentralAir = hasCentralAir;


   public int getTotalUnits() {

       int total = this.numFloors * this.unitsPerFloor;

       return total;


   public boolean isLuxuryBuilding() {

       if ((this.hasCentralAir == true) && (this.hasElevator == true) && (this.unitsPerFloor <= 2)) {

           return true;

       } else {

           return false;



   public int getNumFloors() {

       return numFloors;


   public void setNumFloors(int numFloors) {

       this.numFloors = numFloors;


   public int getUnitsPerFloor() {

       return unitsPerFloor;


   public void setUnitsPerFloor(int unitsPerFloor) {

       this.unitsPerFloor = unitsPerFloor;


   public boolean isHasElevator() {

       return hasElevator;


   public void setHasElevator(boolean hasElevator) {

       this.hasElevator = hasElevator;


   public boolean isHasCentralAir() {

       return hasCentralAir;


   public void setHasCentralAir(boolean hasCentralAir) {

       this.hasCentralAir = hasCentralAir;



Consider the following scenario. As you troubleshoot the problem, what motherboard device would be the first to check? A user reports that his computer fails the POST upon startup. ROM CMOS RAM Power supply Processor



The correct answer Power Supply


Online retailers can and should encourage every customer to sign up for regular emails from the retailer. To avoid spam filters, retailers should Group of answer choices automatically send regular emails to all customers send emails to all customers except those who request to be taken off the email list provide a check box that is checked by default during the checkout process for customers to sign up for emails provide a check box that is unchecked by default during the checkout process for customers to sign up for emails ANS:DPTS:1



Provide a check box that is checked by default during the checkout process for customers to sign up for emails


I've seen this used the most so I would go with this answer.

The way online retailers get you is by showing you a prechecked email subscription with an unchecked TOS agreement. Your attention is then focused on the TOS agreement and not the agreement for promotions sent to you via email.

A is a distinctive characteristic of a virus or virus family.



Assuming your talking about a computer virus(because your under the Computers and Technology section)

Also assuming you meant "What is a distinctive characteristic of a virus or virus family."

A computer virus is a software that was created with the intent of damaging a computer. Computer viruses can replicate them selves by modifying other software on the computer. Viruses such as file infectors can override the machine code of another application and inject its own malicious machine code to perform malicious acts. This is especially dangerous for the OS as the virus can override essential files.


BIOS has two jobs. One is to boot up, or start, the computer. What is the other? Maintain the computer’s software firewall. Ensure the fastest possible Internet speed. Provide the basic interface for the hardware. Perform regularly scheduled memory backups.



Provide the basic interface for the hardware.


Audience centered public speakers are inherently sensitive to the


diversity of their audiences


the diversity of their audiences


Which option is used to insert a table in PowerPoint from another Office application?

In the Insert Object dialog box, choose Create from file.
In the Design tab, choose the Table Styles option.
In the Insert Table dialog box, choose Insert Table.
In the Layout tab, choose the Merge option.


Answer: In the Insert Object dialog box, choose Create from file.


To insert a table into PowerPoint from another Office application, go to the Insert Tab. In the Text ribbon on the far right, you will see "Object" next to Equation.

After clicking on that, select the "Create from File" option. It will allow you to browse a file you want to import from. PowerPoint will import the data from this file.

Write a program num2rome.cpp that converts a positive integer into the Roman number system. The Roman number system has digits I 1 V 5 X 10 L 50 C 100 D 500 M 1,000 Numbers are formed according to the following rules: a. Only numbers 1 to 3,999 (inclusive) are represented. b. As in the decimal system, the thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones are express separately. c. The numbers 1 to 9 are expressed as I 1 II 2 III 3 IV 4 V 5 VI 6 VII 7 VIII 8 IX 9 As




#include <stdio.h>  

int main(void)  


   int num, rem;

   printf("Enter a number: ");

   scanf("%d", &num);

   printf("Roman numerals: ");        

   while(num != 0)


       if (num >= 1000)       // 1000 - m



          num -= 1000;


       else if (num >= 900)   // 900 -  cm



          num -= 900;


       else if (num >= 500)   // 500 - d



          num -= 500;


       else if (num >= 400)   // 400 -  cd



          num -= 400;


       else if (num >= 100)   // 100 - c



          num -= 100;                        


       else if (num >= 90)    // 90 - xc



          num -= 90;                                              


       else if (num >= 50)    // 50 - l



          num -= 50;                                                                      


       else if (num >= 40)    // 40 - xl



          num -= 40;


       else if (num >= 10)    // 10 - x



          num -= 10;            


       else if (num >= 9)     // 9 - ix



          num -= 9;                          


       else if (num >= 5)     // 5 - v



          num -= 5;                                      


       else if (num >= 4)     // 4 - iv



          num -= 4;                                                            


       else if (num >= 1)     // 1 - i



          num -= 1;                                                                                    



   return 0;


What is a compiler?
a tool used to integrate multiple software programs
a tool used to extract a single software program from an integrated collection of programs
a computer software application that translates binary computer machine language into a computer programming language
a computer software application that translates a computer programming language into a binary computer machine language



A computer software application that translates a computer programming language into a binary computer machine language


ita in the answer




im god

list three social implications of the wider range of piracy​



Street prices are affected by the extent of illegal commercial copying. The availability of inexpensive, high-quality illegal copies reduces the demand for legal copies to the extent that some users buy illegal copies instead of legal ones.

how to convert binary number into decimal number​



Multiplying by 2


The binary num number to decimal conversion is made by making the sum of each binary digits multiplying by 2 with raised to the power of the positional notation of digits .

Hope it is helpful to you



The decimal number is equal to the sum of binary digits (dn) times their power of 2 (2n):

decimal = d0×20 + d1×21 + d2×22 + ...

Example #1.SEE,

Find the decimal value of 1110012:

binary number: 1 1 1 0 0 1

power of 2: 25 24 23 22 21 20

1110012 = 1⋅25+1⋅24+1⋅23+0⋅22+0⋅21+1⋅20 = 5710



You work for a retail clothing chain whose primary outlets are in shopping malls and are conducting an analysis of your customers and their preferences. You wish to find out if there are any particular activities that your customers engage in, or the types of purchases made in the month before or after purchasing select items from your store. To do this, you will want to use the data mining software you are using to do which of the following?
a. Identify clusters
b. Identify sequences
c. Classify data
d. Identify associations


Answer: Identifying sequences


Since the user wants to know if there are any particular activities that the customers engage in, or the types of purchases made in the month before or after purchasing select items from your store, therefore, the data mining software can be used in identifying sequences.

In this case, the data mining software can't be used in classifying data whether into structured or unstructured data. Furthermore, the identification of clusters and associations aren't the correct answers.

Therefore, the best option is B.

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