If the market index subsequently rises by 8% and Ford’s stock price rises by 7%, what is the abnormal change in Ford’s stock price? (Negative value should be indicated by a minus sign. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to 1 decimal place.)


Answer 1




The computation of the abnormal change in the stock price of ford should be given below:

Given that

The return on the market is 8%.

So, the forecast monthly return for Ford is

= 0.10% + (1.1 × 8%)

= 8.9%.

And, the Ford’s actual return was 7%,


the abnormal return be

= 7% - 8.9%

= -1.9%.

Related Questions

When you retire, you wish to have $3 million in your retirement account. You decided to add $2,000 every quarter to your retirement account and invest to generate annualized return of 8% from your investment, how many years do you think it will take to have $3 million in the account



43.35 years


Use the following formula to determine the number of years

Future Value of Annuity = Periodic Annuity x ( 1 + Periodic Interest rate )^numbers of periods ) - 1 / Periodic Interest rate


Future Value of Annuity = $3 million = $3,000,000

Periodic Annuity = $2,000 per quarter

Periodic Interest rate = Interest rate x Quarterly fraction = 8%  x 3/12 = 2%

Numbers of periods = n = ?

Placing values in the formula

$3,000,000 = $2,000 x ( 1 + 2% )^n ) - 1 / 2%

$3,000,000 / $2,000 = ( 1 + 2% )^n ) - 1 / 2%

1,500 =  ( 1.02 )^n ) - 1 / 2%

1,500 x 2% = ( 1.02 )^n ) - 1

30 = ( 1.02 )^n ) - 1

30 + 1 = 1.02^n

31 = 1.02^n

Log 31 = n log 1.02

n = Log 31 / Log1.02

n = 173.41

Now calculat ethe nUmbers of years as follow

Numbers of years = n x 3/12

Numbers of years = 173.41 x 3/12

Numbers of years = 43.35 years

​Tri-County G&T sells 145,000 MWh per year of electrical power to Boulder at ​$ per​ MWh, has fixed costs of ​$ million per​ year, and has variable costs of ​$ per MWh. If​ Tri-County has MWh of demand from its customers​ (other than​ Boulder), what will​ Tri-County have to charge to break​ even?





Given that :

Fixed cost = $83.1 million

Variable cost = $30 / MWh

Number of demand, $1,000,000 MWh

Variable cost to other customers =[(1,000,000 + 145000) * $30) = $34350000

To break even :

Total Cost = Total revenue

(fixed Cost + variable cost) = total revenue

Let amount per MWh required to break even = x (amount sold to other customers)

(83100000 + 34350000) = (145000*80 + 1000000x)

117450000 = 11600000 + 1000000x

117450000 - 11600000 = 1000000x

105850000 = 1000000x

x = 105850000 / 1000000

x = $105.85

Somerset Computer Company has been purchasing carrying cases for its portable computers at a purchase price of $62 per unit. The company, which is currently operating below full capacity, charges factory overhead to production at the rate of 45% of direct labor cost. The unit costs to produce comparable carrying cases are expected to be as follows:

Direct materials $8.00
Direct labor 12.00
Factory overhead (40% of direct labor) 4.80
Total cost per unit $24.80

If Somerset Computer Company manufactures the carrying cases, fixed factory overhead costs will not increase and variable factory overhead costs associated with the cases are expected to be 25% of the direct labor costs.

Prepare a differential analysis dated April 30 to determine whether the company should make (Alternative 1) or buy (Alternative 2) the carrying case.



Somerset Computer Company

Differential Analysis dated April 30:

                                                 Make                  Buy      

                                            Alternative 1    Alternative 2    Difference

Variable cost per unit           $23.00                $62.00           $39.00


a) Data and Calculations:

Purchase price per portable computer carrying case = $62

Unit cost of production:

Direct materials                                     $8.00

Direct labor                                            12.00

Factory overhead (40% of direct labor) 4.80

Total cost per unit                              $24.80

Unit cost of production, with overhead broken into fixed and variable:

Direct materials                                     $8.00

Direct labor                                            12.00

Factory overhead

Fixed overhead                                       1.80

Variable overhead                                 3.00

Total cost per unit                             $24.80

b) With a net gain of $39 per unit, the company should make the unit (Alternative 1) instead of buying it (Alternative 2).

Soft Lumber has bonds, preferred stock and common stock as its capital components. _____________ is the right most apt to be granted to its preferred shareholders.


Answer: right to share in company profits prior to other shareholders


The preferred shareholders are paid their dividends before dividends are paid to other common shareholders. The preferred stock also gives no voting rights to the shareholders.

Preferred shareholders are known to have priority over the income of a company right to share in company profits prior to other shareholders.

a)What are the expected returns and standard deviations of a portfolio consisting of:1.100 percent in stock A






Note that the expected return on stock A which is 12% is missing from the question as well as the standard deviation of A which is 1.00

The expected return from stock A with 100% of funds(total amount of investment) invested in stock A is the percentage invested in A multiplied by the expected return of stock  A shown thus:

expected return=100%*12%

portfolio expected return=12%

portfolio standard deviation(if 100% invested in A)=1.00*100%

Suppose you buy some stock in the Alpha Corporation at a price of $45.95 per share. 410 days later you sell the stock for $48.27. During this period you received a per share dividend of $1.20. What is your annualized return on this investment


Answer: 6.79%


The holding period return is:

= (Current price - Cost price + Dividend) / Cost price

= (48.27 - 45.95 + 1.20) / 45.95

= 7.66%

The annualized return is:

= ( ( 1 + holding period return) ^ number of days in a year/ number of days stock was held - 1)

= ( ( 1 + 7.66%) ³⁶⁵ / ⁴¹⁰ - 1)

= 6.79%

Use the starting balance sheet and the list of changes to create an updated balance sheet and to answer the question.

Valley Technology Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2020 (amounts in thousands)
Cash 2,200 Liabilities 3,600
Other Assets 2,800 Equity 1,400
Total Assets 5,000 Total Liabilities 5,000

Between January 1 and March 31, 2021:

1. Cash decreases by $200,000
2. Liabilities decrease by $100,000
3. Equity increases by $400,000

What is the value for Other Assets on March 31, 2021?


Answer: $3,300,000


Accounting formula:

Assets = Equity + Liabilities

Total equity and liabilities on March 31 is:

= Beginning balance - decrease in liabilities + Increase in Equity

= 5,000,000 - 100,000 + 400,000

= $5,300,000

Assets therefore has to be $5,300,000 on the same date.

Assets = New cash balance + Other assets

5,300,000 = (2,200,000 - 200,000) + Other assets

Other assets = 5,300,000 - 2,000,000

= $3,300,000

Suppose you borrow $9,875 and then repay the loan by making 12 monthly payments of $863.58 each. What is the effective annual rate (EAR) you are paying





PV = $9,875

PMT = $863.58

NPER = 12

Using the MS Rate Function to derive the Periodic rate

Periodic rate = Rate(NPER, -PMT, PV)

Periodic rate = Rate(12, -863.58, 9,875)

Periodic rate = 0.0075

Periodic rate = 0.75%

Nominal rate = Periodic rate * NPER

Nominal rate = 0.75% * 12

Nominal rate = 9%

Using the MS Effect Function to derive the effective annual rate (EAR)

Nominal rate = 9%

NPER = 12

Effective annual rate (EAR) = Effect(Nominal rate, NPER)

Effective annual rate (EAR) = Effect(9%, 12)

Effective annual rate (EAR) = 0.0938

Effective annual rate (EAR) = 9.38%

So, the the effective annual rate (EAR) you are paying is 9.38%.

Trident Manufacturing Company's treasurer identified the following cash flows during this year as significant. It had repaid existing debt to the tune of $425,110, while raising additional debt capital of $750,000. It also repurchased stock in the open markets for a total of $63,250. It paid $233,144 in dividends to its shareholders. What is the net cash provided (used) by financing activities?





Calculation to determine the net cash provided (used) by financing activities

Cash inflows from financing activities $750,000

Less Cash outflows from financing activities ($721,504)

($425,110 + $63,250 + $233,144)

Net cash flows from financing activities $28,496

($750,000 – $721,504)

Therefore the net cash provided (used) by financing activities is $28,496

Question 3
Rank the following assets of a commercial bank in order of decreasing liquidity.
(a) Market loans
(b) Reserves with the Bank of Ghana
(c) Cash
(d) Personal loans
(e) Sale and repurchase agreements (repos)
(f) Mortgages
(g) Government bonds (of from one to five years to maturity)



Reserves with the Bank of Ghana


I could be wrong let me know if its correct or incorrect

write a few sentences describing a situation where you (or someone you know) has used their problem solving skill or agility skill to increase their human capital in order to get a better job or earn more income.



Increase human capital


In order to increase my own worth, I provide a perspective that others are apprehensive to commit to. This perspective is that of complete honesty, 100% of the time. I own my mistakes, I celebrate my successes and I am humble to the lessons of others and my own.

The capacity to identify, evaluate, comprehend, and effectively solve an issue. It is a set of abilities that includes listening, creativity, innovation, and analytical prowess, among other things. It is a very valuable and difficult skill in the business world.

When employers discuss problem-solving abilities, they frequently refer to the capacity to manage challenging or unforeseen circumstances at work as well as intricate commercial difficulties. Organizations depend on individuals who can objectively evaluate both types of events and calmly pinpoint solutions. These are qualities that give you the ability to achieve it.

Learn more about ability, here;



what is the meaning of want​



Want is to desire something or to yearn. (EX. I want an ice cream.) Want is showing that you would like something basically


In economics, a want is something that is desired. ... Wants are often distinguished from needs. A need is something that is necessary for survival (such as food and shelter), whereas a want is simply something that a person would like to have.

You decide to buy 1,800 shares of stock at a price of $68 and an initial margin of 75 percent. What is the maximum percentage decline in the stock price before you will receive a margin call if the maintenance margin is 30 percent



Decline percentage = 64.29%


First find the margin call price = Initial price x  (1 - initial margin) / (1-maintenance margin)

Margin call price = 68 x ( 1- 75%) / (1 - 30%)

Margin call price = $24.29

The margin call that the investor will have if the price fall to $24.29.

Now find the percentage decline:

Percentage decline = (68 - 24.29) / 68

Percentage decline = 0.6429

Thus decline percentage = 64.29%

A certificate of deposit usually has: Multiple Choice a variable rate of return. no minimum deposit amount. no set time period. a penalty for early withdrawal of funds. earnings based on fluctuating market interest rates.



A certificate of deposit usually has:

a penalty for early withdrawal of funds.


When a customer opens an account with a bank or credit union with an initial deposit, which remains the same or continues to increase at a fixed amount until the agreed maturity period, a certificate of deposit is issued to the customer.  The customer does not withdraw any amount until the fixed period has elapsed.   Thereafter, the customer receives a fixed interest plus the deposit.

At the beginning of the year, your company borrows $33,600 by signing a six-year promissory note that states an annual interest rate of 9% plus principal repayments of $5,600 each year. Interest is paid at the end of the second and fourth quarters, whereas principal payments are due at the end of each year. How does this new promissory note affect the current and non-current liability amounts reported on the classified balance sheet prepared at the end of the first quarter



Current liabilities Increase by $6356

Non-current liabilities Increase by $27,244


Calculation to determine How does this new promissory note affect the current and non-current liability amounts reported on the classified balance sheet prepared at the end of the first quarter

First step is calculate the Interest Payable using this formula

Interest Payable = Principal × Interest rate × Time

Let plug in the formula

Interest Payable= $33600 × 0.09 × 3/12

Interest Payable= $756

Now let determine the current and non-current liability amounts

Current liabilities = Interest payable + Current portion of long-term debt

Current liabilities= $756 + $5600

Current liabilities= $6356

Non-current liability = Amount of promissory note - Current portion of long-term debt

Non-current liability= $33600 - $6356

Non-current liability= $27,244

Therefore How does this new promissory note affect the current and non-current liability amounts reported on the classified balance sheet prepared at the end of the first quarter is:

Current liabilities Increase by $6356

Non-current liabilities Increase by $27,244

The cost of direct materials transferred into the Filling Department of Eve Cosmetics Company is $91,050. The conversion cost for the period in the Filling Department is $497,860. The total equivalent units for direct materials and conversion are 60,700 ounces and 68,200 ounces, respectively. Determine the direct materials and conversion costs per equivalent unit. If required, round to the nearest cent. Direct materials cost per equivalent unit: $fill in the blank 1 per ounce Conversion costs per equivalent unit: $fill in the blank 2 per ounce



Cost of Direct material per unit  = $1.50 per unitCost of Conversion = $7.30 per unit


Cost of Direct material per unit is:

= Total cost of direct material / Total equivalent units for direct materials

= 91,050 / 60,700

= $1.50 per unit

Cost of conversion

= Total cost of Conversion / Total equivalent units for Conversion

= 497,860 / 68,200

= $7.30 per unit

Portal Manufacturing has total fixed costs of $520,000. A unit of product sells for $15 and variable costs per unit are $11. a) At a minimum, how many units must Portal sell in order not to incur a loss?b) Prepare a contribution margin income statement showing predicted net income (loss) if Portal sells 100,000 units for the year ended December 31.


Because when you simplify give you the right now

At a bare minimum, the units must portal sold in order not to incur a loss of 130,000 units.

Contribution margin per unit = Selling price per unit - Variable costs per unit

= $15 - $11

= $4

Break-even sales = Fixed costs / Contribution margin per unit

= $520,000 / $4

= $130,000

Sales (130,000 units * $15)                           $1,950,000

Variable costs (130,000 units * $11)            ($1,430,000)

Contribution margin                                     $520,000

Fixed costs                                                    ($520,000)

Net income                                                     $0

What is the Contribution margin per unit?

The asking price of 1 unit of the product less the variable producing expenses is that the contribution margin per unit. the quantity that every sale contributes toward covering mounted prices is understood because of the unit contribution margin. it'll show the profit per unit oversubscribed when the mounted prices are paid.

Revenue less variable prices equal contribution margin. The formula for conniving the contribution margin magnitude relation is revenue - variable prices / by revenue.

The nearer the contribution margin is to 100 percent, the better; 100 percent is that the ideal contribution margin. The larger the quantity, the lot effectively a business pays its operational expenses out of money existing.

Selling price per unit less variable price per unit equals contribution margin, usually called dollar contribution per unit. the quantity of sales revenue stated as "Contribution" is the fraction that's not accustomed pay variable prices and thus helps to hide mounted prices.

Learn more about the Contribution margin per unit here:



By appropriately preparing a forecast budget, a company can avoid __________. a net loss inventory shortages insolvency regulation





A budget is a financial plan used for the estimation of revenue and expenditures of an individual, organization or government for a specified period of time, often one year. Budgets are usually compiled, analyzed and re-evaluated on periodic basis.

The first step of the budgeting process is to prepare a list of each type of income and expense that will be part of the budget.

The benefits of having a budget is that it aids in setting goals, earmarking revenues and resources, measuring outcomes and planning against contingencies.

A specialized budget can be defined as a financial plan that is typically focused on specific assets or activity of a master (comprehensive) budget.

In conclusion, by appropriately preparing a forecast budget, a company can avoid insolvency.

Swift Motor Lines has a delivery truck that cost $11,000, and has $1,000 of accumulated depreciation. What is the fair market value of the truck


Answer: Information is not sufficient to answer.


The fair market value of a fixed asset is the current value in the market of the fixed asset. Given that we do not know the current market value as it is not given in the question, we are unable to answer this question.

If the question had asked to calculate the net book value then we would have simply subtracted the accumulated depreciation from the cost price but this is a fair market value question so its different.

Kohl Co. provides warranties for many of its products. The January 1, 2013, balance of the Estimated Warranty Liability account was $54,088. Based on an analysis of warranty claims during the past several years, this year's warranty provision was established at 0.60% of sales. During 2013, the actual cost of servicing products under warranty was $39,922, and sales were $2,149,100. Required: a. What amount of Warranty Expense will appear on Kohl Co.'s income statement for the year ended December 31, 2013


Answer: $12,894.60


Warranty expense for 2013 will be calculated as:

= Actual warranty expense * Estimated warranty expense %

Actual warranty expense = Sales because these are the products under warranty.

Warranty expense is therefore:

= 2,149,100 * 0.60%

= $12,894.60

Analysis of a foreign subsidiary's financial statements denominated in Euro, its local currency, shows a growth rate in revenue of 16%. Suppose that during the year, the value of the Euro increased in terms U.S. dollars. The subsidiary's revenue growth rate expressed in U.S. dollars will be:



The appropriate answer is "Greater than 16%".


Throughout this situation, the country's currency of companies has shown a 16 percent raise, which means that the sales of the subsidiaries would increase more than 16 percent whenever represented among Us dollars.As several currencies are increasing inside this valuation of the national currency, the transformation rate is greater than 16% as that the incidence increases.

At the beginning of the recent period, there were 960 units of product in a department, 35% completed. These units were finished and an additional 5,200 units were started and completed during the period. 880 units were still in process at the end of the period, 25% completed. Using the weighted average method, the equivalent units produced by the department were:



Using the weighted average method, the equivalent units produced by the department were:

= 5,500 units.


a) Data and Calculations:

                                         Units    Conversion

Beginning inventory          960         35%

Additional units started 5,200

Units available                6,160

Ending inventory              880

Units completed           5,280

Equivalent units of production:

Units completed          5,280         5,280 (100%)

Ending inventory            880            220 (25%)

Equivalent units of production      5,500

On January 1, 20Y2, Hebron Company issued a $175,000, five-year, 8% installment note to Ventsam Bank. The note requires annual payments of $43,830, beginning on December 31, 20Y2.Journalize the entries to record the following:


Answer and Explanation:

The journal entries are shown below:

1. Cash Dr $175,000

     To note payable $175,000

(being note payable is issued)

2. Interest expense Dr (8% of $175,000) $14,000

        To interest payable $14,000

(being interest expense is recorded)

3. Interest payable $14,000

Note payable $29,830

       To cash $43,830

(being cash paid is recorded)

4. Interest expense $6,253

          To interest payable $6,253

(being interest expense is recorded)

5.  Interest payable $6,253

Note payable $37,577

       To cash $43,830

(being cash paid is recorded)

A(n) ______ is a network that links the intranets of business partners via the Internet in such a way that the result is a virtually private network.a. intranet b. browser c. extranet



c. extranet


The controlled, and the private network that permits the third-party partners in order to received the information that related to the particualr company and also it can be done without any access for an overall network of an organization

So as per the given situation, it is an extranet

Hence, the same is to be considered

which of the following would be included in the set of electrical plans for individual residence?

A. Individual romex cables
B. Power panels to be installed
C. routes of cables
D. Wire sizes



A. Individual romex cables


Individual romex cables would be included in the set of electrical plans for individual residence.

This is because they are a non-metallic sheathed cables, and they are flexible electrical cables which are popularly used in residential setups.

This cable comes with two insulated wires that include a ground copper wire that ensures safe passage of electrical current in case of any unfortunate event.

All of the following are symptoms of organizations struggling with strategy disconnect and unclear priorities EXCEPT Multiple Choice inadequate resources. people are working on multiple projects and feel inefficient. frequent conflicts between managers. confused employees regarding which projects are more important. not enough projects within the portfolio to make a profit.



All of the following are symptoms of organizations struggling with strategy disconnect and unclear priorities EXCEPT

not enough projects within the portfolio to make a profit.


Strategy disconnect does not support an organization to be consistent in its actions at every level.  However, where the strategy is shared across board, there is an integrated and coordinated attempt at long-term planning with the organization positioned to exceed the needs of its customers and to achieve success.  With strategy connect, the organization responds well to changes in its external environment and is able to allocate scarce resources for the improvement of its competitive position.

Fresh Veggies, Inc. (FVI), purchases land and a warehouse for $450,000. In addition to the purchase price, FVI makes the following expenditures related to the acquisition: broker's commission, $25,000; title insurance, $1,500; and miscellaneous closing costs, $5,200. The warehouse is immediately demolished at a cost of $25,000 in anticipation of building a new warehouse. Determine the amount FVI should record as the cost of the land





Calculation to determine the amount FVI should record as the cost of the land

Purchases land and a warehouse for $450,000

Add Commission $25,000

Add Title insurance $1,500

Add Miscellaneous closing costs $5,200

Add Demolished cost $25,000

Cost of the land $506,700

Therefore the amount FVI should record as the cost of the land is $506,700

A physical count of merchandise inventory on July 30 reveals that there are 48 units on hand. Using the LIFO inventory method, the amount allocated to cost of goods sold for July is



The amount allocated to cost of goods sold for July is $2,070.


Note: This question is not complete. The complete question is therefore provided before answering the question as follows:

Olympus Climbers Company has the following inventory data:

July 1 Beginning inventory 30 units at $19    $570

      7 Purchases 105 units at $20                  2100

    22 Purchases 15 units at $22                      330


A physical count of merchandise inventory on July 30 reveals that there are 48 units on hand. Using the LIFO inventory method, the amount allocated to cost of goods sold for July is

The explanation of the answers is now provided as follows:

Last in, first out (LIFO) inventory method refers to a method under which the costs of the costs of the most recent goods purchased or manufactured are expensed first.

Thereforee, the amount allocated to cost of goods sold for July can be calculated as follows:

Total units available for sales = 30 + 105 + 15 = 150 units

Units sold = Total units available for sales - Units on hand on July 30 = 150 - 48 = 102 units

Cost of goods sold for July = Value of 15 units July 22 purchases + (87 units * Cost per units of purchases on July 7) = $330 + (87 * $20) = $330 + $1,740 = $2,070

Therefore, the amount allocated to cost of goods sold for July is $2,070.

What is the purpose of an inspection report ​


Answer:The purpose of inspection reports is to document the inspection scope, observation, and findingsof inspections conducted by the NRC. 

Explanation:The NRC performs inspections to oversee the commercial nuclear industry to determine whether its requirements are being met by licensees and their contractors.

Hayward Industries manufactures dining chairs and tables. The following information is available: Dining Chairs Tables Total Cost Machine setups 200 600 $48,000 Inspections 250 470 $72,000 Labor hours 2,600 2,400 Hayward is considering switching from one overhead rate based on labor hours to activity-based costing. Perform the following analyses for these two components of overhead: Compute total machine setups and inspection costs assigned to each product, using a single overhead rate.


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below:

Single overhead rate is

= total cost ÷ total labor hours

= ($48000 + $72000 ) ÷ (2600+2400)

= 24 per labour hour


Dining chairs

= 2600 × 24

= $62400



= 2400 × 24

= $57600

total = $120000

Other Questions
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