I. Give the correct form of the verb in parentheses, using Past tenses.
1. When the phone (ring)…………….., I (have)…………….. a bath.
2. You (wear)………… your new hat when I (meet)………… you yesterday.
3. When it (rain)………………. She (carry)………………. an umbrella.
4. The house (be)…………… much smaller than he (think)………….. at first.
5. While you (play)………………… the piano, I (write)…………….. a letter.
6. Before you (mention)………. Him, I never (hear)…………. of that author.
7. My friends (sing)………….. when I (come)………………. into the room.
8. Rachel (decide)……………… not to go out because it (rain)……………...
9. When he (go)……………… to see them last night, they (play)…………… cards. They
(say)………………, they (play)……………… since six o’clock.
10. The little girl (ask)………….. what (happen)………….. to her ice-cream.
11. He (eat)……………….. dinner when I (go)…………….. to see him.
12. Last night Lyria (listen)………………. to the radio when she (hear)………………... a strange noise


Answer 1


1. When the phone rang I had a bath.

2. You wore your new hat when I met you yesterday.

3. When it rained she carried an umbrella.

4. The house was much smaller than you thought at first.

5. When you played the piano, I wrote a letter.

6. Before you mentioned him, I never heard of that author.

7. My friends sang when I came into the room.

8. Rachel decided not to go out because it rained.

9. When he went to see them last night, they played cards. They said they were playing since six o'clock.

10. The little girl asked what happened to her ice-cream.

11. He ate dinner when I went to see him.

12. Last night Lyria listened to the radio when she heard a strange noise downstairs.


Related Questions

In The First Some by Don Aker Who has respect for themselves?


Mohammad does you can see it in his confidence tone and body language

Iookat thequestionfor one minute before you listen.1,what areas does the speaker say the talk will focus on? 2,what's the difference between the spoken language and reading?


Hi. Unfortunately, you didn't deliver the talk this question refers to. This makes it impossible for it to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

To find the areas where the talk fits, you will need to read or listen to the talk and identify those areas in the speaker's speech. These areas refer to the type of subject that the lecture addresses and the direction of the lecture and relation to the themes and objectives it wants to achieve.

Regarding the difference between the spoken language and reading, we can say that the spoken language requires that the individuals involved have the skills to speak coherently and to listen efficiently. These skills, however, are not necessary in reading, where individuals need to display skills in interpretation, reading, writing and concentration.

Which detail from the excerpt best supports the conclusion that Turner is frustrated with his father, Reverend Buckminster?



"They're not down on the da mn docks."


Gary D. Schmidt's "Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy" is about a young boy's friendship with a Negro girl against the society's acceptance. The story deals with themes of racism, loyalty, friendship, family, society, status, etc.

In the given excerpt, Turner is warned by his father against going to "visit a Negro girl on Malaga Island." But Turner seemed reluctant to obey what his father or society wants him to do. So, when his father mentioned that "[Lizzie's family are] down on the docks", Turner reiterates that they are not. His repetition of "they're not down on the da mn docks" shows his exasperated feeling about his father.


Turner's words when he says, "They're not down on the docks."


The excerpt is taken from the story of Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy.

The story was written by the writer, Gary D. Schmidt. The excerpt is from chapter 6 of the book.

In the chapter, Turner was frustrated with his dad, as his dad did not allowed him to go to the Malaga island and telling him that the Malaga island was a forbidden island and Turner should not visit it.

Turner's frustration can be seen from form his words when he says, "They're not down on the docks."

Thank you so much thank y’all help


the answer you have selected makes the most sense


the answer you have selected makes the most sense


One reason the narrator was surprised by Wallace story is that the narrator


The narrator was surprised at Wallace's story because he had not expected Wallace to be such an effective story teller.

Wallace's story seemed so fantastic to the narrator.  Listening to Wallace tell his story made him to start getting convinced that the story was a true one.

Wallace was describing a more beautiful world and as he did so in his story, he talked like he had a conviction of such.  This surprised  the narrator. He was beginning to be persuaded.

Read more at https://brainly.com/question/24312701?referrer=searchResults

Wallace's story surprised the narrator because he had not anticipated Wallace to be such an effective storyteller. The narrator thought Wallace's tale was fantastic.  As he listened to Wallace tell his story, he became increasingly convinced that it was accurate. Wallace was describing a more beautiful world in his tale, and he spoke as if he was certain of it.  The storyteller was taken aback by this. He was starting to change his mind.

i (not,know)what this word (mean)but i can look it up for you !use this present simple tense​



I don't know what this word means, but I can look it up for you!

Which long quotation is formatted correctly according to MLA guidelines for a book?
According to Poor Richard's Almanac,
At 22 years of age, Franklin had not made much progress toward the goal of his ambition, (Franklin 7)
According to Poor Richard's Almanac,
“At 22 years of age, Franklin had not made much progress toward the goal of his ambition, (Franklin, 2007)
According to Poor Richard's Almanac-
At 22 years of age, Franklin had not made much progress toward the goal of his ambition, (Benjamin
Franklin, page 7)
According to Poor Richard's Almanac-
At 22 years of age, Franklin had not made much progress toward the goal of his ambition (Franklin, 7).



According to Poor Richard’s Almanac:

At 22 years of age, Franklin had not made much progress toward the goal of his ambition. (Franklin 7)


Which of the following was the obstacle that Dorothy faced on her quest to return to home?
O Trees
O Birds
O Animals
O Insects



Uh... Trees?


The obstacle that Dorothy faced on her quest to return to home is trees.

What is the Wizard of Oz?

The wizard of Oz is a book written by an American author Frank Baum and it was performed on stage. It was first published in 1900 and it a story about a farm girl called Dorathy who find herself in the land of oz with her per dog.

Therefore, The obstacle that Dorothy faced on her quest to return to home is trees.

Learn more about wonderful wizard of oz below.



Read the excerpt from "Racing to the Top with Danica Patrick." Danica had to make a decision. Would she continue in Indy or move to NASCAR? Indy and NASCAR races have two different styles. Since she started in Indy and had raced for years, Danica didn't want to disappoint fans. Still, Danica was drawn to NASCAR. In 2012 she became a full-time NASCAR racer. What inference about Danica Patrick does this excerpt most support?



We can infer that Danica prefers NASCAR racing.


An inference is a conclusion that was created from the analysis of data or information presented in a text, graph, or other medium. In the text shown in the question above, we can see that Danica has a strong interest in racing and after spending time as a competitor in the Indy race, she decided to switch to the Nascar race, where she became a full-time competitor. With this we can infer or conclude that Danica prefers NASCAR racing.

When you come upon a word that you do not know, what can you do?



You can use dictionary to learn the meaning of the specific word.

you can look it up online or find it in a dictionary:)

Say 3 things that happened to Cinderella that were mean and unfair.



1. Her step mother treated her differently when compared to her biological daughters. She treated them like royalty and her like dirt.

2. Her step mother made her do what seemed to be an impossible task while her an her daughters enjoyed the ball

3.After her mother and father died her step mother gave no sympathy towards Cinderella and made her do all of the house chores and behave like a maid.

1. she was treated differently than her sisters

2. her stepmother gave her more tasks/work than her sisters

3. her sisters got to do and have more than her

Which of the following best describes the narrative point of view of the above excerpt?



E l o no te contesto me dijo de mi trauma con la muerte de mi vida es un biberón de un bb y a mi bibe es de el y yo ayudamos a jas a grabar un video que Si

Answer:told from “I” as an adult thinking about meaning of the ev

Explanation: Letter  because it is from when the person was small and know they are grown

- Some people believe that students should be given a large amount of homework so that they can learn independently. Others disagree and think that they should be engaged in social activities rather than school work at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
*Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experiences.
- Irrelevant / Random answers will be reported! :) ​



Some people believe that students should be given a large amount of homework so that they can learn independently. Others disagree and think that they should be engaged in social activities rather than school work at home.

Yeah this statement is true.Two of them has a independent importance in their respective field.but we need to choose one of them.In this situation I will disagree this statement.


As being a student I feel the feeling of students .

I have so many problems in my school's life .I never visited friends house ,no time to play,enjoy and relax .It seems that everything is book and copy. I have no time to do exercise too .Though large amount of homework increases brain power of students though it increases pressure too.Students have fear of being Failure.

As we know that by visiting nearby area ,zoos, and other social programs. Some of my scout friends goes to trip and training but I feel bored .

Involving in social programs helps to increase mind power too.It helps to increase the capacity of remembering.It make you relax and happy involving in different social activities. Everybody starts to love you. every one helps you and encourage you.

[Actually ,I am not going against any statement.It is my feeling and struggle]



Before two years ago i have two classmate named as Rajan and Kiran.Kiran regularly does his homework but not Rajan but Rajan knows everything about homework. Actually Rajan use to work in bike workshop after school and his father is educated.

his father helps him to read and write at evening.

But kiran use to do homework after school.

In comparison to kiran the answer of Rajan is always best but he used to do some only .

If we ask anything other education related question Rajan used to answer in a simple manner but kiran used to answer in his own way but we didnot understand anything.It seems that reading a whole book furiously once.

But the answer given by Rajan was super cool. it seems that we understand a whole book without reading.

So i encourage all that giving a lot amount homework is better but not best.we must understand the feeling and difficulties of student.

student do not be happy for this.Its my view.


Formation B here!

Here's your answer!


∞  No,Students shouldn't be given large amounts of homework.

Students shouldn't be given large amounts of homework because it is stressful .Not only that but it can affect students physically having students do loads of homework can be a sedentary task and it isn't healthy.The average person should at least get 30 minutes of exercise but with too much homework many may not be able to do so. It also enables them from socializing with others . Not only that but homework doesn't really have a benefit....It can also take away a lot of family time.

∞     Many may say yes students should be given large amounts of homework however students may not understand the assignment given and it may be hard for them to reach out to a teacher /professor. It can also disturb sleeping schedules.Instead students should be given social activities during school instead of being given loads of homework.It can give them a chance to meet someone new meanwhile doing educational activities .

∞Students that are given large amounts of homework deal with a lot of stress and schools need to be more considerate .Not only that but students may not have enough time for themselves ,and it is unfair for those who have after school activities.Homework also doesn't assure academic success.

So in conclusion NO students shouldn't be given large amounts of homework.


Did you know?. .. .

Roberto Nevelis created homework?


Hope this helps!

-Formation B

(Kugisaki,Yuji,Fushiguro and Gojo)


Which sentence contains an action verb?
Leslie was the best swimmer in the group.
I am usually the quietest person in the room.
My cat is always on the windowsill.
Bert swallowed the worm with a grimace,


first, swimmer is an action , i ain’t 100 percent sure but i’m pretty sure

Select all the correct answers.
Which beliefs are important in Judaism?

1. A person should do good deeds or mitzvahs.
2. A person should focus only on his or her relationship with God and not with other people.
3. There are other gods, but God is all-powerful.
4. A person should practice self-control when following Jewish laws.
5. The messiah is a God who has already come.



1.    3.   4. I believe


I may not be right but i beileve i am.... good luck!!

The answer to this question is going to be #3 and #4

What is ironic about this short story? What type of irony is it? How does it add to the main idea theme in the passages? The book gift of Magi


The book Gift of Magi was written by O.Henry in 1905. The irony about this story is that how a young poor couple manages to keep their partner happy, despite being poor they both purchase beautiful gift for their spouse.

The story revolves around the couple of James and Della Dillingham Young. James sells his watch to purchase tortoiseshell comb for Della while Della Dillingham sells her beautiful long hairs to purchase a platinum chain for Jim's antique gold watch. They exchange their gifts on the Christmas Eve.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24364774

Write a diary of a day including important activities you did? Answer for class 8​


I woke up at 7.00 a.m took my online classes. Then my mom give me breakfast I ate that. My classes completed at 2.00 pm then I had a nap for 1 hour. I woke up again and I had my lunch. I watched TV for an hour and then I went out and took some rides on my bicycle. I played cricket with my friends. I came back at 7:00 p.m and then I did my homework which were due. I completed them till 10. My mom got me my dinner and then I spent sometime with family. After that I went for sleep.

Which best describes the author’s viewpoint toward the actual Rosetta Stone in "The Rosetta Stone”?



The best and the correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the second choice. The author's viewpoint toward the actual Rosetta Stone in "The Rosetta Stone” is that it is a historical artifact that scholars spent too much time trying to understand.

In poetry, what is the use of an object to represent an idea or emotion?
O A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
O D. Symbolism



c . personification


Please write an SOP (Supported Opinion Paragraph) based on the story the flying machine



My opinion is against the emperor.


My opinion about the story ''the flying machine'' is in against of that emperor who executed such a brilliant mind instead of using it for the welfare and development of his empire. He can use this machine for the spying purpose or transport aid to their troops that are present in far places. The advantages of this invention is more than its disadvantages so in my pinion the execution of the inventor and the burning of machine should not be done by the king.

What does the way in which Yudhishthira deals with the Yaksha’s questions tell you about him? class 8 no scams please​



The way Yaksa handles the questions shows how wise and calm he is.


According to the context of your question, we can see that you are referring to "Yaksha Prashna" a Hindu epic tale that shows how Yaksha managed to drink water from a river and save his brothers, after answering the questions asked by a deity , in a very wise, patient and profound way. The way he answers the questions, in a short but very consistent and meaningful way, shows that he was a very wise, calm man and that he is possessed of great values and important concepts for life.

The way he handles the questions and answers he issues show how he values courage, the mother figure, the rage of desire and anger.

Monday, September 28, 1942
"I'm dying to tell you about another one of our clashes, but before I do I'd
like to say this: I think it's odd that grown-ups quarrel so easily and so often
and about such petty matters."
- Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
O Metaphor


Hyperbole because she says she dying it tell someone something, it’s an exaggeration


the answer should be hyberbole

ASAP please help me please



the 3rd one, even the smartest people need help sometimes


Allegra claimed to be too smart for getting help from a little girl but she actually helped Allegra so its pretty obvious and the hint sentence in this paragraph could be "thanks to some assistance from a young girl"


The answer is C.


The passage is telling us that no matter how smart you are, even a little help from anyone can benefit you, even if you think you don't need it. Such was the case with Allegra.

And it best describes the main theme of the story.

Write to a friend to tell him/ her that you haven't got the book they want to borrow from you because you have lent the book to your cousin. Tell him/ her that in two weeks your cousin is supposed to bring the book back and once you get the book, you will immediately give to them. come up with names, use an informal style of writing.



Dear Felisha

I already got your letter asking me to let you lend a book. I'm sorry but, my cousin has already asked me to lend the book you asked for, and I'm supposed to get it back in two weeks' time. Once I get the book back, I will immediately give it to you.

Yours faithfuly,


Dear Solana,

It’s just now been brought to my attention that I do not have the book you asked for. I lent it to my cousin, Zara, and she has not yet to return it. She’s coming over in about 2 weeks, and she will return my book then. If you still want it then, i’ll give it to you as soon as I can. I’m sorry about the confusion.


When giving an informal presentation, speakers can best prepare by

dressing in a new suit with a fresh haircut.
creating graphs and maps to show.
adding scientific language to the speech.
finding a humorous story to use in the opening.



dressing in a new suit with a fresh haircut




“Lightning danced across the sky” is an example of which literary device?





hope this helps :)




Personification is giving non living things human like characteristics

Lighting is an example of a non living thing

In the expression "Lightning danced across the sky” lightning is given a human characteristic which is dancing.

Because lightning is a non living thing and is given a human characteristic in the saying the literary device being used is personification

Hello, what will happen if i do not get all my work done in summer school?



I don't know, but work hard!


I predict you may get held back, or have to do the class during school but you can do this! I'm in summer school right now, but don't worry!!

Answer: you gon have to finish the work during the school year

Which inference can be best drawn about Ray Bradbury’s work from his commencement speech?


Answer: He was very successful writing novels.


Ray Douglas Bradbury was an screenwriter and author. His works included mystery, horror, fantasy, science fiction and realistic fiction.

In the commencement speech, he spoke about his humble beginnings and how he was determined. He was very successful writing novels.

Which of the following should NOT be in your opening paragraph?
OA. A concise outline of what you will be discussing in your essay.
B. Your personal opinion on the essay question
OC. The author of the literary work you are writing about.
OD. The title of the literary work you are writing about.





on edge lololololollollollllllll

The opening paragraph of any essay or thesis does not include your personal opinion on the essay question . Thus the correct answer is B.

What is an opening paragraph?

An opening paragraph is known as an introductory paragraph that informs the reader about what will be going further in the essay. It highlights important events which play a significant role.

An opening paragraph helps the reader to determine the importance of the subject and catch their interest to engage them effectively. The introductory paragraph reader help to gain information about the central approach of any essay.

An opening paragraph includes an outline of what you will be discussing in the essay, the title of the literary work which helps to understand the key issue as well as the author of the literary work on which the writing is based.

Therefore, option B Your personal opinion on the essay question is appropriate.

Learn more about an essay, here:



Write a story which ends with the expression what a dream


ahi que sueño

espo er

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