once a bill has been debated it then must be ____ on


Answer 1




When a bill is debated, Representatives discuss the bill and explain why they agree or disagree with it. Then, a reading clerk reads the bill section by section and the Representatives recommend changes. When all changes have been made, the bill is ready to be voted on.

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What was the result of China being isolated


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its d


im good




edge assignment :))

also, give the other person a heart

In the mid-1830s, what did both anglo-texans and tejanos want for texas?.



In the mid 1830s, both Anglo-Texans and Tejanos wanted independent control of their own affairs.

Which statement best explains the lack of voting activity by
Native Americans in the United States before the Civil War?
The Native Americans refused to vote because of conflicts over land
The Native Americans did not believe they were affected by U.S.
government decisions.
The Native Americans were denied U.S. citizenship and thus were not
granted suffrage rights.
The Native Americans did not support the United States desire to expand
west of the Mississippi River.



in the early 1800s women, American Indians, and African Americans

Before the Civil War, Native Americans were primarily denied voting rights because they were not considered citizens of the United States.

In the eyes of the United States, they were considered to be part of an independent nation, and thus were not allowed to participate in the democratic process. This was further compounded by struggles over land ownership as the US government felt entitled to their native lands.

This led to a lack of interest in voting since Natvie Americans felt that their voices would not be heard in any U.S. decision-making process or policy changes. Though there is evidence of some Native Americans trying to fight for voting rights, these efforts did not gain significant traction until after the Civil War.

To know more about Civil War , click here:



what was the main issue hurting Jimmy Carter's reelection chances in the presidential election of 1980



Poor Economy

Near the end if Jimmy Carters 1st term a oil shortage lead to the increase of prices on products that needed oil to be made. It was blamed on President Carter by the American people and in tern lead to him lossing the election of 1980 to Ronald Reagan.

The main issue hurting Jimmy Carter's reelection chances in the presidential election of 1980 is the Poor economy.

What is an Election?

The process of selecting the representatives of the government is called an Election. In elections, citizens of the country show their support for a particular candidate by voting in favor of them.

Every nation's economy is based on the ratio of its total production to its annual consumption, which also assesses the flow of money into the market by looking at each person's purchasing power.

Jimmy Carter's reelection chances in the presidential election of 1980 is Poor economy which caused financial instability in individuals' life during 1980. So they want another candidate who will help to improve their lifestyle through effective administration in the government.

Learn more about Election, here:



Read the excerpt from Warriors Don't Cry.

Just before the court hearing where Governor Faubus would be called to account, the nine of us were summoned to Mrs. Bates's house to meet with the press. Nothing had changed since our last meeting. The troops were still in place around the school, and every morning the crowd of segregationists grew larger. Governor Faubus was still predicting violence.

Several very dignified and important-looking men sat in her living room. One was the NAACP attorney, Wiley Branton. I recognized another man whose picture I'd seen in the newspapers: the famous lawyer Thurgood Marshall, the man who had delivered the argument that resulted in the Supreme Court's 1954 school integration ruling.

What is the author’s purpose for including these details?



c. to inform readers about historical context

Explanation: is correct




According to the map, which is the highest mountain peak?
United States: Major Landforms and Elevations
Mt. Raniers
14 410 ft.
Vissouri Rive
St. Lins
Plotte River
Mt. Shosta
Lake Michize
Salt Lake
A Pikes Peak
Mt. Whitney
Death Valley
282 ft. below sea level
Ohje Rita
2. Albuquerau



Pikes Peak


This simply means a general agreement:
a Consignment
b. Consensus



the word is consensus

Who was President Harding's Secretary of Commerce? A. William Howard Taft B. Woodrow Wilson C. Herbert Hoover D. Warren Harding



Herbert Hoover was president Harding's secretary of commerce. The answer to this question is option C.

In the year 1920, president Harding appointed Herbert as his secretary of commerce. Even after the death of Harding, he continued to serve in this office.

President Hoover also became the 31st president of the United States of America. Apart from politics, he was also an engineer and belonged to the republican party.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/14259640?referrer=searchResults

Which of the following was the least cause for the split between Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians?
the Bank of the United States
the French Revolution
the Franco-American Alliance of 1778
the Jay Treaty


The answer is E because the Jay treaty was signed to settle issues with Great Britain that were unresolved from the American Revolution

What is the connection between water and energy?

Why is it important to conserve both resources?

What is one technology used to facilitate better use of resources?


What is the connection between water and energy?

Energy and water are intricately connected. All sources of energy (including electricity) require water in their production processes: the extraction of raw materials, cooling in thermal processes, in cleaning processes, cultivation of crops for biofuels, and powering turbines.

Why is it important to conserve both resources?

People need some natural resources to stay alive. They use others to make their lives better. We have to conserve our natural resources since many of them are limited. Conserve means to protect something from harm or destruction.

Hopefully with this info it can help you answer the 3rd question. :)

Choose all that apply.
Three famous artists during the Renaissance were



Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael Explanation:I just remember these three so it's perfect

What was the result of the phalanx attack followed by cavalry charge at Gaugamela?



The end of the Peloponnesian War did not bring the promised “…beginning of freedom for all of Greece.”[1] Instead, Sparta provoked a series of wars which rearranged the system of alliances which had helped them win the long war against Athens. A peace conference between Sparta and Thebes in 371 ended badly and the Spartans promptly marched upon Thebes with an army of nine thousand hoplites and one thousand cavalry. Opposing them were six thousand Theban and allied hoplites and one thousand cavalry.[2]

Over generations, the Thebans had been increasing the depth of their phalanx, generally given pride of place on the right wing of coalition armies, from the traditional eight men, to sixteen, then twenty-five and even thirty-five ranks. As the Spartan and Theban armies maneuvered toward the plain of Leuctra, the brilliant Theban general Epaminondas devised a new tactic which would use the deep phalanx to destroy the myth of Spartan superiority.

Over the generations, the citizens of Thebes had developed a reputation as tough, unyielding fighters. Epaminondas had witnessed the power of the deep Theban phalanx at previous battles, and increased the depth of the phalanx to fifty ranks, but only eighty files wide. But Epaminondas’ true innovation was to position the deep Theban column not on the right, where it would have clashed with the Spartan’s weaker allies, but on the left, where it would attack the main phalanx of the Spartan “Peers” led by King Cleombrotus, arranged only twelve ranks deep. In other words, Epaminondas was concentrating his fighting power at the critical point in the evenly-spaced, less concentrated Spartan phalanx. Finally, he arranged the Theban’s allies on his right would advance “in echelon”, each poleis’ phalanx staying slightly to the rear of that to its left, so that the allied right would protect the Theban’s flank, but not initially engage with the enemy (see Leuctra map – ‘Initial Situation’). When asked why he positioned the Theban phalanx opposite the Spartan king, Epaminondas stated he would “crush…the head of the serpent”.[3]

Please help! I’ll give you brainlist!


In 5-6 sentence, please explain how poems are important for Somalis. Please give few examples.



More than any other country, Somalia is a nation of poets. Their culture revolves around poetry, an art form that remains significant as Somali refugees relocate throughout the world. Poets in Minneapolis and Columbus express the best of this tradition. Produced with Ka Joog and the Somali Museum of Minnesota.


any five indigenous technology used in villages?​


Answer: I hope this helps

Explanation: Currently, Indigenous peoples are utilizing tools such as video conferencing technology, digitization of documents, and radio broadcast over the Internet. The majority of these technologies are used to preserve and promote

"And are by this clause invested with the power of making all laws, proper and necessary, for carrying all these into execution; and they may so exercise this power as entirely to annihilate all the state governments, and reduce this country to one single government."

Question: What criticisms of the Necessary and Proper Clause does the author express?


The author's criticism of the Necessary and Proper Clause is that the Senate can lead the government of a Federal State to a Centralized State.

What is the necessary and proper clause?

The Necessary and Proper Clause is the name of a clause in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States in which it is established that Congress has the power to create laws with the objective of guaranteeing the functioning of the government and other departments of State.

What criticism does the author make of this clause?

The author's criticism of this clause is that Congress would be empowered to annihilate state governments and establish a centralized government for the entire country. In general, it can be inferred that the author's position is to defend the federal government that gives autonomy to the states and does not want the government to be centralized.

Learn more about Constitution in: https://brainly.com/question/14453917


What effect did nationwide radio broadcasts have on the US public after World War 1?
They helped many workers increase their incomes.
They helped to create a unified national identity.
They increased sectional tensions in the country.
They increased the power of local governments.


Answer:How did radios affect America?

Radio created and pumped out American culture onto the airwaves and into the homes of families around the country. With the radio, Americans from coast to coast could listen to exactly the same programming. This had the effect of smoothing out regional differences in dialect, language, music, and even consumer taste.


Who was the 40th president of the US



Ronald Reagan, originally an American actor and politician, became the 40th President of the United States serving from 1981 to 1989. His term saw a restoration of prosperity at home, with the goal of achieving “peace through strength” abroad.


Ronald Reagan was the 40th President of the USA, hope this helps!


¿Cual es la relacion que tiene la ilustracion con la revolucion de Mayo?



La Ilustración es entendida generalmente como un conjunto de ideas filosóficas y políticas que se extienden a través de Europa desde mediados del siglo XVII al siglo XVIII. ... La Ilustración también va acompañada por la defensa de los derechos de los hombres y la constitución del concepto de ciudadanía.

What did the Qeen wanted to do with the man? Gulliver's Travel

a) buy him
b) kill him
c) be free





The queen is delighted with Gulliver's behavior and buys him from the farmer for 1,000 gold pieces.

According to the Qur'an, is Jesus omniscient ( all-knowing)? Why or why not?



He is not


He is only a prophet peace be upon him and he will come back into this world to fight the anti-christ

Is James Horn’s assertion that “Jamestown also presents two sides of America’s founding. On the one hand, England’s New World offered many settlers opportunities for social and economic advancement unthinkable at home; while on the other, colonization unleashed powerful destructive forces that were catastrophic for Indian peoples, whose lands were taken by colonists, and for enslaved Africans and their posterity, whose labor enabled Jamestown, and indeed America, to flourish” true? Why or why not?


Yes James Horn's assertion about the two sides of America's founding is very true.

Firstly the United States was built on the promise that it was the land for the free, and also the land for opportunities. When these people migrated they moved to a new place that gave them hope and more opportunities than where they came from.

Secondly, his assertion is also true. This is due to the fact that the new nation took a lot from the people that owned the place.

They took the ancestral lands of the Indians and also drove them far away. This was after several wars and killings of these people.

Also the country was built on the sweat of the slaves who labored and served in the hands of those that claimed to be the masters.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/25459545?referrer=searchResults

is anyone smart and can help?


Answer: sorry i’m stup/d and the worst part is you need help with history which is my weakest subject. i have this history homework due tomorrow and i still haven’t done it. yeah,


What is important about the court “voiding” a law?



The court can toss out the law. It can no longer be enforced.

Which of these are weaknesses of minor parties?



they never win


because they are not tolerated because of the less number they are

Ive Made a account im user kgru863



add me


Pls help Between meetings, members of Congress________


i need to know the answers

large mammals for domestication by 1000 bce in the nile river civilization



whats the question


How did Congress and Sam Houston try to reduce the republic’s debt?


eliminating government jobs and suspending payments on the debt.

eliminated government jobs

what man is credited for starting the thanksgiving day football tradition?



George A. Richards


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