Identify each statement as true of Brazil, or Japan. Brazil The technocratic model of childbirth is dominant. Press Space to open A uniform stipend for pregnant women makes social class less likely to affect care. Press Space to open The humanistic approach to childbirth is dominant. Press Space to open Health-care access is structured by social class, with two tiers of hospitals. Press Space to open Japan


Answer 1

The technocratic model of childbirth is dominant in Japan.

A uniform stipend for pregnant women makes social class less likely to affect care in Japan.

The humanistic approach to childbirth is dominant in Brazil.

Health-care access is structured by social class, with two tiers of hospitals in Brazil.

The technocratic model of childbirth implies a separation of mind and body during pregnancy. Commonly practiced in industrialized societies that prioritize machines, the human body is seen as a machine that requires intervention for successful procedures. Japan, an industrialized society practices this model.

Japan is also noted for providing a lump sum for all pregnant women that amount to 420,000 Yuans. Those with insurance can access this sum. This will make social class less pronounced.

Brazil has adopted the humanistic approach to healthcare which is based on the belief that there is a connection between the mind and body. Therefore, human emotions can affect the body and most especially during pregnancy.

Social class affects childbirth in Brazil and this is encouraged by the coexistence of public and private hospitals. The public hospitals are overpopulated because they are free while the private hospitals are less populated and offer better care.

In conclusion, Japan practices a technocratic model of childbirth and provides a uniform stipend for pregnant women whereas Brazil practices the humanistic approach and is affected by social class.

Learn more about childbirth here:

Related Questions

Who is known as father of Indian Constitution ?​



BR. Ambedkar is known as the father of Indian Constitution

Behaviorists, such as B. F. Skinner, believed that: Group of answer choices Introspection is a valid means of obtaining information about how our minds work Scientific psychology should be limited to studying stimuli, responses, and learning The unconscious has a large influence on our behavior Information processing by the mind/brain is somewhat analogous to that of a computer



Behaviorists, such as B. F. Skinner, believed that:

B. scientific psychology should be limited to studying stimuli, responses, and learning.


B. F. Skinner (1904-1990) was an American psychologist who developed behavior analysis. To Skinner and other behaviorists, only observable behavior should be studied. Therefore, they did not believe introspection was a valid means of obtaining information about the mind. Only what could be watched from the outside counted as valuable and trustworthy data. Anything that cannot be scientifically measured, anything subjective, should be disregarded.


Stimulus-response school

Isadora is a first-year surgery resident on her first pediatric rotation. Her attending (consultant) asks her to immediately start intravenous (IV) replacement fluids on a two-year-old girl who is experiencing vomiting and diarrhea. Isadora has recently learned the guidelines for calculating fluid replacement rates for very small children; however, she confuses them and picks a rate that is too high.A. To prevent this type of error from recurring in this unit, which of the following is MOST important?B. An improved culture of safetyC. Clearer medical guidelines for fluid replacement in patients of all agesD. More severe, well-publicized consequences for providers who are recklessE. A change to the system, so that it does not rely as heavily on human memory



A change to the system so that it does not rely so heavily on human memory


The error made by Isadora is could be attributed or classed as human error because what happened to her could happen to an experienced surgeon as well. Has her error was due to confusion which could alps stem form tiredness, weariness and other personal issues. Therefore, they are several ways in which issues like these could be curtailed and prevented from reoccurring in the future. However, the most important is to perform a system change or overhaul regarding having to rely on surgeons(human) to have to calculate Recall this information in memory, rather a computerized performance of this procedure would be more reliable and less prone to confusion.

what measures should be taken to improve the health status of your community?​


Here are five ways you can improve health in your community.
Practice healthy habits with kids in your life. ...
Engage in your school's efforts to encourage healthy practices. ...
Learn more about the decisions local officials are making that impact your environment. ...
Give back healthy options to your community.

Name any two pilgrimage sites of Provinces no 1?​



1 . Makalu2. Solukhambu

These are two pilgrimage sites of Provinces no 1.

what would you do if you are to rescue 2000 people and you have 5 helicopters each helicopter carry 10 per hour and you have 2 hours.​


I would just give up because I wouldn't be able to do a thing

Imagine you are the communication Minister what will you do to improve the communication sector?​


Answer: 1) create channels for people to voice their opinion 2) Make communication affordable


Here are the things I would do if I'm the communication minister;

1) I'll create channels whereby people can contribute to the government, through their open, if possible open a portal which seeks to receive and analyse all information from the masses. It is understood that one of the best ways to lead is to listen

2) Make communication affordable; the use of internet gets expensive each day and tough to access by some people. I would discuss with internet service providers and seek ways to make it affordable.

Which of these conditions helped to make Carter
an unpopular president?
Check any of the boxes that apply.
lower taxes
high government debt
Iran hostage crisis
high inflation



Energy  crisis.  

Iran hostage crisis.

High inflation.


Right from the start of President Jimmy Carter's term in office from 1977-81, the nation was already suffering from high inflation, known as the period of "stagflation". This would constitute just one minor issue that will affect his presidency.

Some major issues that would also beset his presidency would include issues relating to the energy crisis, recession, health care, etc. But one of the bigger issues that makes him unpopular was the Iran hostage crisis where more than fifty American nationals, including diplomats, were held hostage by the militarized student body known as the Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line.

Thus, the correct answers are second, fourth, and fifth options.


Which of these conditions helped to make Carter an unpopular president?

Check any of the boxes that apply.

lower taxes energy crisis <<<CORRECThigh government debtIran hostage crisis <<<CORRECThigh inflation <<<CORRECT


Edge 2022 CORRECT

Please I really need it today!
What are the major differences between quantitative and qualitative research methods, explain? Explain the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning. Which form of reasoning fits best with the Qualitative method? Which type of reasoning fits best with the Quantitative methods?



difference between quantitative and qualitative

Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings. Quantitative methods allow you to test a hypothesis by systematically collecting and analyzing data, while qualitative methods allow you to explore ideas and experiences in depth.

difference between inductive and deductive

we often refer to the two broad methods of reasoning as the deductive and inductive approaches. Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific. Inductive reasoning works the other way, moving from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories.

the best method with the qualitative

There are a variety of methods of data collection in qualitative research, including observations, textual or visual analysis (eg from books or videos) and interviews (individual or group). However, the most common methods used, particularly in healthcare research, are interviews and focus groups.

the best fits quantitative method

Quantitative research looks at the general case and moves toward the specific. This ​deductive approach to research considers a potential cause of something and hopes to verify its effect. Since the phrase cause and effect is part of nearly every child's history of parental lectures, we are all familiar with the concept. In research, cause and effect are all about the strength of the relationship. If a very strong relationship exists between two variables, the cause and effect relationship may be said to be highly probable or highly likely. There is still room to say that the effect does not occur as a result of the cause, but this is considered not very probable.


what spheres are formed by remains of living things with a black hard surface





The spheres that are formed by remains of living things with a black hard surface are known as BIOSPHERE.

Considering the fact the Biosphere covers everywhere there is life, including the forest, deep-rooted surface where life can form, and the water where lives exist.

Therefore, the remains of living things are the life part, while a black hard surface is the nonliving things part, that is also connected and influence by the whole activities in the ecosystem.

Hence, the right answer is BIOSPHERE

What are the various means of socialization available in your community? odgasting in Sovery o being social How are they helping the community members for socialization? Are there any problems in socialization in the community and what may be the solutions for the problems? Collect information regarding these matters from the community activists, intellectuals and other people and prepare a report for the presentation.​



Socialization occurs throughout our life. So, the representative of socialization can be individuals, groups, institutions, places, events or situations . The representative of socialization may be family, school, peer-group and mass media. Socialization is the process learned by an individual.

Write about the state of road transportation in Nepal​



Average Speed Lt. Expressways or Fast Tracks that usually serve direct commute from one city to another. National Highways are the major roads connecting Eastern Nepal with Western Nepal & Southern Nepal with Northern. Feeder Roads are the roads that run along side National Highways or sometime link two highways.

Question 1 of 10
Which phrase best completes the diagram?
Controlled by
Limited life span
O A. Complex regulations to start
O B. Liability divided among owners
O C. Owner is free to make all decisions
O D. Few resources to hire employees



i had this one dang I might give you the wrong answer. You should wait for more answers.


it should be A. Or B. but ill say B.

The phrase that best complete the diagram on corporation is that the liability of the firm is divided among owners.

What is a corporation?

This refer to the legal entity that is owned by shareholders who also decide on how the company is run and who manages it.

Hence, the phrase "liability of the firm is divided among owners" is the correct answer.

Therefore, the Option B is correct.

Read more about corporation

Someone help pls lol
How did English policies lead to the writing of the Declaration of Independence?

Colonists were unhappy that England had banned printed materials.
Colonists did not like sending their requests to England by petition.
Colonists did not think that England should be at war with France.
Colonists objected to the heavy taxes that England imposed on the colonies.




Colonists objected to the heavy taxes that England imposed on the colonie

Mrs. Lachance organized her family-centered childcare facility to provide a space for parents to sit and relax as they picked up their children. She developed a coupon-sharing opportunity and set up a library with books on child-rearing. There was either a monthly breakfast or potluck in the evening in addition to bimonthly phone calls or opportunities for conferences. One Saturday a year she arranged for a gym day at the center. What characteristic of effective family involvement is this


Answer: Variety


There are facilities that host a lot of activities ongoing in them, most of them may have related activity while others would have diverse activity. An example is have a building which has work-out center and also a cinema. These buildings having various activities on the same complex is known as variety, these is what Mrs. Lachance organized her family-centered childcare facility to, having various activities in it to qualify it for a variety.

Among the European immigrants and their descendants, pioneer farmers settling the grasslands of the American West often built houses of sod, while early settlers of the eastern forest built wooden structures like log cabins. This suggests that building materials Group of answer choices are chosen because of the diffusion of popular culture. were brought from Europe. are commonly imported long distance because of local folk culture. are a uniform feature of folk culture. are strongly influenced by local resources.



Among the European immigrants and their descendants, pioneer farmers settling the grasslands of the American West often built houses of sod, while early settlers of the eastern forest built wooden structures like log cabins. This suggests that building materials are strongly influenced by local resources.


When the European settlers first came to the American colony, they build their settlements based on the availability of local resources. This means that they would build their houses/ huts with whatever materials they could get their hands on, and not based on what they want.

While the farmers settling in the grasslands of the American West built houses made of sod, the ones in the east would use logs to build their houses. This shows that the availability of resources determines the type of houses or settlements built.

Thus, the correct answer is the last/ fifth option.

Geographically India is a________ ​




India is covered with three sides of water and one side of land. So, Geographically, India is a Peninsula.




Cual es el impacto de la industria en el medio ambiente?

Si lo pueden hacer como una infografia.


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

No podemos hacer la infografía, porque esa es tú tarea y te corresponde elaborarla a ti. Pero lo que sí podemos hacer con mucho gusto es darte la información para que la incluyas en tu infografía.

El impacto de la industria en el medio ambiente es directa y ha provocado consecuencias desastrosas para el medio ambiente por el grado de contaminación que producen las industrias.

Al parecer a las industrias solo les interesa ganar dinero, sin importante el daño que le provocan al medio ambiente con tanta contaminación del aire, contaminación del agua y la contaminación auditiva.

Esta contaminación envenena las aguas, envenena el aire, enferma a los animales, afecta a la biodiversidad en general (animales, árboles, vegetales, mares, ríos, bosques)

Existen organizaciones ambientalistas que trabajan para preservar los ecosistemas, pero se requiere de mejores leyes ambientales y que los gobiernos las apliquen para que las industrias dejen de contaminar tanto.

Anthony was interviewing an applicant for the position of volunteer guide at an art museum. During the course of the interview, the applicant began to discuss her interest in introducing young children to art. Based on how the conversation progressed, Anthony followed up with several questions about how young children react to art, why she felt early exposure to art was important, and how she would design situations for children to experience art. Anthony was most likely conducting a



non-directive interview


A non-directive interview is a type of interview that do not follow a definite structure. The interview is more flexible and changes the course of questions with the progression of the time. It is more flexible and the questioning area is wider that the directive interviews. The conversations are unprepared and they are subjective in approach. The answers to such questions are not strict to one answer, rather the answers depend on the interviewee's understanding and critical approach.  

In the given situation, the non-directive interview has been conducted by Anthony. The course of questions shifted from the position of the volunteer guide to that of the reactions of the children about art.


The person above is totally correct!

how do human activities such as shelter and food affect the environment​



Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.


they affect


like food affect the environment by leaving the leftover of the food and it is prohibited ba the environmental management law 2004

what do you mean by subject of national Pride .Write in a sentence​



The feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment towards the country is mean by the subject of national pride.

Dr. Perez is discussing a research study that he had conducted when he was an undergraduate. Unfortunately, while he was collecting data, he did not notice that the light in the room was flickering while some of his participants were trying to concentrate on a memory task. His advisor told him later that the light flickering likely was a(n) _____ variable, because it had unintentionally influenced the outcome of his study.





A variable may be classed an being extraneous if during an experiment, a certain variable which isn't considered as part of the experimental process poses the potential of having an effect on the experimental process and as such could have an impact on the outcome or out of the experiment. In the scenario described above, a flickering light could have a higher effect on an experiment which is aimed at concentrating in a memory task. However x since the flickering light was not supposed to be part of the variable designed for the experiment, then it is called an extraneous variable.

i need help with civics..



what's the question tell it

What is the question? Maybe I could help.

why are our social and cultural customs important ?
answer this ​



Traditions represent a critical piece of our culture. They help form the structure and foundation of our families and our society. They remind us that we are part of a history that defines our past, shapes who we are today and who we are likely to become. Once we ignore the meaning of our traditions, we’re in danger of damaging the underpinning of our identity.

The same for custom.


Pls mark brainliest.

Have a wonderful day :D

Answer: They are important because they make a civilization different from the other .


I think having different social and cultural tradtitions not only make a civilization stand out differently, but it also makes it having its own unique identity.

o When did men stopwandering Pron place 70 place ana s7 art live in a prace permanently?​





What are the two reasons of growing demand of water?​



Here are a few of the reasons for the increasing demand for water:

Rising Food Requirements. ...

Increased Energy Requirements. ...

More Frequent Droughts. ...

Unsustainable Groundwater Pumping. ...

Inadequate Water Infrastructure.

two consecutive even integers have a sum of 67. Find the integers.

anyone please have a​



2x = 67 2x + 1 = 67 2x + 2 = 67 x2 + 1= 67.


What they said ^^^^^^^^^^^^

The act of painlessly ending the lives of individuals who are suffering from an incurable disease or severe disability is called mercy killing, or





Euthanasia is also another word for mercy killing. It is a death that is easy or death that is without pain. Euthanasia describes the act of putting an end to a person's life. This could be done at the request of the person who might be suffering from an incurable ailments or one who is in Great pains. It can be carried out through the use of lethal injections which would shut down the heart and brain in a few minutes.

Which diagram best connects a law enforcement organization with its
O A.
Federal law
Focuses on investigating
crimes in one city
O B.
State law
Investigates cases that
affect the whole country
O c.
International law
Gathers evidence for
civil cases only
Local law
Handles most criminal


Local law enforcement handles most criminal investigation.

Law enforcement organizations are responsible for enforcing laws in their assigned state or area. There are various agencies which report to government.

Federal law enforcement agencies are responsible for enforcing laws and regulation in the entire country not just one state or city.

State law enforcement agencies are responsible for enforcing law and investigate cases in the respected state only.

Local law enforcement agencies mostly handles criminal investigations.

The correct answer is D.

Learn more at:




It is positive, because it consists of protons and neutrons.


absolutly false because in nucleus there is a neutral particle and positive particle called proton.And electron does not live in nucleus.

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