Identify the adjective are named their kind
1- I am tired
2-that’s my pen
3- preeti is witty
4- I ate some rice
5-this is his room
6-we bought French cheese


Answer 1


tired adjective of feeling

my adjective of possessive

witty adjective of action

Related Questions

In the context of the poem, what does the word blithe most likely mean?



joyous, cheerful


something that is very happy

An author wants to show that a character has a deep desire to explore the world. What object would represent this wish?

A book
A passport
A cell phone
A computer


A passport is the right answer. Since they want to explore the world, they would need to have a passport to do so.


A passport


A passport because it is used to travel.

how to promote the importance of reading for the learners?



Below is a list of ways to encourage students to read for pleasure as well as tips on facilitating an independent reading culture in your classroom.

Host a book club. Collaborate with your local library. Host a young author read-aloud. Reenact favorite books. Mystery check-outs. Make time for independent reading.

Hii! could someone help me with my english homework? I would really appreciate it.


Hey there!

I believe the answers you wrote are already correct, except for #3 because the verb, had. I think both might be correct in this situation. Keep up the great work!

Have a great day :)

pls help me i suck at writing essays
For this assignment, write a one-page story explaining the insult that caused the narrator of the story to want revenge on Fortunato. This can be written in the form of a letter, journal entry, conversation, or story. Your story should follow these guidelines:

1. Stay in first person point of view and keep up with the language of the story. It would now be the late 1800s. Use some of vocabulary words from the story.
2. Be clear on to whom he is speaking. Is he writing a diary entry and just confessing or he is actually talking to somebody in the form of a letter?
3. MINIMUM of one-page, 12 point font, Times New Roman.
4. DO NOT retell the story. Try to leave out any details from the story itself, other than he will want to get his revenge. This is sort of a prequel to the original story. You are writing as Montresor to convince your reader that your murderous actions of Fortunato are justified.



 Dear Fortunato,

While I know that you are dead, I would still like this to be addressed to you, for you are the only one whom I can confess to truly without getting hurt, and I promised myself that I would not get hurt during any of this.

 As you may know, I have killed you. No, I did not do it from act of impulse, or for a laugh. I'm sure you know exactly what you did that made me enclose you in that small space, left there to rot and die. You have insulted my name for the last time. You have hurt my pride, and I am done suffering in silence due to your words.

 So please forgive me for what I have done. I just wanted you to pay for your actions. It was for your own good, really. For you do not disrespect a Montresor and get away with it. Had it been anyone else, they might have done the same thing, I suppose.

 That fateful night that you were walking home from indulging yourself in drink, after I had thought of my plan and how exactly I would execute it, you had drunk much more wine than was good for you. If I hadn't acted fast, you might have just drank yourself to death and I would not have been able to get revenge, but thankfully that did not happen before I was able to get that last stone secured into the wall, and place every bone back the way that it was before.

 Thank you for having been compliant, and so easy to lure. It would have been much harder had you not complied so easily, or asked too many questions. It made my life much easier. I hold Luchresi's name above your head and you pounced on the opportunity to gloat your skills of wine testing. To be truthful, though, you don't know one wine from another. Dear Luchresi knows better than you ever would.

  Did I not tell you that we should have left? If you knew what was best for you, you would have turned around the moment we got down into that dank, cold vault. Had you not been drunk, and after noticing the amount of bones that may or may not have been my family, you might have turned around quicker. But no, your pride could not let Luchresi surpass you, for you are too proud for that.

Well, I believe that is all I needed to say. That was the last time you ever disrespect my name, and I truly hope you have learned from that mistake in the next life, or else you will suffer the same terrible fate.

 Sincerely, Montresor

What is a blog?

Thanks if you help :)



A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject

A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Thanks , Please mark me brainliest


I was alone at home and suddenly door bell rang. I opened the door and found an old man.......​


i was alone at home and suddenly the door bell rang. i opened the door and found an old man standing outside while shivering. i ran inside to grab a jacket for him but when i came back he was gone...

In at least 150 words, compare and contrast the modernist themes portrayed in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
and "Grass."



The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," while not adhering to the traditional idea of a love song, still qualifies as one because it describes the longing of the speaker for his beloved.Eliot's “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” carries the characteristics of modernist poetry such as objective correlative, fragmentation, free verse and irregular rhyming. ... Hence, the title of the poem is ironic, since Prufrock never talks about his feelings of love throughout the poem.Alfred Prufrock," Prufrock feels unconfident and self-conscious He is lonely, aging, and balding, and his apparent desire to connect with others, especially women, remains unrealized

Which of the following statements is true?

A) A book is always a better source than a magazine or newspaper article.

B) Sources should be evaluated for complexities and discrepancies.

C) All sources from the internet should be considered current and accurate.

D) All of the choices are correct.





it may be like a newspaper article is more informative and helpful than a book

about c...I think, we all understand why not

so, if a and c are false, d can't be used

I think it’s B but I’m not sure

- Complete the following past simple and continuous events. Choose the correct alternative

7. I _______________ a novel while my mother ___________.

a) was read / was cooking
b) read / cooked
c) was reading / was cooking
d) was reading / cooks

8. I ___________ out of the window when the accident happened.

a) was looked
b) looked
c) looking
d) was looking

9. You ___________ while I ____________.

a) played / study
b) were playing / studying
c) were playing / was studying
d) were played / was studying

10. He _____________his homework when his father came home.

a) were doing
b) was doing
c) did
d) did do


Here’s the answer


7. I (C) WAS READING a novel while my mother WAS COOKING

8. (D) WAS LOOKING out of the window when the accident happened.


10. He (B) WAS DOING his homework when his father came home.

The teacher made all the students .............on the benches a stood b. stand c. stands​



b. stand


Select the correct answer.

Which of the following is a feature of the IdeaStorm website launched by Dell?

tracks a competitor's marketing campaign
promotes newly launched products
suggests new products for development
informs investors about the company's goals



option. c



Which of the following statements supports the idea presented in this quote from the excerpt?

Were there not even these inducements to moderation, nothing could be more ill-judged than that intolerant spirit which has, at all times, characterized political parties.

Hamilton believed politician's narrow-mindedness would have a negative effect.
Hamilton generally disliked politicians even though he was one of them.
Hamilton had many reasons to entice politicians to be moderate in their negotiations.
Hamilton thought politicians were the last people who should be writing a new Constitution.



The statement that supports the idea from the quoted excerpt is:

B. Hamilton feared that those tasked with creating the new constitution would oppose reforms that limited their power.


It is B because the excerpt mentioned that certain social class was resistant to accept the changes proposed because they were afraid that those changes could diminish their power.

The Answer would be:

A. Hamilton believed politician's narrow-mindedness would have a negative effect.

"Were there not even these inducements to moderation, nothing could be more ill-judged than that intolerant spirit which has, at all times, characterized political parties."

even if you just read this it explains it within it :) hope this helps y'all! (got it right on flvs Carousel of Progress Post-Test)

We (learn) English now.​



We are learning English now.



We are learning English now.


It's in the present continuous tense

Exercise: Make questions with “How much" or "How many” for the following sentences
Ken made three cakes for me.


just how many did you eat


or how much did you give nick

A. She stood as still as a statue with all eyes on her

B. She then sat dow satisfied with her actions

C. Mary clanged two glass together rudely interrupting the conversations going on around her

D. She finally simply said thank you for coming her words of biting the ears of all who heard them


Answer: C

Explanation: Onomatopoeia is a term for making a sound of an object it is describing.

A cannot be correct as A is a simile (Comparing an object to something else)

B is wrong as the sentence is describing how she is feeling, not what sound she is making

D is wrong because although she is saying something, this is not classified as onomatopoeia

Therefore C is correct, because it says that she clanged two glasses together. The word clanged is a sound describing what the two glasses are doing.

Hope this helps.

If you could mark as Brainliest it would mean the world but you don't have to.

A strange man was watching us.(passive voice)​



We were being watched by a strange man .

can somebody help me with this question please i need some help figuring it out

What is Twain’s viewpoint in this passage?

Twain feels he was mistaken to believe that barbershops were hard to find.

Twain is pleased to find a Parisian barbershop in which he can get a shave.

Twain is angry and disappointed with the lack of true barbershops in France.

Twain believes the barbers were purposefully rude and intentionally hurt him.



A) What is Twain's viewpoint in this passage?


A) answer is : Twain believes America is superior to France in all. ... things and is dismissive in tone.

* I only know the answer to the first question I hope this helps.

What device would NOT be helpful in simulating the chances of Ms. McMillan liking
vanilla or chocolate?
a. A spinner cut into 10 equal parts
b. A 3 sided number cube
C. A coin
d. An 8 sided number cube


B, because the variables would not be even. either chocolate would have a 66.6% chance of getting it or vice versa based on how you label.
B is the correct answer

................. can kids learn from TV?
A. Where B. What C. When D. Who





what can kids learn from TV? Here, 'what' is the most appropriate choice.


you can help the learners to be smart in their own ways

41. They will have some workers_______their house.
A. redecorate B. to redecorate C. redecorating D. redecorated
42. He warned _______anything.
A. not to touch B. me to not touch C. me not to touch D. not touching
43. They all denied_______her.
A. being seen B. of seeing C. having seen D. to see
44. We regret_______you that you haven’t been selected for the post of senior manager.
A. informing B. inform C. informed D. to inform
45. Ted managed_______my mind.
A. to change B. changing C. having changed D. change
46. I can’t afford_______a new car.
A. buying B. to buy C. bought D. buy
47. I finally finished_______ at 7:00 pm and served dinner.
A. cooking B. being cooked C. to cook D. to be cooked
48. The president agreed_______ the Agreement.
A. to sign B. sign C. signing D. to have signed
49. The captain chose_______ with his ship.
A. die B. to die C. to have died D. dying
50. Vietnam failed_______ Tiger Cup 2004!

A. winning B. win C. to win D. to have won
51. The child promised_______ his parents.
A. being obeyed B. obeying C. obey D. to obey



41. A

42. C

43. C

44. D

45. A

46. B

47. A

48. A

49. B

50. C

51. D


sorry if i got it wrong

Redecorated me not to touchto seeto informto changeto buycookingto signto dieto winto obey.

Hope it helps

Underline the pronouns in each of following sentences


2. Us
3. She, Us
4. They, Our, Them
5. Them
6. She, Them, Him
7. They
8. Those
9. He
10. Some (I think)

Do you think the use of technology helps in the classroom?​





Technology can help teachers form a better relationship with their students and their colleagues. For example, 84% of teachers report using the internet at least weekly to find content that will engage students. Using technology in your classroom also encourages critical thinking skills.

II. Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct word on the line 43. Sadie’s quite good in typing. ……………………. 44. Jimmy qualified at a doctor a couple of years ago. ……………………. 45. You need to be good at languages to work in an interpreter. ……………………. 46. It’ll be good that Rudy to get some work experience this summer. ……………………. 47. You’ve got to be experienced from dealing with difficult authors if you want to be an editor. ………………. 48. We specialize for manufacturing tiles for the building industry. ……………………. 49. After qualifying as veterinary medicine, she decided to move to Yorkshire. ……………………. 50. I’d love to work as advertising. ……………………. 51. Joanne is training for become a trapeze artist at the moment! …………………….


The correct word to use in each sentence is shown below.

In this exercise, you're required to cross (underline) out the incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct word on the line.

43. Sadie’s quite good in typing. You should use the apostrophe with a s (Sadie's) to denote possession of something by someone.

Sadie is quite good in typing

44. Jimmy qualified at a doctor a couple of years ago. At should be use to show location or place but not to describe something.

Jimmy qualified as a doctor a couple of years ago

45. You need to be good at languages to work in an interpreter. You should use in to show the exact location of something.

You need to be good at languages to work as an interpreter.

46. It’ll be good that Rudy to get some work experience this summer. You should use for to refer to a person or thing rather than use that.

It’ll be good for Rudy to get some work experience this summer.

47. You’ve got to be experienced from dealing with difficult authors if you want to be an editor. You should use from to indicate a timeframe.

You’ve got to be experienced in dealing with difficult authors if you want to be an editor.

48. We specialize for manufacturing tiles for the building industry. You should use in to show the exact function or responsibility of something rather than use for.

We specialize in manufacturing tiles for the building industry.

49. After qualifying as veterinary medicine, she decided to move to Yorkshire. You should use as to compare two or more things.

After qualifying in veterinary medicine, she decided to move to Yorkshire.

50. I’d love to work as advertising. You should use as to compare two or more things.

I’d love to work in advertising.

51. Joanne is training for become a trapeze artist at the moment! You should use for to refer to a person or thing.

Joanne is training to become a trapeze artist at the moment!

Find more information:

The element of an argument that ties everything together is the __________.


The claim is the thing that ties everything together. It’s basically the knot in the string for an argument, bringing everything to a full circle and tying all other elements to one.




"The warrant is the assumption on which the claim and the evidence depend. Another way of saying this would be that the warrant explains why the data support the claim."

also check goo gle

In the story, Nuttel is given letters of introduction by his sister. What's the purpose of these letters?
A. to attend a particular social event
B. to apply for a job
c. to ask for a hand in marriage
D. to make social calls



D. To make social calls.


The short story "The Open Window" by Saki a.k.a. H. H. Munro is about the main character Framton Nuttel and his retreat to the countryside. The story is a hilarious yet horrific experience for Nuttel who became the latest victim of the playful niece, Vera's love of storytelling.

Framton Nuttel has been advised by his doctor to not exert himself mentally. In a bid to cure his nervous condition, he had gone to the countryside to relax and calm himself. And to make himself acquainted with the neighbors of that retreat, his sister had written letters of introduction to help him in his social calls.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Discussion Topic
Discussion Quespion(s)
With the internet, an entire universe of information can be accessed with a simple tap or click. Our technologically driven work
bombarded with information and stories. It is for that reason that it is crucial for you to be able to carefully analyze the reliabilit
information Sources you share.
a) Why is it important for us to be sure about the reliability and validity of the information sources we share whether it be for so
b) What steps do you take to make sure what you share is table? If you do not, what are the reasons?
c) Read one (or more) of the following articles on how to check for reliability. Then, answer this question: After reading your arti
greatest takeaways? In other words, what techniques or tips do you plan to start applying to your research or information shari
Fraps: guides.libsluga edu/c.php?g=571070&p=4319664
- 5 Response(s)


"With the internet, it is possible to tap or click to access a vast amount of information. Our highly advanced work is inundated with news and information. It is essential to be able to carefully examine the reliable information sources to distribute for this purpose."

A) Your audience will expect you to have backed up your arguments with credible evidence, thus it is crucial for us to be sure about the trustworthiness and validity of the information sources we offer, whether it be for so media to use credible sources in an academic research paper.

B) How can you ensure that the food you share is appropriate? Why don't you, and what are the causes? This is because you save your data in tables—subject-based lists with rows and columns—when you construct an Access database.

One can establish a Products table to keep details about products or a Contacts table to contain a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers.

C) A "key takeaway" is any insight gained from a practical encounter, including a teaching moment.

It may also result via reading, observation, attending a seminar or conference, or simply from a chance interaction with someone over small talk.

What is Discussion?

Discussion is simply speech or writing in which the advantages and disadvantages of various elements of a topic are discussed.

A formal speech on a subject that is comparable to an exposition is referred to as a discussion.

Discussion can be a sincere conversation in which a group of people considers any topic.

"Talking or writing about something, especially in order to solve a problem or answer a question," is the definition of discussion.

What is Internet?

The Internet is a system of worldwide computer networks that are linked together and communicate with each other using a variety of Internet protocols.

According to a broad definition, the "Internet" is a network of networks made up of local to global private, public, academic, business, and government networks connected by a wide range of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.

The World Wide Web, sometimes known as the WWW, its interconnected hypertext pages and applications, email, phone calls, and file sharing are just a few of the information resources and services that are available over the Internet.

To learn more about Discussion here


How was Marco Polo's route to China different from his return route home?



The journey from China to Persia was the most dangerous of their journey. Only 18 people of the original 600 survived. After arriving in Persia they took off overland for Europe. During their trip across Iran they were robbed of some of their gold and jewels


According to the Silk Road Foundation: “Marco did not provide full account of his long journey home. The sea journey took 2 years during which 600 passengers and crewed died. Marco did not give much clue as to what went wrong on the trip, but there are some theories. Some think they may have died from scurvy, cholera or by drowning; others suggest the losses were caused by the hostile natives and pirate attacks. This dreadful sea voyage passed through the South China Sea to Sumatra and the Indian Ocean, and finally docked at Hormuz. There they learned that Arghun had died two years previously so the princess married to his son, prince Ghazan, instead. In Persia they also learned of the death of Kublai Khan. However his protection outlived him, for it was only by showing his golden tablet of authority that they were able to travel safely through the bandit-ridden interior.

a story must begin with this sentence: A girl was walking home one day.


Answer: A girl was walking home one day. To the girl, each and every day that she walked home was simply the same. The birds chirped in tune, the wind blew the most prettiest of leaves away, the sidewalk of which she walked on lessened and lessened as she came close to home. It seemed to her that every walk home created the same routine. This time, the birds seemed distant, the wind blew slower than ever, and the sidewalk of which she walked on seemed to grow more and more. This time, things were about to change...


a girl was walking home one day. then she saw a pet puppy. she picked up puppy. he is a white dog with brown eyes. but it was alone. so she bring it home and treat well.

in the next day she go to out with her new puppy. then she saw a notice about lost puppy. the photo on it is same to her puppy. then she realized that it was about this puppy. but she didn't like to hand over the puppy. she ran back home with her puppy. then she lay in bed all day thinking. she took a decision to hand over puppy to real owner. because she thought, if she feel sad that much, the real owners are also so worry about puppy. then she bring her puppy to address in that notice.

there was a child in that home. when he saw his puppy,. he jumped up happily. puppy also seem happy. then she said good bye to her puppy


C. Had he practised well, he ..the match.( will win/won/ would have won).​


[tex] \underline{ \bf \: would \: have \: won} \: \sf \: is \: the \: correct \: answer.[/tex]

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