I don't know why we are re-learning this in the 8th grade but I don't remember the answer:
here's the choices ..


Answer 1
Answer: Columbia crew threaded to mutiny
Answer 2
The answer is -Mutiny

Related Questions

What is the importance of October 12, 1492?

-Columbus sighted land in the Western Hemisphere.

-All the ships were lost in a storm.

-The crew staged a mutiny.



Columbus sighted land in the Western Hemisphere.

Hope that helps you

please mark brainliest

please follow

columbus sighted land in the western hemisphere

Explain how scientific and technological innovations led to massive economic, cultural, social, and demographic changes. Write at least a paragraph please. I will mark brainliest for the best/correct answer.


La ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación han cobrando creciente relevancia en los últimos años y se han transformado en un determinante fundamental de las posibilidades para crecer y competir en el mercado mundial.Como sociedad siempre estamos buscando nuevas tendencias, buscando y dirigiéndonos hacia la evolución y la búsqueda de la solución de las cosas tanto en sectores primarios como secundarios, muchas veces los cambios no son positivos e incluso pueden llegar a hacer a la gente mediocre mediante cosas muy innecesarias que son llamativas pero muchas veces llegan a entorpecer a la mente humana y llevarla hasta los límites, nosotros como nuevas generaciones debemos aprender cómo saber aprovechar de una buena manera las cosas que tenemos puesto que al mal derroche que se le viene dando de generación a generación se va perdiendo.

New inventions and new technology help our big businesses grow and develop during the Industrial Revolution. Many of the new inventions were machines that made it easier and quicker to produce products. Inventions like the spinning jenny, the sewing machine, and the refrigerated railroad car are examples It brought many changes to people. Each and every class of people were affected by social and political changes, the majority of the population was joyous because a lot of new rights were given, and more freedom was with the people.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an effective leader?
A. willingness to sacrifice
B. commitment to education and learning
C. desire to serve
D. a focus on self-preservation


D is the only one that benefit them self every other one benefits everyone



Why was Anne Hutchinson and antinomianism important?


The most notable Free Grace advocates, often called "Antinomians", were Anne Hutchinson, her brother-in-law Reverend John Wheelwright, and Massachusetts Bay Governor Henry Vane. ... In Boston, Hutchinson was influential among the settlement's women and hosted them at her house for discussions on the weekly sermons.


Anne Hutchinson (née Marbury; July 1591 – August 1643) was a Puritan spiritual advisor, religious reformer, and an important participant in the Antinomian Controversy which shook the infant Massachusetts Bay Colony from 1636 to 1638.



Name two important features of Mayan Civilization.


1. They were highly skilled architects who created structures with great precision. Such as the pyramids

2. Mayan Medicine was surprisingly advanced. They were skillful dental surgeons and made prostheses from jade and turquoise and filled teeth with iron pyrite.
Developed the science of astronomy as well as calendars and hieroglyphics of their own language.
As well as made a unique structures such as temples and pyramids.

Note that neither the Han dynasty nor the Tang dynasty started out occupying as much territory as the maps from part A show. The maps show the dynasties’ territories only at the height of each empire. In about 50 to 100 words, explain what you think likely helped each empire spread over so much territory. Was it trade, conquest, or some mixture of both? Be sure to support your answer with evidence, and don’t hesitate to look up additional information if you need help with your answer.

please helpp



I think it's a bit of both


Taking Britain as an example, its overseas colonial expansion went through three stages. They are the stages of adhering to mercantilism, carrying out "license" system, "pillaging ship" model and establishing commercial capitalism centered on the North American colonies. After the Industrial Revolution, it gained the position of commodity competition, and under the guidance of free trade thought, it seized the key places of trade network, raw material producing areas and markets by means of maritime hegemony and gun diplomacy, and constructed the free capitalism stage of invisible trade empire. As well as the industrial capital (imperialism) stage in which the British empire was built with India as the core, the British empire returned to the colonial road after suffering fierce competition from other European countries.


It was some mixture of both Trade and Conquest.


Can you give me an example of medicine that developed throughout the 20th century.





In the 20th century, both chemotherapy and radiotherapy were developed as treatments for cancer. Before the development of these treatments, the vast majority of people who developed cancer died of the disease without any hope of being cured.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were used

Determine whether the following people and events were part of the First Crusade or the Fourth Crusade.

Pope Urban II called

for people to recover

Jerusalem from

the Muslims.

Crusaders sacked


The Holy Roman Emperor

wanted to regain control

of the Byzantine Empire.

Crusaders massacred

Jews in the Rhineland.

Crusaders recaptured

Jerusalem but killed Jews,

Muslims, and Christians

in the process.

Pope Innocent III hoped to

return to Jerusalem to free

the city from the Muslims.

Fast, please.
I will give brainliest, 5 stars, and thanks if it is correct.



Pope Urban II called for people to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims. - 1st crusade.

Crusaders sacked Constantinople. - 4th crusade.

The Holy Roman Emperor wanted to regain control of the Byzantine Empire. - 1st crusade.

Crusaders massacred Jews in the Rhineland. - 1st crusade.

Crusaders recaptured Jerusalem but killed Jews, Muslims, and Christians in the process. - 1st crusade.

Pope Innocent III hoped to return to Jerusalem to free the city from the Muslims. - 4th crusade.

D is the answer. Pope Urban II hopes to return the holy city of Jerusalem from the Muslims.

Match the following terms with their definitions.


The man for who the New world named
ruler of the Aztecs
discovered the pacific ocean
first to sail around the world
conquered the Aztecs of Mexico
conquered the Incas of Peru
king of spain
attempted to free Jerusalem
home town of Chris Columbus


Definition                                                                       Terms

The man for who the New world named                Vespucci

ruler of the Aztecs                                                    Montezuma

discovered the pacific ocean                                    Magellan

first to sail around the world                                      Ferdindand

conquered the Aztecs of Mexico                               Cortes                  

conquered the Incas of Peru                                       Pizzaro

king of Spain                                                                  Balboa

attempted to free Jerusalem                                     crusaders

home town of Chris Columbus                                     Genoa

I might be wrong! If you notice it, please comment it!

why dont you look it up?
its WAY easier to do it that way.

Pls HURRY Make predictions about the subject and likely point of view of the following magazine articles. “The Dirty War in Argentina in the 1980s”



in 1980s there was a very dirty was there

The Dirty War, from 1976 to 1983, changed into a seven-year campaign via way of means of the Argentine authorities in opposition to suspected dissidents and subversives.

What brought on Argentina's Dirty War?

The actions of the Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance since 1973 and the "annihilation decrees" of Isabel Martínez de Perón in opposition to left-wing guerrillas at some point of Operation Independence in 1975 have additionally been counseled as dates for the start of the Dirty War, here we are referring to Argentina's Dirty War.

Many people, each fighter of the authorities in addition to harmless people, were "disappeared" withinside the center of the night.

Thus, these are points discussed about Argentina's Dirty War.

Learn more about Argentina's Dirty War here:



Please write a paragraph summarizing this paragraph below. I will mark brainliest for the best paragraph!!

As each person, accordingly, attempts however much he can both to utilize his capital in the help of homegrown industry, thus to coordinate that industry that its produce might be of the best worth; each individual essentially works to deliver the yearly income of the general public as extraordinary as possible. He for the most part, to be sure, neither means to advance the public interest, nor knows the amount he is advancing it. By inclining toward the help of homegrown to that unfamiliar industry, he expects just his own security; and by coordinating that industry in such a way as its produce might be of the best worth, he plans just his own benefit, and he is in this, as in numerous different cases, driven by an invisible hand to advance an end which was no essential for his expectation. Nor is it generally more regrettable for the general public that it was not essential for it. By seeking after his own advantage he every now and again advances that of the general public more practically than when he truly plans to advance it.


Each individual has a unique opportunity to use his or her capital in order to improve the standard of living of the general public. This is done by making sure that the industry that he or she works in is of the best quality.
By inclining toward the help of homegrown to that unfamiliar industry, he expects just his own security; and my coordinating that industry in such a way as its produce might be of the best worth, he plans just his own benefit, and he is in this, as in numerous different cases, driven by an invisible hand to advance an end which was no essential for his expectation.

The principle of -blank- grants citizenship to nearly all people born in the United States or in American territories.


En territorios espero te sirva

The principal of Territory’s grants citizenship to nearly all people born in the United States or in american territories

2b. Explain the point of view of the Prime Minister concerning education for black South Africans.


Verwoerd was an authoritarian, socially conservative leader and an Afrikaner nationalist. He was a member of the Afrikaner Broederbond, an exclusively white and Christian Calvinist secret organization dedicated to advancing the Afrikaner "volk" interests, and like many members of the organization had verbally supported Germany during World War II. Broederbond members like Verwoerd would assume high positions in government upon the Nationalist electoral victory in 1948 and come to wield a profound influence on public and civil society throughout the apartheid era in South Africa.

Verwoerd's desire to ensure white, and especially Afrikaner dominance in South Africa, to the exclusion of the country's nonwhite majority, was a major aspect of his support for a republic (though removing the British monarchy was long a nationalist aspiration anyway). To that same end, Verwoerd greatly expanded apartheid.[citation needed] He branded the system as a policy of "good-neighborliness", stating that different races and cultures could only reach their full potential if they lived and developed apart from each other, avoiding potential cultural clashes,[neutrality is disputed] and that the white minority had to be protected from the majority non-white in South Africa by pursuing a "policy of separate development" namely apartheid and keeping power firmly in the hands of whites.[citation needed] Given Verwoerd's background as a social science academic, he attempted to justify apartheid on ethical and philosophical grounds. This system however saw the complete disfranchisement of the nonwhite population.[2]

Verwoerd heavily repressed opposition to apartheid during his premiership. He ordered the detention and imprisonment of tens of thousands of people and the exile of further thousands, while at the same time greatly empowering, modernizing, and enlarging the white apartheid state's security forces (police and military). He banned black organizations such as the African National Congress and the Pan Africanist Congress, and it was under him that future president Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for life for sabotage.[3][4] Verwoerd's South Africa had one of the highest prison populations in the world and saw a large number of executions and floggings. By the mid-1960s Verwoerd's government to a large degree had put down internal civil resistance to apartheid by employing extraordinary legislative power, draconian laws, psychological intimidation, and the relentless efforts of the white state's security forces.

Apartheid as a program began in 1948 with D. F. Malan's premiership, but it was Verwoerd's large role in its formulation and his efforts to place it on a firmer legal and theoretical footing, including his opposition to even the limited form of integration known as baasskap, that have led him to be dubbed the "Architect of Apartheid". His actions prompted the passing of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1761, condemning apartheid, and ultimately leading to South Africa's international isolation and economic sanctions. On 6 September 1966, Verwoerd was stabbed several times by parliamentary aide Dimitri Tsafendas. He died shortly after, and Tsafendas was jailed until his death in 1999.

The prime minister of the Africa gave the speech regarding the education of black Africans, in his speech he told that there should be the equal education between the black Africans and whites.

What were Verwoerd's thoughts on African-American education?

Hendrik Verwoerd, the Minister of Native Affairs, claimed that the goal was to solve South Africa's “ethnic problems” by creating complementary economic and political units.

It is frequently claimed that the Bantu (African) education policy was intended to direct black or non-white youth to the unskilled labor market.

The African Prime Minister delivered a speech on black African education, in which he stated that black and white Africans should have equal education.

Therefore, there was the starting of equal education among the Americans, black and white man's.

Learn more about the education, refer to:



What is the most important power of Congress?
fix standard weights and measures
make the nation’s laws
establish post offices
borrow money



make the nation's laws


While all of the options are powers of Congress, the most important one is their ability to make laws as it influences all of the nation.


make the nation’s laws


What were the major empires in between the 11th-16th centuries?



England, France, Rome


I'm not for sure but I'm pretty sure this is it. Between those times these were the biggest empires there were.


the biggest empires between the 11th, and 16th century without a doubt would be England, France and Rome


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

key step in naturalization process:
the people
jus sanguinis
chief justice roger taney
jus soli


The people would be correct because it’s the only one that fits the question and because the people are the key step in the naturalization process

how did economics and trade change through out the years
please write a paragraph and include at least four ideas and 400 words at least if you do I will try and give you brainliest if it gives me the option to and just privately message me and ask me for anything you want just make sure it's under $30 and make sure it's age appropriate



Trade and Globalization


Comparative advantage

In economic theory, the ‘economic cost’ – or the ‘opportunity cost’ – of producing a good is the value of everything you need to give up in order to produce that good.  

Economic costs include physical inputs (the value of the stuff you use to produce the good), plus forgone opportunities (when you allocate scarce resources to a task, you give up alternative uses of those resources).

The freely available economics textbook The Economy: Economics for a Changing World! explains this as follows: “A person or country has a comparative advantage in the production of a particular good if the cost of producing an additional unit of that good relative to the cost of producing another good is lower than another person or country’s cost to produce the same two goods.”

so the Evidence is...:

Is there empirical support for comparative-advantage theories of trade?

The empirical evidence suggests that the principle of comparative advantage does help explain trade patterns. Bernhofen and Brown (2004)25, for instance, provide evidence using the experience of Japan. Specifically, they exploit Japan’s dramatic nineteenth-century move from a state of near-complete isolation to wide trade openness.

Net exports and price changes for 1869, Japan – Figure 4 in Bernhofen and Brown (2014)26

so thats how did economics and trade change through out the years.

Trade and globalization and I just had that

The Democratic-Republican party divided into several separate parties, ultimately becoming the __________ party.



A. Whig


The Whig Party was formally organized in 1834, bringing together a loose coalition of groups united in their opposition to what party members viewed as the executive tyranny of “King Andrew” Jackson. They borrowed the name Whig from the British party as opposed to royal prerogatives.

The Whig Party!!!!!!!!


Can someone please explain the Israel-Palestine conflict as simply as possible. No bias. Please help thank you!



The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is one of the world's most enduring hostilities, with the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip reaching 53 years. Various attempts have been made to resolve the conflict as part of the Israeli–Palestinian peace process.


The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is one of the world’s most enduring hostilities, with the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip reaching 53 years. Multiple kind of attempts have been made to resolve the conflict as part of the Israeli–Palestinian peace process

In which areas of culture did Syed Alaol work?

this is the pharagraph but i cant find the answer;

Summary: A seventeenth-century poet who translated famous works in Bangla as well as writing his own songs and poetry. He has a prestigious library named after him.
An aristocratic background
Syed Alaol is one of the most famous Bengali poets of the Middle Ages. He was born around 1607 AD. There are disagreements over the place of his birth. Some scholars suggest that he was born in Chittagong while others say Faridpur. Alaol's father was a minister of MajlishKutub, the ruler of Fatwabad (Fatehabad). Since he was born into an aristocratic family, Alaol received a good education in his early years. He learnt Bangla, Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian languages as well as the art of war and music.
Captured by pirates
On one occasion when Alaol was quite young, he was going to Chittagong with his father by boat. On the way, they were attacked by Portuguese pirates. The pirates killed his father and captured him. He was sent to Arakan in Myanmar.
Young Alaol found work as a bodyguard in Arakan. Later he worked as a teacher of music and dance in a well-to-do family. His poetic talent soon became well known and he was able to secure a place at the royal court of Arakan where he received royal patronage. Among his patrons were Syed Musa (Royal Minister), Solaiman (Chief Minister), Mohammad Khan (Minister of Army), MajlisNabaraj (Minister of Taxation) and Magan Thakur, the Prime Minister and the adopted son of the king's sister.
Translations and original work
Alaol was a prolific writer. His most significant contributions to Bangla literature were made through translations of famous works in different languages into Bangla. His masterpiece, Padmavati, is a translation of a Hindi poem Padmavat by Malik Mohammad Jayasi. Most of his other translations were made from Persian and include SaifulmulukBadiuzzamal, Satimayana-Lor-Chandrani, Saptapaykar, Sikandarnama and Tohfa. ButAlaol also produced his own original works. These include a number of songs, mostly vaishav, and a book on the art of music, Ragtalnama.
Alaolis mostly hailed as one of the great poets who introduced romantic themes in Bangla poetry. Another characteristic of his works was that though they were mostly translated from other languages, his creative touch and unique style made the works essentially the property of the Bangla language. In addition to contributing to Bangla literature, Alaol also paid attention to questions of religion and morality, which were reflected in his Tohfa.

An award in his name
Alaol died around 1673 in Hat Hazari of Chittagong. A prestigious literary award in his name, AlaolSahityaPurashkar, has been introduced to recognize important works in contemporary Bangla.


royal court of Arakan
Medieval poet of bengal

When determining whether or not a certain career can meet your wants and needs, you should first __________. A. prepare a backup plan B. work at least three months in that field C. obtain the degree required for that career D. gather information about the potential career


Answer: D. Gather information about the potential career.

Explanation: You should gather info first because if you get a degree and you didn't find information first, it may not be the job you want, and 3 months may not be enough because it depends on what job you think you want.

d. gather information for the potential career

Create a list of three events related to westward expansion that affected African Americans. Review the lesson for compromises and consequences to help make your list. Events you should consider include the following:

Missouri Compromise
Compromise of 1850
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Fugitive Slave Act
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Bleeding Kansas
Harpers Ferry

Explain the impact of each of the three selected events. Be sure to include how each event resulted in changes for African Americans.


The events related to westward expansion that affected African Americans are Missouri Compromise, Dred Scott v. Sandford, Fugitive Slave Act, Kansas-Nebraska Act and Bleeding Kansas.

Missouri Compromise became the first compromise in America between the states favouring slavery and non-slavery. Missouri entered as a slave state.

Dred Scott court case for freedom raised hostility between the South and the North related to slavery.

Fugitive Slave Act forced runaway slaves to return from the North to their masters in the South.

Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed Kansas to decide on slavery themselves.

Abolitionists attempt to destroy slavery led to Bleeding Kansas.

The given event Missouri Compromise had the strongest impact because it divided states based on slavery and free states.

Therefore we can conclude that option A, C, D, E and G are the correct answer.

The process that grants immigrants the rights and privileges of citizenship is called
double jeopardy.
jus soli.


The process that grants immigrants the rights and privileges of citizenship: naturalization.

C. Naturalization
You answer is c ;) hope I helped

Many leaders in American history exhibited civic virtue. Which of the following BEST defines civic virtue?
A. the ability to change laws at will
B. a tendency towards violent solutions to civic issues
C. habits that contribute to the overall success of a community
D. the steadfast notion that America is the best nation in the world


Civic virtue: character of a good participant in a system of government (society)
Answer: C
C. Habits that contribute to the overall success of a community

Why was Matthew Lyon important figure in American history


Lyon represented Vermont in Congress from 1797 to 1801, and represented Kentucky from 1803 to 1811. ... His tenure in Congress was tumultuous. He brawled with one Congressman, and was jailed on charges of violating the Sedition Act, winning re-election to Congress from inside his jail cell.
Matthew Lyon is an important figure in American history because,
He brawled with one Congressman, and was jailed on charges of violating the Sedition Act, winning re-election to Congress from inside his jail cell. Lyon's trial, conviction, and incarceration boosted his status among the fledgling Democratic-Republican Party as a free-speech martyr.

The poem “White Man’s Burden” can BEST be seen as creating a/an ___ justification for imperialism.



an is the right answer maybe


j is not an vouvel

This is nnothing pls dont mand me

Pls help! // What was seen as the most important trading product of Kush?



iron was the most important


The Economist has referred to iron ore as the most important commodity after oil and stated that the development of processes to turn raw earth into steel one of “mankind's most ingenious achievements.” ... However, as the world became more globalized, locally sourced materials for steel making were no longer needed.

“My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over. Our Constitution works. Our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here the people rule.”
—Gerald Ford, 1974

What did President Gerald Ford mean when he said “our Constitution works”? How did the U.S. Constitution effectively resolve the crisis caused by President Nixon?



For the answer to the question above, li thinks it means that a republic is a government of laws, that have been going over and printed out and you cannot argue with it. but men can argue and fight and not makeup such a great republic. In many countries as politically polarized as our own, the resignation of its leader amid scandal after winning re-election by an electoral landslide might have triggered insurrection if not civil war, but the wise leaders whose collective genius framed our Constitution had anticipated even this unthinkable event. Nixon accepted the consequences of his actions with such grace as he could salvage, his vice-president took over the reins of government as provided for by law, and even those who might have been less than completely satisfied with this result accepted it and got on with the nation's business pretty much as they had done before.

Yup the person above me is correct slow clap for them *clap* *clap* *clap*

What is the relationship between the principles of federalism and the separation of powers as suggested by Montesquieu and detailed in the Constitution?


Under federalism, power is divided between national and state governments. Both levels have their own agencies and officials, and pass laws that directly affect citizens. This was devised because the people were afraid to give all the power to a central government, federalism offered a middle ground on the subject. Montesquieu believed in a separation of powers consisting of three branches, the federal government consisting of a legislative, executive and judicial branch. Each philosophy further separated the power of the federal government, making it so that each branch keeps the other in check, as with each citizen keeping the government under check. Montesquieu balanced the branches, the separation of power balance the government

What is the relationship between the principles of Federalism and the separation of powers as suggested by Montesquieu and detailed in the Constitution? Answer: Under federalism, power is divided between national and state governments.

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

Article I of the Constitution



The answer is describes the legislative branch of the government :)




Other Questions
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