How many grams of steam at 100 °C would be required to raise the temperature
of 47.6 g solid benzene (CH) from 5.5 °C to 30.0 °C? Assume that heat is only
transferred from the steam (and not liquid water) and that the steam/water and
benzene are separated by a glass wall and do not mix. (The melting point of ben-
zene is 5.5 °C; AHus for benzene is 9.87 kJ/mol; specific heat for benzene is 1.63
J/g• °C; AH for steam at 100 °C is 40.7 kJ/mol.)


Answer 1

The mass of steam required to raise the temperature of water is 3.5 g.

The given parameters;

mass of the benzene, = 47.6initial temperature of the benzene, = 5.5 ⁰Cfinal temperature of the benzene = 30 ⁰C

The molar mass of Benzene = 78.11 g/mol

The molar mass of water = 18 g/mol

The number of moles of the Benzene is calculated as follows;

[tex]n = \frac{47.6}{78.11} = 0.61 \ mole[/tex]

The mass of steam required is calculated as follows;

heat lost by steam = heat absorbed by benzene

[tex]\frac{m}{18} \times 40.7 \times 10^3 = 47.6(1.63)(30-5.5) \ + \ 0.61 \times 9.87 \times 10^3\\\\2261.11 m = 7921.61\\\\m = \frac{7921.61}{2261.11} \\\\m = 3.5 \ g[/tex]

Thus, the mass of steam required to raise the temperature of water is 3.5 g.

Learn more here:

Related Questions

Determine the reducing agent in the following reaction. Explain your answer. 2 Li(s) + Fe(C2H3O2)2(aq) → 2 LiC2H3O2(aq) + Fe(s)


The reducing agent in the reaction 2Li(s) + Fe(CH₃COO)₂(aq) → 2LiCH₃COO(aq) + Fe(s) is lithium (Li).

The general reaction is:

2Li(s) + Fe(CH₃COO)₂(aq) → 2LiCH₃COO(aq) + Fe(s)   (1)

We can write the above reaction in two reactions, one for oxidation and the other for reduction:

Oxidation reaction

Li⁰(s) → Li⁺(aq) + e⁻   (2)

Reduction reaction

Fe²⁺(aq) + 2e⁻ → Fe⁰(s)    (3)

We can see that Li⁰ is oxidizing to Li⁺ (by losing one electron) in the lithium acetate (reaction 2) and that Fe²⁺ in iron(II) acetate is reducing to Fe⁰ (by gaining two electrons) (reaction 3).  

We must remember that the reducing agent is the one that will be oxidized by reducing another element and that the oxidizing agent is the one that will be reduced by oxidizing another species.

In reaction (1), the reducing agent is Li (it is oxidizing to Li⁺), and the oxidizing agent is Fe(CH₃COO)₂ (it is reducing to Fe⁰).  

Therefore, the reducing agent in reaction (1) is lithium (Li).  


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I hope it helps you!

Doing Labs at home

I’m a junior and I’m staying home for this semester and I have to take chemistry and a lot of my work is Labs but I don’t know how to do them since I don’t have the materials at home to do the labs. Someone please help!!!



go get the stuff.


A strand of DNA has the following string of bases:
What is the order of bases of the RNA molecule that is built from this DNA?


The genetic makeup of the majority of these organisms is either RNA or DNA. For instance, some viruses' genetic material may be RNA whereas others' genetic material may be DNA. RNA is present in the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which after adhering to the host cell, transforms into DNA.

DNA is a collection of molecules that is in charge of transporting and passing genetic information from parents to children. A ribonucleic acid called RNA aids in the body's production of proteins. In the human body, new cells are created as a result of this nucleic acid.

Instead of thymine, uracil is present in RNA. All other bases are same as DNA like adenine, guanine and cytosine. The order of bases in RNA is:


To know more about RNA, visit;


Help !

Student A uses 3N of force to move a cart 5 meters in 10 seconds. Student B uses 6N of force to move the same cart the same distance in 5 seconds. Which student did more work? Which student used more power? Use evidence and explain your answersss

Work = force x distance

Power = work/time


Work is said to be done if the force applied to a body causes the body to move through a distance.

Student B used more work and power

Workdone = Force * Distance

For student A:

Force = 3N

distance = 5meters

Time taken = 10 secs

Workdone by Student A = 3 * 5

Workdone by student A = 15Nm

Power used up = workdone/time

Power used up = 15/10

Power used up = 1.5 Watts

For student B:

Force = 6N

distance = 5meters

Time taken = 5 secs

Workdone by Student A = 6 * 5

Workdone by student A = 30Nm

Power used up = workdone/time

Power used up = 30/5

Power used up = 6 Watts

This shows that student B used more work and power

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explain in details what a matter is...!!!​





matter makes up everything. everything is matter

the more matter an object has the more mass It has

what is the free energy change G for the equilibrium between hydrogen iodine a hydrogen and iodine at 4:53



Many chemical reactions are reversible; that is, the products of the reaction can combine to re-form the reactants. An example of a reversible reaction is that of hydrogen with iodine to form hydrogen iodide:

H2(g) + I2(g) 2 HI(g)

We can study this reversible reaction by placing hydrogen and iodine in a reaction vessel and then measuring the concentrations of H2, I2, and HI at various times after the reactants are mixed. Figure 13.8 is a plot of the concentrations of reactants and products of this reaction versus time. The concentration of hydrogen iodide increases very rapidly at first, then more slowly, and finally, after the time indicated by the vertical line marked "Equilibrium," remains constant. Similarly, the concentrations of hydrogen and iodine are large at the start of the reaction but decrease, rapidly at first, and then more slowly. Finally, they, too, become constant.

If this reaction were not reversible, the concentrations of hydrogen and iodine would have continued to decrease and the concentration of hydrogen iodide to increase. This process does not happen. Instead, as soon as any molecules of hydrogen iodide are formed, some decompose into hydrogen and iodine. Two reactions are taking place simultaneously: the formation of hydrogen iodide and its decomposition. When the concentrations of all these components become constant (at the equilibrium point in Figure 13.8), the rate of the forward reaction (H2 + I2 2 HI) must be equal to the rate of the reverse reaction (2 HI H2 + I2). A state of dynamic chemical equilibrium has then been reached, one in which two opposing reactions are proceeding at equal rates, with no net changes in concentration.


FIGURE 13.8 Concentration changes during the reversible reaction

H2(g) + I2(g) 2 HI as it proceeds toward equilibrium.

We have encountered this criterion for equilibrium before. In the equilibrium between a liquid and its vapor, the rate of vaporization is equal to the rate of condensation. In the equilibrium of a saturated solution with undissolved solute, the rate of dissolution is equal to the rate of precipitation. In the equilibrium of a weak acid with its ions, the rate of dissociation is equal to the rate of recombination. Note that none of these reactions is static: Two opposing changes are occurring at equal rates.

B. The Characteristics of Chemical Equilibrium

1. Equal rates

At equilibrium, the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction.

2. Constant concentrations

At equilibrium, the concentrations of the substances participating in the equilibrium are constant. Although individual reactant molecules may be reacting to form product molecules and individual product molecules may be reacting to re-form the reactants, the concentrations of the reactants and the products remain constant.

3. No free energy change

At equilibrium, the free energy change is zero. Neither the forward nor the reverse reaction is spontaneous and neither is favored. Consider the ice-water change. Above 0°C, ice melts spontaneously to form liquid water; G for this change is negative. Below 0°C, the change from ice to water is not spontaneous; G is positive. At 0°C, the two states are in equilibrium. The rate of melting is equal to the rate of freezing: the amount of ice and water and the amount of liquid water present remain constant, and the free energy change is zero as long as no energy is added to or subtracted from the mixture.

C. The Equilibrium Constant

In Chapter 12, we introduced the mathematical relationship between the concentrations of the components of an equilibrium, known as the equilibrium constant, Keq. We said that, for the general equation of a reversible reaction


sorry(: hope to help

solvent extraction explain ???​



this the partial removal of a substance from a solution or mixture by dissolving it in another immiscible solvent in which it is more soluble.


Water waves in a small tank are 6.0 cm long. They pass at a given point at a rate of 4.8 waves per second. What is the speed of the wave?


Answer:,   Correct option is    0.288m/s


The relationship between the velocity of the wave, its wavelength and frequency is given by the formula





where, v - velocity of the wave

           λ - wavelength of the wave

          f - frequency of the wave.

In the question it is given that the frequency is 4.8 Hz and the wavelength is 6.0 cm, that is, 0.06 meters.

The velocity of the sound is calculated as follows.

v=f×λ=4.8 Hz×0.06 m=0.288 m/s

Hence, the speed of the water wave is 0.288 m/s.

At 298 K, the reaction 2 HF (g) ⇌ H2 (g) + F2 (g) has an equilibrium constant Kc of 8.70x10-3. If the equlibrium concentrations of H2 and F2 gas are both 1.33x10-3 M, determine the initial concentration of HF gas assuming you only started with HF gas and no products initially.


This problem is describing the equilibrium whereby hydrofluoric acid decomposes to hydrogen and fluorine gases at 298 K whose equilibrium constant is 8.70x10⁻³, the equilibrium concentrations of all the reactants are both 1.33x10⁻³ M and asks for the initial concentration of hydrofluoric acid which turns out to be 2.86x10⁻³ M.

Then, we can write the following equilibrium expression for hydrofluoric acid once the change, [tex]x[/tex], has taken place:


Now, since both products are 1.33x10⁻³ M we infer the reaction extent is also 1.33x10⁻³ M, and thus, we can calculate the equilibrium concentration of HF via the law of mass action (equilibrium expression):

[tex]8.70x10^{-3}=\frac{(1.33x10^{-3} M)^2}{[HF]} }[/tex]

[tex][HF]=\frac{(1.33x10^{-3} M)^2}{8.70x10^{-3}} }=2.03x10^{-4}M[/tex]

Finally, the initial concentration of HF is calculated as follows:


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Which stage of a fire can be described as follows: The flames are not visible and the combustible item no longer generates heat or combustion products


Fire extinguishment is referred to the stage in which flames are not visible

and the combustible item no longer generates heat.

This stage refers to when the fire has been put out through a fire

extinguisher or other compounds.   When fire is put out, there is no longer

flames present.

The absence of flames also means that there is no heat generation or

combustion products due to the absence of a heat source.


which mass movement does this describe?



landslide mudflows slump and creep


no explanation

Cesium-137 is part of the nuclear waste produced by uranium-235 fission. The half-life of cesium-137 is 30.2 years. How much time is required for the activity of a sample of cesium-137 to fall to 8.32 percent of its original value



la primera va con la última

If 38.6 grams of iron react with an excess of bromine gas, what mass of FeBr2 can form?



›› FeBr2 molecular weight. Molar mass of FeBr2 = 215.653 g/mol. This compound is also known as Iron(II) Bromide. Convert grams FeBr2 to moles or moles FeBr2 to grams. Molecular weight calculation: 55.845 + 79.904*2 ›› Percent composition by element


If 38.6 grams of iron react with an excess of bromine gas, the mass of FeBr2 can form is 149 grams.

What is mass?

Mass is defined as a way to gauge how much matter there is in a substance or thing. The kilogram (kg) is the fundamental SI unit of mass, while lower masses can also be measured in grams (g). Atoms make up everyday matter. A majority of an atom's mass is contained in its nucleus.

Given Fe = 38.6 g.

Fe has a molar mass = 55.845 g/mol.

Given mass/molar mass equals 38.6g/55.845gmol-1, or 0.6912 moles of iron.

The reaction is described as Fe + Br2 FeBr2.

One mole Fe yields 1 mole of FeBr2.

FeBr2 would be produced from 0.6912 moles of Fe.

FeBr2 has a molar mass of 215.65 g/mol.

Moles of FeBr2 x Molar mass of FeBr2

= 215.65 g/mole x 0.6912 mole

= 149.06 g FeBr2 produced is the formula.

Thus, if 38.6 grams of iron react with an excess of bromine gas, the mass of FeBr2 can form is 149 grams.

To learn more about mass, refer to the link below:


Use the diagram below to answer 3 questions



The element X is sulfur.

Sulfur will gain 2 electrons to become an ion.

The charge of sulfide ion is (2-).


g Consider an ideal atomic gas in a cylinder. The upper part of the cylinder is a moveable piston of negligible weight. The height of the cylinder is 30 cm. The outside pressure is 105 Pa. The temperature of the gas is kept at 250 K throughout the experiment. The volume filled by the gas is 2.0 l. Now assume that solid cylindrical weight with a mass of 3 kg is dropped onto the piston from a height of 10 m. Cylinder and piston have the same diameter. Assume that the kinetic energy of the weight is completely converted into heat transferred into the gas cylinder. Calculate the change of entropy of the gas and of the environment. Please read this text very carefully


A cylindrical weight with a mass of 3 kg is dropped onto the piston from a height of 10 m. The entropy of the gas is 1.18 J/K and the change in the entropy of the environment is -1.18 J/K.

A cylindrical weight with a mass (m) of 3 kg is dropped, that is, its initial velocity (u) is 0 m/s and travels 10 m (s). Assuming the acceleration (a) is that of gravity (9.8 m/s²). We can calculate the velocity (v) of the weight in the instant prior to the collision with the piston using the following kinematic equation.

[tex]v^{2} = u^{2} + 2as = 2 (9.8 m/s^{2} ) (10m) \\\\v = 14 m/s[/tex]

The object with a mass of 3 kg collides with the piston at 14 m/s, The kinetic energy (K) of the object at that moment is:

[tex]K = \frac{1}{2} m v^{2} = \frac{1}{2} (3kg) (14m/s)^{2} = 294 J[/tex]

The kinetic energy of the weight is completely converted into heat transferred into the gas cylinder. Thus, Q = 294 J.

Given all the process is at 250 K (T), we can calculate the change of entropy of the gas using the following expression.

[tex]\Delta S_{gas} = \frac{Q}{T} = \frac{294 J}{250K} = 1.18 J/K[/tex]

The change in the entropy of the environment, has the same value but opposite sign than the change in the entropy of the gas. Thus, [tex]\Delta S_{env} = -1.18 J/K[/tex]

A cylindrical weight with a mass of 3 kg is dropped onto the piston from a height of 10 m. The entropy of the gas is 1.18 J/K and the change in the entropy of the environment is -1.18 J/K.

Learn more:

How many of sodium (Na) are needed to make 4.5 liters of a 1.5mol/L of Na solution?​




First you will find the mole from the molarity and then the desired mass from the mole.

Suppose you have samples of three unknown solids. Explain how you could use their properties to
determine whether or not they are ionic solids.


Using melting and boiling temperature, hardness and electric current passing testing.

Ionic solids

Ionic solids are materials that have a strong bond between their ions, thus producing well-defined shapes.

In addition, due to this strong attraction, the boiling and melting temperatures of these materials are very high, in addition to the resistance to breakage presented by them.

Finally, ionic solids are also excellent conductors of electricity.

So, their properties used to determine whether or not they are ionic solids are  melting and boiling temperature, hardness and electric current passing testing.

Learn more about ionic solids:

Which two substances are reactants in the chemical reactions of cellular respiration?



The answer is A and C.


The reactants in the process of cellular respiration are oxygen and glucose, respectively. It is ATP that serves as the primary product of cellular respiration, with carbon dioxide and water serving as waste products.

Sugar is a glucose.

Oxygen and glucose are the two  substances that are reactants in the chemical reactions of cellular respiration. Therefore, the correct options are options A, C.

What is cellular respiration?

Through the process of cellular respiration, organisms mix oxygen with food molecules, directing the chemical energy contained in these substances towards life-sustaining processes while excreting carbon dioxide and water as waste. Foods are broken down by microorganisms that do not require oxygen in a process known as fermentation.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an energy-rich compound that absorbs the chemical energy generated by the decomposition of food molecules then releases it to power other cellular functions, is one goal of the breakdown of foodstuffs. ATP is created when the energy found inside chemical bonds is converted from one form to another. Oxygen and glucose are the two  substances that are reactants in the chemical reactions of cellular respiration.

Therefore, the correct options are options A, C.

To know more about cellular respiration, here:


There are two valence electrons in a He atom. What is the average ionization energy of the two valence electrons in He



A: Calcium is a group 2 element with two valence electrons. Therefore, it is very reactive and gives up electrons in chemical reactions. It is likely to react with an element with six valence electrons that “wants” to gain two electrons. This would be an element in group 6, such as oxygen.

Identify the major product that is obtained when 1-hexyne is treated with H2 and Pd. cis-2-hexene 1-hexene hexane trans-2-hexene


The major product obtained when 1-hexyne is treated with H2 and Pd is; 1-hexene.

The structure of 1-hexyne is such that it possesses a triple bond around its first Carbon in it's carbon chain.

On this note; hydrogenation by treatment with H2 and Paladium, Pd as catalyst yields 1-hexene as the major product.

PS: Paladium, Pd is the major constituent of the Lindlar's catalyst.

Read more:

What is the mass in grams of one mole of sulfur? (round to 3 sig figs)


One mole of sulfur is equal to the atomic mass of sulfur


This tells you that one mole of sulfur atoms, S , has a mass of 32 g

For the reaction C + O2 = CO2, if 3 grams of carbon react with the oxygen, how many grams of carbon dioxide are produced?


3gC x 1molC/12.011gC x 1molCO2/1molC x 44.011gCO2/1molCO2

This gives you 10.99267338g CO2

10 g CO2 if it is one sig fig
11.0 g CO2 if it is two sig fig

Using the combined gas
law, what is the final
volume of the Helium gas?


This is the answer i hope it helps

A sample of gas has Pi = 0.768 ATM, Vi = 10.5 L, and Ti = 300 K. What is the final pressure if VF = 7.85 L and T and f = 250 K?

analyze why is the result of the stage of meiosis shown below an advantage for organisms that reproduce sexually.



Meiosis produces haploid cells (gametes), which contain single chromosomes, or on-half the number of chromosomes in diploid cells. When a sperm and an egg join, the single chromosomes pair up, which results in genetic diversity in the offspring

Draw the skeletal structure of 3-octanethiol


found a picture hope this helps

The boiling point of a substance is tested. After 10 tests, the result is given as 37+/−3°C. Which conclusion can be drawn from this result? (1 point)

The scientists do not need to collect more data because they have narrowed down the range of the results.

The scientists should not report these results until they have the exact number.

The actual boiling point is either 34°C or 40°C.

The actual boiling point is probably between 34°C and 40°C.




The actual boiling point is probably between 34C and 40C.

Temperature measures the average kinetic energy of particles of the substances. Therefore, the correct option is option D that is the actual boiling point is probably between 34°C and 40°C.

What is temperature?

Temperature is used to measure degree or intensity of heat of a particular substance. Temperature is measured by an instrument called thermometer.

Temperature can be measured in degree Celsius °c, Kelvin k or in Fahrenheit. Temperature is a physical quantity. Heat always flow from higher temperature source to lower temperature source.

We can convert these units of temperature into one another. The relationship between degree Celsius and Fahrenheit can be expressed as:


The actual boiling point is probably between 34°C and 40°C.

Therefore, the correct option is option D.

To know more about temperature, here:


A metal (FW 341.1 g/mol) crystallizes into a body-centered cubic unit cell and has a radius of 1.74 Angstrom. What is the density of this metal in g/cm3


This  problem provides the molar mass and radius of a metal that has an BCC unit cell and the density is required.

Firstly, we consider the formula that relates molar mass and also includes the Avogadro's number and the volume of the unit cell:

[tex]\rho =\frac{Z*M}{V*N_A}[/tex]

Whereas Z stands for the number of atoms in the unit cell, M the molar mass, V the volume and NA the Avogadro's number. Next, since BCC is able to hold 2 atoms and M and NA are given, we calculate the volume of the atom in the unit cell given the radius in meters:

[tex]V=a^3=(\frac{4R}{\sqrt{3} } )^3=(\frac{4*1.74x10^{-10}m}{\sqrt{3} } )^3=6.49x10^{-29}m^3[/tex]


And finally the required density in g/cm³:

[tex]\rho =\frac{2*341.1g/mol}{6.49x10^{-29}m^3\frac{m^3}{atom} *6.022x10^{23}\frac{atom}{mol} } =17455257.8g/m^3\\\\\rho=17.5g/cm^3[/tex]

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Yes thank you Great explanation



you're welcome

Test I. Write the specialized body structures of the following animals that can enable them adapt in the land

1. snake


Answer: specialized body structures of Snakes


Snakes have many adaptations that allow them to move, hunt, eat and survive in their environments. Many animals have developed specific parts of the body adapted to survival in a certain environment. Among them are webbed feet, sharp claws, whiskers, sharp teeth, large beaks, wings, and hooves. In most aquatic animals, swimming is a must. To aid swimming, many animals have adapted and evolved with webbed feet.

Describe your observations when the paper clip was gently crushed with the pestle



We can do an experiment with vinegar to see what happens to the calcium in an eggshell when it is exposed to an acid.

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