how to use video tape approach in the classroom​


Answer 1
Approach classroom to use the video tape

Related Questions

Animal experimenting facts



Companies test on animals to provide data that they can use to defend themselves when they are sued by injured consumers—even though some courts have ruled that the FDA has failed to show that the results of animal tests can be extrapolated to humans.

Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in US labs every year.

92% of experimental drugs that are safe and effective in animals fail in human clinical trials because they are too dangerous or don't work.

We share 95% of our genes with a mouse, making them an effective model for the human body.

In the 12th Century, Arabian physician Ibn Zuhr introduced animal testing as an experimental method for testing surgical procedures before applying them to human patients.

Learners from more affluent homes are better prepared for school.





A quick g00gle search will give you all the evidence you need!

What does the sentence most likely mean?
Tess was crying hard.
Tess was running around.
Tess was feeling playful.
Tess was out of control.



tess is out of control and might be bipolar


'today's readers are tomorrow's leaders.' Explain this for 10 marks​



We all hear this from our teachers and parents all the time - "learn from your mistakes".

Agreed. Smart people learn from their mistakes. But wise people learn from others' mistakes.

If you or I make a mistake, it could affect only us and we can probably correct it quickly. But what if our nation's leaders make mistakes? A small mistake can affect the future of our country or could negatively affect our entire population.

We can't afford it. Nobody can afford it. That's where the leaders have to be wise and well informed.

You got the point, right? I am coming to the importance of "Reading".

Why is reading so important?

As students, we face a lot of challenges. Our learning in school is limited to our academic topics. The academic topics are selected by the authorities considering the common interest of the state. But there is a huge opportunity to learn beyond academics. In today's digital era, we can find any books from anywhere in the world on our fingertips.

It gives us insights into fields outside our own experience and helps us apply in different ways. It helps us improve our awareness of the world around us. It helps us learn from the mistakes of others. Helps us to get inspiration from the great leaders and whatnot.


couldn't agree more with what Margaret Fuller said: “If you are a leader, if you want to be one, you have to read. You cannot grow in your leadership without learning from others and that requires reading”, to acquire new insights, you have to read as much as you can. ...

Question 5 of 18
Which detail is true of Mary Shelley's life?
A Ghost stories influenced her writing in the Gothic genre.
B. The success of Frankenstein led her to write Dracula.
C. Frankensten was inspired by the myth of Persephone,
Donation of the Rights of Woman



A. Ghost stories influenced her writing in the Gothic genre.


Lord Byron’s suggestion of a ghost story competition to while away their Swiss holiday inspired Shelley’s novel Frankenstein.

role of youth in pademic



we should awake the people and should give idea to be safe

role of the youth in this pandemic is to aware people about the negative effects of disobedience of rules and regulation. youth should also focus on spreading true measures that should be taken in order to be safe and also aware them about the hazards of the fake news

Which line from this excerpt best supports the author’s message that some things in life are out of people’s control?



Should be A, “I'm not saying that either Socs or greasers are better; that's just the way things are.”

Please solve all questions ​


1) After the family had had their lunch,they left to the park.

2) He did his assignments but hasn't done his chores.

3) I am leaving tomorrow.

4) I have been gardening since 11am.

5) The dark man sings beautifully.

6) She makes a cake with some butter.

I hope this helps you

Do it yourself it make you knowledgeable and intelligent

Which sentences do not demonstrate correct capitalization of first-person pronouns?



"i have big plans following graduation."

"Although I haven't chosen a major yet, i'm sure things will work out."

"The choices I make now will affect me throughout My career."


1. I have big plans following graduation.

4. Although I haven't chosen a major yet, I'm sure things will work out.

5. The choices I make now will impact me throughout my career.


1. I have big plans following graduation.

2. Community colleges provide great opportunities for students like myself.

3. I'd like to consider some other options before committing to this program.

4. Although I haven't chosen a major yet, I'm sure things will work out.

5. The choices I make now will impact me throughout my career.

Corrected sentences grammar above



name two product with inelastic Demand​



Electricity, gas, oil, and water


goods that are considered essential have a low elasticity of demand.

A good diet is ……………… to health.









A good diet is beneficial to health. ♥


A. Beneficial


need adj for this case

Help me please……………………



D- Creating mental pictures


A good way to visualize and understand something thats happening in a story is to create mentsl pictures in your mind.

O) Write sentences in the PASSIVE.Use these phrases: * in the sea * at school * in the kitchen * at the post office * in Australia * in Italy * at weddings * in Mediterr
anean countries * in the cinema Example: olives / grow Olives are grown in Mediterranean countries. 1. films / show 2. meals / cook​


The passive voice can be seen in a sentence where the subject of the sentence does not perform the action of the verb of the sentence, but suffers the action of that verb.

In this case, you need to know that in a sentence the verb is every word that refers to an action or state, while the subject is the word the verb refers to as the doer of the action, or the person who is suffering the action.

This way, you can write the sentences using the passive voice as follows:

Films are a great option to show students new languages at school. The cook is encouraged to prepare the meals in the kitchen.

You can find more information in the related question:

Which situation is most clearly ironic?

A gazebo on a lonely hilltop during a huge storm

A contest between two chess grand masters

A warlord who fears blood and violence

A pothole that damages a bus's front tires





i think it's c because you can't be a 'warlord' and fear blood and violence. what's the point then? Do you get me?

The situation that is most clearly ironic is that A warlord who fears blood and violence. The correct option is c.

What does the word ironic mean?

Irony or ironic means to a clash between expectations and outcomes. Typically, the outcome is the opposite of what someone wanted or hoped for. It’s ironic, for example, when your boss calls you into her office, and you’re expecting a promotion, but you instead find out you’ve been fired.

This clash carries over to verbal irony, in which people say the opposite of what they literally mean. But such expectations are subjective, and verbal ironists don’t always mean the exact opposite of what they say. Insulting someone by saying they’re the most intelligent person on Earth, for example, doesn’t mean they are the least intelligent; it just means they’re not all that bright.

Some cases, however, are relatively straightforward. Consider situational irony, in which two things become odd or humorous when juxtaposed.

Learn more about ironic, here:


what do i have to capitalize?



Twain and American


Theh are both proper nouns.


when you go for a job, it is important to make a good...







if not then might not be a chance of you getting that jobb

He _all his past bitter experiences. (had forgotten/has forgotten)​


Hey there!

I believe your answer would be has forgotten.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

What type of creation story describes how earth originated from water


water came from rocky material


the book is the Ashley science book

they ruined the car through poor driving


They (capital letter at the beginning of every sentence) ruined the car through poor driving


They(capital letter at the begining of every sentence, also there should be a fullstop when a sentence come to an end.)

Read the discussion questions in Before You Read, Part B. Is there anything you cannot answer?
What reading skills can you use to help you fi nd the answers?



step1: analyse it

step 2: know to meaning of the question

step 3: write down what you know about it

step 4: collect some information by asking teachers or by using library books

step 5: make your hypothesis

22.Do you have ………rooms available?
(A). some (B). sometime (C). sometimes (D). any



D. Any


It wouldn't be some because it wouldn't read right.

It can't be sometime or sometimes because it doesn't read right and they are referring to a time.

So it would be D. any

Hope this helps :)

Can someone please fastly tell me in 5 reasons why is stephen hawking successful?.


Stephen Hawking worked on the physics of black holes. He proposed that black holes would emit subatomic particles until they eventually exploded. He also wrote best-selling books, the most famous of which was A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes (1988).
Please mark brainliest if this helped


5 reasons why Stephen Hawking is successful:

1. His theory of exploding black holes which drew upon relativity theory and quantum mechanics

2. His work with space-time singularities

3. He was the first to elaborate on an equation that had tried to unify general relativity and quantum physics.

4. He is the closest we have to the "theory of everything" because of his writing on black holes being radiation.

5. He was the first scientist to create a comprehensive hypothesis that relied on both quantum mechanics and classical physics.


Probability of tourism in karnali province



the government of karnali province has set a target of welcoming 100,000 international tourist in 2020 which is being celebrated by the federal government as visit Nepal year campaign.


There is many places that attracts people to visit karnali. Top attractions in karnali are Rara Lake, Phoksundo Lake, Jhumla, Mount Putha Adventure, etc.

During a snow storm, (Main street/Main Street) is always plowed first.



During a snow storm, Main Street is always plowed first.


Main and Street are both part of a name

as "main" could be a adjective to the noun "street"  as well, another similar sentence could be

During a snow storm, the main street is always plowed first.

(The main street could have the name Bob's Alley)

Here, as neither "main" nor "street" are part of a name, no capitals required.

meaning of 2nd stanza of the poem vocation​


The meaning of stanza is one specific paragraph and 2nd stanza is simply known as second paragraph in any kind of specific poem


The child wishes he could be a

peddler and move freely anywhere just like the hawker. The child thinks there is no place the hawker must go or take and no fixed time he must come home

Stanza 2

Stanza 3

At four in the afternoon, while returning from school at the same time, he sees a

gardener burrowing the ground and he wanted to be like him. He wished to play

in the dust, soil his clothes and get baked in the su

The United States has always regarded itself as a beacon of democracy and labeled itself "democracy". However, the reality is that money politics has resulted in a large number of people being excluded from the political process and unable to realize political rights. Money politics deprives the American people of their democratic rights, suppresses the expression of voters' true will, and forms de facto political inequality. Money politics has exposed the false side of American democracy.



So what is the question of the paragraph

Hi Jane!
I've been meaning to write for ages and finally today I'm actually doing something about it. Not that I'm trying to make excuses for myself, it's been really hard to sit down and write, as I've been moving around so much. Since we last saw each other I've unpacked my bags in four different cities.
I went from London to Prague to set up a new regional office there. You know I'd always wanted to go, but maybe I was imagining Prague in spring when I used to talk about that. Winter was really hard, with minus 15 degrees in the mornings and dark really early in the evening. But at least it was blue skies and white snow and not days on end of grey skies and rain, like at home.
From there I was on another three-month mission to oversee the set-up of the office in New York. Loved, loved, loved New York! It's like being in one big TV show, as everywhere looks just a little bit familiar. I did every tourist thing you can think of when I wasn't working, and must have spent most of my salary on eating out. It was really hard to leave for the next job, especially as I kind of met someone (!) More about Michael later ...
So then I was posted to LA, which felt like a whole other country compared with the East Coast. I could definitely get used to that kind of outdoor, beach lifestyle, but I didn't spend as much time getting to know California as I could have because I was flying back to see Michael every other weekend. He came to see me when he could, but his job means he's often working at weekends, so he couldn't make the flight very often. Those three months flew by and then I was off again, to Frankfurt, which is where I am now. And ... so is Michael! He got a month off work and we're trying to work out how we can be in the same place at the same time for a while. We figure the first step in that direction is getting married, which is also why I wanted to write – I can't get married without my oldest friend there! The wedding's going to be at home in London in September and I hope you can come!
Anyway, tell me all your news and I promise not to leave it so long this time! Lots of love,

Question 1: What was the author’s purpose(s) in writing this text?
Question 2: How was the text organized?
Question 3: How do the type/ topic/ ideas from the text relate to things you have been doing?
Question 4: If you were Jane, what would you write to reply Kath?



1. The author's purpose was to tell "Jane" about where she's traveled to since they last spoke. She states that " it's been really hard to sit down and write, as I've been moving around so much. Since we last saw each other I've unpacked my bags in four different cities." This suggests that she's going to explain where she's been and what has happened to her, which she does.

2. The text was organized in chronological order. The author starts with the first events since they last spoke, and ends with the most recent events.

3. I believe this is a question only you can answer, as it asks about what you're doing.

4. If I were Jane, I would tell her about what's happened to me, but I would also ask her how sure she was about Michael. I would also want to know why she didn't call or text, or find a way to tell me about Michael until they decided that they wanted to get married. After all, I'm her "oldest friend." I would also want to know what Michael is like and how long she's known him.

I hope this helps (please don't quote my answers word for word)

what are the different types of phrases in English? Explain each of them with example​



Types of Phrases With Examples

Noun Phrase

"Buy a big bright green pleasure machine!" — Paul Simon, "The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine," 1966

Verb Phrase

"Your father may be going away for a little while." — Ellen Griswold in the movie "Vacation," 1983

Adjective Phrase

"It is always the best policy to speak the truth—unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar." — Jerome K. Jerome, "The Idler," February 1892

Adverb Phrase

"Movements born in hatred very quickly take on the characteristics of the thing they oppose." — J. S. Habgood, "The Observer," May 4, 1986

Prepositional Phrase

"I could dance with you till the cows come home. On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows till you come home." —Groucho Marx in "Duck Soup," 1933

Help me please…………………..



the answer is D...........

Select the correct answer.
Here is a question from the text aids: What is good about carob?
It has oxalic acid, which is good for skin.
It's nutritious and useful.
O c.
It forms a high-protein powder used to make tannin.


C- it forms high protein powered
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(2 points) 1.A virus mutates, and therefore it has which of the following traits of living things?(1 point)It uses energyIt evolves.It grows and develops.It is made of cells.2.Compare a virus to a unicellular organism.(1 point)Viruses reproduce through asexual reproduction; unicellular organisms need a host cell.Neither unicellular organisms nor viruses respond to stimuli.Unicellular organisms have a cell membrane made from a lipid bilayer; viruses have a protein coat.Viruses need energy; unicellular organisms do not need energy.3.Summarize the lytic cycle.(1 point)A virus copies its genetic material and then splits its cell membranes in half to form identical viruses.A virus lays eggs on the host cells protein coat, which then hatch and move on to infect other cells.The viral DNA incorporates itself with the host cells and replicates whenever the host cell replicates itself.A virus injects its genetic material into the host cell, copies itself, and then forms new viruses that burst out of the host cell.4.Differentiate between the lysogenic and lytic cycles.(1 point)The host cell copies its own DNA during the lytic cycle.The host cell is destroyed during the lytic cycle.The virus injects DNA into the host cell during the lysogenic cycle.Viral proteins are synthesized during the lysogenic cycle.5.Infer why doctors recommend people, especially elderly and those with weak immune systems, get the flu vaccine every year.(1 point)They should get the flu vaccine because viruses mutate.They should get the flu vaccine because their bodies already have a resistance.They should get the flu vaccine because viruses do not mutate.They should get the flu vaccine because their bodies do not build up resistance.Please i really need help The Ottoman governmental structure a.required that all slaves in the empire come from the Muslim population. b.included non-Muslims at the top levels. c.was a blend of old tribal traditions and a more recent, sedentary environment. d.moved from Constantinople to Ankara. e.made conspicuous use of the Sublime Porte, a docking area for elite pleasure craft. round to the nearest underlined place 18 904 A. 18,000 B. 19,000 C. 20,000 D. 18,920 Sub Topic: Write the Character analysis of any two characters of your choice form the Novel: A Wizard of Earthsea The Characters to be taken from Chapters 1, 2 and 3. state five benefits of studying economics a. Explain the various types of correlation. what sight gave her Mony new unusual experiences? Positive Messages and the Writing ProcessOrganizations exchange information internally and externally. External messages go to customers, vendors, the government, and other business partners. Internal messages travel upward to supervisors, downward to employees, and horizontally among workers. Understanding the different types of business messages and following the 3-x-3 writing process will help you write more effective professional messages. Match the message content area with the correct types of messages.1. Sales pitches, requests for favors 2. Replies, goodwill messages, direct claims 3. Bad news, refusals a. persuasiveb. positivec. negativeConsider the scenario about a positive message:Gilberto is composing an e-mail that explains the terms of a recent business transaction. 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