if the 2000 presidential election recount had not happened in florida, in which of the following states could it have happened that would not have been so important to the outcome of the election?


Answer 1

If it would have happened in alaska that would not have been so important to the outcome of the election.

About Alaska

On the northwest corner of North America, in the Western United States, sits the state of Alaska. It has a maritime boundary with the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation to the west, just over the Bering Strait, and borders the Canadian state of British Columbia as well as the Yukon territory to the east. The Chukchi & Beaufort Seas of Arctic Ocean are located to the north, and the Pacific Ocean is located to the south & southwest.

Alaska is by far the largest state in terms of size in the United States, with a total area larger than the combined areas of the following three largest states (Texas, California, & Montana). The greatest subnational division with in world is represented by it.

To know more about Alaska:



Related Questions

In 1942, German reserve police officers obeyed orders to kill some 1500 Jews in the village of Jozefow, Poland. This incident illustrated that people are most likely to be destructively obedient whenorders come from a source of authority


The German  Reserve Police's Battalion 101 made their way into the Polish village of Jozefow in the early hours of July 13, 1942. in November 1943, resulting in an overall body count of 83,000 for a unit of less than 500 men.

They had just recently been drafted family men who were too old for combat service; they were workers, artisans, salesmen, and clerks; they had only been in Poland for less than three weeks. By dusk, they had rounded up Jozefow's 1,800 Jews, chosen a few hundred of them to be "labor Jews," and executed the remaining 1,500 women, children, and senior citizens. In pre-Hitler German  Reserve Police's port city of Hamburg, the majority of these overage, rear-echelon reserve policemen had reached adulthood and were neither devoted Nazis nor racial extremists. However, these common men assisted in the combat  direct shooting deaths of at least 38,000 Jews and the deportation of 45,000 more to Treblinka's gas chambers over the sixteen-month period from the Jozefow massacre to the brutal Erntefest ("harvest festival") slaughter .. Browning draws a grim conclusion by arguing that these honorable German  Reserve Police's were acting less out of submission to authority or out of fear of punishment than they were out of two equally combat  yet sinister motivations: careerism and peer pressure.

Learn more about German  Reserve Police's here:



which of the following allows convicts to serve their sentences outside prisons, but under varying degrees of supervision?


Under the supervision of probation officers, they may be released on probation. allows convicts to serve their sentences outside prisons.

On the condition that they promise to behave properly, offenders may be released on probation without the monitoring of probation officers. The supervision of the offender during the remaining portion of their sentence upon release from jail is a crucial component of parole. Convicts who have been granted parole are typically subject to a number of restrictions about their lifestyle, including where they can live and work. They may also be compelled to undergo medical or mental treatment as well as drug testing. If these supervision are not met, the parole may be revoked and the offender may be sent back to jail. as well as the conditions' supervision since a probation or parole officer, to whom the released prisoner is compelled to return at set intervals, is typically in charge of probation aid and counselling. To achieve a minimum level of fairness, regular due process processes must often be followed.

Learn more about supervision here:



which of the following serves as key evidence in many legal cases today and provides a faster, easier way to search and organize paper documents? group of answer choices confidentiality digital information privacy policies information ethics


Digital information serves as key evidence in many legal cases today and provides a faster, easier way to search and organize paper documents

Hence, Option B is correct.

Digital information, which can be saved on these devices or in the cloud, is typically defined as data that is produced by or prepared for electronic systems and devices, such as computers, displays, calculators, communication devices, and so on.There are many ways that digital information can be used to teach people. Digital information systems provide for the storage and retrieval of data, but only when the data can be accessed and utilised by other process participants do they improve process efficiency.

To know more about Digital information here



Question 12
Strict constructionists argue that the Constitution:
Oshould be abolished altogether.
O should be implemented exactly as written.
O is meant to be a living document that evolves with the times.
O is meant to only apply to citizens.


Strict constructionists argue that the Constitution: should be implemented exactly as written. Option B

What are the beliefs of the strict constructionists?

The Constitution should be severely read in light of its original meaning when it was drafted, according to judicial conservatives, commonly referred to as originalists or strict constructionists.

Strict construction is a concept of constitutional interpretation that maintains that the Constitution should be studied carefully and should be the exclusive source for all interpretations and applications.

Since the national bank was not mentioned in the constitution, strict constructionists said that the government should not establish one.

Read more on strict constructionists here:https://brainly.com/question/1759810


when deciding marbury v. madison (1803), which of the following excerpts from the federalist no. 51 could best be used to help chief justice john marshall write the argument in favor of judicial review?


Chief justice John marshall's argument in favour of Judicial review was inspired from the words "Greatest safeguard, against progressive consolidation of various functions in one department is to equip each department's administrators with legal tools"

What was held in Marbury v. Madison?

The notion of judicial review was established in the United States by the famous Marbury v. Madison decision, which means that American courts have had the authority to invalidate statutes and laws that they determine to be in violation of the US Constitution. Marbury, which was decided in 1803, is recognised as the key ruling in American constitutional law. The Supreme Court's landmark decision formed that the United States Constitution is actual law and not just a declaration of political principles and ideals. It also helped define the line separating the executive & judicial branches of the government, which are constitutionally distinct.

As part of the political and intellectual battle between departing President John Adams & incoming President Thomas Jefferson, the lawsuit first surfaced in early 1801.

To know more about Marbury v. Madison:



a combination of national and international law that deals with rules for ships and shipping; relates to collision at sea, salvage of ships and cargo, claims on vessels and cargo as security in case of breach of contract, liability limitation to value of ships, and marine insurance; based on long-established traditions.T/F


A combination of national and international law that regulates ships and shipping; it refers to collisions at sea, the salvaging of ships and cargo, making use of ships and cargo as security for debts, limiting liability to the value of ships, marine insurance, and other long-standing customs. is accurate.

In a wide range of areas, including conflict, diplomacy, economic ties, and human rights, it creates normative norms and a shared conceptual framework for states. Academics differentiate between international legal entities based on their responsibilities, specificity, and delegation International custom, treaties, and broad legal concepts that are acknowledged by the majority of state legal systems are among the origins of international law. International comity, or the customs governments establish to sustain friendly ties and mutual recognition, such as saluting the flag of a foreign ship, may also reflect international law, but these customs are not binding under the law.

Learn more about law from



Police officers who have a working knowledge of forensic science make fewer mistakes and collect evidence at crime scenes that is more scientifically useful.


Police officers who have a working knowledge of forensic science make fewer mistakes and collect evidence at crime scenes that is more scientifically useful. TRUE

Forensic technology technicians aid crook investigations via gathering and studying evidence. Many technicians specialise in both crime scene research or laboratory evaluation.

A forensic science degree takes either  or four years to complete and prepares graduates for diverse careers. precise effects depend upon the selected awareness. capability concentrations include forensic anthropology, digital forensics, and forensic toxicology.

Forensic technological know-how is the determine direction that has numerous sub-fields. even as Forensic science consists of Toxicology, Serology, Ballistics to Psychology, Forensic medication is a branch that deals in civil or crook criminal cases (investigation). Forensic medication is likewise known as Forensic Pathology.

Learn more about  forensic science here



does the following statement refer to a comman and control regulation, a pollution tax/charge, or neither? the government imposes cpstly fines for non compliance pf all minimal transportaion standard for gazardous waste companies


The fine is a penalty for not complying with the command and control standard.

Command and Control Regulation can be defined as “the direct regulation of an industry or activity by legislation that states what is permitted and what is illegal”. This approach differs from other regulatory techniques, e.g. the use of economic incentives, which frequently includes the use of taxes and subsidies as incentives for compliance. The ‘command’ is the presentation of quality standards/targets by a government authority that must be complied with.

The ‘control’ part signifies the negative sanctions that may result from non-compliance. For example here the government imposes fines. Here at first government commands minimal transportation standards and then fines for its non-compliance. Hence it is a command and control standard.

Learn more about Command here https://brainly.com/question/25808182


The Supreme Court in 2005 held that cable television systems may deny competing Internet service providers access to their high-speed lines. The case: _____.


The Supreme Court in 2005 held that cable television systems may deny competing Internet service providers access to their high-speed lines. The case: NTCA  v. Brand X Internet.

In National Cable & Telecommunications Association v. Brand X Internet Services, 545 U.S. 967 (2005), the United States Supreme Court ruled that Chevron's deference should be accorded to the FCC's determinations regarding how to regulate Internet service providers. Despite the fact that the case included ordinary FCC regulatory procedures and applied to interpretations of the Communications Act of 1934 and Telecommunications Act of 1996, the decision has significant ramifications for how network neutrality is governed in the United States.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is empowered to enforce regulations against new businesses, goods, and services in the telecommunications industry by categorizing them into one of several categories as defined by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and its predecessor, the Communications Act of 1934.

Learn more about NTCA  v. Brand X Internet case here: https://brainly.com/question/29770206


Many states' modern criminal laws are codifications of the common law crimes, and when there is a question of statutory meaning, the courts


Many states' modern criminal laws are codifications of the common law crimes, and when there is a question of statutory meaning.

The above statement is True.

The corpus of law that deals with crimes is known as criminal law. It forbids behaviour that is seen to pose a threat to, be damaging to, or pose another risk to people's property, health, safety, or moral welfare, including one's own.It serves as India's primary criminal code. Under this law, there are several different offences. All pertinent criminal offences involving offences against the state, public offences, armed forces offences, kidnapping, mur-der, and rap-e are covered by the Indian Penal Code.

To know more about Crime here



_____________ law developed in England by judges who wrote down their decisions and circulated them to other judges.



case law or judge made law


which of the following best describes earned income? all income from whatever source derived, unless excluded from taxation by law. income less reductions that are allowable, regardless of whether personal deductions are itemized. income received for services performed, including wages, commissions, tips, and generally, farming and other business income. income that is not earned, including money received for the investment of money or other property, such as interest, dividends, rents, and royalties. it also includes pensions, alimony, unemployment compensation, and other income that is not from performing services.


The statement that best describes earned income is an Income received for services performed, including wages, commissions, tips, and, generally, farming and other business income. The Option B is correct.

What is an earned income?

An earned income refers to the money received as pay for work performed, such as wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions and net earnings from self-employment. The income also includes the long-term disability, union strike benefits and payments from certain deferred retirement compensation arrangements.

An examples of income that is not considered earned income are government benefits such as payments from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. unemployment, workers’ compensation, and Social Security.

Also excluded are the disbursements from pensions and retirement plans, alimony, capital gains, interest income from a bank account, stock dividends and salaries paid to inmates who work in a penal institution.

Read more about earned income



Under the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 and the Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act of 1936, employees of federal contractors must receive rates less than the prevailing wages in the area.T/F


Under the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 and the Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act of 1936, employees of federal contractors must receive rates less than the prevailing wages in the area.- False.

The Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 is a federal law of the United States that stipulates the need for paying laborers and mechanics the local prevailing wages on public works projects. It covers "contractors and subcontractors performing on federally sponsored or aided contracts over $2,000 for the construction, alteration, or repair (including painting and decorating) of public buildings or public works." The legislation bears the names of its supporters, Representative Robert L. Bacon of Long Island, New York, and Senator James J. Davis of Pennsylvania, a former secretary of labor for three presidents.

On March 3, 1931, President Herbert Hoover signed into law the Davis-Bacon Act, which had been approved by Congress.

Learn more about Davis Bacon Act here: https://brainly.com/question/29995931


______this article discusses the rights of the states and the process for adding new states to the union.


Article 3 of the Indian Constitution states that new states may be created and that existing States may modify their territories, boundaries, or names.

The United States Constitution's Article 1 Section 8 grants Congress the power to enact laws. According to Article III, the supreme court is superior to all federal courts. According to Article II, the President is in charge of the executive branch, which executes laws established by Congress. Article I also grant the state’s political authority over the central government. Article V describes the procedure for changing the structure of the government through ratification and modifications. According to Article II, Section 4, all civil positions, including the presidency and vice presidency, are subject to removal for treason, bribery, or other serious offenses. This is regarded as a power abuse. Congress is empowered by Article IV.

Learn more about Articles here:



The Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Republican National Committee (RNC):
are both unable to force state and local parties to share their positions on issues.


The United States Democratic Party is led by the Democratic National Committee (DNC). In addition to working to build a "party brand," the committee organizes strategies to assist Democratic Party candidates around the nation for local, state, and national office.

The White House has influence over the Committee under a Democratic president. Political scientists have always characterized the national committees of the parties as unimportant but unbiased service providers, according to Boris Heersink. The committee chooses the chairperson. To finance its operations, it organizes fundraisers. The Democratic National Committee  of 1848 led to the creation of the DNC. The Republican National Committee is the DNC's principal rival. The Republican National Committee (RNC) is a political organization in the United States that supports the Republican Party of the country. In addition to helping with fundraising and election strategy, it is in charge of creating and promoting the Republican brand and political program. Additionally, it is in charge of planning and managing the Republican National Convention. the time when a Republican is in office.

learn more about Democratic National Committee here:



Protected classes in the Fair Housing Act of 1968 include race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, and what other category?


Discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), marital status, and disability is prohibited under the Fair Housing Act.

Other federal civil rights laws, such as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, prohibit discrimination in housing and community development programs and activities, particularly those funded by HUD.

These civil rights laws require organizations to take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to their programs and activities for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) and to take appropriate measures to ensure effective communication with people with disabilities through the provision of appropriate assistive devices.

To know more about Fair Housing Act


What animal does it show please hurry





Sheep have two pointy ears and you can see the "fluff" that surrounds the figure since there are visible curves around it that represents the sheep's wool.

It appears to have the same form as a sheep, I believe its a sheep

With the legislative changes made in 1998, a person is considered criminally responsible in England & Wales at age:


The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10 years old.

Criminal responsibility, commonly referred to as the insanity defence, focuses on the alleged offense's timing and more particularly examines whether the defendant had the mental capacity to discriminate between right and wrong at that time and could govern his or her behaviour accordingly.A police officer's duties include upholding the law and ensuring public safety. Additionally, they look into, detect, and prevent criminal activity.

To know more about Criminal here



A taxpayer may be required to include in gross income gain the taxpayer realizes when she sells her principal residence.True


If a taxpayer sells her primary house, she may be obliged to include the gain in her gross income, it is true. An individual or corporate entity that must pay taxes to the federal, state, or local government is referred to as a taxpayer.

The requirement to pay yearly individual income taxes to the IRS and state revenue agencies is subject to a set of thresholds. The federal filing threshold is determined by a person's filing status. There will also be unique criteria for each state. The federal and state thresholds should be checked by individual taxpayers to establish their filing requirements for a certain year. Individual taxpayers can get federal tax advice in Publication 501: Dependents, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information from the Internal Revenue Service. Depending on a person's filing status, different amounts of tax will be deducted from their paycheck. It also has a significant impact on a particular year's annual tax burden. Therefore.

learn more about taxpayers  here:



which celebrity attorney was sentenced last week to 14 years in prison for tax evasion and stealing from clients?


Michael Avenatti celebrity attorney was sentenced last week to 14 years in prison for tax evasion and stealing from clients.

California's SANTA ANA - For stealing millions of dollars from his clients, one of whom was a paraplegic with mental health issues, and for obstructing the IRS's efforts to collect more than $3 million in payroll taxes from an Avenatti-owned coffee shop, suspended plaintiffs' attorney Michael John Avenatti was sentenced today to 168 months in federal prison. United States District Judge James V. Selna gave Avenatti, 51, a sentence and noted that the former Newport Beach homeowner "has done significant wrong for which he must respond." Judge Selna sentenced the defendant to 14 years in prison, with the stipulation that the sentence run concurrently with two prior convictions totaling five years in the Southern District of New York.

Learn more about Michael from



occur when a good becomes less valuable because other people use it. if more people buy such a product, your demand for it will .


One of the most fundamental ideas in economics is the law of demand. It explains how market economies distribute resources price of goods will not change.

According to the law of demand, the quantity bought varies inversely with price. In other words, the quantity demanded decreases as the price increases. Because of declining marginal utility, this happens. In other words, consumers utilize the initial units of an economic good they buy to fulfill their most pressing requirements first, and then they use each additional unit to fulfill progressively lower-valued goals. A fundamental tenet of economics is the rule of demand, which asserts that at a greater price, buyers would demand fewer units of a good. The law of diminishing marginal utility, which states that consumers use economic commodities to initially meet their most pressing wants, is what drives demand. The total quantity demanded at each price from all market customers is expressed by a market demand curve. Although price changes might be seen as movement along a demand curve, they do not by themselves cause demand to rise or fall. Demand fluctuates in both shape and size in reaction to fluctuations in customer choices, earnings, or associated economic goods—NOT to price changes.

Learn more about economic  here:



Supreme Court justices were given tenure subject to doog behavior by the framers of the Constitution in order to ensure that
answer choices
Justices are free from direct political pressures
justices remain accountable to the public
Justices are encouraged to make politically popular decisions
Cooperation between the judicial and legislative branches is assured


Supreme Court justices were given tenure subject to good behavior by the framers of the Constitution in order to ensure that Justices are free from direct political pressures.

About Supreme Court

The highest court with in federal judiciary of United States is known as the Supreme Court of the USA States (SCOTUS). It has final appellate authority over all matters heard in federal courts in the United States as well as state court disputes involving issues of federal law. A small subset of matters, particularly "all Cases involving Ambassadors, other public Ministers, & Consuls, as well as those in which a State shall be Party," are also under its original jurisdiction. The court has the authority to nullify a legislation for disobeying a constitutional requirement through judicial review. Additionally, it has the authority to invalidate presidential orders that contravene either the Constitution or statutory law.

To know more about Constitution:



A crime scene sketch may have probative value if entered as evidence in a court of law.

True or False?


It is true that a crime scene sketch may have probative value if entered as evidence in a court of law.

What is a court of law?

A court of law is a judicial forum where disputes are resolved according to the laws and rules of the government. It is a place where a judge presides and hears both parties in a legal dispute and makes a ruling based on the evidence presented. Courts of law are essential for the administration of justice and for upholding the rule of law. The court system is the basis for the American legal system, which is based on common law. In the United States, the court system is comprised of federal and state courts. The Supreme Court is the highest in the land and is responsible for interpreting the Constitution and federal laws.

A crime scene sketch may have probative value if entered as evidence in a court of law. This is because a crime scene sketch may be used to provide a visual representation of the crime scene and to help demonstrate the facts of the case.

It can be concluded that it is true that a crime scene sketch may have probative value if entered as evidence in a court of law.

To know more about, the court of law, check this link:



Mini Problem #1

Curtis Akers is a waiter at the Dine and Dance Inn. He did not keep any records of his tips because he never consulted with his tax advisor. Here is his W-2.

What is the total amount of tips to be reported on Form 4137, line 2?

Select one:

a. $2,320

b. $2,729

c. $5,049

d. $7,369

e. None of these


Note that based on the W-2 Form, the total amount of tips to be reported on Form 4137, line 2 as indicated above is "None of the above" (Option E). E.

What is the correct way to compute the amount of tips to be reported on Line 2 of form 4137?

To compute the total amount of tips to be reported on Form 4137, line 2, you will need to add up all of the tips you received during the tax year. Tips are considered taxable income, so it is important to report all tips you received, even if you did not receive a Form W-2 or Form 1099-MISC that includes your tips.

To calculate your total tips, you will need to add up all of the tips you received from your employer as well as any tips you received directly from customers or clients.

This includes cash tips as well as non-cash tips, such as the value of tickets or passes that you received as a tip. If you received tips through a tip-sharing or pooling arrangement with other employees, you will need to include your share of the tips in your total.

Hence, based on the form, the total amount of tips to be reported is given as:

Medicare Wage and tips - $9,689


Social Security Tips - $ 2,320

Allocated Tips - $ 5,049

= $17, 058

The purpose of Form 4137 is to calculate the social security and Medicare tax payable on tips that you did not disclose to your employer, including any allocated tips reflected on your Form(s) W-2 that must be reported as income. You must also declare the income on Line 1c of Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR.

Learn more about  W-2 Form:

a small state government successfully makes major changes to its public education policy out of belief that it is the best thing for the people, even though the public largely opposes the new policy. at the same time, the state proves largely incapable of maintaining law and order or providing food and medical care in a region that is suffering through a drought. in which of the following ways could this state be categorized?


The correct answer Highly autonomous but low capacity state.

Education and Public Policy is a multidisciplinary program that critically evaluates how society fosters equity and excellence through education. Courses explore the deep cultural meanings of concepts such as democracy and citizenship, and our faculty encourage active problem-solving skills by using real world examples of government-initiated policies and programs.

Through readings, case studies and conversations with your peers, you will uncover the practical effects that policies have on students, teachers, school leaders, families, and the community as a whole. You will also have the opportunity to identify education policies and practices that matter to you and consider various strategies that could be effective in solving emerging problems.

Learn more about public education policy to visit this link



which of the following models works to prepare people for reentry into society through the gradual allocation of freedoms and responsibilities during incarceration?


Concepts of reintegration under "release to the community" following models works to prepare people for reentry into society through the gradual allocation of freedoms and responsibilities during incarceration.

Reintegration refers to the assistance and support given to inmates after their release from custody. Reintegration frequently begins with the arrest of the offender by preparing them for life and society after jail. Programs and procedures are designed to keep prisoners out of the criminal justice system once they are released in order to achieve reintegration. For instance, to learn how to cope with regular life once more, convicts in jail are frequently directed to restorative justice practises or suitable counselling.

Reintegration might happen either gradually or right away. Prisoners who need to gradually reintegrate into society may serve the final year of their sentences in halfway houses or at home. For paroled prisoners, gradual social reintegration is frequently observed. When a prisoner has served the entirety of his or her term and the correctional system no longer has the legal right to keep them behind bars, immediate social integration is considered as having occurred.

To know more about Incarceration visit:



the third level of appeal is established when at least remains in controversy following a qualified independent contractor (qic. decision. a request for reconsideration through an administrative law judge (alj. hearing must be filed within 60 days of receipt of the reconsideration decision.


The Third Level of Appeal is established when at least $140 remains in controversy following a decision by a Qualified Independent Contractor (QIC). A request for reconsideration through an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearing must be filed within 60 days of receipt of the reconsideration decision.

Third Level of Appeal - Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals' decision is made at the third level of appeal (OMHA) Any party that disagrees with the QIC's (Qualified Independent Contractor) decision to reconsider may ask for a hearing before an ALJ through the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA). Your appeal will be evaluated by an OMHA adjudicator at Level 3 of the appeals process, and you may have a hearing before an Administrative.

Learn more on hearing



identify the checks on judicial power that are available to congress. multiple select question. rewriting legislation it feels the judiciary has misinterpreted using the veto to block the courts from hearing particular cases having members serve as substitute justices on courts exercising its authority to confirm supreme court justices


using the power to confirm Supreme Court judges, amending laws that it considered the judiciary had erroneously interpreted. "A court's ability to decide and issue a decision" is known as judicial power.

It is "the right to decide genuine disputes originating between several parties, duly brought before courts of competent authority." The terms "judicial power" and "jurisdiction" are frequently used synonymously, with "jurisdiction" being defined as the "power to entertain the suit, consider the merits, and render a binding decision thereon" or as the "power to hear and determine the subject matter in controversy between parties to a suit." But the examples and discussion call for, indeed demand, a separation between the two ideas. The exercise of judicial power, which is the whole range of powers a court exercises when it acquires jurisdiction, hears, and determines a matter, is obviously contingent upon jurisdiction, which is the ability of a court to exercise judicial power in a particular case.

learn more about judicial power here:



the radical [ select ] pushed for a government solely made up of a legislative body, arguing that a king was no longer necessary


The radical convention pushed for a government solely made up of a legislative body, arguing that a king was no longer necessary.

What was the radical phase of the revolution?

At first, a republic was established after the monarchy was abolished. Throughout Europe, fighting persisted. Those who opposed the revolution were arrested or put to death after the radicals took power.

Radicalism, also known as classical radicalism, was a historical political movement that emerged in the late 18th and early 19th centuries as the left-wing outpost of liberalism. It served as a forerunner to social liberalism, social democracy, and modern progressivism.

Learn more about Radicalism here:



Under the traditional marital share will, half of your estate is taxed at your death and half at your spouse's death. True.



This is not necessarily true. The traditional marital share will, also known as a "bypass trust" or "credit shelter trust," is a type of estate planning tool that can be used to reduce or eliminate federal estate taxes on a couple's combined estate. Under this type of will, a portion of the decedent's estate is placed in a trust, and the surviving spouse has the right to use the assets in the trust for their benefit during their lifetime. Upon the surviving spouse's death, the assets in the trust are distributed to the trust's beneficiaries, which may include the couple's children or other heirs.

One of the primary benefits of a traditional marital share will is that it allows the surviving spouse to use the assets in the trust without paying federal estate taxes on those assets at the time of the decedent's death. The surviving spouse is also not required to pay federal estate taxes on the assets in the trust at their death, as the assets are not included in their taxable estate. However, the assets in the trust may be subject to state estate or inheritance taxes, depending on the laws of the state where the couple resides.

It is important to note that the traditional marital share will is just one of many estate planning tools that a couple can use to manage their assets and minimize taxes. The best course of action will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the couple's estate, their tax situation, and their personal goals and objectives. It is recommended that couples consult with an experienced estate planning attorney to determine the most appropriate approach for their situation.

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