Identify the segment parallel to the given segment .


Answer 1


MN => CB

ON => CA

AB => MO

CB => MN

OM => BA

AC => NO

Related Questions

Please help me with this, I am stu pid. UnU


i’m pretty sure it’s c

there are 3468 apples in a basket how many children can share them equally



3468 children.

Step-by-step explanation:

One apple per person.

Make sure to round it to tge nearest 10th




Step-by-step explanation:

For the 41° angle, x is the opposite leg, and 16 is the adjacent leg. The trig ratio that relates the opposite leg and the adjacent leg is the tangent.

tan A = opp/adj

tan 41° = x/16

x = 16 * tan 41°

x = 13.9085...

Answer: 13.9

A number is doubled and 7 is subtracted from the answer, if the result is -25.
-create an equation
-solve the equation to find the number
Please Respond



(number= variable (n))


Subtract 7 from -25 and you get -32

Then 2x=-32 we divide by 2 and x equals -16

look at image for question and answer​


The equation of the question is 1/;

simplify [tex]x^{2} +10x+9[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \Large \boldsymbol{} x^2+10x+9=0 \\\\ x^2+\underbrace{x+9x}_{10x}+9=0 \\\\x^2+x+\underline9x+\underline9=0 \\\\x(x+1)+9(x+1)=(x+9)(x+1)[/tex]

Help with number 11 anyone?



y = 3/5×x + 1

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope intercept form y= mx + b

since slope = 3/5 => y= [tex]\frac{3}{5}[/tex]x + b

Plug point (-5,-2) to the equation -2 = [tex]\frac{3}{5}[/tex] x (-5) + b

=> b=1

A polynomial has one root that equals 2 + i. Name one other root of this




Step-by-step explanation:

polynomial is not given

question is incomplete




Option C, 93.6 mi³

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of the triangular prism,

base area × height

= (8×3.9/2)×6

= 93.6 mi³

arccos 2x + arccos x = TT/2
How to solve ​find x ?


arccos(2x) + arccos(x) = π/2

Apply cos to both sides, then expand the right side using the identity I mentioned in a comment:

cos(arccos(2x) + arccos(x)) = cos(π/2)

cos(arccos(2x)) cos(arccos(x)) - sin(arccos(2x)) sin(arccos(x)) = 0

Now think of arccos(2x) and arccos(x) as angles in two right triangles. Let θ = arccos(2x) and φ = arccos(x) (and let's also assume that both have measure between 0 and π/2). These are angles such that

cos(θ) = 2x

cos(φ) = x

In these triangles, you then have

sin(θ) = sin(arccos(2x)) = √(1 - 4x ²)

sin(φ) = sin(arccos(x)) = √(1 - x ²)


cos(θ) = cos(arccos(2x)) = 2x

cos(φ) = cos(arccos(x)) = x

So the original equation is transformed to

2x ² - √(1 - 4x ²) √(1 - x ²) = 0

Solve for x :

2x ² = √(1 - 4x ²) √(1 - x ²)

(2x ²)² = (√(1 - 4x ²) √(1 - x ²))²

4x ⁴ = (1 - 4x ²) (1 - x ²)

4x ⁴ = 1 - 5x ² + 4x

0 = 1 - 5x ²

x ² = 1/5

x = ± 1/√5

Now bearing in mind that we assume 0 < φ < π/2, we should have cos(φ) = x > 0, so we take the positive solution,

x = 1/√5

a school has 2500 pupils. when 52 boys and 1/9 of the girls are absent, the number of the boys present is equal to the number of girls. how many does doe he school have​


Given :

a school has 2500 pupils. when 52 boys and 1/9 of the girls are absent, the number of the boys present is equal to the number of girls. how many pupils does the school have ?

Solution :

Let the number of boys be x

Data :

Total pupils = 2500

Absent no. of boys and girls = 52 and 1/9


First of all we need to get the number of girls then add it with the no. of boys absent and then subtract the whole from 2500 to get the required answer.

Remaining no of pupils = 2500 - 52 ➝ 2448

Hence, the no. of girls absent = 1/9 of 2448 ➝ 272


Total no. of pupils absent = 52 + 272 ➝ 324

No. of pupils present = 2500 - 324 ➝ 2176

Henceforth, 2176 pupils are present

One of the angles of a triangle is 110° and the other two angles are equal.What is the measure of each of these equal angles?



x = 35

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x be the one of the other angles

X is also the third angle since we know they are equal

The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180

110+x+x = 180

110 +2x= 180

2x = 180-110

2x= 70

Divide by 2

2x/2 = 70/2

x = 35


[tex]x = 35 \degree[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the unknown angle be x

Unknown Angles are equal to each other so,

[tex]x + x + 110 = 180[/tex]

sum of the interior angles in a triangle is 180°

[tex]2x + 110 = 180 \\ 2x = 180 - 110 \\ 2x = 70 \\ \frac{2x}{2} = \frac{70}{2} \\ x = 35 \degree[/tex]

Write the following statement in equation form using variables x and y. "Sum of two numbers is 15 and difference is 11.​



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Using x and y to represent the 2 numbers with x > y , then

x + y = 15 → (1)

x - y = 11 → (2)

Adding the 2 equations term by term to eliminate y

2x = 26 ( divide both sides by 2 )

x = 13

Substitute x = 13 into (1)

13 + y = 15 ( subtract 13 from both sides )

y = 2

The 2 numbers are 13 and 2

x-1/x > 1/2


Step-by-step explanation:

its on the picture.........

Help anyone can help me do this question,I will mark brainlest.​



8 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

AM = MC = BM = (1/2) BC => AM , MC , BM = 5, => BC = 10apply pytago => (AC ^ 2) + (AB ^ 2) = (BC ^2)AB = [tex]\sqrt{BC ^2 - AC ^2}[/tex] = [tex]\sqrt{10 ^2 - 6 ^ 2}[/tex] = 8 (cm)



Step-by-step explanation:

So first let's write the information we got

Angle BAC = 90 degrees

Midpoint of BC = M

AC = 6cm

Am= 5cm

Also I found MC = BM, since it has a line that represents both lines are same

so to find it we have to Pythagoras theorem (A^2 + B^2 = C^2), well it is question we have the 'A value and C Value', also we need to find the value of B to find the length of MC and BM

A = 5

C = 6

so therefore to find B^2, we have to do the reverse, we don't add but subtract

C^2 - A^2 = B^2


Moving on to Calculation

6^2 - 5^2 = B^2

36 - 25 = B^2

B^2 = 9

B = √9

B = 3

MC and BM Length =  3 cm


Now, we know the length we again need to use Pythagoras theorem to solve this.

Since we know

A = 5

B = 3


A^2 + B^2 = C^2

5^2 + 3^2 = C^2

25 - 9 = C^2

C^2 = 16

C = √16

C = 4

Ratio And Rates. Each ratio or rate needs to be a fraction in simples terms 1. 30 ft. To 60.Ft 2. 51 males to 21 females 3. 1,500 meters in 6 seconds 4. $36 for 4 rounds of shrimp



The ratio and rates:

1. 30 ft. To 60.Ft

2. 51 males to 21 females

3. 1,500 meters in 6 seconds

4. $36 for 4 rounds of shrimp

To find:

The fraction in simple terms for the given ratio and rates.


1. 30 ft. To 60.Ft

[tex]\dfrac{30\text{ ft}}{60\text{ ft}}=\dfrac{1}{2}[/tex]

2. 51 males to 21 females


3. 1,500 meters in 6 seconds

[tex]\dfrac{1500\text{ meters}}{6\text{ seconds}}=250\text{ meter/second}[/tex]

4. $36 for 4 rounds of shrimp

[tex]\dfrac{\$ 36}{4}=\$ 9\text{ per round of shrimp}[/tex]

The points A,B,C and D divide the line segment AD in the ratio 4:3:1 , respectively , and AD = 72cm . What is the length of BD?


Segment addition postulate states that given points X, and Z, on a line, a point Y, can be located between X, and Z, ony if we have;

XZ = XY + YZ

The length of the segment BD is 36  cm

The reason the above value is correct is as follows:


The ratio in which the points A, B, C, and D divide the line segment = 4:3:1

The length of segment AD = 72 cm


The length of BD


Calculate the length of BC and CD and add their values to get BD


Let the ratios be given unit proportions of the segment AD such that we have;

AB = 4 units

BC = 3 units

CD = 1 unit

By segment addition postulate, we have;

AD = AB + BC + CD

∴ AD = 4 units + 3 units + 1 unit = 8 units = 72 cm

∴ 1 unit = 72 cm/8 = 9 cm

1 unit = 9 cm

BD = BC + CD by segment addition postulate

BC = 3 units = 3 × 1 unit

∴ BC = 3 × 9 cm = 27 cm

BC = 27 cm

CD = 1 unit

∴ CD = 9 cm

∴ BD = 27 cm + 9 cm = 36 cm

The length of segment BD = 36 cm

Learn more about segment addition postulate here:

Choose which is a statistical question: What are
the ages of the students in this class? or How
many pennies equal 1 dollar? Explain.


The statistical question is; "What are the ages of the students in this class?

What is a statistical question?

A statistical question is always aimed at data collection which can subsequently used for analysis and decision making. Statistical questions are asked in the course of research.

Among the two questions, the statistical question is; "What are the ages of the students in this class?

Learn more about statistics:


Un vendedor de celulaes tiene una meta diaria de venta si al momento lleva el Q.2,000.00 de la meta que equivale el 20%



Sales goal, S = Q. 10,000

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the daily sales goal be S.

Given the following data;

Amount sold = Q. 2,000.00Percentage of the sales goal = 20%

To find his daily sales goal;

[tex] \frac {20}{100} * S = 2000 [/tex]

[tex] 0.2 * S = 2000 [/tex]

Dividing both sides by 0.2, we have;

[tex] S = \frac {2000}{0.2} [/tex]

Sales goal, S = Q. 10,000

Find an equation of the line having the given slope and containing the given point m= - 8, (2,5) The equation of the line is y= (Simplify your answer. Type your answer in slope-intercept form. Use integers or fractions for any numbers in the expression)​



Equation of line is y = -8x + 21

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope, m = -8

General equation of line:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{y = mx + c}}}[/tex]

At point (2, 5), y = 5 and x = 2:

[tex]{ \tt{5 = ( - 8 \times 2) + c}} \\ { \tt{c = 21}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \sf{y = - 8x + 21}}[/tex]

[tex]{ \underline{ \blue{ \sf{christ \:† \: alone }}}}[/tex]

Please help me solve this I’m really struggling



y =x^2 +8x +15

factories form

y =( x+5 )( x+3 )

x intercept where the graph meet the x axis

y = x^2 +8x +15

let y =0

0 = x^2 +8x +15

0 = ( x + 5) (x+3)

o = x+5 or 0 = x+3

-5 = x or x = - 3

x intercept


(-3 ;0)

axis of symmetry : where you will cut the graph into two half

x = - b/2a

x = - 8/2(1)

x = - 8/2

x = - 4




y > -1

Klog earns $6.30 per hour. He worked 3.5 hours each day Monday through Friday plus 4 on Saturday. How much did he earn altogether?



Klog earned $135.45 altogether.

Step-by-step explanation:


Monday - Friday : 5 days / 3.5 hours

Saturday : 1 day / 4 hours

3.5 · 5 + 4

= 17.5 + 4

= 21.5


$6.30 per hours / 21.5 hours

6.30 · 21.5

= $135.45


please explain how do you get the answer !​



i) 37

ii) 120

iii) 157



BCA = 180-ACD (Linear Pair)


BCA = 120


143+x=180 (Angle sum property)


ii) Since triangle ABD is equilateral all of its angles are 60


y = 180-ADC (Angles on straight line adds upto 180)


y = 120

iii) Using the values from part i and ii

x+y = 120+37

= 157

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

What is the factored form of the expression x^2-7x-18




Step-by-step explanation:


What 2 numbers multiply to -18 and add to -7

-9*2 = -18

-9+2 = -7




Step-by-step explanation:

x^2 - 7x - 18

-9 * 2 = -18 and -9 +2 = -7 so the factors are:

(x - 9)(x + 2)

If triangles ABC and DEF are similar, what is y? Show your work.


If both triangles are similar then ratio of sides will be same.

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{12}{14}=\dfrac{y}{21}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12(21)=14y[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 14y=252[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{252}{14}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto y=18[/tex]


y = 18

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the triangles are similar, the corresponding sides are in proportion, that is

[tex]\frac{BC}{EF}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{AC}{DF}[/tex] , substitute values

[tex]\frac{y}{12}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{21}{14}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

14y = 252 ( divide both sides by 14 )

y = 18

Combine like terms in the given polynomial. Then, evaluate for x = 4, y = – 2.
xy – 2xy + 3x2 y — 4x y2 + 2xy2
3x2 y + 2xy2 – xy; – 56
C - xy – 2xy2 + 3x2y; – 56
Cx? y2 – 2; 62
– 2x y2 + 3x2y – xy; – 120

Need explanation please



- 2 x y^2+3 x^2 y -xy


Step-by-step explanation:

xy – 2xy + 3x^2 y — 4x y^2 + 2xy^2

Combine like terms

xy – 2xy + 3x^2 y — 4x y^2 + 2xy^2

- x y+3 x^2 y - 2 x y^2

Let x = 4 y = -2

-(4)(-2) +3(4)^2 (-2) -2(4)(-2)^2

Exponents first

-(4)(-2) +3(16) (-2) -2(4)(4)


+8 -96-32

Add and subtract


help me find x please




[tex]\left(\frac{\left(6\cdot \:\:\:sin\left(30\right)\right)}{sin\left(90\right)}\right)^2+x^2=36[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

If (5^(k-1))+(5^(k+1)) = m, what is 2*5^k in terms of m?

If [tex]5^k^-^1+5^k^-^1=m[/tex], what is [tex]2*5^k[/tex] in terms of m?

A) 5m

B) 5m÷2

C) 5m÷13

D) 5m÷26




Step-by-step explanation:


Going to combine like terms on left:


Law of exponents applied:




Multiply 5 on both sides to obtain the requested:


How many hundred thousands 90 ten thousands

pls hurry




Step-by-step explanation:

100,000 in 90,000

Apply the distributive property to factor out the greatest common factor of all three terms. {24c + 36d + 18} =24c+36d+18=24, c, plus, 36, d, plus, 18, equals



[tex]6(4c + 6d + 3})[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]{24c + 36d + 18}[/tex]


Apply distributive property

We have:

[tex]{24c + 36d + 18}[/tex]

Factor out 6 (to apply distributive property)

[tex]{24c + 36d + 18} = 6(4c + 6d + 3})[/tex]

Hence, the equivalent is:

[tex]6(4c + 6d + 3})[/tex]

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