Identify two problems that may occur when preparing soft meringues. When preparing soft meringues, two problems that can occur are shrinking of the meringue and beading which can be caused by overcooking and or having undissolved sugar.


Answer 1


Soft meringues are lightly sweetened and used on top of pies and desserts, like floating island. Hard meringues are made with more sugar and are baked at very low temperatures to dry them out.


Hpoe this helps.

Answer 2

Soft meringues are used as the garnish for pies and sweets like floating islands and are only gently sweetened. To make hard meringues, extra sugar is added, and they are cooked at extremely low temperatures, which dries them up.

What is soft meringues?

Hard meringue is dried out by being baked in the oven at a very low temperature for a very long time. It is used to make cookies and desserts like pavlova and vacherin. Soft meringue is described as light and fluffy. It spends a brief time baking in a hot oven. It is used to top pies like Christina's lemon-lime meringue pie.

The final product should have a dry, crisp, and crunchy texture depending on the egg whites to sugar ratio. Others, like the Pavlova, use Swiss meringue and are baked until they are firm but still slightly soft to the touch.

If you bake your meringues at the incorrect temperature or for an extremely long time, they will become chewy.

Thus, Soft meringues are used as the garnish for pies and sweets.

For more information about Soft meringues, click here:


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Enlist any five objectives of population education.​



a) Population dynamics and patterns of population growth. b) Developing the basic understanding of the process of human reproduction. c) Understanding of health problems associated with child bearing. d) Appreciation of relationship between family size and quality of life


Hope it helps

Mark me as Brainliest plz!!


which of these is a way to reduce the possibility of transmitting HIV?
a. avoiding sexual activity with multiple partners
b. using bare hands to handle blood samples in the doctors office
c. Sharing needles used for drugs
d. A mother with HIV breast-feeding her child


A is the answer I believe
A would be the correct answer

Explanation: If you don’t engage in sexual activities with multiple people, there will be a very low chance that you will get HIV. And if u do contract the disease, because you’ve been with one partner, you will know who gave you the disease.

Why should there be curfew?
Question before the Pandemic I need this answer please



Then the community is controlled and organized, plus you don't have to worry about anything going on after curfew happens.


Dylan has a coworker who is always showing up late and then not finishing his work on time. It's frustrating the other members of the team. What can he do that might help the situation? a) Complain about the coworker to other team members O b) Ask his coworker if he understands his job responsibilities c) Tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off O d) Complete his coworker's work for him



What can he do that might help the situation?

c) Tell his boss that the coworker is slacking

All of the following are considered as criteria for becoming a food vehicle except ________.



can you please complete your questions?

Which of the following behaviors would best describe someone who is listening and paying attention? a) Leaning toward the speaker O b) Interrupting the speaker to share their opinion c) Avoiding eye contact d) Asking questions to make sure they understand what's being said


d) asking questions to make sure they understand what’s being said

Which symptom is NOT typically associated with an allergic reaction to food?



Non-IgE mediated food allergies typically cause gastrointestinal symptoms like blood in the stool

Food allergy GI symptoms
The most common food allergy signs and symptoms include:
Tingling or itching in the mouth.
Hives, itching or eczema.
Swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat or other parts of the body.
Wheezing, nasal congestion or trouble breathing.
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting.
Dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting.

Which of the following behaviors would best describe someone who is listening and paying attention ? a) Leaning toward the speaker b) Interrupting the speaker to share their opinion c) Avoiding eye contact d) Asking questions to make sure they understand what's being said



d) Asking questions to make sure they understand what's being said

What type of compounds are generally NOT permitted at CVS pharmacy


Hi! Sterile preparations are never compounded at CVS, only non-sterile.
At CVS they make Simple Non-sterile compounding. Some examples are cream oints, Er tablets/Capsules, and Transdermal patches. I hope his helps, Goodluck!

Consumer value stores are departmental stores with pharmacies and have medicines and first aid services. CVS helps people to get health care services and provides less expensive treatments.

Compounds that are generally not permitted at CVS pharmacy are:

CVS only permits non - sterile compounds like mouthwash, transdermal patches, creams and ointments in stores they do not keep sterile complex and moderate compounds.

Preparations that are commercially unrestricted unless typical prerequisites are fulfilled.

Extended-Release Dosage formulations.

Combinations using dangerous drugs on the NIOSH inventory.

To learn more about CVS pharmacy follow the link:

the best way identified by the CDC to prevent sickness is
knowledge about foodborne illness
knowledge and execution of food safety
knowledge of illness prevention
knowledge of the food code


Knowledge of food borne illness.

CDC strives to implement better food system and prevent illness due to contaminated food intake. It identifies the food borne illness and then takes necessary measures to prevent those illness. It detects and stops outbreak in the food illness. There can be various diseases caused by the contaminated food. CDC has identified best way to prevent these illness by having knowledge of food borne illness.

Learn more at

"Bile is produced by the liver and travels through the cystic duct to be stored in the gallbladder. It is then released from the gallbladder's ducts into the small intestine."

Based on this information, the gallbladder could be classified as which of the following, and why?

Exocrine gland, because bile is delivered through a duct
Endocrine gland, because bile is delivered through a duct
Endocrine gland, because bile does not travel through the blood
Exocrine system, because bile travels through the blood



Exocrine Gland, because bile is delivered through a duct


This is the answer the gallbladder is used in the digestive system. Bile, therefore is a exocrine system as bile is not travelled into the bloodstream, rather the digestive system


Exocrine gland, because bile is delivered through a duct.

In the paralleling technique, the central ray strikes the film at what
OA) 90°
B) 45°
C) 75°
OD) 1250


A) 75 hope this helps!

17. In giving foot care to the client who has diabetes, the Caregiver should NOT take which of these actions?



what are the choices?


I am not sure as o don't k own the choices

what is gland system?
the system made up of special cell​



gland system is the network of gland that helps the cells to talk with eachother.The system is made up of Quizlet cell

What causes personality disorders?


Personality disorders are caused by a mixture of genetic factors, such as a family history of disorders and upbringing. People who have a dysfunctional home life in early childhood and adolescence can develop personality disorders in later life.
childhood trauma can take a big part in personality disorders

Kevin's supervisor, Jill, has asked for an update on today's sales. Jill is pretty busy moving back and forth between different store locations. How can Kevin most effectively deliver an update to her? O a) Call with a quick update b) Send a detailed text message c) Book a one-hour meeting for tomorrow morning O d) Send a detailed email


As Kevin's supervisor has asked Jili for an update on today's sales but Jill is pretty busy moving back and forth between different store locations, the most effectively way for Kevin to effectively deliver an update to her is to make a call with a quick update.

What is the form of quick update?

Any form of quick update is a communication, a communication refers to exchange of meanings between individuals through a common system of symbols. It can also be defined as the act of imparting or exchanging of information either by speaking, writing and by using other medium.

Therefore, the Option A is correct.

Read more about communication


The spinal cord is a bundle of _____that runs through the back


i would assume nerves?
I think I agree with nerves it seems to make sense

Where is the Lamb sauce?


Answer:The joke? or is this a real question lol


This is the joke that makes fun of Gordon Ramsey

Molly is overwhelmed with her workload for the week. She has a long list of customers with whom to follow up, some paperwork to complete, and her supervisor has asked her to help train a new staff member. Which behavior would help Molly to be more productive this week? U a) Filling out paperwork while talking to customers on the phone b) Making all her tasks top priority Not sharing suggestions with your supervisor c) d) Setting deadlines for the week



no.c is the right answer

Both Answer C and D can work but c seems more reasonable

Oscar is an assistant at a nursing facility. He cares deeply for the residents at the facility, turning down other job opportunities that may pay more money or offer promotions to keep caring for his current patients. "Helping others" is one of Oscar's businesses. a) O b) weaknesses. O) values. di physical abilities.



One of his values


If he cares deeply for the residents at the facility, he should value there health by helping them. It can be Oscar's buisnessess but if he cares deeply about the residents, then it should be something he would value if he cares so much about something/someone. So that is how I got to my answer.

There is an outbreak of viral conjunctivitis, which of the following strategies is not appropriate for reducing the risk of infection in the clinical area.
A. Meticulous handwashing
B. Disinfection of the clinical area after examination of each patie
C. Avoid tonometry
D. Multidosing medication​



D. Multidosing medication​


A and B both use proper sanitation techniques, and C prevents the virus from infecting others since tonometry isn't involved.

D doesn't make any sense, especially with multidosing. It shouldn't be used UNLESS there's another medical reason why.

what parts of the brain are being tested when a police officer asks a DWI suspect to walk a straight line and touch his or her nose with his or her finger and to follow the officers finger as it draws a line around the face from side to side



Field Sobriety Tests & DUI Investigations. man putting finger to nose during FST. Non-standardized FSTs are frequently used by police officers to aid their DUI .

Explanation: . hope it helps.

Picture with the question is posted


the answer is D hope it helps!!


d.feet apart and one foot slightly in front of the other

Farrah hasn't been feeling well for several days . She knows her boss isn't super understanding when it comes to calling in sick , and it's a really busy time at work , but she's in rough shape . What should she do? a) Go to work but wear a mask to cover her mouth b) Stay home for at least a day to keep from spreading germs c) Go in but try to avoid coming into contact with others d) Plan to go in but come home after lunch if she doesn't feel better


Obviously from reason as of right now, Farrah should consider staying home just to make sure she doesn’t spread germs.

Option A, wearing a mask would help if she was conditional (semi-healthy) but because you mentioned that Farrah is in a rough shape, the mask really won’t do too good as it cannot completely filter the air.

Option C, avoiding contact is a finer solution but for how long can you stay away from interactions? You would have to interact with the materials such as desks, chairs, pens, etc. Others are most likely to use those same material which would cause unwanted spreading through indirect contact.

Option D, coming back home after lunch is also a reasonable answer but their is no mask/avoidance of contact induced, your just working normally as you would on a regular day. This can cause several health issues to rise as you aren’t taking the precautions you should. And even if you are, there is no guarantee you would be able to do your job as you are in a position where your health is at risk.

Even if your options are limited, or your situation isn’t ideal, you should never put your own health and other’s health at risk.

Staying at home is doing the favour for both you and those around you.

Hope this helped!!

who would. be considered part of a. highly susceptible. population



Highly susceptible population" means persons who are more likely than other persons in the general population to experience foodborne illness because those persons: 1. Are immunocompromised, preschool-age children or older adults; and 2.

Ms. W. returned from surgery and was pulling at her NG tube. She was placed in non-violent or non-self-destructive restraints but after the behavior stopped the restraints were removed. She begins pulling at her tubing again. There is still time left on her restraint orders. Is it permissible to place the restraints again without a new order for the restraint?




answer in link

is what a drug does to your body. O a) Irrigation b) Pharmacodynamics c) Excretion d) Pharmacokinetics





i think D). pharmacokinetics

three consequences of HIV and aids on the individual and community​



being abandoned by family and community members.


the members in closer relation with the ceased victim start abandoning them due to the sense that if they get closer they might be infected.

HIV is said to be the cause of AIDS and viral infections. HIV can affect communities and individuals leading to financial deprivation, discrimination, and a modification in family structure.

What is HIV?

HIV is abbreviated for the human immunodeficiency virus that causes viral disorders like AIDS. It is a serious disease that can lead to death and compromise immunity.

It affects the physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being of the person and the community. It leads to financial deprivation as HIV compromises the immune system and leads to multiple organ failures resulting in expensive treatment.

It modifies and breaks the family due to unreliability and misconceptions of getting diseased while staying with them. It discriminates against the individual from the rest of society as it is seen as a communicable disease.

Therefore, HIV is a destructive disease.

Learn more about HIV here:


explain any 3 factor that affect the mortality rate of nepal



Socioeconomic factor , demographic factor, ecological factory

Which of the following represents a time when a person would likely consult a company handbook? a) To find the company's mission statement or goals To view a list of customers O b) C) To find all the company locations d) To view their coworkers' vacation requests


Answer:   B


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