How many moles of HNO3 are needed to prepare 5.7 liters of a 1.64 M solution of HNO3


Answer 1

We are given:

Volume of Solution: 5.7 Liters

Concentration: 1.64 Molar

Number of moles required:

We know that the formula for concentration (in molar) is:

M = N / V              

where M is the concentration, N is the number of moles, and V is the volume of solution (in L)

plugging the given values in the equation:

1.64 = N / 5.7

N = 1.64 * 5.7            

N = 9.35 moles

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Which of the following is not organic compound?
a. CH4
b. H2CO3
c. CCl4
d. CH3-OH​


A. CH4 or methane which is a chemical compound

examples s name of thosse food items we can store for a month?​



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I hope this will help you

Chemical Change. Hope it will help you

Choose the correct answer to make the statement true.

a. An exothermic reaction has a positive ΔH and absorbs heat from the surroundings.
b. An exothermic reaction feels warm to the touch. a positive ΔH and gives off heat to the surroundings.
c. An exothermic reaction feels warm to the touch. a negative ΔH and absorbs heat from the surroundings.
d. An exothermic reaction feels warm to the touch. a negative ΔH and gives off heat to the surroundings.
e. An exothermic reaction feels warm to the touch.


The prefix “exo” indicates a release. “-thermic” indicates heat. Because there is a release of heat, the reaction gives off heat and is warm to the touch. ΔH is negative because there is a loss of heat energy.

Given the chemical equation: KI +Pb(NO3)2—>KNO3 + Pbl2
Balance this chemical equation.
Indicate the type of reaction. How do you know?
Thoroughly discuss how your balanced chemical equation agrees with the law of conservation of mass.



[tex]2KI +Pb(NO_3)_2\rightarrow 2KNO_3 + Pbl_2[/tex]

Double replacement reaction.

It is in agreement with the law of conservation of mass because we have two potassium atoms, two iodine atoms, one lead atom, two nitrogen atoms and six oxygen atoms on both sides of the chemical equation (count them).


Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns possible for us to solve this problem by firstly considering that this reaction occurs between potassium iodide and lead (II) nitrate to yield potassium nitrate and lead (II) iodide which is clearly not balanced since we have one iodine atom on the reactants and two on the products, that is why the balance implies the placement of a coefficient of 2 in front of both KI and KNO3 as shown below:

[tex]2KI +Pb(NO_3)_2\rightarrow 2KNO_3 + Pbl_2[/tex]

Thus, we infer this is a double replacement reaction due to the exchange of both cations, K and Pb with both anions, I and NO3. Moreover, we can tell this balanced reaction is in agreement with the law of conservation of mass because we have two potassium atoms, two iodine atoms, one lead atom, two nitrogen atoms and six oxygen atoms on both sides of the chemical equation (count them).


A student attempts to separate 4.656 g of a sand/salt mixture just like you did in this lab. After carrying out the experiment, she recovers 2.775 g of sand and 0.852 g of salt.a. What was the percent composition of sand in the mixture according to the student's data? b. What was the percent recovery?




a ) Total mixture = 4.656 g

Sand recovered = 2.775 g

percent composition of sand in the mixture

= (2.775 g / 4.656 g ) x 100

= 59.6 % .

b )

Total of sand and salt recovered = 2.775 g + .852 g = 3.627 g .

Total mixture = 4.656 g

percent recovery = (3.627 / 4.656 ) x 100

= 77.9 % .

Consider the following data on some weak acids and weak bases:
Acid Base Ca
Name Formula Name Formula
Hydrocyanic acid HCN 4.9 x 10^-10 Ammonia NH3 1.8x 10^-5
Hypochlorous acid HCIO 3.0x10^-8 Ethylamine C2H5NH2 6.4 x 10^-4
Use this data to rank the following solutions in order of increasing pH.
Solution pH
0.1 M NaCN
0.1M C2H5NH3Br
0.1 M Nal
0.1 M KCIO



0.1 M Nal

0.1M C2H5NH3Br

0.1M KClO

0.1M NaCN


The strongest acid is the one that has the higher Ka. Now, the weakest conjugate base is the conjugate base of the strongest acid and vice versa:

In the problem, we have only conjugate bases, as the HCN is the weakest acid, the strongest conjugate base is NaCN, then KClO and as last C2H5NH3Br and NaI (The conjugate base of a strong acid, HI).

The strongest base has the higher pH, that means. Thus, the rank in order of increasing pH is:

0.1 M Nal

0.1M C2H5NH3Br

0.1M KClO

0.1M NaCN

Monomers that each contain a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base combine and form which type of polymer?

A. Amino acid
B. Carboxylic acid
C. Nucleic acid
D. Fatty acid ​



The correct answer is C. Nucleic acid


Nucleic acids are biological polymers which play an important role in the storage and expresion of genetic information. There are two types of nucleic acids: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Both are basically composed of:

- a 5-carbon sugar: deoxyribose in DNA and ribose in RNA

- phosphate group

- a nitrogenous base: adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine in DNA; while RNA contains adenine, cytosine, guanine and uracil.

In the formation of 1.0 mole of the following crystalline solids from the gaseous ions, the most energy is released by

A) NaF
B) MgF₂
C) MgBr₂
D) AlF₃
E) AlBr₃


In the formation of 1.0 mole of the following crystalline solids from the gaseous ions, the most energy is released by AlF₃. Hence , Option (D) is correct

What factors affect the magnitude of energy of ionic crystalline solids ?

For an ionic compound, there are two main terms that this magnitude depends upon: ion size and ion charge.

Ion size: the smaller the ionic radii, the shorter the internuclear distance and, therefore, the closer the ions. This factor makes lattice enthalpy increase

Ion charge: the greater the charge on ions, the greater the attractive forces between them and, therefore, the larger the lattice enthalpy.

The lattice enthalpy of AlF₃ (5215 kJ/mol) is indeed greater than that of other given solids

Therefore , In the formation of 1.0 mole of the following crystalline solids from the gaseous ions, the most energy is released by AlF₃. Hence , Option (D) is correct

Learn more about crystalline solids here ;


A quantity of 0.27 mole of neon is confined in a container at 2.50 atm and 298 Kand then allowed to expand adiabatically under two different conditions: (a) reversibly to 1.00 atm and (b) against a constant pressure of 1.00 atm. Calculate the final temperature in each case.



a) Hence, T = 207 K.

b) Hence, T2 = 226 K.


Now the given,

n = 0.27 moles ; P = 2.5 atm ; T = 298 K

a) γ = 5/3 since Ne is a monoatomic gas.

[tex](1 - \gamma )/\gamma = -2/5\\T1 P1^{(1-\gamma)/\gamma}=T2 P2^{(1-\gamma)/\gamma}\\T2 = T1(P1/P2)^{(1 - \gamma)/\gamma}\\T2 = 298 (2.5/1)^{-2/5}= 207 K\\[/tex]

Hence, T = 207 K

b) We know that,[tex]U = W = n Cv (T2 - T1) = -P (V2 - V1)[/tex]

[tex]n(3/2)R(T2 - T1) = -P( n R T2/P2 - n R T1/P1)\\3/2(T2 - T1) = -P (T2/P2 - T1/P1)[/tex]

But P = P2

[tex]3/2(T2 - T1) = -P2(T2/P2 - T1/P1)\\3/2(T2 - T1) = -T2 + P2T1/P1[/tex]

This gives us:

[tex]T2 = 2/5(P2/P1 + 3/2)T1\\T2 = 2/5 x (1 /2.5 + 3/2)/(298)\\T2 = 19/25 x 298 = 226 K[/tex]

Hence, T2 = 226 K

How many colors are there in a rainbow?


[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]

There are 7 colours in a rainbow

The colours of the rainbow are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.


there r seven colors in a, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

hope it helps.stay safe healthy and happy..

Ethanol is the alcohol found in brandy, that is sometimes burned over cherries to make the dessert cherries jubilee. Write a balanced equation for the complete oxidation reaction that occurs when ethanol (C2H5OH) burns in air. Use the smallest possible integer coefficients.


Answer: The balanced equation for the complete oxidation reaction of ethanol is [tex]C_2H_5OH+3O_2\rightarrow 2CO_2+3H_2O[/tex]


Combustion is the chemical process where an organic molecule reacts with oxygen gas present in the air to produce carbon dioxide and water molecules.

It is also known as an oxidation reaction because oxygen is getting added.

The chemical equation for the oxidation of ethanol follows:

[tex]C_2H_5OH+3O_2\rightarrow 2CO_2+3H_2O[/tex]

By stoichiometry of the reaction:

1 mole of ethanol reacts with 3 moles of oxygen gas to produce 2 moles of carbon dioxide gas and 3 moles of water molecules.

Identify each of the following as a covalent compound or ionic compound. Then provide
either the formula for compounds identified by name or the name for those identified by
formula. (1 point each)
a. Li2O
b. Dinitrogen trioxide:
c. PCI3
d. Manganese(III) oxide:




a) Ionic

Lithium oxide

b) Covalent


c) Covalent

Phosphorus trichloride

d) Ionic


sự sắp xếp nguyên tử trong vật chất





even i know how to type şïllily

If 8.89 g of 2-methylcyclohexanone (112.17 g/mol) was reduced to 5.14 g of 2-methylcyclohexanol (114.19 g/mol), what is the percentage yield of the product?





The reaction of the problem is 1:1. That means 1 mole of 2-methylcyclohexanone produce 1 mole of 2-methylcyclohexanol.

Percentage yield is defined as 100 times the ratio between actual yield of the reaction (5.14g) and the theoretical yield.

The theoretical yield (All reactant produce products) is obtained from the mass of the reactant as follows:

Theoretical Yield:

8.89g 2-methylcyclohexanone * (1mol/112.17g) = 0.07925 moles 2-methylcyclohexanone

Assuming all reactant produce the product in a 100% of yield, the moles of 2-methylcyclohexanol are 0.07925 moles and the mass (Theoretical yield) is:

0.07925 moles 2-methylcyclohexanol * (114.19g/mol) = 9.05g

Percentage yield:

5.14g / 9.05g * 100 = 56.8%

The percentage of the mass successfully converted into a new product is 57.2%.

Mass of the reactant

The mass of the reactant (2-methylcyclohexanone) before the reduction is given as 8.89 g.

Mass of the product yielded

The mass of the product ( 2-methylcyclohexanol) produced is given as 5.14 g.

Percentage yield of the product

The percentage of the mass successfully converted into a new product is calculated as follows;

[tex]= \frac{5.14}{8.99} \times 100\% \\\\= 57.2 \ \%[/tex]

Learn more about percentage yield here:

URGENT- please do by 14th July if possible!!!

1. How do metals react with acids?

2. What are the similarities and differences in the way different metals react with water and acids?

3. Why are some metal is more reactive than others

4. Why is the reactivity of metals so important to us?

5. What the displacement reactions?

6. Why do you displacement reactions happen?

7. Why are they important to us?

8. How are displacement reactions explained as redox reactions?

Thank you!



Acids react with most metals to form hydrogen gas and salt. ... When an acid reacts with metal, salt and hydrogen gas are produced

1. Metals react with most acids as to form a salt and hydrogen gas 2.I’m not too sure I’ll find out for you though after 3.metal elements either have 1,2 or 3 electrons in their outer electron orbit meaning when they react they tend to lose electrons in order to form ionic compounds some metals give up their electrons more readily meaning that they are more reactive. 4.the reactivity of metals is important to us as learning it enables us to determine which cation will replace the other from its aqueous solution 5.displacement reactions is when a metal from the electrochemical is mixed with the ions of a metal lower in the electrochemical series. 6.Displacement reactions happen due to the difference in the reactivity of the metals. 7.I’ll find out for u again. 8.Displacement reactions are explained as redox reactions as one species is being oxidised so it is losing electrons while the other is being reduced so it is gaining electrons.

Write the formulas of all species in solution for the following ionic compounds by writing their dissolving equations:

(Use the lowest possible coefficients.)

1. Rubidium hydroxide: __--__+___
2. Sodium carbonate: __--__+__
3. Ammonium selenite:__--__+__



1. RbOH(s) ⇒ Rb⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq)

2. Na₂CO₃(s) ⇒ 2 Na⁺(aq) + CO₃²⁻(aq)

3. (NH₄)₂SeO₃(s) ⇒2 NH₄⁺(aq) + SeO₃²⁻(aq)


Let's consider the dissolving equations for the following compounds.

1. Rubidium hydroxide

RbOH(s) ⇒ Rb⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq)

2. Sodium carbonate

Na₂CO₃(s) ⇒ 2 Na⁺(aq) + CO₃²⁻(aq)

3. Ammonium selenite

(NH₄)₂SeO₃(s) ⇒2 NH₄⁺(aq) + SeO₃²⁻(aq)

Which process takes place when recharging a rechargeable battery?
a- Oxidation occurs at the positive anode.
b- Oxidation occurs at the positive cathode.
c- Oxidation occurs at the negative anode.
d- Oxidation occurs at the positive cathode.



the answer is d.) potassium


Question 9 of 25
How many hydrogen atoms are in a molecule of table sugar (C12H,2011)?
O A. 12
B. 45
C. 11
D. 22



is my answer than welcome

For the following reaction, 15.4 grams of chlorine gas are allowed to react with 49.6 grams of sodium iodide. chlorine (g) sodium iodide (s) sodium chloride (s) iodine (s) What is the maximum amount of sodium chloride that can be formed



19.3 g of NaCl can be produced


We state the reaction:

Cl₂ (g) + 2NaI (s) →  2NaCl (s) + I₂ (s)

We need to determine limiting reagent:

15.4 g . 1mol /70.9g = 0.217 moles of chlorine

49.6 g . 1mol / 149.89g = 0.331 moles of NaI

Ratio is 1:2. 1 mol of chlorine reacts to 2 moles of NaI

0.217 moles may react to (0.217 . 2)/1 = 0.434 moles of NaI

It is ok to say the NaI is the limting reactant because we need 0.434 moles of it and we only have 0.331.

Ratio is 2:2.

0.331 moles of NaI can produce 0.331 moles of NaCl

We convert mass to moles: 0.331 mol . 58.45g /mol = 19.3 g

When solid Ni metal is put into an aqueous solution of Pb(NO3)2, solid Pb metal and a solution of Ni(NO3)2 result. Write the net ionic equation for the reaction.



[tex]Pb^{2+}(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni^{2+}(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]


Hello there!

In this case, according to the given information, it turns out firstly necessary for us to write the complete molecular equation as shown below:

[tex]Pb(NO_3)_2(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni(NO_3)_2(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]

Now, we can separate the nitrates in ions as they are aqueous to obtain:

[tex]Pb^{2+}(aq)+2(NO_3)^-(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni^{2+}(aq)+2(NO_3)^-(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]

And then, we cancel out the nitrate ions as the spectator ones, for us to obtain the net ionic equation:

[tex]Pb^{2+}(aq)+Ni(s)\rightarrow Ni^{2+}(aq)+Pb(s)[/tex]

Best regards!

what is the hybridisation of the central carbon in CH3C triple bonded to N​



the carbon would be sp3 hybridized, and it doesn't matter which carbon, since either of them have a full octet

which of these statements is true about planets? Planets
A. revolve around the sun
B. are spherical in shape
C. rotate in its axis
D. all of the above​



D. all of the above


A and C are verified by Keplar's laws of planetary motion.

B is verified by the equatorial and polar aces of the Planet.




they dont have to orbit the sun specifically and are commonly more ovoid than spherical

Identify the compound in the following group that is most soluble in water. Match the words in the left column to the appropriate blanks in the sentences on the right. ResetHelp Of the three compounds butanoic acid, butane, and butanone, the one that is most soluble in water is . This is because its functional group can form the intermolecular forces with polar water.
butanoic acid strongest hydrocarbon butanone butane alcohol carboxylic acid What carboxylic acid is found in each of the following substances? Drag the appropriate descriptions to their respective bins. Reset rancid butter stinging red ants Methanoic acid Butanoic acid Propanoic acid Ethanoic acid Review Co Draw the structure of methyl butanoate, Draw the molecule on the canvas by choosing buttons from the Tools (for bonds and charges), Atoms toolbars. H: 129 uxo com H o с + N 1 0 S a CH Br р



Following are the responses to the given points:


For question 1:

Butanoic acid, butane, and butanone are also the three chemicals most dissolve in water. Its intermolecular force forces are produced by carboxylic acid functional groups with water.

For question 2:

Butanoic acid is a rancid buffer.

Methanoic acid is responsible for the stinging red ants

For question 3:

Methyl butanoate's chemical structure.

A second-order reaction has a half-life of 12 s when the initial concentration of reactant is 0.98 M. The rate constant for this reaction is ________ M-1s-1. A) 12


Answer: 0.085 (Ms)⁻¹

Explanation: Half life = 12 s

is the initial concentration = 0.98 M

Half life expression for second order kinetic is:

k = 0.085 (Ms)⁻¹

The rate constant for this reaction is 0.085 (Ms)⁻¹ .

2. For each of the ionic compounds in the table below, name the compound and explain the rule that you
used in formulating your name for the compound.
Rule for naming compound:





Lead(|V) fluoride

Ammonium Nitrate

Lithium sulfide

For the rules, I don't know what you were taught. I just do it intuitively since I have done so much chemistry.

The first one the roman numerals represents the charge of the lead which much match the 4- charge from the 4 fluorides.

The second one is just two polyatomic ions which you just have to remember.

The last one is the typical ionic compound naming technique i guess.

You have 10 pounds of egg whites. You need 6oz to make one serving of cosomme. How many servings can you make?



I think you can make 26, hope this helped.


Consider the reaction of 2-chloro-2-methylpentane with sodium iodide.
Assuming no other changes, how would it affect the rate if one simultaneously doubled the concentration of 2-chloro-2-methylpentane and sodium iodide?
A) No effect.
B) It would double the rate.
C) It would triple the rate.
D) It would quadruple the rate.
E) It would increase the rate five times.




The reaction between 2 chloro- 2 methyl pentane and sodium iodide takes place through SN2 mechanism . iodide ion is the nucleophile which attacks the substrate . The rate of such reaction depends upon concentration of both the nucleophile and the substrate .

Hence rate of reaction will be increased by 2 x 2 = 4 times.

option D ) is correct.


The given reaction represents the reaction between a tertiary alkyl halide that is 2-chloro-2-methylpentane and a nucleophile that is NaI.

This reaction favors SN1 mechanism which has order one.

So, the given reaction follows first-order kinetics.

For a first-order reaction, the rate law is:

rate =k [A]

That means the rate of the reaction is dependent on the concentration of reactants.

So, when the concentration of the reactant is doubled then, the rate of the reaction is also doubled.

Among the given options the correct answer is option B) It would double the rate.

Which does not result in deviations from linearity in a Beer's law plot of absorbance versus concentration?a. light losses at the cell interface b. all are sources of nonlinearity c. stray radiation d. equilibrium between different forms of the analyte e. a wide bandwidth relative to the width of the absorption band





Beer-Lambert Law shows the relationship between the factors affecting the absorbance of a sample in relation to the concentration. These factors are:

the concentration c, path length (l), and the molar absorptivity (ε).

As a result, more radiation is assimilated as the concentration rises, and the absorbance rises as well. However, the longer the path length, the increase in the number of molecules and the higher the absorbance.

Thus, the straight-line equation for Beer-Lambert's law is:

A = εcl

From the above explanation, the option that doesn't relate to the deviations from linearity of Beer's law plot is in Option (a).

How many atom in protons



Its atomic number is 14 and its atomic mass is 28. The most common isotope of uranium has 92 protons and 146 neutrons. Its atomic number is 92 and its atomic mass is 238 (92 + 146).

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