how to convert Kelvin to degree Celsius? is there any method​


Answer 1


[tex]{ \tt{kelvin = 273 + celcius \: degree}} \\ { \boxed{ \bf{celcius = kelvin - 273}}}[/tex]

Answer 2


To convert Kelvins into Celsius degrees, the formula is K − 273.15 = °C

Pls mark me brainliest.

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If 56 grams of carbon monoxide burns in oxygen to produce 88 grams of carbon dioxide, the mass of oxygen involved in the reaction is


The answer is 32 grams!

hope I helped

If an object is travelling 25.0 meters/second, how far will it travel in 45 minutes?



[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto Distance=Speed(Time)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto Distance=25(2700)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \rm\longmapsto Distance=67500m[/tex]

The object travelling at 25 m/s, will travel a distance of 67500 m in 45 mins.

We'll begin by converting 45 mins to seconds. This can be obtained as follow:

1 min = 60 s


45 mins = 45 × 60

45 mins = 2700 s

Finally, we shall determine the distance travelled by the object in 2700 s (i.e 45 mins). This can be obtained as follow:

Time = 2700

Speed = 25 m/s

Distance =?

Distance = speed × time

Distance = 25 × 2700

Distance = 67500 m

Therefore, the object will cover a distance of 67500 m in 2700 s (i.e 45 mins)

Learn more:

1.Which of the following forms only Ionic Bond?
1)Ca 2)C 3)Si 4)P

2.How many atoms of Na are present in 92 a.m.u of it?
a)4 b)5 c)6 d)7​


The Answer is A)4 atoms of NA are present in 92 a.m.u

Which is the electron configuration for lithium?



1s2, 2s1


Lithium is the first element in the 2nd row of elements meaning its 1s orbital is completely filled and 1 electron is in the 2s orbital.


the answer is C


What is the mass percent of a sodium fluoride solution prepared by dissolving 0.64 moles of sodium fluoride into 63.5 grams of water?


The answer is 29.7% view on how to solve

The mass percent of a sodium fluoride solution prepared by dissolving 0.64 moles of sodium fluoride into 63.5 grams of water is 29.7%.

What is mass percent ?

Mass percent is a means to describe a component in a specific combination or to convey a concentration. The mass percentage used to describe the solution composition indicates the mass of solute contained in a given mass of solution.

To determine the mass percent of an element in a compound, we divide the mass of the element in one mole of the compound by the compound's molar mass and multiply the result by 100.


Number of moles = 0.64 moles

Moles of sodium fluoride = Given mass/molar mass

0.64 moles = Mass / 42

Mass = 26.88gram

Mass % = Mass of solute/ mass of solution × 100

= 26.88/90.48 × 100

= 29.7 %

Thus, 29.7 % is the mass percent of a sodium fluoride solution prepared by dissolving 0.64 moles of sodium fluoride into 63.5 grams of water

To learn more about the mass percent, follow the link;


Can compound take part in chemical reaction?





What is the pressure in atm exerted by 1.8 g of H2 gas exert in a 4.3 L balloon at 27ºC? R = 0.821(L*atm) / (mol*K)


kakamc cjdismxsjxj xjcodmd xksowmd x

The pressure in atm exerted by 1.8 g of H₂ gas exert in a 4.3 L balloon at 27ºC is 5.12 atm

What is Ideal gas law ?

The ideal gas law (PV = nRT) relates the macroscopic properties of ideal gases. An ideal gas is a gas in which the particles (a) do not attract or repel one another and (b) take up no space (have no volume).

Let's convert grams to moles (via molar mass).

Molar Mass (H₂) :  2 (1.008 g/mol)

Molar Mass (H₂) :  2.016 g/mol

1.8 grams H₂               1 mole

----------------------  x  ----------------------  =  0.893 moles H₂

                                2.016 grams

The Ideal Gas Law equation looks like this:

PV = nRT

In this equation,

P = pressure (atm) V = volume (L) n = moles R = Ideal Gas Constant (0.0821 L*atm/mol*K)T = temperature (K)

After converting Celsius to Kelvin, you can put the given values into the equation and simplify to find the pressure.

P = ? atm                                R = 0.0821 L*atm/mol*K

V = 4.3 L                               T = 27 °C + 273.15 = 300.15 K

n = 0.893 moles

PV = nRT

P (4.3 L) = (0.893 moles) (0.0821 L*atm/mol*K)( 300.15 K)

P (4.3 L) =  22.0021

P = 5.12 atm

Therefore, The pressure in atm exerted by 1.8 g of H₂ gas exert in a 4.3 L balloon at 27ºC is 5.12 atm

Learn more about Ideal gas here ;


please help I will mark your answer as brainliest!!!!
Give the structural formula of CH3CH(CH3)CH3​


In the structure, we essentially have a Carbon with 3 methyl groups and a hydrogen attached to it

What is the purpose of a catalyst in the production of hydrogen?
Select the correct answer.
- to increase the rate at which water molecules decompose
- to decrease the amount of oxygen produced
- to decrease the temperature of the reaction
- to increase the activation energy of the reaction


The purpose of a catalyst in the production of hydrogen is to increase the rate at which water molecules decompose.

What is a catalyst-A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed or produced during the reaction. As a result, catalysts assist in speeding up chemical reactions while also decreasing the amount of energy needed for the reaction to occur. In hydrogen production, catalysts are used to speed up the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen. The use of catalysts lowers the activation energy required for the reaction to occur, resulting in a faster reaction rate and lower operating temperatures.What is the process of hydrogen production?Hydrogen production has various methods, and one of the most commonly used methods is water electrolysis. In this method, water molecules are split into hydrogen and oxygen using an electric current passed through an electrode. Water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen during the process, with the assistance of a catalyst. During this process, a catalyst like platinum or nickel is employed to speed up the chemical reaction of water decomposition.

When an electric current is applied to the catalyst, water molecules are broken apart, releasing hydrogen and oxygen atoms.Catalysts lower the activation energy of the reaction, allowing it to occur faster than it would otherwise. In hydrogen production, catalysts are crucial since they enable the reaction to occur at a lower temperature, reducing energy consumption and minimizing operating costs. As a result, the use of catalysts is essential to the production of hydrogen.

for such more questions on  catalyst


g) silver nitrate + magnesium chloride → silver chloride + magnesium nitrate




I hope this helps

c. The element in group 2 and period 3 is -





Hope this helps!

In the figure a cyclist moves A to B and then to C.he could also go through the shortest path AC. Depending on this fact solve the following questions: Find the length of AC .Find the displacement and total distance covered.​



hope it helps you see the attachment for further information

what is the percentage composition of water in crystallization of oxalic acid



5.17 percentage is water


answer from gauth math

Describe what happens to the particles when a substance:

1. Melts

2. Freezes

3. Boils

4. Condenses


Particles vibrate when frozen when it boils it moves like you had 4 monsters in the morning
1. It will melt.
2. It will freeze.
3. It will evaporation.
4. It will freeze.

Question 5
1.00 g of He, 14.0g F2, and 19.0 g Ar are placed in a 13.0-L container at 20.0 °C.

The total pressure (in atm) in the container is _____ atm.

1 point



2.03 atm


Number of moles of He = 1g/4g/mol = 0.25 moles

Number of moles of F2 = 14.0g/38 g/mol = 0.37 moles

Number of moles of Ar=19.0g/40g/mol = 0.48 moles

Total number of moles = 0.25 + 0.37 + 0.48 = 1.1 moles



P= pressure of the gas mixture

V= volume of the gas mixture

n= total number of moles of the gas mixture

R= gas constant

T= temperature of the gas mixture

P= nRT/V

P= 1.1 × 0.082 × 293/13

P= 2.03 atm

Explain Froath Flotation Method!



a process for separating minerals from gangue by taking advantage of the differences in their hydrophobicity.

I believe that is accurate

hope this helped have a nice day

and mark me brainiest :)

Convert the following absolute temperatures to centigrade.
i) 0 K
ii) 298 K
iii) 323 K
iv) 423 K




0 K

[tex]{ - \bf{273 \degree C}}[/tex]

298 K

[tex]{ \tt{ = 298 - 273}} \\ = { \bf{25 \degree C }}[/tex]

323 K

[tex]{ \tt{ = 323 - 273}} \\ = { \bf{50 \degree C}}[/tex]

423 K

[tex]{ \tt{ = 423 - 273}} \\ = { \bf{150 \degree C}}[/tex]



It is because kelvin temperature is absolute zero.

The world is made up of ​




           The world is made up of ​living beings .    

write any two conditions at which a body of certain mass weightless​



A body becomes weightless in a zero-gravity scenario and when a force is applied to a body that is equal and opposite to the force of gravity. If the body is falling only under the influence of gravity.


A body becomes weightless in a zero-gravity scenario and when a force is applied to a body that is equal and opposite to the force of gravity.If the body is falling only under the influence of gravity.

Một hỗn hợp X gồm CH3OH; C2H5OH; phenol có khối lượng 28,9 gam phản ứng vừa hết với 100ml dung dịch NaOH 2M. Phần trăm theo khối lượng phenol là ? Biết C = 12; O = 16; H = 1; Na = 23. *


Answer: bạn viết phương trình Phenol + NaOH

=> nNaOH = nPhenol = 0,2 mol

m Phenol = 0,2x94 = 18,8 gam

%mPhenol = 18,8/28,9% = 65,05


An atom with 6 protons and 8 neutrons is an)


Answer: carbon (C)


can you answer with working out ​


This is your answer I hope it is right.

Specific heat capacity is _____.

greater for metal than for wood

the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance 1 oC

represented by the symbol, Q

all of these



all of this


How much water will the measuring cup have if you poured 1/2 of it out?


The cup will be filled up halfway

- calculate relative formula mass
[N=14, O=16, Mg=24, Al=27]

1) Mg(NO3)2

- calculate relative molecular mass
[H=1, C=12, O=16]

1) C4H10




[tex] \\ \sf \longmapsto \: 24u+2(14u+3\times 16u)[/tex]

[tex] \\ \sf \longmapsto \: 24u+2(14u+48u)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto \: 24u+2(62u)[/tex]

[tex] \\ \sf \longmapsto \: 24u+(124u)[/tex]

[tex] \\ \sf \longmapsto \: 148u[/tex]

How is a slump different from creep?



Is this chemistry or ELA!

Determine the mass of 6.33 mol of iron(II) nitrate.



1822.72 g



n = R.M/M.M.................. Equation 1

Where n = number of moles of iron(II) nitrate, R.M = Reacting mass of iron(II) nitrate, M.M = molar mass of Iron(II) nitrate.

Make R.M the subject of the equation

R.M = n×M.M............. Equation 2

From the question,

Given: n = 6.33 mol

Constant: M.M of iron(II) nitrate = 287.95 g/mol

Substitute these values into equation 2

R.M = 6.33(287.95)

R.M = 1822.72 g

Hence the mass of iron(II) nitrate is 1822.72 g

the text of oxygen gas in the laboratory ​


Explanation:in testing for oxygen a glowing splint is used.

the glowing splint is brought in the presence of the test tube containing the gas

the glowing splint rekindles or lights up showing that oxygen is present.

this is a positive test because oxygen supports burning or combustion

5. The energy diagram shown illustrates a reaction which is
A. exothermic reaction.
B. activated complex.
C. equilibrium reaction.
D. endothermic reaction.




The answer is an exothermic reaction so A.

You work in the special effects department of a movie studio. You are currently working on a superhero movie where the hero is very strong and cannot be hurt by normal weapons such as a sword. In the next scene, the villain is going to hit the hero with a lead pipe. The hero's costume is mostly made of foam and carbon so that is it very light and easy to move around in but will crumble if hit with anything hard. For this scene, a section of the costume needs to be replaced with a different material that will only dent, not crumble, when hit with the pipe. You are on a deadline and look around the props department for ideas, what could you use?



Aluminum or Galvanized iron


If the costume has to be such that the hero does not get hurt when hit by a lead rod and also is easy for the mobility then the suitable option for the costume could be Aluminum material which will only dent and not crumble.

Galvanized iron could be another choice being harder and stronger as compared to aluminum but a little heavy. It can sustain heavy impacts as compared to aluminum.


You could use a shield if you are not speaking from a scientific way.

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