If a square root parent function is vertically compressed by a factor of 1/6,
what is the equation of the new function, G(x)?
O A. G(x)=1/6square root of x
B. G(x) = Square root of 6x
C. G(x) = 6 square root of x
D. G(x) = -6 square root of x


Answer 1


the answer could be B i think cause that makes total sense

Answer 2
I think the answer is b

Related Questions

The cost of producing a custom-made clock includes an initial set-up fee of $1,200 plus an additional $20 per unit made. Each clock sells for $60. Find the number of clocks that must be produced and sold for the costs to equal the revenue generated. (Enter a numerical value.)



30 clocks

Step-by-step explanation:

Set up an equation:

Variable x = number of clocks

1200 + 20x = 60x

Isolate variable x:

1200 = 60x - 20x

1200 = 40x

Divide both sides by 40:

30 = x

Check your work:

1200 + 20(30) = 60(30)

1200 + 600 = 1800

1800 = 1800


Question 4 of 10
If A = (-1,-3) and B = (11,-8), what is the length of AB?
A. 12 units
B. 11 units
C. 14 units
D. 13 units


Step-by-step explanation:

AB = square root of [(xA-xB)^2+(yA-yB)^2]

AB=Squarerootof(-1-11)^2 +(-3-(-8))^2=Squarerootof(-12)^2+(5)^2)

AB=Squarerootof((144)+25)= Squarerootof(169)=13 the answer is 13 units

The choice D is the right one

A rope is 56 in length and must be cut into two pieces. If one piece must be six times as long as the other, find the length of each piece. Round your answers to the nearest inch, if necessary.



48, 6

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of the pieces is 6 to 1

Add them together to get the total

6+1 = 7

Divide the total length by 7

56/7 = 8

Multiply the ratios by 8

6*8 = 48

 1*8 = 6

The peices are 48 and 6

Complete the sentence that explains why Write an Equation is a reasonable strategy for solving this problem. Because the answer may be _________ the numbers in the problem.



4 e

Step-by-step explanation:

dz6dxrx xrrx6 xz33x4xr4x xrx

Riley wants to make 100ml of 25% saline but only has access to 12% and 38% saline mixtures. x= 12% y=38%



x = 50

y = 50

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}x+y=100\\ 0.12x+0.38y=25\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

.12(100-y) + .38y = 25

x = 50

y = 50

Lost-time accidents occur in a company at a mean rate of 0.8 per day. What is the probability that the number of lost-time accidents occurring over a period of 10 days will be no more than 2



0.01375 = 1.375% probability that the number of lost-time accidents occurring over a period of 10 days will be no more than 2.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have the mean during the interval, which means that the Poisson distribution is used.

Poisson distribution:

In a Poisson distribution, the probability that X represents the number of successes of a random variable is given by the following formula:

[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\mu}*\mu^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

In which

x is the number of sucesses

e = 2.71828 is the Euler number

[tex]\mu[/tex] is the mean in the given interval.

Lost-time accidents occur in a company at a mean rate of 0.8 per day.

This means that [tex]\mu = 0.8n[/tex], in which n is the number of days.

10 days:

This means that [tex]n = 10, \mu = 0.8(10) = 8[/tex]

What is the probability that the number of lost-time accidents occurring over a period of 10 days will be no more than 2?

This is:

[tex]P(X \leq 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2)[/tex]

In which

[tex]P(X = x) = \frac{e^{-\mu}*\mu^{x}}{(x)!}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = \frac{e^{-8}*8^{0}}{(0)!} = 0.00034[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 1) = \frac{e^{-8}*8^{1}}{(1)!} = 0.00268[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 2) = \frac{e^{-8}*8^{2}}{(2)!} = 0.01073[/tex]


[tex]P(X \leq 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) = 0.00034 + 0.00268 + 0.01073 = 0.01375[/tex]

0.01375 = 1.375% probability that the number of lost-time accidents occurring over a period of 10 days will be no more than 2.

4 people take 3 hours to paint a fence assume that all people paint at the same rate How long would it take one of these people to paint the same fence?​




Step-by-step explanation:

A scientist has acid solutions with concentrations of 4% and 15%. He wants to mix some of each solution to get 44 milliliters of solution with a 12% concentration. How many milliliters of each solution does he need to mix together?​


Let x and y be the amounts (in mL) of the 4% and 15% solutions, respectively, that the scientist needs to use.

He wants to end up with a 44 mL solution, so

x + y = 44 mL

Each milliliter of 4% solution contains 0.04 mL of acid, while each mL of 15% contains 0.15 mL of acid. The resulting solution should have a concentration of 12%, so that each mL of it contains 0.12 mL of acid. Then the solution will contain

0.04x + 0.15y = 0.12 × (44 mL) = 5.28 mL

of acid.

Solve for x and y. In the first equation, we have y = 44 mL - x, and substituting into the second equation gives

0.04x + 0.15 (44 mL - x) = 5.28 mL

0.04x + 6.6 mL - 0.15x = 5.28 mL

1.32 mL = 0.19x

x ≈ 6.95 mL

==>   y ≈ 37.05 mL

Alonzo finish history assignment and 5/8 hours then he completed his math assignment and 1/3 hours what was the total amount of time allowed to spend doing these two assignments


Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 5/8 + 1/3

Answer = 5*3 /(8*3) +8/24 =23/24

Answer = 23/24

Find the intersection of the line and the circle given below



There are two intersections.

(-3,1) and (-1,-3)

Step-by-step explanation:


They intersect at (-3,1), and also (-1,-3)

Step-by-step explanation:


I’m in summer school can y’all plz help me


Answer:  Choice A.   [tex]-x^2+2x+8[/tex]

Work Shown:

[tex](f - g)(x) = f(x) - g(x)\\\\(f - g)(x) = (2x+1) - (x^2-7)\\\\(f - g)(x) = 2x+1 - x^2+7\\\\(f - g)(x) = -x^2+2x+(1+7)\\\\(f - g)(x) = -x^2+2x+8\\\\[/tex]

which shows the answer is choice A.

Side note: be sure to distribute the negative to every term inside the second set of parenthesis. So you wouldn't say -(x^2-7) = -x^2-7. If you did this error, then you'd get to the wrong answer choice C.


hope it helps u plz mark me brainliest mate

Step-by-step explanation:



(f-g)(x)= -x^2+2x+8

this is the correct answer

Can someone help please


9514 1404 393


  (b)  f(x) = (-x)^(1/2)

Step-by-step explanation:

The square root is only defined for argument values that are non-negative. Hence the domain of ...

  f(x) = (-x)^(1/2)

is all values of x less than or equal to zero. This is not "all values of x."

What is the cardinal number of the set {-1,3,7,52,36,19,-6}



can you please send me another one

Consider the following data representing the price of refrigerators (in dollars).14051405, 11211121, 13391339, 10961096, 12991299, 14011401, 11381138, 11491149, 12231223, 10711071, 13991399, 14001400, 12421242, 13181318, 11011101, 10651065, 14281428, 12251225, 13501350, 13581358, 13121312Copy DataPrice of Refrigerators (in Dollars)Class Frequency Class Boundaries Midpoint Relative Frequency Cumulative Frequency1049–1118 1119–1188 1189–1258 1259–1328 1329–1398 1399–1468 Step 2 of 7 : Determine the frequency of the fifth class.




Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data:

1405, 1121, 1339, 1096, 1299, 1401, 1138, 1149, 1223, 1071, 1399, 1400, 1242, 1318, 1101, 1065, 1428, 1225, 1350, 1358, 1312

Using the intervals:

Class interval ___ Frequency

1049–1118 ________ 4

1119–1188 ________ 3

1189–1258 ________3

1259–1328 _______ 3

1329–1398 _______ 3

1399–1468 _______ 5

From the table ; the fifth class is the interval :

1329 - 1398 and it has a frequency of 3

what is the measure of m?


(6+18)^2 = m^2 + m^2
=> 2m^2 = (24)^2
=> m = 24/sqrt(2)

The required value of m for the given triangle is given as m = 12.

What are Pythagorean triplets?  

In a right-angled triangle, its sides, such as hypotenuse, and perpendicular, and the base is Pythagorean triplets.

Applying Pythagoras' theorem,
n² = m² - 6² - - - - (1)

m ² + base² = 24²
base² = 24² - m² - - - - (2)

n² + 18² = base²
From equation 1 and 2
m² - 6² + 18² = 24² - m²
2m² = 24² + 6² - 18²
m = 12

Thus, the required value of m for the given triangle is given as m = 12.

Learn more about Pythagorean triplets here:



When taking a measurement with a pH meter, keep the instrument in the Choose... until it is needed. Rinse the pH meter with Choose... and gently pat dry. Place the meter in the sample solution, and record the measurement when the



Storage solution;  deionized water; stabilizes

Step-by-step explanation:

A pH scale measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in acidic and alkaline solutions.

In chemistry, pH literally means the power of hydrogen ions and it is a measure of the molar concentration of hydrogen ions in a particular solution; thus, specifying the acidity, neutrality or basicity of any chemical solution.

Mathematically, the pH of a solution is given by the formula;

[tex] pH = -log_{10}(H^{+}) [/tex]

On a pH scale, a solution with a pH of 7 is neutral, a solution with a pH below 7 is acidic and it's basic (alkaline) when it's pH is above 7.

A pH meter can be defined as a scientific instrument or device designed and developed for the measurement of the hydrogen-ion concentration in water-based solutions, in order to determine their level of acidity or alkanility.

As a general rule, when using a pH meter to take a measurement, you should keep it in a storage solution until it is needed. Also, a deionized water should be used to rinse the pH meter and gently pat dry.

Furthermore, the pH meter should be placed in a given sample solution and a reading of the measurement taken when the pH of the solution stabilizes

When taking a measurement with a pH meter, keep the instrument in the storage solution until it is needed. Rinse the pH meter with distilled water and gently pat dry.

The pH meter has been the instrument used for the measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in a sample. The instrument has consisted of a probe that has been placed in the storage medium when it is not in use.

The working procedure of the pH meter has required the washing of pH meter with the distilled water and properly removing the excess water from the probe by pat dry.

The probe has been immersed in the sample and the pH has been recorded. After the experiment, the instrument has been again washed with the distilled water and get stored in the storage solution.

For more information about pH meter, refer to the link:


Write an expression representing the unknown quantity.

There are 5,682,953 fewer men than women on a particular social media site. If x represents the number of women using that site, write an expression for the number of men using that site.

The expression for the number of men is


9514 1404 393


  x - 5,682,953

Step-by-step explanation:

If x is the number of women, and the number of men is 5,682,953 less, then the number of men is x -5,682,953

Which set of statements explains how to plot a point at the location (Negative 3 and one-half, negative 2)?

A: Start at the origin. Move 3 and one-half units right because the x-coordinate is Negative 3 and one-half. Negative 3 and one-half is between 3 and 4. Move 2 units down because the y-coordinate is -2.

B: Start at the origin. Move 3 and one-half units down because the x-coordinate is Negative 3 and one-half. Negative 3 and one-half is between -3 and -4. Move 2 units left because the y-coordinate is -2.

C: Start at the origin. Move 3 and one-half units down because the x-coordinate is Negative 3 and one-half. Negative 3 and one-half is between -3 and -4. Move 2 units right because the y-coordinate is -2.

D: Start at the origin. Move 3 and one-half units left because the x-coordinate is Negative 3 and one-half. Negative 3 and one-half is between -3 and -4. Move 2 units down because the y-coordinate is -2.



D: Start at the origin. Move 3 and one-half units left because the x-coordinate is Negative 3 and one-half. Negative 3 and one-half is between -3 and -4. Move 2 units down because the y-coordinate is -2.

Find the tangent line equations for the given functions at the given point(s): f(x) = tan x + 9 sin x at (π, 0)



[tex]{ \bf{f(x) = \tan x + 9 \sin x }}[/tex]

For gradient, differentiate f(x):

[tex]{ \tt{ \frac{dy}{dx} = { \sec }^{2}x + 9 \cos x }}[/tex]

Substitute for x as π:

[tex]{ \tt{gradient = { \sec }^{2} \pi + 9 \cos(\pi ) }} \\ { \tt{gradient = - 8 }}[/tex]

Gradient of tangent = -8

[tex]{ \bf{y =mx + b }} \\ { \tt{0 = ( - 8\pi) + b}} \\ { \tt{b = 8\pi}} \\ y - intercept = 8\pi[/tex]

Equation of tangent:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{y = - 8x + 8\pi}}}[/tex]

Rachel and Hugo sorted 236 crayons into boxes for a local arts project. Each box had 10 crayons. How many crayons were left over?

Help please lol




Step-by-step explanation:

236/10 = 23 remainder 6, so 6 crayons is the answer

Which answer choice correctly identifies the extraneous information in the problem?

Anna babysat 2 children on Saturday night. She charges $8 an hour to babysit. She wants to save the money she earns babysitting to buy a stereo system that cost $225. If Nina babysat for 5 hours, how much money did she earn?


Answer: $40 / $80

Step-by-step explanation: 40$ if it's $8 for BOTH per hour, or if it's $8 for ONE per hour it's $80

I need help ASAP is anyone available




Step-by-step explanation:

The graph has asymptotes at x = 2 and x = -1 corresponding to the denominator of option C.

use the figure to find y



y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

6sin(30) = 3

graph a circle with General form.x^2 +y^2+8x-12y+24=0





Step-by-step explanation:

Put the equation into center-radius form.

x² + y² + 8x - 12y + 24 = 0

x² + y² + 8x - 12y = -24

(x²+8x) + (y²-12y) = -24

(x²+8x+4²) + (y²-12y+6²) = 4²+6²-24

(x+4)² + (y-6)² = 28

Center: (-4,6)

radius: √28

Santos flipped a coin 300 times. The coin landed heads up 125 times. Find the ratio of heads to total number of coin flips. Express a simplified ratio




Step-by-step explanation:

125:300 simplified = 5:12

I hope this helps

Triangles P Q R and S T U are shown. Angles P R Q and T S U are right angles. The length of P Q is 20, the length of Q R is 16, and the length of P R is 12. The length of S T is 30, the length of T U is 34, and the length of S U is 16.
Using the side lengths of △PQR and △STU, which angle has a sine ratio of Four-fifths?




[tex]\angle P[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\triangle PRQ = \triangle TSU = 90^o[/tex]

[tex]PQ = 20[/tex]     [tex]QR = 16[/tex]    [tex]PR = 12[/tex]

[tex]ST = 30[/tex]       [tex]TU = 34[/tex]    [tex]SU = 16[/tex]

See attachment


Which sine of angle is equivalent to [tex]\frac{4}{5}[/tex]

Considering [tex]\triangle PQR[/tex]

We have:

[tex]\sin(P) = \frac{QR}{PQ}[/tex] --- i.e. opposite/hypotenuse

So, we have:

[tex]\sin(P) = \frac{16}{20}[/tex]

Divide by 4

[tex]\sin(P) = \frac{4}{5}[/tex]


[tex]\angle P[/tex] is correct


A or <P

Step-by-step explanation:

on edge 2021

Find the intersection of the parabola y=-2x^2-4x+2 and the line -6x+y=14



(-2,2) and (-3,-4)

Step-by-step explanation:

by graphing the line and parabola, you should get this graph

In this problem, y = 1/(1 + c1e−x) is a one-parameter family of solutions of the first-order DE y' = y − y2. Find a solution of the first-order IVP consisting of this differential equation and the given initial condition. y(0)=-1/3


If y (0) = -1/3, then

-1/3 = 1 / (1 + C e ⁻⁰)

Solve for C :

-1/3 = 1 / (1 + C )

-3 = 1 + C

C = -4

So the particular solution to the DE that satisfies the given initial condition is


Find the slope, if it exists, of the line containing the points (10,-3) and (10,-8).
Select the correct choice below and, if necessary, fill in the answer box to complete your choice.



The slope is undefined.

Step-by-step explanation:

The line must pass through the points (10,-3) and (10,-8), meaning that it must be vertical. The slope of a line is undefined if the line is vertical.

Any help would be very appreciated ​




Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

tan theta = opp/ adj

tan 60 = x / 7 sqrt(3)

7 sqrt(3)  tan 60 = x

7 sqrt(3) sqrt(3) = x

7*3 = x

21 = x

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