If a car drives 10 mph South, this is an example of a:
A. Displacement
B. Velocity
C. Speed
D. Distance


Answer 1




莱德利 · 赫耶尔伊 3uritievrirjrirhruebwkwieheoo2hfjcbvi3hd

Answer 2


B velocity


Related Questions

Hi,A body changes its velocity from 60 km/hr to 72 km/hr in 2 sec.Find the acceleration and distance travelled.​



Initial velocity, u = 60 km/h = 16.7 m/s

Final velocity, v = 72 km/h = 20 m/s

time, t = 2 sec

From first equation of motion:

[tex]{ \bf{v = u + at}}[/tex]

Substitute the variables:

[tex]{ \tt{20 = 16.7 + (a \times 2)}} \\ { \tt{2a = 3.3}} \\ { \tt{acceleration = 1.65 \: {ms}^{ - 2} }}[/tex]

What is total resistor formula



If you know the current and voltage across the whole circuit, you can find total resistance using Ohm's Law: R = V / I.


The driver provides a constant force on the engine through the foot pedal. Eventually the van stops accelerating and reaches a constant speed.
c Explain why the van reaches a constant speed if the driver provides a constant driving force to the van.


It follows from Newton's second law that there is some counteractive force that cancels out the force exerted by the engine - it's most likely drag due to air resistance in combination with static friction between the tires and the road. The car is moving at constant speed past a certain point, so the net force on the car is

F = (force from engine) - (resistive forces) = 0

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Consulta los dibujos adjuntos

A driver who does not wear a seat belt continues to move at the initial velocity until she or he hits something solid (e.g the steering wheel) and then comes to rest in a very short distance. Find the net force on a driver without seat belts who comes to rest in 1.1 cm. Fwithout belt


This question is incomplete, the complete question is;

Seatbelts provide two main advantages in a car accident (1) they keep you from being thrown from the car and (2) they reduce the force that acts on your during the collision to survivable levels. This second benefit can be illustrated by comparing the net force encountered by a driver in a head-on collision with and without a seat beat.  

1) A driver wearing a seat beat decelerates at roughly the same rate as the car it self. Since many modern cars have a "crumble zone" built into the front of the car, let us assume that the car decelerates of a distance of 1.1 m. What is the net force acting on a 70 kg driver who is driving at 18 m/sec and comes to rest in this distance?

Fwith belt =

2) A driver who does not wear a seat belt continues to move at the initial velocity until she or he hits something solid (e.g the steering wheel) and then comes to rest in a very short distance. Find the net force on a driver without seat belts who comes to rest in 1.1 cm.

Fwithout belt =


1) The Net force on the driver with seat belt is 10.3 KN

2) the Net force on the driver without seat belts who comes to rest in 1.1 cm is 1030.9 KN


Given the data in the question;

from the equation of motion, v² = u² + 2as

we solve for a

a = (v² - u²)/2s ----- let this be equation 1

we know that, F = ma ------- let this be equation 2

so from equation 1 and 2

F = m( (v² - u²)/2s )

where m is mass, a is acceleration, u is initial velocity, v is final velocity and s is the displacement.


Wearing sit belt, car decelerates of a distance of 1.1 m. What is the net force acting on a 70 kg driver who is driving at 18 m/sec and comes to rest in this distance.

i.e, m = 70 kg, u = 18 m/s, v = 0 { since it came to rest }, s = 1.1 m

so we substitute the given values into the equation;

F = 70( ((0)² - (18)²) / 2 × 1.1 )

F = 70 × ( -324 / 2.4 )

F = 70 × -147.2727

F = -10309.09 N

F = -10.3 KN

The negative sign indicates that the direction of the force is opposite compared to the direction of the motion.

Fwith belt =  10.3 KN

Therefore, Net force of the driver is 10.3 KN


No sit belt,  

m = 70 kg, u = 18 m/s, v = 0 { since it came to rest }, s = 1.1 cm = 1.1 × 10⁻² m

we substitute

F = 70( ((0)² - (18)²) / 2 × 1.1 × 10⁻² )

F = 70 × ( -324 / 0.022 )

F = 70 × -14727.2727

F = -1030909.08 N

F = -1030.9 KN

The negative sign indicates that the direction of the force is opposite compared to the direction of the motion.

Fwithout belt = 1030.9 KN

Therefore, the net force on the driver without seat belts who comes to rest in 1.1 cm is 1030.9 KN

A hockey ball is flicked of the ground with initial velocity of 2.0m/s upwards and 10m/s horizontally. Calculate the distance travelled from the point where the ball is flicked and to the point where the ball hits the ground.



imma try and fail again and again

An infinite plane lies in the yz-plane and it has a uniform surface charge density.
The electric field at a distance x from the plane
a.) decreases as 1/x^2
b.) increases linearly with x
c.) is undertermined
d.) decreases linearly with x
e.) is constant and does not depend on x



So the correct answer is letter e)


The electric field of an infinite yz-plane with a uniform surface charge density  (σ) is given by:

[tex]E=\frac{\sigma }{2\epsilon_{0}}[/tex]

Where ε₀ is the electric permitivity.

As we see, this electric field does not depend on distance, so the correct answer is letter e)

I hope it helps you!

Galaxies that are 400 million light years away have a red shift of 0.03 approximately. A radio wave coming from one of these galaxies has an observed wavelength of 125 meters. What is the emitted wavelength in meters and the observed frequency in Megahertz



The correct answer is "121.36 meters and 2.40 MHz".



Red shift,

[tex]\frac{v}{c}=\frac{\lambda - \lambda_0}{\lambda_0} = 0.03[/tex]


[tex]\lambda = 125 \ meters[/tex]

The observed frequency will be:

⇒ [tex]f = \frac{c}{\lambda}[/tex]

      [tex]=\frac{3\times 10^8}{125}[/tex]

      [tex]=24\times 10^5[/tex]

      [tex]= 2.40\times 10^6[/tex]

      [tex]=2.40 \ MHz[/tex]


The Emitted wavelength will be:

⇒ [tex]\frac{125-\lambda_0}{\lambda_0} =0.03[/tex]

   [tex]\frac{125}{\lambda_0}-1 =0.03[/tex]

         [tex]125=1.03 \ \lambda_0[/tex]


                [tex]=121.36 \ m[/tex]

A possible means for making an airplane invisible to radar is to coat the plane with an antireflective polymer. If radar waves have a wavelength of 3.00 cm and the index of refraction of the polymer is n = 1.50, how thick would you make the coating?





From the question we are told that:

Wavelength [tex]\lamda=3c[/tex]m

Refraction Index [tex]n=1.50[/tex]

Generally the equation for Destructive interference for Normal incidence is mathematically given by


Since  Minimum Thickness occurs at

At [tex]m=0[/tex]





A pulse traveled the length of a stretched spring the pulse transferred...A)energy only B)mass only C)both energy and mass D) neither energy nor mass





So a pulse is a part of a mechanical wave, and mechanical waves are energy transfer trough some medium, in this case a stretched spring. So the correct answer is (A) energy only. The pulse cant be transferred into mass.

True or false: Increasing the Young’s modulus of a beam in bending will cause it to deflect less.





The higher the modulus, the more stress is needed to create the same amount of strain; an idealized rigid body would have an infinite Young's modulus.


I think the answer is False.

In a robotics circuit, a voltage source of 75V is supplying a current, I to a series circuit of 5
resistances. Resistance, R1 = 5 KΩ and R2 = 10 KΩ. The voltage drops across 3 black boxes of
resistances R3 , R4 and R5 are 15V, 20V and 25V respectively. The current through the black
box of resistance, R5 is measured as 1mA. Calculate the voltage V1 and V2 across the
resistance R1 and R2 using the Voltage Divider Rule.



In the given circuit, R




and R


are in series. So,




Now R


and R


are in parallel. So,






















Now R




and R


are in series. So,








We know i=













Water stands at a depth H in a tank whose side wails are vertical. A hole is made on one of the walls at a depth h below the water surface. Find at what distance from the foot of the wall does the emerging stream of water strike the floor?



   x = 2h [tex]\sqrt{\frac{H}{h} -1 }[/tex]


This is an exercise in fluid mechanics, let's find the speed of the water in the hole

       P₁ + ½ ρ v₁² + ρ g y₁ = P₂ + ½ ρ v₂² + ρ g y₂

where the subscript 1 is for the tank surface and the subscript 2 is for the depth of the hole

the pressure inside and outside the tank is the same

       P₁ = P₂

we must measure the distance from the same reference point, let's locate it on the surface of the water

       y₁ = 0

       y₂ = h

Suppose the gap is small compared to the diameter of the tank

        v₁ «v₂

       v₂² = 2 g (0-h)


This is the speed of the outlet water in the tank, as the force is horizontal this speed is horizontal.

Let's use the projectile launch ratios

         vₓ = [tex]\sqrt{2g |h|}[/tex]

         y = y₀ + v₀ t - ½ g t²

the height when reaching the floor is y = 0,

the initial height is measured from the floor therefore y₀ = H-h

        0 = (H-h) + 0 - ½ g t²

        t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2(H-h)}{g} }[/tex]

we look for the distance x traveled

        x = vₓ t

        x = [tex]\sqrt{2g |h| } \ \sqrt{ 2(H-h)/g}[/tex]

        x = [tex]\sqrt{4 h (H-h)}[/tex]

        x = 2h [tex]\sqrt{\frac{H}{h} -1 }[/tex]

If the average time it takes for the cart from point 1 to point 2 is 0.2 s, calculate the angle θ from the horizontal of the track. Assume the track is frictionless. Hint: use the definitions of acceleration and Newton’s second law.





I dont know because I am a noob ant study

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Xác định sự phân bố điện tích khối và .



Quantum theory gives the concept of

Consult Multiple-Concept Example 11 for background material relating to this problem. A small rubber wheel on the shaft of a bicycle generator presses against the bike tire and turns the coil of the generator at an angular speed that is 40 times as great as the angular speed of the tire itself. Each tire has a radius of 0.330 m. The coil consists of 163 turns, has an area of 3.23 x 10-3 m2, and rotates in a 0.0948-T magnetic field. The bicycle starts from rest and has an acceleration of 0.601 m/s2. What is the peak emf produced by the generator at the end of 6.72 s





From the question we are told that:

Angular speed [tex]\omega=40*\omega'[/tex]

Radius [tex]r=0.33m[/tex]

No. Turns [tex]N=163[/tex]

Area [tex]A= 3.23 * 10^{-3} m^2[/tex]

Magnetic field. [tex]B=0.0948T[/tex]

Acceleration [tex]a=0.60m/s^2[/tex]

Time [tex]t=6.72s[/tex]

Generally the equation for momentum is mathematically given by








Generally the equation for Peak emf is mathematically given by

[tex]Emf=NBA \omega[/tex]

[tex]Emf=163*0.0948* 3.23 * 10^{-3} m^2*488.7rads/s[/tex]


Canopus, which is in the constellation of Carina and Argo Navis, is 310 ly away. You plan a sight-seeing vacation for Canopus and book a flight on the fastest spaceship in the universe, which travels at the speed of light. How many meters will you traverse to reach your vacation destination





From the question we are told that:

Distance [tex]D=310ly[/tex]



Generally the equation for  meters will you traverse to reach your vacation destination is mathematically given by




Explain how the gravitational force between the earth and the sun changes as the earth moves from position A to B as shown in the figure. Sun Earth at position B Earth at position A​



The distance between sun & Earth at position A is less than the earth at position B. The gravitational force of two bodies is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. So At position A gravitational force is more & it decreases as it rotate towards position B.

A 0.3-kg object connected to a light spring with a force constant of 19.3 N/m oscillates on a frictionless horizontal surface. Assume the spring is compressed 6 cm and released from rest. (c) Determine the speed of the object as it passes the point 1.9 cm from the equilibrium position


The total work W done by the spring on the object as it pushes the object from 6 cm from equilibrium to 1.9 cm from equilibrium is

W = 1/2 (19.3 N/m) ((0.060 m)² - (0.019 m)²) ≈ 0.031 J

That is,

• the spring would perform 1/2 (19.3 N/m) (0.060 m)² ≈ 0.035 J by pushing the object from the 6 cm position to the equilibrium point

• the spring would perform 1/2 (19.3 N/m) (0.019 m)² ≈ 0.0035 J by pushing the object from the 1.9 cm position to equilbrium

so the work done in pushing the object from the 6 cm position to the 1.9 cm position is the difference between these.

By the work-energy theorem,

W = ∆K = K

where K is the kinetic energy of the object at the 1.9 cm position. Initial kinetic energy is zero because the object starts at rest. So

W = 1/2 mv ²

where m is the mass of the object and v is the speed you want to find. Solving for v, you get

v = √(2W/m) ≈ 0.46 m/s

A 2.0-kg block sliding on a rough horizontal surface is attached to one end of a horizontal spring (k = 250 N/m) which has its other end fixed. The block passes through the equilibrium position with a speed of 2.6 m/s and first comes to rest at a displacement of 0.20 m from equilibrium. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the horizontal surface?


Suppose the spring begins in a compressed state, so that the block speeds up from rest to 2.6 m/s as it passes through the equilibrium point, and so that when it first comes to a stop, the spring is stretched 0.20 m.

There are two forces performing work on the block: the restoring force of the spring and kinetic friction.

By the work-energy theorem, the total work done on the block between the equilbrium point and the 0.20 m mark is equal to the block's change in kinetic energy:

[tex]W_{\rm total}=\Delta K[/tex]


[tex]W_{\rm friction}+W_{\rm spring}=0-K=-K[/tex]

where K is the block's kinetic energy at the equilibrium point,

[tex]K=\dfrac12\left(2.0\,\mathrm{kg}\right)\left(2.6\dfrac{\rm m}{\rm s}\right)^2=6.76\,\mathrm J[/tex]

Both the work done by the spring and by friction are negative because these forces point in the direction opposite the block's displacement. The work done by the spring on the block as it reaches the 0.20 m mark is

[tex]W_{\rm spring}=-\dfrac12\left(250\dfrac{\rm N}{\rm m}\right)(0.20\,\mathrm m)^2=-5.00\,\mathrm J[/tex]

Compute the work performed by friction:

[tex]W_{\rm friction}-5.00\,\mathrm J=-6.76\,\mathrm J \implies W_{\rm friction}=-1.76\,\mathrm J[/tex]

By Newton's second law, the net vertical force on the block is

F = n - mg = 0   ==>   n = mg

where n is the magnitude of the normal force from the surface pushing up on the block. Then if f is the magnitude of kinetic friction, we have f = µmg, where µ is the coefficient of kinetic friction.

So we have

[tex]W_{\rm friction}=-f(0.20\,\mathrm m)[/tex]

[tex]\implies -1.76\,\mathrm J=-\mu\left(2.0\,\mathrm{kg}\right)\left(9.8\dfrac{\rm m}{\mathrm s^2}\right)(0.20\,\mathrm m)[/tex]

[tex]\implies \boxed{\mu\approx0.45}[/tex]

The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the horizontal surface [tex]\mu =0.45[/tex]

What is coefficient of friction?

Coefficient of friction, ratio of the frictional force resisting the motion of two surfaces in contact to the normal force pressing the two surfaces together. It is usually symbolized by the Greek letter mu (μ). Mathematically, μ = F/N, where F is the frictional force and N is the normal force.

Suppose the spring begins in a compressed state, so that the block speeds up from rest to 2.6 m/s as it passes through the equilibrium point, and so that when it first comes to a stop, the spring is stretched 0.20 m.

There are two forces performing work on the block: the restoring force of the spring and kinetic friction.

By the work-energy theorem, the total work done on the block between the equilbrium point and the 0.20 m mark is equal to the block's change in kinetic energy:

[tex]W_{total}=\Delta K[/tex]



where K is the block's kinetic energy at the equilibrium point,

[tex]K=\dfrac{1}{2}(2)(2.6)^2=6.76 \ J[/tex]

Both the work done by the spring and by friction are negative because these forces point in the direction opposite the block's displacement. The work done by the spring on the block as it reaches the 0.20 m mark is

[tex]W_{spring}=-\dfrac{1}{2}(250)(0.20)=-5\ J[/tex]

Compute the work performed by friction:

[tex]W_{friction}-5 =-6.76\ J=-1.76\ J[/tex]

By Newton's second law, the net vertical force on the block is

∑ F = n - mg = 0   ==>   n = mg

where n is the magnitude of the normal force from the surface pushing up on the block. Then if f is the magnitude of kinetic friction, we have f = µmg, where µ is the coefficient of kinetic friction.

So we have


[tex]-1.76=\mu (2)(9.8)(0.2)[/tex]

[tex]\mu =0.45[/tex]

Thus the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the horizontal surface [tex]\mu =0.45[/tex]

To know more about Coefficient of friction follow


how do I learn French fast for an examination​



It isn't possible to learn an entire language fast. For an examination, memorise some of the easy words. Practice mew minutes speaking French and keep speaking it till you know it.

energy of fossil fuel is also derived from solar energy why​



All the energy in oil, gas, and coal originally came from the sun captured through photosynthesis. In the same way that we burn wood to release energy that trees capture from the sun, we burn fossil fuels to release the energy that ancient plants captured from the sun.

Which statement below is correct about this planet?

Everything on the planet will fall twice faster than on Earth.

Everything on the planet will fall twice slower than on Earth.

Everything on the planet will move twice faster than on Earth.

Everything on the planet will move twice slower than on Earth.



Everything on the planet will move twice faster than on Earth.


Uranus has a mass of about 8.681 × 10^25 kg. That is its larger than earth and is also has a faster rotation peroid of 17 hours. Its has a gravitational potential less than earth.

3. If you change the resistance of the resistor:
a. How does the current through the circuit change? (answer, explain, evidence)
b. How does the voltage of the battery change? (answer, explain, evidence)




Changing the resistance of a resistor means the resistance is either increased or decreased.

a. When the resistance of the resistor is increased, the value of current flowing through the circuit decreases.

Example: given voltage of 6V, and a resistance of 30 Ohm's. The value of current flowing in the circuit is;

V = IR

6 = I x 30

I = 0.2 A

If the resistance is changed to 50 Ohm's, then:

I = 0.12 A

(ii) When the resistance of the resistor is decreased, the value of the current flowing through the circuit increases.

In the previous example, if the resistance is changed to 5 Ohm's, then:

V = IR

6 = I x 5

I = 1.2 A

(b) The voltage of the battery does not change since it is directly proportional to the current flowing through the circuit. Consider the examples stated above.

explain why an equation may be homogenous with respect to its unit but still be incorrect​


When both sides of an equation give the same units, same numerical values, and same concept we refer to the equation as being correct. ... Removing constants from correct equations make them homogeneous but incorrect.

In the Homogenous equation with respect to its unit if the constants has been removed, then the equation is still homogenous but it is incorrect.

What is Homogenous equation?

         Homogenous equation is one of the type of the differential equations. These equation have zero on the right hand side of the equality sign. If the equation has the independent variable on the right side of equal sign then it is said to be non - homogenous equation. The homogenous and non - homogenous equations are the two types of linear equations.

An example of Homogenous equation is,

The formula for kinetic energy can be represented as,

K. E = 1/2 (mv²)

Here, 1/2 can be removed as it was a constant.

K. E = mv².

This equation can be homogenous but still it is incorrect.

Learn more about homogenous equation,



3) A fahrenheit thermometer shaded from the sun on a hot day reads 101⁰ what is the temperature on the centigrade scale?






180/100 = (F-32)/C............. Equation 1

Where F = Temperature of the hot day in fehrenheit, C = Temperature of the hot day in centigrade.

make C the subject of the equation

C = 100(F-32)/180.............. Equation 2

From the question,

Given: F = 101°F

Substitute into equation 2

C = 100(101-32)/180

C = 38.33°C

b. The stream of water flowing through a hole at depth h = 10 cm in a tank holding water to height H = 40 cm. . 3 At what distance x does the stream strike the floor?​



34.64 cm


Given that:

The depth of the hole h = 10 cm

height of the water holding in the tank H = 40 cm

For a stream of flowing water, the distance (x) at which the stream strikes the floor can be  computed by using the formula;

[tex]x = 2 \sqrt{h(H-h)}[/tex]

[tex]x = 2 \sqrt{10(40-10)}[/tex]

[tex]x = 2 \sqrt{10(30)}[/tex]

[tex]x = 2 \sqrt{300}[/tex]

[tex]x = 2 \times 17.32[/tex]

x = 34.64 cm

Explain how solar radiation is converted into thermal energy



See the explanation below


Explain how solar radiation is converted into thermal energy

From the concept of the particulate nature of matter, when the gases(air) receives a sufficient amount of radiation from the sun they tend to move in a constant rapid random motion as they move they hit one another and hence heat in form of thermal energy

The thermal efficiency (in %) of a system that undergoes a power cycle while receiving 1000 kJ of energy by heat transfer from a hot reservoir at 1000 K and discharging 500 kJ of energy by heat transfer to a cold reservoir at 400 K is:



η = 0.5 = 50%


The efficiency of the power cycle is given by the following formula:

[tex]\eta = \frac{W}{Q_1}\\\\\eta = \frac{Q_1-Q_2}{Q_1}[/tex]



η = efficiency = ?

Q₁ = heat received from hot reservoir = 1000 KJ

Q₂ = heat discharged to cold reservoir = 500 KJ


[tex]\eta = \frac{1000\ KJ-500\ KJ}{1000\ KJ}[/tex]

η = 0.5 = 50%

The mass is released from the top of the incline and slides down the incline. The maximum velocity (taken the instant before the mass reaches the bottom of the incline) is 1.06 m/s. What is the kinetic energy at that time



0.28 J


Let the mass of the object is 0.5 kg

The maximum velocity of the object is 1.06 m/s.

We need to find the kinetic energy at that time. It is given by :

[tex]K=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\=\dfrac{1}{2}\times 0.5\times (1.06)^2\\\\K=0.28\ J[/tex]

So, the required kinetic energy is equal to 0.28 J.

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