How was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , an important force in creating a more just world ?

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How Was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , An Important Force In Creating A More Just World ? Help Plz


Answer 1



Martin Luther King, Jr. worked hard to bring greater equality to America and ensure civil rights for all people, regardless of race. Notably, he brought publicity to major civil rights activities, emphasizing the importance of nonviolent protest.

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The agreement between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan was called what?



The Connecticut Compromise blended the Virginia (large-state) and New Jersey (small-state) proposals. Its main contribution was in determining the method for apportionment of the Senate and retaining a federal character in the constitution.


The Virginia Plan wanted a legislature in which states received representation in proportion to the size of their population, while the New Jersey plan wanted a legislature that gave each state equal representation, regardless of the size of its population. The Great Compromise brought together the New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan to create the Constitution 's legislative system. The Three-Fifths Compromise appeased Southern representatives by allowing them to count slaves for representation and taxation purposes.

Why did the British attempt to cut off New England from the other colonies in 1777?
O The British wanted to prevent an invasion of Canada by Washington's Continental Army.
O The British wanted to recruit Loyalist militia members to fight with the British Army.
O The British were hoping to be stationed in a region that had a warmer climate for their soldiers.
O The British thought most of the Patriots were centered in New England.



2 opinion


2 option i feel it’s the best for this opinion in my thought

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War broke out in Europe in the summer of 1914, with the Central Powers led by Germany and Austria-Hungary on one side and the Allied countries led by Britain, France, and Russia on the other. At the start of the war, President Woodrow Wilson declared that the United States would be neutral. However, that neutrality was tested and fiercely debated in the U.S.

Submarine warfare in the Atlantic kept tensions high, and Germany’s sinking of the British ocean liner Lusitania on May 7, 1915, killed more than 120 U.S. citizens and provoked outrage in the U.S. In 1917, Germany’s attacks on American ships and its attempts to meddle in U.S.-Mexican relations drew the U.S. into the war on the side of the Allies. The United States declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917.

Within a few months, thousands of U.S. men were being drafted into the military and sent to intensive training. Women, even many who had never worked outside the home before, took jobs in factories producing supplies needed for the war effort, as well as serving in ambulance corps and the American Red Cross at home and abroad. Children were enlisted to sell war bonds and plant victory gardens in support of the war effort.

The United States sent more than a million troops to Europe, where they encountered a war unlike any other—one waged in trenches and in the air, and one marked by the rise of such military technologies as the tank, the field telephone, and poison gas. At the same time, the war shaped the culture of the U.S. After an Armistice agreement ended the fighting on November 11, 1918, the postwar years saw a wave of civil rights activism for equal rights for African Americans, the passage of an amendment securing women’s right to vote, and a larger role in world affairs for the United States.

this landmark was the site of an important battle during the texas revolution of 1835–36. what is the name of the landmark?


Answer:   The San Jacinto Monument

Explanation:     The San Jacinto Monument is a 567.31-foot-high (172.92-meter) column located on the Houston Ship Channel in unincorporated Harris County, Texas, near the city of Houston. The monument is topped with a 220-ton star that commemorates the site of the Battle of San Jacinto, the decisive battle of the Texas Revolution.

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I don't know!!!!


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If you could say a page that would be great. I really don’t think this is going to be answered because who’s going to know a page, but it’s worth a try.


The page when nobody could find him

100 POINTS cuz why not it's alot of work and brainliest to best answer!
During the period 800 BCE to 1500 BCE, following the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe seemed to experience a dramatic decline in its cultural growth and development. Meanwhile, life in other parts of the world was no so “Medieval”—those cultures made tremendous advances in science, art, exploration, and scholarship.
What caused this difference between Europe and Africa, Asia, and the Middle East during the Middle Ages? Why do you think other parts of the world experienced “golden ages” during a time when most Europeans struggled through the Dark Ages?


Answer:It is fairly clear that the Mexican highlands were far too dry during the much warmer interval that prevailed from 5000 to 1500 BCE for agriculture to supply more than half of a given population’s energy needs. This was not the case along the alluvial lowlands of southern Mesoamerica, and it is no accident that the best evidence for the earliest permanent villages in Mesoamerica comes from the Pacific littoral of Chiapas (Mexico) and Guatemala, although comparable settlements also have been reported from both the Maya lowlands (Belize) and the Veracruz Gulf coast.

The Barra (c. 1800–1500 BCE), Ocós (1500–1200 BCE), and Cuadros (1100–900 BCE) phases of the Pacific coasts of Chiapas and Guatemala are good examples of early village cultures. The Barra phase appears to have been transitional from earlier preagricultural phases and may not have been primarily dependent upon corn farming; but people of the Ocós and Cuadros phases raised a small-eared corn known as nal-tel, which was ground on metates and manos and cooked in globular jars. From the rich lagoons and estuaries in this area, the villagers obtained shellfish, crabs, fish, and turtles. Their villages were small, with perhaps 10 to 12 thatched-roof houses arranged haphazardly.



The main difference is the presence of knowledge which made Africa, Asia, and the Middle East more developed and modern during the Middle Ages as compared to Europe because in Europe no importance was given to the knowledge by the people which leads to the development of other nations as compared to dark age of the Europe. Other parts of the world experienced “golden ages” during a time when most of the Europe struggled through the Dark Ages because of knowledge which enables other nations to made better their lives.


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Huey ______ <---?
Long’s program to help the poor was called the

A. Social Security program

b. Share-the-Wealth program

c. Medicare program



1 -Long   2 -B    3 -B


got it right

in what country did the industrial revolution begin in the late 1700s


Great Britain ……………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which of the following options correctly uses commas? When, I first got my bike I wiped out a lot. When I, first got my bike I wiped out a lot. When I first got, my bike I wiped out a lot. When I first got my bike, I wiped out a lot.



When I first got my bike, I wiped out a lot.

Answer: When I first got my bike, I wiped out a lot.

Which document established an early form of self-government in the Plymouth Colony?



Mayflower Compact


The pilgrims in Plymouth signed this as an early form of government.

Citation - My brain from books I read a good while ago.

In 1942, who commanded US troops in Europe? Erwin Rommel George Patton Franklin Roosevelt Dwight D. Eisenhower



Dwight Eisenhower luv





Which Amendment has been violated?
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You were not able to vote because you didn’t graduate from college.


The 15th amendment prevents discrimination in voting on nearly any basis and has been violated.

Match the names to the description Luke gives from a physician's perspective. Refer to your assigned Bible reading as necessary.

1. person whose father was healed of fever and a bloody flux
2. young man who fell out a window and was raised from the dead
3. man whose handkerchiefs or aprons brought healing
4. sorcerer who was blinded by the hand of the Lord
Judas Iscariot
5. maker of clothes who was raised from the dead
6. man sick of the palsy eight years who was healed
7. woman who died for lying to Peter and was buried beside her husband
8. man who died for lying to Peter and whose body was wrapped and buried
9. sick people hoped his shadow would fall on them
10. man who hanged himself, fell headlong, and burst open


Answer:1. person whose father was healed of fever and a bloody flux


2. young man who fell out a window and was raised from the dead


3. man whose handkerchiefs or aprons brought healing


4. sorcerer who was blinded by the hand of the Lord


5. maker of clothes who was raised from the dead


6. man sick of the palsy eight years who was healed


7. woman who died for lying to Peter and was buried beside her husband


8. man who died for lying to Peter and whose body was wrapped and buried


9. sick people hoped his shadow would fall on them


10. man who hanged himself, fell headlong, and burst open

Judas Iscariot


A person whose father was healed of fever and a bloody flux- Publius

The young man who fell out a window and was raised from the dead- Eutychus

The man whose handkerchiefs or aprons brought healing- Paul

The sorcerer who was blinded by the hand of the Lord- Elymas

The maker of clothes who was raised from the dead- Dorcas

The man sick of palsy for eight years who was healed- Aeneas

The woman who died for lying to Peter and was buried beside her husband- Sapphira

The man who died for lying to Peter and whose body was wrapped and buried- Ananias

The sick people hoped his shadow would fall on them- Peter

The man who hanged himself fell headlong and burst open-Judas Iscariot

All these were referred to in the Bible.

What is a Bible?

Bible is one of the most important religious texts which are present in the religious faiths of the Christians and also the Judaists the most important thing is that the Christian faith had imbibed in mind the sacred principles of the understanding of the laws or morality which has been written in the Bible.

Moses is said to be the writer of the Bible. Bible is being used by Christians and also many other people of several religious orders.

Learn more about the Bible here:


Which religions were founded in East and South Asia?



South Asia



Jainism-Northern India


Islam-Saudi Arabia

Judaism- Jerusalem



East Asia

Asian religions or Taoic religions,[1] form a subset of the Eastern religions. This group includes Chinese religion overall, which further includes Ancestral Worship, Chinese folk religion, Confucianism, Taoism and so-called popular salvationist organisations (such as Yiguandao and Weixinism), as well as elements drawn from Mahayana Buddhism that form the core of Chinese Buddhism and East Asian Buddhism at large. The group also includes Japanese Shintoism, Vietnamese folk religion and Korean Muism (Korean shamanism similar to Chinese Wuism) both identifying the indigenous shamanic religion and ancestor worship of such peoples, which have received influences from Chinese religions throughout the centuries. Chinese salvationist religions have influenced the rise of Korean and Japanese new religions—for instance, respectively, Jeungsanism and Tenriism; these movements draw upon indigenous traditions but are heavily influenced by Chinese philosophy and theology.

which aspect of american culture in the 1920’s became popular in many other societies around the world?



Jazz Music


Because back then everybody loved jazz music

Hitler supporters often cheered "Seig Heil!" to show their support for him. What does this mean?


('Hail, my leader!'), or "Sieg Heil!" ('Hail victory!'). It was adopted in the 1930s by the Nazi Party to signal obedience to the party's leader, Adolf Hitler, and to glorify the German nation (and later the German war effort).

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On August 18, 1824, the Mexican government passed a new national colonization law.


This law allowed foreigners to settle on any vacant public land in Mexico, but restricted foreigners from settling within twenty leagues of the border with another country and within ten leagues of the coast.

Did the Supreme Court rule in favor of Plessy?



Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine.





With seven votes for Ferguson and one vote against, the Supreme Court ruled that mandatory racial segregation was not in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment

What symbolized the pharaohs’ wealth and power?

divine kingship
the pyramids
religious temples
the city of Memphis



b i think correct me if im wrong





How did the Council of Clermont impact the development of the Church's




to prevent a further and complete feudalization of church-state relationships by prohibiting the clergy from taking oaths of fealty to laymen.

The treaty of Versailles placed limits on what Germany could do after World War 1. These included limits of military and Germany had to give up land. However, before World War II, Germany began to break these rules. Germany built a military and took over lands.
Why did no one stop them? Must be 3-5 sentences, and I will give Brainliest to the first person! Thank you to whoever answers :) Also, please no links...



The French public was worried about entering into another war, and the French government feared that the German forces marching into the Rhineland were larger and stronger than they actually were. In England, the public was indifferent to the German occupation of the Rhineland, making it difficult for any British leaders who wanted to punish Germany to find support.

List the goals and/or beliefs of each of the political groups.



Socialist Revolutionaries

Social Democrats




No me han dado la cara para que me ha dicho la gente de la policía y que han dado un paso

From 1820 to 1920 , which area saw the greatest number of people leave for the United States?
A) south and east Asia
B) central and South America
C) northern and western Europe
D) southern and eastern Europe



C) northern and western Europe


Answer: the answer is D

Explanation: because i had the same question and i had clicked c but i got it wrong so the answer is D

Need helpppp tnnnn!!!




washington is the biggest producer of which key beer ingredient?





The hot and cool desert climate, combined with the abundant irrigation provided by the Yakima River, creates an ideal environment for producing this key beer ingredient.

Hops are a significant part of our state's agricultural profile. Washington is the nation's leading producer of hops. Not by a small margin, but by a large one.

Are hops necessary for beer?Hops are one of four key ingredients in beer (alongside barley, yeast, and of course water). However, based on the current range of craft beer offerings—particularly the heavy emphasis on hoppy IPAs—it may appear that hops is the defining ingredient in all worthy and delicious beer."Hops are useful as sedatives, and are used to treat insomnia, depressive symptoms, nervous tension, and anxiety," Caruso tells Healthline.Barley can also help the spleen, gall bladder, and detoxify." It should be noted that these effects were observed in research studies involving concentrated hops rather than beer.Hops are a significant part of our state's agricultural profile. Washington is the nation's leading producer of hops. Not by a small margin, but by a large one.

To learn more about :  Hops

Ref :


Which sentence uses the antonym of the following word? monumental A. I learned a staggering amount of information in college. B. My friend lives in a colossal mansion in the hills on the edge of town. C. I live in a humble apartment on the second floor of a low rent building.​



C. I live in a humble apartment on the second floor of a low rent building.​


Monumental means something that has a lot of something or has importance. Oxford Dictionary defines it as

(adjective) great in importance, extent, or size

A, "I learned a staggering amount of information in college," describes someone learning a lot of information in college. If we replaced staggering with monumental, the meaning would still be the same. The amount of information is monumental.

B, "My friend lives in a colossal mansion in the hills on the edge of town," talks of a huge mansion. The word colossal can be exchanged for monumental and the meaning of the sentence would be the same. The mansion is monumental.

These two are not the answer because we want the antonym of monumental, which is the opposite of the meaning of monumental.

This leaves C, which talks about a humble apartment of a low rent building. Nothing about that is grand, important, or monumental. It is simple and small. The opposite of monumental, which is what we're looking for.

I hope this helped :D




I know this

____________ were invaders that raided and settled in areas in Eastern and Western Europe from the 8th to 11th centuries. Question 4 options: Mongols Ottomans Vikings Germans.





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Maybe you were scared and had to turn on the light or the dream was so good you wanted to stay in it longer. Probably, in either case, you forgot most of the details before breakfast. But are dreams just dreams or are they trying to tell you something?DO DREAMS PREDICT THE FUTURE?For hundreds of years, people have thought gods or spirits communicate with us through our dreams. Even today, many people can remember a time when they saw an event, place or person in their dream and then, later, the dream came true in real life. But its probably just a coincidence when a dream event is followed by a real-life event thats similar to it, especially if the subject of the dream is something that happens often in everyday life. Most people have four to six dreams every night after the age of ten. Thats as many as 2,000 dreams per year. So, by the time they reach 80 years old the average person might have had 140,000 dreams. Even if we forget 9599 percent of our dreams, we will still remember a few thousand of them. And, of course, we probably choose to forget the thousands of times we dream about events, but they dont happen.ARE DREAMS JUST RECYCLED THOUGHTS?Around the 18th and 19th centuries two main ideas about dreams became popular. One was the idea that the things we see in our dreams are things our conscious mind is hiding from us. However, the opposite idea said that while were asleep, the brain organises memories and events from the day. Dreams are just a random collection of these thoughts, but we try to make a story from them when we wake up.ARE DREAMS MESSAGES FROM OUR BRAINS?But perhaps the truth about dreams lies somewhere in the middle of these two ideas. Dreams might be made from the thoughts we have during the day, but they appear in dreams with symbolic meaning. When were awake, we mostly think in words, like were having conversations with ourselves. But when were asleep, the part of our brain that controls language becomes less active, while the part that controls feelings becomes more active. So, maybe we experience our thoughts as feelings and symbols instead of words with clear meanings.So, if you can understand the symbols in your dreams, you have a window into your subconscious. Common dreams like being able to fly or falling, or having no clothes on in a public place, probably mean something similar in most people. But to understand exactly what they mean to you, you have to connect them to the events and feelings of your daily life.HOW CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THE MESSAGES?One way to help you do this is to keep a dream diary. As soon as you wake up, write down whatever you can remember about your dreams. Use pen and paper, not your phone or computer as the light might wake you up and youll forget faster. Be quick, as the memories will be gone in seconds. 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