I NEED HELP ASAP!! Will mark the best answer !!

ECE professionals can use a ________ to request information from parents when dealing with challenging behavior in their classrooms .


Answer 1




to request info about the child and the interrupting behavior

Related Questions

please help this is an online test I need to pass. Thank you lots!​



If these are part of the drop-down options, go with these. Blue is the northern union states, light blue is the four union states that allowed slavery, red was known as the Confederate states of America, and uncolored areas were US territory.


Which of these countries became the leader of the international communist movement following World War 2? OA. Italy OB. The Soviet Union OC. Great Britain OD. France



The Soviet Union...


I'm 78% Sure. Take It Or Leave It :)

Hope It Helps!

In her speech, Malala says that books and pens are the world’s most “powerful weapons.” Why do you think she says this? Explain your answer in 25 to 50 words.



In her speech at UN general assembly Malala focused on one book and pen are the world's most powerful weapons well actually she tried to convince the global leaders that only education is the only solution of the current conflicts which is going in the entire world.


Addressing at the UN General Assembly beside 193 youth delegates from the Organization's 192 Member countries, Pakistani young Human rights activist Malala Yousafzai urged international leaders to ensure that every youth will have the right to secure, free, and quality basic and secondary teaching.

In her speech, she tried to convey the world leaders that only education is the only most powerful weapon that can save the world from the current scenario.

Why couldn’t RFK help the Lovings? Why did they need to go through the judicial system?



Robert Francis Kennedy was the attorney general at that time and therefore he could not directly help Mildred but he advised to contact the American Civil Liberties Union.


Mildred Loving was an African American woman and her husband Richard was a white, they got arrested and imprisoned for violating the anti-miscegenation law of Virginia, the 1924 Racial Integrity Act. Only a higher court could help the couple now and on advice of RFK, they approached ACLU. The  American Civil Liberties Union instantly decided to support the couple. It became a landmark Supreme Court case, Loving v. Virginia. The court unanimously held that state prohibitions on interracial marriage were unconstitutional-and proclaimed that the freedom to marry belonged to all citizens of America.

What actions did Sherman's troops take on the



The purpose of Sherman's March to the Sea was to frighten Georgia's civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause. Sherman's soldiers did not destroy any of the towns in their path, but they stole food and livestock and burned the houses and barns of people who tried to fight back.



Sea was to frighten Georgia's civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause. Sherman's soldiers did not destroy any of the towns in their path. They did steal food and livestock and burned the houses and barns of people who tried to fight back.

What is the main religion in South Asia?


The major religions in the subcontinent are Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Christianity




Who taught Claudette Colvin to love the skin she’s in



Claudette Colvin was a retired American nurse. She was born in 1939. She was the pioneer of the civil rights movement in 1950.


Colvin was a poor girl and she was adopted by Mary Ann and Q.P Clovin. She was a member of the NAACP and she was in close relationship with her mentor named Rosa Parks.

She studied in a segregated school. As she was a poor girl. They do not have their car so she traveled from public transport from school to home and home to school. Her mentor Rosa Park taught her to love their skin. She taught her to love herself as she is.

Where are MOST Protestant Christians found in Europe?
A) eastern Europe
B) western Europe
C) central Europe
D) northern Europe



answer is A


Answer: answer is A


Which country listed has the longest life expectancy? The country with the lowest life expectancy is ranked in human development. In general, more education results in a life expectancy.



1) Norway

2) at the bottom

3) higher


doing it now :)

Answer: Norway, at the bottom, higher

Answer these questions right i'll give brainliest and 20 pts *there's more than one question*
Q 1. Which is not a way in which US boundaries changed between 1800 and 1821?

New England states lost territory as people moved west.

The nation doubled in size with the Louisiana Purchase.

The nation added new states in the Midwest and South.

John Quincy Adams arranged to purchase Florida from Spain

Q 2. What primary role did technology and new inventions play during the industrial revolution?

They generally had little effect on life and proved to be unnecessary.

They were responsible for the overthrow of Spain and Portugal in South America

A means to save time and labor as well as a new products to be manufactured and sold for a profit.

They were only used as a way to speed up travel

Q 3. Which was NOT one of the main reasons for western expansion that led to conflict between white Americans and Native Americans?

control of the Mississippi River

desire to create new markets for US businesses



Q 4. Which are examples of education reforms in the mid-1800s?

public schools, women’s colleges, and new reading books

colleges for wealthy men, shorter school days, and more comfortable desks and chairs

a national university, computers, and required field trips to Washington, D.C.

abolition, private schools for men, and British textbooks

Q 5. What does states' rights refer to?

the belief that the country was founded by and for states

the use of state militias to keep law and order within the states

the attempt to overthrow the federal government by the states

the idea that each state has the right to allow or not allow slavery

Q 6. Which describes what the Missouri Compromise (Compromise of 1820) and the Compromise of 1850 had in common?

They both tried to end slavery in southern states.

They both attempted to preserve the Union.

They both found permanent solutions to the slavery issue.

They both supported states rights over federal power.



New england states lost territory as people moved west.


Answer: Q.1)  B- The nation doubled in size with the Louisiana purchase.


Example of diplomacy


When you negotiate or broker a deal between two parties who are angry

I have less than 40 mins to answer




Hope this helps you in the Long Run, bc cheating SUCKS.


What is a special committee?



A select or special committee of the United States Congress is a congressional committee appointed to perform a special function that is beyond the authority or capacity of a standing committee.


Well I don't have any explanation but I took it from google;-;

I don't want to get sued so CREDITS TO GOOGLE and WIKIPEDIA!!!

How did Lech Walesa fight against Soviet control in Poland?
A. He led series of worker strikes
B. He was a communist leader
C. He opened the border to Poland
D. He died in a riot against the Soviets





Lech Walesa fought against Soviet control in Poland by leading a series of worker strikes. Thus option (A) is correct.

Who was Lech Walesa?

Lech Walesa was a leader of the Solidarity movement, which was a trade union movement that emerged in opposition to the authoritarian communist government in Poland.

Walesa became an iconic figure in Poland and gained international recognition for his efforts to promote democracy and human rights. His leadership helped to bring about significant changes in Poland, including the fall of communism.

Walesa went on to serve as the President of Poland from 1990 to 1995, and he continues to be a prominent public figure in Poland and around the world.

Lech Walesa led series of worker strikes for fighting against Soviet control in Poland. Therefore, option (A) is correct.

Learn more about Lech Walesa here:



Under Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese Communist pary began pursuing policies designed to:


Deng xiaoping, 22 August 1904 – 19 February 1997) was a Chinese politician who was the paramount leader of the People's Republic of China from 1978 until his retirement in 1992. After Chairman Mao Zedong's death in 1976, Deng gradually rose to power and led China through a series of far-reaching market-economy reforms, which earned him the reputation as the "Architect of Modern China."

How did economic structures differ in ancient societies?



In ancient societies the economic structures were by trading  gold, silk, wool, silver, olives, and wine.


I have learned about this.


In the records of economic notion, historic economic notion refers back to the thoughts of humans earlier than the Middle Ages.

How was the economy during ancient times?

The classical age of economics is described in the present-day evaluation as an issue of ethics and politics, most effectively turning into an object of study as a separate area in the course of the 18th century.

The city-states of Sumer evolved an exchange and marketplace economic system primarily based on the commodity money of the Shekel which become a positive weight degree of barley.

Even the Babylonians and their city-nation neighbors later evolved the earliest system of economics through the usage of a metric of numerous commodities, which became constant in legal code.

Thus, this was the economic system followed during ancient times.

learn more about the economic system here:



My topic is racism. I have to write a paragraph talking about it/ what im going to be talking about can you give me a start up sentence/sentence to start with



A lot of people wonder how racism affected colored people and how their treatment is different. Well, colored people were always on the poor end of the stick they worked in factories and plantations and were always in debt. They were beaten and bruised if they didn't follow an order by their "master". Colored women could be raped or abused badly. After a while things did get a little better but everything was seperated by race. Brown vs. Board allowed colored kids to finally go to school and learn to read and write and the North became a place of freedom and regular human rights for all no matter the race. Mr. Luther King Jr. fought for normal human rights through peace with the general public and from then on everything changed and now we're here today where everyone has equal rights no matter your race


(hope this helped or gave you a few ideas! :)


if anyone figures this question right on edge let me know please


What native american group made their homes and pots out of clay? A. northwestern B. southwestern C. eastern D. plains





Representative of the Southwest Indian culture area, most live in northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico.

What is one example of bureaucracy in our society



Government is a bureaucracy nothing moves fast bureaucracy is slow and methodical.

why was the expulsion of the acadians a historically significant event​



Because the British believed their policy of sending the Acadians to the Thirteen Colonies had failed, they deported the Acadians to France during the second wave of the Expulsion.


hope this helps

Which new consumer product led to the growth of suburbs outside of cities in South Carolina


The right one in Charlotte New hampshire





Please stop and help me i will name brainlist and give 100 points... You probally know how it feel to be really stuck please really try...

Create a branching tree diagram that would show the relationship between three organisms (such as a fish, a lizard and a cow). Hypothesize a derived shared characteristic between each organism..




There are different ways to describe how organisms are related to each other. One way is to explore evolutionary relationships with a branching tree diagram. In this lesson you'll learn about these diagrams, and even learn how to build one of your own.

Organizing Life

If you were asked to create an organizational scheme of your family members, how would you go about doing it? When you stop and think about it, there are several ways to accomplish this. You could outline how relatives are related to each other, or maybe you would sort them based on where they lived. You might even organize them based on characteristics that they have in common, such as hair color, eye color, and height.  

Just like with your family, we can organize the organisms on Earth in different ways too. One common way is to use a branching tree diagram, which groups organisms together based on shared derived characteristics. These are characteristics that are shared by all organisms in that group, and these homologous, or similar ('homo' = 'same') structures help us understand the evolutionary relationships between those organisms.  

Homologous structures, such as these various arms, are similar even though they belong to different animals  

Evolutionary Characteristics

Before we dive into how a branching tree diagram works, let's take a moment to better understand the components of the diagram. Each group that branches off is called a clade. Each clade has those shared derived characteristics. The 'derived' part means that the characteristic evolved over time and is present now, but wasn't present in a past ancestor.  

Homologous structures can be subtle, but once you see them clearly they're easier to understand. Take, for example, your arm. Your arm has a bone structure that is very similar to the arm of a dog or cat, with two long bones, a joint in the middle, and a 'hand' with digits at the end. But now take a look at the arm of a bat, which also has two long bones, a joint, and even long fingers that extend outward to create the wing. The bone structure of all of these is very similar, despite being in animals that look very different on the outside. It's these shared, homologous structures that help us decide where to place organisms along a branching tree diagram.  

Branching Tree Structure

Now that you've got the pieces for your tree, let's take a look at how you would go about putting it together. The structure of a branching tree diagram is just what is sounds like - a set of branches that break off to represent different shared characteristics. A branching tree diagram is a set of groups within groups, with the organisms at the bottom having the fewest shared characteristics and the ones at the top having the most.  

A simple branching tree diagram

How do you do fractions



eg 1/2+ 1/2

equal to 1 which is whole

denominator need to be the same when doing

why was the 1960s called the era of social change



Everything was changed


In the 1960's there was the challenger explosion, mad cow disease, new fashion trends, new language style, new shows on TV. There was so much more new things going on. The world took a step forward.

what is the 14th amendment ​



The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1868, granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States—including former slaves—and guaranteed all citizens “equal protection of the laws.”


The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. Arguably one of the most consequential amendments to this day, the amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection under the law and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War. The amendment was bitterly contested, particularly by the states of the defeated Confederacy, which were forced to ratify it in order to regain representation in Congress. The amendment, particularly its first section, is one of the most litigated parts of the Constitution, forming the basis for landmark decisions such as Brown v. Board of Education (1954) regarding racial segregation, Roe v. Wade (1973) regarding abortion, Bush v. Gore (2000) regarding the 2000 presidential election, and Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) regarding same-sex marriage. The amendment limits the actions of all state and local officials, and also those acting on behalf of such officials.


The   Equal Protection Clause  in the   Fourteenth Amendment

protects prison and jail inmates from unfair treatment at the hands of prison authorities based on color, gender, or race.


im answering for points just ignore me

How was British support of the construction of the Port of Buenos Aires an example of economic imperialism?



The port of Buenos Aires receives ships from all over the world that deliver machine-made goods and consumer durables and leave with grains or agricultural by-products, such as food oils. And yet, as with so much of the city, the port facilities are old and inefficient. The port facilities were privatized in 1994, and new investments in infrastructure were begun; however, it is still common at harvest time


Explaining Why did early American cultures decline?




beacuse they needed war

Galileo used the telescope and challenged the teachings of the day.• Sir Isaac Newton discovered the laws of gravity.• Copernicus determined that the Sun is the center of the universe.Which period is most directly associated with these events?



Scientific revolution because this was a time where people where trying to prove the bible right.



scientific revolution


What is the best thing you can do to build good credit and keep yourself out of financial trouble when it comes to a credit card?



Make sure you pay every bill on time, every time. Your payment history accounts for 35 percent of your credit score. If you have trouble keeping your bills in order and staying organized with payments, set up electronic billing and payment reminders to stay on top of your bills.


The best way to have a positive credit history and avoid money problems with a credit card is to  Pay your credit card bill on time every month.

What is the best thing you can do to build good credit?

You should try to pay off all the money you owe on your credit card every month. If you can't do that, at least pay the minimum amount required to avoid getting charged extra fees.

Try to keep the amount of credit you use low compared to the amount you can borrow. Try to use less than 30% of your available credit to show that you responsibly use your credit.

Keep an eye on how much you spend by making a plan for your money and keeping track of what you spend using your credit card.

Don't accumulate unnecessary debt: Only use your credit card for important expenses and emergencies, not for spontaneous purchases or luxuries.

Check your credit card statements often to make sure there are no mistakes or charges that you didn't authorize. If you see any mistakes, tell your credit card company right away.

Pay attention to the rewards and fees on your credit card: Know what rewards you can get, like getting cash back, earning points, or getting travel miles.

It is best to have only a few credit cards to handle your money well. Having a lot of cards can result in owing too much money and it becomes more difficult to keep record of payments.

Learn more about credit



In a command economy, economic decisions are mostly influenced by


Government policies
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