I need to create a method named "root positive". which will either print the square root of the number passed to it or if the number is less than zero, it will print out the statement "Number must not be negative."?
1. Ask the user to input a number of type double which you will find the square root of the number.

2. Create a method called rootPositive which will either print the square root of the number passed to it or if the number is less than zero, it will print out the statement "Number must not be negative.".

3. Call your rootPositive method and pass to it the number the user enetered.


Answer 1



The following code is written in Java. It is a method that calculates the square root of a number as requested. The method first checks with an IF statement if the parameter value is a positive number and then calculates the square root and prints it to the screen. Otherwise, it prints Number must not be negative. A test case has been provided in the main method and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.print("Enter a number of type double to calculate square root:");

       double num = in.nextDouble();



   public static void rootPositive(double num) {

       if (num > 0) {


       } else {

           System.out.println("Number must not be negative.");




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Write a recursive function named is_decreasing that takes as its parameter a list of numbers. It should return True if the elements of the list are strictly decreasing (each element in the array is strictly less than the previous one), but return False otherwise.





The term __________ denotes data that is being stored on devices like a universal serial bus (USB) thumb drive, laptop, server, DVD, CD, or server. The term __________ denotes data that exists in a mobile state on the network, such as data on the Internet, wireless networks, or a private network. A. data in transit, data on record B. data at rest, data in transit C. data in transit, data at rest D. data on record, data in motion



B. data at rest, data in transit


A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to effectively and efficiently create, store, modify, retrieve, centralize and manage data or informations in a database. Thus, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.

Generally, a database management system (DBMS) acts as an intermediary between the physical data files stored on a computer system and any software application or program.

Data at rest refers to a form of data that is stored on devices such as; a universal serial bus (USB) thumb drive, laptop, server, DVD, CD, or server.

Data in transit is simply any data that exists in a mobile or dynamic state on the network, such as data on the Internet, wireless networks, or a private network.

An engineer is configuring AMP for endpoints and wants to block certain files from executing. Which outbreak control method is used to accomplish this task


Question Completion with Options:

A. device flow correlation

B. simple detections

C. application blocking list

D. advanced custom detections


The outbreak control method that is used to accomplish the task of configuring AMP for endpoints and to block certain files from executing is:

C. application blocking list


The application blocking list creates a list of application files, which the AMP continuously tracks and analyzes to compare the file activities with previous cyber attacks.  Specifically, the AMP for Endpoints is a cloud-managed endpoint security solution, which provides a retrospective alert to prevent cyber-security threats, and rapidly detects, contains, and remediates malicious files on the endpoints.

continuously tracks and analyzes files and file activities across your systems, and compares these events to what preceded or happened in past attacks. If a file exhibits malicious behavior, the AMP provides you with a retrospective alert which enables you to stop a potential threat from succeeding.

7. System software is the set of software programs that helps run the computer and coordinates instructions between application software and hardware devices. It consists of the operating system (OS) and utility programs. How does the mindset of the designer affect the design of the operating system (e.g., Windows vs. Linux)




The main goal when designing an operating system (OS) is to make sure that the system is as efficient and intuitive as possible. This is the mindset that designers have when creating the operating system. However, this also creates drastically different designs between designers, mainly because one design structure will feel much more natural and intuitive to one designer but not another. Since the designer's own personal taste/mindset drastically affects the design, most companies find their target audience and survey/test various designs. This is done in order to find what features and styles best fit the vast majority of the people.

Essay on "Impact of Digitalization"​



Digitization has a proven impact on reducing unemployment, improving quality of life, and boosting citizens' access to public services. Finally, digitization allows governments to operate with greater transparency and efficiency

Consider an Erlang loss system. The average processing time is 3 minutes. The average inter-arrival time is 3 minutes. The number of servers is 3. What is r (sometimes referred to as the offered load)



r = 1


Average processing time ( p ) = 3 minutes

Average inter-arrival time ( a ) = 3 minutes

number of servers ( m ) = 3

Determine the value of r

r ( offered load ) = p/a

                          = 3 / 3  = 1

∴ value of r ( offered load ) = 1

how do you format a cd or a DVD ​


No. The DVD format can't be read by a CD.

Which factors are involved in search engine optimization​



A Secure and Accessible Website.

Page Speed (Including Mobile Page Speed)


Binary search is a very fast searching algorithm, however it requires a set of numbers to be sorted.

a. True
b. False


I’m sure the answer is true

1011111 ÷ 11 in numerical​






91,919 .1


A security analyst recommends implementing SSL for an existing web service. A technician installs the SSL certificate and successfully tests the connection on the server. Soon after, the help desk begins receiving calls from users who are unable to log in. After further investigation, it becomes clear that no users have successfully connected to the web server since the certificate installation. Which of the following is MOST likely the issue?
A. DA Incorrect firewall rules are blocking HTTPS traffic.
B. Users are still accessing the IP address and not the HTTPS address.
C. DC Workstations need an updated trusted sites list.
D Users are not using tokens to log on.


C- I think. I hope this helps you.

AWS's EC2 is primarily considered which type? OA OB. Maas O Claas O D. None of the above O E. Serverless​



IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

"Amazon takes the responsibility of networking, storage, server and virtualization and the user is responsible for managing the Operating System, middleware, runtime, data and application."

Which statement is accurate to describe a spreadsheet versus an Excel workbook?
a) worksheets have one or more workbooks.
b) workbooks have one or more worksheets.
c) workbooks are the same as word documents.
d) worksheets always refer to real paper.


C is the correct answer

what is the python ?​



Python is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant indentation. 

This is my Opinion.

Python is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant indentation.

Hope this helps you :)

Can someone compress this ipv6 address? 558c:0000:0000:d367:7c8e:1216:0000:66be



11111 Power 2 sovle ​


123,454,321. you just multiply 11111 by itself

At the Greene City Interiors branch office, you have been asked to implement an IP network. Your network ID is currently192.168.1.0/24. You need to divide this in half network (two subnets) to accommodate hosts on two separate floors of the building, each of which is served by managed switches. The whole network is served by a single router.
Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions:
1. To divide the network in half, what subnet mask do you need to use?
2. What are the subnet IDs for each network?
3. Your manager is not satisfied with the new subnet scheme and wants to reduce the number of subnets to make more hosts and addresses available in each subnet. Is there a way to use the same subnet for the two floors of the office?



3 is your correct answer

Write an algorithm for a vending machine that sells just one product. The machine flashes a yellow light when the quantity inside is below 40% of capacity​



The algorithm is as follows:

1. Start

2. Capacity = 100%

3. Input Status (True/False)

4. While Status == True

    4.1. Read Quantity (%)

    4.2. Capacity = Capacity - Quantity

    4.3. If Capacity < 40%

          4.3.1 Display Yellow Flash

    4.4. Input Status (True/False)

5. Stop


This starts the algorithm

1. Start

The capacity of the machine is initialized to 100%

2. Capacity = 100%

This gets the status of the sales

3. Input Status (True/False)

The following iteration is repeated until the status is false

4. While Status == True

Read current sales quantity from the user

    4.1. Read Quantity (%)

Remove the quantity from the capacity

    4.2. Capacity = Capacity - Quantity

Check is capacity is below 40%

    4.3. If Capacity < 40%

If yes, display yellow flashes

          4.3.1 Display Yellow Flash

This gets the status of the sales

    4.4. Input Status (True/False)

End algorithm

5. Stop

how to not addUse methods to: 1. Get a String from the user at the command line 2. Populate an ArrayList of Character data (the wrapper class), with each char in the String represented as a separate Character element in the ArrayList 3. Output each Character to the command line, each on a separate line space into my array list




The following code is written in Java. It asks the user to enter a string. Then the program loops through the string and separates the string into an ArrayList of characters. Finally, it outputs each character separately on a its own line.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Enter a String: ");

       String answer = in.nextLine();

       ArrayList<Character> charsList = new ArrayList<>();

       for (int i = 0; i < answer.length(); i++) {



       for (char x: charsList) {





Irene llegó tarde al colegio_______________






A company is deploying NAFDs in its office to improve employee productivity when dealing with paperwork. Which of the following concerns is MOST likely to be raised as a possible security issue in relation to these devices?
A. Sensitive scanned materials being saved on the local hard drive
B. Faulty printer drivers causing PC performance degradation
C. Improperly configured NIC settings interfering with network security
D. Excessive disk space consumption due to storing large documents



D. Excessive disk space consumption due to storing large documents.


When a company is planning to use NAFDs in its office rather than paper work, the efficiency of employees will increase as unnecessary paper work takes time in handling and printing. When data is stored on disks there is a risk that employees store large or irrelevant files in the disk which will create storage issues.

Select the true statement about the motherboard.

It executes the commands sent to it by the application software.

It acts as a storage point for read-only memory (ROM).

It acts as the working memory of the computer by transferring data from the hard disk for processing.

It provides much of the electrical connection between different computer parts.



it executes the commands sent to it by the applica software .

The motherboard provides much of the electrical connection between different computer parts.

What is a motherboard?

This is known to be a kind of  printed circuit board that is made up of some key parts or aspect of a computer or any kind of device.

Conclusively, it is one that is made up of It connectors that is a place where other circuit boards can be placed and as such act to provides much of the electrical connection between different computer parts.

Learn more about motherboard from



To nest one structure within another structure, you a. define both structures and then create a data member of the nested structure type within the other structure b. create a container that holds objects of the nested structure type and then include the container within another structure c. define the nested structure within another structure



Hence the correct option is option a) define both structures and then create a data member of the nested structure type within the other structure.


To make Address nested to Employee, we've to define Address structure before and out of doors Employee structure and make an object of Address structure inside Employee structure.

For example, we may need to store the address of an entity employee in a structure.

Book information (overriding member functions) Given main() and a base Book class, define a derived class called Encyclopedia. Within the derived Encyclopedia class, define a PrintInfo() function that overrides the Book class' PrintInfo() function by printing not only the title, author, publisher, and publication date, but also the edition and number of volumes. Ex. If the input is: The Hobbit J. R. R. Tolkien George Allen & Unwin 21 September 1937 The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe James W. Guthrie Watson-Guptill 2001 2nd 1 the output is: Book Information: Book Title: The Hobbit Author: J. R. R. Tolkien Publisher: George Allen & Unwin Publication Date: 21 September 1937 Book Information: Book Title: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe the output is: Book Information: Book Title: The Hobbit Author: J. R. R. Tolkien Publisher: George Allen & Unwin Publication Date: 21 September 1937 Book Information: Book Title: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Universe Author: James W. Guthrie Publisher: Watson-Guptill Publication Date: 2001 Edition: 2nd Number of Volumes: 1 Note: Indentations use 3 spaces. LAB ACTIVITY 11.14.1: LAB: Book information (overriding member functions) File is marked as read only Current file: main.cpp cin >> numVolumes; main.cpp Book.h 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 myBook. SetTitle(title); myBook. SetAuthor(author); myBook. SetPublisher(publisher); myBook.SetPublicationDate(publicationDate); myBook.PrintInfo(); Book.cpp Encyclopedia.h myEncyclopedia. SetTitle(eTitle); myEncyclopedia. SetAuthor(eAuthor); myEncyclopedia. SetPublisher(ePublisher); myEncyclopedia. SetPublicationDate(ePublicationDate); Encyclopedia.cpp




Which option is used in order to configure switchboards for a complex database?
Switchboard Manager
Global Options
Quick Search
Database Formatter
worth 100 points



switch board manager


Which statement is most likely to be true about a computer network?

A network can have several client computers and only one server.

A network has to have physical cables connecting the devices in the network.

A network can have several servers and only one client.

A network can consist of a single computer with no other devices in communication with that computer.


Which statement is most likely to be true about a computer network?

A network can have several client computers and only one server.


a network can have several client computers and only one server

help me please help me please​



3 one is the answer or 4 one


none of the above


Every flip flop will divide the frequency by 2, so you need 2 flip flops.

Select all steps in the list below that should be completed when using the problem-solving process discussed in this chapter.

Take action.

Take a break.


Complete the task.

Consider solutions and list ideas.

Understand the task or need.

Ask a coworker for help.


Take action.


Complete the task.

Consider solutions and list ideas.

Understand the task or need.

7. Which control is used to display multiple records in List Form
a) Data Grid View b) Textbox c) Label d) Button



I think a is correct answer.




Explain how mobile phone production could be more sustainable​



Sustainable design - the key features for sustainable phones are: use of sustainable and recycled materials, the use of less energy and efficient charging, durability, and last but not least they should be easy and inexpensive to repair.


One of the best ways to change this is to voice your concern to cell phone manufacturers for more sustainable products. Request smartphones that are made with fewer hazardous chemicals, manufactured in plants powered by renewable energy, and that contain recycled materials.


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