How were the Aztec chinampas constructed?


Answer 1


Agriculture, along with trade and tribute formed the basis of the Aztec empire such as growing enough food to feed the urban population of the Aztec cities was a major importance

Related Questions

5.Which of the following people urged Calfomians to elect delegates to draft a state constitution?

A. Bennett Riley

B. John Fremont

C. James Marshal

D. Peter Burnett


6.The US was extremely eager to admit Califomia to the Union.




Answer: Bennett Riley


Bennett Riley was an American Colonel who held the position of military governor in California during a time of conflict with Native Americans as well as a particularly violent gold rush.

Bennett wanted Congress to grant statehood to California so that the new civilian government would have more power in dealing with the lawless gold camps and issues with the Natives.

To this end, he encouraged the elections of delegates so that they would draft a state Constitution and pressure on Congress to grant them statehood.

Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Cold War? *
1 poin
a. The USSR was upset the US did not recognize it as an independent country after the
Bolshevik Revolution.
b. The USSR was angry the US did not enter World War 2 sooner.
c. The US wanted to prevent the USSR from spreading communism.
d. The US was upset the USSR did not pay reparations when WW2 ended.



The answer is B


B is the right answer

Why might the Soviet Union spy on Canada or plant spies in Canada? {PLEASE HELP}



The Soviets were trying to get information about North American technology including the atom bomb.


The 1935 Nuremberg laws impacted Jewish people by



i need the options?


10) Select THREE reasons why the Abbasid Caliphate was the Golden Age of the Islamic Empire.
The Abbasids preserved Islam by turning back the Mongol invasion.
There was an extended period of peace.
The Abbasids protected non-Arab peoples.
The Abbasids released every slave.
Doctors, scholars, and legal and religious experts advanced the arts and sciences.
The caliph acted more like a king and worked with a vizier.



Siege on Baghdad by the Mongols led by Hulagu Khan ... Like the Umayyad Caliphate before it, the leader of the Abbasids was called the caliph. ... The Abbasid Caliphate had two major periods. ... The Abbasid Caliphate ruled over a large empire that included the Middle ... It is often referred to as the Golden Age of Islam.


Why is Rajendra Chola regarded as ‘Gangaikonda’ or the conqueror of Ganga?



He was a very powerful king and was one of the most famous rulers of southern India. Rajendra chola is regarded as Gangaikonda or the conquer of Ganga because he had conquered places up to the River Ganga.

explain how heritage day is celebrated in schools church and workplaces​



Heritage Day is celebrated annually in South Africa on September 24. ... Hatch celebrated the day by hosting Heritage Day events simultaneously around the country. Employees donned traditional outfits from their own nationalities and shared a meal together of traditional dishes from the employees' many cultures.Explanation:

Why do you think it was difficult for the United States to expand west? Be specific and include two examples.


It would be difficult for the United States for two reasons, the fact that none of the land was mapped other than the areas that previous voyagers had gone through, and the natural landscape of the area, and last, Native American Hostility.

Three examples: When pioneers would voyage to the west, there would often be encounters were they would be attacked by animals that had not been seen before, bears, sneaks, different wolves, and many more. They barely knew the natural resources of the area, such as food, etc.

The next example, no mapping, would be difficult because for the most part, they had no sense of navigation except for the few maps that had been made, even then, would be difficult to navigate.

Native Americans did not appreciate the pioneers coming into the land they considered their own, they resembled hostility and would even kill the civilians that would travel through the land, or capture them.

Hope this helps!! <3

what even caused the boston tea party



Many factors including “taxation without representation,” the 1767 Townshend Revenue Act, and the 1773 Tea Act. ... Additionally, colonists believed Parliament did not have the right to tax them because the American colonies were not represented in Parliament.

Answer:high taxes


why is strong consumer confindence important to an economy



It also measures how people feel confident about the stability of their income. Your trust affects your economic decisions—as does your spending. Consumer confidence is therefore a key indicator of the economy's overall shape. When the economy expands, consumer confidence generally increases.


How Consumer Trust Surveys Work:

Many types of consumer confidence surveys are used all over the world but most of them work in the same way. Based on a random sample designed to be likely, the surveys merely ask a number of questions to evaluate the current and future outlook of the consumer in order to capture their views of the economy and financial situation.

Typically, questions cover such things as:

Current terms and conditions of business.Over the next 6-12 months business conditions.Current conditions of employment.Conditions of employment for the next 6-12 months.Over the next 6-12 months, total family income.

Participants are typically asked to reply to each question as "positive," "negative" or "neutral" and added up to the calculation of "relative value," respectively "1," "-1" or "0" This is then compared with the baseline "index value," frequently the initial value taken at the beginning of the survey—some decades ago. Finally, the indicator values are averaged to produce a commonly reported aggregate value.

The purpose of consumer confidence surveys is to predict future patterns of consumer spending with the premise that greater trust leads to greater purchasing and economic growth.

Why did John brown attack the federal armory at harpers farmery



an effort by abolitionist John Brown, from October 16 to 18, 1859, to initiate a slave revolt in Southern states by taking over the United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia


How was the Roman Empire different after Constantine's recognition of Christianity?

A. Previously intolerant, Rome became known as a place in which all religions were equally tolerated.
B. Inspired by their emperor to convert, the newly Christian Roman soldiers became more loyal to the empire.
C. Roman cultural achievement fell as pagan philosophers, scientists, and artists fled in fear of persecution.
D. Once Constantine accepted Christianity, the Roman Empire became the center of the new faith's growth.



I think that the answer is D but I'm not sure bc I also think B

Which of the following describes the relationship between filibuster and cloture?
A filibuster can be used to end a cloture.
A cloture is a motion to start a filibuster.
A filibuster forces a debate after a cloture.
A cloture can be used to end a filibuster.


The relationship between a cloture and filibuster is that a cloture is a motion to start a filibuster.

What is a Cloture?

A procedure used in legislative assembly for ending a debate and taking a vote.

What is a Filibuster?

It is a political procedure in which one or more members of a legislative body prolong debate on proposed legislation in order to delay or entirely prevent the decision.

What is the relationship between Filibuster and Cloture?

A cloture is a process in which a vote is made. This acts as a motion to start filibuster, in which the debate prolongs to delay the decision.

Thus, the relationship between a cloture and filibuster is that a cloture is a motion to start a filibuster.

Learn more on filibuster here-


What was a cost associated with enforcing the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887?



A cost associated with enforcing the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was establishing and maintaining the Interstate Commerce Commission. In that time, railroads had abusive practices that affected consumers and businesses across the country. hope i helped man plz GIVE brain-ly-est



A cost associated with enforcing the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was establishing and maintaining the Interstate Commerce Commission. In that time, railroads had abusive practices that affected consumers and businesses across the country


How were American Indians treated during the early nineteenth century?
o They helped the exploration of the West in exchange for representation in Congress.
O They had lands taken and were kept from having rights as citizens.
O They were awarded large tracts of land to farm and grow corn.
O They started wars against the Spanish and British and were imprisoned.



They had land taken and were kept from having right as citizens

12. Which of the follow people captured Santa Ama at wanneed the wheperere of Texas?

Stephen Kearny

Zachary Taylor

Sam Houston

Stephen Austin


13. John Drake Sloat raised the American flag in Monterey and San Francisco because:

A. he was acting under orders from General Taylor.

B. he heard about the Bear Flag Revolt.

C. he did not want England to capture the ports first.

D. Governor Micheltorena had been captured.



Zachary Taylor,  Governor Micheltorena had been captured.


hope it helps

En las misiones franciscanas de la Sierra Gorda hay unas pinturas que representan la vida de los pueblos indígenas. ¿Cuáles son los dibujos que tienen estas pinturas?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

En las misiones franciscanas de la Sierra Gorda hay unas pinturas que representan la vida de los pueblos indígenas. ¿Cuáles son los dibujos que tienen estas pinturas?

Los dibujos que representan la vida los indígenas mesoamericanos de la época de la colonización están localizados en las diferentes misiones o iglesias que construyeron los frailes franciscanos durante su misión evangelizadora por los territorios de la Sierra Gorda de Querétaro, en México.

Particularmente, estamos hablando de las misiones construidas por Junípero Serra a partir de 1751, hasta concluir la última en 1766.

Ante la resistencia de los indígenas por aceptar las enseñanzas de la religión Católica, Serra tuvo la gran idea de combinar elementos indígenas en la facha de las iglesias y en las pinturas del interior, con objeto de llamar la atención de los indígenas y que pusieran menor resistencia a la evangelización. Es por eso que existen esa combinación de elementos como el maíz, las flores y plantas de la región en esas pinturas y dibujos.

Las misiones construidas bajo el mando de Junípero Serra son Landa, Tancoyol, Jalpan, Concá, y Tilaco.

Give 5 facts about the Great Lakes


Great Lakes are the largest freshwater system in the world
More than 20% of all the worlds freshwater is in the Great Lakes
Lake Superior contains half of the water in all the Great Lakes
Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area
Lake Michigan’s shore is home to the largest freshwater sand dunes in the world

Place the following events in the correct order in which they took place.

The Continental Congress votes in favor of independence.

The committee in charge of drafting the Declaration is formed.

Thomas Jefferson writes the Original Rough Draft.



The answer is below


Based on the historical account, the following events are placed in the correct order in which they took place.

1. The committee in charge of drafting the Declaration is formed. - On June 11, 1776, a committee of Five was formed

2. Thomas Jefferson writes the Original Rough Draft.- Towards the end of June 1776, Original Rough Draft was written, the document was presented on June 28

3. The Continental Congress votes in favor of independence. - on July 2, 1776, Congress voted to support the independence,

Answer: Place the following events in the correct order in which they took place.

third     The Continental Congress votes in favor of independence.

first      The committee in charge of drafting the Declaration is formed.

second   Thomas Jefferson writes the Original Rough Draft.


La visión humanista cambió la forma de ver y pensar del ser humano a fines del S XV. La cual se caracterizó por:


La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La visión humanista cambió la forma de ver y pensar del ser humano a fines del siglo XV. Esa visión se caracterizó por realzar los valores y características del pensamiento humano como fuente de conocimiento y dejar de creer en las antiguos ideas religiosas que todo lo explicaban bajo el poder divino.

El Humanismo aparece en la época del Renacimiento en el siglo XV, en lo que ahora es Italia. Después de muchos años de la Época Obscura de la Edad Media, los autores comienzan a ver al humano como un ser pensante, capaz de crear con sus propias decisiones una mejor versión de la realidad. Más allá del dogma religioso. el Humanismo abre paso a la idea de que el Humano es una creatura con facultad de decidir en su en torno con la naturaleza.

1.What is the central theme of the text? History A Jury of her Peers.
A. If someone has resilience, they can face any difficult situation.
B. Women are often underappreciated and underestimated.
C. Love and friendship are important but unnecessary parts of life.
D. Death is difficult to face and grief can cause people a great deal of stress.



the answer is b


sorry if its wrong

En la combencion durante la rebulucion francesa los diferentes grupos coincidian que el ciestema debia tan cual estaba


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, la redacción de tu oración es muy confusa. Además, sólo es una oración, olvidaste incluir la pregunta.

Podemos rescribir la oración para que se pueda entender mejor, y sería la siguiente:

En la convención durante la Revolución Francesa, los diferentes grupos coincidían en que el sistema debía mantenerse tal cual estaba.

Ahora, con respecto a la pregunta, creemos que se trata de una pregunta de verdadero o falso. Si es así, entonces la respuesta sería "falso."

Es falso que en la convención durante la Revolución Francesa, los diferentes grupos coincidían en que el sistema debía mantenerse tal cual estaba.

Y decimos que es falso porque precisamente sucedió todo lo contrario. Durante la convención, la gente exigió mejores condiciones de vida y una sociedad más igualitaria. Recordemos que esta Convención Nacional fue la que caracterizó a la Primera República Francesa. La asamblea constituyente se convocó en 1792 para redactar una nueva Constitución que incluiría novedosos conceptos democráticos como el derecho al voto, a un digno trabajo y a una mejor educación.

which of the following laws where the earliest written laws in history



The Code of Hammurabi was one of the earliest and most complete written legal codes and was proclaimed by the Babylonian king Hammurabi, who reigned from 1792 to 1750 B.C. Hammurabi expanded the city-state of Babylon along the Euphrates River to unite all of southern Mesopotamia.

¿ Cuales territorios
eran ambicionados por las
Potencias europeas en los Balcanes?



I'm sorry need to answer for points


tHank you

Why did the Anti-Federalists propose adding the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution?


Antifederalists argued that a bill of rights was necessary because, the supremacy clause in combination with the necessary and proper and general welfare clauses would allow implied powers that could endanger rights. Federalists rejected the proposition that a bill of rights was needed.

Before the United States Constitution, there was the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation was known for being very weak and giving little power to the national government. Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government could not tax the states, draft soldiers, regulate trade, or even create and enforce laws properly.

Over time, people started to realize just how weak the Articles of Confederation was and wanted something different. The people who were in favor of amending the Articles of Confederation and giving more power to the national government were called Federalists. On the other hand, the people who wanted to keep the Articles of Confederation how it was and were in favor of having strong state governments were called Anti-Federalists.

During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the original goal was just to amend the Articles of Confederation. This did not happen though and they ended up getting scrapped, while the United States Constitution was created instead. The Anti-Federalists said they would only agree with the United States Constitution if a Bill of Rights was added, as they were scared that the new and powerful national government may abuse its power onto the citizens.


What were the efforts of progressives like Ida Tarbell, Jane Addams, and Alice Paul designed to do?

make people distrust the government

create more fairness for people in America

keep African Americans as second-class citizens

encourage Americans to be more like Europe



B creat more fairness for people in America

Which religion advocated resistance to Western influences?





The first Indigenous group to have migrated into the Caribbean was the?
a) Maya
b) Taino
c) Aztecs
d) Kalinago



I think it's b) Taino


The Taíno were an Arawak people who were the indigenous people of the Caribbean and Florida. At the time of European contact in the late 15th century, they were the principal inhabitants of most of Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (the Dominican Republic & Haiti), & Puerto Rico.

The ancestors of the Taíno entered the Caribbean from South America. At the time of contact, the Taíno were divided into three broad groups, known as the Western Taíno (Jamaica, most of Cuba, and the Bahamas), the Classic Taíno (Hispaniola and Puerto Rico) and the Eastern Taíno (northern Lesser Antilles).

Why did Spain create missions in the colonies?

to create forced labor using American Indians
to adapt to American Indian traditions
to assimilate American Indians
to return land to American Indians



C. To assimilate native Americans


- Todo ❤️️‍


To assimilate with a group is to practically force them to be a part of your religion or customs and completely forget theirs




To assimilate American Indians

Why did Southern democrats split from the party?


After being the dominant party in U.S. politics from 1800 to 1829, the Democratic-Republicans split into two factions by 1828: the federalist National Republicans, and the Democrats. ... The Southern Democrats (known as "Dixiecrats"), reflecting the views of the late John C. Calhoun, insisted slavery was national

The Democratic-Republicans broke into two factions by 1828, after being the dominant political party in the United States from 1800 to 1829: the federalist National Republicans and the Democrats. The Southern Democrats (also known as "Dixiecrats") argued on slavery being a national issue, echoing the late John C. Calhoun's ideas.
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